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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 28, 1928, Bitterness Develops in Platform Gommifee Fight Over Dry Law Declaration Southern Senators Near Blows on Liquor Issue HI HIT; LED TO DOORS T Despite its reputation, farm .life has its delights, especially in Utah, as the group shown here on the beautiful Alexander Lee estate testifies. Governor and Mrs. George II. Dern (lower right) were guests at the Salt Lake farm bureau picnic Wednesday. Elwood Spencer (lower left) demonstrated sheep fitting with one of the ciuo yeaning rams. knocked at the door of the Kansas City convention for bread and they were Wilson vetoed the Volstead act a stone. The Democrats are It continued two wartime mea- given hill. committed to the McNary-Hauge- n sures which he bad asked congress to If we give them this bill we will give them something." repeal. "Within a few months before his Rainey said he represented a disdeath," Daniels added, "he wrote trict In the heart of the Illinois corn letter to a distinguished man saying belt and that If the Democrats apthat neither the eighteenth amend- proved the plank asked by the farmers ment . nor the Volstead act should be that "we wilt sweep the farm states." chant-edHe described Senator McNary of Ore"I love him too much to see his gon, chairman of the senate agricul Corn Belt Republicans name Invoked to bring back the ture committee and of the greatest curse that this country has McNary-Hauge- n bill, aa a "Judas to the cause of agriculture. Show Bitterness Oyer ever had: held a Tydlngs hasty conference adding that he bad had nothing to do with Joseph P. Tumulty, who was with tha writing of the measure. "I have talked with Senator McNary Kansas City Plank. Wilson's private secretary, and who wss a spectator at the bearings. The many times and I don t believe he X tew Marylander then stated that whatever ever waa for It." ha declared. 4 ... Wilson might have said or written priThe proposed plsnk presented by .1 v "'"x V i i'' vj' the fact remained that he had U meal, after declaring against any leg Ask Only Equality With vately, law. vetoed the dry islatlon which "attempts to correct Blshoo Cannon later took up this the situation through direct or Indipart of the discussion, declaring that rect treasury subsidies," In part read argument such as the Maryland as follows:! Industry Labor, any senator made waa "a misrepresent. "We believe that any operations untlon of the great president. dertaken to assist the farmers to meet Leader of this problem should be largely under Says. First Prohibition Rift the direction of farm organisations Cam From New York. and cooperative associations, with the The first lift tn the prohibition argu use only of such federal measures aa ment came when J. A. McSparren of are necessary to distribute the costs By ARTHUR "M. EVANS. said the demand for and lossee that may be Incurred In Pennsylvania HOUSTON. Texas, June S7. Th modification came, not from the sol dealing with aenioultum surpluses corn belt rvolt wa brought to th Idly Democratic south, but from "the over each marketing unit of the corp doors of the Democratic producers are to (e benefitted platform sidewalks of New tork and Phlla whose such assistance. makers late today. Leaden of or delphia, where they do not register by"We and count their votes, but merely estiIndorse, therefore, the aim and ganised agriculture In the midwest de mate them." the principles of thus distributing clared that the. upper Mississippi val Chairman Plttman promptly called costs of iconcentrated action over the benefitted and pledge the ley states witt, iiimi him to order, reminding him of the commodity u.tHn. tent over the rejection of the minority rule that arguments and not political efforts of the party to the perfection should be made and that and enactment of a measure based on farm plank by the Republican at speeches there should be no dealing In person- this principle which can receive gen ahhbui i;ity. alities. McSparren said ha was not eral support and Become a law. One of the most emphatic argument ,sw William H. Settle, president of the IB the open hearing came from W. H. aware that a reference to cities of the Indiana Farm Bureau federation and Settle, president of the Indiana farm country constituted personalities. After those supporting and opposing for years a leader in the farm relief oureau. tne eighteenth amendment had con movement, said a petition signed by Mr. Settle led the ma rah of the em Senator 74,000 farmers had been brought to battled farmers around tba convention cluded their presentation, Glass sought to close the discussion Houston In support of a plea for a nan at Kansas City. without hearing those whom he said farm relief plank whloh would guar"I was born and raised a RenubH ran," be said, "but I voted for John were neither "hot nor cold on this antee the placing of agriculture on an W. Davis because I became acquainted question." This brought a protest and equal basis with Industry and labor, with President Coolldg and bis atU- - argument within the committee Itself "We do not aak for approval of the which took up all but five minutes of McNary-Hauge- n bill." he said, "but tuoe on agriculture. tne fo. ty that under the early agree we want you to Indorse Its principles "You may wonder why w Republimen t been had seekto or allotted us those another principle wnion will cans are at a Democratic convention. give ing only a general law enforcement benefit agriculture. Farmers in Houston for declaration. Settle declared that the farmers of . . s it- rt4 t the midwest had been Incensed by the Self reservation, Claim. Temperance Speaker action of the Kansas. City convention "We are here (or self preservation. Given 40 Minutes Time. resolution regarding farm relief and ' Our situation Is too serious to be Chairman Plttman finally got order they would not vote for Herbert temporized with. Look over the laat ana Hoover, "providing that you folks put announced that rive minutes eeven years. First we lost our Liberty n a real farm relief plank In the plat for discussion. Bishop bonds, then our cash, then our credit. ' ; then bluntly told the committee form." :, ... Now we fear to lose our homes. That Settle's fiery speech waa received that If the thirty-on- e dry organizations Is why we are here. "We came to the conclusion this Is oould have only five minutes, they did with enthusiasm by the committee He hsd been preceded by Ik an Issue greater than any man or not care to be heard, and he was members! J: by the audience, i. V. Keed, president or the Minne party, the greatest Issue In a genera- - roundly applauded acta Farm federation; Gray Silver of me women. tion. panicuiariy , A request for unanimous consent West Virginia, vice president of tha "We farmers are going to cast our for the temperance Federated Fruit and Vegetable Urow political lot with the political, party that the spokesmen organizations be given forty minutes era; Frank D. Barton, vice president which undertakes to solve tnis waa several and of the Illinois Agricultural federation, by and objected with justice equal then the committee voted members problem , i to give them and Dr. r . a. Uore of North Carolina U much that time. an of the American Cotton Grower ex northwest wanted tha Tvdlngs A message saying equal time for the antis to make re change. In revolt against the Kansas tuy Clarence Ousley. assistant secretary Frank from came but withdrew on farm relief his request. ply, finally Governor Dan Moody, who had of agriculture under Wilson, declared W. Murphy, chairman of the corn belt oc on the forcea demanding a tnat it aometning were not none ror cnarge fight federation, a leader In theconvention it would mean oe straight out declaration approving the agriculture of mat the floor of the Republican the farmer Into serfdom gradation fnr tha minority corn bell plana. Jr. eighteenth amendment, wanted the or revolution. so about He con time extended a Mr. wire. of Miirohv'a members that the bring u.tti could be heard, but he was tended that the treatment accorded "There is no doubt whatever that the committee was torn the "bare will farmer tnat of would have plenty Ingratitude to they farmers of the entire northwest time to discus the issue In executive the men who conquered the west," and in support the Democrauo party that the farm relief problem afforded If the Houston convention sessions later. the prohibition hearings closed tne Democratic party an opportunity adopts an agricultural plank that Is theWith committee gave three hours to for service. He said that no govern satisfactory to them. action of the tnos asking for a strong plank on ment and no civilisation can "live or V "The revolt against the in turning aown farm .ellef before yielding its task to deserve to live that denies a fair share Republican convention th. r.m,.r I. Intensely bitter and a subcommittee of twelve, which late of the accumulation to those who feed night locked Itself up with the and clothe." overwhelming. There Is no possibleI in tne I do not believe the patriotism of job of framing a platform. On this doubt about what I am telling yon. is one representative of the party will be blind to this caJi to subcommittee In the thousands past have advised the organized farmers. Expectations service," he said. to adopt tonight were that the subcommittee C 8. Barrett, renresentlne? tha Na 'We are not asking you Mr. William II. O'Brien of Lawrenceburg, eeiue would be ready to report back to the tional Farmers' ' union, then took bill," Indorse the McNary-Hauge- n (GeBttaad treat rags 0o.) Ind. a full to tomorrow. The body .. platform charge of the program. Introducing a said. "But we ask you Before the session got under will be discussed all over again, number of spokesmen in behalf of that favorite sons and W principle which gives us equality with then more of the way the threeflight staging hands, aa usual, tried r but Senator waa honeful Plttman organisation. C. B. Huff, vice presi spirited demonstrations for which tht to outdo each other in iliausiry ana wwi. entertaining the naving a report ready for the con dent of the Kansas Farmers' union spectators. The "old gray mare'" agand representative of the com belt present gathering is becoming noted, Mrs. Verna Hatch, of the Indiana vention at a night session tomorrow. and soothingsoftly gregation played she the of said to he had pledge that committee, gone farm bureau, spoke ly, as if to quiet the rsged nerves of the Republican Kansas City conven George and Ayera by Den't Let Mississippi had carried to Kansas City, signedThe the the after delegatea Al Vote Receive for trying ordeal Smith." Their In Share. aaa folk came tion and "home a longer and r.rmnIndiana, ik of the afternoon. There were shouts, cheer, and price thinner man after the steam roller." Senator George of Georgia and Rep said the signers "will not votepledge Meanwhile of a came workers corps r vice .,.. preslfnr nrealdent. of "No, no," and another man Implored Out on the pralriea there are be Ayers of Kansas received In with monstrous green bags filled Who lS the delegates, the crowd outside ing enlisted hundreds of farmers In resentative the jnot- .. .uatii, Ara renreaentatlve with contents. caused squirming their They of share - closed door and the business district the cause of agriculture." he declared. praise from those who muVVvi pieagea among the assembling we are normally Republican, but we sponsored their oandidarclea for presi- much' curiosity of Houston, "For Clod's sake, don't let based on the fundamental principles bill. dent. Evans Woollen also received his delegstes. The Inquiry disclosed that are nearly cured of It," embodied In the McNary-Hauge- n Mississippi vote for Al Smith." held of smaU balloons to they flights share of from who those sponHe ursed the Incorporation of a praise The next pair of strong lungs echoed sored him for candidate for president. be released In the midst of the nomdown the hallway the declaration that plank providing adequate farm aid. ination demonatratione, THREE VESSELS A presumably a was great Smith demonstration "If the people of Mississippi had Another speaker on tha proa-raset off by Franklin D. Roosevelt, wtio part ot the show the New Yorkers and thought that the Mississippi delegates waa Miss Verna Hatch, a representa their allies were LEAVE PORT FOR preparing to accompiaced the governor 1n nomination as pany the would vote for Al Smith, none of us tive of Uia Indiana, Farm Bureau fed placing of the ..New York tine naooy warrior" upon wtiose eration,, who said that something shoulders In governor nomination. AMUNDSEN SEARCH would have been sent to this big bags must be done to save the agriculturvictory always perched. Dur were hoisted to the cross-tie-The s of ths No time waa fixed for the next ists' Interests. She described condi ing tee notay tribute to tne New York arched roof, with release mighty enor two fist three governor on tions Indiana the owned farm .... (Centlaad front fag Oae.) of by fights the It we. but meeting delegation, strings dangling. livened of the parading, all them said that It might meet again tomor- her family, said that conditions graduNotwithstanding the oratorical treat from disputes whether south east of Northeast land. This report row morning. ally had grown worse and painted a ern out for them, the delegates were states' standards should join the held vivid picture of the farm situation In was stated to have been relayed by a Farm Leaders slow In coming Into ths haa At 7:80, smttn Urge ata hail. te. loud about the wnicn She tliat The received got " procession applause Russian ship or five minutes after the convening when she concluded with aa appeal to Smith demonstration lasted twenty-thre- e sealer. The sealer was unable to ap Strong Relief Plank. ' hour, there were hundreds of vsrsnt minutes. " ttie Democrats for aid. " v piane The proach the was committee sdiourned shortt seats. The band played "The SideMost of uhe floor fighting centered able to make out the fore the convention was scheduled to floes, but around the Mississippi standard near walks of New York," the Smith battle telescope. men through oe caiiea to order, after having lissong, without getting any reaction sec the Alabama end North Carolina tened to pleas by farm leaden for a UNBIASED COMMENT Area Between Spitzberoen tors, where outbreaks occurred in the from the crowd. strong farm relief plank through sevApparently the band leaders Were afternoon. Aad Bear Island Searched. eral hours. The motion of adjourn BY TRIBUNE SOUGHT When bhe convention adjourned at agreed that political conventions were Advices from Kings Bay say that ment stipulated that the subcommitthe property of the folks of a decade 11:16 p. m.. to meet acain at 10:30 tee which will draft a tentatlv. nl.t. a small motor veesei Dewiwiii o'clock tomorrow morning, Senator or so ago. They rendered all the tunes searched form would meet later tonight This governor of Spitsbergen had and (Coatlaad frea Fate Oaa.) Reed of Missouri. Gilbert M. Hitchcock of the last thirty years, once in a Bear area between Spitsbergen will while dipping fifty years or more into the group probably remain in session of Nebraska. Cordeil Hull of Tennesii of down a and write Island without success. A more tbor-sit letter that the tentathe tnrough night framing see and Atlee Pomerene of Ohio, all the past to produce a real will of this euu neighborhood words or less telling just "What tive plank, for submittal to the entire ougb search Robinson rapped for order registered candidates, remained at Chairman I think of The Tribune.'7 In this let duly 7:11 p. m. be made by the three vessels which committee tomorrow. ter Incorporate every observation that to be placed in nomination. Before any action toward ratificaAs he ordered the delegatea out of left Tromsoe today. retion is taken, however, the committee you have, made In regard to the pathe aisles, the nominating The ministry of defense tonight era SAM HOUSTON HAIJ HOUSTON. ceived a message from Dr. Adolf HoeL will hear representations on behalf of per, whether favorable or unfavorable. were waiting on the platform speak for their 27 Democrats June Tezaa, (AP). the aboard be will two awarded letters The best labor concerning platform planks afturns Arctic explorer, at the Robinson's microphones. a candidate the presidential All other letters seeking Krasein. The men sage said that interests. These sug- the ermnd orizea. this southern national con- manner of obtaining order was very be fecting Jabor used will be paid for at the trooped to gestions and the tenutive planks that are $2.00 seaplane aboard the Kraseln will and his voice showed that auditorium tonight to listen peremptory each. Those who write vention rate of used to explore the waters around Bear which are expected to be evolved toto the praises of favorite sons of half he Intended to carry the convention ex. Island, and the shoreline of that will then be taken up by the in the contest may use their initials a dozen as fast as possible. night along states, but still convinced that find Amundsen committee In executive aession for fi- if It is so desired, and the secrecy Falling to will search along nal action. of their identity will be preserved un- all the oratory that could be brought Fight Develops Over there, the Kraasln Into play would not prevent the quick the west coast of Spitsbergen while The export debenture farm mIU til the judges make their decision. The selection Question of Representation. Icefact that a letter la used will not Vork onesof Alfred K. Smith of New the Mallgan, the other Russian plan, which was backed before con eliminate After a few minutes the balloting got under about It coast. from for east the the competition ttie breaker, eearches were natinal gress was by; grange, the delegates quieted jumbling way. down and the reported aa so urged before the committee by John grand prises. Ice conditions Rev. Rt, came O. Into aa of T. of or Walsa Monslgnor They feared the atmosphere reatures Tne Trmune Tne special difficult that Dr. Hoel A. McSparren of Pennsylvania. nouston onerea prayer. His prayer been offered at all trmee with tension, caused by the uproar of toKraasin would not be able to make Fleas lor a strong farm relief Blank have was of less on than when the Smith adherents one of Idea word. put day fifty that The Tribune is headway at present. who has turned were also made by C E. Rrssted, of the A fight then developed over a quesfairest papera published In the a demonstration that reached the Mi.a Louise Boyd, Kansas, and J. F. Lynn, of Minnesota, the ntermountaln country. During its pub- stage of fisticuffs ever attempts to tion of representation In national conover to the Norwegian government her both of whom predicted that, if such state stand- ventions. Gilchrist B. Stockton of la nothing to ahow that fores southern charter for the seating ship Hobby,a. a course were to be followed by the lication, theretne Into their triumphal procession. Jacksonville, Fla., lost out In an atIdaho and outlying territory ards hsd Intended to use the vessel for Democratic on inroads party, the huge was second It bonus in representathe session of tempt to give of been the best haven't service. night given land. Miss Boyd, normal Republican vote of their states trip to Frans IsJosef ths convention, the first having been tion to ststes voting heavily Calif-tw- o ate Tribune readers When The In San Rafael, borne whose b would made In Democrat. . the by held downa after terrific iast ka night of the November elections. features, profitthrough judging years sgo won the distinction At the Instance of Charles A. Great, of rain had soaked the newly foot on ing by the readers' valuable co- pour being the first woman ofto set Among the msny communications operation. Char lee bouse of Indiana, the convention will continue, built wooden auditorium. Tribune The Arctic. the section deeolste that received by members of the platform better qualified than ever, to carry Crisp of Amerlcua, Ga., waa the first adopted a resolution of Is old an 8he used the Hobby, which committee were telegrams from B. F. out Ita old principles and purpose orator on the list, designated to sound for the services to the appreciation the party ofMarsupply ship for Amundsen's exploring Yoakum, of New York, long a lesder of Vice late the war President Senator for Walter best F. its readers Thomas R. the cry only 1S24 venture. among the workers for farm relief. thatgiving parlies, on her Coleman shall. The convention stood In silence . state. of an his and Oeorge the n indefatigable country Franof 8s Jeanette Mtas I oakum addressed wires while a band played "Nearer. My God. service can possibly pro- -, Roosevelt cisco and the Count and Countess an effective agricultural advocating to Thee." Ready te dank to newspaper . vide. of Spain were members of Chairman Plttman and Senator Wag- When the convention had paid ita Nominate Governor Smith. ar written The Tribune edltorldfs the 1S2J party. nor vi tne committee. without fear or favor. The Tribune Then came Franklin D. Roosevelt tribute to Mr. .Marshall. Josephus owes no special vested Intereata any for Governor Smith, Charles Howell Daniels, former secretary of tha navy, UTILITIES GRIP thing within its province. Olhrr edi- for Senator James A. Reed, and Har- took theof etsnd to offer a resolution In June 17 (AP William J. Bryan. Ha asked A de HOUSTON, torial pace features are offered vey H. Hannah for Cordeil Hull. Evans eulogy IN KANSAS TOLD mand waa made before the resolutions purely for their merrtorloue and Im- Woolen of Indiana authorised his that the convention pause to honor of subjects and name to go before the convention with the commoner who had spent so committee of the Democratic national partial treatment Of interest to tne general just a paragraph of introduction by msny years of his life in the service convention late today for Incorpora(Cestlass free rage Oae.) of his party. tion In the party's platform of a plsnk public. The contest Is open to any Tnoune street railway and tha telephone serv- Indorsing the equalization fee prin- reader submit reader and the be a The may Tribune subscriber. merely ciple for the control and disposition of as ices. many letters as be or she wishes. wants sound, constructive criticism- -It VETERANS A letter Jones wrote to J. B. Shersurplus agricultural crops. SEEK, Only employees of The Tribune and wsnta to know jam. what Its readidan of St. Louis April !J. 127, Intro- Alabaman Submits members of their immediate famines ers like. duced Into testimony, showed that "atMINIMUM RAISE to are barred. In addition the grand The rulee of the contest ars simple: tention was given by Jones to mess-ure- a Equalisation Fa Plank. awards of four vacation tripe. The The letters must be 400 words or before Kansas legislature. Jones a of Tha draft this plsnk proposing or more of Tribune will use thirty less. wrote that "puhllo utilities In Kansas action Was presented by K. A. O'Neal, the letters submitted and will pay 12 (Cestisad free) Fee Oae.) The must be written on ens side dlSn't suffer very much a the hands of Alabama, vice president of the for eech eo used. letter Of the peper only. of most the laat of the legislature, Bureau Farm American dniens of other resolutions affecting Bat-tefederation, be Minors for the will not Address the letter te "Contest eligible adverse stuff being hit with the ax chairman of ita legislative committee. awards In this contest. To win, The Trieune, tad Lake, City, the veterans were being considered. before It got out of the commlltee." It was tendered after t wo speskers. grand one must be 1 years of age or older. Utah." A large share of the delegates enSenator Msyfield of Texas and Repre- However, to rive the younger folks a No employee of The Tribune, er joyed a sightseeing trip today to Colosentative Henry T. Rainey of Illinois, rhajK-e- , there will be a special award member ef his immediate fsmity, will rado Springs and Pike's Peak, while had urged the committee to approve a In awards given, r or bs eilowed te compete. tth the committees were framing convenBlank Indorsing the MrNery-Hsuse- n he best youngsters letter submitted, Letters must he accompanied by the tion matters. The report of the fifarm relief hill, twice vetoed by Pree- - here will be an award of Ik; for Questionnaire, accompanying thia ar- nance committee, scheduled for totdent CiioJtdge. he eerond beet, 17 SO: for the third ticle, filled out. morrow, will put before the convenThe Texas senator declared that the beet. to. end for the fourth heat. Make Soli, Velvety Skin The winners ef the grsnd swsrds tion the plans whlrh have been made 2. SO. farm plank In the Demoorsrtic. plat In aklftion. e?h youneater'a must be IS years ef soe er elder. to raise a tl.ooo ooo trust fund to and freae trm PwipU. Sue Bans, Raab. form shouid pledre the part norasal give letter used will be rewarded with II The winners may take the vacation UrW,o like Leckr Tisnr sivn the D. A. V. service to sll sec the farmer "real and actual ellef " There are ne strtnss to this offer. tripe any time between the close of Hons of (fc.e country tn the interests acelpe end Unrortant bear to snillknn. of AMD BftUOOItrr "It would be better t kv, noihjc s There is nothing to sell, no orders to the contest end the eloee of the regw-l- r of veterans who have not yet had han to include a plan k i toners tourist season In the parks. their claims pessed by the governk. no "leaders" to follow, no poz- . ities," he continued. "Tne filtssjrTjf'les to solve rr. even don't have W The sentest will close en August 4. ment. . (Geatlaad frea Jage One.) IF DEMOCRATS Thing Over But for Bills I And Respects, ' Says. Will Vhen Salt Lake County Farmers Take Day Off ; , or v v'. 1 f ' v n and Party ' in 'erv V V- : -- ' J( I I . " i rw HU - ner ' -- - " '. t, What Is Your Preference? The Tribune Wants to Know Cart-no- ' prettiest and best hall ho ever saw. Odd Mclntyre was here with u. was sitting with Sara and I but he hail to go back to New York to wash the dog. Last night Claude Bowers ended up his wonderful speech with' the following: "The battle hour has strlrk. then to your tents, O Israel." Now what- do you suppose that Israel was put In there forT The only thing I w w on llv'n 'a a tent. When he mentioned farm relief, the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Island banners wsre carried around ,5 for twenty minutes. Joe Robinson disposed of tha prohl,:"" bltlon problem this morning easier than anyone I had ever heard. He , aald, "There ar weta and dry bottv , In the Democratic party. I don't think ' we should do anything to lost the" ' drys support, and I think we should' ' keep the good will ot the wet." Would Llk to Se Robinson Nomlnstsd. , ., - Joe really solved It but I would like to see him nominated. He to from my wife' slat and it would mean lot to her. W know the Robinson-anthe ar fine folks. , And Jo act only would make a fine vie president," but would bo able to atep In, la eas of a national calamity God forbid that such should happen but Jo is ' :: really competent to care for uch. Well, I hav finished my mission at i conventions. a Finally preacher prayed last night, from memory and. ; not and funny thing"-it wa my old friend. Dr. Jacob of Houston, and he Is a cattle man la tba week days. Hs raise Braharoa, cat- - .' tie and Presbyterians. If it wasn't for paying eur respects and a few more hotel bill to Houston- - ' why ths thing Is over. So voters get In the middle of road. Don't sell your vote too cheap, fnr tbta Is on camwill hav paign where the Democrat , a much money as the Republicans. Smith ha as much backing aa Hoover, " so hold out for the hlgheot bidder. Tammany Hall ha got more money . than the Engineers club. "Unbutton v,j ; your purse, O Israel." . k ' (Copyright, 1I2, Mc.Vaught Smil- cats.) Advertts your old equipment lav'.,. The Tribune Want Column and sea how quickly you can dispose of IL -- r it' ', - ' ( S Sy WILL ROGERS. (Spsolal s?orrespondsnt.) HOUSTON, Tvxaa, June V. This morning they got me out of bed early to attend a big breakfaat given to over a thousand political women, who have left their husbands, bed and board and are assisting America's champion pastime. I was the only alleged man at the bteakfaat. Just think of that, the only male party invited to attend the prln cipai social function at ths female contingent Well, the old "sblk" (I mean sheep), of Claremore, Okla., sore did look hi beet In the only "seesucker" suit I had worn since a baby. These women are a great audience, when, you get 'em off to themselves and speak to 'em in their native tongue. I'a women ibo bad some fun. Had Swrt Flro Finish In tha World. Mrs. Dan Moody, tha charming wtfe of Texas governor, was on my right, and Mrs. Emily Blair (whom the affair waa realty given for), was right by m. and I hsd the surest fire fin. ish In the world. I Introduced Mrs. Wood row Wilson, who made aa awful ale and appropriate apeech. I really had what would be called the keynote speech among us women. The breakfast waa billed for . I o'clock, on the roof of the Rice hotel, and on account of the elevators we all arrived for a lovely luncheon. Ev erybody tslks about "what the country needs." What this country need Is mora elevators. If you get a place In one yoa don't like to give It up, so you Just keep It and half of Texas la Just riding up and down. Met Mrs. Al Smith and her lovely family over at the hall this morning. We recalled old time when I aoed to visit their box st the tote Democratic upheaval in New York. She look mighty fin. I told her every time I pick op a paper that another son or daughter had Just married and that I was beginning to hav apprehension a to how long that dpuld last. ,8am Blythe, who alt by me In the convention, and the best political winter that ever Med for a candidate, tolfl me that out of fifty years of going to conventions, that this was the ,"' . - 'V tsist "3 agri-cultur- f rat Roar and Tumult Greet Smith's Name ' - J- h. old-tim- " ter-rlto- ry antl-Sml- th Demo-crstl- , na I e, mmsm I- ex-le- AIUI l. c. V yhat Do You Like! in Varied Interests of Agriculturists Theme of Mark Sulftvan I . c Harry J. Brown Her ' snd Sstlr Sen t. Frederi Speakers. f (0. O. Welntyr).... f Haeklw a . Question and Answers by Mary Slake Horoscope, to The Tribune. MURRAY, June 17 Special That agriculture bears the burden of taxation was declared by Ephraim Bergeson, president of the state farm bureau, at the annual outing of the Bait lake county farm bureau today, at thai farm of Alexander Lea at Bennlon. In 192S, said Mr. Bergeson, tba grosa Income from agriculture waa forty million dollars, and the tax paid wsw three million and over, while the gnoas income from the mines in the same period was seventy-fou- r millions, which only paid a Us ot one million and over. Farmers ask, Mr. said, for an equalisation of Bergeson taxation; that all taxable property be on the tax inll. While the farm bureau Is not in politics, he added, nevertheless farmera will use their franchise to put men In office who will be in sympathy wiOi the proposed tax reform program.) Uvea of the farm bureaus Represents of Utah, Tooele and Weber counties wsre present, as well as more than three hundred from Salt Lake county. The morning aeaslon was mainly devoted to the boys' and girls' club work, which Is sponsored by the farm bureau. Stewart Richards and Elwood Spencer demonstrated the fitting of sheep for show purposes, and D. P. Murray, state club leader, described the work of the RambouiUet club. Youngsters Qo On Bird Hunt. ' Dr. J. H. Paul spoke on native bird Ufa, describing those birds which are beneficial to the farmer and Illustrating his theme with stuffed The best part of the day,specimens. for the youngsters, was the bird hunt, with binocular Instead of ammunition, on which Dr. Paul led them after lunch. The beautiful grounds of ths Lee farm have been made into a bird sanctuary by the owner. Governor George H. Dern. In opening the afternoon aeaslon, enumerated some of the problems confronting the farmer and emphasised the necessity for specialising In high quality products, to offset the danger of the counat the try's being He stressed expense of agriculture. the Importance of cooperative action on the part of tha farmer. University President Also Conducts Tour. Dr. F. 8. HJirris, president of the B. Y. U., took the gathering on a mental tour of the world, visiting farms in g the outpnets of civilisation, from the soy bean fields of Manchuria, tea through the plantations of Ceylon snd the fertile lands of the delta of the Nile, to the pineapple groves of Hawaii. Ha described the two seasons with their accompanying two systems of agriculture of India, and praised the very carefully worked fields of Japan and China with their large yields per acre, in spite of their dearth of machinery. Dr. Harris explained the cooperative system of marketing eggs, butter, cheese and bacon which has made Denmark prosperous; snd the system In use In Germany whereby the most possible Is taken from the soil. germ Horn Hss Its Innings. A talk on the girls' club work wss given by Mrs. Mbel S. Lougy, president of the home snd community section of the state farm bureau., and a demonstration of musta for the home. snd especially for little children, was given by Miss Beth Erickson. Band music was given st Intervals by the Murray city band, under the direction of W. r". Robinson, who also led the community singing. John Hansen, president ot tne county farm bureau, said that the gathering was one of the most successful ever held In the county. A horseshoe pitching contest cloeed the day's proceedings. Turn te The Tribune Wsnt Columns ind see hw many housewives are appealing for household helpers. 'J' Tribune tdltorlsts Msdbury gays , ( Tribune Serlslt I " School News snd View Lrrtl The) Interview Bumps Mutt and Jeff Bringing Up Father Ossolln Alley . '.. Little Orphan Annie Wlnnl Winkle Believe It er Not Cartoons Sport Hortoa Inside Ootf, by Cheater Al Pemsree Babe Ruth's Stories ... , yJohn McOraw's Stories flobby Jones' Stories Krsuf J Rockne's Stories This) snd Thst Agrlolturat ......J In Sports Rape ... ,.,..... Will rtogsrs Stephen) Leacoek .J Olaas j Montagu Kathleen i Book Rsge ..... Morris t Muele Rage . , 1 Tribune Sunday Magailne Irving Flshsr' Flnsne Artlcloo ...I.. ' ' ........ J ' Sunday Rssl Bttato Section The Horn 1 Harmonious Our Children, by Anrl Fstrl ' Abe Martin Moods - In Mode ..... The Forum ' The Rublle Rulee Yew Home Uncle nd You ' RuttIq Cross-wor- d '. Ray ) Feed snd Heslth College Humor Frsnk Simonds Beuo I Barton Fannie Hurst .. "... ) How to Keep Well j Ray McWsmers I Work's Brldai Column Weekly CilUmit Rsge '. 1 j ' ' |