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Show Tte Redublic, The old lady was right when she said, the the child might die if they wait for lift doctor. She saved the little ones with a,Tew doses of One Minute Cough Cure. She had used &it for croup before. For sale by A. Lunt Sons. If your children are sub:ect to croup watch for the first symptom of the If Cbamberlainr hoarseness. the Cough Remedy is given as soon as th. child becomes hoarse it will prevent attack. Even after the crouoy cough ha be app'ared the attack canal-rayby giving 'hi remedy. It isc also invaluable for colds ud whooping nigl. For sale by A. Lint & son.Druggists. Scaly eruptions ou the head, chapped hands and lips, cuts, bruises,DescUds, Witts burns are quickly cured by Witch Hazel Salve. .U s at present most used for piles, and it si wav cures them. For sale by A. Lunt & doss. . Soothing, and not irritating, strenr'h-eningb it and nitwakaning. niiDe'.Vi-are the quahti-sective-such Little Early Risers, the U niu l.ttle pills are lor sale at A. Lunt & Son di-er.- se pre-Teht- BUCKLENS ARNICA SAtVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Seres, Fleers, Salt Ivheuni. Fevei Sores. Tetter, Chauped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all skin Eruptions, and positive It ly cures Piles, or no pay required. to give perfect satisfaction i o money refused. Price 2d cents per box. I sale by all druggists and general dealers. Notice. IV r IIE DISTRICT COt'IlT OF THE FI FT of Ctali, Count Julie ial District, of the State of Jual. In tlie matter of the Estates of P. Christensen Petersen C Peterson ami Am- Marie deceased. Notice of Hearing Petition for Pro .bate of conjoint will. Notice is hereby giveji lsj, that Monday the fourth lav of January court and the at ten oclock a. in. of said day, in tin room of said court, at the court-housCity of Nephi, County of Juab, State of Utah, and place bn have been appointed as the time P. C Peterson proving the conjoint will of said and Ane Marie Chnste..sen Peterson, deoeas ed, and for hearing the petition of Carl Christensen and N. P. linsmussen for the issuance to them and Francis Marion Caldwell of lei ters testaments ry thereon. Witness my hand and the seal of said, eoiir this lkth day of December IS.iO. Wm. Bchtov, Clerk. - W. A. C. Atty, for Petitioners. tryan, CJ-- THE a-- Loochop. China, is excited over 1 s , red: One clay he blew in the end of a gun, And the gun in turn blew oft his ELECTRIC BITTERS. Llectric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and slug-is- h and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and oerhaps fatal bilious fevers. X.) medicine will act more surely in wunteracting ami fieeing the system from die malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bitters. 50c or $1.00 per bottle at all Drug Tores and dea.c-s- . head. PHOTOGRAPHY We desire to amimims- to the public that loth, we shall be prepared to take your pietures. We warrant our work aiut will do it at prices to suit the times. We aNo have the neirrtives, Co., ami eau made by S. J. llanoe recently superior-finiscabinet photographs furnish -therefrom at iR.fu per dozen. Call and ee us. c. H. Bin AN Co., Photographers. Nephi, Utah. after September Another Smart Woman. My husband is poor but proud and he loes not want me to work; as I have nothing to do I get restless, ami after reading in vnur paper Mrs. Russells exflatirons I perience selling oneluded I would try it. I wrote to J. F. Casey A Co., St. Louis, Mo., and they reap'd me so nicely that I felt very nucli encouraged. As soon as I got my sample iron I started out and sold s irons lie first day, clearing 612. I have not sold less than eight any day since, atip me day I sold 17. I now have 6225 clear iionev, and my husband does not know have been working, but I am afraid bo mad when I tell him. Have I lone right or should I quit work and cave him to struggle alone? An Anxious Wiff d You are doing just rigat, your should be proud of you go righ head and show the world what an ener retie woman can do. That run must be a wonderful seller, as we icar of so many that are succeeding sell-i- g -- self-heatin- g I hus-lan- g it. CO. COLOLADO DENVER. A bright and attractive JOURNAL Denoted to letter writing and com pondence, especially adapted to theta who are downhearted, lonesome arn lonely. In it you will tine pleasiin anti happiness. Through it you mat find peace at heart. Send 10 cents foi a three months trial subscription to Force of Habit. Maud Charlev said his head wont round and around just before be nipped. Ethel Oh, well, he is so used to pening bottles, you know. A I TRADE 'H - IsR MARKS DESICNS, COPYRIGHTS &C. may Anyone sending a sketch and description an invention ia qmk!v ascertain, trea, (vhotlior onmiunicat jons atrictly pirfhuhir patentable. contidentml. Oldest atreuc? forsecurmu patents in Amenta. We have a Washington onice. Patents taken through Mann & Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC ' AMERICAN, of Illustrated, large.it eireulation beautifully journal, week y, terms $,I.U) a year; any scientific fi.50six liiouihs. tspeemieih copies andiLAJsD Kook on Patents sent froe. Addrce MUNN & CO., 361 Uroudwny, New York. ELY BROTHERS, 50 Warren St., New York City. Rev. John Reid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Elys Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize his statement, It is a positive cure for catarrh if used as directed. Rev. Francis W. Poole. Pastor Central Prea, Church, Helena, Mont. Elys Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 We are prepared to save you ARRET. EAT money on everything in our line. Beef, Mutton. Tork, Bacon, Butter, There's no mystery in the saving Pork Sausage, and Ckease. It is as plain as a mountain just invite the citizens of Nephi to giv us a call. across the river. We make a North of Post First II. A. WJLLIS, Manager. specialty of the Clothing and VYe have always on hand We e Office. Who can think of BOine simple thint; to patent? cur ier..o. ibmay lain; you 4 li.ih Vr.J'mnetR!. JJ.. Ep:eO 6 I c their Ir SO t r;z . oPdl F. Idea Wanted-- An - i.-it-. -- 1 ttwi-.flf- , CITY MEAT MARKET. UJe Give you the best of meat atthe cheapest prices, and "we treat all with courtesy and Loin have been in the dairy business all have many times churned iny life and before butter would appear, tor an hour so when I heard of a churn that would churn in a minute, I concluded to try it. Every day for a week I used it, and not only could I churn in a minute, but I got more and better butter than with the common churn. This is very important information to butter makers. The churn work easily and will churn an ordinary less than sixty seconds. I churning iti have sold two dczjn of these churns in the past month. Every butter maker that lias seen me churn in less than a minute bought one. You can obtain all desired information regarding the churn . Casey A Co., St. by addressing J. Louis, Mo., awd they will give you prompt and courteous attemion. 1 A Dairyman and Porterhouse Steak 0c. per lb. straight. BolOgua, Snxisa.gos, Sugar Cured. ZIrims, I?orl., Uncoil, Uvittor nncl CIiooso on Hand. gents Furnishing business. Buy in large quantities, buy for cash, pick up all bargains and give them to the people, and alow all goods to be returned if not better values than the same money buys esewhere. When you cant get com-ple- at satisfaction elsewhere come to us. always Chas. Ockey & Sods Proprietors. (Latft Ostler & Ockey) Br.C.H. BIRD Six weeks ago I sufiered with a very severe cold ; was almost unable to apeak. My friends all advise me toconsulta physician. Noticing Chamberlain s Cough Remfedy advertised in the St. Paul Volks a oottle, and after Testh Extracted Pais. Zeitungl aprocured it short while was entirely well. taking remI now most heartily recommend tnis suffering with a cold. GOLD? GEO WSS, edy to anyone VM. Kiel,' 678 Shelby Ave.. St. Paal, PlVOTtTEETH. Minn. For sale by A. Lunt & Sons. BRIDGES AND The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells of East RUBBEB PLATES Bnmfleld, Mass., had been suffering from being able to neuralgia for two days, notwhen n Mr. Bleep or hardly keep Mtill, sent her a bottle ol Chamberlaias NEPHI OFFICE: On block tsouth Pain Balm, and asked that she give it a On meeting Mr. Wells torw and half blookfa&st of Oo-thorough trial. was told that she was all the next day he two left within her the having right, sodpain battle of Pain Balm was hours, 5.00 the if It could not be had for lese.) wortfa ...... .. For eaie at 60 cents per bottle by A. Lmni. ' -- IS Nephi s First-Clas- s gig-lamp- s. Churn ThatChurns In One Minute. ill! oeats. respect. observed the man in Excuse me. and that Shoulder or Rounnd steak and spectacles, but I am a surgeon, Never you is not where the liver is. retorted the mind weere his liver is, Mutton, 10c. per pound or 3 If it was in his big toe or his other. left ear UeWilts Little Early Risers pounds for 25c. would reach it and shake it for him. On A. hat you can bet your Lunt & Sons. A W v A. Kedden JT. Reader. A r.i a generous sample will be mailed, of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Elys Cream Balm) sufficient to demon, strate the great merits of the remedy. orb-r- cess. A' Thii la Y'our Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamp, ia-.i- od Letters PublishingCo. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE. i Door Chance to Make Money. read how one of your subscribers mule money selling Dishwashers; I tnends were one, mid inv liarmed, as they hate dish washing. My in)thr and I commenced selling them, mil have made 61,700 alter paying all oxidises. XYe dont canvass any. Our sties are all made at home. People "r send for them. The .Mound City Dish Washer is the best Dishwasher on the Our business is increasing, narket. md we are going to keep right on. until U. A. Ind.. S, Indianapolis, ve make ten thousand.doJlars. We sell mm 5 15 machines every day, and some at of many And read the addresses lavs more. The Dishwasher is lovely, wants one. There is tractive young men and women th;u very housekeeper ioexcu.se to be poor when so much de in who live are wealohy and luxry, money eau be madeseiling Dish Washers, lull particulars, address The Mound sire a correspondent. Louis, Mo. (ityDisli Washer Co., St. road to sucfney will start you on tho - the i self-heatin- NURSERY 9 recent appearance on her streets of a JeopleV because the inventor never latented it. but let everybody use it microscopic prodigy in the person of a ree. Any farmer can make a mill himdwarf, who appears to be about 50 years self, and all the material complete will who is cmly 20 inches in lot cost over $10. It is a splendid milll of age, but will vill puma the deepest wells, and height, lie has a long grey beard, ist longer than any mill I ever hail. Anl which almost reaches the ground, and 1 lersoncan get diagrams ompleta lireetions free, as 1 did, lv sending In' talks several Chinese dialects quiet to pay postage, etc. to lluently. He says that he is from the H'ri'nc'.s Uasey, St. Lotus, Mo.; he sells kingdom of the dwarfs by the western imm.is also an when you get your wind nilt going would be gla to sell you a ocean,' but further than that no one It is certainly knows anything about the prodigy. if you need it. tseb-sto pav Sbh or $ 10 for a wind mill when vou ran make one just as good for s 10, I think thereeouhl be big money A Sad Blow. nade putting these mills up through the country asevervbtdy would like them. lie blew in money for the sake of fun A Reader. Blew in od friends wbeD his nose whs eff- Lal Utah, Salruvhy, J an. Chinese Dwarf. A Money Make It Yourself! I have mver se? l in the papers abou he Peoples Wind Mill; we call it the t ol NapM, Dentist., Witat The specific and tndvernl opinions, condensed, rYou deserve great praise, and the gratitude portion of it, at f the reading world-t- hat hat is fortunate enough to read TUI. QnEAX IVII)E. Earing a field entirely its own, It la cast and ebaretCT. j tensely American inus to Bay, the iUuatradym It is useless for aatures and typography are superb equal Wol-de- Carver, t On Spwoialty. p Of it cc s: . HZ CSZAT StYICE. V. A Bob . - art" NEPHI, UTAH |