Show It W irV rk lIsts HUH Already Com and Map are tiled Filed 1 lIell In lit Carson orl Word cornea from to the ef et effort fort feet that the llie road from on the theline theline theline line of or the Carson Curson Colorado t to 10 Ton Ion Tonopah Iono opah o ah Will be bp completed liy by IJ De Dec 1 K 14 Lemon Lenion who has haM been beon pro Iro ro the scheme has hal from fromon froman on nil extended trip cast and states that thul the necessary mon y his has been lilen sub periled and that work had hod commenced a n few e miles mile south of or o In III the Narrows Lust last Mond Monday the tho pro tile 1111 lle map mall of ot the road was tiled Tied with the of ot state mate of or Nevada which wl h shows that the till road rORd will be 03 3 in length the heaviest grade will be two and per Iler cent enl and the maximum curvature cur ture six nix Ix degrees The road rond will bt tj L 6 G true mile In ia length and narrow harrow guage Mr Lemon secured the Ihl n fran chi Ihl chits s u ji I f the th last lat state legislature The iou rii Oil stipulates tt that tha t the thit road shall be completed Within li Iii months of the passage of ot the bill |