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Show Ti Refiilio N?ki, Flak, 4 ' TUIINING TO INDIANS. J. Dr. We Are Growing More Like the Aboriginal American. Foreign Anthropologists Say This a Fact, lint American btudenta Enter a I Igorous The Golden Eagle . A. Booth, 10 Stinhj, Feb. THE . 11 v THE Xs When You Want a Nice Drink Visit the DEHTIST. PURSER r Two Cups in ! j One I CO. DENVER. COLO LA DO It is an extraordinary question m anthropological science which lias been Makes a Epeuialty of Gold Orewa ji: opo limit'd jiojiul.irly of late. The of cm ironnient iqion the race Bridge work. Teeth withoet platw. resident in the I'niu-- States must in the course of four centuries produce certain marked and umlt nhihle physic Weol rower Betid lag. al results. It is not generally acknowledged by American anthropologist la AS kfntfe of bear, Bqoora and ei Choice, tender, young that there is a tendency of reversion THE to the tyie indigenous to the soil. I!ut tea leaves, the first pickCawt l'oregn students of race, with more ings of the crop propfersecti'e, have olTored interesting rood for reflection. A writer in tilie RAILWAY erly cured and packed as &h2 f commenting on Chicago the assertion of it he Trench authors O no. O. soon as picked never WHITMORJE, Pnaldcma that on this continent the American THROUGH S. W. MoCORXIOK, VieProaldant. white mau has varied toward the Intouched again until open. TZNQffT, Oaakle. dian type offers a supporting study The Old Reliable which is curiously fascinating ed by the consumer. ReTROT STHAM LAUN1RY ROCKY vastly imjiortanU sult, the fragrance and SatUfinetlou First, the familiar faces of the cariQuruM. caturists creation are called in as wit114 for mI delivered ovary week strength of two cups of nesses. The Yankee and the Southron, Ladloa hist wotita a apedaUy. Chaica of Thrat Distinct Badts, of these picat Sparks Candy A Clear otore, large and ordinary tea in one cup a Tmm d tures are itypes, even as the stout, B. H. (parks Jr. Ageat MOST KA53!FI&XT UtlLHAl John Full is a type found in anof other environment. Both American IB THB WOBLI favorites of the cartoonist have high Stiti Officers and Jail County of cheek lvones, and usually excellent Two Fast Express Tralxi straight noses. These witnesses are Directory. not, of course, scientifically admissible. tei'; your grocer for it CaMM J. rr.nk .The faces given us by the oaricarture-makeLl WAT Br.wa. Anker C. E. All. Delegate to Osngress are impressions, not testimony. h. J. BRANDENSTEIN & CO. OGDEN, SALT LAKE AND DfiNVEy BANKING aEWEKAL, IN ALL ofITS is the study Scientific, howeveir, Sun Franusco and Yokohama J BRANCHES. gran fered of tilie Pennsylvania German a hapjxy, thrifty, frugal people, who have ELEGAST RECUNINfi CHAIR C Governor Haber M. WeS Iveon subjected to American conditions T. Hammond Secretory af State Jam. Treasurer Free James Chlpmrfk gluurge. for nearly two centuries, w ith very litAuditor Morgan Richard,! A. C. Bis!of, tle intermingling with other races, Attorney General OirMt SMtosetieo made la halo Oepei. John R. Pay Snpt. ol Publle Instruction much less than the English people in C. S. Zone. KHT SS8BdJ8Ixr E9?I??fi8 BAIi'PA t New England or in Virginia. Judge of Supreme Court..... O. VY. Bare GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS; e aHEd i nwi. A. Miner. J. It is true that the pervasive and beJudge Fifth Jodiclal District ... K. V. Higgle $1 ye. so every month gives away to any sue whs Seventh District.. ..James P.DriacoU. Senator, guiling Irish have intermarried some. through u for the most'mentorieut p Mem her Lower House Adelbert Oszisr, the mouth pracediag. what with these old Pennsylvania setRcfiitrtr Land OfBc,,., Gro Brjron We wears tbs beat patent for Receiver Laud office Trank Harris. tlers, but in the main it is a very exand the object of this offer is 9 encourageonroltenta, ia venters u d stock. Palatinate clusive, keep track of thtir bright ideas. At the woe io SK to wish toe rh. the fact impress upoo public Data have been secured relative to a for 34 ear the Lediug Mot m JUll OOLTTTT BtBKTTOBT. IT S THE SIMPLE, TRIVUL INVENTIO.YS large number of school children, and Charlea Foote Southern Utah. to adult males from 25 to 50 years of MeStted; Selectman. THAT YIELD FORTUNES, Hugo Depreziu A. L. Jackman such as tbe age, and many copies of jiortraiU of which can be easDy slid tm Sheriff led end Moplote with or J. T. Sullivs and down without breaking the passengar'a bock, try Assessor end Collector original settlers. It appears that stat.....D. W. Cstlsr Clerk and Recorder ure increases and that other important Conronionco. aad a thousand other little things that most William Burton, Thomas Wise any one can find a way of improving; and these be tentativemade, generalizations may Attorney Edward Pike inventions are the ones that bring largest returnssimpls to T. C. Hanford author. Try to think of something to invent. ly, of course. The increase of finger Sample Reoma for Cemaaralal Travelers. Surveyor . Treasurer Wm. Ocksy reach is marked and the head measures Coroner IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS, v Eustico Fres to Baa aad from depot. are important. Superintendent Schools John T. Miller Patents taken out through us receive special notice in e National Recorder," published at The anthropologist places consider- Liver and feed etabla ooaaeatad with n. Washington, D. C., which is the best able value upon certain projjortions or newspaper published in Ameriea the interests in of inventors. We furnish a year's ub cstt orncias relations between measures, says the saiption 0 this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We also B. R. Booth Mayor: advertise, free of cost, the Invention etch month Thus the student of the subject. which wins our 150 prise, and hundreds of thousand Councllmen; Jas. F, Wright, John Sidwell, II. GOLDSBROUGH, Martin Larson, John Kllison, Alfred Lnnt. of copies of the "National Recorder," containing a length of the head and the breadth of O. P. Goldsbrough sketch of the winner, and a description of his invenuoa, Recorder; the head, when compared, give nuMarshall Proprietor, will be scattered throughout the United States James Schofield among merical expression w hich is called the Treasurer; Abraham Onus capitalists aad manuiacturen, thus bringing to City attention Justice; Wm. Stout the of the merits invention. find To index. it the length is cephalic VT. L. Foote City Attorney : ItoygMomd molyorml aptnlw miliwi, All communications regarded strictly rnnfiJMtlef, divided into the breadth and the result Wm. Bslley Address 6nyt. Water Works; Adeem MiimlN.Mf Ch gm ttwd f LIQUOR STORE, aa THE CITY multiplied by 100, A head JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO.. week wide us it is long would have an index SUcitr el American and Foreign PstrotAA It onr Aavlac Mtirety tlb gjui Juab Stake s of 50; one Si8 F Street, N.W., as wide as . AtmarMaafal Wl The Finest a t d moet complete iMiwift1 A I wales (or g to say, Iks wtowBwt Bo 385. long would have an index of 75; one as Washington, D. & aas la Ml swstl krpogTRphy wjwrb editor tfthix paper. Write Jar CS Ref lines 1 Liquors and w ide as it was long would hsive an index to trvl (bs WMfa4 ttgMkm Wm. Pazmao Nephi: President.. pamphlet, RRES. gww-gist fill rwr of 100. There is no ir.ee whose head is Charles Sperry and James W. Pain in The National Recorder and the ReCigars Nephi. Nepbi; Counselors. normally so wide as to have an index warps. srsaor, One Year TMB $3.00. of 100, or so narrow as to have one of public eaiAT DIVIDE. DMinr.V kureka Peter LauteasoeJ Pabsts ud Salt Lite leer Rob. O. Bteveosor Jnah 50. The higher the index, of course, Lovan N. P. Kaamuaaas the broader and sounder the head; the Mona H. Newtes Courteous treatment to all. lower the index, the longer and narrow. Warner Naphi First ""....Hib. Second er the head. Germans generally are T. H. O. Parkse R. Thos. Orglll, p. , J. ligkill Pnp. Wellington notably roumbheaded. Topinard gives OTAanniau akd war ibticr for some people of Lorraine the index Services every Sunday In the Tabornaels at t oclock p. m. Sabbath School oclock a. of 85.3. The average index of 100 PennY. L. M. I. Association meetings are held In the First ward every Wednesday evening and sylvania Germans is 81.9, which is notId the Second Tuesday evenings. ably less and narrower. The heads of Primary meetings every Saturday at t o'clock our northern and eastern Indians are p. m. High Priests meetings, first Saturday Id still longer and narrower. We cannot each month at I o'clock p. m. Is tha one that guarantee at present make a further comparison with profit. Wliot we have already the fiBMt aad mast artiatlc staid may prove erroneous when we floiah on their work. The Presbjtiriin, learn the actual Talatinate type. We S. .1tov. O. Wilson, U finest pastor regular services, glosa placed an all assume now that the Palatinate GerSunday at 11 e'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock . at. 7 o'clock at our Collars, Caffs, ate, mans were of medium stature, light, p. m. Wednead Prayer meeting Sunday school at 10 o'clock a. m. haired, blue or light eyed, round head- Wa mil for work Mend a ye and Dime ed, with a finger reach of 1,013. We o wk. oath af find that the Pennsylvania German Friday Methodist. children are dark in hair and eyes; that Emj Snaday School at 9 oclock a. u. the men are probably of increased statservices Sunday T:J p. m. Regular Rev. J. A. Smith, Pastor. ure; that heads appear to lie lengthJOSZMH CO Wit, ftyni. ening; that artn reach appears to be increasing. In all these respects the Ptieen aad 9rme fc gull erery oa. D. 8. POST OFFICE. Pennsylvania German varies from the assumed Tnlatinatc type and in the diTb old lady ws right whan ah 'said, rection of the Indian. If our assump- the child might die It tbey wait for tk tion proves valid we may claim that our doctor. Bbe oavod the little one's life it with few dose of One MlnaU Cough evidence shows change, which, if con- Care. Bbe bad used It for eronp bsfor. tinued, may form an Indian type from For eale by A. Loot A Bone. the German. If your children are subject to eronp All this, it must lie noted, is absolutewatch far the first symptom of the disIf Chamberlain' ly distinct from any of the reasons for ease eooa a the Cough Remedy la given discussing the tendency of Americans chUd become hoarao It will prevent the to revert to original types from the inSALT LAKEgCITY. attack. Even after the oongh has filtration of the red Indian blood itself appeared the attack cancroapy always be ' Clostso. in the veins of the white race. From by giving tbl remedy. It Is also For parUculers call on W. L. Roe at thin office. the days of the old French and Indian lavslnable for cold and whooping cough Tor Sanpete and southeastern lOOhnr sale by A. Lnnt A oa, Druggists. , For all points aorUi Including eastern wars, fireside talesof New England inter- for western end Tlntic Mails 1SI .For all points north and sunuth AS, j mixture of that sort have lieen common ,A YIAR9 oniiioizi. enough. A recent novel has expressed KXFERIINOg. Goosritl detlv.ry, money order, registry mg the country knowledge in New England window ae y opes from I a a. to i p m. that there is an occasional streak SlKCkATn. from ancestry that approached New Owwsl and stamp window delivery from the west as well as that England fvosn lam. to p, m. which approached it from the east H- - F. Sitrjima, P. M. across the Atlantic. In the western states and territories the great numTRADB MARKS, s bers of whose descendants designs, OOPYRIGHTS Ao, find their way into the life of cities & Atirone aendln ft sMtrh and drrlptloa mf quUkW AM'ortaln, frM, hthr an InwaDttnn St brings to bear a curious and unreck('onimunlt'fbttnna atrlrtlf rtutahl. Flm-Cldu- a oned force in the development of the TLo IJArbsr CtMittrientiaU Oldest 7 pstsn in America. W hawe a WMhtnffton fiber and sinew of the race in North W Patents taken throagk Mum A Co. Kistwv bi Iforvlii. America. Bostron Transcript. pwtal notitn la tbn CL Boys, ee BLACKETT BROS. Main at. Nophl '. TJtaU. NStandardGange IJtalA. Times-lleral- Dost Forget' a THE.. os-nih- ly loose-limbe- MOUNTAINS! FIRST UATIOUAL DAHK of fJEPHI. d full-face- Pride Capital 050,000. 07,000. Ourplu, Japan. I rs omm NephiCMy, .... Utah. L. of $1800.00 NEPHI HOUSE op-p- utt pure-bloode- Mo-m- od sauce-pan- "collar-button- ." ," "nut-loek,- " botiH-topp-ar, aTfSS one-hal- three-fourth- . wm a -wt SO-p- oah-w-m a kui 1 The Best Laundry We Sell Them. What! LONG TIME PqcntL Utah Steam Laundry Temple of Music, 23S S. ZJain. btrnss. pre-vsnt- od nt. , i ' I utr Oso Three Crown BaKinR Pc; 1 half-breed- WEILSON SPERRY i.lj 8CIENTIFI9 rJERICIE, hsuknT'tTw autlni autnik Wu VI cuajf One Mi ho to Cotigh v Thct tc - v- Cam.cr. rnmom. irvfal 1TV vnil. vMC'Ltarmf ti gopaa mid mJlH9 FlTilWtpcimfa MQt fTMb MUNN ft CC., SCI liroodway. Hew Yislu , T t'4 . 2t ( HExrmr W Ail. TkiTdaiask JQt. ja Trv r ( eg MI2 l3 Usui |