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Show mB MfflH THE notion rates: ft! ?2.v9 i Ales Cowan spent a few days in COW I Salt Lake this week. as annuc Fifteen men were laid off at the Grand Central this week. The Jagg band is arranging to give a dance jn Mammoth in the near future. Published rve,ry Saiurday. MAMMOTH RECORD, YMAMMOTH CITY, UTAH SMTCE FOR PUBLICATION. Delinquent Notice. Application for Patent. South Iron Blossom Mining Com. cv n njunrui ru uu 11 juinrmiuuu .an Serial No. 024553. N SOI pany. Principal place of business, Tintie Lumber Co. office, United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 15, 1919. Robinson (Mam moth P.O.),Utah' DRUG NO. DR. L. E. PIERCE Notice is hereby given that South NOTICE There are delinquent cora (Standard Mining Company, upon the followii g described stock poration under the laws of Utah, by H. H. BOURNE, Managjr of Noaccount atoessment on g, oflE.'J. Raddatz, its agent and eent per share, levied 1 whose post office address on the 12th day of June, Iglg, is 422 Judge Building, Salt Lake , Everything in the several amounts set opposite City, Utah, has made application for Stott Building, 2 ad Floor the names of the respective stook United States Patent for the Big Drag Spring Lode mining claim, in Tintie holders, as follows: Utah District, Utah, Mining Cotinty, NAME!. No. UTAH EUREKA Shares. Cert, Ant 46 A. J. Jost goo I .60 being survey Number 6462, and described in the United States Land Of232 Thos. Leonard , . 600 ,gQ 1nrrn.anjr innjLanrjrjij r 'I'lJ'An1 Fhone as year wants 346 Mrs. C. T. Johnson 500 50 fice at Salt Lake City, Utah, with 383 W. H. Child 17 10 at 1000 min 1.00 magnetic variation deg We will give them 459 Phil Speckart . . . 100M ioo east, as follows: 483 Albert Steele ...2009,0 2o!oo 1 at corner of number prompt attention 539 Vet Whiting ....10000 lo!oO theBeginningfrom which claim, point the com722 John Evans 5fjQ0 5.00 mon section corner between sections 733 John .Evans 5 000 5.00 U i 10 Enteka, 737 Ernest Boyns . . . '3000 s.ee 27, 28, 34 and 33, Township 2 West,, Salt Lake B. South, Range 741 Elmer E. Ridley 1000 1.00 Fhone No. 3 and 11 769 L. G. Fisher 5C00 E.C0 & M., bears North 1 deg 37 min East, Kirkeadall Auto Stage 770 Badger Bros. .... 5Uo .50 302.6 feet distant; thence north 40 820 W. M. Havenor . . 1000 J. C. KIRKENDALL, Chauffet r 1.00 deg 29 min West, 1498, feet to corKlr'indaUs Auto leaves 832 D. N. Hughes . . . ,1000 1.00 ner number 2; thence south 49 deg oar stoie at regular in. 838 Wells L. BtJmhaB. 1009 1.00 31 min west, 600 feet to corner numPhone 139 B-- Mammo S34 Wells L. Brim, ha'll 1000 1 00 ber er p Is. 3; thence south 40 deg 29 min 835 Wells L. BriVAhvm 1000 1.00 .3 Eureki Phone 1498 to corner feet east, number 4; 836 Wells L. llrl mrjall 1000 1.00 8 14 J. R. S eh refj 1000 1.00 thence North 49 deg 31 min east, 851 I. M. Goucljpt ... 1000 1.00 600 feet to the place of beginning, REGULAR SCHEDULE 557 B. W. Ufcfou 1000 1 00 situated in the southeast quarter of 9 section and the northeast 28, quarAuJ in f icavtlfYnec w'th law aiT h mol Leave Min: Leave Emtki ter of section and 33, Township an orcfdr of th p Loard of i iietors aforesaid. nade on the 2th day of June, Range Area claimed, 20.634 acres. Iglg, so many shares! of each parThe nearest .knflwn locations bees! of such ?st()ck as may ba neces- ing Gold Bonds number 20 and 21, STEVE BENENATO, Prop . sary will bi rolJ on 5 onday, the unpatented, and Silver Rock, unpat25th d .y of August, lglg, at 'l2 ented. Wheu-iI direct that this notice be pubFureka, call at the ueicck ficoB at the office of the Mammoth lished the 'in Shoe Record, Union Tintie at Lumber Co, Shop and see the cempauy, oflise, Rtobineon (Mammoth I. O.), Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, the published nearest the Best Epoippcd Shoe Shop In Tintie. Utah, to fay the delinquent aEsees-m- e newspaper claim, once a week for a period of s it thereon together with the cost nine (9) consecutive weeks. Shoe niakin' and reo-- t 'i of advertising and expense of sale. GOULD B. BLAKELY, M. trsFH rJ L. Scucfifld, Secretary. making and tef aiis. . Register. OiBuL st Tintie. Lumber Co. office W. I. SYNDER, Claimants Atty. All our work guaranteed and ifnot'uiiy P. O. (First pub. July 19, 1919.) ; Robinson, (Mammoth satisfied your money will be refunded Jaat County, Utah, SCHRAim JOH 10 DENTIST - attor-one-ten- th ! ney-in-fa- NOTICE. Local tm$ it Raiph Wood Sunday Lee Piumlee has moved ka wilh his family. Line Anyone having a lawful rigV to the buildings at Joy Springs will please move them in the in Eure- Mrr'. Wm. Freshwater was visitor in camp this week. limite 1 time. a Mrs. J. H. Whitlock has retmn-e- i from a visit to West Tintie. .... MICKIE SAYS ATE it ain't tw s OAWGONS IP .l BOSINtaa ANNlNftN '. COMB IN INrtVt AN AO f K VMA BOOB UAS' NHN.4IV N NIMCES US CATS A NHcN sob haota stop n plane off. I 18.-3- 1 Miss Cecil Cowan is visiting with friends i j t hi vail iy for ten days. Miss tiara Neibaur of Salt Lake is a guest of her sister, Mrs. R. H. Wilder. More than 20 chicken hunters left Mammoth on the 15th foi West Tintie.' xav cm' 'n vi pu-Ac- then VEOTmcWH r vh' w pavers got stock ROLLERS m' INK STARTED STREAKIN' n Tut eTvt Busted n vos niiSeeo thv N 'Wit -- V) TH' SACK O PAPERS N SOHAE TttfclM Vt.'-f- FOLKS COKV PESTERIN' ROUND AFTER Their papers h Thai same boob come inT kick bcVT a mistake in tw ao Vi MOW I JEST pTEO THIS TV Fred Muncaster and family have moved back to Mammoth from VAVUGONB LOCK ANVWItt Mrs. John Mikesell has been Spending a week with relatives a Springville- Mn. Wm. Cowan and children will leave next week for Salt Lake B. M, Cornish has Se Tiutio mill and is sUei-Ho- retired from devoting tis to his business .Mr?, lames Aikin has returned from the Provo genial hospital improved in health. The chool ce isus of Mammoth has been completed and shows yearly 400 children ia the camp. John Johusonwho ricently irrou service oveiseas, to go to St. George next week in visit friends he oldest daughter of Mr. and of Mr?-- . H. Trauniveio v! af victim uni bis Ijox and tb' resideaefe is der, quarantine. The txamir.aticn for postmaster of Mammoth is to held it) Eureka On the 23rd instead of th 18th as announced last week- hai returned Principal Hob-ioto camp and i busily engaged in pi sparing fo tba ObOUng term of chool, which will open on Tuesday, 'ieptember 2. ex-p'V- tn Union Shoe Shop. 1 A to spend the winter. MiS. H 8. Uarriman went to 3avson this morning to spend a week with her psients., Fred Wahlberg has returned from a ten days vidt with- his ' daughters in Salt lake. i . - fUrvf- w( riiMica?ort, July ?6, lglg. YOU ARE READING THIS AD. OTHER? WILL READ YOURS ccm TUTSI No. 5308 n '.i PETHION FO I DISCHARGE. In the T.istrict' Court of the United of ntph States tor i!'- ilis-rIn the usat'er of Ctai Oe E,. Willes. "bankrupt. n 1 JohnTo the son, jnJ.--e ot tlir diftri't eo' it of the JJOST everybody reads the ads. in this paper. They famish as much news to the man in town and on the farm as the personals, and often more, q Peter Smiths wife Wants a new hat. Smith sees by the paper that Jones is sell Tilt-na- United SrT es for the d.s'ntt of Utah. Claude E, lllee, of Sliver Citv, in the eoim v o' Juab and sttto of Utai,, ;n said Ii - r , lesoectfu'l re"refn's '.Vat on th"-- 23 . duv of August, last past, un'ot he was duly adiurtaed lif the aog of eomness lelat'.n' to ha that he his dulv su rendered all h:a propartv and riglits of roperte, .nd has frllv tom hed "Hh all repu rerai nts of aid ana and of the orders of the curt tu irbleg Its liankrupl-he prais that he inav he deWtierefi-creed bv t lie court to have a fi from ill debts pmvahle atrnfl Ms estate xndcr sa'd barkr-i.- t ac's except such ..Vi, a as are excel ted bv law from such . .J. Dated tnis It t iv of August, V ' ing hats at so much. nk-u- pt 4 T paper John- - Johnsons trying A policy. v e 11 1919. Claude E. RESULT money lU.uvr'.iht, ukrupt. Fl'ed petition for dischaige, August 8 1919.. JOHN W. I jib), br IV N ht. II) ! CHI.lt-'TY- , OR OF1 Ft OF NOTTCin District Jones gets Smiths Smiths wife gets her Wii.i.eh, nrssKiaCTmianmsLiM Clerk. TUF-litJO- ytah ss On this 8th day of August, A. D. 1913 on roaotne the forgoing petition, hearit la ordmed bv tjie court that ing he h.i ip or the amu on thc29thda.v court before said A. I. 1H 9 ofbept ember,at Ssl'. ei City n said u'strlct, at ten o'clock In .In f.neuoon: .ind tin i notlci theredf be pudisn-,- ! In jlnn.moth Record, a ne.isivp-- r piiiied in said district, kt.nw.i iiellbus atil ot)u r ani ttiar may appear ot the sam time and place and Mivar cane, it Maude and Ada, who have been an they have, why the prayer of said tlooer ensu'd not be granted. ;he motive power on the Mammoth petAit it ft ) fr.tthet ordered by the court the tlerk ehtll send liy itta I to all thet num-he- r a for Supply delivery .vagOD known awditoRt oopfee ot sail petition this order, addreeaed te them at of years, have been drafted and tand of veeUaioe as atated, ilr Wltnesa the Hi too table Tillman D. John-fra truek, . d are to be of 1 W or d - of" Mouth Advertising V 1! cr Passing encomiums, only over your store counter, about the quality of what youve got to sell, results in about as much iatisfaction as yourwife would get if you gave her a box of cigars for Christmas. Advertising in This Paper replae by court, arc H.o,(e of th i e iki tails to everybody at one and makes C In Itv. he seal hereof, tt U,k them talk back with money. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ekker came iahl dhtihn, ,n th, 8th ciuv of August A. D. '919, in from West Tint'c yesterday suid Atten: JOdN W. oEvll&lY, o 01k. cjrt hi. guests of Mrs. J. 11, Whitlock. i.e, Bertw.ll makea tiiptolleber after WHY WORK which they wi.l return to the ' ranch. n, dls-l- 8,-- i Our Silver city department Las een omitted this week, but our reporter is expected to return from an outing in Provo canyon and the Hlver column will appear again next week. Notice Of Application For Patent. No. 024 191. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 25, 1919. Notice 18 hereby given that Leo Donnelly ar.d Ella Deprezin, of Eureka, Utah, have made application to the United States for a patent for the Leo Claim lode mining claim, consisting of 1461.2 linear feet in length of tho lode, and surface ground in width as shown by the official plat, being Survey No. 6475, situated in the Tintie Mining District, Juab County, Utah, and described on the plat and in the field notes of survey-of'le in this ufice, with magnetic variation at 17 deg. East as follows, ijl a at Corner No. Commencing the Leo Claim; .. 5.2 . EVRYHALH i.PliiM'rrn E. n newspaper published nearest claim. GOULD ;&me. Early next month the Mammoth ioys will rustle an extra pitoher nd take another trip to dean out be Saopetera. Register. last pub. hours 12 1 - V hire sweeping and cleaning done. But thos j three meals a day that must be prepared 365 days a year! Those miles cf step;! Those long hours of we uy standing! These are what make women feel like shutting house board. to the up HERE enters the Hoosier. 24 hours a It talks better than ... a $ THE HOOSIER week It sells goods, 1 About the cost? Far less than the $ . , . , salesman and does lots more work. their (I l'.KB. opyrlKht, by W. N. V.) .. (9 v.Uo .Vi t L Pnhct bi.py jimy on yn Vfip.MJUKltUuHN WiH JOHN CO I b 1 m Ac fifty rt, . WO WttHliUiKUm, 1). O, lor their )f ..wo bunditd luveuiioiii ut t u t h ij t l Patent Fioir 6 OO V U' pi lie olio vvautod. 1,W do the work in less than half t t 9 RESULT: MONEY that helps you the tim?. ti-- 1 No one slams the dooi in its face. THE THRIFT FAMILY WHO DIO that is the heart of the kitchen, with every THE H00STER that saves 'he mil s of steps, that lets you sit down at your work. sice;-- , m while you daitin. article used In cooking within aim's reach. this In salesman. hV.IR. 7i a d advertisement most fluent All spending end y- - e is easy enough THE HOOSIER OUR best sales cannot work m. 1 and no play I a 0MEN fa rely worry over making the beds and B. BLAKELY, It works In many hou-,holds at the same time. Save 1. Solues the Kitchen Problem J ttCNEY U said r CHLENPflR wake SAVE HIS iiniyWSFF I Cable, Survey No. 3283, Cable, Survey No. 4303, Pluto and Hades, Lot No. 846, Golden Ray and Goodenough No. 2, Lot No. 311. , I direct that this notice be published for a period of nine weeks in the Mammoth Record, a newspapef published at Mammoth, Utah, the your good DIDNT EUREKA; UTAH. The presumed lode line of said, claim is as shown by the official plat, Said claim is of record in the office of the County Recorder of Juab County at Nephl, Utah, in Book 80 of locations, Bage 23. locations are West Adjoining A An WHO Phone 69 2 of Leo Claim; Thence S. 9 deg. 45 min. 30 sec. E. 1421.2 ft. to Corner No. 3 of Leo Claim; Thence S. 73 deg. 23 min. W. 405.0 ft. to Corner No. 4 of Leo Claim; Thonca N. 1 deg. 34 . min. W. 1461.2 ft. to Corner No. 1 of Leo Claim, the place of beginning of the exterior boundaries of the claim, and containing a total area of 9.721 acres and a net area of 6.471 acres, the area of the conflicts with Lot No. 346 Biuto lode and Lot No. 311 Golden Ray lode, the only claims in conflict with this claim, having been deducted from said total area. Said clrims are located in the N W of Section 24, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., S. L. B. & M. The N. W. Corner of Section 24, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., bears from Corner No. 1 of said claim N. 85 dog. 18 min. W. 1844.0 ft. than MR SPENDTHRIFT . of 1 min. 23 ft. to Corner No. The Mammoth Ml team has reamed from a, tour of Sanpee and ivhile absent played seven games, Rich-ie- l v inning three as follows: 1, Mt. Ileasant and Ephraim, i'he boys were defeated at Maroui, Fiirview, Manti, and Salina, but ;hey say that their defeat w&s due o not having an extra pitcher. Sunday evening Goshen will ome up for a game anc Wednesday Slam moth gees to Nephi for a Opposite Star Theater, to-w- Aug. 23, 1919.) Gray & Jennings, Attornevs, SiU Lake City. Utnh. AUGUST VACATION iiuuLst Mv CUTLERY AND x All kinds of leather and material needed in shoe and harness repairing for sale n (First pr.b. June 28th, i Mammo th Ball Team Returns. f . n Salt L&ke. : tie B4NISH Y00R old cupboird.Collect t'n in'uij m'nili nd utensils that you actually use, aod arrange them in the scientific Hoosier way. AFTER one day you will understand why a million women say they couldnt keep house wihout a HOOSIER. TAYLOR BROS. Co. i I |