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Show I WHAT IS PE-RU-N- THE CURE FOR WORRY. A? A Is it a Catarrh Remedy, or a Tonic, or is it Both? Some people call tonic. Other refer Feraaa a great to Percna aa a edy that is not also a tonic. In order to thoroughly relieve any case of catarrh, a remedy must not only hare a specific action on the mu cous membranes affected by the catarrh, but it must have a general tonio action on the nervous system. Catarrh, even in persons who are otherwise strong, is a weakened con- dition of some mucous membrane. ' There must he something to strengthen the circulation, to give tone to the arteries, and to raise the vital forcea Perhaps no vegetable remedy in the world has attracted so much attention from medical writers as HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. The "wonderful efficacy of this herb has been recognized many years, and is growing in its hold 'upon the medical profession. When joined with CTJBEBS and COPAIBA a trio of medical agents is formed in which constitutes a specific remedy for catarrh that In the present state of medical progress cannot be improved upon. This action, reinforced by such renowned tonics as Pe-Tu- na COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS, COR-YAXIS FORMOSA and CEDRON SEED, wight to make this compound D an ideal remedy for catarrh in all its stages and locations in the body. From a theoretical standpoint, there- fore, Peruna is beyond criticism. The use of Peruna, confirms this opinion. Numberless testimonials from every quarter of the earth furnish ample evidence that this judgment is not over enthusiastic. When practical extheperience confirms a ory the result is a truth that cannot be well-ground- Bhaken. Delicate Shade of Meaning. keen retort is credited to the late Dr. master of CharterA Haig-Brow- house. His Dr. Porter, the master of Peterhouse, another famous English school, wrote him, inquiring his precise meaning in a certificate that a boys character was generally good. When I eay generally, he replied, I mean not particularly. brother-in-law- , Cromwells Boots. In London the other day a pair of riding boots worn by Oliver Cromwell were sold for $43. They were discovered 30 years ago during some excavations at Canonbury Tower, Islington. DODD CGM)K)M lelp the Horse No article is more useful about the stable than Mica Put a little on Axle Grease. the spindles before you book up it will help the horse, and bring the load home quicker. , HICA AXLE wears W7 better than any other grease. Coats the axle with a hard, smooth surface of powdered mica which reduces INSURE YOUR HEALTH a COMFORT K Can worry be avoided or overcome? Is the disease durable without divine interposition? Undoubtedly, if the theory of be accepted as indeed an establishhed scientific tact, because surely an image tending upward can be communicated as freely if not, in fact, with greater readiness, because of the large? receptivity for that which is pleasing as an image tending downward. Thus, clearly, there may be brought into action for success those very forces which worry excites for ruin forces which may or may not be irresistible, but certainly are, as the wise doctor observes, the most potent of earthly life, and, consequently, all that we poor humans can summon to our aid, unless we adopt the effeminate practice of those silly persons who constantly annoy the Almighty by beseeching him to tide them over their petty difficulties. Not that their troubles seem slight to them; far from it; invariably they are more serious than any others' can possibly be; but the mere certainty that, if God should stamp them out personally. Instead of leaving Such work, as be does and ought, to nature, other trials of no less consequence would promptly arise, shows clearly enough that, in reality, all individual tribulation is trifling. Occasional reflection upon this great truth will do much to drive away the bad fairy and open the way out of despondency; but better yet is constant realization that one can do for either himself or others only that which lies within him to perform, and, having satisfied himself on that score, he possesses an Inalienable right to disregard all possible consequences, and need give them no more consideration than a sagacious person accords idle speculation as to whether, when he awakes, he will find himself in heaven or in hell. Supplement knowledge of the recognized folly of regret with 'appreciation of the fact that worry is never over actual, but always over imaginary, ills, and is therefore as unnecessary as it is unwise and insufficient, and a long step will be taken towards the definite elimination of the chief bane of mankind. George Harvey, tn the North American Review. on stormy days by wearing a l SLICKER Clean - Light Durable Guaranteed Waterproof $309 Everywhere on a Dollar of n oIcoUb Pam pow Paint bottles. ww dera with full directions to make sixty Headache. Pain Paint stops pain instantly; remoras faster than Toothache. Neuralgia, In one inmate, cools token four Ice; barns will not blister. A spoonful Sold 40 rears by agents, flmee a dar kills Drupepsia I.rk. WUU IllWU, K. J, ffuuitfii great tenor had been singing for some hours into & phonograph, The phonograph, he said, is a wonderful thing. It almost realixes the wish of the Scottish poet, the wish that we might see ourselves as others see us. We can now, at least, hear ourselves, a thing impossible before. The phonograph teaches us many valuable lessons. When I was in the army, befiye I realized the capabilities of my voice, 1 played the flute. A salesman brought a phonograph phonograph to my quarters and tried to sell it to me on the instalment plan. was undecided. Finally the man took out a blank cylinder. '"See, he said, rather reluctantly, here Is a blank cylinder. You may make a record on it, then we will run it off and you shall hear yourself. Its a costly favor I am doing you, but it will show you what a fine Instrument this Is. I was delighted. Til get my flute, I said. Til play a flute solo. Well, I played my best Into the machine. It seemed to me that I had never combined before such feeling more than with such accuracy. I pleased with myself. Then the man put In the cylinder, and the music began to issue forth. I frowned. Is that me? I said. man. Really me, just as T played? And sir, precisely. Precisely, now said he, do you want to buy the phonograph ? No, said I; I want to sell the A Inexpensive Mixture of Harmless Vegetable Ingredients Said to Overcome Kidney and Bladder Trouble Promptly. mixHere is a simple ture ns given by an eminent authority on Kidney diseases, who makes the statement in a New York daily newspaper, that it will relieve almost any case of Kidney trouble If taken before the stage of Brights disease. He states that such symptoms as lame back, pain in the side, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night; painful and discolored urination, are readily overcome. Here is the recipe; try It: f Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce; ounce; Compound Kargon, Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. A physician is authority that these ingredients are all harmless and easily mixed at home by shaking well in a bottle. This mixture has a peculiar healing and soothing effect upon the entire Kidney and Urinary structure, and often overcomes the worst forms of Rheumatism in Just a little while. This mixture is said to remove all blood disorders and cure the Rheumatism by forcing the Kid neys to filter and strata from the blood home-mad- e one-hal- well-know- and system all uric acid and foul, decomposed waste matter, which cause the afflictions. Try it if you arent well. Save the prescription. SKIN SORE EIGHT YEARS. NO STAIN ON HIS RECORD. snf-feri- Compound Lydia E. Pinkhatns Vegetable New York 20nd City, Street, Miss Adelaide Nichols of 324 West women who suffer would only rely writes: Dear Mrs, Pinkham:-- lf upon Lydia E. Iinkham's Vegetable Compound their troubles would be quickly alleviated. 1 feel greatly indebted for the relief and health which has been brought to me by your inestimable remedy. Lydia E. linkhara's Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints such as Falling and Displacements, and Organic Diseases Headache, General Debility, Indigestion, and invigorates the whole feminine system. For the derangements of the Kidneys of either sex Lydia f:. nutkuaiu a Vegetable Compound is excellent. s flute. on Doctors and Remedies That6 Where the Driver Had the Best Spentbut$300 Got No Relief Cuticura of the Preacher. Cures in a Week. I Mrs. Pinkhams Standing Invitation to Women Invited tq Women suffering from anv form of female weakness are write Mrs.Pinkhain, at Lynn, Mass From the symptoms given, the trouble may l0 located and the quickest and Burest way of recovery advised. One (rial will convince you that Slo&fts Liivinveivt soreness and will relieve A New York clergyman, 'who to-da- y explain two-doll- stiffness quicker and easier than any other preparation sold for that purpose It penetrates to the bone, quickens the blood, drives away fatigue and gives strength and elasticity to the muscles. Thousands use Sloan's Liniment for rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache sprains, contracted muscles,.stiff joints, cuts, bruises, burns, cramp or colic and Insect stings . PRICE Dr. Earl youthful class in Sunday eohool. To illustrate the idea of regulating the sinful human heart he took out his watch and held .it up that all might see it. See this watch, he said. Just imagine that it does not keep good time that it goes all ways but the right way. What ought I to do with The Confederate Colonel. it? No class of men in the world have Instantly a little boy held up his better manners than the southern gen tleman. The type of this class is a (hand. I know! he shouted . Sell it to dignified man, who insists upon being friend. a treated with respect, but who always concedes to others that which he deStretching Rings. mands from them. He is deferential A jeweler in Third avenue. New in his manner and assumes that the York city, advertises Wedding rings customs and views of others are entitled1 to respect. In intercourse with purchased here will be stretched to His ena Spaniard the typical confederate any size without extra cost. terprise is based on a knowledge of colonel would never by word or gesture intimate that he considered him- human frailty. The girl often hapself in any respect the superior of the pens to balk, he says, and the fellow gets it in the neck. The ring for gentleman w ith whom he might be that intended may not fit the finger of talking or that his business methods next intended; so I stretch It for the more In modern. were other words the southern colonel has charming nothing. I have stretched rings as manners, and what was written by many as five times for one man. Native of New England was to say Why not use rubber rings? in effect that good manners are a busiOLD SOAKERS ness assets worth using. Baltimore Sun. Get Saturated with Caffeine, The Peaceful Suburbs. Sort of endless chain war with your neighbor, eh? said the visitHow Is that? or from the city. Well, replied the suburbanite, his chickens flew over the hedge and ate all my garden seed. I got even by getting a big tomcat, and the cat ate the chickens. Ah, an eye for an eye, eh? Yes; but it wasnt long before he the bulldog finished got a bulldog and the tomcat. e Great Scott! I suppose that ended the feud? I borrowed a cataNot at all. mount from a wandering circus and that killed the bulldog. Now, if he dont get an elephant to finish the catamount before I can return it to the show I guess I'll come out winner. Sympathetic Hearts. dreadful the way the cost of living has gone up. The price of diamonds has increased so, my husband found where he went to get me that necklace he had promised me, that he can't afford it at all this year. Yes, it is certainly hard. I wonder how poor people manage to live. came out of it. cow; Hospital It Is curious Story-Tellin- that 1.00 254,504, 5. Sloan. Boston, Ma$j.U.5.Aj f J W. L. DOUGLAS THCWORLD & $3.50 SHOES $3.00 MEMBER OF HfiP8HOE8 FOR THE FAMILY. EVERY AT ALL nnn Soouptaaon stage-drive- The woman was prisoned for blasphemy and died in prison. Orders were given that all the copies of the edition should be destroyed. iThis was done, with the exception of the one copy in the Wolfenbuttel library. I While no woman is entirely free from periodic suffering1, it does not seem to be the plan of nature that women should suffer so severely. Irregularities and pain are positive evidence that something is wrong which should be set right or it will lead to serious derangement of the feminine organism. Thousands of women, have found relief from all periodic Pink-ham- s by taking Lydia E. which Compound, Vegetab'e is made from native roots and herbs, as it is the most thorough female medical science. regulator known tocondition which It cures the causes so much discomfort anil robs or irthat period of its terrors. Women who are troubled withoffpainfulserious the to ward action immediate should take functions regular oonsequences and be restored to health and strength by taking E often Upon the limbs and between the spends his vacation in fishing the toes my skin was rough and sore, and on was the of Adirondacks, ptreams sore also under the arms, and I had to seta handsome one trip adopted by home seveial times because of at stay ter dog, which insisted on following a or so ago him from camp to camp, as he moved this affection. Up to week I had tried many other remedies and along the stream. One day he met a party of men several doctors, and spent about three hundred dollars, with (Tut any success, working upstream with a native guide, the seventh day that The guide immediately recognized the but this is I have been using the Cuticura Remeas own his property. dog dies a dollar and a half), which Trying to steal my setter, are have (costing me cured completely, so that I at shouted he the you? clergyman. can to my business. I attend Copy of Rare Bible. again T il have you to jail for this! There I had In Wolfenbuttel, Hesse, Germany, a law in the woods just as big as you went to work again been for and is an old bible which is greatly treashave years suffering eight have in the city. now been cured by the Cuticura Remeured. Iu that passage in GeneThe clergyman endeavored to sis where God told Eve that that he was an unwilling com- dies within a week. Fritz Hirschlaff, 24 Columbus Ave New York, N. Y., Adam shall be her master and shall panion of the dog, which had refused rule over her, the German translation to be driven away, but to little effect March 29 and April 6, 1906. is Und er soil dien herr seta. Herr, hill to his until he added a which means master, does not occur arguments. Saw It Come Out bf a Cow. s A little city boy and his sister in this bible, but instead there apIts queer what strange things hapwere taken to the country pears the word "narr, which means pen to a man up here, he saicto the Dorothy fool. The error was caused by a quarr who later carried him for the first time. rel between the printer and his wife The two children were happy as the That 4s the away from the woods. in the year 1580. The wife was vengefirst time I was ever accused of steal- day was long. In the late afternoon ful and in the silent watches of the they watched the cows come home, ing a dog. cownight she entered the room where her Yes, sir, replied the driver, sym- heard with delight the tinkling to even went husband had been setting type and the little and bells, boy moa .and added, after pathetically, herr into ments pause, For myself, Bir, I have the barns to see the milking done. maliciously changed narr. The printer was arrested afAt supper, Just as Dorothy was liftnever been accused of stealing anyter the book had been printed and her glass to her rosy lips, the boy ing Youths Companion. . the mistake discovered; but his ap- thing. cried out: prentice testified that he saw the wife Oh, Dotty, dont! You musnt drink The Sinful Human Heart. steal into the composing room and alA clergyman was addressing a that milk. Its not fit to drink. It imter the word. I saw a Its Return thu r i tb 60 stamps and I will mail RECIPE FOR SIMPLE HOME-MADKIDNEY CURE. e , PERIODS OF PAIN The Great Musician Had No Use for His Production, Suggestion That He or She of Wrinkled Brow Should Consider. thought-transferenc- great catarrh remedy. Which of these people are rightl Is it mere proper to call Perona a ca tarrh remedy than to call it atonic? Our reply is, that Pernna is loth a ' tonic and a catarrh remedy. Indeed, there can he no effectual catarrh rem DID NOT WANT TO BUY. MIX THIS YOURSELF (To PRI0E8. who omn prove W. L. not mako aall 93. SO ahooa (jmora than any other manufacturer. DniLOMr afuwiaru THE REASON W. I doom Mon a $3 Douglas aline, are worn by more people In all walks of life than an y other make, is because of their and superior wearing qualities. etoeJlent style, easy-fittinThe selection of the heathers ami other materials for each part of the shoe, aud every detail of the making is looked after by the most oompleteorganieation of superintendents, foremen and skilled shoemakers, who reeeive the highest wages paid in the aiioe industry, and whose workmanship cannot be excelled. If I could take you Into my --large factories at Brockton. Mass., and show you how carefully ouglas shoes are mmle, you would then understand why they hohf their shajie, fit better, wear longer and are of greater value than any other make. yj. Shorn o esnnof bo mtgumllod mt mnyprfeo. Doug las name and price Htainl on bottom. Takw genuine No Substitute. At4i your dealer for W. L. Douglas shoos. Jf he cannot supply you, send direct to factory. Shoes sent everywhere by niaiL Catalog free. WIDouiUi, Brockton. Mas Edoo $4 .00 and $5.00 Gilt My have W.Ij. CAUTION! J he philanthropists In search of a novel means of doing good do not engage reciters and story- tellers to visit hospitals and amuse the patients. A rich man in New( York engaged Marshall P. Wilder, the diminutive entertainer, who has given pleasure In nearly every city, to visit regularly certain hospitals in New York. Mr. Wilder was welcomed en- thusiastically by the convalescent patients, and his merry stories did them BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT good. State or Ohio, City or Toledo, I BS Luoa Coutt. f Fbawk J. Cheney make oath that he ! eeofor partuur of the firm of F J. Cheney A Co., doing buainefts la the City of Toledo. County aud biate aforefiaid, and that Raid firm will pay the utn of ONK HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every rase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the aae of llALLe Catarrh Cure. FRANK J CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In iny presence, this bih day of December, A. D., 1kk6. A. W. GLEASON, j be vl Notary Public. Halls Catarrh Cure te taken Internally and acta directly on the blood and mutoua surfaces of the system, bend for teatlm mini free. F. J. CilLNEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. laae iiaii's Family Filis for constipation. John Brown Juror. Williams Abrams Martin, the solitary survivor of the 12 men who connoted John Brown, is still living in his Virginia. He has celebrated Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for s Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. When a person has used coffee for a Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and number of years and gradually de- 6eventy-fiftanniversary. clined in health, it is time the coffee should be left off in order to see Hides, Pelts and Wool. SS5SSSB whether or not it has been the t full value, ship to the old reliable & cause of the trouble. Hide FurCo., Minneapolis, Minn. to A lady in Huntsville, Ala, says she DEFIANCE STARCH!! ounces package Lots of people are poor subjects for wither used coffcbr for about 40 years, and for itar only 12 ounreiwime price and DEFIANCE IS SUPERIOR QUALITY. the past 20 years has had severe a mind reader. stomach trouble. I have been treated by many physicians but all In vain. Everything failed to give relief. Was prostrated for some time, and came near dying. When I recovered sufficiently to partake of food and drink 1 tried coffee again and it soured on my stomach. I finally concluded that coffee was the cause of my trouble and stopped usiug it I tried tea in its place and then milk, but neither agreed with me;,then I commenced using Postum, had it properly made and it was very pleasing to the taste. I have now used it four months, and my health is so greatly Improved that I can eat almost anything I want FOR 8TIFFNESS, SORENESS, SPRAIN OR BRUISE, and can sleep well, whereas, before, NOTHING IS BETTER THAT YOU CAN USE; I suffered for years with insomnia. LUMBAGO'S PAIN, RHEUMATIC TWINGE, trouI have found the cause of my YOUR BACK FEELS LIKE A RUSTY HINGE; bles and a way to get rid of them. SCIATIC ACHES ALL PLEASURES SPOIL, I You can depend upon it, appreciate FOR HAPPINESS USE ST. JACOBS OIL. 2 5c ,411 DRUCCJSTS-6Postum." Theres" a Reason. Read In The Road toWellville, pkgs. h JACOBS O0. OIL $i. Sold by all Druggists. To convince woman that any Pax-tin- e will health improve ami do all we claim Antiseptic Ik r t or It. IV e will send her absolutely free a huge trial box of Paxtme with book of Instructions and genuine testimonials. Send your name and address ou a postal card. cleanses mucous and heals mem brane af such as nasal catarrh, caianh aud Inflammation caused bypoluo feminine ills; soie eyes, sore throat aud local direct treatment Its curmouth, by ative power over these troubles Is extraordinary and gives Immediate relief. Thousands of women are using and recommending it every day. 60 cents at druggists or by mail. Kemember, however. IT OSTS Oil OTII IN i TO TK Y IT. THE It, PAXTON CO., lto.ton. Mills. fections, S30 AN HOUR MERRY GO ROUNDS Wp also tn ami facto re Rarsta Dazzles. Strikers, ftto. liKuHiHbLL-hflLLMA- N CO boneral Amusement Outfitters. Dept. M ohthTu.nowanda.N. Y.l.1 W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 43, 1907.' 1 |