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Show b)' Hobt. Da) Deadly Reckoning Participate at 4TheH jst CLUB Club meeting of the year for the Fashion t was held Saturday, May oqan Event ettesOlHcers wore elected and A LA MODE MEANS ICE CREAM, OF COURSEI f, sr' Cut s fancy figure with Black N White Cake a la Mode Ice ream cutout atop a butter cake square. ar The Fmltn MAMV, ITANO M dOSI. YOOtl MAIM YOU MANO MW TIOUUkL Softly Sonnet than 80 Bulwark of prosperity The first year after the railroad came to Utah, back in 1870, the stale produced 50 tons of copper. Last year, copper output was 219,400 tons. Since 1870, a total of 8,186,000 tons of copper has been produced from Utah minesl The copper industry through its payrolls, supply purchases and tax payments of Utah's prosperity. is Members of the Nephi Lions Club may develop a few aching muscles this week end as they move to complete "operation post hole" in preparation for the erection of the street marking signs. The club not only will do much work toward the new street marking system, but have contributed of club funds toward the purchase of the new signs. The project has been needed for some time past. Signs which formerly marked the streets have been destroyed by weather and deterioration, and have to a "call to Mr. and Mrs. James Shepoperation posthole, the herd and family of Provo and signs will be placed on each Mr. and Mrs. Sherd Shepherd comer of Nephi Main street and of Roy were weekat this time and later on the end family visitors at the home of other streets. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Bosh and Mr. and Mrs. According or" in To Dairy Nighf for people who like to travel Af Derks Field p Mr. and Mrs. Donald of Salt Lake City and Miss Ilene Collard of Provo People of the Nephi area spent Mothers day at the were invited this week to en- home of Bishop and Mrs. J. joy Dairy Night at Derks Clair Collard. Field on Wednesday, May 31. Mothers Day guests at the The evening will feature a home of Mr. and Mrs. LeGrand Pacific Coast League baseball were Mr. and Mrs. Mangelson the ebtween Salt Lake Ned game and family of Mangelson Bees and the Tacoma Giants. Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. The game will launch Utahs Salt David Mangelson and Mr. and annual observance of June Mrs. Gerald Witt of Provo. Dairy month. Hostesses for the game will Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Mathbe Utahs Dairy Princess, win-co- ews and family of Kearns were Penny Rae Hafen and her week end guests of Mr. and pretty attendants, Linda Chan- Mrs. Vem Mangelson. dler and Ann Frandsen. . . . CONTINENTAL TRULWAYS THRU-BU- S effortless, pleasant: everything travel should be. And youll enjoy it all at its very best all along Continental Railways. No change of bus . . . no change of baggage... you relax straight thru in the same ...Msy, soft seat. NEW THRU SCHEDULES Departs Nephi DAILY DES MOINES OMAHA 4:20 p.m. to. DENVER PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURG CLEVELAND NEW YORK. continental trailwats "easiest travel on earth" 71 North Main FORREST HOTEL Nephi. Ph. 22 . . chaxtiu .choosi carejree ixreiss convenient usi packaoi Rulon Shepherd. Trudy and Cindy Bendixen of Salt Lake City, children of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bendixen have spent the past ten days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Enhardt Bendixen. Das-tru- Herman Franks, general vices during the month. Civic manager of the Bees, said that and service clubs are making j courtesy tickets will bejssued special announcements at club which will be good for 50 cents meetings, and business and In- on an adult admission to the dustrial plans are encouraging game, or 25 cents on a childtheir use at company and plant rens admission, when accompanied by a purchased adult meetings. ticket. Courtesy tickets will be The use of seat belts, if wide- distributed by dairy delivery-mely used in the State of Utah, could save perhaps 100 lives Harold L. Peterson, manager each year, the council of the American Dairy Assoc-iion of Utah, said that there will be a truck load of free dairy foods distributed at the j n. at How time turns into dollars Mothers Day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Christensen were Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Bogh and daughters Pauline and Barbara of Centerfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Christensen and sons Lloyd and Terry. Miss Renon Christensen of West Point and Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Christensen of Salt' Lake City spent Mothers Day week end with their mother, Mrs. Grace Christensen. Phone sylvania May 22 begins the Deseret News. These are the in intimate and remarkable mem-oir- t Lillian Rogers Parks, o retired While Mouse seamstress who gives a Sockstairs glimpse of what hep- pened in the executive mansion of during the administrations Taft to Eisenhower. Just a few days after Mrs. Parks' book was off the press, the White House asked its staff members not to write further Thej-formemoirs for publication. "My Thirty Years Backstairs ot the White House'' appears to be the last book of its kind that will be written about the Presidents and their first ladies. Also described ore the problems of Secret Service men copassassins and ing with would-bwith Presidents who sought privacy by calculated evasions. Don't miss tho condensation of this entertaining and informative best seller starting May 22 in your JX&ii Mum WANTED Young Men from (his Ages l7'2 to 29 for Railroad Communication operators. Salary to $400 month plus promotional opportunity, retirement and other benefits. Career opportunity for sincerely ambitious young men; also for this year high school graduate. Short residental training with small tuition. For immediate interview and enrollment write Railroad Communication TrainGive ing, Box 115, Nephi. name, phone, exact address. Refinishing For appointment, Call 20J Lament Enterprises 47 Nephi 7 m mmsm . . -- - ,4 Vv i - v' ' M V , Crca'uation Gift! t : ,,.r r,:-- m Mrs. Charles Brothers and children Sharlene and Carl of If previous years records spent Mothers Day are followed, Dairy Night this Layton with her mother, Mrs. Dulcie year will attract the largest Francom. attendance of the season to date at the May 31 game said Mothers Day visitors of Mr. Ernest R. Ekins, general chair- and Mrs. H. Ray Francom in man of the June Dairy Month Levan were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn committee. The event is spon- Francom and family of Provo, sored by the American Dairy Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Francom R. Association of Utah. and family of American Fork. 1ANE CHESTS bi stock os low $ fertilizer needs ese Famous LANE FEATURES. Aroma-Hg- DOWN game. DELIVERS lock (hick red cedar Interior Free moth protection guaranty Pressure-teste- d tor aroma tightness Beautiful rubbed and polished deepgleamM Roscoe Garrett, Mgr. I M. Atll Here what happens when corn receives the proper amount of fertilizer: A successful farmer increased his yields of grain corn 70 to 80 bushels an acre. Another fanner, raising corn for silage, increased his yields 6 to 10 tons more per acre. To grow com profitably, high rates of nitrogen are necessary in the irrigated west Fl and Ion-proo- f, too. rC' Since 1H1 The Treansy Depart- ment hae replaced Bonds at no coat to the 1JOOJDOO You save more than money with U.S. SATOJGS BOMBS or Bay them where yoa work hunir UsS) Nitrogen Fertilizers 0 t formerly Utah Poultry and Farmers Cooperative 285 West Center Nephi installment plan by joining the Payroll Savings Plan where you work. Thousands of Americans have found this Plan one of the best inventions in the world for educating the children, getting into a new home, or making retirement more comfortable. Just decide on the amount you want to save from each paycheck, and it is invested in Savings Bonds automatically. You never get hold of the money, so you cant spend it. The beauty of Bonds No method of saving could be surer than U.S. Savings Bonds. Your Bonds can only grow. If they are lost or destroyed, they will fc replaced free. And every Savings Bond you buy is a share in a stronger America. Why not get started on this timesaving plan, today? Fire-pro- 4 FARMERS $3,487.50. THEFT-PROO- ' INTERMOUHTAIH Buy a $50 Savings Bond a month, beginning this month, and in 7 years, youll own a stack worth $4,650 at maturity. The cost to you: ARE . Girl Graduate Special blond otk. Pull length drawer in baae. Available in other finishes. No. 6184-0- 3 U.S. Savings Bonds SAVINGS BONDS ! Vs! when you invest in The U.S. Government guarantees this result No ifs, ands, or buts. And you did it for roughly $1.25 a day. Get started with payroll savings You can buy this nest egg on the I -- . oiu lckgran for your Ik !' V yQj' A LIMITED TIME ONLY! - y ta as 1 v , ; ;t xA' ; w. PRICED ESPECIALLY - v.V Xv y. THE PERFECT V. r Jjvif 3 SPe r fr . Six area Re-SfyIi- Box Page Livestock Association. 329. Repairing A condensation of tfe new belt e!!er, "My Thirty Years Backstairs ot the White House' a view of doily life at 1600 Penn- 1961 BIDS will be accepted by Ia'o Bowles for the scattering of salt, between five and six tons, on the Uinta National Forest for the Juab County -P- singles, double and ruffled; Asters, Snaps, Moss Rose, Salvia, Gloriosa daisy. Dahlias, Lobelia, Agoratlum, Marigolds, Zinnias, Verbenia, Pansie, Daisies. Delphiniums, sweet Wiliam; Basket of Gold, Babys Breath, Hibiscus, Huckleberry, cabbage, cauliflower, egg plant, onion sets, tomatoes, hot caps, peat moss Nephi Floral, 213 East 5th North -- PIANO TUNING of LEVAN TIME ITS PLANTING etunias, 2s. ITEMS OF lab- a major bulwark earth comes an abundant life for all" SOCIAL become Public Invifed UTAH MINING ASSOCIATION "From tho Dana Phillips. LIONS PREPARE FOR ERECTION OF SIGNS of tho catualtioi occurred on dry roadt and in good weather. Mora that plans were made for this year. Our leader is Mrs. Fmma Wilson. Officers chosen are Jan-l- s Hanson, president; Claudia Jenkins, vice president; Diane Ludlow, secretary; Dana PhilLinda Wilson, lips, reporter; recreational leader. Dana Phillips gave the prayer and Diane Ludlow the pledge to the flag. The meeting was attended by the mothers and refreshments were served. Reporter 18, May Thursday, 6. Ncho Chapter Four Future Farmers of America teams attended Agathon Days at held May 12 and 13 at the Utah State University. On the Farm Mechanics team were Jack Wankier, Don Hallow and On the Lester Broadhead. wheat Judging team were Verl Wilkey, Morris Young and Tom llanson with Fdward Kendall and Ix?onu Winter as alternates. On the livestock team were Richard P ark. Dwight Anderson. Grant Bean and Roger Jarrett as alternate. On the dairy cattle team were Rodger Jarrett, Grant Bean and John Harper. The advisors were Jay Dailey and the student advisor George Paxman. headed the Verl Wilkey meat Judging team and they features took fourth place. Verl placed The seventh In individuals. Farm Mechanics team took 7th place and Lester Broadhead The was 7th in Individuals. livestock team took 13th, and Richard Park took 6th Individually. Resutls of the dairy Judging contest have not yet been received. Mt. -- iV 4-- This year, increase your yields . . . boost your profits from com by using enough fertilizer. And insist on USS Nitrogen Fertilzers, made by United States Steel: USS Ammonium Nitrate, 33'i Nitrogen; USS Am- -' monium Sulfate, 21 Nitrogen plus 24 sulfur; USS Anhydrous 82 Nitrogen in the liquid-ga- s Ammonia form. Order USS Nitrogen Fertilizer from your dealer today for higher profits from corn and other crops. finish |