Show THE KNIAZ It HAS NOT surrendered russian Muti mutineer have taken captured warship to coast of roumania odessa the kniaz sailed failed on saturday apparently la in the direction of the doumanian Rou manian coast and nothing has since been heard beard of her with her departure the situation tor for the moment has taken a more favorable turn the correspondent of a press association has been told officially that the mutinous crew of the gcorge robledo ii fostez haio baio the governor general ot of their intention to surrender vice admiral brugers Kru gers squadron having left for Seba sevastopol sebastopol the georgl Is the only warship remaining here the only element 0 of immediate danger from mutinous sailors now appears to lie with the kelai tho the authorities announce that they will issue a proclamation to tranquil ejze the population public excitement and the exodus of the people c continue onti nue the telegraph office la Is crowded and the consulates are arc overwhelmed with applications to alze passports the british consul has arranged with tour four british steamers and one norwegian Nor steamer to remain off 0 ir the port so as to be in readiness in i n case of danger to remove foreign subjects the newspapers are under the military censorship and do not contain the slightest reference to tho the happenings in the harbor an unconfirmed report says that the kniaz hotem alne transferred a number of revolutionaries tio tion aries narles including students randsome and some jewish jewish gills to a british steamer the idame name of 0 which la is not given |