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Show i i glJjc Nephi, Utah Thursday, February Page Sin 1962 15, ickle Sandwich Loaf for a Party Tr SOCIAL ITEMS NEPHI BOWLING Earl Joe Hansen of Chester SOCIAL ITEMS visited with Rodney Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. James Garrett RESULTS at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and family and Mrs. Hazel Cazier on Saturday. Garrett visited in Salt Lake Alan OsHer's Meadow Gold ; tMr. and Mrs. Milo Cazier City on Sunday afternoon with J and grandson Rodney Fergu- Mr. and Mrs. Duane Memmott. howlers took top spot in the I. Tn City Bowling league after son visited in Provo on Sunday i Bellis-ton Mr. and Mrs. Gordon games last Wednesday evening. with Mr. and Mrs. Don Ferguand family and Mrs. Clifton The Meadow Gold team now son and son Lane. record. Bdlistnn spent Sunday in Salt has a They are Mr. and rMs Irvin Jarrett Lake City visiting with Mr. closely followed by two other Mrs. Eric Jarrett nnd Mrs Clifton T. Belliston East Juab County teams: Ray's and Mr. and visited in Kearns with Mr. and and family. Cafe and Rays Texaco, both Mrs. Robert Price and Mr. and with a S standing. L Mrs. Kenneth Kay. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowles Blaine Belliston, bowling for Veend at Las week the Jack's and spent AppliRefrigation Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Thomp: where Mr. Bowies blessed ance, had top individual game visited on gas son of Ephraim nnd named the son of Mr. and in last weeks play, and he V, Sunday with her brother in Mrs. Staley E. Stewart (Lu and his team mates had the law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ann Bowles). The baby was high team game. Thayne Jarrett. The team playing under the given the name of Steven Stewart. Jacks Service emblem is actMrs. Ivouise Johnson and ually Jacks Refrigeration and children Robyn and Bill of Sunday dinner guests of Bountiful were week end guests Mrs. Hazel Bosh were Mr. and Appliance team of Nephi. Team standings for the Tri of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mrs. William J. Bosh and four PURPOSE FLOWER J City following last Johnson. ch'ldren of Kearns, Mr. and weeks League follows-Teaas are play I JAPANESE NATIONAL FLOWER Mrs. Clarence Paxman spent Mrs. Vernon Bosh and three Won lost I SAujrfS OfittW I Mr. S7HE CHRYSANTHEMUM. JT "J'- week end In Spanish Fork children of Spring City, Salt Meadow Gold the 15 5 ALSO tS USED FOR FQOO of Vest Mrs , Terrance and in son and with her Cafe 14 6 daughter AND MEDIC HAL PURPOSES Lake City. Jerry Bosh of St. Rays Texaco 14 6 law, Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Rays on visited also Fridiy H. George "X and family. Jacks Refrigeration his with and Saturday night & Appliance 13 7 THE GOLDEN SLIPPERS mother. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Famlee Bread 7 13 were In Kingston, Utah, 11 n COLONIAL HONDURAS Mr. Sherms of son Phillips, George on February 5 for the funeral X. r. BOLD NAS SO EASY TO .. 10 A. Phillips, Greenwood Serv-cservices of his brother, Edgar and Mrs. James S rfc COME BY, IT WAS USED Motor 9 Painter week " of last left on Wednesday Sudweeks. TO MARE-- SHOES for Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where Nephi Pack handsome A sandwich loaf a for party is made with bologna, braunschweiger and salami FOR. HORSES he will attend officers candid- Pexton Wholesale sweet pickle relish. with J Eli ate school. His sister Pat, ac- Anderson Sinclair Dave's . Oklahoma to him Distributing companied 1 City, and continued by train to Team high series: Sherms Pfckte New York City where she will YOU KNOW YOU BOUGHT BONDS lH 194-in the New York School Team High Game: Jacks Reenroll fo Mrs. Ilarison Oliver enterBY DOROTHY MADDOX THAT TODAY THEY APE WORTH 301 MORE THAN THEY frigeration & Appliance 1089 tained recently at a birthday of Design. COST-AN-D Individual high series: ARE STILL GROWtNON VALUE f SANDWICH LOAF PICKLE dinner in honor of her daughtMr. and Mrs. Orvin Nyman Theron Hill 549 8 to 10 servings) (Makes and her sister and Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Ny- Indvidual high game: er, Carolyn, n man and Marie. Present were Miss Vt cup sweet pickle relish Mr. cup finely chopped bologna Blaine Belliston 219 family of Logan; Oliver of Salt Lake City; and Mrs. Kenneth Bateman and 3 tablespoons sweet pickle relish cup finely chopped salami BEFORE YOU INVEST IN Harrison Oliver of 1 mashed white bread loaf unsliced day-olof Lake Salt Blending, and cup family braunschwelger City YOUR OWN BUSINESS Mrs. Edmund Russell of Nephi; Miss Edith Nyman of 1 teaspoon finely cut chives 1 package cream We Service All Hakes Logan ASK YOURSELF Mr. and Mrs. Owen Cowan and were week end house guests LEVAN 2 tablespoons mayonnaise cheese, softened children John, Ann, Sheryl and of Bishop and Mrs. Kenneth 1 package cream 2 milk I have experWill trailed, tablespoons and Models Vt cup grated cucumber Nyman. ienced help in nettling it up? Carol Jea of Spring Lake. cheese, softened Combine the different fillings: Will I have an exclusive on Motor Overhaul advertised 1. Bologna, 3 tablespoons sweet pickle relish and 3 tablespoons Mr. and Mrs. John Thompmany nationally Motor Tuneup and accepted brands? son 10 children and and. Miss Transmission Service Lora Lee Engle of Salt Lake jrt. 2. Braunschwieger, chives and 2 tablespoons mayonnaise. Is there ONE dependable City were week end guests of Generator Service 3. One source for seasonal AND package cream cheese, Vt cup sweet pickle relish and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackman. merchan Brake Service demand IMES-u- J cup finely chopped salami. regular dise? Wheel Alignment Vance Christensen of Salt Remove crusts from bread. Cut loaf of bread lengthwise into 4 equal Lake City and Ross Christenslices. Spread 3 slices with 3 fillings and place on top of each other in order Can I consistently get merEXCELLENT BUSINESS APARTMENT FOR RENT Wheel Balancing of Logan spent the weekchandise to sell competitiveOPPORTUNITY given. Cover with remaining slice to form loaf. Wrap tightly In waxed $35.00 a month. Heat and sen Welding ly from ONE source? water Included. Call Scott end with their parents, Mr. and paper, then In damp cloth. Chill. To serve, blend one package Mrs. James P. Christensen. MOBIL SERVICE STATION Wetherell for information. cream cheese witirmilk and cucumber. Frost top and sides of loaf with . Can I be assured of CONBody and Fender Work HELP FOR LEASE TINUING, Mr. and Mrs. Arvil Wankier cucumbjnixture. Garnishwith pickle f ans. Glass Painting in EVERY phase of my opin visited Vernal their with Ideal location 355 at South FOR SAJ.E Conventional eration? SINCLAIR Products Station has ex- type washer and tubs; Also son and daughter in law, Mr. Main, Get the right answers to cellent NephL y faculties. We garage door and outside French and Mrs. Lee Wankier on Frithese and other questions by will train day and Saturday. Sotns you. financing door. Call JENKINS SALES sending for free booklet on available company. through Auto Western a Sunday dinner guests of Mr. establishing For further information write & SERVICE and Mrs. H Ray Fraricom were Store from Western Auto or call collect: 1 FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. I, eon Madsen and Supply Company, New Store MOBIL OIL COMPANY Terry House Trailer. Tan805 North Main Street family of Orem, and Mr. and Development Dept., Ogden, 733 W. 8th Sx, Ph. EL dem wheels. In perfect Mrs. Earl Francom and family Utah, Box 1031 condition. Contact Foster Salt Lake City, Utah of Springville. Gardner for additional inMilo s H 15-- 5 r- 14-- 6 j A f Pax-ma- n V. Sud-wee- iirrslV e ' I tm'llkERW . Z... MONA NEWS NOTES Sandwich Loaf Ocr-oly- d NEWS NOTES EWS ALKERS NO-COS- T two-ba- dart 5 623-036- 8. 24-fo- ot (Katerina WEDDINGS OUR SPECIALTY QUITTING BUSINESS SALE STILL ON ALL ITEMS AT Vi PRICE DELMARS T V SERVICE formation. tf 48 West Center, Nephi, Utah Color T V Phone Service, black and white TV FOR SALE Brick stuccoservice, auto radio service, ed home at 194 West 5th South ail radio and stereo service, 5 rooms and bath. See Ray small appliance service. Christiansen. 623-116- 9. FOR SALE Home and H share water, at 5th South and Second East. Reasonable price Write Phillip D. Christensen. 3599 South West Temple, Salt Lake City 5, Utah. 2tip CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our appreciation and thanks to those who expressed their sympathy and assisted in any way during our recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. STUDY AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Morgan; CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS Clark E. Morgan; Mr. and Mrs. Glenden J. Jensen. We prepare men and women age 18 to 45. No experience necessary. Grammar school edFOR RENT Four bedroom sufficient. ucation usually Two bathes, Stoker-matihome. s, Permanent jobs, no Call t. short hours, high pay, Send name, home address, phone number, time at home. Write P. O. Box 116, NEED A WATCH BAND? Salt Lake City. If rural, give directions. WALLET? CLOCK? - Serving; Wedding Receptions Cockfail Parlies Banquets Picnics - ANY WHERE Phone Springville - --A- - Teas - Buffets TIME NY 544 South Main HU9-630- 2 Baa c. lay-off- GOOD SELECTION LEFT IN DRESSES all sizes in ranges 7 to 15; 10 lo 20 and 1214 to Wh RELIABLE PARTY male or female, from this area wanted to service and collect from automatic vending machines. No selling. Age not essential. Car, references, and 7 to 12 $600.00 cash required. hours weekly nets excellent Income. Possibility LET ME DO your income tax monthly full time work. For local In- work. Reasonable rates. Har32 North First terview, give full particulars, ry Beagley, phone. Write Dept 4 SD, 6308 West, Phone Lakeland Ave. No., Minneapolis 27, Minnesota 4-- 623-006- 5. advan-vancemen- . 0 TRY NEPHI JEWELRY FIRST!! 623-199- 8. GOOD SELECTION IN BRAS AND ALSO IN SLIPS - Sizes 23 and 36 PLENTY OF HOSE PLASTIC in sizes 8V2 and 9 HANGERS for sale Dress - hangers for sale at 10c each; Skirt hangers for sale at 20c each ERMA'S DRESS SHOP 345 North Main Nephi H YOUR PURCHASE MONEY BACKI U Ivory TabUlh meat pwuhew 1$ gwor- - M TobMrit meat It h fat, bane, and worn b4or wrapping More meat for year money! AH TebieRite meat told by IGA a pemen efly w texted by meat exparti te e pecdkatient. auvring yaw WI GUARANTII eoch and every Tabieftite meet purchase yew make at an IGA ere end be completely Mtfefactery or we wtM re lend the price yew paid and replace yewr pvechose free of charge Ned Johnson, Johnsons IGA, 56 East Center St. Nephi, Utah Trio Demonstrate Superior Skills Lynda Thomsen of Spanish Fork, and Marsha Ann Wood of Holden, both 18, traveled to Chi40th cago to attend the five-da- y National Club Congress. Edwin Osika, 15, of Heber City, was presented with a wrist watch. The trio was announced as 4-- 4-- '""A FUM m NEW CONSIGNEE FOR TEXACO PRODUCTS IN THIS AREA m Byi? GASOLINE 1-- 1 1 OIL GREASES FAST DELIVERY ANY DAY -- ANY HOUR ON FUEL OILS TELEPHONE 623-14- 50 has been to many the last six years. Miss Wood, daughter of Mr. Awards Climax Year Of Project Work, Community Activities state award winners in health, recreation and beautifi- v;iV . i I Lynda Thomtan fcanoai Martha Wood cation of home grounds projects, respectively, by the Cooperative Extension Service Choosing the "health leaf of Die clover as her chief objective, Miss Thomsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. EL Ray Thom sen, developed desirable health practices and attitudes. She became concerned about the community water supply and tested 85 wells. Owners of wells needing improvement cooperated with her efforts. She also participated in several health fund drives. She found that good health was Interwoven with her safety, community service and foods projects. Cl Lilly and Company was her host at the congress, as it 4-- - and Mrs. Hugh A. Wood, is a freshman at Utah State University. Her county agent refers ti her as Miss Personality Plus. Miss Wood served as chairman for Millard county parties and led crafts classes st junior camp. She taught dances to a group participating in an festival with 7,000 young people. In Club work eight years, she was pleased to note that her fifth year foods project, "Come to Our Party, and her recreation program went band' in hand. Cleaner Hoover Vaccum . . . 69.95 Complete with fools! $ st jee new u00yer 4-- Floor Washer 4-- Her - Jieg. $74.95 expense-pai- trip to d Chicago was provided by John Deere. A five month paying job resulted for young Osika from his project work.Noticing the im- if provement in the company- owned home ! and property of ; Mr. and Mrs. E. LaMar Osika, his fathers em- - ployers hired 1 1 ,m him to keep their lawns and flowerbeds as neat as his own. He enlarged and built three flagstone petioe, including a fireplace In one. This 4-youth won fixe award for highest achievement st the Wasatch county fair flower show and consistently acquired blue ribbons ca bfa record book. His watch was a gift from Mrs. Charles R. Wslgreea of Chicago, who has encouraged future Landscape artists for M years. tzi-col- or i jjjggjjifflgs (Safe |