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Show f I TOOELE it The Smelter City, of the World. YYEAdvised If you failed to take Advantage of this Money-makin- g At the Sale of Town Lots on the 15th of last April. Op who in Those did get on the ground floor arc now reaping their .reportunity you missed, the chance of your life. ward. Property Purchased at that time has Increased in value over 3ooper cent, and continues to advance from Business houses and residences are going up everywhere. Again we Advise the day to day at the same ratio. investor to buy property in Plat C, the new Subdivision. 8 - 8 . NOW is tne time to buy property in the growing town of Tooeleand engage in a profitable business. V Where the Homes of Hundreds of Smelter Employees Will Be. TTC Up to you if you do ff pot get in on thi. opportunity for profit able, investment in the new city of Tooele you' will be the loser. of successful contradiction we maintain that there are better opportunities for investmentin PlatCthan in any western city. . V or Further Information Call on or Address ITIie Tooele Improvement Company, Tooele, Utah. I :33S 5i&SaiSi&gafcSgLSglSaSSfcSSSSfc8SfcSSSSS585iS5gS8Sq8S5gggSSSSgSSgBS,gS88S6gsqgSSBPiBS BROWN DOES THE WORK WRIGHT THE TOOELE TUY1ES Has Yours a HaIo7 Has your husband a halo? A cynical old bachelor remarked that in very fortunate cases it is a whole year after in published the her marriage before a wife flotlceg Richest garden spot in the Intermoun-lai- n that the halo abote hei husbands head country, and the centre of Utah ; the home of the has entirely disappeared. Is your husband still wearing his? Dont forget Largest and most important smelting that husbands who manufacplant in the world ; the most promis- ture it Isnt A wife weaves them halos. out ing city in the western country today backed by a bright future ; and of her love and Imagination. And ltft a palacial home place for the deserv- an admirable home Industry to .keep ing homeless. Everybody welcome bright and fresh the Illusion with While the Carpenters Are which one so cheerfully entered double harness. Chicago American. or local ft ad. want If you display and More Shelving Room For in The Times come around ana talk to for or ad write the rates. man, Material for Railroad Ties. A railroad in Honduras, which haa Goods now on opened to traffic as far as SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER'. 25, 1909. ust been Celba, 35 miles, was built with creo-aote-d pine ties from the United States. Watch For Our Fall Opening ol the is It worthy of note that while creo-ote- d NOT ALTOGETHER AN ACCIDEN 3. pine ties are being Bhlpped from the United States to Honduras, hardHusbands Deep Scheme Revealed woods are coming to the United States Strictest Confidence. from that country. Americans are doboth ways. A tract ing the Ons Harlem, N. Y., matron was d,v; of 8,000 shipping acres in Honduras hat been cussing with another Harlem matrj t secured by an American company, the misfortune which she considers Which will cut the mahogany and ?. bad befallen the husband of a fh.li Other hardwoods and ship them to the Harlem matron. United States. Forest and Stream. You see, she said, "ha want dot , to the steamer with a friend who w.' Won Mob to Hie 6lde. going abroad, and became ao intern When Voltaire was sojourning in ed talking in the friend's cabin th.T &8 never noticed the warning whist b London a crowd gathered to mob him as he passed along the street. For and the Steftmer sailed Vh him'f board. However, he sentll Marct1,? what reason? Because he was a Frenchman. Boldly confronting the gram to his wife, so 6he vvITdat wj ry. I dare say hes been ift.king hi J taoh be mounted a stone and addressed 10 theili. "Brave Englishmen! he cried, self about the ship ever since. "Perhaps and perhaps not,' Im- am I not sufficiently unhappy in not H. A. BROWN, Manager, This plied the second Harlem matron. "Tjjt having been borrf aihong you? fact is, he told my husband In cu speech was so effective ' that the crowd carried lilm on their Shoulders fideheg ten days ago that he Intend, to be carried oft tfl Europe accldenfitii to his lodgings. John Bull Magazine. ly, because it was the only way could go without taking his wj;i Before the" international court at along.. But for heaven's sake, dojS The Hague can do any loud talking It mention the matter, my dear, becailjb Will have to get some international con.tnblr-- . he told my husbatd in the strict, l Na 748 THE BROWN -- WRIGHT COMPANY ' Honest Plmblng Honest Prices, LET US FIGURE WItH YOU. Our work severest tests will stand with any in this good, broad land THE BROWN WRIGHT COMPANY -- I Modern Plumbing and Heating Tooele. Titan irt illi ft III lit I i Business Going' Broadway, Tooele, JJtah. ' semi-tropic- al On Ail the Time ! Putting that are in Our New Front Our New Fall the Goad. Host Up-to-d- ladies and Mens Suits Furnishings and Shoes, also a Fine Line of Girls and Boys wear P.A.D B .A. Ft Q 3XT The Original Leader. The Tooele Cash Store Operators of Stores. TOOELE, UTAH. loo Line of Ladies and 1 Tooele Electric Supply Go. confidence. Best Line of Household Utensils in the City. Large Assortment of Notions. Stationery and Toys. N Reads Like a fairy Tele. An Atchison girl had alwdys heard of the impoliteness of women in falling to thank men for giving up a seat In the street car, and decided that she A man gave would be an exception. her a seat Saturday night in a crowded car, affording her the opportunity for which she had been looking. "Oh, thank yoil ft thousand time?. she said. It is just what t, wanted, and how did you ever guess It? It Is, so thoughtful of you, and I do apperclate it so much. Than, as she sank Into the seat: "And such a comfortable seat! It is the most comfortable seat I ever sat in! Oh, thank you again so much! Atchison Globe. 60 YEARS' v EXPERIENCE VERYTHING LECTRICAL : Finest Line of Fixtures and Supplies City. Call and look ovet oUr stock in the Trade Mars! Designs Copyrights Ac. p! ch and dnncrln-lnmay AflTOnc sending a V tfutckly ascertain our opinion n free whether ao invention is probably patentable. Communion-tlon- s strictly confide; l.l. HANDBOOK on Latent lent free. Olde&t stteucy for eerurmp patents. Patents taken turonrh Munh & Co. receive ipfnal notic wlthojaebwffe, iatbe Scitnilfic Hnitricea, Ab&ndsomelylUustrtfed culation of fear: tout Kii I IraoU uac. Co.3c,Broa!wai- I 8U T, weekly. any sctei.Ufie Journal. month, $L Soul by all - WiwLiu-uj- arrest Terms, cir$4 ft newsdMl)s New i,. M Kit Ye Do All kinds of Hlectrial Work and Furnish the Very Best of Materials O A. L. NELSON, Manager. O North Main St., TOOELE, UTAH |