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Show ISSUED w. Editor and Manager. ORME Assistant. terms of siB'CKipriON-- International $2.00 A possibility is dead. The inter. atioii il linnet tl.ic (Mnini I"ot lopointetl under tin St. IstuH pie me 1c siremio.is the Ite juLUf.in tur y h eilorts on IvA.iaitot i!n jtolhy. hate pimel pvilc. Tee rum n ri 1.1I tiees-utieid' the orhl ave demountr ite.l that a ilnal dt u d od iso nnmreidlly nn icicpt-ahlmil in the present st i'g' of tn.lizi-tioimp issible. the hour h.is come, it seems to us whin a Nation it ree ignition of tins li. t is siry. Tin .situat el dtun.miis a ihf. ate , imoipnt.s.il do ! u itian th it inter-- J. nitninilh in t lh'iii is a du mi 01 the p i't Tli I'niU d St itfs mas! p o, liitn their ae-and plant pt.mce of the "lTorll fnt themselves finally ou the single gold news or t s editorial mattor isoukl RtimbUo. J, Editor, aJi1? la? te t letters should Puldi.hmg Co, Hephi, Juab County, Utah. TtlE P.irl.MIC PI I IsIl'Ni, I ( OMPA.I Application has lau-- made at the Nuphi post ofilce for transmission tlnuuirh the mails as tecoiid-caRmail matter. SATURDAY NOVUM RER. Id 1S97. n, os .. sT- - A ' 1- -2 Ta-rn-r- it Stand up for everything that Is the h'reCjLC'l EisCre2r,C:!'nmi1 C t i J'S ii y TiO , r'r any di.5uru. oi.kt n sq cWy Aoserbcu. He.itf a ohce. It opens and t.ne-- I L. SZ f COLO LLm-Tktis and Froietis the Membrine. seines of i - L. HEAD M un- patriotic fool. ..Jl , ' t K atorct the ti j kitrnf , h yyy b and bnieU. Tml bize Oby. j Trul Ifc'e lk! : at Drujuista or by m nl. LLY i3RviiliiK&, 06 arrea fctreet, New Tork, e Tn-i- aillV ,il ' other- - m ree dt a ,a mining camp. The' "liou over on the lie 'he p. Vt 9 sTiy ivM and einpliaticall v kACX Nelson iu his attitude Editor up AND tliosu parties. Yoa may monetary system of the United States shall against hake hands with us Fred, the next rent ou the single gold standard. we meet you. time Oue cannot help but view the fact though it is deplorable, that the efforts of the Wolcott commisThe Piute Pioneer comes to sion failed to accomplish wd att! ey hand draped in mourning. The Fniou Pacific, stinted out to ptrfotm. They cause v, as the death of the editor Denver and Gulf Railway. must feel chargrilled at the statute of that paper from We never had the priviHOYT SHERMAN, like reception accorded them by the English government, but when lege of meeting the gentleman, but General Agent, and reiterate as members of the same craft as they acknowledge Salt Lake City. that internatioual bimetalism' the gentleman we extend a browas a dead issue, we must of neces- therly sympathy to his bereaved iiUji sity compliment them on tlieir wife and relatives. The blow canAncsmt not help but bo lelt by his fellow International truthfulness. is certainly dead but journalists in this state. May the Egyptian V ds of aprici.lt'tre nre rtrt np w'e think that the silver advocates guiding influence of a CreatFather ? to ths vmik ol the Amr t, jJ'f'-c tarfwrct lN y. If n n-iu this country have something to bo directed to his good wife that to Ke; iullv mOifpiCi of th1 Vk I WTD'q arj X, s'W Limetal-iniHo. 4 she may be buoy ed up with tlie and .j ?vWi t the say about United States v at4 of K.Lqt. b tv wst rv V ii ' a,,i .i.i- 'vc hopefulness of a bright and glorir ' 5ou kr vli cv ro jl iv Some relief will have to be ous hereafter when she may again rlu it Tt Jf XvtCyeoT a. t ' ty t,i I ' v u? granted to the American mining meet lier helpmate and husband. oeror i a yer Uic a 9 r wruch tfifi industries, and the most feasible it y f J riir.il ai t tne, tW ms ACrfi, fej "HE plan of action in this regard has b iLnllOS is with It feelinga of sadness that OHO.a IaaX Publftr i by G i yet to be solved. f SAMPLE bC PV FfS-we notice the death at Salt Lake W, a The silver question is a broad city of Mrs. lleber J. Romney. Mrs. one, and arguments both for and Romney was well known to us and VSAHS against can be brought forward the hurried departure of a sainted -v.which can be gulped down by the wife and mother to another sphere i American people, and jut no solu-ti- o causes to lietic tears 1 eoine svmpa nVi V U wyy i to tlto intricate question. to our eyes. Our b sympathy is exWhether anything will be done in tended to Ilebic Romney in this that regard is for tlie future to terrible ordeal V,1 V RADS MASK3, a. , through which he i - , ccasr.s, too. j Interna- has been called to Bat neither solve. b'Vt t j.; CePVtICHTS pass. The valley n ripwn nasryta tional Bimetialisin nor United of the shadow of death is a most fja se Cnirm 'is fgrnty cooi 0 accomStates Bimetalism will be . torturous road to travel, but lie u. A -alx. a i,u rjiU)a tLia e rcioc'S vO .'.rvah Ll plished when we are confronted as can go fotward with a trusting B. t 0 we are today by the political com- faithfulness that his wife who has hotVJHfnr'v fii wire of rtrted h! 9 i' n plexion of both houses of congress. so suddenly departed this life, is hpnnn yjj K. '(il iioob. v a rs isjpt If a sixteen to one rati is di-ej beckoning him onward to Lliai ? V ; t American have the people they by . snrtw-l aud the on exabed bright goal rate tn Ii ul a at oilier side of t.n veil. only to A. lv ah'-o- l or a Fav U I -- RIMS. rover Cletelsnde got a boy He is Iiis pride and joy, But we're gl.ul he'1 tot been si nfc To ba another president. Room de day etc with s h. ; ,d Cl To li ; ri 1. , f, M- - ,,t mini n ,ni tu- - t- Uo ,jr g brin-inatsmfc tin imil,iktli!il jom in iIoclunitioH tnat uow and he iccforth the Hereafter locals will be7 cents a line per insert'on. American. ust it ? je- -j pe-- ii ,'.'a tn' t j . CU- 1 i' it OsjvCImi Lr a jcutroua 10 CEMT TRIAL ZYL'Z. The blueprint" edition of the Xilliie Miller, publi-lu- d Oil t'.lC befotc election in Eureka, wa-- a day and the way Editor NelLulu, son goes for the other paper is standaul. The facts seem The proi lamation of tins monetary posi- simply awful.' tion will qmeken onr ( mimerce, im rejse to warrauta justification of the nt wit foreign mvestm nt an til toe on the Democrat and 1 f! i LATA rJnn cr uCS3t The city council have received notice to get out, evaeiute, vamoose, or if they dont they will be evicted out of the confines of the court house, January 1. See! e. , of Ask your I -- Proprietors. Maiu 3t.Uoptii ju-tie- S r All remittal te-- i aid IniMiH to The Hopulihe ke ad a new hall ppeciScations for u is. k SIEUHY NLILSOX Judge Stout denies the rumor that lie has called for plans and norl.l I.ct as re igmc this. as liiu-t.ili-,- It is. It place. tn yrjrD j LiLitALruA J Lb 3 rv This is the place for a shave and good hair cut this is the o is-.- oommuuH-atioii- Parlor Barber Shop. m Co'o-rad- : - One Year All him-tnll-- L. ROE. ALF two-face- d The Singh Stand ird Advocates if one are d ut'i on beat nr'uds may run in the they can judge Lv the cliaun-- l hut more frequently odopted Li- -t Tue- -l iv, vvh.cli MAS shoot dlfierent chutes. II. of they Louis read ly Ilhrich, Springs: MORNING SATE ED AY Never trust they are a danger and uie. mu iety. The Single Standard. REPUBLIC THE our splendid stock We wish to show to you of Winter Flannels, Overcoats, etc. Goods, Woolen Underwear, we wish tosnovv you liovv but It is no idle attention we desire, for your money. Talk is you can get first class artistic values cheap, that is the reason we have not indulged in superfluity Yc quote prices to you and you will be satisfied of language. Come and see these goods. They are entirely new and have Ilo-ier- y, typhoid-pneumoni- only just arrivod. A-tf- : is blank during for some man to is difficult If a man's mind sleep it tell when they are awake. RUBBERS. j , i At the approach of winter it is well knovvu that the should be piepared with a whole line of rubbers, footwear etc. That the people may be protected troin the piercing storms of the winter. In this regard we can say that we have taken time by the forebode and have a full supply of mackintoshes Rubbers, Rubber goods, ladies winter shoes, felts and overs, aud Winter gum boots fertile boy and girls. u. mer-cliau- ts V Try and have a sunshiny way of doing things. You will get along a great deal better if you do. 1assioti makes a fool of a sensible man and occasionally it makes a sensible man of a fool. Though not often. ,1 - -l ,w p.-- r I a' f 2?- 4 jw 'i " mi- - p- -.i il Overcoats, Caps, Fascinators, r dn A Shawls etc in Splendid Variety. 5 An exeliauso has it that themau who has nothing to boast of but liia illustrious ancestry is like the potato the only good belonging to him is underground. r; . .d(J .)- - jl-- the reason that one portion of the people of Nephi are at outs with the other? Because of the example set by persons who ought to know belter. "What is i We sell the L. D. S. garment mudeby tlie cache knitting factory. The.e good.-- , are made of the most serviceable grades of wool. M e have them mixed, and these goods are uudirink-n- e The prices are low. v t'1 -- suufc - &, CL , I n-- t 1 5 i I t vt Dun-ant- tm , tv.u I'l.u.cifOo the polls when the q jestciday. conn s up. nun dt ter The suprtn.e court laving con f tii d thv derision of the United Stuk- - Cnutt, A lady when on the witness stand was asked her ago. She replied that she did not remember when slit was born, all she knew about itwa.vby hearsay, and she had alw ays been told thot dence was not learsuy evi- adinh-tabl-e. A be decision has just been reached by Ibt post office departand they will ment at cea-- e to rial lettirn cards" on cm elopes as soou a- the e mtract An exchange lemarks expires. that this is a the Government ought never to have gone in- w - bu-iiie.- ss aga . THE HEW VIEEKLT nited we can go on to prosperity . Wo can indues capital to inv st money in oar hills, build ap fttcfcorie, e unplete and restore the sraste places, aiul erec t a monument of industry and enterprise that will leceiye the enconiumi f the world. Divided we tear down the character of our neighbors, place a barrier that w ill keep out enterprise and investments, overstepping the bounds of common sense, aud shutting down tlie feelings of friendship we formerly possessed, and making a once happy and prosperous people, sad, discon- touted, and Jjealous of each otLer, uutil we reach and are hurled into the pit of oblivion. These are some of the sentiment'- - which wo notice in our mid.--t. Deuv it who can. LT The fa i ni' rs in this part of the Lord's vineyard have reason to fund thaukful at their financial position this year. Wlmt with an abundance of the good things of this life, with a tangible and realistic credit account at the bank it can truly be said that they have the most independent livelihood of all. Lueern seed lias brought into Nepiii a good surplus of cash, one firm having expended in the of 0,000 in Nephi neighborhood In conversation with a alone. promiuent seed representative! words of praise were showered onthe lueern seed taised in Juab Tlie gentleman stated county. that J uab county seed would be taken in preference to all others, as it was of an exceptionally fine quality. It is a source of congrat u'.atlou to our j eop!e to ki.ow that e have an industry that bear.-- con-vituiiig evidence sf the imludr of Nephi formers and seed grow eis. ? ! i ' ? Mo VJS ftc&uiiN jROGKy jLLuTs;;t,y&xi tft kji l . fftres put p-- ft, AiWricK ' . ecyv'-t- bjA sSrStti ikpzYttT - e ' wTIie Tetm) j, t- x,.. j t li-- !n Prospectors M o. t tah. The li, part m n. o th !ta Inal ho ul ('rn.iil , n:-- t i. n iii'o hhiotuurn civu clam toipi her v. ith a lint Uii', o t.ie oiler dstiict ca mi p. rial a.ioptiou la I1' i . i? r Vv. -- .1 i n w s. -t ; Uta.li. K or ' i i ' pi 'J t , r. i i A., A riv r. u i v ' v , u (V p' t v t (I ' oi -- -- d l-- ,j The Newj putjiehes th re.orearWfllS.ve'npeJ tmd SaiKtay) west ef sa Iiftiust eatoott with every Issue. 6ac momti $t 9J iot 3 tnimtlis in ' I? or sum pi. copy ot aay Ustie, address, Tk kty.S PEbmyG cqu Iu r Tlie V IV m ;V - OM, i ,ia DONT SACRIFICE . . . .) f. p'y li' e If li Yy fib cl Jtlicucd. a lot elect Oeiore Jiiu i, iso. want. May Rent mast bo moderate. J . ,U ttf fi1 ; At .. 3 L !' Di ? w kV f tii !li ki rE'CT.FLLLY ii F! CLUED !l : Li LL--o t v WCCDVCt W ZHTMTF. CCMSir.LCTIO'J, MECLYICAL .SJliD.iZCT, d 0 I r . . L3 iL I not m t lv llat C v. ve .Lis uol ii f' Cixak. licUM, or. e 1 'v.C :-- 1-- c--i ir;; ztc .tf j .1. Sfir II. F. I a ( j ; n. ! v't that kh e 7,1 i iV ELY v; jfi John uoird. G. C. fonlyl h ill-- ' I own. Jr.i 1 Future Cotrfihrt for present secmiirg EconoKty, but fNe Sewing Mncfika with eu estabiishsd reputation yoj tor 3 c;.d sitkfatRr service: Irof. John Baxter. ,i ius J, n-H. D. Keiri"! . . VV nii'i .ii A o i.i Stipt. , .M-ul- h Lrlcahr.cJ Letters ef utu Limed U tteia romainfn ;.s;0nce Xov. t. ii7 is W. i ' Great J. e - Silver alli IVepliij I tlt of J $Prvtetfi LfXDS is ptiOTinissIsns to IgttiSv. tVVnta ten t, ;nJ ill ,1 -- 1 J: avtxrrss, Qos.0, 'VV '1 e a zx; , 'cy C.LC- v; i z cc $ z c :c;; cay:--. : ttjc && |