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Show THE Six 'age TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, S, sonsor a Hike Sale Satuiday at yur hastwnd Christensen's Ballow, Mrs. Alice Shepherd, Mrs Vonda Bosh, Mrs. Bonnie Pay-struMrs. Jewel Grant, Mrs. Enid Worwood, Mrs. Blanche Stephensen, Mrs. Carol Hanson, Mrs. Codeal Brough, Mrs. Mary D. Aagard, Mrs. Eileen Ballow; special guests, Mrs. Emily Bosh, Mrs. Floy Harper of Levan; and Mrs. Jean Linton of Nephi; and the hostess, Mrs. Mangelson. p, in cotton and nylon styles! A terirffic assortment of Girls' Dresses! Ladies Blouses News Briefs of Nephi - n assorted colors Mr. and Mrs. Con Robbins of Scipio have been recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McPherson. at 2.29! Priced - Small sizes l.QQ Ladies and Girls Coats Men's Sweaters Men's 'Levis' y3 Famous Brand - Lighter Blues 3 BLOUSES - One 5.98 --- table - All - Values SALE FOR ON refunds, returns, exchanges or HP. LHl W'M W J.9Q - -- 1.77 lay-awa- 79C yard on sales items) 'H'l' jj, V7 & t&v. 9 i. , ALL BY HIMSELF An unwelcome guest on the main street of Wakefield, K.I , may be wondeiing (if skunks wonder) why the streets aie dcscitcd. Pedestrians kept their distance until the striped fellow disappeared. OFF to PRATTS rwntlimw S& New! Reg. 98c yd NOW jNo OFF - Regular 4.98 values -- ONLY CORDUROY Coats are tailored in the new styles of All Wool Materials Priced . . Tlmes-New- Other Dresses All You can make your STOCKS ARE AT THEIR BEST NOW selection and pay las little as $5.00 down and we will hold your selection until wanted. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson were in Spring City and Moroni last Thursday. Mr Anderson was a special guest at the Aletha Club at Spring City held at the home of Mrs. Harry Sondrup. Telephone your local and social s items to The office, Phone 196, on Monday or Tuesday. Christmas Now Available 5 lb box Chocolates, Candies 2 67. 2li lb box Chocolates 1.47. Pecan Patties $1.00. Christensens. Exflra Special Values House Dresses Lay-aAV- Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Foote land Margie were hosts to a farewell party on Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harris and family who are moving to California. Present besides the hosts and guests of honor wrere Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Bosh and family, of Salt Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lake City; Francom and family of Spring-villMr. and Mrs. Lynn Hone 29.95; . and up "It Doesn't Cost a Lot at GARBETT'S to be Well Dressed" Qta-rbatt- Begin using our system now on your Christmas stropping. Robert Hall Pharmacy Nephi Local and Social Items ay Lxelusive Ladies Shop The Stitch and Chat bers entertained their husbands Saturday night at the home of Mr. A and Mrs. Marvin Anderson. delicious dinner was served at 6:30 Social entertainment was p.m. enjoyed by the group during the evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Briggs, M. and Mrs. Henry and family of Nephi. Svedin, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wil-keMr. and Mrs. Rue Golden, CLARK REST HAVEN" Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cooper and June Clark of Spring City an- Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. nounces the opening of a Rest WaitHome for Ladies Kindness our GIRL WANTS WORK first consideration. Call 023-Rress, housework or baby sitting Spring City. 4tip Call 375. e; y, 5, 1 A t: - : V frrr?nnrnri', iiWiroiraiii "i Rsnsal PS3 PASSED On To You BELOW SALT LAKE PRICES FREE FREE NORMAL ONE YEAR INSTALLATION THE BEST MONEY CAN BUY V BUILT IN LINT FILTER WASHING V 2 SPEED WASH AND SPIN 1. Feel 1-- 2 test... feel the difference Permanent 2. Feel Permanent DEEP SUPPORT TOP SOFTNESS 79 levels spine relaxes muscles DRYER V Extra Large 50 EACH Pull or Twin Sizo Companion Box Spring $om Prico Blower for FAST Drying V 2 Cycle Drying Normal and Wash n m Wear ... V Infinite Drying Heat r see how patented lightly Sertaliner construction gives you permanent top softness with AGATATOR CLEAN WASH MONEY SAVING SUDS MISER Come make this SERVICE WASHER Auto Door V Tumble Shut-of- highly resilient innersprings not just upholstery. Press lightly, feel how responsive at body contact Heres permanent comfort to relax muscles. f Blower Only ... see how, at full Press hard body weight, ribbons of steel in Sertaliner construction give firmness to the innersprings and distribute your weight to prevent sag. Press hard, feel the permanent firmness doctors advise for spine-levsleep. Advortisod Amoricon In th Journal of tho Mdica! Association No Heat the greatest mattress invention of all time patented Sertaliner spring construction Let us show you Factory Prices as Much as Factory Prices as Much as A demonstration is worth thousands of words. Come in . . . make the 2 demon- stration shown above. Its revealing and ex- - 279 citing to anticipate the kind of sleep enjoy on this truly modem smooth-tomattress. Our bedding specialists tell us its promise of really sleep is not but a positive, happy fact. just a claim p ... youll SMOOTH TOP -- NOW $ NOW 16 A THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO BUY AT REAL LOW, MONEY SAVING PRICES SHOP NORTH OR SOUTH AND FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF!! SHOP AND SAVE asrasas Get this modern smootli-toj- i Sertapeclic mattress for the worlds most restful sleep! club mem- "P? tafagstaai gzxss'stjtx ibxxhzw mszvrjsss 1958 Civic-ette- JUST ARRIVED- DUSTERS 13, Mrs. Irene Mangelson was hostess to the s Club last Wednesday evening. The following members and guests were in attendance: Mrs. Louise Taylor, Mrs. Pauline Mangelson, Mrs. Gwen Stcphensen, Mrs. Melba PRATTS Beautiful new November Thursday, Xcivs of Levan - for Christmas gifts for here's an idea pocket sie adding machine only 3 95. Nephi Drug Co. IK,kin THIRD WARD PRIMARY will' UTAH P i ; "PerfectSleeper Mattress ' at.a |