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Show THE SAN JUAN RECORD Wednesday February 20, 1991 e pre-pai- pre-pai- Cajl 587-227- 587-219- 5 Water Flood Damage Restoration Fire & Smoke Restoration & to place your ad. 7 We assume responsibility for an error in classified ads for the first printing only. If there is an error in your ad, please notify The San Juan Record by Friday following first publication of ad. Cedars Kigalia k One and two bedroom apartments and mobile homes in Monticello. Call 587-283- 8. for Apartments (801) Blanding. 2 678-271- 2, Palmer. k Furnished apartments in Two bedrooms, $150 with $50 deposit. One bedroom, $75 with 1 $50 deposit. Call ticello. k partially furnished. In Monticello. Close to schools. $210 per month plus 587-280- 7 Monticello driver license, and have a good Bi lingual in driving record. EnglishNavajo preferred. Citizens Center. Application is February 22, 1991. San Juan County is an Equal Opportunity dead-lin- month plus $150 refundable deposit. (2) 2 bedroom, $250 per month plus $100 refundable deposit, k Housekeeping maid needed at k Furnished one bedroom house Triangle H Motel in Monticello. North Monticello. Some utilities paid. pets. Call 587-299- e Employer. 678-268- 4. No Applica- tion may be obtained at the county clerk's office or the Bluff Senior $350 per in e e For rent: two newly refurbished apartments in Blanding. (1) 4 bedroom with basement and patio, ail sub-divisio- San Juan County Division of Aging is accepting applications for bus driver in position of part-timthe Bluff area. Must be 18 years of age or older, possess a valid Utah fl loan. Call Apply at office. 3 tfc Three-bedroo- apartment for rent in quiet neighborhood. Absolutely no smoking or pets. 9 month leasedeposit required. For more in678-323- 1 half basement, in Blanding. Carport and shed. $35, (XX). Call 678-230- & Blanding City limits. Three bedrooms upstairs, one bedroom in full basement. Two full baths. Large storeroom. Low utilities. Solar hot water. Water softener. Auto lawn k The Monticello City Police Department is accepting applications for a patrolman. Applicants must have completed the Peace Officer's Standards and Training II Basic Academy and be certified or certifiable in Utah. Pick up applications at the Public Safety Building in Monticello, or by mail to P.O. Box 1058, Monticello, Utah 84535. Deadline for applications is March 2, 1991. The City of Monticello is an Equal Opportunity Em- 6 k Three bedroom home near ele- mentary school in Monticello. $250 per month plus $100 deposit. Call Mity Brice at 678-208- in Blanding. 4 tp apartment. Un One-bedroo- m ployer. furnished, all utilities paid except gas and phone. $200 per month with $100 cleaning deposit. No smoking, no pets. Monticello, Lee Burningham, Temporary position open for River Ranger - San Juan River with the Bureau of Land Management, Monticello, Utah. Whitewater rafting experience, first aid training, 587-294- 2. practical knowledge of conservation practices, and ability to work with to the public required. Submit E. 196 Center, Blanding Job Service, 84511. Utah Application Blanding, deadline February 26, 1991. Call for Leah Quesenberry (801) home one- half block from high school, $350. Also, home, rent for $210 with option to buy. Also, home at $175 per month, no smoking, no pets. Call Lex Realty, Four-bdr- h part in neighfoot chainlink fence. borhood well. 4 Stuccoed. Only $76, (XX). 678-206- 8tp room home Good starter in Blanding. Low down payment. As sumable loan to qualified buyer. Immediate occupancy after closing. Call 0 (801)678-2597- . th SF-17- 587-242- 4, 1 587-214- 1 Monticello. further information. BLANDING ROAD FOREMAN POSITION San Juan County Road Department is accepting applications for the position of Blanding Road Foreman. Closing Date: February 28, 1991, at 3 p.m. No applications accepted after this date. Applications must be submitted to the Monticello Road Office. Qualifications: Valid Class E or CDL license. Minimum 6 years experience in construction andor road maintenance. Skilled heavy equipment operator with some mechanical background. All qualified applicants will be tested and interviewed. San Juan County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. State Land for Sale Recreational Retreat in Spectacular Southeast Utah gentle slopes covered with cedar and pinion pine trees located approx. 45 miles SE of Moab, UT. Land is accessed by Hwys 191, 46, and Wray Mesa Road (County Road 163). Wray Mesa Road is well maintained during the summer months but has a high clay content and is slick during inclement weather. 10 down, 20 yr. 11.5 fin. avail. Offered for sale at public auction on Wed., Feb. 27, 1991 at 10 a.m. at Grand County Courthouse, Commission Chambers, 125 E. Center St., Moab, UT 84532. More info, about the land, Public Notice and auction procedures may be obtained from Doug Fullmer at 89 E. Center, Moab, UT 84532, (801) or Dick Mercer 259-631- ADDITION(801) AL STATE LAND AVAILABLE IN GRAND AND SAN JUAN COUNTIES AND 538-550- 8. THROUGHOUT THE STATE. PUBLIC NOTICE District is accepting hereby given that the San Juan School applications for the following part time Summer Grounds positions: Summer Grounds Supervisor - Montezuma Creek Summer Grounds Supervisor - Blanding Summer Grounds Helpers - Blanding The general scope of the work will include the care of grass and nongrass areas: chemical application, mowing, watering, aeration, renovation, weed control & sprinkler system repair. Hourly rate will be based on the deadline: March 11, 1991. Schedule. District is Salary Application Submit application, complete with mailing address and telephone number to: Sam Lewis, San Juan Starting date: Varies with location. School District, Buildings & Grounds Department, 28-District (15-6Blanding, Utah 84511. San Juan School tunity employer. B West 200 North is an equal oppor- for AutoCycles 350 Buick. good. Call Call Good quality alfalfa hay for sale. Also, Circle-- J white, trailer. New condition. Call Moab (801)259-5578- . Opportunities to Purchase Your Own Home Good quality Delta, Utah hay. Will deliver. $100 to $105 per ton. 3 bedroom, 50 V-- sale engine. Runs 8 Monticello. 587-207- 0, 2 - Small Down 2 Log Home Package: 2,016 square feet, four bedrooms, windows, doors, 90 foot covered t k Three aquariums, complete set up. One stand, $175. One mobile home - $175 Above Properties Located In Dove Creek, Colorado all with with n bedroom 12' x 50' on 50 x 142 lot Small Down - Monthly Pmt guaranteed, Quality bath home 1 with deck - 63 x 93 lot Small Down - $217permo $125. with fish, negotiable. Ask for Theresa. n, One Call (801) 30-gall- 587-246- 2 OWN ACREAGE FOR YOUR NEW HOME 13-3- tp 3 Full size pool table with one inch slate. Real wtxxl construction. Six pool cues, rack and brush. $5(X). Monticello, one-piec- in e, Acre tracts with 2 shares MVI Sunnyside Estates subd by Lewis, CO - 11 miles north of Cortez, 4 miles from McPhee Res, Beautiful views- - excellent terms 30 lots available. 587-246- tfc 0 k For sale: Formal, size 9, baby blue. Worn once. $50. Call Jeanette Monticello. Christensen, IN MONTICELLO Commercial Building 587-260- 3,072 sq. ft. on 54' lot - Small Down Monthly Pmt $217 Beautiful, solid oak, custom built hutch. Would like to keep but too large for my kitchen. x 97' 587-296- Equal Housing Lender Monticello. King size waterbed mattress. Member FDIC 677-224- 1 Also: like new, low energy, waterbed heater. Call Monticello. 587-287- Recycling 20 tp 2 1 Recyclables getting in your k Wineharger, 12v, 200w, $275. Sears rear tine 5hp tiller, $3(K). '71 Dodge van, 225, overhauled 25,(XX) miles ago, $750. Teleseojx', 10" ror, 5' barrel, $125. Call 259-5990- way? We can help. Call San Juan Recycling Services. (801) 678-209- mir, Moab. Yard sale tp k Baldwin Full $1,4(X). Full pedal, Organ percus- pre-set- sion, automatic rhythms, leslic speaker. This is a real nice instrument, and an exceptional bargain. The cost new was near $4,000. I personally warranty this instrument the same as a new one. Ron McDonald, 678-230- sale at Park Yard Size p.m. Big furniture. Box of free items. HAWKINS REPAIR Expert Appliance Repair Washers Ranges also Auto & Home Furnishings 811 North Highway 191 Blanding, Utah 8451 1 678-343- Dryers Refrigerators DAVIS UPHOLSTERY Call Plaza Apartments, Apt. 1, Monticello, on February 20 and 21. From 9 a.m. to 5 Blanding. Small Engine Repair Mowers - Tillers Chain Saws etc 7 Call Gorden at 678-200- 3 Wanted Miscellaneous wooded acreage, Monticello area. Any size considered, depending on price and location. Homer Davis, Box 65, Green River, Utah 84525. Phone (801) 2. k To make carpet cleaning easy and simple, rent a BLUE LUSTER RINCE N VAC shampooer or steam cleaner from Monticello Merc. Call 587-225- 6. 1987 587-248-9. Livestock for sale B Angus consigning 10 fertility tested. Pap tested bulls to the 15th Annual Western Colo. Angus Assn. Sale March 9 at 1 p.m.. Delta Sales Yard, Delta, Colo. 70 bulls consigned. Private treaty sale, 7 yearling embryo transplant bulls, $2,000. For information FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale Call Sue Hailiday (801) bath home 1 100 lot bedroom, for sale Miscellaneous 564-352- Call Monticello, x Monthly Pmt $260 864-264- porches. 303-677-22- Ask for Ron or Sharon 4tp 2-- 6 Call (801) 0 Properties For Sale By DOVE CREEK STATE BANK Chevette. Good condition. Low miles. $2,400 or best offer. k Double ), 587-208- We are mobile Wanted: Notice 8 00-462-651 -8- tp 40 acres of fiat land and Now taking applications 678-332- One-fift- sprinklers. 678-224- bedroom apartments 2 1 $21,500. (801) 972 6066. k Nice home for sale just inside Monticello, Blanding, Bluff, or Mexican Hat. Contact Harold Lyman at Job Service in Blanding, tc . Kigalia 1 896-655- 8. home with m 587-230- 0 9 tfc South Main, Monticello. 24 hour hotline, 4tp n or (801) 587-282- 0 1 Bluff 8. 2 bedroom formation, call - Pre-Cu- Wanted: Certified Flaggers. k Large Blanding. k Home for sale or rent: home with full basement, located in Silverstone in Monticello. Assumable low interest 673-116- apartments for rent 678-241- 5, two-bedroo- 5. to families and the elderly Call Part-tim- (801) your neigh borhood. Earn $150 to $500 per week. Call (801) PARK PLAZA Subsidized ail work from home servicing Fuller Brush customers in Large one bedroom apartment, 587-249- Arizona. Like new! Good location. Will sell with or without furniture, wanted Help 587-290-8. electricity. Call the sun. Two bedroom, two bath condominium in Mesa, Relax in Without advertising you wouldn't know Mon- Toll Free Truck mount machine 6 9-- 4 Personal Abuse Anonymous meetings Tuesday nights at 7 pm, bedroom apartments 678-332- tfc 9-- Dove Creek Monticello evenings, or 587-286- 148 9 I Now taking applications rent in Steve Moab Serving Blanding 587-292- For rent Anonymous meetings are held at the Catholic Hall in Monticello on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7 p m. Everyone is welcome. For information, Insurance Approved Company 1 Deadline's ridaynoon. Alcoholics Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning e Page 15 Personal E'C'ON'O'M" Y words or less, $2.50 Classified ad of twenty-fivwords or less that runs three consecutive weeks without copy change, $2.00 per week. classifieds must be Blind ad service charge is $ .00 additional per insertion. Twenty-fiv- - Juniper Village Apartments for the elderly ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS NOW AVAILABLE AS LOW AS $50 PER MONTH depending on your income WE PAY ALL UTILITIES (801) 678-261- 100 S. 100 4 E., Blanding ta EQUAL HOUUNG offommen |