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Show Nephi, Utah Page Two May 19, I960 Thursday, Weather SOCIAL ITEMS OF .v REPORTS NATIONAL KIM HEPHI Precipitation and temperature figures for Nephi for the are as follows: Judge and Mrs. F. W. KelEDITORIAL past week of Price visited with Mr. ler Date and Mrs. Ed. Cox on Friday and Saturday. AH KuasuTi Enrollment in 4-- H m Mm wiwu'CfiMr Club Work Invited It is time to complete en- the Extension Service office rollment in Project work. and enroll. All girls enrollment Dinner guests of Mr. and All boys and girls interested in should be completed by May Mrs. Ed. P. Cox on Sunday the program this year are 27. were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dyreng asked to decide what project The object of the H proof Manti and Mr. and Mrs. they wish to carry and com- gram is to help prepare boys Udell Poulsen of San Mateo, plete enrollment soon. and girls to become better citCalifornia. There are a number of new izens. The responsibility of the projects available for both boys Extension Agents is to work Mrs. Rhoda B. Jackson of and girls, according to Kay R. with the H club leaders, asDelta visited with her son and Bendixsen, Juab County Exten- sisting them with training and agent. The new'est is an information on leading a club. daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. sion are always plenty of Russell Jackson over the week Automotive Care and Safety There Project! open to boys and girls boys and guis interested in end. 15 years of age and older. A club work. There also is a Mrs. A1 Jones of Salt Lake Hunters Safety and Survival shortage of club leaders. City is visiting at the home of Training Project a coopera The boys and girls interested Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen. tive project with the Utah in club work should seriously Mrs. Jones is a cousin of Mrs. State Fish and Game Depart- consider who they would like ment is open to boys and girls as a leader and discuss their Hansen. 14 years of age and over. choice with their parents. The Heber J. Memmott of Salem, There are new projects in Agent will assist them in any Mr. his visited parents, Oregon photography and in woodwork. w ay possible to obtain leaderand Mrs. S. F. Memmott on Some of the other projects ship for their club. Sunday and Monday. Mr. Bendixsen and available are Entomology, ForVelyn Mrs. Thelma Norton of Heb--, estry. Weed Identification, Con- Stevens, agents, join in ener City visited with Mr. and, servation. Gardens. Range Man- couraging the parents and leadg and ers to realize the importance of Mrs. T. G. Fowkes on Sunday-an- agement, Crops, in training and developing livestock There are projects. Monday. livestock projects in horses, character in the youth of our sheep, beef, dairy, swine and county. This H program is an excellent opportunity to poultry. Projects mainly for girls in- make productive use of young clude home living, foods, and peoples time during the summer months. All boys and girls clothing. Any group wishing to form and parents should take ada club should come into vantage of this opportunity. FDCD FOR THOUGHT 4-- H Published every Thursday Entered at the post office mail matter under the act One Subscription rates: at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. at Nephi. Utah, as second class of Congress of March 3, 1879. year $4.00: Six months, $2.25 .ubscriptions are payable nn request. Publishers A. in 4-- 4-- Readings are taken daily at 10 a.m. for the previous 24 hour period. Advertising rates advance. Gibson and Roy E. Gibson Roy E. Gibson B. Editor-Manag- er Office: 96 South Main Street, Telephone 196, School Lunch Menus Nephi, Utah For Week Released 4-- 4-- H 4-- H Camp-Boun- IV. L. LAFFERTY Sound Urgent Request CHIROPRACTOR Palmer Method 9 to 6 Daily Closed Tues. 9 to 9 Mon., Wed., Frl. PH. Sendee For Sunny Weather Sunny weather is the urgent plea of the 100 plus Scouts in the Juab District as they prepare for the spring camporee 8-- 1 Scouts d PAYSON, UTAH Aide South on Hiway 91 to be held May 20 and 21. Scouts are urged to check equipment to see that everyParents and thing is ready. friends of Scouting are invited to see Scouting in action at ths camporee. .A special invit ation is extended to all parents and friends of Scouting to attend the campfire program on Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. at the Elk Pasture. YOUR OLD WATCH IS WORTH MORE ON TRADE IN AT NEPHI JEWELRY Phone 341 Nephi menus in the Juab District School lunch program have been an nouneed as follows: Chop suey with Monday Chinese noodles; frozen buttered peas; peaches, peanut butter cake; baking powder biscuit with honey; milk. Scrambled eggs Tuesday with ham, tomato juice, cabbage and pineapple salad, celery stick, hot roll and butter, cherry pudding. Pork and Wednesday carrot potatoes, whipped gravy, stick, buttered spinach, grapefruit and pineapple, commeal bread and butter, milk. Sliced cold cuts Thursday and cheese, hearty garden salflake cocoa tomatoes, ad, Births at the Juab County squares, fruit, bread and butHospital during the past week ter, milk. include the following: rfY Fly-tyin- Mining dollars -p- rosperity's Blood circulation is essential to human life. In the same way, the circulation of dollars is essential to Utah's economic life. Mining pours nearly $100,000,000 yearly into our state's economic bloodstream through purchases of equipment, supplies, power and fuel. As a customer alone, Utah mining helps support hundreds of businesses which employ thousands of Utahns. UTAH MINING ASSOCIATION "from the earth comes an abundant life far all" PIECED $63-$6- 4-- H Recently admitted patients at the Juab County Hospital Ne- Lila Linda Stanley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Stanley, Nephi Murren Worthington, Nephi John H. Peel, Mt. Pleasant Mrs. Irvin Jarrett, Nephi Horace Monroe, Scipio FURY than 1,000! more than 50,000 persons died of tuberculosis; with new drugs, the death rate is down 75 today, In 1945, per cent. YOU LIVE LONGER CHIEFLY BECAUSE OF THE NEW DRUGS BEING STOCKED IN EVERY PHARMACY! Ten years have been added to the average lifetime in the last thirty years. UHjgEaifi miQHa 0 W Center slices lb 39c pome ROASTS Lean -- per poun- d- 30c 1,00 ftiiidby Toncstoe Juice 3 ccsbi 85C STANDBY PINEAPPLE STANDBY FRUIT COCKTAIL -- GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 4 I. QQ N0W--4ca- ns Q0C STANDBY CREAM OR WH. STANDBY MANDARIN KERNEL CORN ORANGES 6 cans 1.00 4 cans !r 1.0Q STANDBY PEAS - - fa cans Qfl MOUNTIE PEACHES -- Very Good STANDBY CATSUP 5 btls 1.Q0 22 size cnes 3 for 79fi White Star Chunk IONA Neils C. Anderson, Levan Bessie Jane Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Jack) Johnson, Nephi Diane Vest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marc Vest, Mona V-- 8! in 1959, fewer HALIBUT - notes', phi. TO Mass Production of Poliomyelitis vaccine has made possible an 85 per cent decrease in the number of new cases! In 1946, 16,000 Americans weer stricken with diphtheria; GOLD COIN BACON PER POUND 0SRITAL moth. Loralee Engle, Levan Mrs. Clarence Paxman, LOWEST-PRICE- D year, MORRELL SAUSAGE for 1 LB ROLLS Mrs. Geraldine Rosquist, Levan. Robin McPherson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lamont McPherson, Nephi Mr. and Mrs. David Gillen, Sandy, Utah Joseph Wankier, Levan Mrs. Earl Sorensen, Mam- 6 last 1940, 7000 children died from whooping cough; 310. The difference? Prescription drugs. IRTHS. includes the following: Margaret Drew, Eureka mercury is now In sharpest of the newer 4-- Golf Club at Daughter, born May 16 to Call Mr. and Mrs. Keith McCaffery City Park on May 15 of Nephi. Reward. 294 Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Pat McCaffery, Manti and Mrs. Fred Painter, Nephi, Leland Greenhalgh, Nephi. Great grand parents are Delmar's IV Service H. H. Greenhalgh of Nephi and Mr. and George Green of AUTO RADIO REPAIR Green. Fountain low Rear Speaker kits as Daughter, born May 17 to at 7.95 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bowles AH Appliance Service of Nephi. Grandparents are Vacuums Elmer Holman of Fountain Irons Toasters SG9J Green and Mr .and Mrs. Carl Phone 75 J. Bowles of Nephi. Great grand mother is Mrs. Zina Jacobsen of Fountain Green. Daughter, bom May 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones of Nephi. Grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. P. L. Jones of Nephi and Mrs. Hugh Newby of Monroe, Utah. Great grand mother is Mrs. William Bailey of 1 O introduction 4-- H LOST lifeblood The last quarter of a century has seen a decline of more than 40 per cent in the mortality rate in the United decline began about 1940 with the States. The 29$ WELCHADE - 32 oz cans 3 lor 1.Q0 HI C ORANGEADE 46 oz for 3 81 DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE CRISCO WITH FREE ORANGE JUICE 46 oz 3 for 1.0Q CANISTER SCOOP Jib ?qc ' ' LIBBY APRICOT NECTAR 8 3 for 1.00 BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES 3 pgs for 95c SHAVERS GRAPEFRUIT JUICE - 46 oz cans 3 gor 1.00 CINCH CAKE MIX 4 pkgs QQC 46 oz cans ffRS Now you can enjoy the extra comfort and quality of a "fin MERCURY at less than youd In V-- a SEDANS MERCURY iowaT-emc- o IMPALA IOWUT-MICI- FURY LIST DOLLAR PRICI DirraRBNca pay for these popular Chevrolet and Plymouth models. Whats more, Mercury gives you a smoother, safer, quieter ride. 7' longer wheelbase. Heav- 2631 ier chassis. 23 more insulation. Larger tires. More brake lining. brakes. More seat cushioning and foot room. Bigger windshield with wipers that clear full width. Come in soon for your biggest value; MERCURY '60! 66 2694 63 pncM tat knreet-price- d at maaufactam' Y-- 4 tam reufl I model. PARKIN MOTOR CO. South MainStrec? Phene 312 PASCO ORANGE JUICE Regular 6 oz cans "Yes. Nurse Morose Misogynist woman - hater El mer Simreil, 48, on trial for sending threatening letters to judges in order to draw attention to divorce laws, watched in chagrin when seven women were selected to serve oa the Jury to hear his case. ed - - 6 for RADISHES OR GREEN ONIONS - - 2 bunches Qc 1 00 Half gallon ICE CREAM 69c LEMONS per pound - - 10c TIP TOP LEMONADE CORN - Fresh! - - 3 ears for 194 6 oz cans Q cans 69c TV DINNERS pkg 53c WHITE POTATOES 10 lbs 47c Kenneth Roberts was picked up by Cleveland, Tenn, police who found him walking along the road clad in a hospital nightgown. Roberts said he had complained to a nurse that he was too hot and when she told me to take a walk and cool off, 1 did." Self-styl- Nephi, Utah Dole (Pimeopple (Juice 3 consul. v Misa JOINS CANCER FIGHT America, Lynda Lee Mead of Natchez, Mist., lends her charm to the 1960 American Cancer So- ciety Crusade. The talented beauty it asking everyone to Join the Crusade and give generously to stamp out cancer. Self-adjusti- ng 2697 Bwied oa eranparaon 13 piii . U , MEATS,GROCERIESFRUITSVEGETABLES...Phone 6 Nephi, Utah 8 |