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Show Nephi news A family dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chase on Mothers Day. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Byron Chase and family of Salt Lake City ; Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Stephenson and family of Henderson, Nevada; Mrs. Reva Bal-loof Midvale; Mr. and Mrs. Rex Chae and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Chase and family, all of Chase's Ranch; Mr. and Mrs. Tim Worwood and son and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Worwood and sons, all of Levan; Mrs. Coleen Nielson and son of Sunset; and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Parkin and children of Nephi. Mr .and Mrs. Jay Howell and DeVon Howell were in West Jordan Sunday where they were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Howell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ingram were dinner guests on Mothers Day at the home of Mrs. Shir-lenDovey and family in Mt. Pleasant. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Daley and children Susan and Diane of Salt Lake City. e Mrs. Maurice Howard spent several days last week in Eureka as a guest of Mrs. Ruby Bigler. She also visited over the weekend in American Fork at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mitchell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Painter and daughter Leanne of Salt Lake City were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Anderson. On Sunday, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Vest Mrs. Painter and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and and family of Brigham in Nephi over the weekchildren visited in Fountain Green with Mr. and Mrs. Parley end with Mrs. Ernestine Vest and Mrs. Hazel Bosh. On SunMadsen and Mrs. Arthur day, they were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Vest. Mrs. Bosh was also a dinner guest. Mrs. Merlin Burraston and Dinner guests Sunday at the children Lori, Lisa, Troy, and home of Air. and Mrs. Thayne Kyle, and Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Jarrett were Mr. and Mrs. MichBateman, all of Salt Lake City ael Jarrett and children Ricky, spent the weekend at the home Teresa, and Tina of Orem; Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bailey. and Mrs. David Christensen and Other visitors at the Bailey children Kimberly and Kelly of home on Mothers Day were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Glade Bountiful; and Mrs. C. A. Corfield and Jarrett and daughter Valarie of children Scott and Keri of Orem; and Mr. and Mrs. Gaylen Jarrett and children Jennifer and Jode, and Gerald and Sheila Dellis Painter returned home Jarrett, all of Nephi. recently after surgery in Salt Airs. Frank Brough visited in Lake City. Salt Lake City for several days this week with members of her On Tuesday, she saw family. Air. and Airs. Ned Barnes Elder F. William Brough at the in Green Fountain spent Sunday Salt Lake airport prior to his with Airs. Luella Alikkelson. departure for the LDS mission. Visitors Sunday at the home of Air. and Airs. Eugene Beck were Air. and Airs. Russell Gannon Airs. Colleen Peterson and children Brenda, Alarti K, and David of Salt Lake City were visitors on Thursday of last week at the of Price; and Air. and Airs. Van Gardner and daughter Sherissa home of Air. and Airs. Bent Brvan. of Salt Lake City. City-visite- French-Swit-zerlan- Visitors over Alothers Day at the home of Air. and Airs. Harry Black were Air. and Airs. Keith Black and children Kevin, Karen, and Alicia of Salt Lake City; Air. and Airs. Read Black and children Ronald and Terry, 'and Air. and Airs. Gary Black, all of Provo; Air. and Airs. Neil Black and children Joneil and Ronald, all of Kearns; and Air. and Airs. Read Smith and family of Nephi. d Visitors at the home of Air. Mrs. Jack. Wright spent the past two weeks in Bountiful with and Airs. Thomas P. Kendall on Alothers day were Air. and Airs. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mathews and family. They helped to Doug Smith and family of Amcelebrate Mrs. Mathews birth- erican Fork; Air. and Airs. day anniversary, along with Mr. Edward Kendall and family of and Mrs. Art Latimer of Poca- Granger; Air. and Airs. Elwood Jenkins and family and Air. and tello. Idaho. Airs. Neil Kendall and family, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cazier re- all of Nephi; and Airs. Brent turned home on Tuesday of this Carter and Airs. Chris Thomas, both of Payson. On Alonday, Air. week after spending the weekend in Spanish Fork with Mr. and Airs. T. Clair Kendall and and Mrs. Art HarUigsen. On family of Salt Lake City were Mothers Day, they were guests guests at the Kendall home. at the home of Airs. Gloria JenAir. and Airs. Farrell Carter sen. Other guests at the Jensen were hosts at a family dinner home were Air. and Airs. Herat their home. Guests man Gauzzie and sons of Orem, Sunday were Air. and Airs. David Broad-heaPhil Hartvigsen, and Air. and and family of St. George; Mrs. Art Hartvigsen and childAir. and Airs. Clove Yates and ren Phillip, Alike, Patricia, Roz-ell- daughter CleAnn of Cedar City; and Jeff. Air. and Airs. James H. Ockey Jr. and family. Airs. Anna A family was Broadhead, and Craig Park, all held Sunday at the home of Air. of Nephi; and Larry Elkington and Airs. Ted Chase. Guests of American Fork. were Air. and Airs. Robert TolAliss Carol Chapman of Salt ley and sons David and Dale of Nephi: Air. and Airs. Wayne Lake City spent the weekend Schneider of Provo; Air. and with Air. and Airs. Fred Chapman. Airs. Delmar Rowlett and children of American Fork; and Air. Aliss Alerrie Chase of Cedar and Airs. V. W. Tunbridge of visited over the weekend City the afternoon, w Nephi. During ith Air. and Airs. Ralph Chase. they called Nekla Wilson at Air. and Airs. Leo Christensen Lofiet, California. of Salt Lake City visited in Nephi A family dinner and on Alothers Day with Air. and was held Sunday at the Airs. Vernell Christensen and home of Air. and Airs. Byron Air. and Airs. Golden Oldroyd. Johnson. Guests were Betty BosVisitors on Alothers Day at the well, and Air. and Airs. Craig Boswell and son, all of Salt Lake home of Airs. Frank Cole were City; Aliss Peggy Boswell of Airs. Jeannine VanAusdal of Santaquin; Airs. Nadine ShepSt. George; Air. and Airs. John Critchlev and children David herd and children Linda, Eaton and Dayna of Salt Lake City; and Steven and Gary Johnson of Springville; and Air. and Airs. and Air. and Airs. Tony SalisDean Atkinson and children and and daughters Vicky bury deanan and Rodney of Orem. of Nephi. Cindy Visitors on Saturday at the home of Air. and Airs. Don Gadd were Air. and Airs. James Allred and daughters Ktahleen, Anna-Lis- a and Angela of Fountain Green. PROFESSIONAL carpet cleaning results! GET (Mi do RENT Air. and Airs. Harold Sharp it yourself prices) OUR RINSE N VAC -t- he now Air. and Airs. Percy Newton were dinner guests at the home of Air. and Airs. Vern Jensen of Payson on Alothers day. Other guests were Air. and Airs. GordMr. and Mrs. Terry Christen- on Newton and (amity and Mrs. sen and children of Provo were Oscar Newton, all of Alona; Air. Alothers Day guests at the home and Airs. Norman Whiting and of Airs. Leora Christensen. family of Payson; Air. and Airs. Willian Newton of Thousand Dinner guests Sunday at the Oaks, California; Air. and Airs. home of Air. and Airs. James P. Kevin Jensen of Payson; and Christensen were Air. and Airs. Airs. Kelly Jensen and son of Gary Christensen of Nephi and Spanish Fork. Air. and Airs. Homer Christensen and Tracy of Alona. Visitors at the home of Airs. Air. and Airs. Robert Shepherd Elena Stanley on Alothers day and family of Levan, and Air. were Air. and Airs. Daryl H. and Airs. Juan Alorra of Amer- Stanley and children Jon, Alark, ican Fork were visitors on Aloth- Barbara, and Richard of Orem; ers Day at the home of Air. and Air. and Airs. Thays E. Stanley and son Jimmy of Santaquin; Airs. Lawrence Brough. Air. and Airs. LaAIar Stanley and children Kevin and LuAnne Airs. Leora Christensen visitof Air. and Airs. Don Yates and ed in Fillmore Saturday with children Donavon, Alelanie, Airs. Alta Day. Gerard, Angela, and Radawn of Visitors Saturday at the home Alona; and Air. and Mrs. Alike of Air. and Airs. Alma Winter Strain and children of Alagna. were Farrell Winter and son The Times-New- s Gary and Seymour Winter and son Gregory, all of Bountiful; Nephi, Utah and Vern Winter and son Allen May 15, 1975 of Kavsville. Levan news -- Steve Myers and children Travis and Angela of Alpine visited with Aliss Sperry. Air. and Airs. Alan Ostler and daughters Regan and Geri Lynn of Bountiful; Air. and Airs. Gail White and son Ronnie of and Airs, Rayola Wank-ie- r of Cypress, California; have been visiting during the past week with Airs. J. V. Cooper at the Juab County Hospital. Airs. Nelda Haney has been transferred from the Juab Coun- ty Hospital to the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City for medical I would appreciate the privilege of treatment. providing your insurance needs. Visitors at the home of Airs. Lavon Ellertson over the weekend were Air. and Airs. Alichael Anderson and children of Air. and Airs. Alichael Clift of Provo, Air. and Airs. Alike Tidwell of Bountiful, and Frank Jenkins of Salt Lake City. and children Laura and Jason spent the weekend in Whitney, Idaho visiting with Air. and Airs. Lyman J. Sharp. rinses carpet fibers with hot water and cleaning solution loosens and lifts all dirt, grime and residues to the carpet surface where they are immediately vacuumed up leaves your carpets Leslie Schwaar and daughter Suzannah of Ogden spent Alothers Day with Air. and Airs. E. Alton Ellertson. Others of the Ellertson family from Alona called during the day. ARs. FRESH and CLEAN. 000R-FREE- I UL Subscription rates, payable Within Juab County Outside Juab County Advertising rates in GLASS MOBILES The INSURANCE AGENCY K-- J K. 51 J. SPERRY, Phone North Main 623-038- Agent 7 - Nephi, Utah advance: on request Otfice: 96 South Main; Telephone Roy E. Gibson NOTICE FOR BIDS $5.00 per year $6.00 per year (801) 623-052- SEALED BIDS will be received by Juab School District, 305 East 100 North Street, for the frame house con- 5 structed by Vocational Carpentry students of Juab High School, and now located near the tennis courts adjacent to the Juab High School. Publisher lXy'W A YN O w''' MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE BID $1 1,051.00 Cashiers check representing 1 of the amount bid must be included with the bid. Cashiers checks of unsuccessful bidders will be retutred. Cash payment in full must be received by Juab School District! within 10 days of bid opening on June 11, 1975, and the building must be moved by the successful bidder by August 15, 1975. Highest offer which meets listed provisions and financing requre-menwill be accepted. ts GARCIA GOLF CLUBS, CARTS AND GOLF BALES TACKLE BOXAND BEREKLEY RODDS AND REELS ES, LURES, FLIES, etc. BAITT BOXES SLEEPING BAGS (4K2 lb) MT. WILSON BAIT ALL TACSO SCOPES HOT GUN AND MANY OTHERS AT A DISCOUNT OF WADERS NOW - - SUPPLY TRU-TES- T PAINTS IN NEPHI AT WINTER LUMBER CO. COME JJ&M SPORTSMAN lumber BOATS SNOW Published Thursdays at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. Second class entry at Nephi, Utah 84648. AND WILL HOLD TIL FATHER'S DAY IN NOW AND LAY AWAY! for Alothers Day where they were dinner guests at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd Hawkins. Others of the family present were Air. and Airs. Don Fowkes and family of Alidvale, and Air. and Airs. Earl Hawkins of MOTORCYCLES MOBILE HOMES BONDS OVER 25 YEARS INSURANCE SERVICE IN THIS AREA Alothers Day guests at the home of Air. and Airs. Chester Foote were Air. and Airs. Alax Knight and daughter Susan of Air. and Airs. ChestSprinville; Kenneth Garrett and Bishop er L. Foote of Layton; Air. and son Kelly of Santa Ana, California were overnight guests Airs. Dick J. Bailey and daughtThursday at the home of Air. and er Cathi and Air. and Airs. Glen Foote and daughter Kristin, all Mrs. Floyd Garrett. Other visitof the Ephraim; Air. and Airs. Don ors at Garrett home during the week were Richard Garrett Wendell and children Alichael, Ricki, Sherri Lyn, Kimberly, of Cedar City, Air. and Airs. Marcus Garrett of Clearfield, and Shawn of Kearns; and Air. and Air. and Airs. Clyde Garrett. and Airs. Kent Boswell and children of Alapleton. Air. and Airs. Floyd Garrett Airs. Carol Kingsolver and spent Sunday in Bountiful at a held at the sons Steve and Jeffery, and Jim family home of Air. and Airs. Alichael Gadd, all of Provo spent Alothers Day with Air. and Airs. Fred Garrett. Gadd. 10 Air. and Airs. Ray Alvers and son Kip w ere in American Fork AUTOMOBILE COMMERCIAL FIRE BUSINESS e hot water portable, extraction carpet cleaning machine that gtntly . . . Mona news Visitors Saturday at the home of Air. and Airs. Alelvin Kay were Eva and Gertrude Bentley and Doris AlacDonald, all of Salt Lake City; and Sally AlacDonald and son Aaron of Orem. Airs. Irene Aiken of Spring City was a visitor Saturday at the home of Rheta Sperry. On Sunday, Air. and Airs. Jack Pace of Pleasant Grove and Airs. J Paints for J EVERY LOOKS LIKE A purpose!- - FLAT PAINT Company LIKE ENAMEL! WASHES Ftty to Clean ! Super Durable! EJJARE LATEX NEW! Keeping electric power in its place NEW! flat enamel 2 1 LookUp For Safetys Sake SEE OUR WINDOW FULL That's OFF and Z KARE Custom Colors Flat Enamel GAL. Higher Here's the perfect paint for walls, ceilings and woodwork every room. The reason: Kare's smooth, enamel-harfinish has strong resistance to stains, soiling and fingermarks. And if it ever needs washing, you can even scrub Kare without harming its rich as velvet in OF SHOES 3 E-- more! E-- E-- beauty. It's just great for homes where there are children. For bedroom walls, living room, kitchen, etc. Kare" spreads on latex-easwith brush or roller, dries in 30 minutes and tools cleanup in soapy water. Brite White and Custom Colors. "E-- FANCY WINDBREAKERS AS ADVERTISED IN $10.00 I,.', vr l.nv-- ' tro tin.- Many New, Short Sleeve B - sky, win", y.j re 'a rk;ng with .vivo:,. or vumni.iiijpool : hjh UsVyv vi.u. : ioMr than :! DRESS SHIRTS priced from 7:95 to 10.95 -- . : 1 J SUITS and COORDINATES for Spring v i,.! -- r: ; i : " ' s ,!: ;!: ,k A pi . ; Beautiful Hew usunliv. high m oul of your norma! ivcui v c y -- s.mpiv you keep rnq :n aIii-- i ' ; i a r i'i ivs. ( a t.'CIa tipo'.i' HEADQUARTERS for all Scour Uniforms and Equipment m Aluminum musts, aluminum ladders, metal poles of any kind, or metal pipes such a- - those used in irrigation should never be raised near p wer l.nes Wooden masts, ladders and poles ttiut have become dirtv. qreasv or wet can a!-- . , he hunrdi jus. u-- e Bu' '.'member. fi it extra suh HARDWARE STORE WINTER LUMBER CO. 210 West Center - 623-004- 4 - Nephi j SEE OUR NEW 1975 "HOUSE & GARDEN" COLORS CUSTOM MIXED IN FINEST QUALITY TRU TEST PAINTS ty. COUPON Utah power C light co. PAINT ROLLER FREE KARE 1.79 value - with each gallon of 1 E-- THE TOGGERY i 7iuWame At Utah Powi r we Jo everything we ran to make eie( tru to qUS(' A (i.lUllHI PAIHT purchased. Z Bring this coupon! ; |