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Show ;altt Lake vl iu(7 city? Utah National Award Wiknis Stake MIA To 19 Sponsor Noated Dance Review Nephi Juab County, Utah Thursday, Single Copy, 10c The DiLello school of dance will present the Nutcracker Ballet In the Juab high school auditorium Elder Smith to be Juab Stake Conference Visitor on Wednesday, March 5 at 7:30 p. m. Special features of the evening will be the building of a human Christmas tree and the dance of February 27th, 1958 On Cub Scoutina Conducted ANOTHER RED MARK on the(to Mayor R E. Winn, left Girls Municipal Swimming Pool Ther- - in the photo are Jan Sperry, at the City Hall goes on ident in Mrs. Bryans class and as Morgan, president of Cheryl Williams, president in Jimmy Schools The Nephi Elementary The amount P.T.A. met February 25 at the the Elementary School Student Mr. Bowles class. contributions check students for $133.80 presents represented body The school auditorium. elementary PTA prayer was read by Mrs. Florence Haynes and the posting of colors and pledge of allegiance were conducted by Mr. Brackens fifth grade. Two special musical numbers were given by the three fourth grade classes. They were led by Maurice Jones and accompanied by Students of the Nephi Element- Monday at the City Hall by JimEvelyn Anderson. While the students were present Mr. Jones gave ary Schools have boosted the Ne- mie Morgan, presihent of the elea short, impromptu demonstrat- phi Swimming Pool fund with a school student body, repion of Spanish at the request of substantial contribution this week. mentary and dimes Pennies, nickles, quar- resenting all the students of the Principal Keith R. Bailey. The recently adapted report ters have been contributed by the school. card for the elementary schools students of the six grades and the The pool fund has been pushed of the Juab District was presented kindergarten of the elementary in the school by large posters in by Principal Bailey and questions school through a desire to see the each room, the work of the students of that room. Many of the and discussion from the audience pool built. A check for $J 33.80 was pres- posters had illusti ations of modfollowed. An original tribute to our coun- ented to Mayor R. E. Winn on em type pools. try and the P.T.A. was read by Mrs. Eileen Mrs. Dona Jones. Bailey, in behalf of the Delphic Literary Club presented a $50.00 check for the Mmorial Library Fund. This fund is now ovr $625, Mrs. Ernest Wilson, PTA presid- Number 9 Prescriptions "The Unseen Ingredients in a Proscription" was the topic discussed on Wednesday evening before the Nephi Kiwanis Club in the group's regular weekly meeting held at Carters Cafe. Speaker was George D. Bud ilaymond, proprietor of Nephi Drug Co. who spoke to the group under the auspices of the Public and Business Affairs committee. Dr. A. A. Boston was committee member in charge. Mr. Haymond told just what goes into a prescription, pointing out the years of study and experience ot today's physician and surgeons; the years of study and eioricnce of the pharmacist; and the vast testing and research of modern pharmaceutical manufacture. He aslo pointed out the "computability of medicine", and how doctor and manufacturer guards against a reaction in the human body from medication. Effects of dissustained medication also cussed. The club voted to meet next w'ith the Wednesday evening Chamber of Commerce at the Tourist Development meeting at Meet Schedulec PTA Meeting f Otrn&U Value of Tourist Promotion To Druggist Tells Area Businesses to be Reviewed Background of Ros-co- MIA organization. Jtioat Volume 49, Elder Joseph Fielding Smith, president of the Council of Uie Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y What the tourist industry can Saints, will represent the gen eral authorities at the Juab do for Nephi and East Juab will be discussed next Stake Quarterly Conference in County Wednesday evening at a Nephi and Nephi Saturday evening of Chamber Commerce sponsored 9 it was Sunday, March 8 and evening luncheon at 7:30 p.m. at e announced this week by R. Rocket room. Interest in Garrett, Juab Stake Pres- Rays is increasing daily with the event A welfare ident department several reservations already havatrepresentative also will be in ing been made, according to Hartendance at the conference. low W. Pexton, President of the A complete schedule of meet C. of C. be will next ings published in Speaker for the occasion will week's edition of this be D. James Cannon, head of the Utah Tourist and Publicity Bureau. Mr. Cannon has facts nad figures to illustrate his findings in regard to this important industry to Utah, and graphicly tells the story of increased revenue to the community through increased efforts to sell an areas the "Sugar Plumb Fairy". The program is being sponsored by the Juab Stake with the MIA in charge. The proceeds will be used for the new stake building. This is part of a project in which all stake workers are engaged. They are raising funds beyond their regular w'ard duties. Tickets will be available for this event on a child, adult or family It is a privilege to have basis. such fine entertainment come to our communities, and everyone is invited to and urged to attend Mrs. Calvin Neilsen of stated Mona, president of the stake YW Is 57 AaifeW iiutu resources. Latest boost for the meeting Explanation of the Cub Scout came on Wednesday evening as D. James Cannon . . to tell of ing program, its opportunities for the Nephi Kiwanis Club voted to tourist industry benefits. make and this and its their for that boys parents meeting operation will be explained at a public meet evening. spend additional time visiting the Heads of every business in Ne- - points of interest, ing Friday February 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the Juab Stake Seminary phi should attend, Mr. Pexton Those desiring reservations are building by Woodrow Dennett, pointed out. Every business in the urged to call Forrest Anderson at District Executive of the Boy community can be benefited by 81W or 90R immediately. Space increased effort to get tourists to jn the Rocket room is limited to Scouts of America. Parents of boy's age 8, 9 and stop in the community and to 75, it was pointed out. 10 wrho are interested in an outstandingly successful program of boy character development should Club Donation Adds $55 attend and be informed about Rays Cafe to hear D. James Can1 Cub Scouting as their using To Memorja Library Fund non, director of the Utah Tourist and Publicity council. This meetfamily program. The Cubbing movement is be- A ing will be held at Rays Cafe on Ml'S. President Ernest Wilson, 1 of the Nephi Elementary School Wednesday evening at 7:30 pun. V I I VlJI vOiJII ing sponsored by the Juab Stake Primary Association in the Juab accepted a donation of The Clubs, together Scout District and the officers with allFederated DAcIThlc ,Utcr the Civic organizations in at urge attendance of all parents of Democratic Mass Meeting are planning to have a Cub Scout age boys as well as all Nephi, on Monday, March 10th, Tuesday, February banquet those working or interested in to raise This sum represents the funds Set For Monday Evening money for our which the club collected in their youth organizations or projects in pool project. It is hopedswimming all that this area. of sale and Christmas decorations citizens of Nephi will participate Democratic Party mass meetin making this a successful even- it is to be added to the Memorial in honor of Miss ings for the four precincts of NeFund Library ing. Sperry and Mrs.' Alean phi will be held on Monday, March All organizations are working Mabel 1958, at 7:30 p.m. at the Juab Pace. hard to raise money in various At these County Court house. so we can have our pool that ways officers for the precincts meetings completed this year. You are all will be elected for a two year aware of the dire need that Nephi Former Resident Dies term. The officers include a chairhas for a swimming pool. By havWord has been received in Ne- man, vice chairman, secretary and ent stated. a ing pool here in town it will phi of the death in Yuba City, treasurer, and at least three comPosters entered in the PTA keep our younger people at home California of a former Nephi lady. mitteemen. Also delegates to the on were contest sponosered safety instead of sending on the road She was the former Florence Me County Convention will be selectfor their enjoyment. The swimdisplay and winners announced Swain, who resided in Nephi for ed. as the classes of Mrs. Belliston ming pool project will be one of some time, The general public is invited to away from and Mr. Oldroyd. the most important achievements Nephi some 30moving Lions Club members from five to 35 years ago. attend. Mrs. Eileen Bailey, Mrs. Thelthat our club women and civic communities of Central Utah, comDates for mass meetings in Funeral sendees were Tuesday ma Reed and Mrs. Donna Jones organizations can enter in the at Yuba City. 28A zone a in the Mona and Levan may be ascerDistrict prising were chosen as a committee to Community Achievement contest. will be in Nephi Thursday evenSunivors are two sons: William tained by contacting Qinn Mornominate the new PTA officers. We encourage all of you to at- and JIM KELSON . . rated No. 1 Zone Banquet, accordfor the Roland McSwain, both of gan at Levan and Vaughn Suming voted will be Their nominations tend this banquet a good meal California. mers in Mona. ing to local Lions Club officials. in Region Tourney upon in the March meeting of the Player all for entertainment good A. Dean Winn is president of the group. the price of $2.00 per ticket. group here and E. C. Sherwood 7 We hope to see you on Monhas been in charge of program Nephi Young Man Gains March the at 10, day, I if'i 1 arrangements. Son of Nephi Residents Ward Recreation hall club ofSpeaker at the banquet will be Tourney Player Award ' i;, . . ficers state. Sherman B. Lowe, Executive Asa were denied The Juab . . Wasps V. Named to Head Utah one of Ord to regsistant Governor George D. George istered pharmacists honored. Mr. Lowe is an active berth in the State Tournament Clyde. member of LionsI nternational, last Saturday night by suffering Organization Tuberculosis, Health Assn Complete a defeat at the hands of the currently serving as President of North Cancer American The loss Wolves. The Sevier Society the International Counselors (Franklin Keith Brough has nin the State of Utah. put Juab in fifth place in the reg- has announced a full organization taken over duties as Executive He formerly served as vice chair- ion tourney and North Sevier for East Juab County for the year Secretary of the Utah Tuberculman of the Executive Council of gained third place and the state 1958, as follows: Mrs. Fern osis and Health Association, it Mrs. Edna Mae chairman; the oBard of Governors of Lions tournament berth. was announced Wednesday by Earl The defeat was very hard for Ludlow, Crusade chairman; Mrs. International throughout the enD. Johnson, president of the asthe team and its followers to take Clara Wheelwright, Education tire world. sociation. of the wonderful game Chairman; Mrs. Gerry Hovde, because A retired Nephi pharmacist R. E. Winn, Mayor of Nephi will Mr. Brough is son of Mr. and Publicity; Miss Naomi Bailey, Serwas one of 14 honored on Tues- be toastmaster at the banquet and that had been played. Mrs. Frank Brough of Nephi. vice chairman; Mrs. Doris Amder-soteams two flawless The played ait annual third the an to Mr. Brough was appointed day evening entertaining program repres- basketball for 32 full minutes and secretary and treasurer. The the executive position in January convention of the Utah Pharma- enting the clubs of Payson, Levan chairmen are Mrs. Pauline of how was a the matter it just Mona, Nephi and Levan ball bounced that determined the Mangelson and Mrs. Louise Tayand arrived in Salt Lake City last ceutical Association. He is George V. Ord, who rec- will be presented. Max R. Warweek from Wichita, Kansas where lor. In charge of plans at Mona winners. for seven years he has been Chief ently retired from active work af- ner of Payson, publisher of the is Mrs. Betty Ellertson. both of from all With players Mr. service. of a half ter century of Public Health Education SerPayson Chronicle is Zone chair- the teams For the third successive year of skill bit every using Ord accepted an engraved certif- man, and Raymond A. Jackson, k vices fo- rthe and basketball knowledge that the Society is using the slogan life icate is Juab Sheriff Health honorary representing District County Department. County they had the score was tied or Fight Cancer with a Check-u- p "The executive secretary has membership in the Utah associa- 28A Governor. hands many times during and a check. Educational materGovernor George D. Clyde and ville, Cache County. ' The young changed the responsibility of managing the tion. ial is available cancer more contest. four No than the concerning Utah youngsters are looking people are among 600 children and three Mr. Ord was one of 14 honoroffice located in the Beason Buildever separated the two through these people. Programs at a pint of Red Cross blood which adults Announce Plans points in Utah who are receiving of whom was over each ed Jaycees men, associations the ing and directing teams with both coachs calling concerning this lifesaving message produces valuable dividends in without charge more than 5,000 research 70 years of age, and whose comprogram of education, are ready to be given to elute, gamma globulin upon five men to gain the victory. the blood de- ccs of gamma globulin from the and heath promotion in the con- bined total years of work was For Local Contest in It was by far the best game that civic organizations, church groups rivative the youngsters have been Red Cross each month because trol of tuberculosis and other chest over 700. was played in the three days play or student body assemblies. Films, receiving, each month in order to they lack an adequate amount of Miss Utah local Robert Hall, Johnson pharmacist diseases explained. Competition of the regional round robin. It which have proved such effective stay Well. Shown above, left to this meetsubstance in Mr. to the Ord He will also direct the annual accompanied was of basketball per- weapons in fighting cancer, are right, are three-yea- r a Millgame ladies of old Susie! their own systems. If purchased and Juab Young , sale of Christmas Seals by which ing at Orem. ard Counties will compete for fection. It was a shame that eith- available by contacting Mrs. Clara Jensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. commercially, the., cost., of ..that funds are obtained for the proAny time is the Gilbert Jensen, Orem; amount of gamma hours in the local elimination er one of these teams had to miss Wheelwright. would gram operations Mr. Johnson to time learn the facts about old Curtis Jones, son of Mr. an exceed $15,000 eachglobulin Tournament. State the right of the Miss month. Your Utah contest at phase continued. Liberalized Commodity place Cancer and the local organization Mrs. WencMI Jones, Cedar City; contributions to the Red Cross In Nephi on Wednesday, March 19 Juab played three first While in Kansas, Mr. Brough old March plus your blood donations at 7:30 p. m., it was announced teams in their attempt to gain a is ready and eager to assist Governor Clyde and was active in the Church of Jesus Announced Jan Parkinson, son of Mr. and make the continuation of this today by LaMar C. Paxman, head tourney berth. They defeated through Education and service. Christ of Latter-da- y Saints, hav- Program is differReid W. Parkinson of Wells- - vice possible. of the committee for the sponsor- Marysvale with a ing most recently served on the The Public Welfare Commission ing organization, the Nephi Jun- ence the first evening. On Friday Board of the Central Mission afternoon they lost to North San- Announce Sunday Service ior Chamber of Commerce. States Mission as supervisor of the has liberalized the surplus comthe tourney winner and on Diseto pete, will Four ladies be young according Priesthood. modity program, Aaronic in evening the three point The Second Ward Relief SocSaturday of the local lected G. contest Richardson the and the Reeve Lake rector Making their home in Salt loss to North Sevier, first place four receive a weeks will Welfare wife Juab are department. his County Mr. with Brough iety will present a special proCity families paid trip to Salt Lake City winner of the Northern Division. gram on Sunday evening, March Patricia, and their three children. Under the hew plan allare officials of Coaches and now to compete in the state contest in region with marginal incomes at 5:00 p. m. in the ward nine were asked to vote for the 2nd, Officers extend an inHeart disease accounted for eligible to receive surplus com- June. chapeL 10 in the reg- vitation to all members of the almost 54 per cent of ail deaths in modities even though they are not Rules of the contest are for ion outstanding players tourney. They were presented ward to attend. March is Red Cross Month, week is being completed which young ladies 17 Va to 29 years of the United States in 1956, accord- eligible for public assistance. in reverse order after the chamenincome an and with an for Associatentiled hroughout our county beginning will give 26 Nephi residents a age, unmarried, The Single persons program following ing to the Utah Heart tech-in- g and trance fee of 10.00. Sponsors for pionship game and Jim Kelson of Choose You This Day has been Saturday, volunteers will be insight into ion. Twenty-nin- e per cent of these of $110.00 or less per month, numJuab was picked by the coaches will which are of course in- contributions the for the Mr. The Paxman has been were invited, of the niques. theme The progirls 240,000, family, regardless or any prepared. nearly deaths, as the No. 1 player in the tourCross Red to continue Mrs. the less stated. enable than structod with Arvilla a in the 65 ber be by will family, Lunt, than Lasting less Choosing years gram among persons $200.00 per month income are Judging will be on beauty and ney. He was presented a small Values in a Changing World. Pre-- ! its program of service to local Red Cross certified instructor in of age. Mr. Paxman trophy by Buck Young of Bucks lude and postlude music will be residents and will let us continue First Aid and under sponsorship eligible if they do not have usable poise, and talent. of the Delphic Club, cash or negotiable resources in stated. For full information and Sporting goods. participation in nation-wid- e by Mrs. Grace Judd, Relief It was a fitting honor for the iety Red Cross Other courses which are avail- excess of $500.00 for single per- - entry blanks, young ladies are programs. song, congregation; organist; R- Elgin Gardner, Chapter chair- - able through the Red Cross are to contact Mr. Paxman. d Nephi player who has been a hard invocation, or $1,000.00 in case of Mrs. Louise Vickers; and Jack Ludlow, fund drive water safety, home nursing skills, ilies. Margaret Masters will be mist- - working player for the Wasps greetings, Mrs. Mildred Green-maCommodities available at the'ress of ceremines for the March all season. Relief Society president; chairman asks each citizen to give etc., and the Red Cross gives halgh. Jim ended the league scoring sistance to families of servicemen A Young Mothers Challeng- - generously. present time are cheese, dry milk, 19 affair, and the general public race in second place with an averis to Utah receives many benefits in family emergencies, assists attend. invited meaL com Mrs. Marcus and flour white rice, Responsibility ing age of 13.9 points per game. the Red Cross day in and erans file claims for government As soon as an estimate of the song. Singing Mathers number of persons wanting to par-- 1 Misses Iris and Judy Phillips Jim is son of Air. and Airs. reeled by Airs. Lua Stephenson day out Air. Gardner stated. He benefits to which they are entitled G. Ray Kelson of Nephi anj accompinied by Airs. Kenneth pointed out that more than 10,000 and gives needed service to our ticipate in this program can be were in Salt Lake City Friday The Times-New- s joins with Jims Sorenson; talk, Youth problems pints of blood were administered community, ascertained, orders will be placed and Saturday. They were invited "It is important this year that ,to entertain with their singing at friends and the officials of the jn Todays world, Clark Mackey; by doctors to patients in the 45 Misses Janet Westring and Pat for such commodities. of the Farmers Union school in heartily congratulating talk, Rewards of Wise Choices" Intermountain hosp.tals served by each adult m East Juab County this Information Y meetings B U plan regarding the at students Swapp, by calling 51 or con-- State convention held at the New- - Jim on the honor which he truly Airs. Blanch Brough; song. Sing- - the Red Cross during the past actively support our Red Cross spent the week end with Miss may be hadWelfare fund campaign, Air. Gardner stat o earned in division and tournament Mrs. year. Office in the house Hotel on Friday and the ing mothers; benediction, West rings parents, Mr. and Mrs.tacting in Nephi, a first aid class this ed. play. JOrsena Warner. urday. County Court house. pres-momet- ! Contribution by Students Gives w-a- s Boost to Swimming Pool Fund Ranmipt Plane oanijMci lAnrA(Cinn ly '4 Civic Leader To Speak at Lions Banquet Here TTT?r i First-Secon- d ? Kit :i f r l W i j' Nephi Druggist Ham-so- n, Is Honored n, San-taqui- - n, Wichtta-Sedgwic- disease-fightin- g five-yea- r- j ser-Mr- 28-poi- nt Start of Red Cross Fund Drive Set March 1; Benefits Reviewed ask-me- Soc-jo- w hfe-savi- ur fam-'vite- - n, as-tal- k, vet-Olpi- n; Sat-The- Westring. s. |