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Show fl; i j ji ji 7 ji j!ji j! ji jiji j? j? iijlji jijijiiii! ;?ji ji ji ji ji jijijijijijiji jijiji ji j?) Scut fcuut Second Ytc NATIONAL trt By ALBERT R. LYMAN FHA kind of lips and tongue to articulate, and the kind of Loan funds are available to voice with which to make words, he would speak, and eligible San Juan County farmwhat he said would be good ers who wish to develop water supply systems for irrigation, to hear. household use and livestock; Then, to relieve the long to drain farm land; and to carhours, I felt in my pocket out soil conservation meary and put some gum in my mouth. Sam saw what I sures; reports Max Dalton, had done, and that I seem- chairman of the local Farmers county ed to be eating. He raised Home Administration his head from where it had committee. Mr. Dalton points out that been resting on his paws, and looked at me question-ingly- . these funds can be extremely My dear San Juaners: He cocked up one ear useful in developing the water s remind Lives of and scrutinized me with one and land resources of the comus what fools we ourselves and then in the same way munity and otherwise supporteye, used to be. If the years have with the other, rising In- ing rural area development. wrought no change in us, Each dollar used wisely in dethen we must be reminded quiringly on his front feet and conserving water veloping as I to if aint "Say, ask, further: "The greatest of all land resources, helps preand on to this? He in be fools is the old fool. I just goin vent boosts farm cant figure out how I am couldnt have said it any incomecropandfailure, increases the valwith lips, tongue, plainer or can be the same individual voice and all the equipment ue of local property. who, just a short 65 years San Juan County farmers of human speech. "All right ago, did some of the out- old obtain water development "I I aint said, boy, may got la n d i s h, neurotic, Idiotic nothin thats too good fer and soil conservation loans to things that brilliant young If you want this gum, drill wells and otherwise impeople are doing today. And you. is." here it prove water supply systems for they seem to think it is I took it from my mouth irrigation, home use and liveand proper, perfectly right and they are just as unasham- and held it out above him. stock; purchase pumps and aced and just as proud of them- He was on his feet in a other irrigation equipment; second and caught it as it quire a water supply or water selves as I was. fell. He began eagerly to right; purchase water stock or They swear, they boast; so chew his head membership in an incorporated shook but it, did I. How assinine! They a of do- water users association; conas have way dogs tell stories and make claims or struct and repair ponds and bone a hard with ing that would fall all to pieces tanks, ditches and canals for tried He in the limelight I can for- tough gristle. irrigation; dig ditches and inand looked questioning-lI as am give them for that stall tile to drain farm land me. wasnt at it food, It trying to forgive myself. But had no flavor of food, it or make other related improvethey are still, after all these would neither desolve nor ments. 75 years, chewing gum!! Loans may also be obtained As to swearing, I knew that separate. He eyed me with disappointment. to clear and level land; carry was wrong, beside being a unmistakable sure sympton of weakness. He was insulted; he was out basic land treatment pracSwear hurt The honor and pride tices including liming, fertilizThe commandment was mean- ing, and seeding; subsoil or sod not at all, had been quoted of his a lit- land; purchase posts, wire, othHe pawed betrayed. ly to me many times, but I had plant such a dangerous temper, it tle hole In the sand, dropped er fencing materials; seemed safer to bark a lot the gum In and covered it trees; establish permanent pasthan to bite a little,, thus over. He turned away, and tures. back at me from Farmers pay 5 percent interchoosing the lesser of the glancing evils. So it wasnt as bad as the corner of his eye he said est on water development and as plainly as ever a dog was soil conservation loans, accordit might have been. With the tall tales and the able to speak, I didnt think ing to Mr. Dalton. And he said that loans to individual farmyoud do this to me. e x t r a v aga nt pretensions With his head down and ers in San Juan County are overstated well, everybody things in order to dent the his tail between his legs he usually scheduled for repayapathy of their hearers, and slunk away as from abusive ment over a period of 10 to 20 I was simply following an words, and lay down on the years but that loans over pera bush a iods up to 40 years could be accepted custom. People ex- opposite side of made if necessary. pected it, and If I didnt rod away, I was hurt too To be eligible for a water talk that way, I wouldn't get guilty and ashamed, I had a hearing. For all this, and insulted a true find trusted development and soil conserother things, both silly and friend. What he had said to vation loan, a farmer must be sinful, and not necessary nor me by his looks, and by go- unable to obtain the necessary nice to mention, I figure I ing away out of my sight, credit on reasonable terms iould be pardoned after the hurt even more because he from private and cooperative cleansing lapse of all these had no tongue to speak, and lenders. eventful years. But for my yet had expressed his outFurther details about water I can think of raged feelings more impres- and soil conser- development no extenuating circumstanc- sively, and with less blame vatlon loans may be obtained es, particularly so while I and accusation than was to from the Farmers Home Admen. still have to see and hear and be expected of ministration office located in I swung out of the saddle Monticello. endure many otherwise respectable people chewing on and went over to him- - He and on, hour after hour, day regarded me with questioning of granuDo add a after day premeditatedly, de- fear, and when I stopped to lated beet teaspoon to the cooking sugar and with malice stroke his head, he flinched water when liberately preparing all vegenot be the It should lest It wouldnt aforethought tables. Vegetables lose some of I induced seem too unbearable if they promised caress. their natural sugar from garden chewed in an unpretentious, him to come back, and remem- to table restoring it makes retiring and withdrawn sort bering that I had a piece of them taste fresher. of way, the farther withdrawn bread and bacon and a hunk in my - saddle-pocketthe better. But when instead of jerky E bond holders who now want I fed it to him in of simply chewing they chaw, income, rather than inregular with him and not content with chaw- slices, assuring my cash values of their in crease ing emphatically, chawnk with words and caresses that I conscienceless gusto, I look was glad he was so generous bonds, may exchange Es for Series H and defer payment of at them silently and pray the to accept my apology. income tax on the E bond inLord to have mercy on their more had Sam good terest until the H bonds are My dog souls. Oh yes, I am aware common sense at cashed. Ask your banker. that the word chawnk, has dependable of the three than I had age not yet achieved a place in The San Juan Record the dictionary, but it is at 16. Monticello, Utah militantly on the way, and It is going to chawnk itself Personal Christmas Cards from Thursday, December 7, 1961 Page Two right into the dignity of a Order Now! The Record legitimate word in the language that has been glorified by Milton and Shakspere. It will have to be accepted, or the English-speakinpeople will not be able to give adequate expression to what is becoming sternly real In modern times. I used to get a kick out of listening to my young pigs eating corn, the aggressive relish with which they were that corn into converting pork, the reassuring sound of the eagerness with which each one aspired to be the fattest one in the pen, challenged me for a word to exs press it Modern have coined the word- that was lacking. I remember the very first day it began to dawn on me g that is Idiotic. ; I was on the steers were grazing quietly in a swale below me, and I was leaning on my saddleLhom, looking into the trusting and worshipful eyes of my dog Sam. He seemed to be adoring me as the most important kid in all the world, and my heart was swelling with Drink Milk at bedtime and relax. Milk is the love for and admiration him. He just seemed to me nightcap beverage with protein. You always need protein. Thats why you never outgrow to have more real, dependable sense than a whole your need for Milk. Drink 3 glasses every day. string of men of whom I could think, at any rate It was beneath his standards of honor to make the kind of an ass of himself that they made of themselves. I AMERICAN DAIRY ASSN. OF UTAH believed that if he had the for EDITORIAL AS)C0TIjN i g.'.i f.'.i Funds available The Old Settler ua MR. AND MRS. GEORGE E. JONES, Owners and Publishers BOB McCASLIN Reporter, Photographer Entered in the Postoffice at Monticello, Utah as Second Class matter, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Published every Thursday at Monticello, Utah SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In San Juan County $3 a year Outside San' Juan County $4 a year Phone JU Box 428, Monticello, Utah loans teen-ager- needs help . . . Community Development Next Thursday night, Dec. 14, is the date. The time is 7:30 and the place is the Monticello High school. Your presence is very much needed at the Community Development meeting which will be the last of the series delving into the research and study portion of the program. After this meeting, Community Development will go into high gear on the action portion of the project and unless considerably more enthusiasm is shown and attendance is increased the chances for success are reduced immeasurably. This program is of, by and for the community and therefore should have the wholehearted support of, by and for the people of the community. Dont leave it up to your neighbor. Its your com- munity too! Really not so bad . . . With all the talk of the world situation coming to a head with drastic, wars, building of fallout shelters and the threat of the Communist menace, the outlook for the future sometimes does look mighty dim. We are assured, however, of at least five years of continued tranquility. Fallout shelter manufacturers are offering terms of nothing down and five years to pay. What better assurance could we have? people-devouri- Weather, labor take ng toll unemployment Weather and a labor dispute week, the jobless ratio was combined to bring industry measured at 2.27 per cent layoffs to 1,289 in Utah dur- for the week of Nov. 18, and ing the week ended Nov. 25, 3.05 per cent for the same reported M. B. Lincoln, week a year ago. manager of the Moab Employ-jHien- t Despite these seasonal deSecurity Office. For the clines, labor demand is holdgame week a year ago they ing up well, said Mr- Lincoln. totaled 1,008, he said. Mr. Cur offices received an averLincoln pointed out that age of 219 job offers per day - now moving upward, the Thanksgiving rate is during unemployment week. For the same week a still considerably below the year ago they averaged only 1960 level. For the current 144 per day. While the EVERYDAY NEEDS Sheaf fer Cartridge Pens Esterbrook Cartridge & Ink Pens Parker T Ball Jotters $1.00 $1.95 $1 .95 75 Clip Boards $8.95 Typewriter Tables Gold, Silver and White Ink with Pen 291 Sheaffer Very Thin Pencils $1.95 25 years ago An epidemic of whooping cough and chicken pox is going around. Charles A. Burr was appointed town marshall and will also serve as quarantine officer. Mrs. Marion G. Nielson was guest of honor at a surprize birthday party Dec. 6. Mr. and Mrs. George Dal-oannounce the arrival of twin girls born to them at Cortez on Dec. 8. Christmas mix candy 19 cents a pound. Mr. and Mrs. John Redd have moved into their new home on Main street 20 years ago Highway 160 will soon be improved. Blandlng Mr. Stork has been busy lately. Saturday he left a baby girl with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Alexander. Sunday morning he left a new son at the Lovell Palmer home, and Monday evening he brought another son n to the Walter P. May home. Cedar Point Mr. and Mrs. Bude Little are the parents of a 10 pound baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Barton a new daughter welcomed to their home Nov. 26. 15 years ago Mrs. and Blanding Mr. are the Palmer parents Lynn of a baby bov born Friday night. Mrs. Blanding Mr, and Woodrow Brown have moved into their new home. Bluff Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Hall, formerly of Dove Creek, . . . last week. moved here Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cash welcomed a baby girl bom Nov. 19. 10 years ago inches of There was 7 snow in the storm that hit town Dec. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rhodes are the parents of a baby daughter. and Mrs. Blanding Mr. Ozoro Hunt announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Wanda, to Donald Black. The ceremony is scheduled for Dec. 14. V.V There's no mystery to finding . . . Professional Insurance Counciling While our auto- matic washers and dryers do your laundry for you Use Just Contact COIN LAUNDROMAT SILVER One-hal- f Town & KAY R. JOHNSON INSURANCE AGENCY Phone JUniper Post Office Building 7-23- 11 block West of Country Market w.mw.v.vw V.W.V -- that go anywhere! Take them where you wish. Plug them in anywhere. They go with you when you move. Here are excitingly different electrical gifts for someone special on your list: s, The San Juan Record I y News from The Record of Yesteryear CHRISTMAS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY PORTABLE ELEC I PORTABLE ;V.,SHER m fuss and muss Whisks away after-me. . . gets dishes hygienically clean. AIR PURIFIER Brings clean, fresh air to any room just plug it in . . . removes smoke, dust, odors ond impurities. g ZENITH 23 INCH PORTABLE OVEN ROTISSERIE fun are in the family room, kitchen. wanted living room, or on the patio I Goes where good food and ... PORTABLE ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER Takes the work out of washday. Because its flameless electric, its clean ond safe as electric light. gum-fiend- SERVICE SAVER rerrmal Handcrafted Quality jc No Printed Circuits Also available in 19 inch size PORTABLES RADIO I up REPAIRS 90 DAY GUARANTEE ON ALL WORK & PARTS INSTALLED & TV San Juan Electric g Phone JU y & Monticello HEATER AI home or on trips, brings more sleepcomfort. ing enjoyment in feather-weig- day-herd- TRANSISTOR $26.95 ELECTRIC gum-chewin- ZENITH the quality goes in before the name goes on! ZENITH PORTABLE Plug in pure flameless warmth wherever ond whenever you want it. Utah 2 Drink C.Tore'P'l&kCl Electrical Gifts Keep Giving Yeor after Year UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. t Better see your dealer now. JWW t LIVING COSTS ARE AT AN BUT THERE IS OilE EXCEPTION ALL-TIM- E PEAK ! - ELECTRICITY Utah Power & Light Co. electricity for the average home or farm now 15 BELOW the national average costs less today than ever .j.wmw.;,;.. |