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Show Tha Republic NepM, ft tain Saturday, Nov. 21 THE S JLVER QUESTION. ATTENTION, SHEEP MEN. Lambrt Pasr Attractions. of Hint From India -- A Novel Solution th Currency Question suggested tile Lowell Morning by Times- A Her Resources, Advantages Nephi 7 j The Denver & Rio Grande B. K. on Juiy 1st unproved and enlarg. d tht.t corrals at Tenn.--.e- e sheep rss, Colori Citv is sitwpt.nl W there is the finest of mountain where i I h. v of ado, in latent Its i'fi o tU L'l i 'lilt 1tl. llN olir - lit1 and cl-- . ar running uattr, wtiieh l? ir-- t i i of A.TK'ut lire: of grass ft- -. cost to the snet;i men. The comf of free : nt-tm and ii Nml.i, WtM au-- S'Ul'l pany has also pro ided si la eping accomoatfru(iUiiiMl luinU Kalui'r .ivo.t of I erop- - of dations, which will be kept especially ascdn KfoLp.1 Li t.ih. Afi.iul mt eereaU and rtii.iiu Mus-- the labor-- , of tile ir for sheep men who stun there to i iu.thou-.aud1 tne of acre-- , of natural nn ;uUw, wateird by larue iinn.N, sheep. We can handle your inul(u, out liKt asriv.it emerald carpel. The for all eastern markets. Before orde:(- sjiad of Nephi are unexcelled Mvrtubje srai 1 for furR (' in tin mt. fruit ami that of its conti:u your cars, be sure and wr-tmis tin -, is its perft st as can Ik to either information this hauuut. B. F. Kevins, Genera! Agent, Tl e wool iiMustvv of this locality, is one of George A. IIawkfs, Traveling Fre. lark t ia I uli, and is such as tv demand t ic at aiiidii of two wealthy firms and l.uve Agent, w;uW iiss Jcr the sionag and handling of A. J. Gregory, Tiavcling Freieh t ie p (Him t. 5S West 2nd A coup!' of miles east of the ami uear Agent. St., Salt Lake city, the im utli of Salt (. reek (inon, is a veritable city. Con crsst.iiUed mountain tf pniv irpMiin. ve im nt to Hit nr lndm? ami i xlnnped to the beiiieontiir.u.;-DeWitts Witch Ha, i Salve is an lain Matos ot the Pacitic Coast, 3tk) tons la- -t soothing and aoplic itiou month beinjjr tht output. for burns, scald, cuts e.e., aud cures pi les like magic, ltn.iirly stops Up S.Vt Crook oan.xon and north about mno mi os, pure salt springs rush from pain the mountain side, anil by means of one of the most complete sat manufactories m the Uni teil Mates, the Urine is converted into table, Ntfne But Ayers at the worlds Fair. dairy aud pnokiu.? salt that has but few equals ami no superiors in the worn. Tne brine is 35 per rent, .alt and the &hj ply practical y Ayers Sarsaparilla enjoys the exttry unlimited. In add'tion to the manufactured ord. nary distinction of having been the or several are mines there product, quarries only olood purifler alloaed an exhibit of rock salt, the extern of which eaunot be Worlds fair, Chicago. Manufacturi compuU d. ers of other sarsaparilias sought ny every Asa distributing point, Nephi recofrnies means to obtain a showing cf their goods, hut one Miponor in Utah. It is tiie key to but they were all turned away under the Southern Utah, and a itn the a1 vantage of two application ot the rule forbidding the enout to the east aud south, railroads r try of patent medicines and nostrumss t o m tiiim. question, the lest point in The dicision of the Worlds fair authoriI tah s ,.! ishinetit of mauufactorits ties in favor of Ayers Sarsaparilla was .. .v uouse.s. a ml . an effect as follows: "Ayers Sarsaparil- The attractions of Nephi as a residence ila is not a patent medicine. It does not in their variety. It is Kitu- - belong to the list of nostrums. town, aie It is here ated on aluust ihe highest portion of the di- on it8merits. vide that turns tne llow of waters north into into the Sevier rivUtah lake and south-vnv- d er, thence on ward to the Sevier lake the dead sea of Millonl Count.v. Its altitude, gravelly Roil and perfeet diamaye insure the best ol liealtn, in foot, the conditions are such, that but two cases of dipthena have occurred iu hve jears amonr a popiiidtion of nearly 3.u00. Nephi City Boarding House The Its citizens are thritt.v and prorressive wide streets and avenues of larjje shade trees, oosej cottages, baiuiful lawns nnd elegant Hot and Gold Baths. modern public buildings make of Nephi a place in which life i a real luxury. phn-.-C'- - WHOUESAL , JO- SUPPLIES y- - z. , lu-t- rv I, The Times says: It recently happened hat a resident of Lowell desired to pay. a bill due to a friend who is a medic U missionary la British India. The lrend country suggested from that that it be paid in Ayers Sarsaparilla, which he said is i far-awa- OfKR E n- the bill. A letter dated lUhuri, India, Oct, 13, has just been received in Lowell, The Sarsaparilla was duly which says: received and as it has a regular market quotation price, was converted into cash with the utmost facility.. Whatever nny be said about other sarsaparillas and the medicinal value of their coutents, their fact remains, that Ayers Sarsaparilla is so well known in India that it has a market value, dependiag ubon the fluctuation mler-moiii- d j anti-septi- c, j -- in the value of THE SILVER RUPEE, as much as cotton or other staples. This is not the case with any other sarspirilU of American make. The natives of this country are very conservative, and unless an article is well known they are shy about using it. A native will take a bottle of Ayers Sarsapirilla from my dispensry and walk off with it without raising a question as to its purity or curative qualities. This is the truth, and I do not scruple to let you make whatever use of the statement you may choose. Thesuccessof this remedy in this country shows that judicious alvertisia ; of a I f meritorious article has accomplished. had UP ' o- x . ? II. HAWKINS BARTON CO. ea-.- PlCToS Tha List of Unclaimed Letters. Following is a directory of hustlers: The unclaimed letters remaining 1896 is as C. inNephipost office Nov. 1st. follows. and wealthy the W estern . also read this St. Mary County, Mechanicsville, of Md. I sold a bottle Chamberlains Pain Balm to a man who had been sufferwith rheumatism for several years. ingmade him a well man. A. J. Magill. It sale For at 50 cents per bottle by A. Lunt&Sun, Druggists. EAGLE GOLDEN M. SEMI-wEEKL- good- W. M. CO, C5 am am Fairfield .. . 3. JO Street. .VC laa UbsGfibe - For - 1 Oliver W. Mink, E. Ellery Anderson, Republic John W. Doane, Frederick K. Coudert, Receivers. COOPERATIVE fsr W Agency MERCANTILE p pi . s YALLEY IUILWAY EXCELSIOR MERCANTILE CO., Dealer--i- n (Tner.vl Merchandise, Paxmau, CII James bujit. CC?VS! For !nf'rmatfnTi and ro HU;SN & CO., iA r-err Oldest bureau wry pufent ti'.on ot.l- the public by a - lb- I : k :jv ' ": ' ' . v i.i 1 Lt I ' r v ' v Larfrost crculntlnn of nnv n N i..( xvojM. h'picndldiv liUisf-iti.- l. witbvut 1. We U, l inan fBo id IU1 r, CO, rear; 1.". six months. Addrs... Citr. TLLLisiiLLii, Broadway, ..cvv m Iol Supt. ' Railway. fa - a DeWitts Little Early Risers. Th famous Little pills. OOIfFAiS! ROCKY Choics cf Three Distinct Routes, ir--c methods of not ap-- J placable to the work of tne Ameri- can farmer of today. If von vti-- h heep fully informed of the st ways and means of successfu'ly pTORfi'est i'le West or diM 7, YgiiasrsnaTiJ at th expense of au immense out lay of time and morcy ? XOca num-aberorl a year is thewiJicost of the magazine which J1 only ive you thedesired information. It is handsome, practical and instructive. '.THE IRRIGATION AGE. CHICAGO. i' Pabl.shl by G. K. GIRLING. TI2I3 V,TR!.r EACH WAY SCEU ' f 7, f BKTWnVJf cjl made in Union Depots. FRE. THE HOST IS EQUIPPED T.S WTTJ. T l ns. ri- HouL-hitfffv- L 1 m r H i ! ' Tor partlculaj-- O'lxe riOIiIMERCIAL s ' sddress News 1rintlng Co., Colo. Denver, wOLLEuE - TOPL'KA, KANSAS. Dont Forget DISLASLiB Th' i The Old Reliable OF TMU SHIN. smartiniv and (,, lent to ci.cris, titter, ia instantly allayed t iisffseE of the ijij .ying Ciirrabcilains bye and Bki Jintnicnt. J.I.iny vc ry bad a have be-rIt is equallv permanently cured by it. efiieient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyex For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. intep.se ifeliipw r.rui TROY s RAIL WAT Cady 's C ondition FowJers, tbe Huihsta.'hfU r pors'iieeds irhe i id tied uwnJi 'fy ftq. Tdr. Niovi Ittilif' i- - i ''-1-1' Ulgl STEAM LAUNDRY, Satisfaction shlt-rlicuu- i, - THOEOCf-HL- . . j r ca-e- CHAIR re of Charge Direct Connections .!. i u 1- ' OGDEN, SALT LAKE AND DENVE mmm . t. l to a limited number of persons Tills course will b completed in 40 lessons. No charge for Uiplojnas A id.ess, p. TAL ru vylTf Jm i J One Foffii?i Regular Price S born fide prize ofTar ever mnd New s tf the -- it Is Oliver's paper of fl hdrnnon; it is the In tlirmsrht. as In n" t . Ur. J 'l etilri rc-tand t iv Mie l.itest end fullest min-- k it i orilrt iri n i: It haj Fpeclal -' iii'hDur M ir n Ir (- . (.1 P(1 the Farm, the M urnfM ami 8l the brightest rj u rui Id et oinment of the daily edi h hiv tn four. in it. it presents in con-- of s II the world it Is 'v, ,j fr,j m thew f.iimtv i,ip-iff ut iier. A nff the Uerklv N dvv In determined to haw the iHrirpvt circulation 'ri n iv pviic-river and the bpiwpon 'J illOUDt fore It (Hters to the .ns in tiie number of $1 year-or- e su'i i it lions I September lit next ucse unequalled l izes. REGULAR AGENTS COMMISSION I ALLOWED IN IOOITION. CONTEST CEE I NS AT ONCE. OPEN TO EVERY BOOT EVERYWHERE. h llfJ IVes Sixth Street. RAILROAD T'jo Fast Express Trains Da ELEGANT SAMPLE ;CPY NEW WhEKLY iOGKY MOUNTAIN NEWS. 't To advert'sc i.ur College we will give in Douthorough coin e of ble and Single Kiiri lion an d Commciclai Aid by mail, at THROUGH THE Egyptian aariculture are A $1,000 i oiit-tic- AL 15-- IL 8. Kerr, G. F. & F. Agent, Mant a RA1LVAY1 'i Denver, Colo., C0UI1SI , : . Ancient kj "i & Prizes Separate . . . . ONE PRIZE OF Th 'SECURE THIS THE uu.WrioxVu. pBAUb Ui a 55 Balt Lake City, inWESTERN.4 KNOWI.ES .t WKPB, Wheel Wrights. IlYDE .fc W II r MOKE, (it'iiui ..1 Mei cianihse. TIIOs. BELLI T JX, gt. Mt. P.e.is.mt Marble C H. HIUD ve F AITHFL'X MEN omtn t for rtsponxihlc house in Utah. Salarr 70, payable and ex pence,. Position permanent. nee. Maniped envelope. Ttie National, fetar Btnldintrd hio lnPrlzes ! GIVEN AWAY IN Thkodork Bruback, Fres. & Ueni Manager, : C.'U'V' fOST QSNSFICEST aa Home Print Weekly Published in Utah. AH Trains leave Manti for Sterling, Funks Lake and Morrison at 3:00 p. m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Returning arrive al Manti at 6:00 p. m. Direct connections at Nephi with Unioa PadiHc Railway from and to Salt Lake City, Ogden, Butte, Provo, Milford and intermediate points, and all points East and West. Stop on nignal. The Company reserves the right to varj rom this Time Table at pleasure AND TUB or . -- mi","! VSE, PHOTOGRAPHY f f and Best ' As a rule I srn opposed to proprietary medicines. Still I value a good one, especially when such is the source of relief Work. lrom Him. As a topical (external) application 1 have found Chamberlains Pain Dl mist. Balm the test remedy 1 have ever used lor neuralgia cf any kind. 1 have consci- J. A BOOT. I, it to many Dentist. entiously recommended persons." IVilliam iior.E.M. D., JanesFOOTE, ville, Wis. Sold by A. Luut A Son. T. H.Dealer m G ner il and Green Groceries. Druggists. 'lTANTEI-SEVrR- Hcisicst, fl Fortune A.Cuzier, supt. Biacknitiiing. We (Ipmi'p to announce to toe public that nftcr Scj tcuiber l.ith, v c shall be prepared to take jour pictures. e warrant our work and will do it at prices to suit the times, Weai-ohathe negrtn ck, recently made bv S. ,T ltance A Co., aud can f'.iriusii superior-tiisb cabinet photographs theieliom at frj.au per dozen. Call and see us. C. II. Hkvan A to., Photographers. Nephi, Utah. The Largest, Soienlins ifficricao STOUT, PEXTON & Physicians. SAN PETE ; NEBO SALT MANUFACTURING CO. by SP3, -. ltep.urer of Boots and Shoes. CIIAS. FOOTE & SONS Dealers in General Merchandise. W. DENVER. . . Ncpil, Utah J Semi-Weekl- e, PlEELO, COLORADO pm Ail kindsof repair,Work done Main PETTEGREW, iManutactur ot and dealerj in Harness, baddies, and supplies. JNO. b PAINTER, Dealer iu General and green Groceries. Nephi. ASPEN 4.3 pm Lureka... TIME TABLE NO. 16. Effective Sunday, November 17vh, 1895. Silt LakeJCity. J. W. Ord, Supt. Two teams (weight 1,600 and 2,200, with wagon and harnesses for sale at a Darguin. Call on or write. A, T. LEADVILLE, Blacksmith, SALOON, ORD BROTHERS CLOTHING CO, Reduced to $2.00 per Year After Jun Dealers in Ciutlnug aud Gents fu rnlshings 1896. OSTLER A OCKEY, Butchers. On June 1st the Sal. Lake Tribune will y to reduce the price of the II. H. HAWKINS, 2 00 per year. The present high standBoarding houe and Restaurant. ard will be maintained, and eery effort will be made to keep the Semi- - Weekly in J. M C. OSTLER, Boot and .shoe maker. the Irout rank. FRANCIS SELLS, I un.ituro and undertaking. its Value Recognized & W. H, For Sale. 9 of the World. . A. B. Palmer, I OSTLER ALLEN, AM.UiUl.icturers of Harness and Saddles ami dealers in all kinds of horse furnishing NEPHI TBIBUNE. y . Blackett iiro-.- . Proprs. Dealers in Wines, Liquors etc. P. KONG, Cabinet and Coflln Maker. Sheep-Men- SALT LAkE cPlurnb-eis- Rio Grande EFFECTIVE APHIL 20 1894. Train No. 2 leaves ar- Lakes 05 a. ri es at Fueblo 6:10 a in., Colorado in. Springs 8.40 am 7 M pm Lehi J UTKt , 8.40 am 5 CS pm 7 .M a. ra. Denver 10 20 a. in., Cripple Creek 0 e 8 50 am 7 10 pm Auirr'n lurk K'ain 5.18ptu a. in. Shortest line to Cripple Croek, Colorados 8.5rt am 7 17 pm Plcast Grove 8 Slam 5. It pm great gold camp, T l ain No 4 leaves Salt Lake 740 9. CO am 7 40 pm pin .... Provo ... 8 imam 4 p. m. arrlTW. 9 40 am 7.79 pm Spanish Fork 7. 44 am 4 34 pm at Pueblo 5.27 p. in. t olor&do Springs, 6:50 p. 9 57 am 8 It pm ... 4 21 pm in., Denver tf 2o p. m. 7.C9am Pajsou... 11.00 am 9 15 pin Connections made at Fueblo, Colorado 335 pm ....Nephi...,Lv 640am 1140 pm Art 6 00 am Springs and Denver wub all lines east. I0.C5 pm Lv) Juao Ar ft 00 am day coaches, chair cars, and Pullman 1C 01 am 3 35 am sleepers on all trains. Take the I. Sr K. O. an Leamington C 00 &iu 200 a in ....Oasw, . have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest 2 ht) am Clear Lake J 05 am scenery on tile continent. b C5 am Ar J Mil- - t Lv 9 10 A. N. IiUt.ll Fs, S. K. HOOPER, pin 7.05 am Lv t ford ( Ar 8 45 pm Trallic Manager, C. P. A T. A. 8.45 am ....Frisco 7.30 pm Denver, tiolo. B. Arrive M. F. II. Leae NMIXS, CUSHING, 1 on Uuneral No. South, Trav. Agent, Tuesday, Sleeper Thursday Afft, aud Saturday. Salt Lass Citt, UTaii. Sleeper on No. 2 North, Monday, Tuesdays and Trains suuh of Juab run dally except SUN DAIS Two through trains daily from Sail Lake to all points East. Through Pullman Palace Sleepers frDm Sait Lake to Chicago without change Improved Tourist Sleepers. 1 ee Kccliuing Chair cars. Klegant day coaches. The only line operating dining ear service. Kepbi. The shortest atd fastest liue to all points east. E. D. AVICKIXS, Agent, Nephi. D. E. Burley, Genl Agt. P&ssgr. Dept.p City Ticket Office, 201 Main t.. Salt Lake. E. L. Lomax, Gen'i Passgr. aud Ticket Agt. E. Dickinsou, Genl Mugr., Omaha S. H. H. Clark, 9.- 10. 5 Bicycles are the Best. Second South St. SOUTH railroad. I The National & Barnes - & Scenic Line In effect, Aprils, WG. Train arrive aud depart at various stations daily as follows: Soutli bound. Stations. Northbound The Only Line Leave Leave Arr. Arr. Knnnuiff Two 30 2 ft am 00 Id i pm..,. Ogden pin S 00 pm Through FaM 3 30 run 3 M pm Ar Salt j Lv 4 00 pm 7 00 pin Trains Daily to 7.40 am 0 od jin Lv f Lake Ar 9.15 mu 6 .10 pm S 00 am 0 CO pm . 9 15 am 6 01 pm Sandy Come and see us. UTAH WOOI, GROWERS ASSOCIATION, : Bsnvsr Lead in the race ANDREWS CO., Dealers iu Wool, Grain etc. E. K. Booth, Manager. Mrs. Dsmia L. or S. Taylor Mrs. L. Asnman NEFIII HOUSE, Mr. O. C. K. Wells, Mis. E. tioldsorough'propr. Orson A. Whittaker. UNION HOTEL, John W. Johnston Mih. C. U. Foote, propr. Mr. Arthur Devnir. M. McCUNE, If the above letters are not called for in ai.d Coufectioriary. 30 days, they will be sent to the dead letA. LUNT& SON, ter office. Druggists. H. F. McCune, P. M. COOPER, PYPER A CO. Dealer-- , iu ilaidware, Tinners and If Troubled With Rheumatism Read This. Annapolis, Md., Apr. 16, 1894. I Pain Bain for have used rh umatism aud round it to be all that is claimed lor it. I believe it to be the best preparation for rheumatism and deep seated muscular pains, on the market and cheerfully recommend if to the nubile. Jno. U. Brooks, dealer iu boots shoes, etc., No. IS Mam St. A.W. CAINE Nephia business EhUOOM LOCAL TIME CARD. s portion oi Deep Creek and otherin 5 row mg camps are situated part ot Juab County. Sa 23 WEST FIRST Main Street ifi with a complete system of in quantities on any medicine J would It supplied alontr which Hows the water from some three miles up the prefer Ayers Sarsaoarilla to any ether pure hprinjfs distant Id tue west alout five miles, the twenty times over, for I know that I catj.um. inonutcdn raujre is low, rmiinr and of eay ac & could get my money back in the former ccs, and abounding ilh rich pasturage. To of miles, tile Nebo ranre u the eat couple case while in the other I should have to abrubtlj t to the north a few miles etail it bottle by bottle in order to realize the top of id t. Nebo rises into the regions of lum.uio, As a currency Ayers eternal snow. tnyj money. RETAIL Without ex ageration and without coloring, WHOLESALE Sarsapajilla might be cumbersome, but is a description of the lovely ooe thing would be sure youd always the foregoing in Main St. Salt Lake City. city of Nephi. the Capital of Juab County winch are lound the mines of Tintio, the wonget the value 01 the dollar invested in the der ami Jiilnnrivt.ou of the Great West. remedy. Tunic, the rich mines of Fish Springs, a w AND o e 1 On application to the J. C. Ayer Co., they readily cave an order on their Bombay agents for a quanty of Sarsaparilla to an amount equivalent to the face of list of incs. Cutters, etv. Tvv gta--the- -, y MONEY LOCKED ' . ropers, plain and Printed wrapping , AS GOOD ASGOLDl I IN PRINTERS t- - -- DEALER Co. iuaranteod. Work called for and dc v red eerv week Ladies shirt waists a speei.ilty. Office at Sparks Candy A: CL'ur store. E H. Viant-- An Spirks Jr. Agent. Idea ga thlnit simple imtentf Protect vour Ideas; thev may bring you wealth Write JOHN WLDDEKBtRN ft CO , Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. X,fnr their $1.8uo prize offer o Lundr' i Livcnuona v. cutoci. and list of |