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Show Nephi, Utah Thursday, May GJjc II, 1961 uncfi-JJriv- is E3 rUH SUIl Witt Assoqatioi 0 AS)C0T,N Is The Second Ward Primary holding a special Mothers Day program on Thursday at 4 p. m. All mothers of the ward 7, viu o IT EDITORIAL NATIONAL NEPHI NEWS BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. Glen Golden and children Scott and Sharon, and Kathy Miller and Vicky Chase, all of Salt Lake City sjient Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rue Golden. MlMIt I 1 Two Pag Or JM1 i opcOT a js-iai- MEMBER IMES-'UXJE- Published every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County. Utah, entered at the post office at Nephi, Utah, as second class mail matter undor the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Si months $2.25. Subscription rates: One year $4.00; rates in advance. Advertising aro payable Subscriptions on request. Roy E. Gibson Editor-Manage- Office: 96 South Main Street, Telephone 196, Nephi, Utah Main. Young University. Mr. Coulin Mr. and Mrs. Alma L. Garis a friend of Elder Karl Dee and daughters Susan, Janrett Ostler, from Taber, Alberta, ice, Julie and LuAnn of Spring-vill- e Canada. visited with Mr. and Mrs. VV. W. Stophensen on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Brough On Sunday afternoon, Mr. and son Chad of Salt Lake City spent Sunday with their par- and Mrs. Vaughn Paxman and ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sher- family visited wfth her parwood and Mr. and Mrs. Max ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bunker in Sutherland. Brough. u, pj, -- Ugej pQR ATK Refrigerator In very good cau 614. duion con-- couple refed af Reception Following cIS2H.,,Ar,Marriage Last Woman HELP WANTED to care for convalescent. Five days per week (days only). Contact Mrs. Merle II. White. Phone 78W or Helen G. Lee, I Mr-- nd1,Mn- - Friday aUace, fark , I non-foo- i I To the husbands, we extend our rpooial inviution to and Mrs. Lee Anderson, Neplii April Potts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Potts, vu.hnn j in Provo. l35c2ra?e Mr- .nmSH - Seat Spring. The new Mr. and ln plan a home an Mrs. Park honored Ing room sets recovered with young couple at a wedding Also newest style fabric - Fast reception on May 5 ln the automobile seat cover d Ward recreational at I rates reasonable i service, 354 North tiall. The bride was lovely In 186 South VintJ upholstery, a white slipper satin gown, jkIain Nephi. with a sweetheart neck, Jong pointed sleeves and a full skirt. To the husbands, we extend She wore a fingertip veil and our special Invitation to come carried an orchid and white in and let us help select a gift rose bouquet. Iother" WeU take for Mother of the bride selected First-Secon- I carnations, poriuiaca, wrappmg worries too well biue daughters ,:ace fop snap dragons .astors, zlnrias, I?11 Vour nurchase at and Mrs. Seat, the mangolds, dahlias, cocKscomDs, - Ermas Dress Shop, 354 North reception,of groom, tuberous be- Maln , Nephi. salvia, verbena, pinks, I MOTHER S DAY GIFTS - BLOUSES - SLIPS - HANKIES -HOSE - And many other items that DRESSES any mother would enjoy! Many Items to select from. TO THE HUSBANDS we extend our special invitation to come in and let us help choose a gift for Mother! With every $5.00 purchase, a chance certificate! on a $20.00 gift ERMA S DRESS SHOP NEPHI, UTAH 345 NORTH MAIN SEE THE NEW POLAROID ELECTRIC EYE CAMERA but with what a difference! It takes the same large pictures There are no settings you have to make an electric eye chooses the exposure. You don't even have to focus. You don't need an expensive light meter. The flash gun is built in, too. And your picture Is ready in just 10 seconds. Its fully automatic. There are 12 years of improvements, refinements and brand new ideas in this camera. And yet, it actually costs less than the first Land Camera on the market. POLAROID LAND CAMERA EVER MADE then count to ten. That's all you do to make a picture with the J66. Four simple motions and ten seconds can produce a picture that complicated cameras and skilled darkroom technicians can's surpass for quality. Count to four How do you do it? Aim and push a button your picture taken. Lift a know, snap a switch, pull the tab, count and your picture is ready to be lifted out of the to ten back door of the camera. IS IT A GOOD PICTURE? The answer is YES!! The quality is superb You have to try it yourself to believe it. is NOTHING TO SET Women especially appreciate the simplicty of the J66. The moment you open the camera you are ready to take a picture in any kind of lighting: bright sunlight, shadow, or almost dark. Forget about painstaking focusing. Everything feet to miles away. And in your picture is sharp from 4 or if you want to take professional looking close-up- s inches make one easy adjust32 close as as portraits ment and you are ready to snap the picture. CHAPMAN STUDIO gonias, geraniums, chrysanthe-- 1 mums, several varieties of pe-- l FOR tunias, alsum, lobelias, perenn- ial astors, doronium, gladiola celent bulbs, rose bushes, peppers, Brown, cabbage, cauiflower, egg plant, tomatoes, insecticides fertilizer peet moss. Roy Olsen, FREE South Center, Santaquin. Phone 212 754-391- 3. I Xkee S FOR SALE OR LEASE Uwana Drive Inn and Dairy Queen. See Frank Pew or W. H. Pew for information. PONTIAC SEED POTATO-- 1 ES for sale reasonable Leland H. Vickers, Salt Creek Canyon. Snow ball and FOR SALE evergreen trees. F. V. Liddiard, 297 East 5th North, Nephi Phone 219J. ....TREAT MOTHER AND THE FAMILY! Mothers Day special for Friday and Saturday. ICE CREAM, pint, 25c, quart 40c, half gallon 75c at PICKS DRIVE INN, 6th North and Main, Nephi, Utah. Jce, Arta Worthington, Karen Smith loan of our efficient and Mary Seat, sister of the Carpet Shampooers with pur- - groom. chase of Blue Lustre shampoo. Ushers at the reception were Chapman Furniture Co. Michael Park, Richard Joel Sperry, Jack Englll FOR SALE Stokermatie and Donald Peterson. new controls Many lovely and useful gifts water heater and many received, $50.00 Boyd Nielsen, Mor- were friends from Payson, Manti, oni. Kearns, Tooele and Salt Lake City honored the couple. RESPONSIBLE PERSON male or female, from this area, wanted to service and collect from automatic vending machines. No selling. Age not essential. Car, references, and $600 working capital necessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets excellent monthly income. PosFor sibility full time work. To each Mother local interview, give full particulars, phone. Write P. O. Box 8047, Miracle Mile Station, Minneapolis 16, Minn. GIVE MOTHER A REST ON Bar-b-Q- d HER DAY fryers and spare ribs, Saturday, Mar. 13th. All cooked. Ready to in your oven for Sunday enjoyment. Place orders NOW! Johnsons IGA, 56 E. Center, Nephi. PHONE 67 re-he- size-sens- McNESS CO., Box 4014, Oakland, 23, Ca lifornia. entering our store Saturday, we will give a BEAUTIFUL ORCHID SPRY SHORTENING--- LBTIN 79c SEGO MILK -T- ALL - - - 5 cans for 77C large cans. Each CORNED BEEF 49c SUGAR-- 10 3 LB BAG---l.- n, il NIBLETS WH. KERNEL CORN 589c SPRING GARDEN PEAS 5 for 89c DEL MONTE CREAM CORN - 303 size 5 for 89c LIBBY FRUIT COCKTAIL 303 size -- 4 for 85c 3 for 89c WELCHADE - large 32 oz size WONDER BUTTERMILK BREAD Regular 34c per loa- f- SPECIAL - 389 LARGE ANGEL FOOD CAKES NOW 31 C 4 1.00 Regular 45c HI C PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUI- JUICE-4- 6 T z His fins for - MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING Quart 55c CLEAR WATER TUNA 6 tans 98c iiJYxJVVV'VVVV-u-lArLrL- ( e! FOR SALE: 16 acres, 10 shares water. Located near Fountain Green, Utah. Grain chopper and feed mixer, complete with motors. Contact Reed Green, Fountain Green, Utah or call Salt Lake City for information. CY8-244- 2, To the husbands, we extend 1956 Ford V8l FOR SALE our special invitation to come Station Wagon Country Sein and let us help select a gift dan. Call 55J or see DeVon for "Mother. Well take all Winn. well wrapping worries too gift package your purchase at Ermas Dress Shop, 354 North Women Make Their Housework More Pleasant If youve been looking for an economical way to save steps and give yourself a little more free time, heres some news that could prove helpful. At the end of last year, more APRICOTS size 2 41.00 BISQUICK - Large pkg - - 43c HONEY-- 12 gallon I 1.19 GRAPE OR HAWAIIAN PUNCH 7 cans 1.00 FAMILY TESTED FROZEN FOODS Peas - Peas and Carrots - Corft pkgs jl 00 B Mixed Vegetables - Green Beans - French Fries! B TIP TOP DRINKS - Assorted 8 cans 1 .00 SNOW CROP n- Spinach-Brocc- oli than one out of every five western families had extension phones. The ratio was about LETTUCE - FRESH & CRISP-perheNEW WHITE POTATOS one out of ten in 1955. In other words, in just five years, the number of homes with convenience has more than doubled Three words tell you why Usefulness, Beauty, Economy Above all, an extension phone is useful. Next time youre working in a back bedroom or the basement when the phone rings see if you dont agree. And, happily, you dont need to be using a second phone to enjoy the way it looks in a room With a choice of nine colors and three styles, your telephone becomes an object of noticeable interest and beauty. Finally, consider economy. You can enjoy the beauty and usefulness of another phone-insta- lled wherever you want it for a few pennies a day. At that price, why deprivey ourself? Tomorrow, call a friend whos got an extension phone. Ask if shes enjoying it, where shes using it and which color and style she selected. Then, when yourt ready to order, just call our business offics or ask a telephone serviceman. David BradFOR SALE tractor cultivator and tools Good condition for sale motor. F. V. Liddiard, new FOR SALE OR RENT with 219J or cal at 297 East Home at 96 phone option to buy West 7th North, Nephi. Con- 1st North. tact Mr. Harvey at FR or at 240 East Center, FTovo. ORGAN TEACHERS or qualified organ players wanted Sales Agent ln the Nephi SEE OUR SELECTION of as area for Lowrey Organ. Get used furniture and appliances details, write PROGRESSIVE Chapman Furniture Co., 61 SCHOOL OF MUSIC 342 Main. South Flast 3rd South, Salt Lake City Utah. FOR SALE Large modem home in excellent location NOW Give a wedding at 463 North first East If Presenting the Bell Chime I interested call Mrs. Irel Chase gift that is really worthwhile Tot W Sm diMln Join with your friends In at 600. buying substantial gifts nngi gift lists on all weddings at 4D Co m hr Sardh. WATCH AND JEWELRY Plumbing & Builders Supply REPAIR Reasonable price the hardware center 66 prompt service Nephi South Main, Nephi, Utah. Ph. Mewntale Slots Telephone 306. Jewelry, Phone S4L ley f SWIFTS ICE CREAM First Quality - - Hal? Gallon 79c HowDolOutof5 WANTED Contact with people who wish freedom from FARMERS worry financially. INSURANCE GROUP Auto Fast and friendly service. Call Art Jensen at 567 or Bob Tolley at Well Weve got 635, Local Agents. be pleased to help you with your Mothers Day Gift selection and well package it Used Monarch at no extra cost!gift Come FOR SALE in tocombination electric and coal wise selection! a for wide, day range in good condition Ermas Dres Shop, 345 North 11 North Jacks Appliance, Main, Nephi. Main, Nephi HELP WANTED Salesmen or Agents $2.50 per hour or more for part or full time route work. Large repeat orders. Man or woman. Write lo all Mothers, best wishes for a Happy Mothers Day!! m-as- (I y a brother of the groom SALE Windmill, In- - and Mre. Rose Marie Morgan, condition Douglas slstar of the briae, was matron were 0493J4. onr;, Bridesmaids phone aye lk,ey Marlene Pax-ma- Main, Nephi. WE EXTEND U&l . i marriage aj,n7?ce daughter, Elizabeth Ann Park. Saat- - .n f Mr t0 ,David and Mrs- - John Seat of Fayson. The bride la a graduate of Phone 336W. Call after 6 p.m. the Juab Stake Seminary and the Juab High school and at MOTHERS DAY SPECIAL present Is attending a beauty sch001 ,n Salt Lk City. Mr. c,7am;1 P,n tie only 39c at Johnsons" IGA 25':J" 75 5 f eat is graduate of the Nebo d where you save on d Stake IN.N Friday Seminary and Payson items as well as all of your hlh cho01 and 8 7 Pr.esent ls 56 East Cen-- 1 Saturday on,y food purchases attending a vocational school ter St.. Nephi, Utah. Mrs. Ralph Miller, Nephi Recently admitted patients Mrs. James H. Ockey Sr., at the Juab County Hospital at Nephi include the follow- Nephi Mrs. Nno Schena, Delta ing: Enma s Dress Shop, Blaine Stevens, Fairview James Pay, son of Mr. and Main, Nephi. Levan Edna Lowe, Mrs. William Pay, Nephi Carl Parkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sperry, Nephi Mrs. Frank Parkin, Nephi Mrs. John M. Burr, Provo Steven Anderson, son of Mr. Thomas G. Fowkes, Nephi SIMPLEST - In Provo. He also la employed Juab Hospital Patient List Mrs. Howard Hansen, Nephi h, - Mr. and Mrs. Nephi How-arGuests at the home of Mr. of SatMagna were Nephi visitors and Mrs, Horace Ostler on Sunday, and were visitors LarFrank were Coulin, Levan urday Peters during Verns Store, ry Johnson and Miss Judy of Mrs. Sylvia White, students at the Brigham the day. 80... Planetarium Recently The Ladies Literary League members enjoyed a trek to of Salt .Miss Kaye Wllkey Provo last week-en- d evening. the Lake City spent . Thursday . .. Grandview 7 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Cafe where they enjoyed a de-Fred Wilkey. licious hot dinner at 6 p m., and afterward the group went to the Planetarium where they enjoyed the lecture of the mobile model of the heavesns. Those who enjoyed the evening were Miss Ireta Carter, Mrs. Russel Stuart, Miss Rheta Sperry, Mrs. Mont SperTIME! ry, Mrs. Fred Painter, Mrs. ITS PLANTING Giant pansies. Painted daisies, Max L. Orme, Mrs. Hosmer Mrs. Reed Green-halgDouble white daisies, Basket L. Grace, Mrs. Stella Boswell, of Gold, Sweet Williams. Baby Pay, Mrs. Rex Breath, Pacific Hybrid Del-yo- Mrs. Raymond Mrs. Clifton Hansen, ToHey, II FLORAL NEPI phlnum 213 East 5th North Ph. 329 fr- - R"y McPherson and Mrs, Reese Painter, with BICYCLE Lawn mower genuine parts. service, saw filing. Sams Reh pair shop. In Nephi for pick- t OUR Visit to B. Y. U. Merron Price. REPAIR NEPHI NEWS BRIEFS James F. Good wine, Goshen. Mrs. Jane S. Gadd, Nephi LaVon Ellertson, Nephi are Invited to attend. Miss Marlene Price of Salt Lake City sjient the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Club Ladies Enjoy ALKERS WS Come on In! Well help you bashful" husbands pick out just the right thing for the. Mom" for Mothers day . . and well please two people with a modest price for a choice gift, and your wife or mother with your selection! Erma's Dress Shop, 345 North r: I STRAWBERRIES BEGONIAS - Potted Plants NYLONS -- 49c Per pair ad 10 5Hk19c 2 cups for 39c EACH 29c 3 pair for 1.39 CRISPRITE BACON per pound 49 ROASTS Blade Cut SPECIAL - - per pound - - 45c ROUND STEAKS ETRA GOOD - IB 77CSwifts Canned Ham 4 LBS 3.33 ,(W BEEF ES 6 Nephi, Utah c |