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Show ? some one light of foot like a woman, ran down the walk a little way into the fog and paused -An exclamation broke from me. it was Eavesdropping for two! the voice of Olivia I'd take pretty good care of myself if I were you, Squire Glenarm! Good night! Good-bI falf red, as she sped away in the mist toward St. Agathas. tfv CHAPTER XIV. y THE HOUSE OF THOUSAND A The Girl in Gray. My first thought was to find the CANDLES By MEREDITH NICHOLSON Author ol "THE HAIR CHANCE, DAMEKON.Zlc. ZELDA Co. bj CHAPTER XIII. Continued. Yes, and he, hit me over the head Copyright 1906 Bobbt-Uerri- ll a club. It was his indiscretion, sir. He wanted to go through the library in broad daylight, and it wasnt any use, anyhow. Theres nothing there. But I dont like the looks of this shooting. Morgans sick and out of his head. But a fellow like Morgan isnt likely to shoot himself accident--ally- , and now that its done the works stopped and the time is running on. "What do you think Glenarm suspects? . I cant tell, sir, but mighty little, I should say. The shot through the window the first night he was- - here seemed to shake him a trifle, but hes quite settled down now, I should say, sir. That shot of Morgans was a great mistake. The young gentleman isnt to be frightened away as easily , with as that. Morgans a -- ! crypt door and return through the tunnel' before Bates could reach the house. The chapel was open, and by lighting matches I found my way to the map and panel. I slipped through and closed the opening; then ran through the passage with gratitude to the generous builder who had given it a clear floor and an ample roof. ' In my haste I miscalculated its length, pitching headlong into the steps under the trap beneath Glenarm House at a gait that sent me sprawling. In a moment more I had jammed the trap into place and was running up the cellar steps, breathless, with my cap smashed down over my eyes. I heard Bates entering at the rear and knew that I had won the race by a scratch. There was but a moment in which to throw my coat and cap under the divan in the library, slap the dust from my clothes and seat my self at the great table where the candles blazed tranquilly. Bates-ste- p was as steady as ever the highway Stoddard fell in with me. Well, Mr. Glenarm, Im glad to see you abroad, so early. With that library of yours the temptation must be strong to stay within doors. But a mans got to subject himself to the sun and wind. Even a good wetting now aiid then is salutary. "I try to get out every day, I answered. But Ive chiefly limited myself to my own grounds. An ancient omnibus, filled with young women passed at a gallop, bound for the station, and we took oft our hats. Christmas holidays, explained the chaplain. Practically all the students go home. Lucky kids, to have homes with Christmas trees. I envy them. I suppose, Mr. Pickering got away last night? he observed, and my pulse quickened at the name. I havent seen him yet, I answered. Then of course he hasnt gone! and these words, uttered in the big clergymans deep tones, seemed wholly plausible. There was, to be sure, nothing so unlikely as that Arthur Pickering, executor of my grandfathers estate, would come to Glenarm without seeing me. Sister Theresa told me this morning he was there. He called on her and Miss Devereux last night. I havent seen him myself. I thought possibly I might run into him in the village. His cars very likely on the station switch. , ASSAYER. '1. Chemists and Assayers. Hanauer. J. V. Sadler 144-14- The business of the late John Assayer, will be continued by his wife, at his request, under the name of John McVicker Assay Office at 46 Richards St. Mr. Arthur Selby, for three years at the Union office, will act as manager, which will be a guarantee that all work done at the office will be satisfactory. Mrs. McVicker and Mr. Selby ask that all old customers continue their patronage and solicit new work from their friends. Gasoline OF SYSTEMS ALt KINDS. Special Lamps for the Home. Absolutely safe and reliable. power, per hourJ Full line of Mantels, Globes, etc. Correspondence solicited. Send us diagram of your building and we will submit estimate. SUNBEAM LIGHT COMPANY, 107 E. Second South Street, SALT LAKE CITY. 3-- BETTLI8, MATHEZ A CO., Assay, Chemical and Metallurgical Laboratory. 158 South West Temple Street, Salt Lake CUty, Utah. W. a KING, W. A. Hodges. MANAGER. F, Hodges. E, Hodges, Sons W.A.Hodges . 135 7 Assayers & Chemists W. 2 S. St., Salt LaKa City Assayer I Dont See Why other jewelers dont sell Watches as CHEAP as The Carter Jewelry Co. I see in their window 17 jewel Hampden 15 jewel Hampden $14.75 12.7b This looks good Carter Jewelry Co., SALT and Chemist. S. W. 229 a Watch Watch Thin model and guarantee case. to me. Im going to buy one right away. A NICHOLS. Temple Street, SALT LAKE CITY. 324 MAIN ST LAKE p Western Engineering and Construction Co., Chemists and Engineers. t . A88AY OPFtOL Samples by mail or express will 158 West Temple. receive prompt attention 6 West South Temple St., P. O. Box 1446. Salt Lake City, Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah. Analytical Work a Specialty. Balt Lake City, Utah, October 3rd, Office and Laboratory, fool. UNION H. T. RIPPETO, 1307. CRISMON But what is Glenarm doing? He probably doesnt spend much time on this side of the fence doesnt haunt the chapel, I fancy? Lord, no! I hardly suspect the young gentleman if being a praying man. You havent seen him prowling about the house analyzing the archi- tecture Pensioned from Birth. lss Robb, who recently died in E cinburgh at the age of 91, had been on;the English navy pension roll since biith, as she was the posthumous child of Capt. Robb, of the royal navy. California Experts in testing Oils and Minerals. We also design mining, irrigation and Not a bit of it, sir! He hasnt, power plants. We finance and proshould say,, what his revered grandmote all kinds of legitimate entei mind. the called father analytical Winter Excursion Tickets now prises. Sell all kinds of machinery. Let us know your wants. Pickering stamped his feet upon the on sale. 2 paved porch floor in a way that I reCommercial Club Bldg, cona marked old. It of membered L Salt Lake City, Utah. clusion, and preluded serious misThe Route of the Los Angeles Limited Utahs Finest Train. takes. Now, Bates, he said with a ring of authority and speaking in a louder key than ha had yet used, its your Line to New duty under all circumstances to help discover the hidden assets of the esNow tate. Weve got to pluck the mystery Las from that architectural monster over there, and the time for doing it m. Leaves City 7:15 Glenarm was knowledge he Goldfield 7:05 p. m. and Ington, fWsdflUUV ador decldoflai:s d swept iMLSety deposit boxes with a before his last trip to VerAsk the Agent, or Address J. H. Burtner, District Passenger mont. He didnt die with the stuff in his clothes, did he? Agent, Salt Lake City, Utah. Lord bless me, no, sir! There was little enough cash to bury him, with you out of the country and me alone with him. He was a crank and I suppose he got a lot of satisfaction out of burying Id Take Pretty Good Care of Myself If I Were You, Squire Glenarm. his money. But this hunt for it isnt funny. I supposed of course wed dig there was not the hint of Na doubt we shall find him thdre, it up before Glenann got here or I excitement in it asslightest - shouldnt have been in such a hurry stood within the door. he came and I answered easily. The Annandale station presented - to send for him. But its over there Beg pardon, Mr. Glenarm, did you an appearance of unusual gaiety when somewhere in the grounds. There wish we reached the main street of the sir? 'must be a plan of the house that ' Oh,anything, no, thank you. Bates. village. There, to be sure, lay the would help. Ill give you a thousand J I had stepped down to the village, private car-- in the siding, and on the dollars the day you wire me you have sir, to speak to the grocer. The eggs platform was a group of 20 or more found any sort of clue. he sent this morning were not quite girls, with several of the brown-habiteThank you, sir. it to the mark. I warned him not to Sisters of St. Agatha. There was I dont want thanks, I want up of the storage article to this something a little foreign In the picsend the money or securities, or whatever house.any ture; the girls in their bright colors it is. Ive got to go back to my car Bates. talking I Thats gaily, the Sisters' in their somfolded right, my now, and youd better skip home. You arms to hide ber garb hovering about, suggesting which were hands, my needt tell your young master that black from contact with the passage, France or Italy rather -- than Indiana. . Ive been here. We stepped upon the platform. The and faced my man servant. My reI was trying hard to remember, as for his rascally powers had in- private car lay on the opposite side : spect COMPANY OF UTAH (Incorporated) I stood there with clenched hands out- creased since he gave me of the station, having been switched immensely CUT THIS AND OUT side the chapel porch, that Arthur MAIL NOW. a coffee. A contest with so clever into my siding of the east and west Utah, and consists of six promising mining claims. Pickerings name was written in the a rogue was worth while. road. Pickering was certainly getB. A. M. Froiseth, Secty., list of directors of one of the largest on. Over fifteen hundred dollars have There is Im grateful for your care of me. ting something wholly already been trust companies in America and that Bates. St. Patrick Mining & Milling Co., I had expected- - to perish of regal in a private car. Any one may i in development work since date of incorexpended he belonged to the most exclusive discomfort out here, but you are treat- boast a catboat and call it a yacht; Salt Lake City, Utah. clubs in New York. I had come out poration, February, 1906, consisting of over 500 but there is no known substitution for j , me like a lord. ing for my walk with only an Inverness I subscribe for ... a car. feet of tunnels and inclines. Minerals As I lounged across shares of hereby Thank Mr. Glenarm. private I you, do over my dinner jacket, and I was already the platform with Stoddard, Pickering stock, fully paid and what I can, sir. found carry values in Copper, Gold, Silver, Lead of the St. chilled thoroughly by the cold mist. came out into the vestibule of his car, Patrick He brought fresh candles for the I was experiencing, too, an inner cold and Iron. We are now driving the tunnel ahead Mining & Milling Co., at the price of Ten two ladies and an followed elderly Cents a as I reflected upon the greed and per- table candelabra, going about with his gentleman.by for which enclose I all share, to cut the mineral vein which is believed to be $ They accustomed and noiseless step. I felt a descended, fidy of man. began a promenade, on the piank as first payment, balance to be cold chill down as he in creep my an four spine extension of the well known Maxfield paid equal Keep an eye on Morgan, said mine, that passed behind me on these errands. walk. installments. Pickering. has monthly hundred me saw already of produced an Pickering thousands His Instant o transition from the role of conlater -- Certainly, sir. and hurried up with outstretched Name dollars. And he careful what you write or spirator to that of my flawless serv- hand. ant was almost too abrupt. The property is equipped with wire. Address hoisting and This is indeed good fortune! We I dismissed him as quickly as possiT mind those Ill points, sir. But Id ore cars and steel rails in tunnel. pumping off here engines, Date last and to unlistened dropped his rather ble, night step through suggest, if you please, sir Our company is capitalized at 250,000 Well? demanded Pickering impa- the halls as he went about locking the expectedly to rest a hot box and Over 15,000 shares, Inalready should have been picked up by the by bought eager doors. The locking-uhad process of which tiently. 100,000 shares are set aside for vestors for we and now working bored lisexpress me rather I early offer but there Chicago; the before; 35,000 That you should call at the house. was a miscarriage of orders some- shares capital, and the remaining 150,000 shares of stock It would look rather strange to the tened with interest for every sound. where of its first biocK remaining we and now to - When I heard Bates have is pooled until at least one-ha- lf wait to for his of If or more of its treasdumbing young gentleman treasury stock placed upon the market at the youd come to St. own quarters I quietly went the the nine oclock, and its late. If Id low stock is sold. Agathas and not see him. ury of ten cents how share. known price much The behind of per it was I proceeds I havent the slightest errand with rounds of my own account and found Bear in mind that this stock is should have run out to see you. How the sale will be . him. And besides I havent time. If everything as tight as a drum. to the further judiciously unassessable, and expended are things going? that was I tired enough to sleep when I he learns that Ive been here you may of private is not liable stockholders the of property is development property, which loctaed in Big As smooth as a whistle! It really say that my business was with Sister went to my room, and after an eventfor indebtedness. Cottonwood corporation Mining District, Salt Lake Countv, Theresa and that I regretted very less night woke to a clear day and isnt so bad when you face it And the fact is Im actually at work. much not having he opportunity to keener air. Thats splendid. The year will go 5.00 down and $5.00 call on him. Im going to take a little run into 4 I he Board of Directors are A. J. Smith, Presimonthly for four months The irony of this was not lost on the village, Bates, I remarked at fast enough, never fear. I suppose 250 shares. buys for Hans a little you H. pine human dent; Peterson, B. A. M. society Bates, who chuckled softly. He came breakfast. now and then. A man can never strike $ 10.00 down and $10.00 monthly for four months out into the open and turned away toVery good, sir. Froiseth, and Mrs. Secretary Leona F. Treasurer; If any should call Ill be back in the. right medium in such things. In Smith and ward the Glenarm gate. Pickering buys 500 shares. David A. Buck. The latter is also superNew York we are all rushed to death. passed me, so near that I might have an hour or so. I sometimes feel that Id like a little intendent.' $ 20.00 down and $20.00 monthly for four months put out my hand and touched him, and Yes, sir. in a moment I heard the carriage I really had an errand in the village. rustication myself. I get nervous, and buys 1000 shares. -- drive oft Tapldly toward the village. I wished to visit the hardware store working for corporations is Wearing. I heard Bates running home over-th- and buy some cartridges, but Picker- The old gentleman there is Taylor, T IIS REALLY is $1 SECURITY for 10 cts. 30.00 dorm and $30.00 monthly for four months $ and R snow and listened to the clatter of ings presence in the community was president of the member I lys 1500 shares. Southern. , The ladies his are wife and the village hack as It bore Pickering a disturbing factor in my mind. I had Good mines from good a friend of hers. Id like to introduce back to Annandale. prospects grow, resolved to get sight of him to meet $ 40.00 down and $40.00 monthly for four months ' Then out of the He ran his eyes over my corduThus we harvest as we sow. depths of the chapel him, ,if possible, and see how a man you. and in amiable accept. buys 2000 shares. , leggings porch-o- ut of the depths of time and whose schemes Were so deep looked roys dClay tUy nW and ?et in on the of my rusticity. He had not in ance P0 space. It seemed, so dazed I stood in the light of day. $100.00 down and $100.00 some one came swiftly toward me. As I left the gxounds and gaihedj years addressed me so pleasantly. monthly for four months (TO BE CONTINUED.) buys 5000 shares. - I 261-26- Short via Vegas Salt Lake Goldfield, Nevada, Completed. today; p. fcmorrcw. r! 0 "h '? Dimes Into Dollars d Phenomenal Success of The St Patrick Mining & Milling le, p Vice-Preside- . . |