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Show THE Six 'age tlttf A. BLAINE ?ETERSON Democratic Candidate j fr Congress Y 15 QUALIFIED vl A,, fcnH;nfr I -. to better represent you in Congress Hlaine Petersons wide experience in the practice of law, in legislative and administrative office, in party leadership, in civic and church activity has given him the right training for Congress. He has served as Weber County Attorney, as State Representative, and on the Legislative Council. All this, plus three years specializing in oil and mining law in Monticello, has giveji him a real understanding of the economic and legislative needs of this district. Book Report is Talk on Lebanon Given For 20th Century Club Of Recent Meeting of Lit-- a Lure Reading Club The 20th Century Club met at the home of Mrs. J. L. Belliston on Thursday, October 23. They had as their guests, members of the Beta Literary Club. Mrs. Don Steele gave a very stimulating and informative reiort on her stay in Lebanon, and told of the customs, dress, occupations, culture and problems of the people there. She also told something of the history of the country, and of their desire for recognition.. Members present were Mrs. C. H. Lomax, Mrs Reeve Richardson, Mrs Will L. Hoyt, Mrs. Wilson Glazier, Mrs. James II. Eagar, Mrs Warrillow Brough, Mrs James II. Keller, Mrs. Fred L. Gadd, Mrs. Earl Reid, Mrs. II. C Crane and Mrs. Bolliston. Mrs. Albert C. Starr was hostclub recess to the ently at her home. Litany was read by Miss Naomi Bailey. A book review was given by Mrs. J. E. Andrews on "Dont Eat the Daisies" written by Jean Kerr. Problems were presented by Mrs. Starr and discussed by the Those enjoying the members. evening were Mrs. A K. Johnson, Mrs. Gayle Yorgason, Mrs. Eugene Beck, Mrs. Lee Bailey, Mrs. F. II. Beckstead, Mrs. Clyde C. Cleon L. Memmott, Child, Mi-s- . Mrs. Merle McPherson, Mrs. Carl Wilkey, Mrs. Naomi Bailey, Mrs Munro Pexton, Mrs. Udell R. Jen sen, Mrs. Neldon Worthington Mrs. J. E. Andrews and the host ess, Mrs. Starr. FOR SALE Boys Schwinn Corvette Bicycle - 2 years old - in very good condition $30.00 John Kent Aagard, p. o. box 417, Fountain Green. DEPART STATES UNITED MENT OF THE INTERIOR, Bur Not eau of Land Management. Ice for Publication Vote PETERSON for CONGRESS V' Paid Political Advertisement ffrpss by not thisV PUBLIC SALE the principal or his agent, either personally at the sale or by mail Bids for a parcel must be for all the lands in the parcel. Bids sent by mail will be considered only if received at 312 Federal Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, prior to 11 o'clock a.m. on November Bids must be in sealed 12, 1958. envelopes accompanied by certified checks, money orders, bank drafts, or cashier's checks made payable to the Bureau of Land Management, for the amounts of the bids. The envel-oje- s must be marked in the lower d comer Public Sale Bid, Serial No. U028651, Sale held November 12, 1958. The highest bidder at the sale will be required to pay immediately the amount thereof. Any adverse claimants of land should the file their claims, or objections, with the undersigned on or before the time designated for sale. Any contiguous owner claiming a preference right must assert such right to the undersigned within 30 days from the above sale date. However, contiguous owners will not be able to assert their preference rights to any parcel for which bids are not received. For to owners of reimbursement authorized improvements on the lands, payment of cost of publication, and other requirements, see 43 CFR, Part 250. For further E. Ernest information, write: House, Manager Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. post-offi- ' says . . . Lit-a-La- re AS IN CRAMPED, ORDINARY SEATS) (DEEP KNEE BENDS LOW-SLUN- G ' ,v v.. v f a.w r. NSE gress. ' PARKIN MOTOR COMPANY d For our natural resources, for water development, for our defense installations, and industries, for the laws you want, Utah needs representation in the Democratic majority in Con- Sty.'" " " Feature Interesting, Informative October 30th, Thursday, White bulky - knit September 19, 1958 all wool sweater ladies Pursuant to application serial small size Reward. Phone No. Utah 028651, and under proM4M. visions of section 2455, R. S. (43 U. S. C. 1171) there will be offerFOR SALE Modern ed to the highest bidder, but at home; 34 basement. Fur- not less than the appraised value, nace. Also 55W International hay at a public sale to be held at 11 baler. International oclock a.m., onthe 12th day of rod weder; November next, at Land Office, windrower; 12-f- t. t. offset disc plow; t. sweep 312 Federal Building, Salt Lake plow; 18 ft trailer house. Eugene City, Utah, the following tracts of E. Wilkey, 41 West 3rd North. land: Sec. SW!4NE, Phone 503. Sec. 34; T 13 S., R. 33; NSW 1 W., S.L. Mer., Utah, 200 acres; HOME FOR SALE at Fountain Appraised Value $950. The lands 3 bedrooms Green All mod- will be sold subject to a reservaem Furnace heat Gwen John- tion of all oil and gas to the Unitson, Phone 228 Fountain Green. ed States. Bids may be made by MAJORITY DEMOCRATIC UYAH LOST UTAH needs representation in the NEPHI. TIMES-NEW- Walter K. Granger f but this (MIDDLE-MA- 1 LEG ROOM N AND COMFORTABLE, SPACE-PLANNE- INTERIORS) D IN THE FABULOUS NEW ce left-han- HOTEL NEVADA JM and BANK CLUB ELY, NEVADA Offer an Absolutely FREE WEEK of FUN. END Packed Full k You Receive a Deluxe Room and a Sumptuous Dinner to Your Choosing i For Further Information Contact LORAN GARRETT, Phone Nephi 362 Made of stained TOWERING glass, this reproduction of Paris Eiffel Tower, standing seven feet high and containing 1,300 pieces of glass, was built by Anthony Virga of Clifton, N.J. WHY SHOULDN'T UTAH'S SPORTSMEN BE ENTITLED TO STATE CONTROLLED MaacEmgjj? o COLORADO HAS IT! o ARIZONA HAS IT! o NEW MEXICO HAS IT! CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, OREGON, WASHINGTON. Pari-Mutu- el Voting FOR x Initiative Petition No. One you would 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dates of publication: October 9, 16, 23, 30 and November 6, 1958 in The Times-New- s, Nephi, Utah. INITIATIVE PETITION Initiative Petition Number Ona That Initiative Petition entitled An Act Relating to Horse Racing and Providing for the Creation of a Utah Racing Commission and Defining Its Duties and Powers and Permitting Parimutuel Wagering has been duly filed in the Office of the the Secretary of State within legal filing period for filing same, containing the required number of signatures of registered voters, and that following is a full, correct and true copy of the ballot title to be shown on the ballots as Initiative Petition Number One and submitted to the electors of the State for approval or rejection at the election to be held on the fourth day of November, A.D. A LAW BE ENACTED PERMITTING PARIMUTUEL WAGERING AT HORSE RACING MEETS AND CREATING A STATE RACING COMMISSION. THE COMMISSION IS TO ISSUE LICENSES AND PROMUL- SHALL Issue have contended Those opposed to the I that the public is not qualified to do their own thinking by endeavoring to remove this issue from the ballot. ... Support 30 hometown Utah celebrations. Curb illegal gambling. Encourage new tourist spending in Utah. Provide more money for the state treasury. a new industry. Create new breeding farms MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND - DONT LET SOMEONE TELL YOU HOW TO VOTE ON THIS ISSUE. Paid political advertisement by Utah Racing Association Ralph Child Springville, President PARKIN MOTOR COMPANY d 1958. AND MONTANA HAVE IT. By above-describe- COMING IN A FEW DAYS TO All Utah will win - PHONE Watkins exercises with so much distinction in a place of high public trust. 312 - NEPHI, UTAH with WATECIM Now it becomes increasingly clear that Utah people will not be stampeded from making their choice on the basis of the practical and effective application of good judgement of the kind Arthur V. i r ,is . 'If' , a , - re , i , He is a man who has not and will not allow himself or the office he holds to be used as a front for a "front" organization. WATKINS' INTERESTS ARE THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF THE NATION AND UTAH. He is a man who will not "panic" when the going is rough, nor will he abandon the principles of a lifetime to flee under fire to the false shelter of the mob. Watkins stands on a lifetime of adherence to strict basic principles of thrift and economy, a man who practices both in private and public life. A & iMwrn irimgrhtrtrrTiTiTi'if ' r. , 4 r ia ing to "rewrite" the Constitution single handed. Watkins stands on a record of loyal support to the Constitution of the United States which he believes was divinely GATE RULES FOR THE HOLDING OF RACING EIGHTY -- SEVEN PER CENT OF ALL MONEY WAGERED AT ANY MEET SHALL BE RETURNED TO PERSONS HOLDING 'WINNING TICKETS, TWO PER CENT TO THE UNIFORM SCHOOL FUND. ONE PER CENT TO THE COMMISSION, NINE PER CENT TO THE SPONSORING ORGANIZATION. AND, TO SECURE COLLECTION OF INCOME TAXES, ONE PER CENT OF MEETS. inspired will You will win with Watkins because he not stoop to the deception of promis- - Yes, Utah will win with Watkins, with continued achievement in behalf of all of the people of our state, because he will continue to make his only success the success of good repreentation and good government. Vote for good Government... VOTE REPUBLICAN WINNING WAGERS TO STATE TAX COMMISSION. ONLY PARIMUTUEL WAGERING IS AUTHORIZED. LICENSES MAY BE 137 SOUTH MAIN STREET RE- VOKED FOR ANY VIOLATION OF THIS ACT. AGAINST TOR IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Real of the State of Utah, at Salt Lake City. In said state, this twenty-nint- h day of September. 1958. LAMONT F. TORONTO Secretary of State U.S. Senator Arthur V. Watkins "Me Gets Things Done!" Paid Political Advertlement by J. L Worthington Juab County Republican Chairman 1 958 |