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Show IntJC-cixj- Mrs. Earl Warner Is Sodal Items jS Sl0$fllTAl Levan Local Hostess to Recent Beta Club Meeting Week end visitors of Mrs. Page Three Flosse Carter and Mr. and Mrs Harold Jones were Mr. and The final meeting of the curMrs. S. J. Whittaker and Mrs. rent season of the Beta Liter Recently admitted patients Storms Linden Whittaker of Salt Lake ary Club was held point at at the Juab County Hospital recently Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Norton rede formerly sold for $1.00 ea. City. the home of Mrs. Earl War- include: and family of Provo visited on 70 ONLY AVAILABLE at the ner. Mrs. Blanche Pexton, club Ruth Ann Ingram, daughter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. II Tlmes-New- s office (See them president conducted the meet of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ingram, Ray Francom. On Monday, Mrs. Dan entertainJohnson while our in window) Special, Beneficial storms Saturday ing and welcomed Mrs. Thad Nephi Mr. and Mrs. Leon Madsen of ed at a birthday party for her Nebeker 50c each A Juab and the last as a new member of Vern Mangelson, Levan Sunday deposited .71 of an Orem were guests at the FranStake Building Fund Booster inch of moisture, according to son Alex Dan, on his seventh the organization. Mildred Paxman, Nephi com home. Mrs. Norton and last birthday anniversary the report compiled by Ray' Club collect was read by project. son of Mr. Mrs. Madsen are Draper, Stephen e Thirty-ninof his daughters of Mrs. A. V. Jacobsen. Mrs. mond Christiansen, at the City Thursday. Foun- Mr. and Mrs. Francom. friends were guests. Delicious Powell introduced Mrs. G.Bert and Mrs. Richard Draper, Hall. The R tain Green. local observations r iwrvv'w,'t refreshments were served and are taken Ila Jean Collard, daughter of Saturday guests at the home daily during the the children had a fine time. Judd who entertained with an of music. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Collard, home morning for the proceeding of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. John- interesting evening refreshments were ser- Nephi. period. Wankier were Mr. and Mi's son also entertained for their vedLight A err x ? w. 111. Date Mrs. to Miles Paul Wallace, Harvey, Anderson, High Low Prec. son in observance of his birth. V k. Udell Wankier and family of Mrs. Arnold Brough, Mrs. Jack Allen Taylor, son of Mr. and I .00 and Mr. and Mrs. Guests were Copperton, day anniversary. .00 his Brough, Mrs. Max Bowies, Mrs. Mrs. Howard Taylor, Nephi. Robert Marshall and daughters Mr. and Mrs. Allen grandparents, Mrs. .00 James S. Christensen, George Evalyn Ostler, Nephi of American Fork. Johnson; and Merl 1 ce Mrs. Milton L. Har.11 Neilson, son of Mrs. Prisof Fountain Green Mrs. Harmon, Ivory Mrs. cilla Neilson, Nephi mon, Mrs. Sam .60 The Silhouettes Club met A 'yt'i Keller, his teacher; Miss Bar- Thad Nebeker, Hayes, Mrs. A. V. Dean Howard, Mills .00 bara Dean last Wednesday evening at the Brooks, Arlene and Jacobsen, Mrs. Jack Ludlow, Call D. Snow, Nephi home of Mrs. Nora Gilson. In Mary Lou Ilintze. Mrs. Fred Morgan, Mrs. Othel Robins McPherson, son of attendance were Mrs. Marilyn THANKS Pay, Mrs. Harlow Pexton, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. LaMont McPher- Worwood, Mrs. Marilyn KenMrs. May Burton, returned Ernest Wilson, Mrs. Bert Pow- son, Nephi dall, Mrs. Arlene Emmons, Mrs The Juab Presidency takes and the hostess, Mrs. Earl Oliver Sidwell, Nephi Nada Allen, Mrs. Joyce Wan-ki- e this opportunity to extend ap- home Sunday after visiting with ell Warner. and the hostess, Mrs. Gilpreciation and thanks to all her family members in Salt 'i who assisted in any way to Lake City, Murray and Orem. son. make the Stake Smorgasbord On April 19 she attended the Reception Friday award ceremony and program Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stephen-seon Monday evening 1 held state for the mothers, and daughters spent the past past successful. Honors Newly-wed- s nomweek end in lava where they Especially do we wish to district mothers and past visited with Mrs. Stephensons thank Dr. P. L. Jones, chair- inated mothers which was held On April 24, Miss Sharon man of the Stake Building com- in the University ward chapel Fowkes, daughter of Mr. and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford Tanner. mittee; Raymond A. Jackson in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Wa- Mrs. Thomas G. Fowkes became Counbabies New Juab the at and R. Elgin Gardner who as- lter A. Kerr, State Chairman, the bride of Lynn R. Balle, son ty Hospital during the past Mrs. Ruby Winter has reof Mrs. Leo R. Balle of Payson. sumed chairmanship and co- presided. week include: home after a weeks visat was The marriage performed chairmanship of the general born April 23, to Merrill turned in Roosevelt with her son Manti Temple with Peter andSon,DeVona the it committee for the SmorgasRoberts Howard FOR SALE Electric water L. Frandsen Mr. and daughter in law, Mr. and bord; Roy W. Hanson, who was heaters For the best deal in Frandsen is aofficiating. Mrs. Vern Winter. cousin of the of Nephi. in charge of tickets and public- town call Baton Son, to Ted J. and Dora Jean Plumbing Co. groom and an ordinance workity; and the countless others Meldrum Anderson, Levan, ApMr. and Mrs. Herman Chriser at the Temple. who contributed of time and ril 26. visited in American tensen A reception on Friday evenfoodstuffs to make the evening Ar-dDaughter, to Dwane and PEOPLE on Friday with Mr. and ward Fork one of the most successful ev- YOliHG ing at the First-Secon- d B. Tidwell of Nephi, April Mrs. Gordon Francom, and in The 27. honored the newlyweds. ents yet held. Many hands a Provo with Mr. and Mrs. Vern ballerina selected bride made light work and many INVITED TO Sorensen. length gown of Chantilly lace hands assisted in this endeavover satin with a bustle of five or, and we are grateful to all Day Mrs. Ella Anderson of Salt tiers of net, designed with a of them. MEETING SUNDAY An extension telephone ... in Lake City spent the week en fitted bodice and a square neckAnd far from the least, we and Monday at the home of your choice of 9 new colors, are truly grateful for all who All Aaronic Priesthood mem- line trimmed with sequins. The gift boxed and sleeves at buttoned attractively pointed long Club held her son in law and daughter, The 20th supported the building pro- bers of the wards of Juab the delivered Eo your home. Mr. and Mrs. Romaine Manand her finger tip their April Century wrist, tickof 23rd gram purchase through call meeting at gelson. Just your telephone Stake, and the young ladies of veil was crowned with pearls. afand at the delicious attendance a Cafe where ets, office. business the same ages 12, through 19 Mrs. Jack Llewellyn, sister Rays fair. meal was enjoyed. Mrs. James years, are invited to attend a of the bride, was matron of H. Mrs. Bonnie Paystrup was ' Mountain States Telephone Sincerely, Eager said grace and the hostess to the Civic-ettemorns Club special Sunday Palmmeeting Miss Verna with honor, was presided over by Juab Stake Presidency, ing at 8:30 a.m. at the First er, Mi's. Ramon Wilkey, Mrs. meeting last Wednesday evening. The R. Roscoe Mrs. L. she Gadd Fred and Garrett, By Second Ward hall. Dex Shepherd as brides maids. discussed the business matters following ladies enjoyed the President. Scheduled to be speaker, ac- Robert picture show at the Venice Balle, brother of the of the club. cording to E. Rulon Brough of bridegroom was best man and Theatre in Nephi, and then had Mrs. Reeve Richardson gave the Juab Stake Presidency, Lester Broadhead was usher. a very interesting and infor- lunch at the Snak Shak Cafe: is Dr. Milton Hartvigsen of the Helping with the gifts were mative report on Alaska, the Mrs. Louise Taylor, Mrs. PaulHealth Education Staff of the Shirlene Slack and Patricia Mrs. Carol HanShe then showed ine Mangelson, 49th state. Enid Mrs. Worwood, Mrs. Brigham Young University. sen, Vicki Newby. Wheelwright, two films, one on Alaska and Church leaders recently were Joan Irene Mangelson, Mrs. Alice Sandra Kay one on Palestine. Worthington, by the First Presidency Cook and Gale assisted The 3rd South urged was enjoyed by Shepherd, Mrs. Jewel Grant, The TEXACO SERVICE STATION to sponsor local observance of with the servingWilkey Mrs. while Corrine Mrs. F.evening H. Beckstead, Mrs. A. Mrs. Blanch Stephensen, SalYouth Fitness Week, May 2 to Garrett helped to list the guests Mrs. Melba Eileen Ballow, A. Boston, Mrs. II. C. Crane, and Main New Paint Inside and Out Ready 9, and this meeting is to fur- during the evening. Mrs. James H. Eager, Mrs. Fred low, and Mrs. Bonnie Paystrup ther local discussion of this L. Gadd, Mrs. C. W. Glazier, to Move Into Contact Mr. and Mrs. LaVem Stepimportant subject. C. R. Jenkins Mrs. P. L. Mrs. Lunch School Menus atOthers who may want to hensen were in Salt Lake City Mrs. Mrs. J. II. Jones, Keller, tend to hear Dr. Hartvigsens where they visited J. W. Paxman, Mrs. Bent R. Wednesday E. R. SHAW Phone 71 or 8 discussion are surely welcome, Are Announced at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. and Mrs. Reeve Bryan President Brough stated. Neldin Stephensen. School lunch menus for the He also stated that the meet4 to 10, inclusive, week of E May Mr. and Mrs.LaMar Dalby ing will be dismissed in ample have been announced as folThe Lady Republicans Club and time fo the youth to return to Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Wan4 will lows: on meet Monday, May their respective ward Sunday kier spent the week end at Ely, Macaroni and at Carter Cafe, beginning at 8 Monday Schools. Nevada. cheese with weiniers; carrot p.m. The United Nations team stick, lettuce wedge, cherries, which recently participated in Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowers and the Model United Nations at hot roll and butter, milk. family of American Fork visitExplorers Purchase New Tuesday Pork and gravy, Salt Lake City will be guests ed over the week end with Mrs. -cooked cabbage, creamed po- at the meeting. All members Sadie Bowers and Mrs. Edna Pack Equipment tatoes, apricots, peanut butter are invited to attend, and any- Sherwood. cookie, bread and butter, milk. one desiring to meet with the Lima beans club and to become affiliated Explorer Post 2132 recently Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. II. Ray Franpurchased ten army field packs. and ham, crisp fresh lettuce, as a member is encouraged to com had as their guests on FriThe packs were bought from celery stick, orange, apple sauce do so. day, Earl Francom of Spring-vill- e the Boy Scouts of America brownie, bread and butter, and and on Saturday Lynn through Boyd Ivie, local field milk. and sons of Provo. Francom HELP WANTED Beef stew, cabrepresentative of the National Thursday Man woman Electsell or to Parks council. water cress, salad, cheese, bage The boys say the packs are "Spudnut, baking powder bis- ronic organs in this area. Work full or part time. Good comvery comfortable and can car- cuit and milk. ry a large amount of supplies. Friday Turkey rice casser- missions. Keyboard knowledge First use of the packs will prob- ole, butttered beans, peaches, helps. Interviews in your city hike on apple-oatmeably be an over-nigcookie, cheese, soon. Write applications to: May 15. spring parsley, bread and but- - Herger Organ Center, 39 North 2nd West, Provo, Utah. JimJensen, Reporter ter, milk. Nephi, Utah Thursday, ball PExs-iiuna-Ben- April 30, 1959 News Briefs eficial i 24-ho- vi j fUA Wy n lary Is sponsoring a clothing drive for the Utah State hospital at Provo. All kinds of clothing needed, and all sizes from children to adults. Especially needed are good, wearable L D S approved pattern garments. The clothing need not be cleaned or mended, as that work will be done by patients at the hospital as part of their therapy and work. The Auxiliary Ladies will call at homes in Levan for the clothing between May 4 and May 9. The Lady Lions held their meeting last Thursday at the were City Hall. In attendance Flor-ene Mrs. Ixiuise Taylor, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Pauline Mangelson, Mrs. Irene Mangelson, Mrs. Verna Gardner, Mrs. VirLucille Mrs. ginia Howard, Shepherd, Mrs. Bessie Paystrup, Mrs. Edna Hansen, Mrs. Marie Wood, Mrs. Cora Wankier and Mrs Anna Shepherd. pots so clean? Blue Lustre of course . . . it's tops Chapman Furniture Co., 61 South Main Street See their new store today. EXE YOUR OLD WATCH IS WORTH MORE ON TRADE IN AT NEPHI JEWELRY j 105 WEST CENTER is the new home of Mr. and Mrs. II. Ray Fran-- 1 com visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Francom in Lehi; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Francom in American Fork; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Madsen in Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Orem, Norton and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Francom in Provo, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Francom in 8 W SERVICE R for the best in farm, auto and general mechanics. Phone 66 G. E. Full-- 1 FOR SALE in good size electric range Call 209J evenings condition PERFECT GIFT for Mother's Social Items I FOR LEASE at - - - We Compound Prescriptions Promptly and Precisely . . . Inasmuch as our prescription service tops our list of services to you, we "keep up" with all that's new in world. This enables us to the pharmaceutical-medica- l newest the products your doctor may order anticipate for you. For prompt, modern sevice, bring us your next prescription. SEED BARLEY OATS KOMAR SEED WHEAT JUAB COUNTY MILL 8 ELEVATOR CO. For Your Town WWlMi'On ht stfhDftw WXOJ al 6 xk ty . . . 4 jfet 7 ' YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER Your local newspaper strives to represent every facet of the community. It promotes business by advertising products and services; it supports churches, schools, and civic clubs by publishing information concerning their activities; it recognizes individual members of the community as interesting events occur in their lives; and it spreads local news, and national news in local terms. By helping different factions of the community to learn bbout each other, your local newspaper promotes understanding and cooperation for the good of the entire area. . & Qj SOLID, UNITING FORCE! t mmreraratW;V A i if iVV m. ffk a Top. Th. Galax.. Club Vctona hardtop . . . Bottom. Th. Galax.a Towti Victoria hardtop WEVE GOT THE NEWEST (AND LOWEST-PRICE- D) (SjcA S'' ''' HELP r YOUR TOWN GROW! SUPPORT k 46 YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER! Inside youll find new deep-pil- e carpet and n seats inspired by the Thunder-birThere Thunderbird V-- 8 power, too. Start living this elegant new life today! Come in and see the Th underbird-inspire- d Galaxie by Ford! In case you havent already discovered them, there are six shiny new stars in our showrooms. We call them the Ford Galaxie models . . . and you'll call them the glamour cars of the year ! In long, low lines, in luxury and performance, these Galaxie Fords say Thunderbird! d. deep-cushio- r.Bav.p. Utah, PRESS' ASSOCIATION COME IN 14 WIST IIOADWAT BAIT tAKI CITT, UTAH AND SEE THE LATEST or THE W0R10S MOST lEAiTirmir riorotusNEO cars VERSIONS o PARKIN MOTOR CO. 137 SOUTH MAI!! STREET - Only Ford Dealers Sell A-- 1 - PHOiiE USED 3 2 CARS 1 - I1EPIII, UTAH AND TRUCKS |