Show Irle In iii Portland I Portland Ore Juno 24 No less INS than thi burglaries u w vere re committed on the tilt east ean side Itle early this morning and In one OM ease tase a 11 mysterious shooting affray occurred Till The entire neighborhood around Bround l I Rest st Tenth T nth and am Stork Stark streets tro ts va wu Aroused about 3 a Q m III by a n of ot shots At t the police station nation nothing It Is J known about the shooting but Jilt Mrs MrK Curse Cors of 74 71 fiRst Rast Stark street streit static statu that hat she M HI Mv V two men currying carrying away a badly wounded l nina man It 11 is believed tint that the shooting hooting was as done thone by b the burglars v who ho quarreled over th the division of th tb tbt t 11 ifo spoils polIs and antE that thai on of ot them was Wal wounded Benjamin a resident or of Portland Heights f foul early t II a shots hola I h burglars who were to 10 the rut resi resident dunce dent of ot E Shelby Sh I Morgan A J running exchange lit erf hots hio was wall ag kept up tip until th burglars dl Xo o one w whit Vie u hit hll |