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Show I WE GIVE YOU An 1' rm' F - Date Paper I r i.v year. Up-t- - PE0PL3. bo D nrt aUerti- Are slow ti c nen rl rir eyes. NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1895. YOLUilE IV. rhir 10 SJoitos-Silvc- i to 1 dllTE j ! h is-u- y It the county board of commissioners of the county of Juab, that ordinance No. Tlio County commissioners met Monday, October 4, in the county court house, at Nephi city, at 2 p. m. The commissioners present were; Hugo Deprezin, Charles Foote and A. L. Jackman. therefore orderd 1, ordinance No. 2, and ! ordinanceNo. 3, passed aforesaid, are hereby declared to have been published as required by law. On motion of Deprezin CommisI sioner Deprezin was authorized to procure a stove for county attorney and sheriffs office, and a stove for eourt house, and transfer one of the old stoves to Mammoth court house. On motion of Commissioner Commissioner Jackman was instructed to place sign posts at the forks of the county road between Nephi and Levan, between Nephi and Juab and betweenEevan Commissioner Deprezin reported to the board that pursuant to previous instructions he had visited Fish Spring and Detroit precincts, and appointed J ohn S. J aeobs to the office of registry agent in and for Detroit precinct; and It. B, Giles and Franklin nail to act as judges of election in and for Detroit precinct, and It. S. Sutten, F. J. Karney and Sidney Crismon, to act as judges of election in and for Fish Springs election precinct. The resignations of John N. Shepherd and James 8. Brown wete abled till Tuesday. The request of Donahue and Hassell of Mammoth, for liquor license, was granted. J. J. Thomas, road supervisor of the Fish Springs district, presented his report, together with hill for re$15 LOO tor repairing roads ceived. The report was ordered filed, and the bill was appropriated. Commissioner Foote was instructed to procure all necessary stationary for the respective voting booths in Juab county. Commissioner Deprezin made a settlement with the county treasurer of collected monies for rents, ete. in the amount of $200.50. The Board then adjourned till Tuesday at 10 a. m. De-prize- and Juab. Claims against the county were allowed and approprated for, amounting to about $550 On motion of Commissioner Jackman, appropations were made for the salaries of county officers 1 as follows, towit; T. 0, Winn Wm. Burton $250.00 250.00 Win. Ockey 650.00 Edward Pike John. T. Sullivan 200.00 180.00 387.00 D. W. Cazier On motion of Commissioner Jack-mathe clerk was aurthorized to procure from tho Times of Nephi 7,000 offical ballots, etc. for J udges of elect.ou and sample ballots as n, provided by law. On motion of Com. Foote, the board adjourned until the first Monday in November. TUESDAY OCTOBER 5. Ths court met with the usual members present. The report of Whitney Goodrich, at Mammoth, justice of the peace of $93.40 bill 'id a a was received was allowed. of A. L. J ackman the j On motion following persons were appointed to act as judges of election in and for Levan; B. F. Taylor in the N. Shepherd, N. I place of John Rasmussen in the place of James of Wilson, E. W. Peterson in place Win. Brown. On motion of Commissioner is UTAH SUGAR FACTORY 2teeiuoc.U5 Xientl; where we to go into along explana-- j ip tion of our views on the subject it might give offence to omeand not to others. What we aim to do is after-thorou- i I J i ?i Vice-Preside- Levan Notes. That Uncle John Kienke and Attorney T L. Foote will stump Eureka this week. Sir--Than- was inaugurated by the Republi ans the other evening. That Uncle John Kienke says that jollities m Halt Lake is exceedingly hot. The reunt Republican county convention held in S dt Luke was a hot one from the word go. t William Bailey noticed very plainly during Ins react visit to Eureka, and it was plainly illustrated, that the peopele there are all in favor of It; van. A more harmonious feeling how ever, prevails in the mining camp on tho vve.--t (if us. ltryan must and will he elected. s re.-pjuii- J I A Good business. That Attorney T. L. Foote made a good school master in the ballot so. tool width Editor Republic Judge Foote vas authorifor your sympathy, zed to secure two ballot boxes for all are Deprezin my eyes right now, so far as Kephi. Commissioner balwool is concerned, still, I believe was authorized to seccure two to size be the your paper would look fully as well lot boxes for Eureka without the protection motto: Your oft x IS in. x 18 in. Two liislnneu were heard discussing the answer will indicate that wool can- silver On motion of Commissioner Foote question the other day, and oue said not be sold for 5c.per lb. or lead to the other, '"Well, 1 at, and who are you of 6.00 was made tug appointment j2.50 at a profit. True I'll never going to vote for this election." in' favor of John Chapman. O'Brien to be sure. r of differ with you, but why a protectiE. II. S parks ponnd-kcepeWhy arc vez go lig to vote for O'Brien. a on? where will it come from? Who Hepbi princinct submitted report elected we get sixteen if O'B.ic-nwill pay it? Is there a profit to Why, it as such pound keeper. On motin of one, and McKinley's dieted, we get for a farmer to seil wheat at 30 and Commissioner Foote report was apnothing to eight. 35c. a bushell? Is it a profit to proved. feed grain to hogs and sell at 4c. That the merchants have a justifiable ki L Orders entered of the due public- in fact we can lbon of the street and coining at the go per ation of ordinances was passed. And the what is the way, by Jack-maname everything produced, and at sprinkler. On motion of Commissioner with the matter street sprinkler, gentlemen present prices the profit is low; but of the city council. Have you placed the clerk wa3 instructed to it in I maintain that sheep men have a the bam for the winter. The thermomeenter on the minutes the following better income at the low price ter still register-- ; summ a weather and it order: than have a farmer, and he needs would be a gool idea to keep it going till Whereas. Ithaving been proved comes anv how. Think about it genonly the same protection as the frost The merchants all say that the tlemen. to the satisfaction -of the board is farmer. now- on file in the machine does its work, then it affidavits the struts have damaged their fioitu dust the hv 'and so on " We have no quarrel with Our cor to another, board trnnqv.Vted this of clerk the property. Oct it ut or .l.c cmpl 3 u hand .office o. ou tlua bunject, uni l,i iga Isto i. ordinance No2, that ordinanceNo 1, n, gh J Inter-Mount- ain Unfortunately, a portion of the machinery was shut down, which we were told, is necessary every twenty or twenty three days, for the purpose of cleaning up. What we saw, however, was enough to set a feeling of admiration to thrill through us as we gazed upon the gracefullness and symmetry in which the machinery did its duty. We well remember when the subject of a sugar factory was first broached a great many, people looked with the eye of scepticism upon the enterprise, but where these same people to gaze upon the same at the present day they would find how small their minds were when they failed to realize that such a thing were possible. From the place where the beets are shipped via a stream of running water to the place where the sugar is sacked ready for market, Is oue endless line of machinery. First one & to treat all with courtesy. We believe, though as we said last week that the only solution to the hard times is the granting of free and unlimited coinage of silver to the people. As to our motto. We believe it all right. We claim tnat both the farmer and the shoe p men should have protection but a at the table. Services were held Sunday discussion of the subject noon with a not verry largeattend- The thanks of the Republic are due to Bishop Cutler, Messrs, would consume too much space. ance, Councilor Thos. Ord presid-in- g. Webb, Austin, and others, who so There was only a matter of41cents The choir then sang hymn on generously showed the workings of difference between the Wilson bill and the if the truth us. to bill, the place McKinley page 46. Prayer being offered by is sifted, and the fault lies not in Joseph W. Vickers. method of taxation, but in a the The chior then sang hymn on. HYDE AND WHITMORE COMPANY. just adjustment. Sam Randall was page 2 IS. a strong Protection Democrat, his The sacrament was then admin- It Was Capitalized at $30,000. 600 reasons for being so was that being! isteml by tho First Ward Bishop interested in the iron industry he lie. Shares at $50 Each. wanted protection on his iron etc. Elder James McPherson was then called upon to address the notes. It has been under contemplation He gave a general re- meeting. for some time to incorporate the . Freddy Peterson, who was - hurt . ot the ecclesiastical history of wellknown firm of Hyde and at A ephi, is doing nicely, and Ins view J . world the ironi the time of Jesus Whitmore of this city. The in- face is fast healing. Christ and the appostles down corporation was not consummated Two cases of typhoid fever are, through the dark ages to the reign and the articles until September in Levan. 0f the Catholic church, and the re- were filed on October 3 . The cap- reported lie spoke of It is said that, James E Taylor formation ital stock was placed at $10,000 of be from will the character the next commissioner Lutlier, Zwingle COO shares at a par value of $50 Levan. of the great reformers. rest and the each. of doctrines they taught, up The well known firm of Hyde That Thygerson cant pull a little an(1 the to the time of Die restoration of and Whitmore have been doing bit. He wont get 50 votes in Levau Die gospel through the prophet business for upwards of eighteen out of 210. Smith, lie reviewed the That Mrs. Lottie Farmer will be Josephof years and has always taken a work the church in its wanderprominent part in the merchandi- the next county recorder, and that ings after the restoration through, sing trade. It has a wide circle Tommy Winn will have all next tho Prophet Joseph Smith down rf friends and its -- characteristics winter and next summer to split to tho present time. of fair and honest healings in his sawtd wood. Elder Salisbury was tho next the city of Nephi and vicinity and That lined John Ivienke need speaker, and said he was well especially among the sheep men of not fight a bit. pleased with the remarks of hia Juab county is testified to by the H. C. L. JOKGEN.EX. brother who had occupied the citizens of this community. time before hi 01. ne bore a The new firm name and style of Heard on the Street. powerful testimoney to the truth The Hyde and Whitmore company of the work, and exhorted cannot help but bring prosperity to A Few Teue Items Gleaned From fullness all ti he f.iithfull. the new corporation. The officers e;idewalk Discussions. Elder Thomas Ord made a lew of the new incorporation are as remarks upon the work of the re-- " follows President, J. A. Ilyde; That Charles Abbot will rnn ahead of his formation and here testimony to Andreas Jensen; ticket. the remarks made by the brethren. Sec. and treasurer, E. II. McCune; After singing hymn on page 6 That James E. Taylor is a good man and Directors, J. A. Hyde, Andreas the benediction was pronounced a hard one to down. Jensen, Geo. C. Whitmore, E. II. ' by Elder W. II. Warner. J. W. McCune, Olpin. Tho liepublic wish the new Is One of the Greatest Industries in oompany the success which it the Region. deserves and trust that the people will appreciate the efforts of the Tho writer had the privilege of gentlemen in thus consummating the incorporation of a company of visiting the Lehi sugar factory, the the standing which this has in the early part of this week, in company community. with Mr. Rob Ord. De-prezi- n, No. 19, ami Protection onlFooI ordinance No 3, p ssed and It Would take a more scientific approved by the county board of writer than ours: Ives to illustrate commissioners of Juab County, fully and completely the workings have been duly published as provi - lof the centrifugals, etc., so we will (led by law: Ordinance No. 1 and not attempt it; but it can truly be A Large Volume of .(One Ordinance No. 2, having been pub- said that the Ft ah Sugar Factory of the Nephi is allright and with a daily output lished in one e Tliroiuh Times, and ordinance No. 3 having of 900 hundred lb sacks of sugar, been published in one issue of the it should be criterion enough of the Commissioner Deprezla Hands In HU Nephi Republic; said newspapers stability of the enterprise and its Report, and has Appointed a Regis-trare and a circulation have general capacity for making one of the Agent at FlsU Springs. . Count-published in Juab greatest commodities which is used COliKTY TIIF. 1 t - 1 4. TK-- firm of Hyde and Whitmore inaugurated one of the most sue. cessful cloak sales that has ever been held in this section. Mr. J. H. Weist of the firm of Palmer, Griswold and Co. came with the intention of giving the people of Nephi and vicinity one of the finest lines of good for the least amount of money. With the valuable aid of Mr. E. II. McCune who has showed his ability at all times to treat the general public with courtesy, the store presented a neat appearenco with the elegant dine of cloaks, wraps, etc., which Mr. Weist had brought with him. Judging from the patronage they received they must have done a remarkable business. There is one notieable fact that the people are always willing support the stores of Nephi. to discussion took place in the office in the matter of a man vviio had registered iu another part of the conn y and wh wished to vote in another part. In referring to the laws it was ound that the argument could not stand and Will Cazier Had to put up the candy. One logical part of the argument was when Uncle Johu Kienke turned to Friend Cazier and said, .You don't know anything about it because v 0.1 are a Ileinoenif The laugh was ut Will's expense. Quite ;i county clerks |