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Show Pag THE Eight The Road Toll See DUD'S RITUWAY for TV Teleand Appliance Service vision and radio tubes tested free by Jerry Marcus of cluirge. All sizes of electFOR SALE ric or coal water heaters at very Call Barton Plumb' good prices 317 North Main mg Co. at 93W The Municipal Rose Garden it an accredited rose garden of the American Rose Society. Local club ladies have received Customers who enWANTED joy the best meat at everyday low U. S. Choice Beef trimprices. med of all excess fat and bone word that the Ivory Fashion la the All American rose selection winner for 1959. Club ladies extend thanks all those who helped In any way to clean up the garden and plant the new roses. Spcial thanks go to boys of the Junior High School for the help they gave, and to the caretaker for the splendid work he does. Members of the Rose Garden Committee also extend an invita tion to all to visit and enjoy the Rose Garden during this coming summer. Tasty Tenderness Guaranteed Johnsons IGA Super Market, Need an extra TV We have good used sets at reasonable prices Chapman Furiture Co. theyre out Newspaper Glass Cleaner. Its amazing. Chapman Furiture Co., Nephi. 4-- cJtaue Gai Electric H m Sparks Will lade! Better than 97 of the road toll cars were apparently in PANSIES, violas, delphinium. Painted and Shasta Daisies, Campanulu, Canterberry Bells, Snap Dragons, Columbine, Many carieties of Petunias and Marigolds, White and Purple Single and double portulaea, SERVICE Ar-mer- ia PARTS Aliy-ssu- HAVE YOUR CAR SAFETY CHECKED! Lobelia Verbena, Asters, Salvia, Ageratum Zinnias and many other varieties of flowers and also vegetable plants Roy V. Olson, 212 South Center. Santaquin. Phone ehap.maa 9913. juiewhere In this great who may be a teen-agday will make a vital con-utlto the nation con-ilnew uses of electricity electronics. The opportunity Electric pro-- a In the conducted by the Cooper-- j Extension Service for i members between the of 10 and 21. Is highly probable that n Reo FOR SALE power lawn hand mower, mower, Merry Tiller; Shop Smith, new; new 4X hunting scope; beautiful Birdseye Maple rifle stock for prewar Mdl. 70. Singer treadle sewing 25-i- e er on ng machine; Hollywood bed frame; inner poster bed; box springs; spring mattress; chrome and red breakfast set. Phone 202. ! clpating project nd a Two bedroom FOR SATE modern home Coal Stoker heat only 30 minutes to ed. Electric water heater 34 er In IT TAKES clean a 9 x 12 rug with odorless basement. Youngstown Kitchen. Blue Lustre Its tops Chap-ma- n Financing available Call 353W Furniture Co., Nephi. for information. Phone 433 cal and , They E-- to dp odays need e and seien- M.dcil Courty Ecu ai ded .idreds of irori dy achieved nation-wid- e for their inven'ivert ts i application oi ticctr.eal rgy to both larm and hc,..e e. In addition, thousands .ve been rewarded bv tie Education. .'estingliou.se mndation, which has sup-te- d Elcctue pio-- i tlie for almost a quarter o: a 1 Rayon Linen Special ..lainta . Special Purchase for i to some divido an EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES! Nephi, Utah 1 19 South Main SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPHI who ex- ceptionally good THESE Job. Coun,T Medal The Hercules Powder Cr. offers swards like the medal pictured above, an trip to Club Comrre's the National in Chicago, and 4400 colleo scholarships for six national champions. Has Vaiicd Application The entomology project is one that can be successfully as completed by city well as those living In rural areas There are several categories, namely: Insect collections; life history studies; Insect surveys and control i demonstrations and exhibits. Already a favarite of many boys and girls, the project frequently loads to an interesting; hobby. The Cooperative tension Service directs the Entomology program, and information regarding enrollment can be obtained from tl o County Extension Agent. For the Smoothest-Cut- , Smartest-Lookin- Lawns in Town THEYRE HERE! fABUlOUS NIW LAWN -- BO H POM M0WIKS Come in now! See the amazing new one for Eight great power mowers your lawn and budget See for example the LAWN-BOnew Automower, or the wonderful, lightweight Deluxe (shown here) featuring the sensational Activated Pilot Wheel that keeps the LAWN-BOcutting level even on rough, rutted lawns. Your lawn will look better with less work by you, when you use a quality-buil- t, Vows of Locust - - A family dinner recently honored Clark S. Wood on his birthday anniversary. In attendance for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Wood and Lawrence Wood of Delta; Mrs. Millie p of Desereta; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Wood, and Mrs. Hazel Harmon of Holden; Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Wood of Salt Lake City! Mrs. Lee Wood and daughter Norma of Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Wood and son of Levan, and the honored guest and hostess: Mr. and Mrs. Clark S. Wood of LAWN-BO- MENS WATCH BAND SPECIAL STAINLESS STEEL $1.95 at NEPHI JEWELRY Yi Eight mode Ij. from $69 95 COME IN TODAY -- AND BE SURE TO ASK FOR A FREE HOME TRIAL! Chapman Furniture Co. of r:i i.,r e project u,e to ut f 'ictia.ltv ; 'd Ks n . ', to develop " e c :r n p . lg with c..ect,.e Iv.- i.e . co..irk"in p.o.e s submit Emir m i.oveu.' t ords in co: ,,i ,i..on unly, state ai d n tlo... .arils pi ov idl'd Iv V.'c'.m,-usc- . y :r 1 4.99 County vviirer; id recede edals 111 e the c. o p''ti;: hove The i,t'te .rn r v Cl h .tend tlo Nation. Congress i:i Chico ' o will ' p Id. v. 'e tional vvinnirs a, ill bn r.".-- : rd d ' S!00 co'.li'fo so ov 1 v SLIPS or Cotton dends NOW AT Phone 280 the project. In fact, It hand- BUY SPORTSMANS SUPPLY CENTER started in pays 1 ii.ls i.U.ii ii pnnci.il ob.iv.ivrs . ae , Mother's Day - Rayon no investment is required to get SPECIAL PRICES UNTIL SATURDAY MAY 17 QUIET WRITER ONLY 99.95 (plus tax) Regular 141.99 NEW STREAMLINED REMINGTON TRAVEL WRITER ONLY 69 95 (plus tax) Regular $98.74 REMINGTON LETTER WRITER 14.43 Regular NOW ONLY 87.95 (plus tax) ONLY 1.50 PER WEEK $5.00 DOWN ry. ca. DRESSES FOR GRADUATION! One project that every boy and girl can undertake Enconcerns insects. It Is tomology, and provides unlimited opportunities to learn more about control of bugs and pests which annually cause millions of dollars worth of damage In the state. Awards OITered One of the best features is that little or Dus-nu- itific wezmammmemBt Nylon GIVE A REMINGTON TYPEWRITER H 65 thru Scientists ,i good condition. SALES Thursday, May 8th, 1958 Rose Garden Beautified; New Plantings Made Federated Ladies Clubs of Neput considerable time and effort the past few weeks in beautifying the Neplii Rose gar den. Six dozen new roses have been planted and a new rose bed added to the garden. The new bed was added to honor the moth ers of the year, and In it was planted one dozen of the beau tiful Grandiflora Gold Coast roses. This is a new rose and will be on the market within the next year. used sofa in good FOR SALK condition. Chapman Furniture, 740 North Main NEPHI, UTAH S, phi have A large as JUST AJIRIVKD sortmont of beautiful Imperial papers at reasonable prices. Call in todiy. Chapman Furniture Co Windows look like when cleaned with TIMES-NEW- -- - 1.98 '"2.98 BUY MOTHER A GIFT (Value S50.00 or over) FROM OUR FINE STOCK AND WE WILL HAVE DELIVERED BY THE NEPHI FLORAL A BEAUTIFUL POTTED HYDRANGEA PLANT FOR MOTHER'S DAY COME IN NOW GOWNS AND PAJAMAS Rayon or Cotton Sleepwear - CONTESSA - Priced m Ml h ' ''rr r 'lint v o c! in. 'll t i ( . -- I l " t a 2pair1.19 Wool Plaid TABLE CLOTHS - Electric Ranges Hoover Vacuums LUNCHEON CLOTHS -- BRIDGE SETS Most Useful Jacket Special I, or. FIRST GRADE AND SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES Special for Mothers Day! al JACKETS A - mtj.jv Made by Strutwear Cool 1.98 -- 2.98 -- 3.98 100 HOSE Automafic and Conventional New Shipment for Mothers Priced 1.19 to 5.90 Day - 1Q.90 Washing Machines Water Healers Toasters Irons SWEATER BLOUSES PRIMETTE - COTTON SWEATER BLOUSES and Colors - - Priced Food Mixers - New Spring Styles Refrigerators 1.98 and 2.98 WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR OUTSTANDING SAVINGS BEST VALUES - Food Freezers WE HAVE MANY BEAUTIFUL ... AND USEFUL GIFT ITEMS MOTHER WOULD LOVE . You're never alone with a handy bedroom telephone. Costs only pennies a day. Easy to order, 'ust coll our business office. ALWAYS... -- modern homes have DEPARTMENT STORES handy phones-- in tch-- X Movulaia Sfofes Tiliphon (This Offer Good Until Mothers Day) |