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Show - WE GIVE YOU An I PEOPLE, Who U not atlvortie Are flow to open their eyes. Paper v'y JS i(Opr year. VOLUME IV. NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1896. No. 23, urge the people to get the spirit of, privileged to be present on this The sectarian world commence F I) DEC the gospel and to get the spirit of important occasion, He was also their prayers in that manner. They God; that it may be a monitor glad to have the privilege of being do not realize what they are saying unto them, and if we follow its present when the venerable presi- - While on the other hand the saints llO'.Y it President Wilford Woodruff Was a dictates we shall not be hart. He dent of this the church of Christ of God fully realize the importance That is AjijiLTlfb at lated some visitations he had re-- j was among us. lie spoke of the of this prayer. It is a certain conWriting. ceived aud spoke of the necessity many times he and president solution to every son and daughter Central Figure. of the people redeeming their dead, Woodruff had been together and of God to know that their Father Chior sang an antliem; Daughter the good feeling which, existed be- - in Heaven is ready and willing to The Gold Standard Prevails Bryan Says A Great Crowd ol People Attended all the of Zion. Benediction was offered tween them. I tlia ik God that we answer tlie prayers that are offered That It Is Only tie Commencement Meetings The Tabernacle was with us ol the Fight. him to he once up to him in humbleness. I know have Gy Bishop Warner. today Crowded Sunday Afternoon. mid-more in our and give us good that the God of Heavens lives. That SATURDAY fvenino 7:33. counsel of words and cheer. He the priesthood which he has given The election of Major McKinley God moves Congregation sang. The Quarterly Conference of the in a was a man who had truly ben to us is true, aud I know that the to the high and exalted office of mysterious way. Juab Stake of Zion was held in the in these the la.-- t duys vpfiit of God is with this people, President of the United States, is Prayer was offered by bishop T. called of God Tabernacle Oet. 31 , and November II. G. Parks. Choir and congrega- and who had received the same He will he with us at all times if the verdict the majority' of the 1, 1896. tion sa ii'iu page G6. Apostle power that the Prophet Joseph had we do that which is right in the Americans have rendered. President Wni. Taxman, presid- Tease. ii It shows one remarkable fact o ce of the treatment of when lie was here in the flesh. He sight of God. He related the time 1 s A an lined to ing. ord was the of the silver craze is not dead that he first when heard the and the disciples of earlyChri-ciongospel apirt Our the Savior and n The choir sang tlie hymn, of Christ. How one night he tame assume people suppose, hut rather and important gave the reasons Mountain Home. tor tills in home after a hard day'w toil from that it is the beginning to a greater why Apostles and Bishops were offered was of the fullness of Imres of Lake Ontario. Opening prayer The fight yet to come. ordained and how long these wre dispensation cited a of es, the Tur result of this election mayT as lie lim was and wet Apostle Geo. TeasJale. anu to exist. It was plainly shown portion chilly, night After which, the choir sang how hit on of dark home a life, he got inside the door of his bring about a heller state of tilings, that the ordinances are chang e! hhUny Go. on page liymn from what they were when the foggy night ia Lon loti lie received how he was told that two Mormon however, i:i that the money- power, President Paxmnn was the early Christian church was organiz-ied- . the gospel of Chri.--t and was lulp- ehh rs had been to his house and recognizing the progress of the the reviewed 1 and present speaker It is not likely that Gol li:; by an elder of the gospel of had left word that they would hold ver movement, will see that somecondition of affairs pertaining to would change these principles as th j onlv true church. a meeting that night, lie went to thing must be done to bring about the religion and needs of the Latter-da- they are eternal. The true modi lie 1 ved tlie scriptures; love 1 to that meeting and there he heard a settlement of the money question. j Saints, in regard to their of baptism was here fully explained. read of the Sons of God and their the gospel for the first time. He At heart, we belmvo that Willduties. The necessity of perform- It is necessary that the present in by gone times. He asked felt a new hope and he had a iam McKinley is a silver man, as in'o their labors for the dead and quorums he filled that all may be history tlie e mrregitioa to reflect for one desire to know more of that gospel. his speeches in congress will show, the training of the youth of Zion in good working order. That moment and think of the glorious He bought a book of Mormon and but it is also patent to the thinking were vividly explained to the peo- priesthood may he magnified. UP nil night to read it' The mind that the moned east have plan of redemption which Pad ple. President Woodruff said that no been opened up for us as a people. next (Giy he went aud asked to he uch a grasp on American instituto The choir than sang Glory will he unable, if tlie one ever received exaltation exc Thiuk of the glorious temples baptized, aud he and his brother tions that he God on high,' of opportunity- occured, to do any by ordination. The Priesthood was which have been reared up to the were baptized into the church Counselor Charles Sperry exGod. I have grown up with that thing on the question of finance. brought to the earth after it had most high where we can blessfor the bis gratitude Another thing tho late election pressed which I heard on that been taken from the earth 1,800 gate and officiate in the ordinances gospel should we said lie has shown is that several states ings enjoyed. years. Joseph Smith and Oliver of the church of Christ. Think of Aormy night in lSoo. e train the youth of Zion properly. RepubWe are engaged in a glorious work which have previously-gonCowdery received it and centered the great and mighty privileges related his Teasdale Apostle it upon others until it now em- - which have been opened up for us. and ought not to trouble ourselves lican, have aligned t.iemseleys with early experience in the church and braces many. President Woodruff Think oi tnosc o.ncers m Lien lie ,mm uncut tlie affairs of tuiswor.il. lie the silver movement. j10pe,j) however, that they would look showed how necessary it is for all related some Time will prove whether the very interesting ex- given to us: Apostles, prophets, after the things of God instead of work- to keep the commandments of God periences of his life in relation to etc. Think of the love mg too much lor tlie things of the judgment of the American people in order to enjoy the Spirit and the priesthood. If we wish to be evangelists one. if Major Mcbless- - world. I want the young men who are is the correct One who Father. in the Sabbath schools to grow up pro- Kinley- will stand on tlie pla'.form fellowship of our saved and receive the blessings of p not God will of the Many of the young men are of previous years, we have no fear perly. enjoys spirit the Gospel we mustkeep its princi- ture before us if we will lie ior it. to smoking, drinking, which i3 not or leaders gjvt,n file his find tault with to ples. The speaker related tlie Eye has not seen the greatness right in the sight of God. Do not be of the outcome. All ,ve desire in the American see is general. that things people manner in which tlie Prophet Jos- which God has in st re for us. We discouraged with reguid to your relig- shaThe choir sang from page 29, the will that see better vvid times; to and is and rei uur you igion true charges eph gave the keys a we will lonif have hereafter glorious Arise O Glorious Zion. tlie twelve Apostles. None other only be faithful to the covenants foil it all right. lie related an itici- dows of poverty- which have been dent of tlie power aud spirit of Don hovering over the country, may- - he Benediction by Patriarch David have received them. JosepliSmitli of tlie Church of Christ. No man while he was traveling in Staffordshire Tdall. held all the keys that had ever can claim that he baptized us. I during the early days of the church in dispelled: and that the unemployed - be SATURDAY AT 2 F. M. the recipients of been revealed to man. England. M bust in the Potteries he millions maywas baptized by Jesus Christ.-Tha- t As President Woodruff entered, had been speaking nearly erery night, better and happier prospects. Congregation sang Doxlogy. is, the elder of the church ,vlo and moreover he was Loked to speak and tlie congregation arose sang Till: Cot'XlY, Benediction by Elder C. II. Bird. performed tlie ordinance said, SOIUe t0 for tiBje coaK, Xbe next night We Thank the O God for a ProSUNDAY AFTERNOON. This county ha s shown the most Having been commissioned of, however, tire spirit of God told him etc. phet. The services Sunday were the Jesus Christ, I baptize you in tlie that that would he the hist time he remarkable Hops of any- - election. offered President was by Prayer would tptek in those parts for some A centre which h is hitherto been bpst attended of any that have name of the Father, the Son and Win. Iaxman. to come, lie thereupon asked time been held for some time. The peo- tlie Holy- Ghost. Showing that the Lord to reveal to him what lie in impregnable; publican fortress Choir sang from page 170. deter- our Lord and Savior .Tesus Christ w ished him to do. lie was told to go has surrendered!,.) the Democracy. President Woodruff expressed ple seemed as if they were mined to make a united effort to commissioned these men to go t0 a pjace about eighty miles distant. The present indications showing his pleasure in having the privlege forth and fulfil these ordinances. He did not ask any questions but went that the whole Democratic ticket d listen to the of meeting with the people of atte; and Arriving there he lias been elected. words of the venerable He knew that Brother Woodruff as commanded. a time wa:s as it a long fouiul quite Neplii, great many people who were In conclusion n e hope that tlie president of the church of Christ, was a prophet before lie came to ready to receive the gospel. Be bapsince lie last met with them. the position which lie occupies to- tised about two thousand people before croakers and calamity howlers will Wilford Woodruff. Counselor J. W. Paxman spoke President, I myself have heard Brother he left for other parts. Also showed kindly- - step aside and let those who day-. The choir saug the hymn of the blessings the gospel had con-- f r concerning to the saints that he was called upon are now-- elected t pow-e- in the land of Israel, our Only De- Woodruff prophecyred upon him. President Wm. also and there ings that would come to pass. to visit the Fox islands pass such legislat ion for the Ameriwere desirous to Paxman gave a report of the con- lightwho found he many conclusion he asked the Saints In can people that will result in President Sperry offered up to be faithful to obedience tu the piinciples of the dition of the Juab Stake. All the the gospel of Christ give benefit if they cannot most holy faith. Spoke of the eudow- leaders of the Stake were united prayer. and earnestly exhorted them to the do tint, the people are the judges The choir than sang hymn and the people desired to live right faithfulness. He asked them to he Prophet Joseph, Also of how he had and will fire them in 1900. The High Priests, seventies, elders page 132. kind to their children. Direct been through the persecutions at K fit There is one consolation, the The first ward bishopric then priests, teachers and deacons quorminds from all debasing in- laud and otner places. their country is destin ed to progress unums, relief socity, Y. M. and Y. L. officiated at the sacrament. fluences. In the name of Jesfis The Baints of God wTl be safe when der any adminioteration, and we The choir then sang a sacramenM. I. A., primary and Sabbath judgements are being poured out Christ and by the power of the the to over the face of the. earth. That the trust that no one will attempt Schools etc,' were reported in a tal hymn. conin bless this I this of holy priesthood yon (f (j ,j wi;i coiue in tlie clouds of block the wheels progress Apostle Teasdale was the first prosperous condition, but regretted Amen. heaven and dwell with the saints for a direction, gregation. that some of our young men are speaker called upon to address the The officers of tlie church were thousand years on the eaith. Look at being led estray by the evil influ- Saints of God. He hoped, lie said then these things as they are. Nu man had before the placed congregation of to tlie cf a have ences in our midst. this authority since tlie church dwinportion spirit Card of Thaliks. and Presidents Woodruff. Wilford dled into unbelief till tho power was Choir then sang. PresidentWood-ruf- f the Lord and more especially- the F.Smitli and George Q Can- - given to the Prophet Joseph Smith. To all those who so kindly assisted spoke of the weak confound-din- spirit which had been enjoyed Joseph The gospel of life ami salvation was to us in our sorrow and troble we desire with all the various non, together lie the strong, and related many throughout the conference. officers of tho various stake and both Jew ami Gentile. No matter how toexpress our siucere thanks and gratishow went on to that the his of life, people of interesting experiences whether I tarry for only a tude and apprer.ibte every favor and ward associations, were uuanimosly long Iorlive, while not the gospel of Chiist will sentiment of symphity which was spoke of the judgment of God com- God should be thankful that they sustained. go on and fulfil its destiny. God bless shown. ing upon the earth and those that lived in. this day- and age of the Amen. you. Mrs. Lomu Farmer A Mother. President Wilford Woodruff was have now begun, and no power on world when the gospel had been Taxman 6aid that we aro President earth can stay them. He related restored. It wras not the I earing then called upon to address the all able to bear testimony to the prayer the early experience of the church of the word alone but the doing of Saints and in substance wa3 as which was offered up at the commenceWood will be taken on subscription st hope subscribers will take Onr Father, who art in ment of the conference. We love our this office. ofWe this in Utah and contrasted it with the the will of the Father that gave us follows: and keep ns secure advantage the cold shivering blast of winter, present condition. Exhorted the the salvation which we are seeking Heaven, hallowed be thy name, president. We love him because of his from a goo4 worth and great goodness. Beloved (f there isinanything weli'iebeBidf bet drink winter it is a nice resy lire te people to be faithful to their cov to obtain. He congratulated the Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be ill by. Continued On Page 5. enants and said he felt inspired to brethren and sisters that we were done on earth as it is in heayen.S li j; , : J j ' j j d : : i j s po.-itio- y i j ! i j -' - - j ' j God-in-spiri- Ite-deem- er i j j g |