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Show 33533X3) Nephi, Utah Thursday, December 10, 1959 Page TOPPER Five IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR FOR THE COUNT It OF WASHINGTON, STATE OF that PARCEL 1: Beginning 96 feet North of the Southeast Corner of Lot four (4), Block Six (6), Plat D of the Nephi Townsite Survey, thence West 1585 feet; thence . North 118.5 feet to the North line of said Lot 4; thence East 158.5 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 4; thence South 1185 feet to the place of beginning. PARCEL 2: Beginnnig at the Northeast corner of the West half of the Southwest quarter of Section 34, Township 12 South, Range 1 east, Salt Lake Meridian, thence South 170 rods 10 links, thence West 80 rods to the quarter section line, thence North 10 rods 10 links, thence West 26 rods 13 links, thence North 160 rods, thence East 106 rods 13 links to the place of beginning. Containing 111 108160 acres, more or less. Includes Parcel of land in Township 12 Section 33, South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian, and Parcel of Land in Section 3, Township 13 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian; -- Also beginning at the Northeast corner of Section 4, Township 13 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian, thence South 10 rods 10 links' thence West 26 rods 13 links, thence North 10 rods 10 links, thence East 26 rods 13 links to the place of beginning. Containing 160 acres more or less; Also beginning 26 rods 13 links West of the Northeast comer of Section 4, Township 13 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian, thence South 10 rods, thence West links, thence 27 rods 22 North 015 West 10 rods, thence' East 27 rods 22 links to the place of beginncontaining ing, acres more or less; Also beginning 26 rods 13 links West of the Southeast comer of the Southeast quar- ter of Section hs Also Certificate of Stock No. 1958 of the Nephi Irrigation Co. for 17 share, public Notice is Hereby given ACTION LOUNGES AND RELAX FREE COFFEE, DRINKS and Spudnuts Christmas shoppers on evenings 6 to 9 p.m. at Ball Pharmacy. .... we all get with Monday piece of paper and then go back to our desks and as we learn something we write it down and every Friday we hand it in to Mr. Oldroyd. This is part of our language for the school year. Now you're probably asking Re yourself how we review? viewing is really a lot of fua Reviewing is Reviewing fun? fun in Mr. Oldroyds room. You see we have a $64,000 Question Box. During the week we write questions and put them in the question box, in the container they belong in. The subject containers are arithscience and metic, English, social studies. For each question we get 5 points. Mr. Oldroyd told the class he would give a prize to the child with the most points at the end of the school year. Jackie Shaw. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MENUS m UNICO TIRES- light-yea- r. ge UNICO BATTERIES M. Broadhead, ON 1 - lb box Ready to eat XMAS TREES per pound - - - 2.00 and down - 79 IGA PINEAPPLE - Libby or Del Monte - Chunks - Tidbifs s No. 211 cans for QQ - Real Milk feeding makes them tender and juicy. Ll A I 1 ,1 , cans FROZEN lb BREASTED 5 s Assorted Chocolates $1.40 1 2 lb. box $2.70 3 lb. box $4.00 S lb. lb. box box WISCONSIN NIPPY $6.75 -- II 00 j TRIPLE 33' 3 00 or CORN Libby or IGA 303 s or LB 46 oz PEAS CUTUP THREE LEGGED C 1 Tcans LB - JUICE Libby or IGA VA v ?fc?lC TIN TOMATO Melkesfl Youll also find real bargains in home needs, such as: Home Freezers, Paint and Paint materials, Garden tools, Roofing materials and many, many other items that will save you time and money. SNOKREEM 5 LB -- TABLERITE WHOLE FRYING HOME NEEDS .Q9 SHORTENING cans Libby's or IGA Look over the Farm Equipment on display at our store All equipment has been long-teste- d and proven to be good. Such itemsl Stock as Watemrers, Poultry Nests, Ventilation Units, Feeders, Brooders and other equipment items are available at low cost. 55c IGA FLOUR Crushed SEE YOUR BRANCH MANAGER -- ROSS GARRETT 5Q C EGGS - Large While-p- er dozen - --59 MCFARLAND PICNICS - FRUIT COCKTAIL - The most popular Pipeline Milker in Utah is the UNIVERSAL. This popularity has been won by the low cost of installation, the trouble' - free service, and the efficiency and ease of operation. If youre thinking of a pipeline milker, get a free ' estimate on your needs from Glen Thompson, Utah Poultry & Farmers Cooperative dairy specialist. Ask you bfanch manager about this free service 2 fr 19 10 lb bag -25 lb bag -1- p, UNIVERSAL MILKER HI STANDBY PEANUT 22 oz jars, each feQC BUTTER DEL MONTE FREE STONE size cans 2 for S5C PEACHES-2V- 2 SWIFTS SPAGHETTI & MEAT BALLS- - 24 oz can yje PEANUTS Fancy 3 lb bag ffjc CHERRY CHOCOLATES - ng The best feed buy is always MILK WHITE FEED. There is a Milk White Feed for every need: cattle, dairy cows, calves, poultry, turkeys, dogs or whatever you need. Every Milk White Feed is carefully formulated to meet the exact needs for which it is prepared Only the finest ingredients ar used. You can ALWAYS depend on getting the most for your money with Milk White Feeds. MAIN--NEP- pound cans 1 m MILK WHITE FEEDS-- phone 179. STANDBY PUMPKIN - Utah Poultry & Farmers Cooperative a discount of $50 as a special Christmas building sold in offer for any Timber-LaThese efficient, modern, new December. buildings can be constucted for less than $1 per square foot. Write Jack Loveless, Utah P. O. Box 1620, Poultry & Farmes Co-oSalt Lake City, or see your local Branch Manager fo full information. NEPHI Q&YQUfUNEEDS d, FARM EQUIPMENT-- BETTER. Friday other subscriptions at Robert specialmagazine Xmas rates. Lawrence re Lit-a-Lu- re of-fei- LIVE CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR SOFT for all SALE at my home. Let me renew your Readers Digest and THIRD SOUTH School lunch menus for the school week of December 14 to December 18, inclusive, have been announced as follows: Vienna sausages, Monday hash brown potatoes, creamed peas, parsley spring, crisp fresh apple, oatmeal yeast rolls and butter, milk. Baked beef and Tuesday rice, buttered yams, emerald fruit cup, celery, spiced raisin confection, whole wheat bread and butter, milk. Wednesday Hamburgers, mint jelly, sauerkraut, vegetable set salad, rice pudding, white bread and butter, milk. Pork and gravy, Thursday mashed potatoes, tomato juice, buttered beans, carrot stick, sliced apple pudding with peanut butter topping, bread and butter, milk. Salmon cheese roll Friday carrots, cabbage salad, Club Meets . glazed puple plums, bread and butter, Mrs. L. Eugene Beck was milk. club hostess to the on Thursday, December 3rd. The program was under the PATSY INGRAM direction of Mrs. Beck and Mrs. Fred L. Gadd. The subject BEAUTICIAN and was Christmas legends associated with EVANS music. BEAUTY SALON Mrs. Clara Wheelwright presided and Mrs. Cleon Mem-mo-tt Phone 141 for appointment Lit-a-Lu- DISCOUNT-- TRIM UGLY BULGES mrk' READY FOR ACTION Resembling heavy artillery weapons drawn up for review, New York City snowplows are assembled before city hall, ready to do battle with enemy Winter. p! $50.00 PADS IMPROVE CIRCULATION CALL LORRAINE HAYES AT 329 CHRISTMAS SAVINGS dry-charge- MASSAGE COMPARE AND SEE WHY YOU GET MORE FROM TOPPER AT LESS COST P long-milea- EXCLUSIVE ONLY FOR THOSE WHO CARE FOR THE BEST! Lay-a-wa- 1 seven-tent- ROTOMATiC SCHOOL HEWS Modern FOR SALE brick home in ideal loTIMEX WATCHES $6.95 to cation (20 West 1st North) Mr. Oldroyd's SLvth Grade y now at Rob- Carpeted, steam heat. Reason$16.95. Are you wondering what the ert Hall Pharmacy. able terms. Kendall Realty & sixth teachers are teach' grade Ins. Co., Call 344. After 5:00 ing this year? I dont know 221J. about the other rooms, but in FOR SALE 1952 Ford F6 p.m. call room we are Mr. Oldroyds 14 ft. steel bed Truck steam Modern FOR RENT about many things. Of Glen Stephensen, Levan, phone learning heated furnished apartment course other rooms are learn0497R1. Price $750.00 Earl Hawkins, phone 302W ing, too. But we are learning, not all from books, but from experiments. Here are some of the things we have learned this way: AT We have learned how to CO-Omake oxygen, carbon dioxide, YOUR rust silver sulfide, charcoal, We and sugar from starch. have learned that light will faae, charcoal will burn better than wood, rust is changed to wonderThere are dozens of items that make iron by removing its oxygen, can be taken apart, ful and unusual gifts for Christmas ot your compounds and that C6 H10 05 ij starch, Look here. Co-oYou can save by shopping and that C6 H12 06 is sugar. These things have been over the many items offered . . . learned in science, and here are some more. We know how -For the to find a can see into the All sizes and types of tires for car, truck or first time we Other things we Way. Unico Tires with Milky tractor. The have learned in our other studhow Communsm beextra tread for extra mileage. Ask about the ies are: how a bank pays interest, gan, FREE oil December specials. A quart of what floating a bond means, and that gases can be changed read Litany. with every tire. to liquids and then into things Mrs. Gadd told of how cuslike nail polish. toms and traditions had come We think these things are down to us through the centuries, in the observance of the Get a factory fresh Unico very interesting. Mrs. Gary Yuletide season. oil of A quart Battery- - As low as $9.95. Kathlyn Chambers LaComb gave a vocal solo, acHave you ever tried to keep companied by Mrs. E. C. SherFREE with each battery sold during Decemtrack of what you have learn- wood and Mrs. L. Eugene Beck. ber at Utah Poultry ed in a day? Well, Mr. OldThe club members enjoyed Now a community sing of favorite royds sixth grade is youre probably asking yourself Christmas songs. Sixteen mem- how this is done? Lets starr1 bers were present. is - Together with all improvements thereon and all appurtenances thereto belonging including all water and water rights heretofore used on said land and more particularly described under Water Application No. 27967 filed in the office of the Utah State Engineer covering of a cubic second foot of water; together with all right, tile and interest in and to Certificate of Appropriation No. 19499; together with the pipeline now being used to convey said water herein above described place of use. Green. E. R. Bryson, Eureka Sylvian Lovell and Mayna Lovell, son and daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. La Forge Lovell of Leamington. Gary Shepherd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Shepherd, Levan. Lewis J. Hansen, Nephi Mrs. Marnie Winter, Levan. D. Euray, Fountain Green Mrs. Gordon Neilsen, Leamington. Mrs. Lee Anderson, Nephi Paul C. Chapman, Manti A son was born Decembei 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Seth Mcare Pherson. Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Arlin Stephensen of Nephi and Mrs. Roy Great McPherson of Nephi. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James Sorensen of Scipio and Martin Stephensen of Orem. five-roo- AND n. the 11th day of DecMrs. LaMar Paxman, Nephi ember, 1959, at 12 oclock noon Don Allred, son of Mr. and of that day in front of the Mrs. Alden Allred, Fountain 33, Township 12 South, Range 1 East,- Salt Lake Meridian, thence West links, thence 27 rods 22 North 015 West 1262 feet, more or less, to fence on North side of irrigation ditch which point is South 015 East 1378 feet, more or less, from the North boundary line of said Southeast quarter, thence Southeasterly following said fence 603 feet, more or less, to a point due North of beginning, thence South 904 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. acres, Containing more or less; Ie-va- on Courthouse in Nephi, Utah, I will in obedience to said order of sale and Decree of ForeclosUTAH. ure and sale, sell the above described property or so much BANK OF ST. GEORGE, a thereof as may be necessary Utah Corporation, to raise sufficient money to satPlaintiff isfy said judgment with interest, costs, and attorney6 fee, and to the ERNEST I. WILSON and best bidder UTAH for cash,highest JUNE B. WILSON, lawful money of the POULTRY & FARMERS CO- United States. OPERATIVE, a Utah CooperaDATED at Nephi, Juab tive Association, County, Utah, this 18 day of Defendants November, 1959. RAYMOND A. JACKSON NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Sheriff of Juab County FORECLOSURE SALE Dates of publication: NovembClvU No. S9S2 er 19, November 26, December 3, December 10, 1959, in The Under and by virtue of an Times-New- s, Nephi, Utah. order of sale and decree of foreof out issued sale and closure the District Court of the State FOR SALE Robert Sperry of Utah, in and for the County home at 240 North 2nd East of Juab on the 6th day of 223J. November, 1959, .in the above Inquire entitled action, wherein the Bank of St George, the above named Plaintiff, obtained a Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure and sale against the Ernest I. Wilson and June B, Wilson, two of the Defendants in the said action, on the 6th day of November, 1959, which Judgment and Decree was on the 16th day of November, 1959, recorded in the Book of I of said Court page 194, I am commanded to sell all that certain property in Juab County, State of Utah, and water rights used thereon and Certificate. No 1958 of the Nephi Irrigation Co., for 17 shares, all of which property is bounded and described as follows: REDUCING Recently admitted patients at the Juab County hospital include the following: Mrs. Woodrow Beard. LEGAL NOTICES HOME SYSTEM CHEESE VETS DOG FOOD 12 cans 'jjOO 59' FOOD Wholesun ORANGE JUIC- for E- 100 6 oz ens PICISWEETMEJT PIES 5 for I, QQ Breaded Shrimp 45c toilet 2 rolls 59 HOT -- READY TO th Of JUICE Gift Box chocolatas and buttar bona $2.15 2-1- 4 Iba. $3.15 the finest, freshest candy you can buy... Exclusively our ROBERT HALL PHARMACY 387c RED Phono 43 Ntph, Utah CHECK THE IGA ADS IN SALT LAKE AND PROVO PAPERS FOR MORE SPECIALS AVAILABLE AT BANANAS 2 RUGS bv I Prescription Specialist ORANGES EA'dens 59t fo pounds 2 GRAPET lbs 2Qc rrujgy man ( 56 EAST CENTER STREET NEPHI PHONE 57 Custom Cutting, Wrapping Frasiinq, Curing and Smetinr |