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Show 22 ' POULTRY FOR SALE Miscellaneous 23 for Sale DOOE8 AND LUMBER, BASH, WINDOWS. Pipe fittings, valvee, plumbing fixtures, red atton. Several nnuea CAB l.Ouu.OOO ased brick. 18 per m. delivered. KKTCHCM BUILDERS SUPPLY. Wss, 841 T0 West 4lh So. 15c PABK YOUR- - CAB 10c. from tags. la safe car Your Why worry' theft and collision- - 60e Wffk. fi mo. Oa eervice fur your or oatelde Hep, rata space. convenience. RTATK STREET ACTO PARKING CO Phone Waa. 78S4. 133 Bo. State. CO. SUA IIP MANUFACTURING DUCO lacquer paint apraylng machine Molted honffht. sold and exchanged. WAS. 4.KS0. 346 SOUTH 8TAT8 ST. MAJESTIC hotel range, back bare, tablea, chairs, stools, dlsbe and raib register. Western Ftrra. Fxrb.. His Btste. WH1TNE? baby buggy, reverslule, excellent condition, 317; rmt 935. Hy. 'joit'-M- , MASON HAMLIN organ, 800; terms, or further discount for cash. Bee Hobineoa at 61 80. Main at Daynea-Bcche'a- , aTEINHKIL Csaaar F3.5 Auastigmat lens, focua, excepcovering 81T plate, tloually faat for horn photography; I.i. Box 712, Utah. t Call Murray W II BAT. GOOD WHITE gnt, banlak daadellona and wild morning glory forever ! Phone or write for Information, Porter Walton Co.. 42 W. lat So., 8. L. C. 111 sua uaad ome fittings, vslves, law 1 Mousey Iron A threaded, all alaea. Wee. 476S Metal Co.. 700 8a. Srd West. bell k'tlR HALE Porter A Cabla Brracus 220. Bear C. A. under trn B3 motor. 388 8th Esst. R. J. FRY, INC. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. AVE. ON 2ND EAST. PHONE WAS. StO, mat., 12; llbrarjr deak aprlng. bureau. (4; rocker. II; ant. ranter tea cheat, $tl: fruit boll Ira. 8uc til.le, 3; dm.: long d nlng table and U leatner enra. ' book t4: buffet. 110; babr buggr. rim. $3: Vlntnla. 2; plcturea, inc. S5e, tuc; lota of other tblnga. IIKAU US Eaat .'no uominga. I1AVB WAITEp THIS IS WHAT YOU reaaoa ror. Pick 'am out. No liair-hie offer refuaed on ll nak dining fornl-- , ture. In full eete or piece br piece. In limited other arorda. are ar rolnf to aell umber to the ijickT onea who eome In flrat. went co.. 4; rtawj. kcosomy yvnx. 1 DAI KPEC1ALH Leather darenette, I". O.. 120 00. O.. Leather rocker, piece, wal. dining aet, fi.H0. 4 piece, wal. bedroom aet, $H.W. relt baae rug. x!2. $n.3. Wa aava run money on ail furniture and ' ruga, window aliadee," A. B. KINSKRdl.Ey rCR. CO., 75 Vt, TMwf. aan, eota, 3 each; Con- BKUKU. aet. 1 10; . 1S1 Roberta. Hy. lMO-K- . goleum rug, tVill'I.KTe furniihlnga of 4 room tpt. Will aell all tagetber or aeparately. Caa be eee lun. alter 1 ft. nu Apt. Na. 1, . m. at Sib IKt 1U23 Ik28 1027 U Xt Oldsmoblle DODGE TAYLOR !2I aport roadster. 1028 NASH WILLYS-KNIGH- coup. sedan. HUDSON aedaa. Theae and many la our show rooms. more SIX 173 Motor A?. Wss. PACKARD . MOTORS. Bulck coach, 1027, Just Ilka aew Bnlrk ditio lata model, coups, 400 91250 perfect con ... condition T40 I la 640 1760 1450 Bulck coach. lat model .... Boo 600 1923 90 days' fro aervic. Your take la trad. Eaay terma. cr - Bay her ACTO CO.. Piano Jazz, Short Method a. Wanted Let's Swap CLARK Jewel gas range. 1 ovens, Lorrslne attachment: will trad for any good elec- wss. IWt, fne range. Clothing Wanted tut mea used price, paid 18.1 Regent cloloes. St. Wss, BECK'S," 110 Regent st Wsa 72t elothtog; tow m i'es enlts. 8t ev JLST neoing stove, will nay 33 to 818 for W ar tailor end need suits ar 'eaat. ar a expenss for repairing, thai la v, h w pay to rlre. Wsalerl odd ent pse's. MKIIND'KS. 48 E M S. Wsa. 10210 Hi'.m.dT I s ' n CORKV. V. t'l, Will P'- T J VSKEEZI. j I ' Tack ard motors, 418 loath Mala St. Open Snndaya - ItrWU rt.wO -- F Y u i inc. Phone Waa 8468. aad Evealaga. STAR COUPSTER, CHEAP. BED AND WHITE USED CAR MKT., 803 SO. STATE ST. 1026 MIST aell my 1K27 Chevrolet tooring car at once; good condition, at a real price; cao arrange - terms, tall Uylnod 7S48-- J after p atU27 CHEVROLET lamia eedJB, good tire. Una paint, reconditioned in averv war. Call Hylaad 17.12 W. WILL aacrlflie my 1024 Chevrolet tearing car, which nae good rnhber. Dec petnt and beat of running conditio. Phone Ha nd 2711-1M CUEYRilLEX COUPE, BY OWNER. A. 4W2- tt. Hudson Brougham at a bar- gala. Will esihange for llgbtar (ax. 941 E. lat So., after 4:90 p. m. TWO 1026 Ford roupea; ooe Ford roadster; Hapasebrle 6 sedan; all Fr v LATE r. aale by Fiaane Hy. 41 SNAP, 1IT.'7 MASTER BIX RUMBLE BEAT, STER, WAS. 3024 OK HY. 4W2S-J- . NEW IU28 Chevrolet aedau: a guarantee; caa giv 18 or will accept a email ear Informs tie call Hy. 7081-J- . R. BUCK ROAD LIKE NEW. Ihl car carries Bkontbe ta trade. II I I K :o-- f it I I I Office Wss. 1744. Hy. 1022 1. modern brick; glassed-lsleeping FOR porch, 182.1 Blair at. Hy. 4248-W- . SPECIAL TODAY, t mod, home, basement, walking dieL 214 West 1st No.. Hy. 5230-J- . 320, PAIGE SEDAN, B pass., good condition BOTTE RILL'S. 54 Illll HE, paftly motarn, bas Houses balloon tlrea , n4 f200 throughout, 078 Princeton ave. brk." bungTbdw? Waa. 636, 88 So. Stat St furaac. partly furn, gaa CADILLAC SEDAN. new paper and decor., aplendld car elec. outlets, FOtK rma.,atove, etc. Rent nr leaa. 848 So. for vacation trips, tally equipped, ana range, buffet kltchea, furnace, 8thlaundry After p. m.' call Hy. 4434-J- . Bavt. t J. Hy. sect arranged to make sleeping quar laundry atove; garage. A bargain. 1123 tan la, ear 350 so. pta eaat. , mod. So. 1st West ....$16.40 Same Bear West Temple at. 14.00 800. (ai New brk. 'colonial bung.: LEXINGTON Catl Hr. 2000. 1430 So. Mala St l COACH. condition. hdw. floor, elec. outlets, til bath end , real bargain draia, nice paper and decor, buffet 3 LARGE rooms, sip. porch, gar, ahaus and kitcbsai, furnace, lawn. 318: east aide. lauudry atov Hy. 4482-R- . MOTOR CO, CADILLAC TOURING. an Ideal water beater: garage, etc. 1453 South 454 South Mala. car lor stage work or fishing trips.. 175 IKth Eaat. 842.40 New brk. bung.; mod.; buf 55 WUTTC8TOMER MUST fet kitchen, hdw. floors, fireplace, ..8650 Chrysler 1027 4 aedaa..,, In feat, gas range, furnace, large lot, BE SATISFIED. YOUR FURNITURE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FINE CHINA lawa, garage. 1702 So. 6th East. Dodge coups, 1826 ., 800 Tim 130.00 (A bargain.) mod. brick are worth a lot and deserve specialised con hiadled payment contract Our storage accommodation are hy ourselves at big eavlnga to yon. ,1,1108.; buffet kitchen, bdw. firs., fire elderattoa. 600 Dodge coupe, 1023 place, bullt-i- a Investigate ear Urn payment plan. feat, furnace, etc. 213 splendid, cleaa and orderly.. We ar not bothered with rats or mice because wa da Wentworth are. 630 Dodg roups, 1927 .M Caddis luveet. Co.. 370 So. Vain. Waa. T30. not store merchandise. Our packer are 8HARMAN AUTpMOniLB Wa COMPANY. 40 UOUEUN HUH K, TlllltD tralaed men wltb yearo af experience. 240 ford coups, 1025 are proud of our aervlc and Invite Iqsdsc FIUST CLASS CONDITION; AVSNliB, 81 Sooth Stste St, Was. 6707, Hon All Inquiries cheerfully answered. Fo OARAGE. WAS. 4021 Oil WAS. 7C21-R- . ford roadster. 1926 378 , sfhly oar suggestion might help yon. house, partly mod.; 81.1. Inq. 1048 STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING, SHIPPING Opef Evenings and Snndaya. 1 so. Weat Temple. Was. 24111-ISO ford tea truck Hodmen Fireproof Storage Co. 146 So. 4th Weat blreet. newly cleaned, gaa, 810; East place, Nash 4 door aedan. Advanced 1028.. ...1350 4tl B. 4th So. Waa. 14(18-4-- 6. Inquire Hy. 1H72. KM. double bouse, near 4th N. and 4tb W, CHEAP STORAGE mean DANGER 1923 Naah touring. Advanced. 600 914: 3 tg. rms., 87.50. Wss. 4138. FIBS. DISEASE GERMS. BEDBUGS WB HANDLE OC OWN PAPER. vehlch menne that we ar a flnanrlally REMODELED 7 room strictly modern brick, VEKMIN. People wb'o have vermin la tbetr Nash 2 door eedan. Advanced, 1028., 773 ror oaf goods select CHEAP STORAGE, garage. 35. 321 8th ve. Hy. (IS75. responsible company, that w are Interested storage and expert pecking, call Was. 6723, In yon and your car even etter the Initial Nash 4 door coupe. Advanced, T bear- beat. cottage, mod. 8804-Wexcept . CO. KEYSER FIREPROOF STORAGE we must . that aula, aatiafled. you Vadner 1180 court. Was. keep tags HAllLEY bouse, close in. gas rsnge. 520 TRANSFER Buy Your Ueed Car from FBEED'S and be A STORAGE. Naah apecial coupe, 1926 TTS Denver at. Was. 1922 Hy, 7000. 207 Edison Street. assured a sgcARB DEAL. . MODE It Si six room house, fine localise on F Phonea Was. 1178. Was. !78. Hy. T74 Nash special 4 door aedaa St. Bear So. Tempi. Dowa Newly decorated M. TRANSFER J. CO, motor vsos. x Pboo Mr. Daynea, snd painted througbout. Nosh apecial roadster, 1026 678 Payment. men neiieneed Wee. 1488, By. 4481-Wss. 4S2. 1026 Chryaler Coup 920 1027 anything, any place, anywherel Star Coupe 178 Naah light all coupe, 1327 mod.; newly dec.; sip. porch; gar. MOVING, 700 rate reaa. Fred Kimbell. Hy. 4284-W.- f 1U24 Ford Coupe, balloons. 200 Itth East. .60 Waa. S700-R- . 830. LA HOB motor van city or HOT Star Coach baufj 174 Re touring, 1028, A 1 S50 , brick, mod, large yard. 313. 11133 Maxwell Sport Tour. 5 Moiientp a. wsa, lofiz or 7U!5, No. 6th W. Call Waa. T714-J- . - Coach lt)2T Star 300 Wlllys-Knig4 door aedaa 473 4 RMS., mod., alp porch, basemeut. garage. 102T Chevrolet Coacb ISO 56 1H28 Beeeg "4" Coup lino., 830. 838 Windaor St. Inq. 1st door .... 75 Old Four 1023 tonrlng 224 north. 1H24 Star Touring 40 hEW STRATTON APT8, 1028 Star Coupster . 40 SO. 4TH EAST. TWO 4 room strictly modern bouses, dis. 11 Stndebaker 1327, .1200 eenpe. Commander. 1024 Ford Touring 93 mod. . apt., with and breakfaat room, Beautiful, large, 830. beds, garage, 1028 Ferd Touring 25 new elec trie Phone Hy. 4318 W. 1223 Westminster ave every convenience, Including MOTOR CO, . 1026 Diana 280 elec. Sedaa locker room, rangea, refrigeration, Waa. 884. lo closet modern house, splendid cloe-!1H2 SOB Poatiac Coach Is ane of tbe fineat This apace. rooms. cation 850 for renting Bleeping 1112.1 125 Essex Coacb bulldtnge In B. L. C. and cetera ta th 107 North Main. month. "111211 225 Star 6 La oris a select tenant who la desirous ef service and NICK 1028 moderu, colonial style house. convenience. 84 Stndebaker Tour. Inq. - custodian. Was. 7043-B- , cleaned, with garage, lawo. 008 Wash ' . 1823 14 Chevrolet Tour, (aa la). or PUBLIC USED CAB MARKET. t. ington Gaddl lnveat. Co, 870 O. Mala. Waa. T98, 10.1 K. 1st Bo. Lowest Price Used SAVE Guaranteed Car. car tare; CHEVROLET. mod, uat. cleaa. NEW U1DGLKI. Cool apt. Frigid- Honeat Service 86 Year la Bait Lake City. 1017 Coup gas, a raagee. at 341 E. 4th Se. Hy. 6037. 6.16 Bo. W. Tempi. W. 4086, ,....9528 aire, THKKK ntre fun. rooms, modern. car Save FRENCH E. 40 6th Sooth, Wss. D'S AUTO EXCHANGE APIS, CHRYSLER. Bo. fare. Weet. 1st 620 Garage. 429 rm. and a!n. noreh. worth 854. 1026 674 Sedan ISO ROOMS, STR. MOD, LINOL, GAS, only 887.40. All outside rooms. THE ORANGE AND BLACK LOT. NEWLY PAPERED. WALKING DIS BOOM, rwd. floors, electric refrigeration. DODGE. Northwest Corner 8th So. and Stat Streets. TANCE. 804 E. 4TH BO. clean and modern. 444 So. 4th E. H. 2848. 1026 , 878 Coupe waa, TH64. 1027 mod. 72 Glrard UOBINSON API'S.. 288 0 at. 4 room asod-er- a , 700 8128 LIGHT rius, clean, Coupe eve. Operated by FREED MOTOR CAB Call Hyland 1177-M- . apt,, front and back porchea. COMPANY. DCRANT-STADistributors. 3 RMS, iiorcli. ESSEX. partly mod.. 810. 323 82u modern, except heat, alcely a 102T Coach 800 Hampton eve, ar. Lib. perk. 343 W. 8th to. ranged for housekeeping, 1026 Coach 423 modern cottage. 87 Weet bixUi 'A I BMONT 40 Eaat 4th Bo Attractive 1023 DODGE COUPE. South. room apt.; many new Improvement, In- 10211 DIANA Sedan 930 Newly peiated aad la fine mechanical ren DO It IS TRUST 10.. 1430 So. Main. Uy. 2080. rludlng Frlgldalre. Waa. 238. Waa. 8000. 9479. For demonstration call Baker, dition, Mouse gaa. PBINCKTON-C- or. with modern convenience HUPMOBILE. btb E. and lat So. AtWaa. 8707. After 6 p. m. Waa. 6729. , ais. beas. etc. 1026 . Mi tractive Coupe apt.; many aew lmprov. Nice one. So. on nest Temple 816 40 ments. Including rrigKalra. Waa. 8000. Hy. 1926 Sedan S . .........1105 FORD SEDAN. mod., near Stste and 0th So... 16.40 OH78-11126 SW--t Sedan .. rm. Bear Main and 9th So. 1026 Tudor; 6 good tlrea; newly painted; 16.50 THE KEMNLEB modern APTS, 4 near 4tj Enst and th So mechanical 19.00 a 8335, abape; HUDSON. apt. Close la. 288 N. State. Was. tHIBT. BAKER MOTOR COMPANY 1020' Coach 850 brick .lg. bsmt gar., lino, atove; PETER 8rd East. API'S. and South 3rd JH, J 4S46-830. 240 1926 Brougham close 800 In; Spencer ct. Hy. Ercluatv breakfast nook, splendid condition, elec. range, walk electric refrigeration, apt, epaeiouc living room, 1827 223 47 ing distance. 427 3rd Esst. Waa. V228-W- . excellent service. 84 So. Tth K. Hy. 80OS--R . 6088-Jor Hy. 4 AND 6 rma, 430 B. 6th So. and 420 Dea Overland Tonrlng 100 rer at.; mod, gaa range. Hy. 2801-W- , r B1T2. 434 B. Bo. T. . apis, alec re-1024 134 Cbev. Touring mod. duplex; gas range, furnace, ga frig. Phon Waa. 8790. See them. WB TAKE LATE MODEL 554 Elisabeth, rage; Jl.l mo. Hy. 634-mod. apt..: beautiful lawne atrlctly MOTORCYCLES IN TRADE. and groaeds. USED TRUCKS. and bath, cottage. Hurt annex Knalgn apta, 1970 So. 9th Be 949 S. 7th East. Janitor ar BvIIy. 2WI1R. 833, OPEN EVENINGS. DELPHU phone Waa. 6248. 241 4th Eaat Attractive APTS, Waa. 3308. 353 E. 1st INTERNATIONAL a snap4 rms close In. gar.; firm, or anfnra. room and an four-rooflat and py new palat Job, good rubber, cab p bouse. Reer 801 So. Stste. 3 AND 4 rms, coxy and convenient, clos ope aad si press body. 8500. MUST SELL HUDSON 11(24 In; Frig Ids Ire, tile hath and dratnboard; TODAY, apta.. hardwood floor, avwly deco COACH. GOOD MOTOR. PAINT AND UP- rent res sons hie. 244 So. 3rd Eaat, rs ted eod aew aaa rangea. Aoolr Matter. hew; Deni-liry- . 8 NEW TIRES, HOLSTEHY. 92K5, IF Bo. Knslrr 834 5th East ante., INTERNATIONAL another TAKEN AT ONCE. CALL WAS. (WOS. THE 1118 1st ave. four rooms. EMMA, modem bouse, garage, 327.40 per good buy In a model "B." Really f un FINANCE la. will aell for anwrnhU glsaaed alp, porch, front porch. Hy. (WOO. 430 So. 1st Wo. month. aa exceptionally good buy at 9440. One Chevrolet touring; Hwe paid balance: 4 BOOMS, bath, gas BOOM modern: rang, cook stove, garange, 8204 gsa newiy ash eoacbea: on Rickaabacker coach. rage; 320. 776 E. 6tb Sooth. Hy. 2209-413 So. 11th cleaned, garage If dealred. . Phan Hy. 4204. Ask for Mr. McOutlklu ar Mr. Fjist. Bice rma., sip. porch, heat, hot $244) 1021 FOKD; excellent running Wameke. order; flvs oo 4ta are. ter ano gaa. colonial MCE, dean Was. 3224. style bouse. Was. 4l(. 1083 Bo! Stste. dandy tirea: atarter; 4477. mod.; garage; ale yard; 90S Washing 824, ton; BERN1CE. 8tb Eaat So and HARVESTER INTERNATIONAL lat CO. Will aaU $109 EQUITY la new Chevrolet. 1st avenue; newly apt., ground floor; alao 4 rma, front and modern, 487 lor 9110. 577 East 1st So, Waa. 6468. bsck porchea, or Janitor Hy. 6426-cleaned, aew linoleum, comb, range, ga 33 Weet 4th So. 8alT Lake City. Utah. rage. Inquire 484 1st ave. newly papered aad cleaned, cloa in. 1027 CHEVROLET coup; 4 aew tlrea; per wis.. PH0NB 1611. M. mod. brick cottage, lino,, blinda, gar. iier mo, naa. now. no. riaaa sots. fect rood.: 34im. Term ta rlitht nartv. 267 E. 4th Bo. 427 B. Pth Bo. Hy. ZOoS- - M. 92,1, Phone Hy. 7T-J- . LUND APTS, 134 So. 7lh East b. w. flolah. apt! mod, flra., gumwood 1U27 VEI.IK coupe; Perfect ahape; muat with front and rear porchea. foe mi. Inlaid lino, white enamel gaa raare, fur- cash a sd balance akontbly. ell; and 821 excellent rondltioa aace, aervlc. stove, full Cblldrra bsaement, laundry Phone Hy. TV J. SACHirit INU Star ail rieetnick rldiculons-lri Deri at, hth so.. 2nd and 3rd E. Hy. welcome. Mgr. at 34 So. tth T. low f gnre. Cell WSs. 1747. Mr. Weller. 47U-J- . Col'PE. FORD; GOOD TERMS. BY OWNER: HY. WAS. 90S. 1K28 U. M. (.'. track, stake body, IBM, strictly mod. brkb bung, lust like 1821 CHEVROLET, coach, fully equipped. Inclosed cab, overload new, furnace, full basement, lg, corner kit. WILHON APTS, 4 rma, bath, port-he s, fur.' springs, oversized and anfura.. newly 784 Irimk; oaly 8400 mllea actual poenmsilc tire, cluding uy. ai"5. only driven 3000 miles. gar. Adults, Se. 2nd E. $24 month.painted, papered. Thla la one real buy la a hundred. " UiJTl"iTrt'm: ntt mileage. tot R BOOM moAern cottage, 318 per month. Pros Hylaad 313B-W- . . -. BEAUTIFUL 3, 8 and aplsa-diaii no, iita Bast at. apt., ahsetri d coadltloa: walktag distance: reng. 427 3rd East. Waa. lr22,w APARTMENT for rent, $20 per month, at ioo. vts esst street. Inquire there. NOALL APTS.. verr desirable. i... front: aewiy decorated. 4 rma. aaA et sin porch. Beet view. 181 4th ave. Was. B048-VIRGINIA apt,, front and back porchea, Urge living and dining room; newly papered end cleaned; beat Frlgldalre: 3.'i0. 416 B. wt, lempi. Waa. 8148-PEERLESS apta.. 130 2nd a vs. 4 rocos. 1 M6STS OCT ( dis bed. dressing room. lee. rsen- - sA r. EM AM" I MADBUK 'tt& APT, 504 Eaat 2nd So. Largest I 6 and apta. la city, alcely dee. rated, front end rear anrckea. See Janitor, , No. T apt, ar call Mr. Reynold, n , 1108 R r 1 r . Pv X t Jim 4. ; pTr-a.Qr-TeKR. rO I mod. flat, 14 North flrat H ..i a 8T i . 7TT. I Hy.' 830-J- . W MEB EDITH apt.. 834: fin loca. good view of city, loo 1st ave. mod., heat, choice lor. 1. wrb Ta r.p. 1st West. iron,, NEW CI MMl.M.S, 2. 3 snd 4 rooms. 803 S t Lf Erigidaira. 419 Booth. Wss. 0041. N E ' apt., Uls bsth, elee. rsage. re- r""""- "ear cepnol, g27. W, T722 J. -- ';' THE Bt TIL 8.03 E. 3rd So front rear apt., $15; gs- apt, 843; also Residence. 63, AND RENT r, Unfurnished Apartment. ,J....... ...... ,...r, i ... ....... Trucks for Sale itV t 1II I I ."f. s f I Ill - 1 i nt. p.t. i. 's o'" for Twas a Big Week run yTSZ"u 7rT Uf AWVTMO ti. f 9HeW"V. rfiwjh. f lite fi 6 Of t atfl' 1 V V V I M . x IhCsH r MSiMH I terms, For LIKE" COMBkM--MIS' THaVT, WW I II YJI ' 4 ...... ' ' 5 - ai S. i . Junk Wanted YANKEE Junk Co. will psy aaors for furnl- mf. Sjoftles. evda and enda W IU31. TAY MURE F"R JUNK, FUBNITL BE, lc. SAGS, BOTTLES, books, odds, ends, " Wss. am. l I. F AN UP W buy eil Made of Junk Best price. Salt lake Jank to.. Hy. 83U. fooo' pass. i with confidence. GiS0LINE. ALLEY 64. CASH PAID for naed tire. 8AM. the TIKE MAN. ICS So. Hia'e. Waa. 4425. WILL' buy dead or aseleas horses or cows. Will pay cash. Phone Murray JIT0. . 6S08-R- FREE 1400 coupe, model 833. wonder- Hudson coach, EVENINGS. BROWNING 850 nir ninxri .... ftton: e'ffiTvmeeX W'.V,-sZ- .Sl.B!; CLOSE In. cool; living room, both. bed. alec, range, bdw. floors, porch: ertltehle I I. 221 B at. W. gr.10. UEAI TIFI I. cud. cteaa cioe In, hot -apt., and ap. 48 B. $ POULTRY LIVESTOCK a 41 Poultry and Baby Chicks T'iP PR! ITS PAID lull LIVE POI'LlfeY. ', st. .! liirt stget CALL 8101 M. RAIMMiW 7th WK L est! price paid- - (MM B e' 48tSi.'- , M 2nd W, I ill I II II I rf t V r 4i TliOIT Hr. 848 w a'! k'ndv of pouilry. Hy. 1103. " ' - I" ' rms, baaementa, 826 East 8th So, and 270 East 8th So. Hy. 218-J- . mod., nswly clesned. 866 So. 9th E. Waa. 2a-l- . 51 Auto Parts, Tops, Tires house: garage; 25. 824 NICE, clean Argyle. 2nd No, 6 Weet, Was. 2878-WB nave used parts for all lata model cars rooms THKKE and bath, linoleum, atove; ana tracks, ion ran alway get what clean; 320 per mo. 081 Yale qv. yon want at th FELT ACTO WRECKING ci).. (na Bo. state. atrlctly mod. borne for rent, oa 8tR West bet. Tth end 8th Bo, paved at. 52 Auto Painting: and Repairs REALTY CO, EPPERSON W. 7374. 812 Ut. Sav. A Tr. Bldg. W. 8374 Wal repslr your esr at your home. Wilson's Auto Shop. Z118 Psnama at. Hy. 7814 nice Waa. 8482-yard, mod, lino, 200 Vine at. ATTENTION. Dodg. and Graham owners Too know you caa aave from per mod, alp. pch, newly papered, cent en year repair bill-a- t tbe 7th So. Ga painted throngliout, gar, $30. 1198 WindBrakes re lined for list price of ma- sor st. Hy. 1280-B- . rage: terial only. Day aV Mgbt Service, 28 Eaat 728 BROWNING New mod.- - Til irn rm. wee. 417. laundry atove. garage, furnace; 340. AUTOMOBILES painted. 812.50 and up; also modem brick, 130. 44 L'oatarllle are., automobile repairing. Holt liroa. Hy. 7407, A. FIXLINGAME, HOME BUILDERS, 178 ,, ., H.v. MOD. ....... INC. USED CAR BARGAINS. original green and gray finleh. Thla car shows real car and la eqnlpped with fire good standard tirea . ;. OPEN , Auto Batteries ..... etc......... COACH .. Speedster ar. l6t, ptt OVERLAND Hodsoa modern, clean, gaa and coal raag. 920 mo. Sti3 B. 1st So, bouse, modern, painted Inside aiul S So. 7th East. Hy. S463-W- . out. modern, gaa, alp. porch, new 318 paper, paint; near O. 8. L. shops, wt W. Glrard ave. Wae. 3510. Was. 6498-w- . SMALL house, close In, 112. 648 Markea ave. Inqnlre 602 Markea 8 RM. house. 8 apta. rented, gar. Furnitur for aale. 242 4th E. Waa. 145D-7 BOOM Beodern. 734 Eaat So. Temple. Kg- cellent rondltioa, only 932.50, du B. So. 750 Temple. 830; good neighborplex, hood. Inquire 84 So. Ttb East, apt No. 8. garage, State , displayed Visit as. TAYLOR MOTOR CAR CO. WHIPPET COACH Wltb five Packard nearly new tire. Run only a ful buy few tboaaaad mllea 600 192 T . 4oai-w- I- .- I..UL... Kl f ' ' 3u v anubbera, 1923 miCES. HAriKKIKS. Reliability assured for vacation tripe. Rich So. W. 1120. super station. 2nd East snd Bulck broagbam. Packard aedaa. 8 aedaa, llupmobll Re sedaa, Hudaon aedaa. Hudson coach, Dodg eedan, Dodg coup.,. 2 pats. 168 over- J I'UILCU La Sail aedan, La 811 sedan, La Salle coupe, Wan, ., 250 Instructions 40 coup. Aay one of thee la aa exceptional buy. Tbey look almost new and are right p their pr.ms for service. 350 bumpera, 102T la aad aee them So. large Bleeping porch. ith are. . fturage. Iljt.ta. Was. S822. WANTED Old used cars. High prices paid. Western Aulo Psrta Co., 747 So. State. WANTED Used Ford sedan body. Waa. 475. W. T. Edwsrde. CASH PAID FOR LATE MODEL CAES. -- 857 SOUTH MAIN. WASATCH 7455. 5i AUTOUOUlLEa. WB PAY THE BEST SHOT CASH PRICES. S. It. McRRIDE, 823 80. STATE. AUTOMOBILES cleaned and reps' red at a reasonable 823 So. 11th East, price. 50 fin , Ford Coup Parte Co., 643 Cadillac aedan, Cadillac aedaa, Cadillac tonr., Cadillac phaeton, 90 l LOW &84 B2o-- 3 OR 4 rooms, modern. gersgs. 248 Bo. 8th East, . ' uy. nni CLEAN mterf Jta range, water heater, 823. A1lulta. Mirage. 81 E. 6th S. BUNGALOW, I'INB FAMILY 1 RMS., STR. 833. T50 E, MOD.; OAR, FURNACE; 8TH SO. KEY AT 72B. HY. 6236-clean, partly modern. 812 mo. Neat Libert park. Inq. 440 Del pL or By. Moving and Storage 00 cooper. 102T t Wl. 39 70 CHANDLER 1026 i 38 CAR CO. ti ti W. l MOTOR CHRYSLER tk Boats and Mala. Wasatch 6006. caab need plaooa. radio, nutical K'l B- - Broadway. ta. etc. RENT A NEW CAB. PIANO from $71 np. Terma. down and DRIVB IT YOURSELF CO.. balance par month at Qlea 99 Weat 4th South. Bait Lake. Waa. ISO. Plane Co., lfll Ho. Main. 8MB Waah. At., Ogden: anon 9IUSV 124 BUICK TOURING, 4 W. BRAKEC ONE 8lory Clark player-pianRED AND WHITE IBRD CAR MKT., for aale, SOS Oold hotel, 90 SO. STATE ST. cheap; la good condition, op. W Temple. Call Mrt. Andrea, apt. M. 92T CHEVROLET .COACH, LIKB NEW. PLAYER piano, atahuf.. fine too, bench. 1 TBARGAIN. l H24 , Hy. SS7.VJ. rolla. l. I SKD RED AND CAB WHITE MKT. BK.NT a piano 3 per month and ap. Glen BUG SO. STATE ST. 1924 CADILLAC SEDAN, (1330. e : Piano Co.. 1H1 Bo. Main. Splendid mecbantcalty; all good tire and sXIUUTLY need phonograph, 110 and up. Thla car la right np to luat reflalshed. Terma. 11 per week. Glen and everything. brake late; Pta na Co.. Ill Ho, Main. ONE-TOWaa. S7V7; after f p. m.. Waa. lU.'S IHKYHOI-K- T all Baker, TRUCK. Bun e ST ST aell my plane at once. 0720. Call enly short distance. Will sacrifice. Mm. Clerk, 1078 E. Ttb South. . me at once, I am leaving. Dougraa IjOO MAHOGANY Sonora ccnule, with 13 THE Al'TOMART PAYS WILL aell my 1027 Chevrolet landa aedaa. 0. Waa. THE top dollar for need CARS. N eed caaai at .once. See Mr. like new. 1.10 East lat So. Phone Was. 6121. Jo t Moxans hotel, 1 to 7 90 a. as., or aay 13 PIANO. In eicellent conditio. 1 B. time after w Waa. p. m. PACKARD Bli. enclosed, fin condition. Phone 1U2II DODblC aedaa, aew paint Job, S good bargain, from owner. Easy terms. 34 Musical 9.M12-Was. mirror. tlrea, hampers, heater, rear-vieFf At a tune leather npbolsteiing. A-- l mechanically. Call yourTATu'EWiAw" sir. Lyons. IV aa. an. leeeana. Clyde . Bummerhaya, For fly W. AHUDSON Super Six T pass, touring, 1027 CHEV. ROADSTER. A BEAUTY. . af. YOCNU, JR.. teacher of violin. condition, plenty ef pep and power, elx SN.M-1 Call B1.D SKD tlrea. will AND WHITE sell cheap. terma. Htudlo at 440 rK 4tli Faet. CAR MKT. Hy. STATE ST. tta MI lote IU27 Ksah Adv. seed Mix apecial 31A lour., tike sew; eactoanr; bargain- - 146 I. 2nd Sowth. Waa. IT71. 12 LEtiSOMi, note or ear; noveltlea; aiau mall ceurae. Karie Method. & H. Mala. JORDAN 24 4 paea. apart phaeton, 389. Ol.IiHMoHILS COUPE. 4200. Ill SOUTH -Wssatch fi7Q, room 37 Miscellaneous MAIN. for sale; ITae shape, 1;S iMiCHIE rnht-er-aedia , FOHI) coui, which la. real buy. Call TOP price for guoa, revolrera. dtamonda. with good aad coa he nought right. v aa. nHJ. Call Hylaad 9l-M- . watcbea, naualcal InaC Bay. aell. trad Money loaned at reaa. anything of aalna. rate. Dandaoa' Loaa Office. 90 B. lat fog YOUR CAB from theaa SPORT TOURING. Jnat Cadillac aedga. exceptional bar gala ... beautiful shop, bis enam4l paint Job. Equipped Packard aedaa. model 826, aew car wltb new bellooa tlrea. Entirely new ateerlng mechaaiam t 400 guarantee 4 p. coupe, Be 1028, heat hay la WHIPPET COUPE Jnat comtowa . . equipped pletely reconditioned, with large overslie balloon tlrea, Packard club 'aedaa, model S39, aew eat of Sedan, A-- OPEX EVENINGS SUNDAYS. VACATIONING TICK SEDAN with special Steering equipped wheel, clock, heeler Is rear, dome light, foot reetTTnlrror, sua vreor, fixe J balloon tlrea, bumpera, Igrge trunk on rear, extra tire mounted oa aide. A 1024 Hnpmobll hauled Coupe, modern; tt, C0ING beautiful CHRYSLER Don't fall t com hefor yon buy. VALUES Unfurnished Houses 54 BUS. Unfurnished tbti.ib 1921 B. J. FRY, INC.. Used Paeeenger Car Dept., Motor Ave. ea 2nd Eaat. Waa. 900. 3 Musical Instruments lihUKBo aluaK olore paya a;gneal Bo. Waa. Mala. 1 OVKRLAVD MODEL SEDAN With four new tires-- : rnr in best of candliloa all through 1923 Distributor, o3 TOURING. and good In blue reflalshed Juet tlrea; Titrallle enamel. A real value. 1026 "OCR TRUCK BARGAINS AT 179 B. 2ND SO., TRUCK DEPT. toa Anything la trucks from to two-toatake bodies. express bodies, screen bodies. We can fill the order and tit year porketboek. t'AY hiKiieat' apot caab for furniture. Col. K. C. Jenklna, Anrt., S48 Ktate. W. 1"2. KNIGHT tnelosnre Coupe, 1923 480 So. 102J ESSEX COACH With flea eery good tlrea; motor recoudttlcned; lew neat covers; sainted bice enamel , SEVERAL BARWONDERFUL GAINS IN TOCK1NU CARS. If you only want to epend a little money for a car. we have eome good onea AS 18 900 and ap. . 'or lASll lliliriKIK fine and STEARNS wltb Meg Chevrolet ahape E. TOCBSSKN, A. 070 With tlrea; body Interior 1024 and f June w attractive TODAY. Ford Trucks for Sale- ZBUCKS AND The whits company, south third east street. 43 Automobiles Wanted WE pay caab for your eld, car. Felt Ante CSED CABS. SPECIAL." 1928 Holidae. SEDAN it cord beautiful .11 -- SOOD HIGH GRADE Sport Tonrlng, balflnlah, new top and curtains. Looks fine; need, som work. A knockout at $150. TERMS. Opea Erealnge. Snndaya the corner and Main: CHEVBOIJtT 1024 Finished In latest color ache me, double body line,, re lour npholatery. Aa excellent and economical family cat. Completely overhauled. A fine family car for $217 down, easy terma. TUAI.ES VI DEBUICK. AUCTIONEER. eah ymir fornltnre. tl'HI to tMmi. II Vt4?. WE NEED "UBMTUBE. CALL I'S ftct. Beit prlcee. 107 8. W. Tern. W 4B11. WAKATi'H rrRNITI RE CO. poya more Tor nel furniture. 837 Ho. fttate. Waa. ftflfl U liill liMT eaab price for good need furniture eenrea and mm. Phone Wea 7;!K "MECHANIC'S 1023 Lexington loon tlrea, Doco SNAPS REASONABLE So. DISPLAY.-Jus- So. disc wbeela, i MODEL , TO PICK MORB FROM. HtysOJf new and Dealer. la TbU ear COACH. COMPANY. During the entire month r offering especially la like 'ran beautifully, la equipped wltb General Cord tires, bumpera, etc. A snap at 9900. A smsller car considered aa part i, AND MANY OVERLAND TOURING CAR W'ltb 4 new tire, new top, floe body, opbolstery like new, motor reconditioned 1024 0 BCICK STANDARD COACH. Dark green flnlah. black belt line with red bead stripe, artillery wbeela. fine tlrea, bumpera front and rear, niotnmeter and croee bar, mirror, automatic wlnd.bield cleanl er. mechanically. Compare thie with any sew car for 2.10 down, bal. eaay terma. 'LK cenae oa car.) A price lii-.- 1026 MODEL CA!n, liliUIKlIT raab prlcee for furniture, rangea, rerriga,. mga, odda and ende. Waa. u3;il. purcliaae 1K27 See our around All eara under cow la the fineat ahorvroom la town. Furniture Wanted wish TU hELL ir tot UUi;aKH)L RT ArXS or KI'KNITI'HR fOB Hill. La Salle Sedan? Ksaex Coach. Bulck Sport Roadster, Dodge Coup. Ford Coupe. Ford Coupe. Bnick Sedan. Oldsmoblle Coupe. Oldsmoblle Coacb. . 2T 1U23 1UJ3 PROTECTED OPEN-AI- MODEL. RECONDITIONED. Dodge eedane, roupea. roadstera and tonrlnga la the city. See aa flrat W bete the car yog want. Terma. 1027 CHRYSLER TH8 DODGE DEALER, we have the fineat aelectlon of LATR 32 1 -v USED CARS. AS Hy.TijR. aye. BROWNING'S car.) or further diecount for can. Bee at nt fto. Main at Daynee-Beehe'AI'ITION prlcea on everything each day. no. maie. E. r. Jennna rurn. t o., BKAUTIFTL oak dining rm.' aet, Uonarck Tor honaefceentng. range, beda, rrerytbing Muat aell at eoce. Jlargata. CaU J14J Ho. t'nl Kant. la TWO fineat Axnlnater ruga, damaged elilpping, will erll for leaa than coat, fee af I ptlra Fnrnltnre atore. 29 im. Mai; UI KT a.ll before Xlonday. for lew than V, nrlea. nractlcallr new Monarch elec. range. kit. rbaira. floor enamel ton kitchen table, lamp, bed. anringa and mattreaa. - All are a bargain and In food cond. 633 Redondo MAIN ' USED CARS. 10M NASU ADVANCED COACH. fin-ta- b e IlUck and dark gray double belt line. Thla car la equipped wile bumpera Xlolome-te- r, rear. front, bumperettea r. . mirror, automatic cleaner, fine sheared mohair French top, 4 wheel upM.tcry, brake. 6 atrooat new tlrea, mechana ically ahape. n boy tliia car for 1350 You down and eaay terma. on lii CHEVROLET COUPE, fully la fine mechanical condiequipped. tion, with Iota of extra equipment, t 475. , 182T 405 SOUTH and State. Waa. 63 IB. 4th WE ARB OPEN FROM S A. M. P. M.; ALSO SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. i ORGAN, and SM South But ALSO MAIS .BUILDING I'NTII. t. HAMLIN Ill ATTRACTIVE CARS. ATTRACTIVE PRICES. ATTRACT! VS TERMS. Bun, MASON M MOTOR COMPANY. So. state. Waa. 978. ' Wblta pasarnrer model 90-bus. Is good condttloa. to Whit Truck, from capacity. Why dump truck. Light trucks of other makes. Incorporated 1808. PER SIX. Fifth South and Mala Stude baker Distributor. MAN TELLS ANOTHER. Word baa apread that thla I SAFE PLACE to boy Dependable ' ' Veed Car, That why we lead In the Bolel of L'acd Car. Hi are. NOB VILLI 0N8 ESSEX COACH, LATE 102T SUIn l condition. Look and rune Ilk a new car. Will take 9834 and giv terma. A Ford or Cbee, considered aa part payment, AUTOMOBILE Utah's Oldest Automobile V OLDS SOPRT TOURING $168. Aa Ideal little car for vacation aad canyon trips. Terma. 41 'THBEB LOTS VIOXOR Furniture for Sale rirt bay better come end look tbens over Bow If yon want to be sure of the pick. are reconditioned and They when necessary and all are backed by tbe Touraaea reputation. SS.1 .... JKIVKTT SEDAN Itlltl DODGB DELIVERY IP7S WHITH BUB. PRICED TO SELL QUICK. SUPER SIX 4 DOOR ESSEX' SEDAN. Tbia car la almost new and la consigned with D at 9674. W will consider a Essex Coach or Ford aa part payment and give terma. ' CARS. care better Better t AM 1020 for Sale Automobiles 46 jtatuuTt'I 47 25 RHARHAN CSED DEPENDABLE ... 29 EkIi."" IM: ltll for Sale Automobiles 46 FOR RENT AUTOMOTIVE BOTTE BILL'S SPECIALS. A. E. TOCfiSSEN .... Soil and Fertilizer AUTOMOTIVE for Sale Automobiles 46 ss- o- Teicphow vassteb. USED i Livestock for 30, 1928. AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles for Sal 46 Birds, Rabbits .... sale Leonard refrigerator; first-clas- s cond.: 100-ll- . capacity. No. 3 Preecott pta., Was, jjWtil-- 31 Automobiles for Sale 46 ,. ro8 . J)os; Pets, . Coal and Wood coal, KofijLijjrTs7cK BECK S, Hi. twsj.1. SACK. 30 Pipe; Machinery; Iron AUTOMOTIVE STOP AND READ: White Leghorna. floe per 10U0. Writ for oa ula other earletiea. caa turniau price baby turkeya, I'W per 1UU. and durka, A.MJ CERTIFIED tfSED CARS. per luu. Laa euip at once, rncei i. e. n. W. H. Vi your atatlon. Why pay more? Smith. l.liH So. State at.. 8. L. 0., CtaU 90 DAYS' FREE SERVICE. alao at Vogeler Soed Company. 90 W. lat Bo. Waa. tM, 90 DAY GUARANTEE. RAM.HHAWS CHICKS. S bed." with confidence. "Nnf DAtSVREE TRIAL, They're Buy o78 Bo. State. ITtah bred, Murray 474. WAV! ED Live poultry and raublla; Kill 1025 SPECIAL SIX VICTORIA STC call and get; can uae any amiwint. Farm DEBAKKR B1U SIX MOTOR $ 745 waa. Mil Prodneta Co., 4o W. 7th Bo. KllillEn-lKaCOMMANDER 1 for will call WANTED Lire poultry. DEMOATRATOtt .. ...1875 them and pay the top price. Murray 90. HI2S VUll'K HKIIAN 8M 11128 STLDEUAKER COMMANDER 42 SEDAN 1000 IS27 STUPKBAKEB EBSKINB TOURfor Boatoa bull pupple TIIOROCUHBRED ER 23 aale. Vail Vlnedale Farm, vra E. 4Mtn so. 102J BU1CB COACH S3 1924 ROADSTER 443 BOSTON terriera, champ, bred pupa, growa 1W21 Ddlx.g 123 atock; elliihle to reglater. 1404 B. Main, 11C5 HUDSON BPKEDSTER STLIIKHAKEIt ROADSPEC. Hy. (WHS.. MOTOR 050 STER, BIG S wka, FOX terrier pupa, tuorotighbrede, 1028 NASH SEDAN 605 1120 Windaor at. 1020 OLDSMOBILB ROADSTER old, nicely marked. 41 Hy. 87S1-I1- . ll27 OIJLtMMOHILR 775 BEDAN ,. ENGLISH bulldog, reglatered,. blue ribbon IH20 NASH TOUKINO 123 . U137-JI2MI w. 2nd no. 102S female. Waa. ROADBTL'DEUAKEU BTD. STER SSS AT BU'U fur arrclcr. reglatered Uermaa po jr. 1023 STUDEBAKEB SPECIAL lice, wolf gray. 23ol Beeerly et. u. iCTl-i- , 680 CHOICE German police puppy; will make 1024 STCDr-AKE- B TOL'B- UCHT excel, watch or aheep dog. Hy. 1AU 75 1020 FORD TOCRINO 75 43 Sale 11124 NASH -- 4" COUPS 1U2T KTI DEBAKEB COMMANDER 90 KAMftdUII.I.ET rum. Winger. 800 1MB VICTORIA Nes bid if W't. 7229. 11)2. NASH SEDAN BO.'. 102S STUDEHAKER or cowt. WILL Lh detid or utwieM bor-- at SPEC. S SEDAN. 770 11122 Wttl pay rah. NASH TOURING Phont Uurraj 870. 273 11122 STU1IRRAKER LT. TOURING. 120 UAVK &M rinlit ftkod ariinf cwea, dtlirery 1023 HUPMOBII.R S70 ROADSTER now. Jift.vlVII l.trrntnck fo. ll"'-'BTUDKRAKKR SPEC. S TOURING 2 Vull Mte. vnt Arubian cuJt, mgn it jreara, IU2T BTUDEBAKEK COMMANDER SE 17 haitdlH ioHk to Irani an txcel- 1.14.1 DAN knt ffli11) animal. .Wllt aell Chtap. PboM W ILL YS-NIGHT TOURING .. 205 Hy. 4K.il W or rnU tit 434 Ho. 4th K. 102.1 ni l' Dr. BAKER SPEC, VTVIKX TWO South No. PHAETON 47S ouug ireab cowa I02S POIMiE COUPS 270 , 1,1124 ESSEX S2.1 COACH ! cowa TWO fre-- Ji for Jenwjr 1023 STI OKIUKKH 2711 I.T. TOURING. ntlkera. 173 N. 4th Wnt. 1024 DOIKiH VICTORIA 470 IIII0 STUDP.RAKER I.T. 4 SEDAN. ., 170 1!2S OI.DBMOIIII.K CI.UB COUPE 443 AUTOMOTIVE llt27 BTUDERAKER COMMANDER SE 19S3 DAN lP2fl STLDEBAKER bTD, 8 UROUCH t, USED AUTOMOTIVE LIVESTOCK Poultry tt Baby Chicks 41 for REMINGTON CBOSHKLL'S Agent maclilnea. Victor adding cash reelatere. Holwlek electric coffee mills end meat chop- BUY. HELL; EXCHANGE. BIM iiera. REPAIR National cash registers. Burroughs addlnir machine. caie. etc. uuusnr.i.1. e G roe 148 Stat building; phon osna Waa. 2164. Established 40 year, on Inn. stock fixture alwaye rnpt .27 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE Telephone w.,atCh eg-o- - f'.s-- f I T j'i . I ft .If aT I - 1 f ll llr 1' T- I T kflaf '.ilHmi ',; I room and Iwitk la Hart Aanex. 443 so. 7th K htesm heat, janitor aervlc. Janlinr ta rear Was. a.ea LB NOEU 3f5 3rd ave. T.rv foe iue ape.. fsHng srreM. Wss. 8I87-( I'isK IN 3 rooms, bath, street ' ( ' iiitv apts, 98 So. 3:4 Esst. K 4 |