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Show t 1 1 Th.3 & Dsrivsr RAIL.TIO AD I ' j 4 3 Two Cups in CO. L 1 j 1ueiil ). Spr.t.js, and a! i boints Cast, l i , . 1 ' Draw-:- , C'oio-iid- 6 V, J L wi , ' r : ; . f j i v' c. ; z L) . il - 1 EFFECTIVE dUXE I. 1537. A. 3. li I'.. f. s. IP t. i li All. TlA 'ii, ins, .t (. U. M fX T. o. Cut, t T .... r"tllt Sul lMncr. ilo olo. ( j . la a A 'A- tvo t.i vie. st.aii G. V. rujs a Too .st or witht'ie C?r to Denver, in ntch Family Sleeping a lower b. r1 li can be sf ouytd lor f ! I. ? I i 6c to U. this dally service, theD. addition G. also cpeiates m Wednesdays, Tburs-daa and Fridays, three clist i net Tooist Meeping Ca lines to Om iha, Kansas C.ty, Chicago, Boston and New York no chancre tor Utah pass mgers at greatly reduced berth rates. These Tourist oirs are managed by the Pullman Company, uud are prov iried witn all necessary s and appliances. The Tourist e ir feature, together with the admirable train service and scenic atl 'actions of the D. & R. G. in the rout", has placed the foremost l.mks of Western Railroads. H. Re- - : c; L 1 1'1 ir Tourist or Family Sleeping Car Denver & Kio G rar.de 11. Ik in eon Wl. i drawled Ty K r. "I am ordered to the Vermont, and I r.is here to lenort y on fr.r duty." Mr. Tyler, Good morning, Will you have creel Cant, bienrd. !,e gnodnmu to cNplain vvliy you are i; i - c t , ; L o l.iLii I'ivn Llll iroorw;;at i. iT. A 1 I wn ':r.T. ( tflD K JVI . . I cn-r- w cups cf ci' in i.;.d late?" four uf CcTtainh . captain, said Tyler, widi of a grin uml an extra v jimt the 'u You see. my atteniiiiti in in liis orders were to report aboard the Yer-- I inont at llo ton, I w ent to Boston and it found that the Vermont was at Tlronk-- i yuir i j. . r lyn. I didn't know whether to Uripj; di v ii t.i the Vermont o'- the j ,V.. J. CRANDENSTEIN Sc CO. j Ilns-ioVermont up to Itoslon. While I was ,h San Tranusco and Vtkoluna I i li itiug tin' l lain r got a teleor.im from the dejert me. t (he pulled it out ami t h: t said 'T g ( Sieai d showed it to t in your ciders read Rronhly i.. Boston AGENTS so I eaine down to New York yesler-- i WANTED joit day. I'd never been in Brooklyn, so I asked a mail how to get the Brooklyn The Oliicidl Guide to the navy yard, and he said Id Ix1trtake a ferry, so took a ferry, and when I got off asked a mail how to get to the Brooklyn navy yard, and lie said: And th.3 Gold FiTis cf Alaska him what tint Take a firry. w lie said: Staten Island. and ax, place Retail Price, $J 00, So I took a ferry, and when it stopped it Jiii'l stiiftiv u.HhDr.t Idumi'U int . v as in a t place a man said w as ConiMiimi-pavv;uul th Th utu,Li urit net 'm 'I mhin...i-titu cG o u. I a ro!i1, fins him how to pet to the i.i.n t aicfiul com uned m book u: in ami Brooklyn navy yard, and he said: Take fil from th nO'-- t iTiaMh pi.Ti a ferry.' I thought itwa.n't a good tc ih uifiuiN oi Rtatlin tlmu.inN t luiio m the place for me to be around loose in at GOLD FIELDG OE THE SOKi'U night, so I got a hotel and went to bed, nod this inoiring I hired a boy for .30 Tin book contains 309 pa.c- - and is to pilot me to the Brooklyn navy cents .12 lull pa t.thtn upl Uil and. by the way, ca plain, have ti K, aiul also b i .i s ik)mi.iih yard; lUfifutl maps. that sum in your clothes?" got Ve a iv i hr sole publishers 'T!te Offi- you And they say Horse Ty lcrgototT. cIaI 6uide to t?ie kkondyke Couotry; anY other publications purpmuiK: to W it au X. A. Sun. imitationspit-io- Janrn. cf v . j pr - -- .oil-vtnieu- ci 1 :) For ralescnddetailedinformation, apply to any Ticket Agent of thalt. G. V. Rv., or to B. F. Kevins, General A 'cr, t, or 11. .M. Cushing, Traveling Passenger Agent, D, 6c. R. G., No. 5S West 2nd bouth btieet, Salt Lake City. ) 1 Klondyke Country There Is Nothing So Good, Thne is nothing just as good as King' New Disumry lor t Cmi; hs ar.p Colds, so demand it and do not p' riuir the dealer to sell you some substitute. llcwillnotclai.n there is anything better, led in order to make lame piollt lie may claim something else to be jn-- t as good. YmiwautRr. Kings New Dwoceiy beemso you know it to he sde and reli rule, and guaranteed to do goo I or it money refunded. Tor Coughs, Colt's, oil and all idieetions of Unoat, Chest : lid Lungs, there S nothing so goia.1 Tii as is Dr, King's New biscovoi v. bottle 1'iep at all Rrug'-toie- s aul Dealcis. cents and il.Ub. Regular si.e-o- d Ir Con-sunij- i TOOK THEIR ADVICE.; '4 Lieut. T ler Took, a Ferrj , But It Did Not Take Him to ('apt. Sieard. When Rear Admiral' Shard, who took command of the Xoith Atlantic squadron the other day, was a i a tain lie was stationed for a time t ' ii. old receiv ing ship ermont in the' Rro..ki n. n R. navy yard. To him Lie at. I.u T y U r, r.ow rttirtd, was ordnid to repot t lor Uuty on the iTiunat. ured Ty ir ..is a lest- roond, good-m' t ,lmo..ter, with a loi'pr, rasa!, (low n- -i .. t diawl, and all the r.a v ad : k- - One "Set nie Line of the Wot hl." Only Line having two Lines of Rad ,v av between Grand Junction am! Denver. T ckets stood via eithei liiie. Two Dally Express Tiaitw to (ileim- - d Springs, I.ealville. Cripple C:.--!:- i !! ? J Rio Grooos 1 1 1 ic- i t t1 1 111 lr l w - - Our iibtiLil libni a) ciimi m4" ion S' utl 0 mnt at once lor etmipicto CtJier v till agvntV outfit. Danriiig In rarejumy. The worn n of Parammy have but one When a cold is contracted, cure it a pastime, that of darning. They wear W. B Conkpy Company, once, one Minute Cough Cure will set while robes, but leave their shapely' you on the road to recovery in a minute. Dearborn Street, CHICAGO. shoulders and l.ipering arms ell Imre. Itwilicure pneumonia, bronchitis, croup A gold comb of 'enormous si' is the and "11 forms of lung and throat troubles. only ornament. Parties are got t mi up Lunt &S'ns. on the Gklitem pretext. The dunces STANDS AT THE HEAD are in quaint, r.ri r oa! Hgim-s- hut nearly- a'vv a s erv graceful. Scrietimes the tesdivbies will be kept up through the TO Aug, J. Ib.c I, I'm- leading dragg bit entire maht. after which the particiSiiJi"t.mt, ha., sas;" Dr. King'-urn to tl eir oupa-tiow ill earn you D weekly, with pants w id gay y is the only Um.g that (mis m j)isfei of whatever mil ure, always conour plan of invest merit joncih-no- t lime.' eu.d J. seller! th last is migll, F. Campbell, mtnliar.l of billi.nl, All... tented, always happy. Sometimes there lose. Two men nude 6dO) Dr. King's New Dmovciy is.d, will he a grand contribution ph n;o at writes: anel edit) last month on r2d. dbJ'mt point, where the iI:pk ing elaiimel for it it never fail, and n tliatis f you You ct n do hkowi-e- . will be l.pt up throe h the roil, d of a a sure (tile for Cuiisiinipt inn. Coughs :ii don't irivc-- t, and kci'p your Colels. I ouinot siv c lough for its nwnK. whole 21 hours. I 'or these people live Dr. King's New Dm nvey, fur U'i n tinipt.en. 1o be happy through the iu long-- day. money inyniir nockek you will Coughs and Co (Is is not an e)vi m lit. all your life. Try us Chicago New s. has bt eu tiled bn a epiarlir ol a leetmv w tli and "'o wh.it e can do. lead. It iue: and to day stands at A foluti y tm i A braic Dauber. iisappomls, Fn e t n uttb s it all Dm. ' ' i' r Vr .i.ii o It is not easy for a girl in her teens sti.a an I len'iei-- . to rightly u.iUer laid aid appreciate Co. UuuirR ? that a piave R.i e or lu.hs for her in Ln- i mu ' l ,, 3' dViiii (x g ' tu e iiot v'le.ig' in tliem- If Troubled Wit ri.ei.nvatir m Reed Tt.is. thi. cs . !j . D', Ci. eU'i .VlsNAloi.H, Aid,, A; r. It), Mil. h ivi Usui wrstJ.'.m ihutn.'inui rl m,s Pern l i.n n '"in l if t be ) li um.itism t j r it. 1 lieve it tu (,e m dA H l"st pnjjiri.ti n tv r r. fut. tIvei m.u (("& 7'VYTy r.i J R .Li ti 'I imi, n .. 4 WATCH THIS SPACE to Vo U. 341-65- 1 ADD NEXT WEEK. v moil. GET HOW N'.-- . ns r-- Y 11 : 1 I 1 ! I I t i i . . c i i 1 ' , .1 i 1 c J - r b.-r'- . ib-- & I t - , I t 15 local x, i E! 1 da p -- i l uf j ogfilv ucufLii o- --- iicu 's : Of i.11' -- io ai Hi if ' ini! i.l c ' ,i i i :r 'i JjAOiUiA.-- , o, r ire i . u' I1'.) tio-.- r"? Dl 'I,'- -. m srr-.- f -, do 111 l .'ria !,j vis t, N.vv f or r b C1-l- nil cent-- 30 a ptr bo. tie i A. by' Luutufrion, Dnii gistB. iVa Its Value Rcccg"iir: 1. rule x n .r iy rr: i!.i- - ' I vv B Ir i "i I" ii. m oi pe,i t ill I v.iL'i ,i i t In U . A- - r i i n i i - l,.l- . t ) ii- -, e. . . i of e 1. I ,, , .. v i mi.'I.tv i. i HI'J'l t, , i . ty P'ys'cir.-af ( ' 1 I C . Coun!v, v' M--- i , rr f, 'ins, iv 1 li yi.nn ti Xu x .k N.j. i bn had hu.b in J ,.i i o a man vvi g vv il a rl,i uni.'ii m , r seietal jt.'..s. It n'ni- li.i.i a mail. A. .i. ..la, id. - pro-- $ ()- ' JTii - .o w no . 1 .t. ti " i , i y i i t:t. ALSO UEAF) Tins MrciiAMc-iu.r, St. LC Vd. sold u bottle J.xo. G. j, Go., - 4 i.l Fi ciue for ib'ii li v, r f i t' e tea'v ii, i ' c- u.ini' no , i tr-e- , M AN'VkT. . i p i a " t'i" J .! ; 1 ' ' u i il URL,, j on--- r u i x .., i : G ir .iiio-- v I Xa- '!, C r-' ' . J, i, reinbI' i i n n il n. j g or yorr i'? oit vxvm we npiUn, y roiiHkly goi ui r i.r1' or i'Md (itiv. i c i oub,.e. alii., G' r r,,ui-i.!.i- an - rx UilkHuT 3 Vj , i ( V ' r. ) i .. 't ' , , . i 1 .. . '.It , a , . ... L i t ; i : . ' . . t M re i i . ' LI - J i I r c. X-- f '1 ft ' t i i F;.CL. il Afv. i'L:s-'. J l iid ! s u.JC trim lu on ppiv S g r ir ot Hutu w.J. iJt'yun i p t tiof MO'r ,U tia i .. ) ESon.V.J. " t D f O' ( I T jrrir, &,G. yjt - n 7 : iZUTiik - r r' i - ?- i- '0 ' ii ii 6. Co. I 'm. All mho are r- 8 tuw Ez- f:rlipr.nf tl ! o 8i.outi currraj i d vih the ILe work Will contain . . . A'i &fTfr ?or HI3 OonK - ,t, JH.I, O. r yccfvo (VJ!.'' I Eryans in BIS ETnrp a?HT, bt has wrra ei? Knrr niroRiAKT SPIFiIiiS. i!c-- n IT. Grxl, Ssipsrinfanclant. -- rnx r . v t I S ft i 'e 't 0 Imai I yp i'" t 1 M , J H''! t i Wlia'lhr r J J iy t r - lit: ' t tM A SJi" jv'en. 't i . LadieA I lor . ' . t y I d V (or protetthn. Jou.b al. i.tiDK tiutf !y CAldrAIbli TGLIt. ) f.c n f. !' e in ( r; i i TH8 RESULT OFTRB CAMPAIGN OF ife96. IRJVirWOFTBB RlUTICAt SITC1II0X. AGENTS WANTED Mr. Bran has an of all nonneed his intention of devoting royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. There are already Indications of an enormoossalet Address W. B. C0MCY COMPANY, Pubitsfiera M.33S Dearbore SUXniCAtiO one-ha- lt Their tVjj. Rut, persisted the reformer, you must piki it that womei have never bought legislatures and common councils, as men do. The reactionary laughed a harsh, mirthless laugh. No," he pIootti;-.- - replied, after a moment. Women iust around pricg-- ing things. X. Y. Truth. DaWfeEfsWUch Hanoi Salve tllltsPilas, fcK'Js, Duras-- , i |