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Show left for the L. D. S. Mission home in Salt Lake City immediately following the meeting. He will serve his church in the California Mission, where he February 6th through the 12th will go after a weeks stay in the is Boy Scout Week. Various ac- Mission Home. A large crowd gathered in tivities will be carried on durthe chapel at Monticello to wish ing that time. A tine scout program is be- him Godspeed and listen to the ing prepared under the leader- fine program given in his honor. The Relief Society Singing ship of Julian Thomas and Keith Jewkes for Sunday 6:00 p. m. at Mothers sang two choral numbers, Grant Me Dear Lord Deep the L. D. S. ChapeL and Hold Thou Wednesday evening, Febru- Peace of Mind," ary 9, the mothers of the scouts My Hand, with Mrs. Wesley will all registered McDonald conducting and Mrs. banquet scouts, their partners and their Alfred Frost at the piano. The besides the guest of parents in the L. D. S. recrea- speakerswere his parents; stake tion hall. A Court of Honor will honor, Howard follow the banquet and awards missionary president, will be given to those who have Hurst, and Clarence Black, Dove met the requirements for such Creek Branch president, awards. Alvin Gaudio, district scout Mr. and Mrs. John and director from Price, and Patrol- baby, John, are homeRoring after an man Jewkes, Green River, will absence of two months. They be in attendance. left before Christmas and reBoys eligible for the activies turned Tuesday. They visited begin with the 11 year olds and Johns mother, Mrs. Ruth Rorgo on through to the Explorer ing, in Corinth, Mississippi and age of 14. with his uncle, John Roring, The Monticello scout masters who lives in Oklahoma City, and are Ormas Hawkins, Lloyd Bar- a nearby brother. ton and Wesley Norton. One of the highlights of their Mrs. Stella Nielson is chair- trip was hearing the world faman of the banquet committee. mous violinist, Joshua Heifitz. In driving about, they visited A farewell testimonial honor- the Pickwick Dam on the Tening Edward John, son of Mr. and nessee River and the Shiloh NaMrs. Roy John was held at the tional Park situated on the same ward chapel Sunday evening. river. There the Civil War he Edward who lives at Dove Creek roes who fought in the battle of Monticello News I WINDSHIELD ICE Come and SNOW In-- Get Yours The Seniors are Working on THE SAN JUAN RECORD Shiloh are buried with a few m. at the High school. Past Thursday. Fab. 3. 1955 Pag 3 veterans of later wars, sidents will be honored and a their senior class play JumpEach state has a monument erect- - big birthday cake shown, ing Jewels." Which will be preWEATHER A regional director of the P. sented February 2L The play is ed to honor her dead. The can- Monticello three-aStation a The T. A. is scheduled speaker. a nons are still standing as left by comedy which promthe opposing sides, some with Boy Scouts will present the ises to be a lot of fun for alL balls intact iors and one of the local Scout The play is cast as follows; Alan The Tennessee River with its (Leaders will appear on the pro- Scott, Neal Thomas; Ethel Scott, Ruth Sobers; Lucy, green grass and Magnolia trees gram. Beverly Rev. Alderman of the Com- Jones; Fanny, Barbara Jo Horn; makes a beautiful setting for the cemetery, according to Mrs munity Church and his wife Ritchie Griswold, Bob Sparks; will sing several numbers. Diana, Marleen Rasmussen; WilRoring. At the close of the meeting the liam Griswold, Larry llyde; Joe Burke Stacy, Ked Somerville; Mrs. F. Peter Jones had a junior room mothers; Mrs. and Mrs. Swede Odette Miss Parsons, Cleo Christensen; birthday January 23. Her broth- Adams, Carl Miller; Locations notices are now ers and sisters brought a lunch- Mrs. Marion Miller will serve Stanley Castle, Linda Rogers. Nancy Palmer; There1 news In the advertise- available at the San Juan eon and came to celebrate it refreshments. Patrick OLeary, Stanley Haw- ments. too- Record office. with her, at. the same time honMr. and Mrs. Morris Nelson kins; Sheran Robson and Mbs oring H. U." Butt, whose birth-day falls very close to that of and daughters were called to Margaret Greaves are the Arizona Friday to attend the his sister. Mrs. Jones. funeral of Mr. John Morris, Mr. who was Last Friday night the Monti-- ! Mrs. Bud Corbin and Mrs. Nelsons grandfather DeMar Perkins entertained the 88 years old. While in Safford, cello Buckaroos broke into the column in the San Alonje Club January 26 at the they stayed , atand the Country j winning y Division by deoperated by Corbin home. Mrs. Max Dalton, Jfan,or jWPe feating the Green River Pirates president, introduced Mrs. Nina Noel and Robert Sitton. 63 to 38. It was the who Barton, guest entertainer game for the Buckaroos. The Love is j reviewed the book team was high in spirits and out Eternal, by Irving Stone. to win. The whole team gave it Arrangements were made for1 a polio bake sale benefit which everything they had and it was Monticello all the way. Steve was later conducted at the City Nielson lead the way with 24 Mercantile, Saturday afternoon, On December 8, at a meeting points. Mike Soltau followed and netted the club $29.00. Club pals were drawn. Re- of the Board of Directors of the with 14. The Buckaroos used a freshments were served by Mrs. Northwest Association tof Sec- tight zone defence to stop the Corbin and Mrs. Perkins. ondary and Higher Schools, Pirate. The J. V. came out on Monticello was declared an ac- the sorde in their game 43 to 35. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dalton credited high school. This orDuring the half time the Pep had Mr. and Mrs. James Wight, ganization accredits all the ma- Club put on an outstanding Mr. and Mrs. Dick Broderick and jor colleges and high schools m Floorshow. They first welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bronson in ' the Western United States. Mpn- - Green River by forming the letticello is one of the few high ters G.R. and singing a welcome for dinner Saturday evening. school to receive this honor. song to the tune of Old Shanty In order to obtain accredita- Town. They then marched into Mrs. George Dalton, and and sang daughters, Mrs. Betty Mason tion certain standards must be a sleigh formation and Hilda Dalton, drove from met. Some of these are: (1) Sleigh Bells, after that they Cortez Saturday to visit with the Buildings; the location and con- formed an M. in the honor of The girls really Max Dalton and Melvin Dalton struction, lighting, heating and Monticello. families, returning the same ventilation of the rooms; the looked sharp in their new pep nature of the laboratories, cor- club uniforms. day. After the game the home ridors, closets, water supply, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barton furnifUre and department served apparatus; and economics entertained a few friends after the methods of cleaning are the Monticello and Green Rivchurch Sunday evening. Fran- stressed!. (2) Library; A central er ball team and Ptep Club dincis Barton showed the group his library is required for all senior ner. This dinner is a traditionschools. The ficilities al affair. scenic slides of San Juan Coun- high should be adequate to the needs Green River Pirates ty. A two course luncheon was of instruction in the subject AYes, dear, you're quite right. served to twelve guests by the taught and all books should be hosts. properly inventoried and cataThere are many advantages to logued. (3) Records; ll Last week Mr. and: Mrs. Ruall ' records of attendance and shopping right here in the home ll and Mr. and Mrs. Earl arship shall be kept and town .M- - m.Yes indeed your quite were entertained at a ved m a fireproof vault or safe. 4) Graduation Units; The mini mum unit requirement for graduation from a four year high This sponsored in Community Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tree school shall be 22 units. A unit course covers of a an several as study the spent guests days of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bronson, academic year of 36 weeks The Trees, who are the parents which includes not less than th of Mrs. Bronson, are disposing equivalent of 120 to 60 mmute work. (5) of their property in San Juan hours of classroom County and returning to their School Atmosphere; Here the ficiency of instruction, harmony home, Syracuse, Utah. of staff mem- and In from Dove Creek to attend bers, student body, school board the farewell testimonial of Ed- - members and patrons of the ward John, were Mr. and Mrs. school, the number of experien-Jame- s Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Roy ced teachers retained over a John, and Mrs. Alma Rieske. period of years, the habits of Those coming from Blanding thought and study on the part were Howard Hurst and Mr. and of the pupils and the general Gene Blickenstaff. .telligence and moral tone of the 'school are all considered apar- The Fine Arts Club met at the mount factors. (6) Preparation home of Mr. D. E. Poorman, Fri- - of Teachers; Graduation from a day evening. So much time was college or university approved taken up in business there was by the Northwest Association, not enough time for the sched- - Minimum of professional train-ule- d book review by Mrs. Clyde 'ing of teachers of any subject is at least 24 quarter hours of 16 Barton. Mrs. Bailey was elected to semester hours of Education. take the place of Mrs. Poorman Teachers teaching in major and fields. Administrative minor as president of the club. schools of secondary Mrs. Poorman put her record- heads ing machine on before the guest should have a Masters Degree of arrived. When she played back 57 Quarter hours of Graduate to them the conservation of the work. Monticello High School has evening it caused much meri-mefulfilled all of the above requireto the crowd. Delicious refreshments were ments and is very proud to be served by the hostess to twelve an officially accredited high school. We would like to take guests. this opportunity to thank the Mr. and Mrs. Loyle Bailey school board, administration, S wrote. they had as dinner guests and faculty for their work in on the 24th of January, Dn. obtaining this for the High and Mrs. Irvine McQuarrie, School. and Minneapolis, Minnesota, Because of conflict with the Mr. and Mrs. Julius Bailey. Dr. and Mrs. McQuarrie were flying annual M. I. A. Sweetheart Ball to San Francisco but made a the yearbook staff has decided short stop in Salt Lake City to to postpone its Sweetheart Ball visit with relatives. Mrs. Mc- until February 26th.. Quarrie will be remembered as the former Vira Perkins. pTe-oth- er ct col-cann- on Juan-Emer- 1 do-or-d- I Monticello High School Notes ' '(X1 Up-to-da-te SCRAPER Today! schol-Randa- preser-Randa- right' interest ad by The San Juan Record er 3E in-Mr- s. srF Avoid the Last Minute Rush . . . Now's the Time to Get Your Car Ready for Winter A nt Tremendous Buy Put Mad Man Muntz WAS CRAZY But We re Off Our Beam tically Low Prices a Pair of Were ready to clear our used DOG Cars and Truck at Giveaway Prices WHITER TREADS on Your Rear Tires PAULS SERVICE Monticello, Utah From Phoenix, Arizona, comes the announcement of a 7 pound, 4 ounce baby girl bom to Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hatch. She will be christened Leslie. Mrs. Hatch is the former Peggy Bruce. oad of These ! The 1 2 ton trucks. International L160 2 ton truck with dump. 1954 International R164 1953 Chevrolet 12 toil pickup 1948 Ford 2 ton truck with dump 1948 Chevrolet 34 ton pickup 1949 Chevrolet 12 ton flatrack 1 1947 1 1953 2 1 Rational Founders Day of the Parents Teachers Association will be celebrated at regular P. T. A. meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. 1 1 1 served in "thebesi Circles... In Carpeting . , . Upholstering Domestic and Contract Carpet Sales 1952 1 1 1948 Oldsmobile Convertible 1 1959 Plymouth Sedan , Hows That for Variety? OLD Out of Town Customers May Call Collect GUARANTEED READY TO ALL RECONDITIONED NO LIMIT TO YOU CAN BUY ONE OR ALL WORK HICKORY JOHNSON straight) 0URB QH whiskt HOME SERVICE NIELSONS Box 472 Monticello, Utah 86 HICKORY DISTILLING CORPORATION Diesel Tandem Installation SIX TEARS OLD Willys pickup International LF190 1953 Ford F-- 6 Tandem and The extra years enrich its great Bourhon flavor , PHILADELPHIA PA - 010 PROOF Phone 78R2 Monticello CUSTOMER |