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Show Nephi. Juab County, Utah GTIjc (L'itc'2tfcUi SHjc Published Thursdays at Juab County, class Second entry at Nephi, Utah. Nephi, Utah. Btt5iT5S0OAT10ll naiionai newspapjr I ry C0TIN AS Office: 96 South Main Phone 623 0525 rwiMi'ii-i.g.mT- Roy Editor and Gibson , Msnsaf $4.00 per year, payable Subscripfon: In advance. TOPPING OR LOADER AND BACK HOE WORK Fill Dirt Sandbox Sand Barnyard Fertilizer Fireplace Wood Clarence Phillipsen H.on FOR ALL REFRIGERATION & air co;:ditio;ii.,;g Mra. Leo Bowles, Nephi Mrs. Andrew Olsen, Nephi Lee Wright, son of Mr, and Mrs. Lynn Wright, Nephi Mrs. Jennie Swaaey, Nephi Mrs. Derle Hansen, Levan Mra Alta Johnson, Eureka Andrew Olsen, Nephi Royal Peterson, Nephi Robert P. Garrett, Nephi NEPHI, UTAH We also repair: Small Appliances, Ranges P9 To f - ' J FS r" 1 Vi ) f I Tv 1 if) i !x h, Mr. and Mra. C. L. Walker were In Draper for the funeral aervloea of his aster, Mra Edna Beck on Tuesday of last week. Prises Yores FIRST PRIZE -- 1000.00 FASHION SHOPPING SPREE SECOND PRIZES 26 100.00 FASHION SHOPPING SPREES THIRD PRIZES - 130 10.00 GIFT CERTIFICATES GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS FOURTH PRIZES--23- 0 TO VOGUE MAGAZINE FIFTH PRIZES -- 3 10.00 GIFT CERTIFICATES Issues New Cookbook cookThe first book published by the American Dairy Association In Its history is now available to the public. The hard-covcookbook contains hundreds of favorite dairy recipes and also provides the homemaker with a complete cooking guide for all 26-ye- ar er A son was born May 1 at the Juab County Hospital at Nephi, to Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Schulce of Fountain Green. The Osmond are grandparents Crowther of Fountain Green and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Meinert of Yonkers, New York. Entitled Modem Approach to Everyday Cooking" the new cookbook was edited by ADAs home economics manager, Mar-- 1 224 pagguretlte Gustafsn. Its full-coles include recipes and Illustrations of completed dishes, charts, for cheese Identification and butter sauces, and time and temperature guides for meat, poultry and fish cookand conven-- j ery: freeze-ahea- d lence food suggestions; and for adding flavor touches with dairy foods for everything from appetizers to des- I NYLON TIRE aOSEOUT SALE I) 1965 DESIGN " SAFE TRAC TIRES or - QuftHty nylon 9m tf I ptcol j GREENWOOD SERVICE - Nephi, Utah - Phone 623-185- 1 ITinuieCs leans - I SUGAR U&l -- 10 lb 1.15 POWDERED SUGAR 1lbpks6100 5for99c MJB INSTANT COFFEE WHITE STAR TUNA 3 cans 1.00 PIERCES PORK & BEANS NO. 300 SIZE CANS Q for 1 .00 SUNNY JIM APRICOT-PINEAPPL- E - PEACH OR GRAPE JAM r GRAPE JELLY 20 OZ SIZNOW 39 NOW 12for 1.00 SEVEN SEAS SALAD DRESSING -- Green Goddess -- Sweet Dutch - Creamy Russian -- Creamy Italian 3 1 00 Jumbo Size Rolls- -- STA PUF RINSE : o 623-068- 6 WHO? I MORTON DINNERS--3f1.00 2 for 79 CREAM PIES LEMONADE AND FRUIT or -- 12 for DRINKS 1.00 BREADED SHRIMP- -1 Mg 99c FRUIT PIES 3 for 1.00 STRAWBERRIES -- per cup 19C - LB 1 ()c SHAFTER NEW POTATOES 5 pounds for 29 LETTUCE - FRESH, CRISP -gall- on---1.09 HEADS SWIFT PREMIUM SMOKED HA M SHANK PORTION per lb --45 SWIFT PREMIUM SMOKED HAM CENTER SLICES perlb 98c per pound 77c ROUND STEAK perpound 53c MEDIUM CHEESE LUNCH 6 0Z PACKAGES 3 pkgs 89 BONELESS TOP ROUND STEAK - per pound 98c LINDSAY OLIVES -- Large, pilled 29c HEINZ KOSHER DILLS OR POLISH DILLS - - - JAR 37c 1.19 M O D E S S - Regular or Super - 48 DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE JUICE 46 oz cans EACH 29 LINK TASTEWELL APPLE SAUCE REGULAR SIZE CANS 7 for 1.00 SAUSAGES G MEAT-ASS0RTMENT- FRED PAINTER RAY KELSON LOREN GARRETT JIM PAINTER VEARL COATES 140 SO. MAIN i 41.00 SEGO MILK -- tall CANS -- 7 for 1.00 VETS DOG FOOD -- 14 for 1.00 OF COURSE! 623-068- 6 bag-- KLEENEX TOWELS - Decorated - AT PAINTER MOTOR CO. 2 fori. 00 Regular or Super 6 oz99 8 oz cans COMPLETE FINANCING ARRANGED INCLUDING NO DOWN PAYMENT OF YOU QUALIFY) PHONE STYLE HAIR SPRAY - F&P TOMATO SAUCE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR INSPECTION AND SELECTION Maflsir CHUNKS OR TIDBITS -- No. 21 E- wd ArtiiM( WHERE? 4 JENOS CHEESE PIZZA - 43 serts. Because dairy products are such a vital part of dally meal planning and prffpa ration, a special section Is devoted to Inwhat formation about them; they are, how to buy them, how to store them, how to use them. Readers may obtain a copy of this new cookbook by sendto ing name, address and $1.50 Cookbook, P. O. Bx 1613R, Mil- waukee, Wisconsin 53212. Ml TASTEWELL MARGARINE ECONOMICAL! 3 pounds 39c LIBBYS PINEAPPLE --CRUSHED es PHONE 5. 1964 foods. JAY'S 750 North Main My Dairy oritias: New Babies . . . REFRIGERATION 3 Mrs. Chloe N. Bailey spent last week In Cedar City at the hum of Mr and Mra Robert C. Hansen. During the week he and Muu Betty Jo Green-halga atudent at the College of Southern Utah, enjoyed a tnp to Zions National Park and St. George as gueala of Mrs. Robert C. Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Van Wsyman and two children of Salt Luke City spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Tolley. Miss Janice Garrett and friends of Sprlngville visited with her grandparents, Mr. and Mr. W. W. Stephenson on Frl- They were enroute home day. Recently admitted paUenta from Cbdar City. at the Juab County Hoepita at Nephi include the following:, according to the lUt released on Wednesday by Hospital auth Assocation SERVICE Call ft', i V 1 Patient List REMOVAL Thursday. JL Nephi News Juab Hospital TREE CimcoTct)c 0F ---p- ound - 59c tva MEATS GROCERIES FRUITS -- VEGETABLES.-FilCH- E 023-04- 52 i L |