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Show .waKSWKSKS sKKiKSKSSfSggSiSSiSS r-r'' " ' flMjr 1, & Mycl OOw iJv,' ,ep'" rify s - K-- - Qffe, Merry .Christmas, one and all! SERVICE STATION .rf&r-- f.-i- V, wo ? cv 4 Basketball TeamVinning Most Games; Bill Goble First Juab Wrestling Letterman From the J. II. S. CLARION The basketball season is under way. The first game with Delta was played there. The Junior Varsity won their game and the varsity also won theirs The second game was played here with Millard. On this night, the Junior Varsity lost their game but the Var sity team came out on top with the score of On Thursday, December 10 the Varsity took a trip down south. They left Nephi about 10 a.m., and had lunch in Beaver. The game that night was with Dixie which Juab won The team stayed in Dixie over night and then went up to Cedar City Friday afternoon. The second game was played at the C. S. U. with Cedar City. It was a close game the first half but Juab walked away in. the second half with a final score of The team stayed in Cedar until almost time for the game with Parowan. They packed up and went to Parowan for the third game. The score went from Juabs favor to Parowans all night. In the fourth quarter Parowan took lead. Mike Gara rett potted a couple to tie it Just before the up at buzzer Parowan made a couple more and won with From there the team w'ent to Beaver to stay over night. After breakfast they headed for home. It had been snowing and the roads were slick, making it quit hard to get over the moun- 50-3- 6. 37-3- 5. field-hou- 42-2- 3. To alt our friends and patrons... We wish the very best I during the coming year four-poi- nt 38-3- 8. 42-3- 8. JENKINS SALES AND SERVICE - 8th North Main j ml December 24, Thursday, 1959 Page se tain roads. They made it home about noon on Sunday. The wrestling team is doing okay for the first year. Last Thursday they wrestled Richfield. Bruce Howard lost by decision and all but Bill Goble were pinned. Bill won his match in about 2!a rounds. lie is the first man to letter in WTestling. Bill!! The Congratulations wrestlers got their mat Tuesday. It is a full size one weigh- ing near 1000 pounds and it is a bright red. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ostler and sons Kevin and Calvin of Salt Lake City spent the week-en- d with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Winn. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Ida W. Beck, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Attorney Udell R. Jensen, 125 North Main St., Nephi, Utah, on or before the 10th day of April, A. D. 1960. Christmas centerpieces Donald V. Beck, Executor rett. of estate of Ida W. Beck, decorated the long table. Games were played with prizes being won by Bertha Winn, Verna Dates of publication: December Wright, Irene Broadhead, Nina Irene Howard. 10, 17, 24 and 31, 1959, in The Hansen and Times-New- s, Gifts were exchanged by the Nephi, Utah members: Maxine following Selma For GIFTS to treasure for Parkin, Verna Wright, Tranter, Lenore Heppler, WEDDINGS BIRTHDAY! Roberts, Myrtle Davis, Bertha Winn, Stella Garrett, or ANY OCCASION it's Lucy Sanders, Lucille Corbin, NEPHI JEWELRY Lucille Gadd, Irene Broadhead, Nina Hanson and Irene Telephone 341 De-vo- na - - r , j'; , S , R ft R ft R i' ' x. , R Santa' d and it'd Sbue eusi cue you a ta ttUdk veto MetoU Qbuitmad piom all "V;! ' h 4-- D J SWIFTS PREMIUM i. n t9 yM Whole or Half SHANK PIECE " lb ---- 43c SLICES -- 89c lb I 'fa' S i kjj V ad. The management and staff of PLUMBING AND BUILDERS SUPPLY -- IGA FRUIT I each il CENTER ' ft FROM ALL OF US... TO ALL OF YOU. I I heTi ',t v I i : R May th jays of this glorious Mason molt us roalizt what grand world this It . . with friendship ond loyalty among oil men. Our sincere good wishes for o very Merry Christmas . . from everyone of IGA. - vi-- - ft FOR SALE OR RENT Modern home. All floors covered. Part basement. Oil furnace. Small down payment. Terms ai ranged. Call 324W for information. with Utoco Home Heating Oil m leans COCKTAIL ,'w IGA JELLY 10 oz "tv, 't VI San fa Delivers the Goods SO jars APPLE or GRAPE 5 for89c Vv 1 AND V- ' C GRADE TOMS A per lb -- Milk Dairy Cows Hogs Calves Broilers Laying Hens Turkeys Dogs YOU CAN NOW GET MILK WHITE FEEDS IN BULK WHERE LARGE QUANTITY FEEDS ARE REQUIRED No carrying charges ... no interest. No matter how much fuel oil you may require in any cold month, you pay only the agreed amount. Any differences are adjusted at the seasons end. BRANCH MANAGER APPLE PUMPKIN See your nearby Utoco distributor for details today. ROSS GARRETT UTAH OIL YOU REFINING COMPANY EXPECT MORE FROM UTOCO AS'D YOUCFTtTI VJ(() - each To give our employees more time with Saturday, Dec. 26, 1959 - - CRANBERRIES their fam- Inspected 29c pound bag -- 7c ORANGES 9WB& mm 12 TILL 6:00 PM lb gg Sock fillers! - - OPEN CHECK THE IGA ADS IN SALT LAKE AND PROVO PAPERS FOR MORE SPECIALS AVAILABLE AT Gov't iMWm'B-- 56 Count HAVEL UTOCO - WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 12 NOON CELERY TALK OVER YOUR FEED NEEDS WITH YOUR -- ilies, we White Feed for Every Need: Cattle 8 FROZEN PIES CNICKEN- S- MINCE ROASTING NOTICE pay in convenient with monthly installments Oil Utocos Heating Budget Plan Buy now are constantly of Milk White Feed comes up to the quality standards. There's a - MILK WHITE! milled to meet 4 cansriOO Pitted OLIVES GRADE HENS OR'TOHS -- TENDER long-teste- -- Golden Select LOWEST MARKET PRICE MILK WHITE FEEDS ALWAYS right when you feed of the finest ingredients and made are They formulas. The feeds d exact and make that EVERY BAG sure tested, too, to &))(o HENS OR DO You're ie Mr. and Mrs Dan Kay and Boy Scouts and of son of Goshen visited Thursday the Nephi Second Explorers Ward will with Mis. Kays parents, Mr. gather paper on Saturday, Decand Mrs. Jay Warner. ember 26 in the First and Second Wards They would apThe annual Stake Primary preciate the placing of Dance will lie held at the First-Secon- d on the porches, and if papers ward hall Monday. Dec- home owners are askedpossible, to tie ember 28 at 4 pm. All Pri- the papers in convenient bundchildren are invited to les. mary attend Troop Committee On Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barkdull and son Dickie of Meadow were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Johnson Warm Welcome Always I i n 50-3- 5. J. Barres Jenkins - Pre-Seas- on KENT LINTON CHEVRON jj ' The Nephi Lions Club held their annual Christmas party at the Blue Room on Thursday December 17. There were 71 present, including members, partners and guests. The opening prayer was given by Lynn Parkin. President Rulon N. - r Broadhead presided. i Table decorations were un -der the direction of Lenore Heppler and Norma Sherwood and the Christmas theme was carried out. The program was under the of the program committee with Dave Austin as chairman assisted by Raymond Jackson and William N. Cooier. Raymond Jackson acted as toastmaster. Two Aden whistling numbers by Johnson of Moroni accompan.K ied by Blyth Taylor of Moroni; a vocal duet by Dave Austin and Dona Jones, and two piano Two Clubs Hold Pre selections by Blythe Taylor completed the program. Mrs. Parties Holiday Norma Sherwood accompanied the vocal duet. The Lions each The Ladies Literary Club presented their partner with a held their annual Christmas beautiful pin with the Lions party Monday night, Decemb- Club emblem on it. er 21 at the home of Mrs. Ralph Belliston. A delicious dinner was served after which Mrs. James R. Stanley was in A charge of the program. reading Christmas in All the Lands" was given by Mrs. G. R. Judd. The group all joined in games and gifts were exchanged. Those present to enRecently admitted patients joy the party were Mrs. Lester at the Juab County hospital Mrs. James II. include the following: B. Belliston, Eager Mrs. Jack Cotton, Mrs. Mrs. Ivan Rasmussen, FounMarvin Anderson, Mrs. Joseph tain Green. Bedson, Mrs. Leo Christensen, Clark Presbrey, Nephi Mrs. Dee Wright, Mrs. Jack Don Shepherd, son of Mr. Wright, Miss Mabel Sperry, and Mrs. Rulon Shepherd of Mrs. A. L. Garbett, Mrs. Harry Levan Foote, Mrs. W. W. Stephenson, Robin McPherson, son of Mrs. William Bailey, Mrs. A. Mr. and Mrs. LaMont McPherV. Gadd, Mrs. John E. Robertson, Nephi in son, and the committee Stewart Christensen, FounMrs. Belliston, Ralph charge: tain Green. Mrs. Wilford Bailey, Mrs. G. R. Sari Carrington, son of Mr. Judd, Mrs. James R. Stanley, and Mrs. Harry Carirngton of Mrs. J. L. Belliston and Mrs. Lynndyl. Ferry J. Ostler. Clyde Shaw Nephi Everitt Smith, son of Mr. and The Nephi Lady Lions held Mrs. Everitt Smith, Fountain their annual Christmas party Green. on Saturday evening at the Snak Shak. Hostesses were Lucy Sanders and Stella Gar- Nephi News Briefs ,,i i Vti X Cl Jje Enjoy Christmas Party At Blue Room Thursday 4 w PA Lions Club, Guests 5 JIT-TT- ' f j m.TTI CUSTOM 56 EAST CENTER STREET PHONE 57 NEPHI |