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Show TeiepfeM waMtch 500 Mrs. Tena Marshall Obituaries TITE SALT X'AKE Tl?TTr"E. SATURDAY MOBNING, OCTOBER 20. REAL Haykens 4 Venema CARPENTER. odd jobs flu. rarrtr, i,;. Wallace Joseph Freeman nera 7 and Acraaee SMITH REALTY 10S 1104 Deseret Hottls 16 LiBd . A. modern coops of latest type, feed house. More rooms, egg cellar, piped cuy water and private pipe water' system, brooder house end equip partly modern home, lights 8 E. location, clow in Fine bunch of hens, b it must he sold account of sickness In family Eggs now going to easiern markets bring 56c per do Price 1.(XI1 Terma. Another v onde tful place. 4 A . mod hume. 1P00 fine layers Only J 10.500 SEE I'S QUICKLV ABO0T BOTH OF THESE Was to Monay rerrio.t repairing, 1800 LAYIf?G ISNS T0JE S3iD BUSINESS ESTATt Tf APiT. 3 BENNETT REALTY THIS1MS s'f 13 : Blaine Price Christensen REAL and Contracting Building hi, Christen ESTATE REAL ESTATE PANGU1TCH -- Mrs. Tena MarsnaU... wife ' At Waller A of H.t.-h- . riled lipii' ,t Widiusday of paralysis. Mr., Mai&lull wa Hemes (or Sale born February 27. 18112. at'Hatch. the daugh-te- r Elsie of James C and" ttntdarBi'iiialrliist.-tr- hr 22. 1930. Mr Marshall October uiarned Llsie Hayken Vencm. 53. wife of Albert Mrs. Marshall Is survived by her husVt nrma. died Thursday ntght at the fannty Leonard, band, one daughter. Mildred: a residence. 53 "South Pueblo street. She home near oar and the following brothers and sisters If yon wan', an born August 11. 1878. in Orommeii. line, we have' nearly three acres sarfdy LeonHade. Ernck. of Edward Hmckley. nd came lo 81: Lake twenty-- e lent ard. Mnleta and t.. loii& toil with, good witter right, small .; aiidalr&.. years ago. She had been a rnember of the Tracy Marshall of Hatch. family orchard, strawberries and raspThirty-secon- d ward 6f the L D 8 church berry pulch. good 4 room bungalow, Funeral seniles will be held at Hutch. for the past sixteen years, and was d chicken coop and other nutbutld'mrs in relief and tenaalogical wort. plenty f ;ie shade rees. lawn and flowShe Is survived by her husband, a daugher, flowing well piped into house Price ter. Alice Venema four sons. A4bert, Lucas. J3750 Owner may trade for city home, tot lecs GEORGE Funeral Bert 8T Nanno and John Venema. all of Salt Lake, or will e'l on eay terms. CALL Price. 13. son of Mrs Anne Price, and a slater, Mrs. Nellie P. Elalnga. Salt Blame Wedneswere West in the ward chapel Lake. Funeral service will be held at 2 day, held W W McArthur with Bishop m. Sunday in the Thlr:y-econ- d CO. V ward Speakers were Joseph S Snow. chapel. WAS 9553 Blfhop Petet Snow of Pine Valley, B Glei..i 325 McINTVltf: BLDO smith and Bishop MCArtnar. Interment was in the St George city Elling cemetery. The lad is survived by his mothet. Clirtstt-- n EUnz Christ? ns?n. MJ. died Fri- one brother. Andrew Price, and a grand COMPLETELY HL'RNISHED with very aood day al a local hospital following a short mother. Mrs. Mary L. Rencher furniture People hive aone to Calif, ilineas. He was born December 7. 1M8. m and have cut the price from S4200 lo Denmark, ai.d cama to Utaii thirty years mod3200 FUNERALS complete for the lovely ago ern firebrick frame: l:dw lloorit. gum He Is survived by his wife. Ansellne Haag LOVE Services for Mrs Flora Loie'agi'd" loeaMon. finish: aood vnndeMu) buy Christensen. four sons. Clyve. Ralph. 58 v ,i: widow of Alexander H. Love, and Norman Christensen. all of Salt will be held today at 1 o clock at uie Lake county: five daughltra. Mrs. Robert mortuary. 344 East First Howard. MolUday; "Mrs a J. Wtlklns. MurCO. South sireet. The Riv. w R. Slomaii. ray: Margaret Christensen. La Rue Chris-tenae- n of the lmmanuel Baptlbt church, W"s ?no" Sl" pastor West nr! So nd Donna Christens- ?- 8alt Lake of which Mrs Love .a? a will co jut y nd tvto rindctnidreTi. " BATTOATNS conduct the services: Imemieilt wm he 13 Potavllle avf made in Mt. Olivet. Mrs C H Wilson., modern tone a sister-in-laarrived In this ci:y on 22 R 7th So an Friday to attend theotservices. spore h. mtxi Wallace Joseph Freeman, 22. BOn of the EVEliZEnrTiwa-frr like ?rv Evel-sltefur"" 4""d Claude lai Jeremiah Freeman and Emma Jane So mod frame rm 7ih Rear . 39 Ill of who Chicago. years, aged Vod!I Freeman, died friday at the family died lit a local hospital last Monday, wli! He was born SepreN.drnce in Herriman. !elB W Mh So t frame ano ea be held Sunday at 1 o'clock at the tember 15, 1906. in Hernman and had remortuary, under the auspices of rnae. A 11100 sided there throughout his life. GAME. HOM'.ylJDBR. of the Foreign Wars. Interthe Veterans ' He is survived by L mother, three broth, 1744 Fe Hv ment in the veterans' plot In ( tie City ers. Reuben and Levi Freeman. Hernman. cemetery The widow. Mrs. Emma Evel. and Leu T Freeman. Los Angeles, and three gtger. and one daughter. Jean, survive WONDERFUL B' Y OWNER IN CALIsisters. Mrs Emma Wardle. Wett Jordan. him. One sister. Mrs Frank Dell, of DeFORNIA Mrs Eunice Butterlleld and Reva Freeman. troit Is also present lor the funeral. a room hooae. p'n le Sp!endd Herrunan. MAPLE Mrs. Emma Frances Marie 75 ftiro'ahetf. In first eonrtition. wiern. years, died at her residence. 559 South d ub:e BPTfe, half blork from WhMtler Howe Fifth East street, early Friday morning, tf hool. Vill rem for ?4? month Pnce, own ter after a lingering nines. She was a na- if so'd th' wee. JSnio rn Sophie Howe. 72. died Friday at her home. tive of Ohio and had resided in this city rr.rtle 1409" So Stf.e. or pho:e Hy I'i Council Bluffs place. She was born June ' for the past ten years. She Is survived 9441-25, 185fl, in Hanover. Germany, and came E. s Heath. by four daughters. Mrs to Utah twenty-tw- o years ago. where she M: Annie Leonard, and Sylvia Sugden had since resided She was a temple worker all of Salt Lake, and Mrs. Oertrude Lewi m the L. D. S. church and had been active 5 ROOM of Ioekport. N. Y.; also two sons. Charles MY MODERN BUSOMX)W in in Relief society work in the Thirteenth and Bert Maple, both of Bellefourche. University Heights: hardwood floors, a'l and Seventeenth wardb. modern convenience, S. D furnace heat, all will be held Irom Funeral services .she is survived by the following children: Uie Evan e Early tn.prove meat paid, garna Bltwe-e- y fhapel Sun Mrr George Salt Lake; Mrs Kreutrer. terms Hv 1207-day at 3 p m . hi charge of Lee C. Sneda-ke- r Anna Zehe. Mrs. Martha Altaian. Mr.v Minof the Christian church Science SeCRIFICE- -I will aacrjfloe my brirk nie Dorieialty, Paul Howe, all of Oerinany: Friends may see the body at the chapel n areat home, lorated on 9th Eat and one nineteen grandchildren prior to the services, after which the body Owner. 318 Ne..s Bld for someone Funeral arrangements aill be will be taken to Crawford. Neb . for Inannounced later. BARGAIN hrtck bunaalnw. modern, terment. tot. with furnace and aaraae. on 50-JONES FunerawlrWceir for ChloeMay 42.!n: terms See owner. SS0 Ramona ave Chloe May died who will be at held Jone, Friday, Hy4841-p. m. Sunday In the Sixteenth ward Mrs. Chole May Jones, 54, died Friday mod brick; parked st garaae. l'i bile chapel. Fifth West and North Temple Hi the residence. 1458 West Fourth North I will pav from school and street car streets Bishop Stetaneger will officiate In Salt Lake, March street, She was born 13S South 7th this Friends year's taxes Terms resiview the may at the body I. 1374, and is survived by her hubanU. . West dence. 1458 West Fourth North street. CanHy852-RA Cirorge Jones; the following children. ni until 1 p m and Sunday from shack, habitable, fine lo? shade Raymond George Jones. Donald W. Jones at the FClngdon Ac Lees mortuary chapel Pm1n a'ater. feneea. neeeasary outbids and Mrs Dora Hau3er. all of Salt Lake; from 2 p. in until 9 p. m. Burial Saturday walk ute from Orem ststinn tn Cneeier-f'el- d three surer and four brothers. will be in the City cemetery rerm to "ulr A real snap I45D Funerel services will be held at 2 P m W F Core. Was 410 or Hy 7011 Funeral services for Ros-ala- e Sunday in the Sixteenth ward chape!. Piftli CHERRINOTON Florence Cherrlngton. 35. who died MOr4-rmhun- ir West and North Tempi streets. ned-l- n ip porch, 1 be held at p. m. Sunday Thursday, will built-i- n flowers and 'eafiirea. ear ' In the Nlbley Park ward chape! Bishop trees. ?1W So 6:h East Mrs. Annie J. Samuel T Bennion will officiate The BUNGALOW SPECIAL. body may be viewed at the residence. 260.1 82. of 202 I street, Mrs Annie Sixth East street. Saturday evening and whs found dad at her home early Friday mod. attractive Sunday prior to ihe services. Burial ill Reduced to $3000: morning. The body was found by her druph-ter- . deaian or Was S6.50 Owner. Hy 6&HA-be In Wasatch Lawn cemetery, under Miss Josephine Madsen, who notified of ihe Deseret mortuary. ONaE house, partly modern, large the police. 1200 lot terms; good location. come? QUIBELL Funeral services over the body of 1R40 So Ith E. Frederick H. Quibcll, aged 10. son of Mr Inquire 953 Blaine ave John 4 o'cloek after Murphy end Mrs Joseph N. Qulbell. will he held modern new ve Saturday at 2 p. m. at the 32nd ward 28V RAMO'.'A Special to The Tribune. Friends are invited to the serchape! re- - furns nd cerate. '3000 OGDEN John Dempser Murphy, 74. Mew and vices the at 32nd may the body who was municipal Judge of Off den from frame, for aale reas or rent. ApInter-meward chapel prior to the services. 1908 to 1012, died Thursday night at hi Hy 3374-- J ply 2950 So 5th East will be In Woodruff. Utah. home In Harrisvllle. Judge Murphy was ori'-ronage. modern axoeiH heXT bcrn In Mrmgo. Iowa, September 26. 1854. SPENCER Funeral services for Bryant on the east bench Owner out of town Spencer, who died Thuriday. will be held and came to Ogden In 1888. He attended make ynir own terma. Mace muM be o'd at 2 p. m. Sunday at the Mill Creek ward the public schools and later was grad12850 Only uated from the Iow;i Wesleyan college. chapel Bishop A. 1V Cornw'all will frme. close n. why pay cen wten Friends may view the body SaturJiidse Murphy is survived by a brother. you can buy a little home for on! W R Murphy, of Marengo. Iowa- a cousin, day evening and 8unday prior to the serown ternr- See as at ince at your vices at the residence. 3453 Fifth East Gertrude Carr. with whom he had made JOHN VTTERLI street. Burial will be In the Wasatch his home for thirty years, and a niece. 8303 or My W01 Was 521 Melntyre Bldf Lawn cemetery, under direction of the Mrs. L. R. Rob: its. of Berkeley. Calif. Judge Deseret mortuary Funeral ser-urMurphy was never married will be held at the Kirkendall-DarlinHOME Fl'LLMER Funeral services for Nellie "Tj"gpel Saturday at 2 p. m,. with the Rev. Needham Fullmer. 55. who died WednesNew. modern brick bungalow, nrge In The body will LntjfT P Fagan officiating 1 will be held at day, p ni Sunday in the for garden and chickens Let me help be MkffD to Marengo for interment. h ward chapel. Bishop RichjouOeoget Ra start H M36-- J ard D Andrews will officiate. Friends Ourlej. may view the body from 9:30 a. m. to Mrs. S. 12:30 p. m. Sunday at the residence. 548 irifcune. Special to The South First West street. Burial will be OGDEN Mrs. Mates Seaman Taggart. 72. in City cemetery under direction of the Deseret mortuary. did at her home. 215V Jefferson avenue. was Mrs. born Tffjrgart mornlru. Friday VENEMA Funeral services for Elsie Hay- In Davli county in May. iKA. and had kens Venema. who died Thursday, will made her home in Richvllle untrVhe moved be held at 2 p m Sunday In the Thirty-secon- d All elaaatflratlens are numbered She was married to to Oiden recently ward chapel The body may be 'id appear In numerical order. Thi he Charles W Taiftart in January. 187: SO viewed at the chapel Sunday from for thr ara the numbers following "In was prominent ih Relief society work until 3 p m. Burial will be' in Wasatch more Intpor l elasalficatleni: addition to her rvusbr.nd. she Is survived by Lawn cemetery under direction of the Y. Bar the follrtwlnff children' Mrs. John iseret Mortuary company. low. American Fork. Mrs R. J. Jones, MarSS3 Auction Salea . riott: Mrs. J. W. Bowman and Oeorre S. PNERAL DilEefOR- CHAKACTKK LOANS Anyone neadiiy employed, und who is may secure --a hp:.et and 4uys. nla bills, reasonablf loan from u wuhoul delay or red tape You ma ariange to pay it bark in caay naymeots Our mans art iirirtl eonfidenttal ano no cosigners When tn need of money rail npce.sfgr on us, and let u exnlaln ojr plan 6EI US FIRWI EMPLOYEES UJAN SOCIETY. 521 McOornlck Was 9".0 Bldg laaaaiai gives apt house. slue, month LOW RATES Terma 137 BUYS LIFTTIME new ranges, used cooking expert. In demonstrating the latest cookery at the St Coke company Cooking School Utah Oas These 3 range, are only slightly used and were taken from ihe demonstration kitchen All three are In guaranteed Wednesday. condition. The first three buyers get a tested slightly used demonstration range al a substantial saving: wUh Ln. I tO Clark Jewel rain red wheel regulator. 7or- mer price 1117.00 1100 with oven Tappan of this dandy Utile apt., elegant furniture, east apt. rented, clearing 1100 a every Rosa C Steras ft Offices for Rant N Eicellent location for office or desk .pare for broker. Insurance. ea estate or coal office Inquire 24M Washington avenue. Ogden. J THREE REAL A CHANCE OF A Here a.re 3 practically by Miss Barbara Badger, possession 8 30 far Sail Miscellaneous heal regulator Former price Chamberg Thermodome cooks with gaa turned off. Former J150 I'lah price You will be proud to have a model In your home. A real buy! Ask for 3lmmor.da. UTAH OAfi 4 COKE COMPANY. ne sloHBS K)H LEASE! 131 to 137 East Broadway, near shopping Rlght-o- t Bach store 11x100 feet. renter Waaatch 705. and steam hett Lot is 17 It. deep ana 45 South Main. 4 Wiri 4lh 6o Phon Was Mil way THEHREALTY OF UTAH ! ll! Build in rear to suit JOHN J DALY CO ea E 4th 8o Waa 3774 STE1NWAY PARLOR ORAND PIANO w A 130 BTORK anr7" living quarters In weli CONTRACTS 1705. lighted buvinegs block, corner lad Bo. Sieinaav Parlor Orand Pianos at this price and 3rd Eaat REF1KAKCED are scarce and you could doubtless hunt PRITSCH LOAN A TRUST CO . your payments can he reduced to this section of the country alt over and 301 B. 2nd So. Wss Ja7 Hy MOj CHICKEN FARW SALF me- -' vour income aara. not duplicate this offer, ag una price la 7 UESIRABLTstoreroomfc So Stale Brand-neYou can borrow on rour car 10 JUST A FRACTION OF THE ORIOINAL Iraine bungalow with snd 105 E 2nd So Warehouse, rear 327 m t current mils FIOURE sieeplieg porch, cemented basement, hwd Pay cash If you want and OET So Stale Apply a ti Holmes. 1U So A FURTHER DISCOUNT-- or floors, built-i- n leaiurea; garage, coop for pay a Utile B. BURHHAfl CO. - 350 hena stale st Located otf Highland Drive and down and the rest ln EASY MONTHLY 119 Kolvl A v.. Was 1030 33rd Bo i nn RENT - Space Ttreeonabvs ratet Price $3000 F' payments ' See Jack Harrington at 61 8:30 a m. So Main at Daynes-Beebeiltabie for office, relah wholesale, mtg . or salesmen , aample-roomto 6 p m week days, or phone WASATCH Apply at :17 E 47 116 APPOINTMENT. for EVENINO office of Community Market. Bdwy DO Y0D FEED HONEY? FOR RENT For shop, office or .toragV 113 !10-jDeseret Bank Bldg Was 1981 us We will loan you on your aalarj Set REMINGTON mo 231 S Edison sireet cast, iJROBHELL'S- - Agent . WIL!. rivf i lie- use of .SO seres lor o:ie seaand reiay in small installments t.i suit reglaters. Victor 175 adding machine. olfice son for plowing an add.:ifinai No security, no rod tape- -l rns nucie TWO lurtnbcd. several unturnishei ares you yoj mills meat and coffee electric chop7310 Waa Reason for rent bldg same ds you apply of:.tubble ground Wcs 272?i pers, parcel post, bathroom and peddler'. .M.I. or psrt of store, apt Inc . ex location. Kales. BUY. SELL. EXCHANGE. RENT CAH4 CREDIT CO. 515 r 35 9 365 E. 5th Bo. yir Sheep and Stock Ranchas REPAIR National cash registers. Burre property. Fonnrrlj H U Dragf fro. Main street roughs addlne machines, etc Make offer "BHc Scolt 610 inn Dea nk '400 Inn s Mi'in. Burroughs late model electric bookkeeping IDAHO SHEEP RANCH I KKM8 and dlsapix-HrmimAlao make offer for Iota tn machine Bldg . Tel Was 46' V iu ?43S4 HOME FOR moriga'. s MOItrU AGE KORECIOSURE SALE pr'vi-Ir-fMuscatine place, ath West and Tenth Auractlva proved ciij proyarty. lOOn A located on Medicine Lodge creek Low rates 18 Stora ft Office South at., opposite Jordan Park. Equipment FLSTCHER-LUCAS INVESTMENT CO 340 State Splendid fshcep r cntMe sectionst . Oroshell-Lov- . OROSHELL'8 Imp CASES.' COUNTERS. OONPBC'l Hr.FRKl with fine br home, large barn, bhedv. 3d W- -l Was 33M 2nd South Waa. 3404, Balaell.hed 41 bldg. B' CAND CIOAR. r.Ar.I.KS. cult in eorraia, t int fenring. hay grain year. f and pa at unt. Water CASES 33 RICHARDS WAS 3310 right decreed from MONEY TO LOAN VICTOR phonograph and 36 records, 130. creek flowing through ranch. Included. BAitBLR or beauty parlor shop 00 Slate ON IMPROVE!) REAL ESTATE couch. 120: De Luxe sprlngg. overstuffed . 3 al machinery and haying equipNo (ojimiissions. No attorney's eea. Hy Ilea .1 st 17th Bo 115: small Ivory dressing table. 17 50: new ment, all furniture and lurnl&hlngg. GarnAttlranive terms No rleU.vs. Domestic sewing machine, 120; ROOT beer outfit, earbonators. coffee urna, dropleaf er refused t65.0O0 in 1020 Widow forced TRACY LOAN Jt 1RU8T OO walnut dining room set. 150. A. D. .team tables Stengel Mtg Oo , 140 B. I 8. to ell Price 20. 000. 54000 vtt handle. Waa 4W IM. Main Street Tobin Furn. Co , 33 W 1st So Was. 1387. SOME new and used butchers1 display balance over period or yeara LF you tsaed money to pay vout "utsund- WASHING machines and vacuums, new ano counters K1 Atla bldg MARTIN KRAADS CO, used, several bast makes, latest models, SMITH REALTY COMPANY tng bills, see J Aures, Was 5561 LIBERAL loans un st(.-K;I9 for 64J No 2nd West. Washing special pricea. cash or terms 'cweiry. "Land Merchants." :oans teas' Provt. $2& for 75c Waa 30c. Machine Etch.. 335 S W Temple Laue Wm? 18K3 Deseret Bank Bldn E So 18a Office Supplies 6036 dent Lo.n society. :mple Ix3aN8. E f BRTA fOR OUICK REAL ,ke COMPLETE line 01 office supplies ana SODA fountalna. new and rebuilt; steam AND SOL'THEKN PACIFIC CENTRAL Wright Investment Company. table. g elec carbonator. ln sttgate LAND GRANTS equipment KELLY CO.. 21 W 1st South Waa 371 So Main 3t '04. Low price., er-- v term. before buying. Utah. Nevada and California. Grazing oi Moaer St H.rtm.n Co.. Mfra.. 55 P. O LoX.NS REAL ESTAIB ft Supplies QUICK 19 farm lands Bmi terms: Typewriters cqjuracta place. S L C LOW rtATES-ASHTio livestock producers or settlers. ALL MAKES REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. JENKINS CO. ,13 SO .JAIN. 3 KITCHEN range, reasonable; on with t '.uirement Mans and particulars. S P Late Easy payment, fully guaranteed 23! Reed ave. reservoir. Lnnd Co. MrD Boyd Park Bldg. 163 So Oet our models rented. t2 50 per month Main ' Wss 2141 tcalaa. 1125 145: DAYTON cutter cheese price list Wholesale Typewriter Oo.. S21 S contracts without production or settlement 17 50; 1170 Hobart meat chopper. 1120: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES South Main eV Phone Waa 1781. 150 showcase for Hi. 1200 National cash "" " ' register. 500: .tor. refrigerator. 135; large A Business Wanted 20 new took Hummel. 114 W Bdwy REAL SHEEP RANGE equip for Sail 15 Business OROCERY STORE LOCATION WANTED 6400 acres fine summer raitse and lamb-la- g DRESSMAKING 3 electric sewing mafrom Mexico wants lo buy or Merchant shop SHARP MANUFACTURING OO. around in Chalk Creek district, good leaae good grocery atore. corner lot preDUC-chines, big mirror, showcases, chrs. and lacquer paint spraying machine, for 3000 ewea, Also range near Provo. with table, pattern cabinet, reasonable. Hy ferred, will consider any location If oprented, bought, gold and exchanged. forest permit. Homeland Realty Co . Provo. 157 or Hy t22 See me at 445 Bast 540 SOUTH BTATB ST WAS 480. portunity la good Utah. Phone 35 5th South or call Hy. 1067-BARBER shop for sale. 3 chairs, good lo61-- . ELLS. smoklea. Co OlT box up; cation Inquire 135 Regent street. all kinds, all Iql la JENKINS, 420 Btrte 10 Property for Sale or Trade 21 Stocks aad Bonds FORT RBNTT dandy little cale. partly COMPLETB set. mod high school book, COME. LET S "TRADE furnished. St Albans Hotel. 230 W 2nd 8. I ROKERS deaire .lock or eood laaue A. B. H course. with Instructions, What hae you vnt to offer in TRADE for MOST btg moony-makin- g buameaa In southof going company, but will Box 1. Parker. Nev. preferably any of the following? ern Idaho. Incljdlng a iiicahoteL bilnew propoaltlon of merit worth, DANDf any water condiexcellent .a heater, 2 acres on S.ate st. with mod brk home. liard hall, soda iountaineTgarfailslness. of public appeal. Pull particulars by mall 732 tion, very reas. Call Hy. 4607-Prtca almost Ovvnar has IH healHi to Hitting Service. Suite Hot, U only Bo. Eaat. 7th on lot. mod bungalow, on State The Smith Realtpf Daaeret Pine street. New York. combination WHITE TuU enamel AT derail. a you glre Bunding 10 GOOD acres on State highway near BROAfNPooT range. l condition: coat 1136; will take hall and cigar stand Oood 330 So. 3rd Eaat. 150. mod home. Waa. OOaa-Bountiful with place, only this week, 1500. 68 W BroadDETROIT Was. 10240 heater, perfect condTtlon. 130, FOR SALE way mod bungalow at One acre with 160: cost Rotarex waaher, 170. coat 1165 barber shop for aale or trade Ceutei viHg. Mutt sacrifice. 1354 Bo. 7th East. H. Lee. 1248 So 4th Hy 3155. or WTite NOTICE. DEER HUNTERS! On Eaat. 60 acres land near Blackloot. Idaho. OPPORTUNITIES Auction Salea 22 ride, Uke new: will trade for light car Peter-Pa- n FINE GARAGE LOCATION or shotgun of equal value. w"fl ADAMS, auctioneer, lor "a .uceeaaful ale Call Hy 4600 apt,. 43. loo many lo list here If you have Oaraae. location opposite Covey-Bullar- We hafe 10-we 114: us: tell r. to LLOYD of TRADE, W have wicker A elec S9 80 Thor with Mh 411xl65. anyihtfiK baby buggy, THALES M DERRICK. UCTl6pfBR" Will Hl.lM tft ttiiit hi it. rogtr all aorta of them and WE DO BU8I waaher, 650. 077 Iti ave. It 111 CLASS AUCTION BBBV1CE H gOM Hy. 6785-NESS VrenL Inquire F. E. Arnold. Waa. M5. for COL. E C JENKINS. B. U Reliable Ai'ct BIACK soil, cow fert., balanced mixture l LE GRAND RICHARDS REALTY CO.. Iruae and terms. for lawn, bulbs: lane loada. Hy. 4873-Office 34a South SMte St. Waa. ISB2 Was. 160 ROOT beer, So Main. S. L. City ciiar and candy stand, doing J. B HALL, auctioneer. He sells 'an. cash 24 Will cell at inventory Farm a good bualnesa. tarda Produce or commission Hy. 294S-octet; rent fixtures if desired. For further P0CATELL0 Yea Drift) as V A. (Shoo see information Bettllyon. Clear store bldg . well located ln Pocatello Sale 23 aiaaaHsMtM Market. 47 E. Broadway. in business district, br, bldg, LUNCH counter. 10 stools, center of busi30x110 ft., leaned SAO a mo . clear of ness section; steady business guaranteed. Owner live here Will trade USED LUMBER aame and aaaume encumbrance on ac(2700 cash inquire No ft Cliff BIdr 3000 BUSHELS FANCY JONATHAN APPLES have trade. What Sash. door, windows, plumbing future, you? AT 60c PER BASKET OPEN MARKET. FOR SEATceptable BRING YOUR 1TTH SO. AND STATE. and supplies, brick, adobes, etc. TLE FACTORY FOR UTAH THIS LINE SMITH REALTY COMPANY 18 A FAST SELLER BIO PROFIT YOU KETCHUM BLDft eS SUPPLY. CONTAINERS 760 W 4th So 1104-5-- 6 SMALL "is Wag. 1411 GRAPES 60 ton sweet bick trapes "Brim CAN MAKE glOOO A MONTH Was 1063 Deseret Bank Bldg Apartment (Jnfurnlahed W AMOUNT OF MONEY REQUIRED TO NATIVE BLACK CURRANTS. 17th S22b Apartments Furnished containers, pick your own. Pressing 20c a dt Aparttnenta-Haiiaekeepin- g CALL IN PERSTART ON. ACT QUICK Eaat W. C. Wood., gal. Call Bountiful 125-CALIFORNIA t SON SAT AND SUN. ONLY, ROOM 313. Automotive Val' Verda new 14: S4 50. Are you contemplating moving to Lob An13: bed. IRON rug. springs. WILSON HOTEL. Aato AccefBorlea and Service so. let me exchange your prop3 It Bo. State 111. If dresser. tat: geles?. APPLES Fine R i. range, Jonathan., banana. Auto Trucka erty. I make a specialty in exchanges for Greenings, etc 0 Y RuueU. 3 blka east TAPPAN gaa range, white porcelain, Lor4 TWO LIVINGS FOR ONE Automobile Wanted .Tv. Bale Lake property or ln that vicinity. Nellson's of 114 new. store, Hollliiay oven .15-1- 6 almost raine . . regulator, .',s Ru iii'vs Opportunltiet James C Lee. 820 Hollywood Security Live-wir- e grocery. Red and 'White chain: North 0th West,, Call Waa. ItHS-Sti "pick them. 25c and 50c per bu. Special Buttlneas Wanted no competition, doing $75 a day ALSO bulling. Hollywood. California. . on cider Brim your container PeterLD antique black walnut chair, and chest Board and Room 1200 chickens. 2 COOPS for CEMENTED son' place. Riverton. ut.. on cor. on 10 70 Call o'cloek st double red brick home, after ButlReaa Service Alphbetif al H'.-newly Q of mod. acres barn, house, ground. d mile south Jordan Valley bank. IS cleamd and papered, good rental prop-Beauty Culture . t for 100: 1150 meat alletr for garage, flowing well, orchard. Take part road 30 erty Will trade fot farm property 7ar Clothing Bought SO: el' rest csah. The beat buy In town. van. cheap . .ectrlc cake trade, 64 st Richards JONATHAN applet, pick them yourself. 50c Lbtldren'a Homes Hy. 2421. mixer, half pnoe: butcher.' upplles Coal and Wood for 8ala bushel. ' Bring containers. 1011 Rut 27th NEW homes for old homes. Cau solve your A REAL GROCERY1 8TORB. Start: will inHAMMEL. 114 WEST 3RD SOUTH. .leanilftr-Repairin- g M 123 8outh Call Hy. 430. problem. building 17 50 10 o s. JI000 voice Thickly populated district, 50 UrTRKDEEMED eultg. . coat 13 DreasmalrK Tailoring APPLEBi Jonathan. Rhod Island Oreen-Int- t. 412 59. Grand loan Office-- 126 Regent St no competition Glass cases, cheese cutmodern home on west 8jL4?'L.' k.lfi-t- l Educational ;v Banana, etc C Y Russell. 2 blka. ter, meat cutter, large rage; chicken coop, large IbTT near parlsV cigar cage, GRAPES 50 tons sweet black grape. Bring HI Furniture for si.?. of eat Ntelsoo s store. Holllday street car. schools: lawn, shade trees, and sleeping porch. Building a container.. Pick your own: pressing 20c 3? Furnltur Bought JONATHAN apple, best In valley: clear: will trade for good chicken ranch K tobargain Was 10230 W. C a gal. Call Bountiful, 125-1U3 Furniture Bepaired or i,mall farm Will deal with owner only. STEADY INCOME 16 rm. of matoes. t Wagner . Prove, Emit canyon Woods. Val Verda Furnished Roorat ' R Box Tribune Write & APPLES APPLES APPLES furniture. Apt. all rented Walking disFurniibed'Houftes WASHING MACHINk, JAKGAIN8. All apples In the CAUFORXIA- -I have 13 tracts of land, each You do the picking. tance, low rent. 616 So Main. Was (235. . . .t-r Farm and Garden Produce We have a few demons'. achlnea. al- contalnlna from 8 to 11 acres. altuated in ONLY MS0 Furnished of every variety. 25c per bushel. orchard, W Flawer - rl a n t - Tree we new. wilt at like whtcri moat ancrf getl apt California's best fig and" fruit belt. $300 Pate. Redwood road. Riverton. 135 TO 176 DISCOUNT Farm far Kale sleeping rm... clean, modern and home acre, ' cash, or trade for clear Salt Lake FANCY Jonathan apples, cheap. 2344 East like Farms fee Rent or Lease....... New machine guarantee with each washer Rent tin Cell Was BllS-J- . Tribune 1Qperty Hr. 204. 17th So We deliver. Oaragea for Rent " hOW would you like to step Into a grocery Trial If desired. 1 T AIN ELECTRIC CO.. Housekeeping Apartments Mrs. WINtSAP apples. 40c a busheL and meal lrratlcm that has open, developed 43-REAL HOME BARGAIN Wat. 354 Hotels Apartments for Sale Eaat 4th Bo It Flowers. 3417 So 3rd East. over (2600 cash a month? Low rent and to J ........ 74-clt. Wanted g KS2 So 6lh E. BY OWNER. Look this up If A REAL bartAln. Automatic washer. at gectton. APPLES. Rome Winter Banas, Jonathans, . JU-- j Haute for Peng A B Klnnersley Furn Was 53,1 Oo. you want lo Join the prosperity crowd Beauties, etc.. 350 and up. Sandqulst A u funk Wanted Hy. 1030. f a rm. East Crescent. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES at wholeaale price.! I I Lots for Kale ..a S : For Sale or Laasa uew and used OWNER must leave city to care for other Harrington Sales Agency. APPLES, all kind. W. T. O.rdner. 1046 Let's Ssrap 100 W. Ind South. lunch room, Interegts. Will sell ftrsl-clae- a So 21st East 130 Hy 4370-- J Lost a Faund FHAMB building, fireproof Tmerior: alsr doing excellent business, at a bargain SMALL fountain with carbonator: coat 1550. APPLES Delicious. Rome Beauty 43 r ' " v tor Sale 532 So barber flxrures. for sale or retjt. 733 TWrns Call Waa. 0080. ta1150 for quick sale cash: also steam U Miscellaaeau for 9 ale 12tb E. Hy. 3333-W- . t: .un oo Brint container ny iti ble, eaah recigter. ro(Te urn. cheap. Ola Jt I las all a1 Wanieel , Deliveries on two-boorders WANTnEi 16 Houses Holalt leaae. house to clow Rooming S55 apt So. Inn. Fireside State. Vutdeal Infrumrnls far Sale. ... Sa Address APPLES. 50c Jonsthans tmd. tixei. 25c. In. State terms. Tribune 34 Musical Instruction WE wreck buildings Rooftnf raper. II 80 At Ahlstrotn s. Alt do your own picking. OUTSIDE HOTEL BOc cerr-rr ogress ill UP Moving and Storage paint, 5 l Wantad roatt I mitt 800 Eslala IQOeW High school. 6735 ' : v Bo Co.. 2356 Hy Main Partner' W ao t e d t. v . See "3E" Wrecking ttffTEN SbMETHINO NEW. Sandy. hotel,-- , arse corner bldg. with tile HAVE new Packard cabriolet, clear, to Property for Sale or Tn d H. APPLE8. Wm vtstable large IW or vrtty; Personals 40 on Slave trade bungalow. good duplex tobby. .tanOarO. furniture throughout, Breete 1 ml. o Granger ward bouM ' DON'T location and price. Some cash. Bon bath.. 13000 ouainess per mo $115 CO Poultry aad Babv Chicks 4 Birds. Rabbita HAVE TO BUY FURNITURE Tribune. . Oood lease. ; t . rvr-B- . MO.tJ, Pru perfect while tbey last. 840 00 terms. 30th South. wmrfim wftm Douglas 38. .. write for rtetgMS :rxrti1! WhlU Sawlnt Mtchln Co ;36 00 cash. Real Estate Wanted POTATOES BRusaets 00c per 100 lb 72 So Main AND LEASE FURmTURE S1. PER cent, our own money, on Idaho irri 66 Rooms ta Hotels unk. 75c per 100 lb. Hulfkker farm, on gated farms Home Inv At Saving. Co suite: your choice 16 50 Radio for Sale hotel, located In R R d. vision town . raw uncalt-d-fso of 48th South. 328 M 0th Mur Bail, SaJt Xake And O Cotte Mednick'a. 58 E 2nd Houth. Ml and FertrHver 20,000 popu:allon d Large lobby, telephone Storea-OfHee- s tn aU rma. steam heat. 20 private batha MtSNARCH ranee, lo tood eondlUon. 138 APPLES, you pick thm Tre run. 25 cenu 4" Ml have an attractive low rate, .may for Rent buthel. By the tree. II up. 2800 South imfor loan e 13000 . IP farms and mo 5350 bu.lnea. Rent rsOTflo ath tail Call tn a. m plan Sept per .ity Eqalpeaent 0th East re. I den-- . lease. Good furn and furnlahlng. 87 DAeiSV-proved property. Including Taxidermists ,. 1S Call Hy ORAPES. all k.nda. 3c and tc lb. 3226 So. weter heaver 413 Vtlle. Miller McCornuicg. f. ItT.OOO It Prrce IV Reasonable (hreugliout TypeitrUere and Sapplies 742- - 8o 45Q7-- J 7th East 17th East . .TT-- r: AT Travel and Resorta per cent on tTwellings and apta aj.o P. Sav.se rllie. 116 00 KOR 8ALE-'- 2F 5 pet cm business- - all privileges, ti rrucks for Sale prompt TOfflPANY oaa Flawer Trees .Warehoaea and Xra.kac. M 1104-5-- 6 Deseret Bank Bldg Waa 1063. ELECTRIC belt, almost Wanted MKeellaneeas A HIGHLY ley, for sale cheap B I' L RS pi snl ' sn ru bs" frees or Is IT p lan respectable place, where iJie. Call 557 Sherman ave Hy 4183 R 11 Wanted (a Rent or ? and gentlemen ran borrow monav n dia- FOR sale, hotel tn good location. Write or Expert tdvlc on lautUcaplnt and rail on Mrs Elmer Oordon. Armatead. PRACTICALLY new May tat washer or sale, monds end jewelry... at legal ratee The tardtnint Porter Welton Co . 42 W Ut 8 Mont. D'amond Shop, left So Me'n .treet 1555 Park street. good terms. CHICKEN RANC- H- PRICE REDUCED J2000 A real land, imp with new bimrs-low- , oak floor a, tile bath and drair,boar.d. iuii oa.seitjei,'. jt.ri.Hce heat fiuratc ne iHeim-'rr,--wtffloi rnpea Tra'-ler- . 8ee owner at Ihghta, cement floor. So 9tli E Murray M2-propciLi. vDGET SYSTEM s IWC JT0 L, J. U ?; Sophie Jones Madsen - Dempser Taggart Mary f t I Want Ad litdex Taenrt. Aberdeen. Idaho; Jerome Taggart. Leon TaaPart. Ogden. Jasper Tan-rarSouth Weber: Mrs. Josephine Coff-maSouth Weber: Mrs. Samuel Mills, Trenton, and Donald S Tagcart. Ogden. n Th body is at the mortuary of the company. IMillvllle"; John H. Stoker Special to The Tribune. BOUNTIFUL John II. Stoker. 50. died a' his home in Bountiful Friday, after an of four months He was born in Bountiful. October 15. 1678, and married Sarah For eignt year's Mr. Nelson, May 17, 1900. Stoker was the manager of the Bountiful ore-a- nd Cfwpera-tivat the time- of his death was manager of a store in Offden. Mr. Stoker is survived by his widow and four children, Delber J., Mabel, Wayne and Dean, all of Bountiful; hia mother. Mrs Rodena Stoker of Bountiful, and the brothers and sisters: David Stoker. Mrs. George Holland Mrs Jesee Barlow of "Clearfield, and Ira J. Stoker of Idaho' Falls, and William J Stoker of Salt Lake Funeral services will he held Sunday at 2 p. m, AS!UNCEMKNT! O'Donnel! St Cb,,mortlclana. wish to announce thnt there nave been no changes in the management of'ihe ontti'iil K O O'Donnel! Mortuary Co. ' The mortuary ' Is still located at the"rlinal 32 So 4th East. I hone C4l J08EPH WIUJAM IAYLOR. UTAH'S LEADINO MORTICIAN Has opened his -- w mortuary North Main. Finest In the West 7800. Special to The Tribune. FAIP.VIEW. Funeral services for Mrs. Albert Clement. Sr . 56. wjo died after receiving internal Injuries during a runaway, were held in the North ward chapel Thursday. Bishop Henry Jones was in charge of the services. ere W. A. Bonne. Mrs. Addie Speaker Mrs Martin Sanderson. A. G. Danlelaon, Interment was Young and George Olson. the aralrelew eetaetery Mtr. Clement is survived by her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Ruben Or ton and Mrs. Angus Cox. and two sons. Albert Clement of Salt Lake and Raphel Clement of Fair-vtm- v Several brothers and fourteen, 125 Was tNTERMOUNTADt Mortuary Co.. Wm. O Erlckson. E L. Ball. 1445 State. 86 n m tAV ikm'sTco. ATSfit oTftiwS'j marks sympathg " service even feature our 251 E. 1st So Wag. U1S. SERVICE ABOVF DtSERET MORTUARY ALL SS East 7th South. Wag. J463. -- ifTria-naliners O'DO .cIX s: "O. 22 So 4th East. Vm "! n: II o DON'NELL. Funeral director and R Phone Was. 64i R' J73 f ,i at the Bountiful tabernacle. Mrs. Albert Clement, Sr. at J0RISt? LAMBOURNfe V 8o. MaTu' Waa oWegt St leading llorUl ELLISON 6 FLOWERS! SO E So Temple Was 2750 Salt Lake " Progressive Florist tHNEST 1518. Bait Lag a REAL ESTATE t Homes far Sala I fine iMnn intid cottage, s e locanou .arae. fruit trees; lor a quick suit lan. Hv '.o itrlctlv modern house with garage near Warm Springs ail Reed ave MODERN houa. garage. laasrtl-'j- i sleepln porch, furnished, piano electric aTsO sTimve. " Yrfig. WsTttt iha; WrrttTWSW So.; $47 50 An. payment down to reliable Owner In California Ptrtlea Sv Mr Louise Call. Strock. first home weat OGDEN. Louisa Call. daughmod br.ck. alp. porcn. gar 42 ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Call, dlrd at Pr nreton p. Hr S99-- J the fajntlr home. 3803 Adams avenue, at railfor modern suitable cottage, a late hour Friday night, after an Illness roao. man Must sacriiice. suuv. w. wi of eighteen months. ' In addition to hex folthe. A NICE home tur sale for 11200, or rent paranls. the child ts survived or Odell Call. 305 Oarden for tlO month, by owner lowing brothers and sisters: ave so of Nlbley park Bertus D Call. Malad. Idaho: Jed W CalL Mrs'tldon Sttphfok Kent, ftify house, strictly modern; full ce and Cdna Call of Ogden, and Mrs. Aldao ment baaement. furnace: near university Barker. North Otden Ml So 12th Eaat and other schools. Funeral services will be held Sunday at . Hy J7JS-30 p m. In she Fourteenth ward chapel. uh Bishop J. K Harbertson prealding Ii 'errnent will be In Bountiful under the direction of the Intermour.taln mortuary ffyt . ' Maynard Peterson Jar ll laal Pe6f SjImEALTY tl rvHtAt rve The Prisoner VfUH'. THKT'S- ,t - ' Dp 0 m.t s CANt !!! 'i si Bt TM eVVsl' STWT TV' TVstAvi vit- V vm CHUT AN& VOINPOVJ'S O- 60tS- vw" ir- t HM. pa.4Hi MJT T vi oh oh' M 3- D lt r&lHMvr PEA COAL LACK. 14 00 811 v. Wt 17th 6.04 S.T8 DUST ZON'S C. Benbow O SH So COAL Hy 3083 KING AND R0XAL COAL Hit newt Graaw BtibK 481 R 6th It Wa IT AH 8 BEST watt list 7 U I IB j E 31st So Hy. 488. ALWAYS THE BEST PRICES on eign, solid mds at Quality FurnttuT Co. 183 E Bdwy Waa 7102 UNIVERSAL rente, comb coal and gas! 362 & ath Bo. like new. cheap. Hy. J 4505 Uv. rm. suit. mohtJr. I lit 50.' c wal dining suite. 100.50: 888 decorated breakfast et. 124.85: unfinished set. Ill 05: bed. sprint and mattress. 110 16 Reliable Furn. Co.. 120-1East Bdwy. BAROAIN8 on real fin walnut dinint BC mohair living room set, mahogany desk, library table, breakfast aet. We have a complete line of new furniture and rut tod will take your old furniture In trade. A S Klnnersley Furn Co . T5 W Bdwr " 1250 1200 FURNITURE FOR SALE Beaut walnut dinint rm aet.. t .en enamel bedrm set 004 3rd av Waa 0740 3 CHRS and table ln Mission style. flrt- clas for office. Call Wag. 0001 I. ESTATE coal range, very good condition. 370 O St. Wag. 7400-125. BARGAIN 4 looms of very fine furnltur good condition, reasonable. 102 Jeremy C UOHToak "china cloget, bullet table, 0 chairs, one large chair, coat 150. 600 So. 2nd Eaat. MILLER ranee, 830: range. 18; Vulcan Jewel heater, 115. 785 Waa. 8836-- R 4th ave mahoaany dinint room set; a real bargain 346 Garfield ave. Hy. 1586-- Furniture 32 IBtHPI BACK a Bo 7 COALS, at fair Hyund 4J81 ran. pj Inttrumenta Musical 33 STEINWAY PARLOR GRAND PIANO , 1708. Stelnway Parlor Ortnd Pianos at thi price re scarce and you could doubtless hunt this section of the country all over and not dupllrat thtt offer, a thi. price 1 JUST A FRACTION OF THE ORIOINAL FIGURE Pay ca.h If you want and OET A FURTHER DISCOUNT or pay a llttl down and the rest in EASY MONTHLY payments See Jack Harrington at 81 So. Main at Darne-Beebe- 'a 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m week day, or phone WASATCH lie for EVENING APPOINTMENT PLAYER piano, light fumed oaFlmigh. ut-e-at style, with bench, also 100 roll red elaaaie music: Milt 8080: will sell at a bargain. T8 West Broadway. eaah FISHER'S Music Store oar price for used piano, radio, musical in- ral bltbt strument, etc 121 E Broadway CHRIS B LTNSCHOTEN. musical Instrument maker: repairtnt and rehuildlnt 317 Constitution Bide. Waa. 2140. I HAVE a Brunswick phonograph, cost tl0 I' will tike 100. record included. Call Was 10310 week day or Hy. 1007-Sunday. PIANO for sale, ln excellent condition, prica ties. 160 So 12th East. Waa. 6055-- J. 1260 BRUNSWICK with 3S record for 138: 370 So. 7th East, perfect condition. No. II. Apt. Musical Instructions 34 Music Violin, piano. Oar. Wat 400-"" HAWKINS school for wind lntnimnt CAREY School Studio. Of let 341 Clarinet, cornet, saxophone, trombone. Waa 7071 Studios 503-Hooper Bid 14a Plata, Jaxz, Sbart Mttkael - " i eft LMSOetB. not or ar; novel tie.' - mzl lso Davis Method. 1S3 B Stain. mall court 12 LESSONS not or ear. beginners or ad vanced student Harry Ettckgon. 4410 So. Mtn Hy 4005- - W 13 far Sala Radios 35 M61lAWKv"cKiefta!n with tube, speaker, beautiful walnut cabinet. 118.50. C. A. radio, built-i- n tpeaker, corn- built-i- It tube. with Plate D. R n 818 50 PETERSON. R Slit South. 1050 Hy. .814. EVERY MAKE OP RADIO FOR SALE WB WILL EVER RENT YOU OMR 180 FELT RADIO CO 0 STATR. 1355 MODEL OS Spartan radio. nw. beautf-ful cabinet, all electric, for 8158. wrttht't Radio Dept . Was 38, 222 So Main tt. TOP price, "for irtins. MlamondV revolvers. witches, musical Inst Buy. aeiL, (tad anything of value-- Monty loaned at ft ratet Davidson s Loan Office. 80 R let So Waa 8448 FORD lltbt delivery truck: a bargain Waa. 1407 WILL What WILL Wa second-han- buy hv buy. 1380 furnace. hot-a- ir d Wa 3547 old bars for you tart. Bjter!L Animals Wasted 37a WE WANT "Eat We for dead or horse and cow. pay highest price worth-- 1 PHONE HYLAND 5381. CO. COLORADO ANIMAL Salt Lak Factory, 21.1 So and 5th Weat Lot's prr. roadater. new tires, tood battery, tood r inning order, hat too clv a Uul over Will make toad email de21.800 miles livery car or aaa be converted Into truck Sell or trade. What have you 7 1317 East 7th South t. By. 1031--- SLOT setter NICKEL-I- N piano. f.ie. for tourint ear. By, 443S-- R Weelad Clot ai 3d 100 Strap THREE'-PA- f ofiPBano hind BACKS II DEL.. COAL. 50r OR 8 HY tare iACtci kiRTigoT iTdel ni naai, sac back, hy iat Wanted REA80NABL1c CASaT PRICES for furniture rugg and range" Quality Furnltur Co.. 101 E. Bdwy Wat TIM. IP YOU WISH TO BELL A HOUSEFUL OF FURNITURE FOR CASH. HY 5043 WE NEED FTrlTTTJTiaj. OAXI US 4011. 107 S W Tern Wa Me.t price THALES M DERRICK. AnCTTOpt77R Spot cash your furnltur 8100 0 80000 8 8000. HIGHEST eaah prices for furniture, ref rigs . ruta. odd, and nds Wat 8881. PRIVATE party needs your furniture: will pay the highest price Call W 2020 WASATCH FUR14TTUR1 CO pays more foi 317 So Stat uaed furniture Wat BOO. HIGHEST price, paid for furnltur. range. 3777 Was rut Cll tt flrat PRIVATE PARTY WISHES TO BUY BOU8E- PTJL FURNITURE FOR CASH. RIGHT AWAY. CALL W 0580 AFTER 10:80 A. Ml W H ADAMS, auctioneer, will pay eaah for furnltur. any amount Hy 4000. LOOK Oust started butlne. Need row Bent prices paid. 21 R Wan furnltur Was 2016 Temple PRIVATE party for furnituri tt one piece or houseful, ruga, etc Was t77. WOtTLD like lo buy a houseful of furniture. Hy 2043-- . Jtrrf 7830 BLACK DIAMOND COAL YD yn SUGARH0USE FURN. CO. 1064 SI Prtraa RED GLOW COAL CO jt Odd chairs. 11 each, Thursday. b cotton mattress. 88.50. End tables. 75c each Daybeds. regular 140 now 810.75. lacquered velour suite, ret. 1137.50 now 178 50 Friday apaclal 38 00. 20 7 75 8TUT J 178 ELY. yev Purveral service for J C Ben-bosatnin eneineeT tt Ruth, who Passed way at the Steptoe Valley hospital at Ely Tuesday, were held Wednesday a: the Maaonlc hall In Ely Mr. Benbow RI. took III the Utter par of las week conditiw becm erttictJ goon after he reached th hearpltal Mr Benbow was of ate and I. tu reived by his wife I and a ton 4 rear old For several years he was employed a underground engineer at Roth by the rtevada Consol. dated Cop r- -t a tradoat af the H w rnfrpanr. Colorado School of M FIRE SALE Now tn Full Swing. tt LUMP DOMESTIC w Hy. Ln. WILL buy dead or ueeles horeaa Win pay cash Phon Mtrray OTP. CASH PRICES Ohh-- So. 51 aSjaT-- PTJ. ACE LUMP Later. J. Phone Waa. 1084 5237-- bst vssmss'f&f&iztR. Coal aad Wood . R Oak heater, 120. DEAD OR ALIVE. Mountain soli. Itrte load. PT'ONR t)pUGLA8 300-- J. MR WAOeTT AFP USB "NEW WRlEZ.'' th .peclally blnced Better, fenillier for wn and flowr cheaper more ee1Iy applied. Do it now So. PORTER - WALTON CO.. 43 W. rrftTILIZER. manure -m fill : Furniture lor Sale II rPC UathnSiT1Krooin IsuTtiT SbTTiSri Sail aad Faitllizar 27 LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE OGDE- N- sjnaxd Peterson. 14. Wuh-ii- t W . PN r t V "TV . ta ta. e w-- oFIi V f Q i en junior huh school student, son of vuiVLlS Mr and Mr.. Roger Peterson. 3351 Jefferson fA TCWNH SENT 0 CUEAN avenue, died a: tbt local hospital Friday H T305tMT;NT VNT UCrTT Th at 10 30 a ra Blood poison, caused by an OAt- :XOOt7 Injury to his foot, wa the nun of death ln addition to hi. parent, the boy It surGtfc. V,OOYv KT TVs vived by the following bro'.hera and .liters VJX.A OUT tri Olive. Dean, Beth. Sheldon, Keith and Dora He a!o ts eurrtved by Ih grind-pr-n- t. srv m if on both tide, namely. Mr and Mrs BL Peterton of Hutrttmile. and Mr and I He was Mrs Samuel Jrppeon of WlUard. with born In Canada and came to Osi hta prr:s about six yers ago. Th body Is at the mortuary of I. ndouurt It Sons end funeral announcement w'.u be mane sPlonts Iron Machinery FT used pipe, fiufnaa." .Uvea, newly rnreaaeo. an auea. Monaey Iron ana Metal Co.. 700 Bo 3rd Weat Waa. 4782 tractor drill, new. but at old price. B. T. Allgood. Bandy. R. 3. 30O.'u66 137 50 185.00 Pipe .1 SALE FOR SALE "DEMONSTRATION" GAS RANGES Davis. 31 Ness Bldg. hotel, can be used Tor boarding house, newly cleaned, excellent location. Call Bingham 425. Bingham, Utah AUTOMUMLE LOAMS CONTRACT REFINANCED Bank Bld 23 1240 IT i PAVMBITI RIUOCBD ADDITIONAl MONEY ADVANCED. Rooming Housas steady boarders 29 FOR X. Mh Ba jejiLllfML-a- m. RMS agtra nice furniture, newly renovated, brand new furnace and Mn.r i Cash ' 590 OPPORTUNITIES S let Weat ajJrt$aaMWaiitl CO, & w.e,,fn H furir. and full. sYe'amTwaT range -- t.ipom - fSm Ma art, a "teaa? tt u tit . Sat tttwita attea. wa tt SU and We are talk awd wit tt Mat Oar ml Iran that It way aa hr we pay top price Wanted. tM ooat aa t aaata atalTttRiarai, 00 RBR Waa. tt0. mi Hr .s'xrtkE Wttt. 8ata wTKr ro7 yes aa IWtiaflW-for- e ta. Tafl.tlt ta |