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Show Tbe Republic, Nephi, Utah, Saturday, Oat. 31. 8 THE CITY FOR SALE; The it cn dress patDont miss the cbm; tern at the Excelsior next week. The candidates are d jw oh the anxious seat. Nephi J. V. Robinson was a visitor olto House. and apoke in the Central The Exielaiura add u page 4 should be read. Watch our Bargain Counter for Remnant nxt week. Cbas. Foote & Sons. A new lot of felts and overs now ready Dent be bitten on for you at the rubber goods. Come and buy overa ttat will stand the ward. we have placed During election on sale an iunnenee stock of flannel and liuseya. It will pay you to come and examine the good and j rices at the Coop this week. Fisher Harris mad j one i the greatest speeches ever given in Nephi. The people d him iu his sallies Irequeualy against Arthur Lruwu. Ladies when you come out to cat your vote just step into the 'ixcelaior and see tne tieautuu. dr si giola selling at reduced price... They have beautiful trimmings to match every piece. Ladles and mothers now is tb time to fl. yourselves aud families out wita the newest d esses in the market, wita lovely trimmings tj match. Excelsior. Doat forget that vri l uve an overstock of splendid clothi .g tuat we are making sacnlices to close o il. IDreie warmth aud durability for terry ic.le outlay. Awarded Mcrry-go-rjun- TOWN TALK. Worlds Fair. Highest Honors DCl HAVE YOJ The Thurman Judge merry-go-roun- was d. la town thl Week. B. N. C. Stott, of Eureka, was att ending court this week, ' Take a ride on the galloping ponies. Only 5 cents six for 25. Utah flannel underwear only f2.00 a suit Ord Brothers. Bide will be received lor moving the xnerry-go-roan- d. Jnnt think Utah flannel only f2.00 a suit. Ord Bros. For Sale House and lot. Apply to T. L. Foote, Nephi. Dont look at the Excelsior's adJ on page 4. have to Ifyoa want a nice tie you lonly v cal on Ord Bros. at Sugar $5.00 per Sack. 18 lbs. for fl.00 Cbas. Foote 4 Sons. If you want badges, streamers, etc., call at the Republic office. H Cheap sate on dress goods at Excelsior next week. Dress goovs at greatly reduced prices next week at Excelsior. All dress goods go cheap next week at Excelsior. Carpets and furniture can be had cheap at Exceslsior. For sweet botatoee go to T. B. Foots Frees oysters in. If you want any Job printing done come to ue. the Every one enjoys 6a ride25oncents. 5 cents for T. B. Foote for oranges, grapes and bannanaa. Bar your hats and furnishings goods of Ord Bros, and get the latest. The Excelsior has another of their big cheap cash sales on next week. The prettiest shoes for pretty feet are at the p store see them. Attend the Y. M. M. I. A. it will benefit you. Attor ney D'nniny was in town attend ingto legal matters. W. L. Pickett spoke in the Central School House last Saturday evening. Call and see our beautiful satin lined Ilk sewed suits, floe things. Ord Broa. Look out for great bargains In Dress Goods next week at Cbas. Foote & Sone. It may not be newa to tha citizens of Nephi but snow fell la the streets this merry-go-roun- d. We have a nice it cf S' Louis jacket i, ami very preityjlir Ladie-.- , mce Just iho tuiiig fur winter. El and comfort secured at ones. The op. ods A rich treut ur all that wactdr at Excelsl .t ail next week linn ..eus of ; dress bwautitui and tew pat eru Juctiou lengths must go at wonJe fu. .ust and for cash. They ail have ths must stylish tnai:ui..gs tu uia.,.j. 1 Mi-tes- , . nid-re- n. merry-go-ro- u lues) . 1 " LrTiDCJ. Yon:;.(5HiCAGOc,ric:r:r;vrl LOWn ST PRICES ELEGANT ASSORTMENT LATEST STYLES MADE. MOST PERFECT A pure Grape Cream of f Anrronia, Murr. o YtS 4C PERFECT FIT AND HIGHEST GRADE OF WORIUAARGHIP GUARANTEED to Icbk at their eampteo ax Invited are You A Free Tartar Powder. ary cCer Julttrrsf. tbe. ftf- - Georte R. Sims, tbs Lmdan wrtrvsr, is crusade. It at the head of an is stated that - Las caused hair to grow on 60,000 bald heads. His recipe is paraffine oil. With two small children subject to croup we do not t easy without a bottle of Chamberiaina Cough It medy in the house, for t e most severe attacks quickly succumb to a few doses of it. 25 Morrson, Colo., Bud. For sile at anti-bal- d b- HYDE & WHITMORE CO. re-- and 59 cents per botCe by A. 2,000 SAMPLES OF Lunt & Son Druggists. hoars-ness- flitted. short The management politely announce: reqneets all ladies to remove their hats. Ayers Hair Vigor, which has outlived and superseded hundreds of similar preparations, is undoubtedly the moi fashionable as well as economical in the market. By its use, the poorest head of hair soon becomes luxuriant and beautiful. ' The bottom of tha Peolfic between Hahair-dressin- g waii and California ia said to be ao level that a railroad could be laid tor 500 milea without changing tha grade anywhere. I'bie fact was discovered by the United States surveying vessel engaged in making soundings with a view pf laying a cable. Human lifn li lit id tco cheaply when the individual wr.o needs a tonic for his system, seeks to cover his wants by purchasing every new mixture that is recommended to him Remember that has a Ayers Sarsauarilla reputation of inty years standing. That was a great bet that Tom Foote and Jack Edgeill made the other day, Tom was betting on lir.au. The nature of tbebei is that if Bryans elected John has to put oa overalls aud black Toms shoes opposite Foots store, then he wheels him over to the post ofllee in a well-earne- d If Bryan looses Tom will wheelbarrow. have to officiate in overalls etc Chronic constipation is a painfnl, disredifficulty. juvenate your condition better than a agreeable and It deranges the syst n, cans s sick headpleasant drink at J. R. Edgheills. bad breath, and poisons the blood. ache, Quite a few candidates went over to It can be readily overcome by DeWitt's Levan this week to epeak to the gospel Little Early Kisers, t hese little pills are on tne south. great regulators. A. Lunt&Sjn. Coffee 29 cts. per lb., lye 3 cans for 25 Many political speakers, clergyman, Cts. , Mustard Sardines 3 cans for 25 Cts. singers aud others who use the voice exat Chas Foote !t Sous. cessively, rely upon Oae Miiuti Cougi Here you are 'lock men, A lotTf Cuie to prevent husk mess and laryngitis. Its value us a preventive is only heavy overcoats at coat at the Co-oequaled by its power lo afford iustautau-eou- s These are the stuff for winter storms. relitf. A. Lunt & Soil, It was cruel ol the wag who changed R. L. KETCMUM tho Democratic motto into Put an ax up by the rooster and let it go at A watchmaker of sixteen years experithat. ence, of which, six v ars were spent in Dont forget that we carry the most wnicli repairiug i i New York City. I complete line of jewelry in town; lovely have c mie to stay, aud I will do all kinds ladies elmtus iviu a 29 j tars, guuruLtco. of repair work, oo short notice, and Co-oguarantee s II w ork to give perfect satis1 of watchBerne of the largest bargains iu Milli- faction, curv a cjinpleie lino y p and spectacles, will pay j es, .weliy offered ever in Nepm, in all the nery y Store. lat st styles, for tea days at Mary .Mo- you to call at the Nephi Jewel-lead in footware and low prices. If you are Indisposed nothing will 1 Cough Remedy is given as Boon as the child ho u se it will prevent the attack. Even after the cronpy cough has appeared th i attack canal's ays be prevented by giving i his remedy. It is also invaluable lor colas ud whooping oough For sale by A. Lunt & son, Druggists, A By racuss clergyman has been making to a catoligus of ue si os sports in this country. Ue says that a characteristic sin of ths turf is Gambling; of foot ball, brutality; of baaa ball, profanity; of tennis, temper; of croquet; cheating; of golf and polo, pride; of hunting, cruelty; of fishing, prevaricala.-ldont- tion; of bicycling, vagabondism. Among the varied features to be in81 troduced during the performance of Perkina, which will be presented by the Burt company at tha opera house next agv 2, it their olio ol speci or- -' allies and the famous Si Perkina chcstra, direc ed by Prof.Thos. Marshall, which is sure :o e entertaining. Of the play itself we need only to Bay that for laughing purpo se .here era no better, and this hajftneu proven by the large audiences It always attraote, and which ia aura to be in attendance nextMon.Nov. 2, eveaiag. The perade given by toe famous Pughtown farmers band Is great. Be sore and e it at noon. The Darlington, Wis., Journal aays editorial y of h popular patent medicine We know from experience that Chamberlain e Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is ail ibnt is claimed for it, as on two' cca ions it stopped excruciating pains and possibly saved ui from an untimely grave. We would not rest easy house. overnight with ut it in the This remedy undoubtedly saves more pain and suffering thf.n any other medicine in the world. Every family should keep it ia the house, lor itisiure to be needed sooner or later. For sale by A. Lunt & Son, D.mggists. SI Perkins Another packed honse to see Si Perkins last night. Never in the history of the Lyceum have Buch crowds flocked to this nouplar play house. Some five hun ired were turned away Tuesday night, and the last night if the house was thousand more large could have sola tickets. The play is a comedy with just enough plot and melodramatic action to interest without oppressing. The advance sa'e for Thursday is big, and those wno wish to see the Si should go early for seats. Denver News, Thursday, Oct. 8tn. box-offic- e PHOTOGRAPHY Wo (l(.ire to announce to the public that after September l.illi, we shall be prepared to take your pictures. We warrant our work and will do it at prices to Milt the times. We also have the negrtivee, recently made by K. .T. Kane & Co., and can furnish nuprrior-Iinisl- i cabinet photographs therefrom at L.aU per do'en. Call and see us. C. H. liiiYAN it Co., Photographers. N'eplii, Utah. B'JCKLENS. ARNICA SAIVE. The Best S live in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Si. ret. Fleers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sales, Tetter, Chapped ILnuR, Chilblains, Cohh, noil nil skin Eruption-- , ami positivergans. ly cures 1iles, or no pay required. It is WANTED AT ONCE: Active agents forea-'lComo early to get bargains. Will sell to give perfect satisLu lion or guaranteed in cast to below close Exclusive order control no and out goods comity. vis;. Will ITiee do cents per hnx. For refused. Mon. money 2. 12 h mu! red dollars a j e.i away. Commouciug Oct, 2d, clear lo Enelo-- e right s tie all at J . B. Painters. druggists and general dealers. by stamp for full particulars, or UV for sample. should take nefice that we Uni li.vrnis Mincuai. V.vn;n Co., 15ig Rapids, Sheep-me- n now have a splendid supply of footwear. Midi. Money to Loan. , No 1 Felt and overs just in. Everlasting from one hurrfred to amount iacnv nailed shoes for the Desert. Co-oThey are so littla you hardly know you ten thou-a- u i dollars. On improved farm To make the hair grow a natural color, aro taking them. They causa no griping or oa water dock. uet property aud most they yat quickly thoroughprevent baldnesi, and keep the scalp T. C. Winn, County Recorder. Such are the famous little pills healthy. Halts Hair Renrwer was invent ly. as DeWitts Litt e Early Kisers. known ed, and has proved itself successful. Small in size, great iu results. A. Lunt ALSO READ THIS Dr. C. H. Bird is in Nephi and will be & Sou. St. Miry County, Meciianicsville, bore for ten days. He i3 prepared to do Md. 1 sold a boitie of Cha noc-r- tins ell kind of deutal work, and is ready fer If Troubled With Rheumatism Road This. Pain Bairn to a man who had been sufferbusiness. Annatolis, Md., Apr. 16, 1S9L I for several years. with rheumati-n- i have used v'hambcrlain.s iain Bain for ing Those toys combination suits with 2 rliIt made him a well mao . A. J. Magill. umatism and 'ound it to be all that is For tala a. 50 cents per bottle by A. pair pants aud golf cap, are just the tbing claimed for it. I believe it to be the Lunt A Son, fortho youngsters, they are ail wool, Druggiss. best preparation for rheumatism and Stylish BDd cheap too. Exce'sior. deop stated muscular pains, on the mar! Dont forget that we lead the clothing ket and recommend if to the trade and can give you bettor bargains public. cheerfully Jno. U. Brcoks, dealer iu boots than you can get elseweie, Prices way shoes, etc. , No. IS Mum St. from down. Ord Bros. The Si Perkins company is billed for i Como to the Marsh Millnery Honse for Monday Nov.2. This company is meet- on. your hais. Our prices will suprise you ing with great success in this part of the Call and see us. We will only be here a country and is receiving flattering press wants Schilling s abort time. Opposite Footes. notices. Their midday parade is novel is band and talk and of the the funny Geo. W . Mrs. Farmer will win! money back if every town they have played in. They J . A. B . No, sir! a in concert of free band front the like it. (i"i W. t you a new set of teeth give opera house at 7 oclock and all 4over-Jotl i - ! A Schilling d mu-1 a mo .shon hear Remember it. l'omany Pi-.. SS0 San t Fvmicislo gjI Uket up. lee uaie, Regular prices of Admission, To select from- - Come and get a good suit, one that wo guarantee, to fit, and give per-F- ect satisfaction. Banner Brand of Boys Suits and knee pants, with double knee and seat, call and see what a great improvement it is over the old style knee Pants. We are the only people in Nephi selling this Popular Banner Brand of CLOTH INS. Py YiHOPE: i Lay ft Thn p. i Wanted Your tea trade Best your dont B-- 1 e Eli kf h ) T 'A . Many dvea of usefulness have deea cut by neglect tu break up an ordinary cold. Pneumonia, bronchi. is and even coueumpliou can be averted by the prompt use of One Miuuta Cough Cure A. Lunt & Sou. Mr. Alfred Gadd wishes to announce to the public that be has all kiuds of vegetables tor sale; such as carroie, beeis, squash, onions, turn itues, etc. Give tne a call. A committee of notabilities from al parts ol Holland has baeu appointed to consider a national gift to the qneen reweek. gent in 1898, in recognition of the manThe finest lot of clothing fcver shown ner in which she has carried on the govIn Nephi both lor men and Boys at Ord ernment of the state durnlng the minorBros. oi the queen. ity hollow or voa for Whether McKinley "Hate off i now the rule at th Park Bryan uav Frog in yonr Tbroatl Loot the er, Boston. The bead usher will and Son. Miss Mimmle Hyde left Wednesday to sightly step to ths trout of the orchestra in chairs and, facing the audienoa, will visit with her sister Mrs Dr, merry-go-rou- ty f Adistur' mce the other day oil the streets of I, ohi betvesn a comm.TCial traveler an i John Pi t, rtsolted in the traveler i. iviog liis log broken. Dr. Hosmcr ih ..tendin rthe man and hes recovering. John Pitt was arranged before JustlceStout.t ut the case was continued, the traveling man claiming that he himself was to biamo and not Pitt, and being COAL. to pnt up ca h bail for Pitt. heave orders or coal with the willing If your children are subject to croup Hyde t Whitmore bet'o. or Geo. watch for the first symptom of the dis. It i tin, which trill If Chamberlains promptly ease Co-o- Miner, Mammoth. A lot of yarns, Jersey and wool blank and will b sold cheap at tha etsjustln, Co op. i Now Is ths time to get yonr Carpets and Llnoleuns for Winter cheaper than ever at Chas. Foote & Sons. A fine line of Ladies wraps Inst in at Excelsior. Call and see them before buying. The South ward Y. M. M. 1. A. was well attended and a good meeting was held. President Paxmaa and Elder Framcom and others spoke to the people last Sunday a.ternooa. It is said that President Woodrnff and Cannon will address the saints on 8unday at the conference. will will atert The Bat p. m. at three oclock for the little folks. nd attracted quite a The crowd of people Thursday night though the night was chilly. The Yonng mens meeting in thn Norh ward was well attended aDd a splendid meeting was the result. when you want a good shoe for least to tne Excelsior, They go money a NEW -- Co-o- j JLH n Wd. QZg M3zs!sr;s ieuskg wjisr.3 Co-o- appl-iu- ES j r,.j. r. m-!-i FOR SALE: CLC.TH id now it you Ii'o r 3 hI Oltv Gocils People - a.. |