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Show THE OREGON m SHORT LINE EAT LIAKUET. W hare always on hand RAILWAY-- S lfepMs First-Clas- s Ueef, Motion, Fork, Bacon, Pork Smmtge, and Chease. h Denier Though Tlcktts to the East vU Rio Western Railway. Crania Die RAILROAD CO. f Line of H.c lforlI. tic LOCAL TIME CARD. j. u. Fcmrs, p'srDp. . South-bound- am 2.10pm .... Ogden .. .. 7?0am pm a in 3 10 pm Ar i suit i Lv 7.00 am ft 25 pm 50 am ft Od pm L? ( Luke Ar 9.85 am tt 20 pm 05 am ft 5 p n .... Murry . 9 18 a:a 6 03 pin ft 23 13 ;un 54 pra pm Binirnam Ja. 9 M am Train No. 2 leaves 0rmii at LL a. m ; SaA 9 u7 aisi ft M pm f.15 uni ft 2ft pm . Lake 7:50 a. na. Arri at : Spnnv'8 4 aui ft 85 5 57 8 pm ...Draper .. .ft5 am 41 pm 9 p. m ; Pueblo 5:50 :i m CN'Uwado t'priat e.aOuiu 7.00 pm Ar LeUi Ju Dp 8 am 518 piu a. iu. 7:13 a. in. Denver. 9 Ofrfteu at ft 35 p. m; Salt Train No 4 leav lK 8 55 am Dp Lehi Jn Ar 5 10 Lake 7:49 p. m. Arrives al (ifmuiod Springs pin 9 am Leader Furl 4 4d pm at ft. 10 a. to; Pnebio b:z7 9 pi5 m. Colorado 9 35 am ArFnirfteld Lv4.29 pm p m. Spnntra. 6:53 p m.. Denver made at Pwoo, Colorado Connection e lines all LUj Denver and viu SpriQft 10 35 am ArMm'vrDp S 00pm uat day coaches, chair pais, and 1nllunan aleopera on all trains. Taketh- D AR.G. and bar u comfortable trip mid enjoy the fluent 9 42 am LvFive mil A 4 23 pm aeeueryon the ointment. 9.58 am Rusu VaUjr 4 l7 pra SiiortHKt line to Cripdle Creek, Colorados 10 am . .IrDUtoa .. 3 37 pm Train No. 2 leaving 8alt 11 05 am . gacat grAid7:50eamp. Kurrku... 3.23 pm a. m. arrives at Cripple Creak Laake at 10.50 ara .. Mammrtb.. 3.07 put neat mommy at 9:50. 11.25 am 2.50 pm S. II. HOOPER, A. . O. P. A T. A , TratB Manager, i 8.- VJ am 3ft B 7. ) 5.18 a J Ar ain pw olo. Denver Denver, Coto. pci Dp Lhi K2ft am 5.14 pn B. F. L4at ao 7 02 pm M H. CUSHIN . KSTINS, -9- .boaua 7.10 Auier a Fork ft.wOaiu 5.07 pm Trar. Pas Vgft. 4noral Affent, a ua T.lrt pin Lahb City, UTau. pm PkastUroT 88.0213am 5.01pm 4 5 pm 9 17 am 7 27 am View Lake pn 9.30am 7.43 pm Provo.... 7.c2ata 4.41pm 9 40 a in 7 50 pru SpnogviFo 7 43 am 4.31 pm 9.50 am 7.59 pin Spaaish Fork 7 3ft am 4 25 pm IotiC3 of Ass gMEDt. 9.55am 8 05 pm fcnjamlu. 70am 4 20 pm 10 07 am 8 17 put . . . Payson . . 7.20 am 4. IK pm 7.10 am 4.04 pm 10 19 am 8 29 pm Nastaqom 0.54 10. 19 am 8 4s inn am 8 48 pui Stair,... nwu-hft 44 ain 8 38 pm 19.50 am 8. Mona of John S pin In tli matter of the 0 30 aui 8.25 pm 11.10 am 9 15 Ar Dp Xephi Brou W. ' pai to Jgi'i "li, for the Ooptr, of ("roditorM - Totlce is pivcn that on n. of Novembor DyT, John s. Den ver & Rio G rnrdo R, U. i n Seventh 11 45 a:u 11.02 aua Ar Dp Ncphi Cooper made and rinoutfd a dtrd of ansinn- withthe R, G, W, ru .8 a Tourisfc or Ft. Oreen 10 10 am pm f of went for tii . reditgi's, ratably. ... Vrtti... 9 25 Sleeping Car to Douver, in which to tbe umlrr-ined, whu-- Haid .Jo.-- of a.mjja- - Family 1.42 Cbeeter.. 9 19 am QO? Ill oan ;or be bM, 1,Wef piu i i in tlie ofl ee 6.4 am 2 22 piu F.pkraiui in addition to this daily srfvlce, the D. A R Countv Kcorl' r ' .Itiah Count v and 2 45 rm Ar Maati Dp S.15 au G. alao operan-- oi Wednesdays, Thurs E-the t Jict of the '1 k of the Fu't h J ndicial : therefore days and Friu.iys, thres distinct Tourist Ccurt, for .Id ih Cmi"tr1-X- ow f , ia find ot colds 9 15 pm Dp Nvpiii Ar ft 3d am result is end the a'S(-'tl- '' y ii eiv tjws of the saul John s to Omaha, KaD,m City, tlwit inn Cur notice tik i c i 10 ft) r hi Art T1 jV q '.. aV sudden olisiaiic to prsent to me iu Chicago, Bo.tan and New York tio S CvC'per P 25 ,. Ar 5.5 Lv 1 wi iiinj Hudc? oaL. si.iiaj elcriv and jv t your Protection p .ij. Ji.Vq for Utah pisngvrH at greatly For 12 0! a:n Lruroiu 2ton the nature and Amount of tin'ir claims, change j we poaruvely sum UuU t.'i.s (. her1 n rotes. These Teuri-. C) ara e.rs reduced f At mn .. j J C in Ntphi t'lty, Juab County, d at my , AY tiU::i I 85 aua b- -' 2.5) am Clear Luke l the fuliii.n Caripuny, remedy V't ah, in out h. f r im or ai.y odicr throe sv.t ihin pu mercury sr-- ' fi'ium ?ir.?k Kfb'k l0rKTH iuue drug. ',Htnu f th y notice X die is ntso piven to and nro prcvi.led w tin all neee sarv f.25 am Arail- - i l.v 9.10 pm to th s: J John S. Cooper ilia bl ail .oils and Ttie Tourist pn appliances. ft 45 7 v5 urn Lti ford Ar pm to my tiie same to me at mv residence in car leafure, together with the admirable 8.4o am . . . Frinotk ... 7 30 pm Citv, Juab County, Vtah. without train service and scenic att actions of the bi scinffwledcwS V. b the pnost ioisrj.jiX euire fev Leave Arrive James W. Hcoroii, Assitfee route, has placed the D. & It. (3. iu t.he pen! Ouvr.nL. tV.d la Hed ledUt Errer f aft listed VephlCitv. VtrJ). Nov i;, 1897. Mivuis of Juab ru txr&PT aesi foremost ranks of Western Railronds. pwuklii. It .son first publication Nov. 13, 1897. n iw For rates and detailed information , apply adflys pain r.e i wdn, hsls enres, Two through tra me daily frora SwU t- -. etawrs, UK. ITfctobni'ai. the hvc.s G. W. to Ticket thelv. Uv., any Agenlof oer w to nil y.oiflte Eaet. 1ftl by c..d uiud. or to B. F. Nevins, General A oat, or 11. i " 1. ; Jfiatr frjm S:.it mLt luaviT tJ i"i v, fn! ite No. 3520. M, Passenger Agent, Traveling Gushing, ntiouicliAO,'e Ljit,elu AO 7 ft y j . . . fc . & u-- 3 Old Post Office Bldg. THURMAN ere-tolo- re -- 4T - ex-ce- WEDGWOOD, -5 Attorneys - Humor. Let us now be up uui freez :ng, Arrangements have been perfected between the Oregon ShortLineaad Rio Witli a lie.u t tor ul the fates; G ran J Western whereby tickets will Certainly, this weather's plea-lunow be sold atNephiby the agent of the We're ahead ou eo.tl and skates. O S. L. at lowest current rates. II Winds from Greeulaud oft reiuiuls us residents of Nephi have had the Iu the ara li v.ehe leeliug p:iiue; privilege of going EaA by one route When we go we ll Ieve beliml us only. In the future, by purchasing IootpGius ihi the iee of time. ;,Me:s over tie Kio Grande Western, AtluutaC institution, u can e eh her the D. & It. G., IsColo. Mid. and Burlington, Rock Yo ir nioui-- or yotir hfe!1 Iioeried; an 1, Suita Fee or Missouri Tactile Mv quest tlieie is no skopiiug. at 661-U tra and tl TliO 0 Your riehly el. id, uud well I know DuVs. ipment vi"e if tl.a Rio Grande Western is That you ate yriug slopping. famed throughout the West for its bhe h.unb d him her puise. lie found nee. Tsvo trains to the East daily Cir tiek'-t- -i- mt not many earning all clases of equipments inSome dry gods samples, hemng gum, cluding Pullman Palace Sleeping cars, A hairpin and a penny. Pullman Touriest or Family sleeping Wadiingtun Star. cars and free reclining chair cars. Four Does she paiut fn m life? No; from times each week a through Tourist Dader. a Cleve'aad c saueer. 1lthi run from Lake Salt sleeping City or Provo, i naha, Kansas City, Chic iVliat ,s e you treat iu ; tn-- tor doetor? without change. No Loss of memory. You have owed 1116 a ago and B other line can ' equ.il accomiuoda-tien- s. bill of ') for two Detroit Free years. For .nation etc., write Tress. F. A ADLEIGH, General Paest.-geDo they play the piano mueh at your Agent, Salt Lake City. honsu? No, but I have it tuned several timesaym.r my wife likes to hear it Ea Eliege ide Blatter. Only Lice having two Lin ; of Railway between Grand Ji.noti.-- iw Denver. T elects prod via ehhei line. Two In effect, Oot. 31,1 V7. Train arrive atnl depart at various statioub Daily Express Trains to GDnwood as follows: daily Springs, Lead v die, Cripple Creek, Stations. Northbound Dourer, Pueblo, Colorado Sprin; Leave A nr. Leave Arr. and all points East, 2. 7.30 Butt-er- , 6raada at Law. 1 and 3, First National Batik Building. Room UTAJh PROVO, . - W. A. C. BRYAN ... Attorney Nephi Juab tt-L- nv . Utah ri . . j Csstinfy dy buflt U; t Go. j fb A IlMlrAhAuPi)u . v . L0CAlD!3EAS r- y nt b-- AND 1 General conveyancer. . tin-il- i ei-- d pwne-xa- lasA-.im- g SKt-pni'- 1 W:-- Vi tiu-ta- I), &. R. G., No. 58 West 2ud South Notice for Publication- Street, Salt Lake City. Land Office at alt LrikOity. Utah, November 3, 1S97. f i Notice is hereby given that tne following-nameBelt lias filed notice of his intention are Thousands It. Trying t to make f.n-proof in support of his claim, In order to provo the great merit of i aim tl.tl said proof wll Ip made b'doc Joel K t ro ei County Clerk of Juab County, at Elys Cream Balm, the mo t effective cure I lw9. viz: Nepni Chty. Utah, on December for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have preHK. No. 10. i7, for the lots 4 and Cuto pared a pencrom trial size for 10 cents. 3 5, See. tj 'l y. 15 S. If. or send 10 cents to I J lie names the follow in witnesses to prove Got it of your Jnr-oL.- t i ViiscGRtiuuous residenee upon ami cultivation 5G Yfurrmi St., N. Y. City. ELY BROIL, viz.: Rasmus Sorensen, Swen of said land, William lirown, Andrew lien Maluiinven. li I Buffered f.oci cVn-r- J. of Cm worst kind urickwn, all of Levan, J nab County, Utah ,iz.oo a bn, 1....1 emr Lover hoped for Byron Groo, Register to do Lr.t r..vi Cream Lr.l.n soe-uv on that. II iny a; iiK.vt.mcfs have used j i. 'Cn esc:l'o.:t linear Ostram, Creditors. j Ghzroa Ao., Chic. 1, Til. tLtied 1 i, d It--r t AE-- t. - aanasaaKwaaBKAiMmsa . i ills Aim. 4 LASSssaJ Esm Bjs de-la- Xt-p- Also have complete set plats showing lands open to entry and are prepared to do all kinds ot itpiwol TouWt JSVcperw. Free Reeliimiff Chair oarB. business with district land office. Eieunt day coaches. The only line operating diuLus? car service. on to loan improved Money, Tue Bhorteet afid fastest line to all points farm property, or on water stock. east. E. D. WICKIXS, Agent, Nephi. D. E. Burley, Gei.-Piwffr. Dept.,' T. C WINN, Manager. .vfatD t.t., Salt Lake. Citj Tu'iictOrti,..., i'AV Uffll Sikl C Bl-pi- ag ai Abstractor of s rt Dih-tri- i3 ftlHP by, j WiLi x ust a pinch s 22-2- s T!?n NEPFU PHARMACY. t) H&ve the Finest Line of THE FIFTH IN THE BWTbMCT COURT of t Male of I'lTb, Juab ii, A. i the mat I thfc' estate of William Yin;, d cas 1. X.rojLeo is I, man, griren bv hereby U the .;i d : i. n H'iinini sirat rs of til? Y H.f d i i i'.vi.'in,nu cased to the creditors of. and ad insr claims RraLi-the aid ost ttv t yrN iit thir claims with the vouchu to .lames W. ILaxman. at bOct'd-r to William f. 11. Pix Nkphi, Juab counD iimn at Kureka, Jirti) County. Utah, within : i months from tr.e first publication of this notice or tue said claims ill be forever barred. Doted. N phi City. Juab Co. Utah, DecemWilliam Ii. H. P axman, ber 15, 1897. James W. Paxmak, of the Etate of William Pax Administrators man ecrased. J. R. Booth & A. L, Booth, Attya. Provo. First Publican, n D e. 18, 1897, .T ui C10 r.clcnowledgcd care for c.iUnli an c..:..,iiij.i no cocaine, mercury ncr any ir iu 'i Iri drug. Price, Nh a '6 4 i 8 VIA Union Pacific, Denver and Gulf Railway. j HOYT SHERMAN, PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED. Next Door Post Office, Main Street. General Agent, Salt Lake City. K1 Ai ar .v-- wa nji SAN PETE Ik? following d?s oribod fcn I'DtN. .n black ai (1 v.iut-has a blotch brand on Dft hi, tnurkud wiiu Hvvallow fork aud niidtr bit in it t ear and crop oiT right ear. If damans urn! cost oil said animaD be not paid wmi'ji tec dnys tfrom the dateca--of this bidnolice tli wib b sola the hiliust der at Hid Nephi City estray pound, at oclock p. ui,, on the UR way of January 13. citv ijiN2'uh day of Bee. 198. Dated at'' I YALLEY RAILWAY Hew York YYorld, Notice. ihb ti-ii- have in mv pod'i-.br- i a 1 SR JAM City Pound Kt 'per. KID, List of t'nlcal.n&d Letterj. litft of c nciiiruel Tb tea Utters remainfug la Nephi poet o2oe Jaa. 15tb. 156 Papers a Year TIME TABLE NO, Effective 16. Sunday, November I7th, Wal cr Bett Jlr. J. G. Fleming Thurzah Ilansun, Mis paper 3 usual to you as a great ?6 dai y for only one dollar a year. Better thaz ever. All the News of all the world afUbs Tiese. Accurate and fair to vtrry-beaDemooritie and for tha ffwyl. Briltrusts and all moaopo auit liant illustrations. Stories by gra number. reading Splendid thors ia .Very depufrt-gltyforworaGii and other s jj A 2 ?ae Yeu. y. (fndaOro-'.'j- t ar PiaiuJ:i m You i. Yeun;, K 1.d to appear in ad tie t o uc uau'ciI mrict 'irt of t)ie fifth of of 'Bite Utab. ti td d Dislio td to in- - i i tL urn colored evlmrter, while ye-v- d in mnriti soscial cull met ion to solicited dainty s n Tftd wltnm tv. or days-- s vh:', City, Drop us a line if you can t Bnpt. A H. B. F. get Schilling's Best of your like grocer, or if you dont Pi.w it and cant get your money iS,Ai"4w......I,i ti.j p . V'.T .... i back. LA rJi C&5 2TAv4v k Schillinr ft Comps.y i . V - S . Kerr, A P. Agent, Mwt eight hundred aud nmetvei JfcLL Hit CI'.oVlr, Clerk. 3 35 F. II. Holzheimr, Atty. for FI untiiT. If you have ever seen Tw (.'i : 'C i'.r' b' . tv MW'S f v' . T r, J j tfv; I wv -; vr- A- gv-j- w . a little child in a paroxysm of whooping cough, or if you have been annoyed by a constant tickling in the throat, you can appreciate the value of One Minute Cough Cure, which gives quick relief. A Lunt & Pon. pige nEsran, cold. Best Uf the Sliver fore1 oI AwjIw. and Minlag Stock E?po.t3 LEADS In Special Departments. LEADS in developing Coioratos wonderful : resources. MASS in hewsine:3, Eri;htnes3, Compre. hensiveness. LEADS In Commissions to A 'rants. . (Vn(e for Tertiia.) LtfADS The Great SH-ae- r m'nihB-.:- l!,r En , Jv,:irL. s.im;i r i,i;iy (i w r:a:, r;o tr.in-jiu- ; .in', rviturcuH suene D.it rhis to my s.p'ut! BnidJer Greene! Dr.ip iu da', En Kivers nl h light! whuv Moses stood Could I but llu view ilc Liuiac.ipg o er, Not Jordans Oeam, or Deaths cold CU.. i.iv, I'. a ; !ri-:- 3 o. f , r.i o. lev niiNmnniM-Sr iBw & Arjc!fbist ffS r j tof - r . .. H ; 9 r.Y; ? ' U e v, ? ! v r a I i fli a i I.'imv, - eiyL- - d S' CA f "i iyjAian hoVs hf v : i n any (if 0, Pj eSs&rb&wl I .Viiid eye To Canmum'ri ihir lmppy laud Don't Ft 1.0 I: a ptss by! ni.--t J i, The NT.'S gMu-Ai- I pyp ir-j- i ix fvC' rYjrwJ ;ri f v P l. Z ' i N.b .3,, o j s- -j L .ns I a. r,Yn-,- rh - 3 ' OdDTONIX JXSK5-firS'H- Vj i Ci f 1 o, Atlanta Constitution. z- -. i r .) : r- - Oh de fhxid We v. unt ten dollars more. i tsnfiiyirr r V'- - vi ji k.xr-'.-vrv - t - . ; - - , a- -'i ; I. , I.iyj w Wiiu Ojc a uu . U - JiVi T-- result: bulks Advinn. IE ASS tn limns u Jordan' Ffbljsheb Per Yttur in I And thru he proceeded Hanks. to line oaf the hymn, but so intent was h on the eolbction that wiiole ifics of it and sup- lie forgot O plied oilers, with the following On J THE KEIY WEEKLY OnJordons Stormy No. 20o 'il a:.J Fli!l WJlghl hohl-in- s i eoyu this aouJif ;vy,'f l Lmcjco Eller. Well of the Meeting. roan do hat," he said, enUiwcia within ion pass answer lh2 oampiaint w of do hymn ou day (exr4uiiYft utf durin' de aitrlnc dy of scrvioei - if of f,iW0K!ioi with-sarri tion broiu. out of tn is county but Intisrest. of unu-suain this nty dn8; otherwise within loity by default jaixiust It Btandafirst among weekly papers on, be will taken HjTttiiiit according to th .said The o! ia size, frequency of publication and freshlot. naid action is co'i.f::. prayer t ) obtain a d rrr disolvinths boftds Trains leare Kantl for Sterling, If unk Lake brought ness, variety and reliability of contents. b m tween tha plaiatitT of iti:i)iuy c.Msti.iy Wedaea-dayIt is practically a daily at the priee of and Morriwon at 3:69 p. m., Mondays, arrive and and ;.ivioihe plaint:0 the cure at i li'r : b iM , Fra n 1c You n 4r r o and Returning and ciiiln'T Fridays. of subscribers, vast list a weekly; and its aud L nnr Youa-Yapert Tun aed 7 Maati at 8:(W p. m. of and state biiO to territory iiiiil future relief as every Jui Ii'rh lit!'': extending Direct connections at Nephi with Cnioa ,vrrs, s!: B m i be liiiml of IU cou.'l will the .lav to. entitled eoaa tries, the Union and foreign uoiiued that if you Padifie Railway from and to Salt Lake City, An1 jou asviiGitbv ef its I fairness and :..wwer to the ss.id vouch for the accuracy ai. appear Ogden, Butto, Prove, Milford and intermediate fail suil plaiut.ff complaint a- i1mvc news columns. points, and all jdnte East and West. tne to court lor t.ie relief will there u appiy We offer this ucequnied newspaper and demanad. Sep on btpTial. The Company raserr.s the right to vary The Republic figstheroue year for f'2.50 Witness, the Honor. ib L V. IIi"Lrins. Judpe and the Sh1 o' the District- Court The regular subscription price of the two rom this Tim TaWe at pleasare -- a t i f idc 1iftii ud.oi'tl Diiri''t,iu and tne Uounty of Juab, biatr of for Seal 3.00. Tupowobb BetjaA.CE, papers is ) Utah, thiH fttii dav of jDiinarj. in Tre. & Geal Manager, the year of our Lord one taousmid Salt Lake - ri i.a Yokotmmg KOGKY MOUNTAIN G.-ori- 1 pack- J. ERANDENSTOIN & CO. San Francisco f A tea in Dest J?pan. 11. Running sores, indolent ulcers and similar troubles, even though of many year's standing, may be cured by using DeWitt's Witch Ila.el Salve. It soothes, strengthens and heals. It is the great pile cure. A. Lunt&Sons, An In the District (Jourt of the Fifth Judicial of Utah. District, Bounty of Jtuib, P'aL.tif. ' s. Michael Yo :nr. Isabella Dfud-fatI'ac f.., t5wq of uu own premises on our d and fi.Nd "topcrly ages irn; orted. Mr. Hang P. Hanson Mr. Goo. K. Krueger j Mr. J. Hamlin Peytin. If the above letters are not called for in 30 days, they will be sent to the dead letter office. Chas. Andrews, P. M. bammons. 1895. h follovis. ;.:gs finer t young : j avy.-- . pickt-- 1333 is a3 H Pages a Week. First H -- , AND U drugg'sfu or by mail. cents. t i PERIODICALS. 18 half what you use of ordinary kinds .Lakes a delirious, fragrant cupfulf I ( IN THE CITY. MAGAZINES i 1 AND Perfumes and Toilet Articles NOTE TAPER, Bni n Cm-.- n Ii! C j Pride o? Japan Tea of li"Vair0 s. - |