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Show Hospital Notes . . . medical Anna Pehrson, Monticello, baby boy ENTERED: Iola 8tarr, Monticello, medical Alene Lyman, cMnticello, RELEASED: medical Kathleen Summers, Monticello Teddy Kinnamon, Alene Lyman, Herbert Poole, Loy Alisner surgery Kichard Sanchez, Monticello, Gartha Lyons. J -- ri dBMuao ns dBSV U THE SAN JUAN RECORD 4 Thursday. Fab. 25. 1854 Pag Honored by DUP Mrs. Mary Ann Thomas, who soon leaves for her home In Wales, Europe, was honored by the Daughters o Utah Pioneer Monticello Chapter at the Ralph Hunt home last Friday afternoon. The out of town guests were Mrs. Joe Ozro and Ray Hunt, Mrs. Myrtle Dalton, Mrs. Loren Hawkins, all of Bianding, and Mrs. Kate Hanson of Salt Lake City. A delicious covered dish luncheon was served at the meeting's close. President '.5 '4 :hSELECT0 M V-- Louie Frost presid- ed and introduced Mrs. Nina Barton who gave a lesson on Albert King Thurber; the 'des- - GRILL 1 4 1 The Selector lets you select exact broiler position. Grid and deep pan glide up or down. Infrared heat Imparts marvelous "barbecue flavor. .Broiling is smokeless, too! Unit is easily removed for wash- ing. See the new Wedgewood today! ' Wedgewood Division, JRhtcm Manufacturing Co , Nfwt.lt, California The Business That Service Built MouniainPropaneCo. Home Owned and Home Operated Phone 66R2 Monticello, Utah cendants of Benjamin Perkins who sang Drink to me Only With Thine Eyes" and All Thru the Night" and Mary Jane Wilson 83 years young who responded with a tribute to Mrs. Thomas as follows: The afternoon of life is slowly but surely closing in on all of us. The morning of life has already dwindled away and the evening twilight is not far m the distance. How will you meet the challenge by worrying over the past or doing as the poet says? The afternon of life should be a time of rejoicing. Are you planning for such by closing the door gently, and securely against the the key past, not throwing away because there will some day come a time when you will want to go back and hold communion or reunion with yourself of the pleasant memories of the days gone by? Lock up all your failures, heartaches. If you have ?rour wisely you have already profited by them and you have no further use for them. Do not think of the afternoon of your life as descending and declining years, but try to cultivate both mental and spiritual growth. Live while you live. Make every moment of your life count for good. Then as the shadows of evenings twilight lengthen into night you will know the peace that comes to those who live abundantly and well- - the peace that passeth all understand ing and the evening twilight will be gentle, still." It is not the years that makes one old: it is the loss of enthusiasm We grow old only ty deserting our ideals and allowing our brain to grow old through disuse. Whether 18 or 80, there Is a lure and sweet appeasement in the heart of every human being, at the stars and starlike things and thoughts, the undaun ted challenge of the events, the child like appetite of what comes next and the joy of living the game of life. You are as old as your doubt as young as your faith, as old as your fears, as young as your self confidence, as old as despair a s young as your hope. As long as love burns m the center of your heart you are young, but when it dies, you are old indeed. So try to keep it burning. The fellowship of friends is the sweetest rose in the garden of life. Time glorifies its beauty with fragrance that never ends. No cloud can hide its no storm its petal part-Fo- r the flower of friendship is dweling in the shrine of the human heart forever, We sincerely hope that this will be the case with you, our dear friend, and I assure you that this is the way it will always be with us. May God bless and protect you." A friend loveth at all times. Proverbs 17:17 lov-lme- ss; Meaning of Ham Cooking Lingo Homemakers buying ham sometimes wish they knew the full meaning of labels such as tendered", ready to eat and fully cooked". As a help in unham" language, derstanding Thelma G. Walton, county home demonstration agent passes on tne following explanations from food specialists in the U. S. Department of Agriculture. In the first place- - all cured and smoked hams prepared under Federal Meat Inspection are require- d- by a regulation put into effect in 1952- - to be heated to at lesat 137 degrees internaL temperature, or else treated by approved methods of freezing or drying and curing that will be sure no live trichinae remain in Snyder at her home last Friday with nine members out. Mrs. E. J. Bartell is spending this week in Bianding caring for her brothers while her parents are in Salt Lake City. les Letty Jones has purchased Scott LaRues jeep pickup Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Redshaw spent Sunday after church at Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Nortons m Pleasant View. Mrs. Jack Dumbreck spent him the chance to put into practice what he has learned in the classroom. Veterans will receive assistance from their instructors in closing their books for 1953, and in preparing the reports. The report must include any periods of time that the trainee may have been engaged m employment outside the farming ac tivity. These reports do not apply to Korean GI Bill trainees, since their monthly allowances are computed on a different basis. with Margaret Howell while Jack and Karl attended the John Deere party in Dove Creek. (Mrs. XL E. BlaKel Gordon Bartell and a friend Hugh Edwards came from Dick Johnson spent the week- Price Monday to attend to busiend here from the Navy Base at ness affairs for a day or two. San Diego. He and Airs. Edwards have been at the bedside of their son Jerry Mr and Mrs. Roy Littrell and since his serious Feb. 13. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Uptam are Jerry seems to beinjury some showing spending a week in California. improvement. The Littrells on business and Up tains visiting Mrs. Uptains parJames Wight took Mrs. Wight ents. and children and Mrs. Wights Gnpska to WentLittle Stephen Butt jumped off sister Thelma last week. Mrs. worth, Mo. the front end of their large cell- Wight will spend some time visar Sunday and hurt his arm and iting relatives, and Air. Wight back. will return to his job as elecMr and Mrs. Vic Peterson spent trician in Alonticello. Sunday at her sisters Mr. and Among those from Moab atMrs. Llye Hydes. tending LDS conference Sunday Bob Wegner has left to go thru were Air. and Mrs. Milton Johne the Mayo Clinic as he seems to son, Mary and Ralph, Airs. Gritts, Air. and Airs. K. D. have some artery trouble. Westwood and Mrs. Vira Walker. Monday Monticello News Ber-den- Mrs. Bob Howell gave a birthAirs. Charles Hewlett and litday dinner for her husband Friday evening. Guests were the tle child arrived on the bus Alon fuford Jones, Lyle Hydes and day from Oklahoma. She will go on to Price to see her brother Albert Halls Howell and Mr. and Mrs Heroert Howell came in from Kay California Tuesday. Jerry Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Johnson of Moab are the proud parents of a fine baby girl (their first I Alene ' Robert Phoenix, Arizona her parents, Mr. Redd and is now home. Mrs. from 'with A. J. their : Rebus Rota club will meet at the home of Mrs. Hilda Palmer Thursdaw February 25 at 7:30 p.m. For the Finest in Creative Floral Designs Wilber Floral Co. Phones 343 Little Theatre MONTICELLO, Friday and Saturday February 26 27 RIDE, VAQUERO Community Church SAND Material Purposes Inez Young Young THE OUT EAST - HI JUAN RECORD! With its nearly 1100 Paid in Advance Veterans News it is the best means of reaching the Public in this area. A 1 ... fane-toot- h -- servicing specialists, methods recommended by John Deere. shop and They work ia a use only genuine John Deere Parts. Take advantage of this efficient, low-co- st service. Call us soon. THE SAN JUAN RECORD Monticello, Utah Monticello Imp. Co. Monticello. Utah ports do reach VA. Trainees who failed to get the report forms or who have misplaced them, may obtain the forms from their instructors. The earning reports covering only income from productive labor for the calendar year 1953, serve a double purpose. First, they are used by VA as a basis for adjusting each vet eran's subsistence for the cur- rent year 2 UTAH Evening Shows start at 7:30 Utah many buyers in this trade area as does your SAN R W Main St. Cortez, Colo. Phone No other advertising medium reaches so Days 497-Nights 56-- J San Juan Harold o - "Color and Helen Redshaw call- child) which arrived Feb. 6th Ava Gardner, on on Robert Mrs. ed John Taylor, There folks well are Humphreys known in the meat. Howard Keel Monticello. Thus, any cured, smoked ham Wednesday. MATINEE Friday 5:00 pm. marked with the round purple Mr. and Mrs. L V Shutt and Air. and Airs. Buster Nielson U. S. inspectmon stamp does not weekend Ronnie and Patricia spent a few need to be cooked by the home- grandson Emil spent the maker for health safety precau- m Grand Junction. They visited days this week visiting the Guy 28 tions but only for good eating. Airs Brumley and found her well and David McAlisters in Drager Sunday, February Monday. March 1 Much of the cured, smoked ham and anxious to get back to North ton. dale. on the market now is safeguardTROPIC ZONE Milton Nielson has been on the ed this way, since Federal insick list week. this i3 Technicolor" spection required for all meat sold across 'state borders. Ronald Miss Alta Redd and the AliasReagan, Rhonda Fleming Federally inspected hams laes Jean Helen and beled tender (or tendered or Summers, who are employed in Salt Lake tenderized) ready to eat or Utah Monticello, City spent the week in Monti- Wednesday and Thursday fully cooked must all have cello with thdir parents. been heated beyond 137 degrees March 3- -4 Last Sunday morning the pasF. to an internal temperature of a to tor preached large and apVirgil Houghton dislocated his 140 degrees at leat. MOULIN JiOUGE preciative audience on the theme knee prospecting last week and A tender ham while partialwas the of The LDS to taken tne Holy Spirit hospital . Jose Ferrer, Zsa Zsa 'Gabor ly cooked, needs some additional In theBaptism evening, the theme was in Salt Lake City for treatment. cooking in the home kitchen to The Mark News of the Beast. Next give it a well done texture and 3f you Don't Advertise in the full ham flavor, the home agent Sunday morning the theme will Christs Prayer for His Per Press W Both Lose Money. cautions. The packers label us- be: secutors. or his first saying on offers ually cooking directions Cross. In the Evaning Feb. iiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiimimiituiiiimiiiiiniiiiiiitHiimuiiiiiiiitimuiiiiiii which are adjusted to the am- the the be Where 28, ount of heating his company has Are the theme will If are Dead?" there ham. given the those who loved who ones have A ready to eat ham may be before, it will be in served without further cooking have gonetoonknow just what the if desired. However, some of terestmg Good, Clean, Screened Bible teaches their concerning these hams are more thoroughly state and condition. Ail Building: cooked than others, the home ag The Public is reminded that ent points out. Many homemakers prefer in any case to give the Community Church has reg . this type of ham some home ular evening services as well a3 We services. morning cordially cooking for best flavor and tex- invite each and everyone who 42R6 Phone 16R2 ture. uoes attend not cnurch anyhams have Fully cooked Monticello, been heated m processing to the where else to join us at the Com You will find church. munity which a at have full point they the Christian fellowship there. cooked appearance throughout" The Community Church is not iiiiniiinnmfmimnmmninimitmiiimiimmiiiuitiiumiiumjiiiituiHiJUi a requirement of the Federal interested in getting Meat Inspection Service for any particularly on the church book until names ham so labeled. Such hams need these names are first on the no more cooking, unless the Book of Life. We are more inter homemaker wishes to serve the ested in Christian producing meat hot. character than anything else in in the world. Our people are happy to know )rimus: in laiin primus means first; and that means the first in getting new items and new medithat withm the next few days, cines. Mr. McAlister will paint the (By Helen Redshaw background of the Baptistry in Lots of mining activity out the Community Church. This ecens: in laiin recens means fresh? and that means fresh medicines, cosmetics, candy, cigars and our way now. will be a beautiful Oil Painting with Jesus standing in the midst cigarettes. Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford of the Jordon river, and John are driving a new Chevrolet se- the Baptist standing by his side to: in laiin ex modo preseripio means Ex modo inprescrip the manner prescribed: and that means dan ready to Baptize the Saviour of the World. dispensing exactly what your doctor wants WIC club met with Mrs. Char- for your health. At a special business meeting laiin secundum ariem means acon next Sunday, the 28th .arranSecundum artem: toinihe art; and that means 20 years gements will be made to landcording of drug and prescription experience to aid scape the church lawn, and to make a nice parking lot on the your health. in laiin cibus means to dispense quickly, and north side of the church lot. A Cibus: that new sign painted by Mrs. Etna means the cure cannot be delayed. Schafer, will be placed over the entrance of the church bearing ecipe: in laiin rcipe means formula; and that means the name in black and white of compounding your own prescription formula COMMUNITY CHURCH. Mrs. with accuracy. Schafer is one of Mr. McAlisters art students, and has done a idem means the same; and that means Idem: in laiin will fine job in painting this sign. receive exactly what your doctor you .Please look for the sign over wants. the door on the East side of Mon ticello when you are looking Jor in laiin partes dolentes means painPartes dolentes: a church where the full Gospel ful parts; and that means your pocketbook of Jesus Christ is taught which will be tapped most moderately and fairly. fFantum: in laiin lantum means only; A only for the sake of your health and enjoy ment do we dedicate this pharmacy. Subistence payments to a World War H veteran taking Tta: In latinila means in such manner; and that means A GI Bill farm training may be the only manner we are able to please you. discontinued if the veteran failed to send his Veterans Administration Regional office a report in laiin Omni cauie means every rare; and Omni caute: of his 1953 earnings. that means every care for your welfare and These reports, required of the health. nations 50,000 World War II our the thorough way Considering GI Bill farm trainees, were due "Wocte manepue: in laiin aotj, man&qu means night mechanics recondition John Deere at the VA offices no later than i.1 and day: and that means from 8:30 m to owned think they you'd Equipment, 1, 1954. Failure to submit 8:30 pan. Nocte maneque in combs. They know the March 'emergencies VA and for the very nick we will have the most economical way to the reports by that deadline, an all bst disconin result warned, may night prescription service. service your equipment subsistence of GI tinuance payHere's why: Our mechanics are ments until such time as the reschooled in Edna For mEM and Mrs. visiting in -- , GRAVEL J returned last week 1954. Second, they are part of the veterans course of instruction in farm accounting, thus giving DRUG STORE ALL THIS AT THE RILEY DRUG Prescription Specialists Monticello, Utah |