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Show 40TELS SUPERSTITIONS OF BARBERS AND ROOMING HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. THE MIDLAND! WINDSOR. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Salt Lake City. . .Located in the heart trf the city. Rates Reasonable. Light, airy, clean rooms, First-clas- s in every respect. Steam, heat. Elec-.triLights. UPERSTITIOUS? 1 should say yes. They wont admit It to anyone ex- VAN cept members ot APARTMENT NOY HOUSE, New and Elegantly Furnished the craft, but Thresgt ' are the most superstitious peo- Mrs. A. Van Noy, Proprietress. ple in the world." Independent Phone 12L The man in 263 South Mucharge of the sec- Steam Heat and Baths; Elcctiic ond chair at one of the large hotel bar-ber- s 4-- 4-- THE BY ROOMS DAY, 4?44444444444t shops stropped his razor and loquaciously continued: "You see that new man down at the end chair? He just came to work here this morning, and he'll have a nice large can tied to his coat left-hande- i left-hande- d .u 'v'l CARDS. left-hande- d 35 East Rooms 75 Now is the time to invest. A rapid advance is certain. Choice building lots all parts of city, $100 to $500, r month, 7 per $12.50 cash, $7.50 cent. a HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO., 78 West 2d So. St left-hande- d hand. One day a runaway horse plunged through the plate glass window, and another day a mad dog ran into the shop, followed by a policeman, who killed the beast under the mans chair. Without any apparent reason the hot water faucets would get cold as ice, and the razors would refuse to work properly. Customers who for years had been in the habit of getting shaved three or four times a week stopped coming, and it was all due to that barber. During all the while he was there not one of us won a bet on policy, although the porter used to dream some of the best numbers I ever saw. This fellow I speak of had red hair, and that, of course, made it worse. We finally induced the boss to fire him, and just as soon as he was gone things began to get good again. Now, this fellow on the end, who drifted in this morning, looks to be a pretty good barber, but just as soon as the boss saw him strop a razor with his left mitt it was all for Julius. In most shops before a new man is hired he is asked whether he is right or left handed. d men who learn the trade get on to this after awhile, and then they switch to the right hand, that is if they can make good with the right. Im scared to death that somebody is going to get killed around here before eight oclock when his nibs will take ofT his coat and take it away with him. ESTATE CARDS. M. McCONAUGHY, 4al Estate and Loan. investment. Securities, Trades and business Chances. Ind. Phone 1101 1699. Rooms by Day Week or Month Modern in all Its Appointments West Second So. St., Sslt Lake City. Utah. West Third South SL, 41 28 OUR MOTTO: Lett-hande- t, Another superstitition among barbers is that they dont want to shave the first customer that comes in on Monday morning. Thats a sure sign of poor business all week for the unlucky barber. Of course, somebody has got to shave the first man in, but you dont see the barbers rushing madly up to their chairs and beckoning to the customer. Youll see one of them go for a drink of water, another is too busy reading the sporting page to look up, and the others are all doing samething that occupies their time. Whatever chair the customer climbs into the barber who runs it is hoodooed for the week. Another peculiarity about barbers is that one of the craft can tell a fellow tradesman by shaving him, although he may never have seen the man before. The way a barber lies in a chair whan he is getting shaved, and the way he unconsciously assists the man with the razor tips him off every time. He will turn his head from one side to the other in a different way than other men who are not barbers, and when the razor is on his neck hell raise his chin in a way that I never cannot be counterfeited. missed out on calling the turn on a barber in my life. , Cleaning and Renewing Furs. Consul General Richard Guenther quotes the Frankfort Didaskalia to the effect that a technical engineer tells of a method which is used in Russia to clean and renew furs: Bran of rye is heated in an iron or earthenware vessel, being well stirred all the time, until it has become as hot as the hand can stand. The bran is then poured upon the fur and thoroughly rubbed in. The fur is then brushed with a clean brush or pounded till all the particles of bran have been removed. The fur has then gotten back its former luster; even white furs thus treated appear like new." Consular Report. Even Exchange. Beg pardon, sir, said the barber, scrutinizing the proffered tip, but this dime is mutilated. It is full of or Horses, Buggies, Etc., Bought Exchanged. Room 8 OMeara Block. W. Second South Street No. 63 Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City, Utah. J. HALLORAN, Real Estate and Loans. ESTABLISHED chuckled the BUY a LOT or a HOME before We advise you re prices advance. yarding localities and make your in i crests ours. MARINGEU INVESTMENT CO.. 40 East Second South Manager Seeing Salt Lake Citj 1893. A. L. Brattain, Manager. Have you ever thought of getting into business? For instance, a good paying rooming house, grocery store, saloon, cigar store, restaurant or, in fact any business enterprise? If you contemplate such a move, see me. I have a number of genuine bargains, guaranteed to be money makers. Correspondence solicited. Business Opportunity Department A. RICHTER, REAL ESTATE. Established 18? Telephone 823. 14 W. Third South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah $350.00 buys very choice Main bn Lots. . Cara" HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO. prices. Easiest terms., 251 Salt Lake City Has Caught Her Stride. Lowest Homes for rent and sale. Main St-S- alt Lake City. FOR REAL ESTATE See Peterson Real Estate Investment Co. Large list bargains for which we are exclusive agents. Special attention to property of estates Old reliable and s. agency. Correspond or call. 330 So. Main St. Salt Lake City. Utah. CARDS. LOCAL MANUFACTURERS SMOKE THE BEST. CIGAR. BLUE POINT PERFECTO Whitaker and Dallas, Makers, 134 W. 3rd South Street, Salt Lake City. COCA-COL- 0; 0. IN BOTTLES. A We have established a plant for bot- tling this most popular drink and we want an agent in every town in Utah to handle it Good profits. Write us at once for prices, etc. Salt Lake Bottling Co. Coca-Col- a P. O. Box Salt Lake City. 3. GIRLS, WE PAY CASH. BOYSAND Many bright boys and girls are making $5 weekly after school working for us. If you want the same chance, send us your name and address and we will send you $2 worth of our quick-sellin- g When sold, Household Specialties. send us $1 and keep $1 for yourself. You can do this in one day. We will furnish you permanent work. Address N. H. Groesbeck & Co., Springville, Utah. TRUNKS, TRUNKS. Oliver R. Meredith. I ) iTrunk Manufactur-- er. 155 Main St., 1 Salt Lake, I ffi iAiXsXiXtftsXiXswixi SALT THATS ALL SALT ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND Manufactured only by INLAND CRYSTAL SALT CO., N. W. Clayton, Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah. PAUM1B RlHISIAM bYB WORKS LAKE CITY . SALT South. 65 W. Second (From Goodwins Weekly.) Did you hear a whistle just now, and do you hear a bell ringing ? That was the whistle on the great new locomotive Progress, and it is her bell that is ringing. They mean that a new time table has been adopted and if you do not hurry you will not get aboard. It is a most magnificent train that the new locomotive is hauling. It has last years increased values on board and is on the way to make a display of them to the world. What are they ? Why, you must be a stranger. A gold increase over 1904 of $3,000,000; a silver lncreaste of $2,000,000; a copper increase of a mercury increase of $14,-00This In the metal line. But there is plenty more, in sugar, in wool, in livestock, and $3,000,000 in the increased value of real estate in Salt Lake City. There is another difference in this last item. A year ago the values were latent people were dreaming of an unearned increment now the values are active and the man who puts off a purchase until tomorrow will pay more than he would have to pay That is, the boom is on. That is what this train with the Locomotive Progress attached to it means. And if you do not get aboard your children, ten years hence, will be telling of the mistake you made. Because you must know that the advance 'in the mines has only just begun and, for it all. Salt Lake is the clearing house. When on the morning of Austerlitz the sun rose in glory over the Carpathian Mountains, Napoleon, who was riding with his staff, stretched out Behold his sovereign hand and said: the sun of Austerlitz, and the awed staff doffed their chappeaus. tl is like that here. When now, at dawn, the rising sun turns to purple and gold, the snows on the lordly Wasatch range, that is the sun of Salt Lake, presaging triumps greater than were achieved at Austerlitz ( for it has come to the knowledge of men that all this great region, Utah, with her copper and gold and silver and lead and wool and sugar, turns to this city as a point of adjustment. More, half Nevada feels the same way, and is bringing hither her gold and her silver. The railroads that center here cannot do the work assigned them, and more are coming. The new smeltery are being hurried to completton io meet the increasing demand for reduction works. As men in the mines grow rich they are saying, We must find a place with great schools, great churches, theatres, stores, libraries, a good climate and joyous surroundings for the children. Instinctively they turn toward Salt Lake, for Salt Lake has all they want and still is so near that they can run in, make a visit, and return, before they are missed. to-da- SALT LAKE CITY'S HOTEL And others, when they make money in our home mines look about them and note how beautiful Is the situation of the city, and exclaim: Men dream of having monuments when they shall have died, I will build mine here while I am yet alive, and so ihey buy lots and make plans and it Is in this year of our Lord 1907, that those monuments are going to begin to materialize and that is why we raise the Get aboard or you will be cry: left! The train is already moving; the respirations of the locomotive are but an echo of the throbbing life of the city; the bell which now rings out a joy bell; will for you, lest you get aboard, toll a farewell, if you do not hurry, for the great train is already in motion and in another day will be kawut, which is the Shoshone for gone. Beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings,. and now no other tidings are being brought. Listen to the message come on our wireless: From Park City: "Better and bet ter. Thi3 year we will eclipse the last The Silver King has become an Emperor. Do not bother From Bingham: She has turned about Bingham. wedged-shaped- , the sharp edge upward and all the work done is but an ern-es- t of far mightier works in the future. We have waitFrom Cottonwood: ed long, 1907 is to bring us realization." From Stockton and Ophir: "This year we are going to surprise you. From Beaver: Hurry up your netv furnaces, or we will swamp you with ore. We will this From Newhouse: year put aside some millions to complete those 10 and 12 story buildings in Salt Lake." Frotn Old Pioche: Redemption is nigh. Wait until our little road is completed from Caliente and see a second-birtfor old Pioche. Before this year is out From Ely: Ely will make other copper camps seem second class and all our millionaires will want residences in Salt Lake City." From Goldfield, Manhattan, Rhyolite, Tonopah, Yerlngton and Fair-view- : We, before the year is out, will make Salt Lake what Jerusalem was in Solomons day when gold was soplentiful that men no longer made any account of silver. The air of Salt Lake is filled with the ringing of the joy bells of ir- repressible business: this train headed by Progress Is compassing the land and the fame of it fills all the space between the seas. Its smoke by day is a cloud; its headlight by night is a pillar of fire pointing all men of the desert to this city as a Mecca where the banners of Hope light all the air, and where the temples ft a marvelous fruition are about to begin to soar upward in marble and in steel. Get aboard or surely you will be left. EVERYTHING 100 ROOMS EVERY SUITE WITH BATH HOT AND COLD WATER IN EVERY ROOM RATES REASONABLE Anyone sending a tkteb and description roar Qtctcty ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent tent free. Oldest aaency for curingCopatents. receiv Patents taken tbroogh Munn k special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. hndKme1r niiwtrsted wwkly. Dareeat Serais. ea!.t!on of .nr wientlBc Journal. .11 r : four months, $1. Sold by MUNN & $1 newsdenlr . n Co.36,B'omyNew York rDCt Offlae. OS V BteWssUavB ) In the world. Members Salt Lake Stock and ing Exchange. LOCAL MANUFACTURERS Min- BEAD ut. wltn quaintance these tablets will result In a pleasant surprise to suffering women The ladles safeIn cases guard. of painful or sup. menstrua pressed tion THBX SUCCEED. Price, 12.00 per box. At all drug stores or by mall, securely sealed. Doull Drug Co.. Main, Salt Lake City, Utah. CPAGER WIRE AND IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of iron fences, Bank, Office and Counter Railings, Flower Stands, Etc. A1J kinds of fancy wire and Iron work. We do Electro Plating in Nickel and Copper In all the Latest Finishes. Write for Prices. State St Salt Lake City 527-29-3- 1 DRINK. out-doo- hot-hous- e BAGS IN FAVOR. Many Pretty Designs Shown in This Seasons Offerings. Bead bugs, elaborate In design and having fancy rims, are no less in favor than a season ago, when they were introduced for evening use. Floral designs are exquisitely done In natural colors and further embellished with tiny gold bead fringe. Little Watteau patterns and pompadour roses are found in abundance. A capacious bag made of beads is In the shape of two hearts and looks mote like a dainty bit of fancy work than an opera bag equipped with miniature glasses, powder puff and the . like. The top closes with a drawing string. The satin pouch may beinad with the1 :1 a color corresponding gown or wrap. These bags are now being used for the carriage and are much liked by the matinee girl. Cream of Celery Soup. not use the green, outermost stalks of celery, but those partially Wash and scrape, and blanched. when you have the equivalent of two beads cut in inch pieces, using a few of the leaves, cover with a quart of water or water and white Btock, and s of an cook slowly for hour. When tender press through & puree sieve, add a quart of hot milk, and when it reaches the boiling point thicken with two tablespoonfuls of flour blended with the same amount of butter. Stir constantly until the soup is smooth and creamy, add a tablespoonful of minced parsley and a half cup of cream and serve with souffle Balls. 48 MARKET STREET SALT LAKE CITY ROMNEY AND RYAN, LINOTYPERS. 241 SOUTH Kind, from Agnte to Pirn Promptly and Skilfully Executed Tax 1,14, Brief and Propectn a Specialty. of Machine Border Alnrnya on Hand. Writ for Etl-met- e. P. O. Box 1141, Salt Lake City. Bell Phone 3117. , Do TEA. three-quarter- If If Ji ! MAXHELD VINEGAR CO., Manufacturers PURE FOOD If Factory: If If V of 3 Jj VINEGAR. 720 South Second West Telephone 979-- j z ryr.rrri REMEMBER. merchant does noi carry in stock Temple Brand Garments, Ranms Head Sweaters, Se-g-o Lily Underwear, send your orders to the sole manufacturers, Salt Lake Knitting Works. If your local n ' ' To Clean Japanned Ware. Stains on japanned ware can be successfully removed by means of a e little salad oil rubbed over the with a piece of flannel. Trays of this description should never bo washed with hot water, as the heat tends in time to cause the japanning to crack. They should, however, always be washed, when necessary, in lukewarm soapsuds and dried carefully with a soft cloth and polished with a leather. suf-fac- Butter Scotch. Put three pounds of light brown sugar in a saucepan and slowly add UTAH. just enough boiling water to wet the sugar. Stir occasionally until a clear of a syrup, then add pound of butter and a level half of cream of tartar. Boil until it crackles when a little is dropped one-quart- OBNTRALLY LOCATED, '4 BLOCK WEST OR POST OFFICE VEST TEMPLE ST. SALT LAKE CITY. All The Largest Independent Linotype Plant Went of Chh-nso- . la-b- le CARDS. Ltrojr'i Tansy French An acTablets. SALT IAKC CITY STRATTON, formerly Clerk of Cullen Relel, Proprietor, of Type Setting Special Editlona, A Full Line Address Moses W. Taylor. TAYLOR BROS. REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. Tel. 171., Utah National Bank Salt Lake City, Utah. , Salt Lake Real Estate the best InComworld. vestment in the Utah mercial and Mining Stocks the safest Y. Taylor. NEW and EUROPEAN J. YOUNG & YOUNG, General Insurance, Real Estate and Ball Loans, 202 Whitingham B1k Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. h THE NEW YORK ALEX We have all kinds of Investments in real estate and we write all kinds of Insurance. Frank To be well set a dining table needs a centerpiece of some, sort, whether it be flowers, fruit or simply a dish of bonbons. Nor is it necessary to have the table look attractive only when there are guests, in spite of all the burry and bustle with which Americans are credited, they are beginning to appreciate the value of nice table apolntments and look upon '& prettily decorated table as conducive to a good appetite. And there is no doubt that this is really so; many a plain meal is glorified by spotless linen and a bunch of flowers in the center. The whole atmosphere of the dining room is affected by iL As a matter of fact it is not such an expensive matter to have a cen- -' terpiece for the table even in winter, for even then there is usualy fruit, and it is most effective to have a basket or fancy dish of apples and oranges on the table. Most jteople in these fruit-lovindays keep a supply on hand, and as a table ornament a basket of highly polished apples Is not to be despised. to force it Some people object blooms because they think it spoil the pleasume in natural blooms when their season comes, but there is always an easily distinguishable differr ence between and flowers which makes the latter ail the more welcome when they come. Where the party at table is small it is never well to have a high centerpiece of flowers. Conversation around the corner of a large bunch of flowers is stilted and uncomfortable. Where the party is large it does not make so much difference, because there are other people to talk to besides those directly opposite. White nines are perhaps the most delicately beautiful flowers of the advance season for table decorations. They are very graceful when massed in a large bowl or lu a tall vase, and they light very well indeed, being most effective as a background for handsome silver and cut glass. Their odor, while fragrant. Is so subtle that It adds to, rather than detracts from their enjoyment In a close room. g Anderson Real Estate Investment Co 14 W. A humorous patron, as he hurried out. Quick Sales In Real Estate. If you want to buy or sell Rea Estate, list your property with ua !oi quick sales. We have the buyers. A Richter estate West First South. cialty. Farms and homes for sale or trade left-hande- d jt&icago Daily News. uEO THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. Homes on Installment Plan a Spe- left-hande- d So was your razor, REAL Third South Street cents to $3 00 per day. Telephone d hacks. HOTELKIETROPOLE,l SALT LAKE REAL ESTATE. Bon-bon- to-nigh- t. Why? Because If he remained here every barber in e shop would quit before the week is out. A barber is a hoodoo to any shop, and theres no getting away from it. You may think thats only a prejudice that barbers have for knights of the razor, but Its a superstition, as old as the trade Itself. Wed be apt to have all kinds of hard luck if that fellow stayed here any length of time. I once worked in a New York shop where there was a barber, and almost every day an accident would happen to some of the others. We told the proprietor where the trouble lay, but as he was not a barber he couldnt understand what difference it made whether a man shaved with his right or his left hes REAL ESTATE 9L C-- t Needed to Flowers, Fruit or Set Off the Board Many Pretty Thlnga Not at All Expensive. THE KEELEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. A positive and permanent cure for drunkenness and the opium die eases. There Is no publicity, nt sickness. Ladles treated as pri vately as at their own homes. The Keeley Institute, 334 W So. Tem pie. Salt Lake City, Utah. 1 - TABLE CENTERPIECE OF SOME SORT IM. PERATIVE. Week or Month. Rates, 50 cents to $1.50 per day Special rates by the day, week or month. Week or Month. 4 and $1.00 ... per Day. Rates 50c, 75c, 44 West First South St, Salt Lake City. Bell Phone 5198 Red. 444444444444444 DINING GLADSTONE HOTEL. rs. Mary Marriott, PrppM. NEATLY FURNISHED THE Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop. 119 South Main Rt Salt Lake City ne auj turuished rooms by tne day Strictly First Class. e HOUSES in cold water. Add one teaspoonful of lemon extract and pour in a thin layer in well buttered pans. Boiled Salad Dressing. The yolks of four eggs, three-fourth- s teaspoonful salt, a dash of pepper and one-hal- f cup of vinegar or iemon juice mixed with olive oil. First the eggs should be beaten light and creamy, add seasoning, then the vinegar and oil. This should be made in a double boiler and stirred until smooth to prevent lumps. Remove from fii and cool bcfr.c using . |