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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MORXTXC, MAY FOR SALE FOR SALE For Sale Automobiles For Sale Automobile FOR SALE For Sale Miscellaneous LrffTrTonder ebeariig" machlna" FOR SALE For Bale Automobile! . grinder. ATTRACTIVE "BOTTERILL'S CAIJS. RKH ATTBACTIV1 BECONDITIONBD THIS II THB PBOPOSITIO.N: WB quality, a pro- - Ton ori-E- AND Jl'ST THB LATED, POWBBFUL SEVER OF GROWING, OUR FRIENDS BECOMING MORE LET'S MAKE ARE NUMEROUS. FBISXD A IS 1086 1827 1826 MM IfM MM 126 JU27 1P24 MM 1823 1(122 1923 1927 nudaoa Coach TOURING CARS. SPECIALLY VERY REASONABLE. ....$423.00 Brougham MO. 00 63 80 175 00 34.35 Essex Super Six Coach. 223.00 43.80 Effex Super Sli Coupe. 223.00 46 80 1927 Dodge Coup 1927 Cheirolet Coupe 1836 Ford Boater .... on on easy 43.80 ..,,173. 00 $4.35 .. 16.75 80.00 PRICED 36 EXTRA SPECIAL. DUBANT COUPE AUTOMOBILE CO, Waa. jyolldnya. 636. PONTIAP. PANEL. 'a TON. CAB AND STAKE. FORD DODGE TON, PANEL. 11123 DODGE , TON. PANEL. 1826 DODGE. TON, SCREEN. 1926 GRAHAM I TON, CAB AND START" 1926 GRAHAM I'.. TON', CAR AND STAKE . 1926 CAB AND GRAHAM EXPRESS. GREATEST BARGAINS Kit OFFERED IN HIGH GRADE USED CARS. UI2S model Cadillac sedan. 5 pass. "1927 model Cadillac sedan. 1925 model Cadillac coupe, 3 pass. 1918 model Cadillac touring, 1927 model l.a Salle sedan. 5 pass. Raekcnbackar sedan, .Vpaea. Packard coupe, Packard touring, Packard touring, 5 pass. Hudson sedun, Hudson coach, sport touring. Lexington, EXTRA SPECIAL . TODAY. $230 CadUlse coupe . .' 275 Jewett Sedan .s 250 rJudaoa coach J. FRT, INC. MOTOR AVE 2ND EAST. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. WAS. 390. THE TIRED ALL IN A I CONDITION. Royal (2) 1923 CHRYSLER jS (3) 192S Cabriolet. CHEVROLET (Brand New. J " (4) 1925 (") 1825 DODGE Coupe. 1825 CHRYSLER Touring. 326 1827 1923 1923 1723 PACKARD TOURING SEDAN PACKARD STRAIGHT 8 SEDAN SEDAN I'Ai KARD BUI UK COACH 4 DOOR SEDAN N'ASII HUDSON 5 PASS. SEDAN DODGE COUPE .153 78 83 53 55 free service. days PACK ABD MOTORS. INC., Open Sundays and Evenings. Wasatch 3466. 4!S South .Main. STAGE AND TAXI OrEBATORS, or anyone who can use one or two Big Six MODEL CHANDLER SEDAN. phaetons. AT condition, because of Its BtVdabaker duplex BO Prices to close out days. Rebuilt from end to guaranteed wonderful condition. Wi'l quick. New paint and seat covers. end. gladly give 90 day service guarantee. $250 NORVILLB MOTOR COMPANY. down, $38 per .mo. Your preent car may be Stodctsaker Distributors, a down payment. lis .So. State St., salt Lake. 170 E. 2nd So. J" car we can't oversell, BOX. I'ORII 1925 STATE. COUPE, fully ESSEX COACH $323.00 11125 irilKD SEDAN 203.00 Vtt KtMii:i?AKEft- - RffA'nmrtr r: sc.on 1925 NASiU ADV. 4 DOOR SEDAN .. 805.00 1921) OLD8MOBILB SEDAN 573.00 1925 STUDEBAKER STANDARD 585.00 ROADSTER 1921 STUDEBAKER LT. 6 C0UPH 350.00 1923 WILLYS KNIGHT SEDAN ... 075.1") 1925 STUDEBAKER BPCL. COACH. 783.00 1923 STANDARD STUDEBAKER BROUGHAM 885.00 1922 STUDEBAKER SPCt TOUR... 225.00 1923 BUK K TOURING 283.(10 1825 FORD SEDAN 285.00 1)24 FORD SEDAN 12500 1823 FORD SEDAN 93.00 1923 FORD TOURING 65.00 1925 to buy a used car. 70 - .10 DAYS' FREE SERVICE DAYS' WRITTEN GUARANTEE. 5 DAYS' FREE 'Mil A I, W ITH OUR CERTIFIED USED CARS. 80 .... Are. SO. EXCHANGE. cor. Sth So. and State. Was. 79(. Northwest VALUES: This Is a safe placa FORD LIGHT DEL. STEEL OWN PAPER. OUR Payments. 126 Coach. 1.1 805 NASH ADVANCED SIX COACH New Nolly Noyes Duco paint lob. good balloon tires. Can refer you to owner. Motor and chassis past becked and found O. K. by our mechanics. $240 down. FREED'S AUTO LATE 1926 192". KoBthl: 30 r SEDAN New green Duco DIANA paint, new oversixe balloon tires, valves ground and bearings checked In our shop. Genuine lnohalr upHad perholstery as good as new. fect care hy owner. $300 down less than an ordinary six 875 WE HANDLE Sedan TAYLOR MOTOR CAR CO. A 1826 CUSTOMERS MUST BE SATISFIED. OUTSTANDING CARS. blue STAR COACH la original Duco finish, tires very good, motor overhauled by our own mechanics. An honest guarantee. $175 down. TO A NEW PACKARD IS A USED PACKARD. car. CHRYSLER 77 75. 1827 TnE NEXT BEST CAR These alx cara represent the pick of the market. Bofinialied and : conditioned to look and run like new. See them on display at 179 Motor aveoue before you choose a used 1027 Was. F R E E SHARMAN AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. Was. 0707. 51 South State St. open Erenlngs and Sunday. tl) laln. Be. PONTIAC COACH This car has been driven less than SIMM) miles Rubber is good for 10, (SK) more miles. Original finish In lerfeet conchecked Motor thoroughly dition. In onr shops to insure tlioussnds of miles of eatiafactory service. 1213 .1615 down. Fully equipped '.027 contracts handled Time payment at big saving to you. by ourselves Investigate our time payment plan. USED CARS. DODGE 463 Kv ON NEWLY Distributor. THE MANY OTHERS TO CHOUSE FROM AT ANY PRICE TO SUIT YOU. OPEN FROM S A. M. UNTIL 9 P. M. ALSO SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. UotOT TOURSSEN, Oldamoblla oldest Automobile Dealer, Incorporated 1903. Utah 1827 1923 1926 179 B. BARGAIN'S. SIIARMAN AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. R. MORE TO PICK FROM. Y REASONABLE TERMS. Open Evenings, Bundavs and ESSEX Dlatributora A. TRUCK $323 EVENINGS. State St. So. better If jou D Luxe Sedsns. Ease Coaches. 1823 Oldamoblla Touring Car. 1823-2Chevrolet TouriBf cars. 1923 Hudson Coach. 1924 Studebaker Touring. AND MAN HUDSON now 1823 Bulck Sedan. 1926 27 Oldemoblle 1824 SAND BOTTERILL buya 1924-2- terms. SUNDAY OPEN 223.00 hare several older model band that can be We alfo rara .. better - ALSO MAIN BUILDING, 463 SOUTH MAIS. 1927 .... earn- CARS. USED LOTS AT Sth South and Main. 547 South Main. 20J7 Soulh lllh East. $81.38 1U2T USED DODGE SPECIAL REDAN. DODGE IL SEDAN. DODGE SPECIAL t til'PK. DOIHiK SPECIAL COUPE. DODOB special COUPE. OVERLAND 2 int. cVL. SEDAN. NASH SPEC. BOADKTKII. DODOB KPOIW TOURING. DODGE HI .MULE SEAT BOADSTEE. BUICK TOURING. DODOB TOURING. DODGE TOURING. DODGE TOURING. DODGE COUPE. 1937 nudaon UH Etaai Coach' OF TOU. WE SELL DEPENDABLE CARS. 1927 T0URS8ES. B. come and look them over want to he aura of the pick. They and reconditioned are repainted, and sll are whenever necessary backed by the Tonraaea reputation. Dowb Par Payment. Month. AS BUSINESS RESULT, Better A ORQASIZATION. OUR A d lifted in heea from stem to slern paint, tlrei, nptfblstery and mechanically, and carries our tbirty-daguarantee and Berrien. cmr Every VIO- SUPPORT A DEPENDABLE "USED CARS" SALES POLICY THAT IS TECTIVE FAIR GUARANTEED with equipped, heater, special carburetor. Kuckstelr axle; and rtisny Ignition; speedometer other eitras. Will sell "as is" tot $200. NORVII.LE MOTOR COMPANY. Studebaker DiMtriluitors. 118 Ro. Slate. Walk. 873. 4th So. and State. Was. 0319. special COACn. Thla car In appearance and mechanical eond. Is Just as good as a new automobile 6 new tlrea. fully equipped. Uy. 36ol. BUICK 1926 1926 a truck with express body; terms, rnone .Murray i.o-.- i ton FORD snap at Terms. '.. TON FORD PANEL. Open Sundays and Evenings. BOTTERILL AUTOMOBILE CO.. Was. 50 So. State St. FORD ROADSTER, 1823 HEABSE. type body; pslnt-elight gray; 6 good tires. Priced for quick sale at $4:5.00. TACKABD STAR coopster a $140; snsp Plion- - Hy. 7255 terms. 1922 1825, If WANTED Old Chevrolet, Hy. 2314-R- . cheap 1826 ESSEX COACH. In sale. Mult eacrlflre for Immediate new Duco finish and n It perfect condition, -t will Musell. Ily price original tires. 1,0 L. 2nd So surprise you. a pickup iT $uo. Phone 1823 FOBD coupe llyland 2362-B- . 1920 Fdrd 'tiro truck.' balloon twea, I his truex excellent mechanical condition. body. Giva terms. Call hat, cab and FTSE Ik rp 7071-lt- atl . 1923 SO. STATE. 805 ' - S13S-.I- $.. Ily. 2135 J, too truck, with stake CHEVROLET rack body and lm loaed cab; price $550 Hy. Will take email car aa part payment. 1827 4 7061 J. JB23 CHEV. TOUBINO, DODGE COUPE. ABfeAUTY. 805 80. CHEAP. AUTO SERVICE FORtTTJSuNDEat BLOCKS BEIhTkED aiel . We rebabblbsd the factory way hare the only genuine Ford reboriag and re Use Inrmtn. machine ia country. bsbbltinf 1 W. 4th Soath. . SAMUEL'S GABAGB. F-- Jti H n'lH CO.tW7TeHtj6CafrN7 large stock of need parts, tirea and ttsbea. Vsl caalalsf Bad ssstl akork Lara waated 31 Boath State. Wat, KUSJ. Auto n'lT Repain car repaired at gawr. STA-fE- Trucks For Sale USED GOOD VALUES. TRUCK with a BEO It; .ton. body, pneumatic buy for $150. equipped tires. it with cab. express Thla xutAt Is a real V DODGE Vtnn, wl,n screen top, good robDrive It out for HLgbt. ber, mechanically $200. Mnn, wltk enclosed cab. froat, solid on rear. $71 WHITE on WHITE $700. body. l'i toB. rab top and Wls, e. penel INTERNATIONAL (573. 1 RENT A NEW CAR. DRIVE IT YOURSELF CO Salt Lake, Wat 2S."S Wash. ve., Ogden: phone 33041 1920 STAR tour:ing a at ilTV picknp terms. Phone Murray 183-- OAKLAND 805 $185. COUPE. VERT CHEAP SO. STATE. FORD coupe. . many extras, including Ruxtell Uy. axle, balloon tires, etc. 1732 W CHEVROLET cnndlkra sedan, dandy Phone Murray throiigBOOt i $225; terms. 1923 FOHD coupe Ruxtell axle, balloon tires and many extras; terms if desired. Hy. 1928 SON'S. THE cord tlrea. aad across front Large tiring room, 13x23, with vaulted reUIng, arched opening Into dining room, tile sink, pink trimmings, tile batbrootfi, breakrast nook. Spanlaa msntel, attractive wall lighting Hxtures, big closets to each bedroom, oak floors, decorations expensive and harmonious. Pembroke tuba, A full straight wall- basement. house lull of beauty aud convenience and a gteat value. Call Hy. 1480-or BLDRS. SUPPLY. 105-B- TORONTO A COMPANY, REALTORS. 38 W. 2nd South. Was. Wat. 6891. 11 roomt are larga and well planned; S" bed rooms, oak floora throughout, tile kitchen oik and decorated bath; attracllvtajj; throughout; guinwocd snd enamel trim; firebrick COfUtrUCtloBi ; full cement basement and furnace; south exposure lot, and gs rsge. This splendid honse Is offered at such a sscriflce price for cash pa.tment of flaw. See It tialay. COOK Short Method LandscapeJJardemrjjj Parts and Service andJPUi261, Supplies Poultry, fertilizer, gravel. Trees Plants, Store, Rabbits, Canaries Pets, Equipment ltt n ( hunch r.ivent-Tt'l- TWO i KtSKBHeU ttih; Proro. Id Co.4 j oun it 21 earlirif ewi, tte r aell part. We rlson place a and picture frames, one of the Itrgett and moat complete I'nea of pictures nnd tramps In tlie city. Armstrcng-Kngtverg- . PICTURE! mllrh vuwt, 10 j uang ('nlun aTe , Murray. fretsti V. It-t- l W. 1st go. Was. 6281. Cj)aJA PAINTINO GAUEr TH)MPtRTv.44?i7tjr' Bates to clone. Lessons, IN I THE OFFER you A POSITION MANUAL LABOR LINE.'. WOW ABOUT BRICKLAYING, CARPENTRy, CEfiENT (MIN6 OR TRENCH v Thirty acres ii f I ar w-:-eny In In Cedar City to trtde for Salt I.ako county or uear by. REALTY EPPERSON 7374. Was. COMPANY, Tribune Bldg. UtMi-HOUSE AT 1368TIIOBNTON AVE. P.ET. YALE AND UILMEB, JUST OFF 13TH EAST. THIS IS A REAL HOME, FOR SALE BY OWNER, WHO 18 LEAVAN ELECTRIC REFRIGERAING TOWN TOR, ELECTRIC HANGE, DRAPES AND ROOM BET CURTAINS AND BREAKFAST ALL Oil WITH TUB HOUSE, DON'T PASS THIS UP. IT 18 AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY TO AND TERMS WILL BB ABRANOED SUIT. CALL HYLAND 1533. DUPLEX strictly mod., by owner. 1878 Sth Baat. $0000; $1000 down. bungalow, 1254 E. 13th So. Inquire Bankers Trust Co. , LEAVING tacrtflca fine town, compelled modern: large roomt. hot water furnace: with 2 apta. rear renting fur $40. Hy. 2708-J- . NEW mod. frame houaa, b. B. locaHon. $2050. Uy. 4894 J. modern house, FoB SALE! Fine large lot, good garden ground, three blocka from Granite high achool. Prlca $5500; 004 Leland ave. terma. TRADE YOUR HOME. LOT OB AUTO on tbta elegant new firebrick home; living room acrota entire rront, large dining room, breakfast room, tile aink. 2 large bedrooms. osk floora in all rooms, full basement with amotement room, furnace. What have you I Was. 2232. BEAUTIFUL modern brick, hardwood floora. Inlaid linoleum, tlla sink cement and bathroom, full basement, large amusement room, garage, cleanest and beat buy In city. 1785 Sth Eaat. ttrlctly mod. bungalow, heat, hardwood . firs., on paved at., S. E.: $4200. Hy 6181-BESTATE must be tattled; may take soma houae. on 7th trade. 7x10 roda. South near Main etreet. Thla ia your chance Alto 41, tcrel on Wett to get a bargain. W. R. Wllllama, 844 Wathlngton Temple. Phone Wat 4046-K- . street. fl.-t- n A BUY for aomeooe. alevplng porch, well built, aoutbeaat location. Hy. 3 . 450S-J- glassed In bungalow, sleeping porcb. hot water beat. 1572 Garfield are. Uy 2788-M- . brick OWNER will aell for $4000 borne, on good lot, connected to newer, ob street; new fnrnatre, electric range, laundry stove; linoleum on kitchen, 1159 Bootcvelt ave. bathroom and hall. Hv. 4122J. ONE of the finest lot ton Capitol U1U; new Was. 7722 J cannot be excelled. BY owner, mod. brick cottage, lira- and painted through place, newly papered out. Mrt Stelter. Peery hotel. Wat. 66. 2ND AVENUE NEAR FKDKDAL HEIGHTS ATTRACT! VB BOME; LOT: LARGE LIVING BOOM. FOUR BASECONCRETE FULL BEDROOMS, MENT WITH FUBNACE, LAUNDRY AND ALL MODERN CONVENFRUIT ROOMS. MR. STONE, HYLAND CALL IENCES. 6742-SI- . 1033 EAST SO. TEMPLE. FOB KALK BY OWNEB. strictly modern house, full base acre land, lit center bf Bountiment, Hardwood floora, new aliadee. Inlaid ful. linoleum kit. and hath; corner lot, frulte and berries for $4500; $350 down; easy Phone terms. ' Sell furniture If desired. Was. 8841-W- . BB1CK duplex, S rooms snd bath, baseand ment, 7lh East, nrsr Liberty park 771 So. scIhk.Is, $3000. ilwayt rented. th East OW'NEK will tacrlflce 6 rm. atr. mod. bung. i: range. Inlaid lino., drapea and fruit treea, lawn, double far.; 217 Downlngton, ave. BOOF A8PHALT MODEBN, FOB HALE AT 8ACBIFICB J tt. end corner Second tve. By owner, ATLA8 weather atripa and raulklnf ahould be Included on all hornet, old or new. Free particulars. Hy. $361. FOB a tpleadld 8 room home, 2 or $ $.' No money blocka from btislnett dlttrlct. needed lr ptrty looka good to ma. Consider so. all place or eonthern California home. 329 East 4th ritnith. Will take DANDY new home, tat design. 168 good used car aa tlrtt payment. Coutavllle tve. 1 small houae. flna flowing A' BUS well. 4I4 No. Weat Temple. 4S7 at. 2IST m.rt-tm..- . wpaV,,.fcopa fotuj pletely furnted. Imported rug. piano, elect vie range. Maytag waerear. Call A. M. Spencer, Was. 6635. Prlca $4730; $260 will handle. th St.. for sale In Ogden, Utah, on UT CUiel 1 $200. from Washington. blk. Parker. 1438 K. 5f.ii. Bo., gait Lake. Fhon Itouglas OWNEK will sell 6 rm atr. roost, trrk. buag. Oak floors-- , am ftnleb. elec. range, inlaid lino , drapes, curtains: $SV"). Hy. 46PD B. WELL-BUIL- DO YOD firing. V uke them jobs!'. SOUNDS TOO MUCH Lirc. tiwo .. WELL, HERE'S A -- SOB WORKING IN A SrVq PILE, BUT )tU'LL HAVB To PUS-- A i . BAf?RoW f NOT FOR I i wmcvvj ACXr-rtl- HS tvi' in s T TVV4' riOct rirvsi n lau ihimvj I tem ll V i t SnEEP BANCH. good bouse, sheep aheda, ethef 200 A. alfalfa, bal. grain tad 113 aheen. n rowt, 10 boraee. Owner will con full tet of equipment. sider small farm near S. L. or Ogden. Terms on balance. CATTLB BANCH. $25 PEB ACBE. 1000 A., highly Imp. cattle ranch, All other bldgt. house, large barns, fenced. Decreed water right from creek Cute 600 tone) ranch. flowing through Owner mntt hay, bal. grain pasture land. aell. Reasonable down payment, bal. over of Some trade. yeara. period LARGEST LIST Of THE WE HAVE FARMS AND STOCR RANCHES IN TH WB OO STATES. INTERMOUNTAIN NOTHING TOO BIO EVERYWHERE. EXCHANGE WHAT TOW OR SMALL. HAVE FOR WHAT YOU WANT. SMITH REALTY COMPANY, "LAND MERCHANTS," Waa. 1981. 1104 3 6 Deseret Bank Bldg. BY owner, 3 acres, tlx shares water light. All In bearing fruit; pared at., Holllday. Hy. 38574. MoDEK.N bouse, five acrta, water right. plenty haras for dairy snd poultry bnai- neas. gua End or w. zan no. car una. Orange tt. Eaay terma. OWNEB Will aell cheap a good 7 room brick, large) fruit treat and garden: largB lot, lawns, bars: cloaa la. Or wlB trade for em. acre age or chicken ranch. 51 RICHARDS ST. WAS. 88X2 ACRES. Redwood Road at Sth So.. tac- Was. 9128 M. Ing eatt: $400 acre. 400 A., bldgt. pasture CLOSE IN ACBEAGE. A., an Highland drive, with fine brand- nvv. new snreDr. oungaiow, rioora, aa built-ifeaturea. full cemented basement, h. a. beat, fine garage, flowere. fruit, ahade. One car fare. Price $0500. Terma. New I A., Just off Highland drive. full for coop br. bungalow, basement, level land, 300 birds, garage, smooth, few for location wonderful chlckena, One fare. garden and work lo town. Bral bargalB at $4400, on terms. tt A., few rods ao. of 33rd So., near 38rd r. new br. bungalow, coop anu garage $4500. Eaay terma. SEE US FOR COUNTRY HOMES, SMITH REALTY COMPANY. 1104 Wat. 1983. Deteret Bank Bldg. tt $6000 A HEAL Bargain for a auburbaa home. 20 minutes' ride from city, oa pavest, brick bouse, bath, largo highway. sip. porcb. beat of culinary water, eleetri lights. 04 acree orcnaro anu garnen, ensi- talnlng Jonathan, winter Horn Banans, varietiea of apples; Beauty aad other peacbea. plume, pears snd rherrlae; trees at their beat; flrat-clas- a Irrigation, water right; ideal sandy, loam for gardening; won. derfnl location for chicken aad turkey rain Terms may bat ing. A reat money-makearranged. See owner, Hyrum Bennloa. 1 block eonth of TaylorsrYlle meeting bouse. Phone Murray $25 DOWN, $10 per mo.; brick, half-aclot. barn, coops, well; no llgbta. at Pueblo tt. Utah Loan k Bldg. Aann. Property for Sale or Trade mod. daplax; will take food car at dowa payment. Waa. 2530; Ban day. Hy. 4243-B- . A FEW nice Jerome .county, Idaho, farma, will trade for Bait Lake property. Priced right. Please giro full particulars on any trade la first letter. George A. Bremer, Jerome, Idaho. WILL trade $1700 equity In borne, curtains, drapet, bllnda, combination gaa aad coal range, for a aedaa or coupe auto. Houaa baa five large room a and glassed-ialeep- Call Wat. Ing porch, full cement basement. . 8475-J6031 J or Hy. a beautU BUNGALOW, strictly mod.. 1020 fit! garage. borne; lawn, flowers, Lowell ave., on 10th B. bat. Tth and Sth Bo. Will trade for 5 or 6 rm. bung. NEW For Sale Stock, Sheep Ranchet filLTiBAbo.Tn'KIN COUNTY. BANCH FOB BALE, growing bay, grata and potatoes; 4.12 acres on Capitol creak, 130 acrea uader cultivation. All feaeed Bast under own ditch from Capitol creak. An abundance of water the year round. Cats 200 tone of bay ; amount can be Increased. Now keeping 75 head of thoroughbred reg Uered cattle and 100 abaerp.. Fair noun a nd .tjllrn. On . raarrirry Toad 6 miles- frena i station on the D. m B. G. R. K. Jolaa pub. j lie range for sheep or cattle. A bargain) at $12,000. -- ,, t, ,,!.. Agent. A. ;1totirquln. Atpen. Colo. PAClFlfJ AND CENTRAL gOUTHEBN LAND GBANT8. Nevala California. and Grtilng or rtak, contracta farm lands. Easy terma; to liveatock prodncera or tattlers; contracta without production or Battlement Maps and particnlara. S. F. requirements Co. 300 Boyd Park Bldg., 162 So, Main. Wit. 2141. T COLUMN Repair Guide Wit. 2234. All; Bltusli lacquer ref., upbolaterlag Fura. Rep . 11$ N at. Hy. . WU-llt- 6S20. BRING your dull toult to 136 B. 2nd Bo. Satisfaction guar. Reasonable rttea. connected. CtGLS, water Jackets, ranges stove and furnace repairs, work guaraa. L. W. Ataddoi, Hy. SM.. eed. CABPKNTEB ork. plaslertnaj. cement and roof repairing. Hy 4,776-J- . CAKPENTKB work, cement work, i log, plastering, etc. Call Waa. tSW, flail lJ p.clalist la asaad platter palcklag. daslga- - LABPENfEB. . (oocreie work, Large, small Jobs Ing. Has Mat)-W- . lAKPENTBaL Banaral raaairtag. remodel- ins. odd Jobs, f la letting, roofs BVMaj By .'.266 at. FI B.MIT Ml CHUOLatTBBJtn HIP IM WB 1PEOA1JZB OTBI FUBNITTBB. BOYAL PAKLOB FrBltl-TUWAB. EVA ST awp SO. U03t1 aavUtal foe LAWN ktOWBaV Bd,.i lltn ansae ..Uy 711 BEhlADB. MATTBEHHasS rtUlaf rleassM. Barer. Oae-da- y Ilka aervioa. Cast V, fluffy. NBW LlFB HATTBJJBi of new avattreaa. t Sit a jtwrk. Wa. TUS. flrat rises , mralra-- e at A PTukrsata I ssasli S. L Mattreaa raaaaasltisnl reevarad Ufg C... Ws. gjn KEBooFISO wttb OLD A sIBBICAJt AJti rHALT BHiyJULaBI by iSS sates becges bf a AM ps lease a specialty .674 tares .. ut TirtV 4tb js SM w oe So. MB ys. HAT CIXAJOIIQ Motorcycles and Bicycles FW sMraaassstt niarr.ys"; Cnnanshla Mb rid ll.ms. ..f Brdanrr lis Farms and Acreage WHY STUTTER 1 SALT LAKE VALLEY FARM. 30 A close In. Imp. with new mod. firebr. bungalow. garage, f water right, toll. $1500 will good handle. DA1BT AND SHEEP. $28 08 PER A . 300 A., ranch well lata. and fenced, old decreed water right, bo assessments. 10 Cats 300 toon bay. horses, full set of Iropl., furniture. $1300 will handle, hat. $500 yr . 8 per cent lot. OGDEN VALLEY. 100 A., good Imp., 200 ewes, 130 lambs, 700 chickens, dairy cowa, horeee, ma Independent chlnery. fully equipped. water right, owner moving to Salt Last) Will conatder small farm lo valley. im, o. .r 14 J Automobiles 4 ' f tTfif4l. aaWfiaite t f attt tt1 HABTE8TBK 1NTEBNATIONAL Motar Truck Dept. 44v W. 41b South. Wanted lata largo uan uy. sir. nia.tr,. ANTIOUE furniture recondltiooad. reproduced, custom-madtrk.. ophol., gen. rep. Home Furu. Co., IT1 W. So T. yr track Bad school baa. Bogy. Ily tin house for tile or rant. 1M Major ttreet. Ily. 1253. t'OK SALE The )est vacant business corner on State, close In. 100-ffront. Mur 4981 So. 2nd West, ray 458. ViS BY OWNER brick, modern houae; basement, alp. porch, garage, lawnt: very cbetp. 922 Harvard ava., ' lose to 8th E. ttreet. Thtt property la clear. Call Waa. 8303. BEST buy In city 14 acre, with new 4- rm. bouse; $2300. Phone owner, Hy. 416. 0 9 I $330. FOBD $473. modern, no. FIX-I- uAiiikirevui cwtvysv T msn KNOW Tba Bankers Trust company real eetat ia aelilag dept. it prepared to aaslst yon blfb-clatWa bare a your property) clientele of. Investors and real estate If we do not tell your propbuyera. erty our aervlca costs you Botblng. Aak for air. Banter. rMvun BABGAIN. OWNEB LEA V INO CITY. 8TBICTLY MODEBN HOME FOB ON PAVED RTBEET, ALL ASSESS $4500. MENTS PAID; NEWLY PAPERED. FURNACE; NEW GARAGE; 6 FRUIT TREES. EASY TERMS HIGHLAND PARK DIS TRICT. PIIONB UY. 1483-kf- . $3230 Ind Real Estate Wanted EXCEPTION aa 201 2 Lack of No Trades PI66ING' I 228 BAM KERB TBC8T CO., Reat Batata Dept.. Waa. 70. Kewbouae Bldg. THE BREADWINNER VE, Wss have a wonderful lot located oa Hsr. and Seventh East: this Is Just the for that new borne tu be built. This sacrifice. something PICTURES t . AFTER MAY 15 WB will be located at 312 UTAH SAVINGS A TRUST BLDG. For UOfX) Fast 1st South. 19 . Piano Jazz NOTES. INaJ Iveslter. COLONIAL SIX ROOMS, UVINO ROOK 17.X10 WITH FRENCH DOORS TO DINING BOOM, THREE LA KGB BEDROOMS AND BREAKFAST Room. TILB BATH, BEAUTIFUL GUARTERED OAK FLOORS) THROUGHOUT. FULL BASEMENT. LABOB IMPROVED DOUBLE LOT, OARAGE, BUILT BY OWNER, $6T50. TEBMS. HT, 4250. 7834. IN EXCLUS1VH YALE Only $3300. 6 ROOMS jCjoaJjcnoWood MOPE OFFERS. foRN K GREAT VALCB. $3750. NEW COLONIAL 3.RO0M riBEBBICK, SOUTHEAST BENCH. A Instruments cord tlrea and N all ud JU5T CAJAfc lS, rXE POSTEO THEM BULLETIN OUTSIDE !i oprrtunlty to wSnSt rufa, Axmtoalar aeamleaa, $86: new $55. Best Axmlnster $73; now $45. aeamleaa, Beat Axmiaatar aeamleaa, $56; now $33. Linoleum, E. print, yard. $2.23; onw 11.73. All new patterns and standard makes. Give os a call. A. B. K1NNKBSLEY Fl'RN. CO., 73 We.t Broadway. TnE largest stock of used furniture in the City, consisting of dining room, bedroom, kitchen furniture, rugs, linoleum: In fart, everything you need In houaehold furnlah-Inga- . These goods are clean and up to date the and you buy them st lesa than . prli-eWHY PAY MORE! Salt Lake Furniture Co., 127 Esat Broadway. ONE beautiful Mllo-range with water Jacket, like new. $33: Charter Oak comb range, $89 73: both new sty lea. SI'GARIIOUSE rt'KN. CO., 1070 E. 21st So. Hy. 480. walBUt davenport table. BEAUTIFUL $11;- - Royal vacuum, $10; large lawn mower with grata catcher, $6.50. Ily. It WINNIE WINKLE, POSITIONS THAT MIS& WINKLE!'. stars: Beet COMPLETE furnishings of three room apart 840 So. USED lumber, brick, sash. doors. Velvet. Axmlnster ment. WiPon. rugs, 11 10th East. FoultOfl Bros. ciesn: no Junk. Alo fnilt lsrs and other 160 1st at or piece. i ;i small articles. GARAGES for s.iie cheap, any else. DEPT. IN CONNECTION. WRECKING apt. G. PHONE Ily. 2341. Lucy nve. YARD 7sn WEST 4TH SOUTH. WAS. 4812. 30 UNREDEEMED suits, $7 5o and up. MONARCH range, Woodrow electric wash er with copper tank, tioroh swing, leather Graud Loan Office.23 I2S Regent st. TWO tailor's cutting tables, Irlpple mirror, . glS.otl; all kinds of Ice boxes. $4 301 Beason building a" $10 "TO-$showcase. SAVING ON FiNr. SPECIAL up. g'svd furn , cheap 217 S W. Temple. CLOTHMEN'S RE I To MEASl TAILORED ! 25 or It. GARDEN HOSE. Goodyear, OKTIIOPIIONIi Victor Elertrola and new stock. $2. Sli. Jenkins. 428 So. state ING. ROOM 410 UTAH SAVINGS A TRUST Suisrhet. Radlda combination BRAND BLDG.. 235 SOUTH MAIN STREET. DAIiWTN TULIPS. NEW as far as aptsearaioe and condition are 3408 Highland Drive. SODA fountain, cost $3500: will sell for concerned, but will It a few let within go 12 9s refrigerator, $700. dollars of half price for cash, or easy terms FOR sale che.ip. large refrigerator, bassinet 77 $1000. East 2nd Sooth. 'o reliable party. See Harrington at 61 So. 285 No. Sth W. Was 1896 K. snd heater SEWING MACHINES Main, at Davnes Beets-'s- . AIIULANE engine, new. complete. $12". Western Eiectrlc, $32: Franklin Electric, 3317 So. 7th for boat or plane. Guns. While Electric $28 Domestic Electric $35; Musical East st. $53: Singer Treadle $19, Singer Treadle $18. machiues. ORTIloPHoNic Victor elertrola and PKRBNNIALfl, f!ne big 2 yr.-- ld This is the plsce for plants, two for 25c 50 for $5. Estra fine ruffled W hile S M Co.. 72 S. Main. . Wat. 3234. radlola BRAND combination. Superbct and fringed petunias. 3 dog.. $1. Annuals, NEW as far as appearance and condition are soil. sand, FEBTILIXKB. gen I haullug. H but a few let will mncernad, wlthla peclal, 5 dox., $1. Bowen s. 6460 So. State. go . 419 DoMninirton ave. Hy. 312-Jdolian of half jtrlce for cash or easy terms desk for FULL roll-tomahogany to reliable party See Harrington at 61 Wss. 3335. Si. Main at liavnea-Beeha'- t. slb-e- r BUY BAI.NBOW BOCK SPBIKG8 for PIANO ACI.ORDEOS Best Italian make, coal. $123 SAFE for S; $150 meat By doing so you will avoid the smoke In $47.50; electric oven, cheap; electric cake ( ash brand new, at a SACRIFICE price. t spectors; reduce your laundry bills, and mixer, half price: butchers' supplies. or easy terms to reliable imrty. See Alston In producing a clean city. Price same UAMMEL, 114 WEST 3RD SOUTH. 01 So. Main at Daynes Beetle's. It inferior wooty (all Was. 3C,s2. coal and gas range. $69; gat range FISHER'S Music Store pays highest rash COMB, CHRISTBNSEN coal & WOOD. W. man. with oven, $12.30; icebox, $8.50; iron price for used pianos, rndloa. mutlcai InBine Blaze Coal Sack or ton tlBdllliK. taw) a. $2.30; steel springs. $". singer sewstruments, etc. - 121 K.- Broadway. Western 'Furn. Exch.. Fox kindling, 7 sscks $1, del.; ing mach., $1150. FINE auto-lonplayer piano; many fine 315 Sttte. 50c. Ily. 8H51. record!. Bargain. Hy. 2708 J. KINDLING. 7 SACKS, $1 DEL. ; COAL, 50c KINDLING wood, cut up. $3 per load deliv- Salt' Lake Box Co., Wot. 617Q ered. SACK. BECK'S. II Y. 5003. new Round Oak gas and PRACTICALLY note or ear- oovettlea; alao coal atove, $90; cost $203. Must sell. 503 12 LESSONS, Davla Method. 163 S. Main. mall course. So. 9th Eust. Hy. 3S74-W- . in modem AUTISTIC native and Alpine, PERSONAL effects of late Minnie Hall, Radios German, English, JapaItalian, Sat.. May 5. rear 40 No, State, at 10 a. m. Grotto work, lily nese. Callfvrnia stylet. 50 GIVES your radio expert aervicing for $7 like t. some ele TEN washers, repossessed sketches on Plaits, pondt, pari a, ave. 0 months. twice a new. Make us an .ffer. Was. 8050. Thorough check-uJ A. Niederhauter, 2200 Green at. request. calls answered month, emergency at any ALASKA refg . $13: gas range. $5: kitchen Hy. 5227-Stewart-Warneor 8. eV 8. hour, day night. cab., gas water beater. $7. Ily. 2580-W- . lawn work, shrubs, loses, LANDSCAPING, Was 3733 Ed. Karlln. Was 7741. nights. . treet; estimate ref. Jensen. W. COAL range, good condition, $20. 1340 So. 2 NEW ti tube, cost sell lug Jirice $1011. 2nd East. Was. 9827 W. 175 Main. apt. 0. Soil Sen cull k brooder, $8; dresser, $5; Wlltoaj velvet rug. $13; gen. leather dlivenetre, Baby ChicKs, USE "NEW WHIZZ." the specially balanced $20; mattresses. $5; . 50c and 75c; fertiliser for lawn and fiowers. Belter, electric washer. $6; 10 dot. fruit Jars. $2; WANTED Live poultry. I will call for then more easily applied titan manure. fheaper, l.ltchen chairs. 50c$2.50; rockers, library and pay the top price. Murray 90. PORTER-WALTO42 W. 1st So. CO lahle. $3 VI; 6 tube Atwale r Kent radio. 839 TOP PRICES PAID FOB LIVE POCLTBY. Crandall nve. Ily. 4779 W. mountain soil and 8137-CALL WAS was. CONTRACT lawn work; soil aud fertiiixer; also sand and I0W7.W. BABY chicks. Reds, Kucka, Leghorns, Minor-cat- . trees taken down. Chrlstensen. W. 1292-MBring or tbip jour hatching daily. CANYON toll, own eur beds, carload!, kind PIANO ACCORDEoN. beat Italian make. or for egga pheatant turkey, chicken floristt aud landscapers want. Ily. 3702. hrand new, at a SACRIFICE price: cash hatching. The finest chicks la Utah are oe terms reliable to See Alston Ford ammonium sulphate FERTILIZER. easy srty. famous Sol Hot broodraised under world the at 01 So. Main, at Daynes-Be- e bo's. BAKER MOTOR COMPANY, ert. Til la it the place to buy baby ehlcl Was. 2713. EUREKA vacuum clearer, like new. Some-tin3rd South and 3rd East. feed and feeding Fixtures. The Ramshaw I uq litre 16S A street. sand aud gravel; trucking. MOUNTAIN Bets a bargain. Hatchery, tr.87 So State St.. Murray 474. Hy, 5180-- J LARGE Hartmann wardrobe trunk, bargni.i', BAIIY t Hit KM. all slaudard hreeda, belt $18 SOT E 2nd So.. No. 12. Was SCSI. utility ttraln. telected tpecitlty for egg. Flowers--, State agenta Royal Stove brood-eraproduction. Send for free cttalog on aeedt. ouraery Dogs, and Ofhel thousand delphinium SEVERAL and ttock tupplles. poultry varieties of perennials. Alpine, rare plants. PORTER-WALTOCOMPANY. 42 W. 1st 8. Puppies nnd adults, cham2280 Green at J. A. Niederhauser, Hy. POMERANIANS: 1542 Harvard. pion stock. rea. II. 1819-M- . 5227-W- . Look look. V. Leghorn baby chlcka, $110 per 1000 Mountain. Harla Wat. CANARIES, 172 B st PA.NS1ES, Glantl, very choice. for April, $103 for May and June. Coal brood 4B92-. 541 SO. 2nd. West. hy City cemetery. Hy. 0933 B er atovea. lite, $22.50, and 500 of Shetquality, alto BEDDING plants and summer flowere, all GERMAN police papa These prlcea are delivered $17.50. land pony. Edenhatl Kennels. Eureka. Ut. aite, kinds, from 20c dog. W. Naumau, 1032 Alao 9 tt your station. Why pay more? Bullions. BOSTON studs, 1214 I ha., champion stock. other varietiea of chicks. Write at once W. H. W. Smith. 1584 S. State get breeding dates, pups. Call evee. Hy. for prices. ALL kluds of plants; cut flowers, funeral 427 13th Katt. 8. L. C, I tall, BOX 873. W. T. Gray. 1843 So. 7th East. 1174-W- . work. Hy 3018. terrier pups, reg. stock, 880 1st Also Vogeler Heed store, 30 W. lit So., fur PETUNIAS, asters, zinnias, suapdrsgoua BOSTON alt and all chlckt 8974-baby supplied. 8808. porltry ave. He. Hy. 25c dot. 981 So. 11th East. HATCHING eggs from purse-breIt. I. Beds. GERMAN police pups, excellent 11. G. Miller, champion PLANTS. 3 dot. for 00c. W bite Leghorns. $1 per lo. .Neelemsn s stock; good colore. Addrets 1201 North 1730 Windsor st. . Poultry Yards. 3022. High, drive. Ily. 4051-J- . Phone Utah West Sth Provo, St., 111 FELED petuniss. California giante. pride WANTED 1000 meat rabbits weekly7w!ll SETTING UENS WANTED CALL WAS from seed of Portland, acarict beauty, 6781 contract fof 3 yrs. at 80c per lb. Vuncar't costing $130 nr. Savage. 1825 Park st TOP PBICES PAID FOB LIVE POULTRY. Babbjt & For Farm. 2433 So. 5th Eatt. WAS. 8157-31.- . ONE regittered English n Pointer, female, Office Live poultry broken for field, and water. 2 yrt. old. f WANTED and rabbi I EUr.rA I.L MAKES. 42. North 7th west. w as. wk.ii It .RBXtL$ "J'i'Pty.HI call end get: can use. Baxl amount. Tatui ' "guaranteed.' fiiUy payments': Waa. 5471. Co.. 45 So. 7tb W. Producta lsys REGISTERED black ami tan Grvman police Get models Vpte.d, $2.5tl per month. pup. 111 weeks old. 1112 W. 4th So Will, call and get all klnda of poultry. :.2i ',. Whllesale' Typewriter Co price Hlgliest price paid. Hy. 1102 AT STUD for service, registered German po Phone Was. 27BI South MalnNst. OBDKBM BtttiKING llce. wolf gray. 2661 Beverly aLH. 1256L NEW a nil secvuid hand all kiuus NOW for spring delivery, all breeds, seWestern riirntrtire Co 301 So. State stock. Bend for big. free lected, trapnett dHOUSECLEANING carROOT, poultry supply and aeed catalog. Bailey bona tor and steam tables, milk am!1 water A Son t o E. 2nd Hat.. Sslt Lake City. OIL. HOl'SECLEANINO EXCKLCIS E Bo. Co 119 O. StengI Mfg. 1st coolers UTAH Al.'UKKDITKD WAS 2142. CARD tables, cigar and candy wall aud floor The Utsh "Strong Ubtx' high clg., pattitinfr. Kloort waxed, caaet. meat counters: uew and used. Salt WALL May-Jun- e White cblx veil! Legborna. lieueral houn Ig. Keat. Waa. 717Ji-R- . Lake Cabinet and Fixture Co., 32 Bichardt make you money tbia year, lt'a a poultry t ft iill Was. 3210. TO 2 tut rl s and vear. Also Beda, i, pef other heavy pjper Wat 47:." J. terlnr decors..;! Full line poultry supplies, oreeds. new tad old; root beer SOI'A foutitilna, feeds, 8 6 and weeks pullets. TOOi; yuot tpriog cteanfaic, pap rhanglnt. brooders, etc. outflti, carbuitBtom, itore fixture, 'offe STRONG CHIT. nATCHERY, 2252 Wash, nnm Smith Kant !ruf Co.. Wat. 28S painting, ft'wr pot thing,IV etc.,PI.reaa., .a-- t sve.. Oirden. Utah. W. 42.". it. ni House Cleaniptr. M Sdei LivestocK Cleauert. prlcea right. BABP.ED Bock Isylng nod Bitting hena. tXi AUlv I)eal Htti fW!fl-W- . "th BB$4 East. Wa. freth In few .lay, Sj. IUMY niil'h row. FBIE8. 3 FOB $1. Hili Wett. BUlfhtsrkOQa, S3rd 34J8 H .uth West Temple. AND FRAMING 2944 M. ON asattsf la A I s.raost acar. BS4 Beat Tires and Accessories PASS 1920 WERE A?? 4 tnsca. yosrr 7 4ATw DE LUXE LATE c.'27 BUICK t'OUPE, NEW RUBBUMPERS. MoTOMKTElt, BER AND IN PERFECT CONDITION, $s7i. c HY. 4517M. $127 l KEIli T o: Chrys.e . gats gat att car.s Was. 45Mn I lecteil. for $7 Ml ST SACRIFKi: Nash touring; excellent condition: gissi rubber; lookn like new; Wet. 8292 W. wonderfnl bny for someone. 87W. No. Temple. r ISTBRXAT70NAL SO." . express Cab, body, BIG SIX STTDE. 1925 body. $173, tOB. OFFER, STAtCr KETCHUM BEAL t Tribune. .11. Js Y OI II GLADIOLI AND DAHLIAS. 125 NKWKMT AND BF T VAHIETIEBi WE HAVE DISTINCTIVE GLADIOLUS. SUCH AS FERN KYLE. RICHARD DIE PLANT MTU DAH NEB, TWILIGHT UAH AS AMAN BA, JERSEY BEAUTY. Pol. All STAK. BEDDING AND POT'PI.A NTS. RIVERSIDE GAHDENS. WAS. 4637-J1059 W. STH SOUTn. TH SOUTH AM) JOBDAN RIVER. MAJUSTIC hotel ranges, back bars, tables, chairs, stools, dishes and cash registers Western Euro. Exch., 813 Stale. POT plants, tansies, English daisies am 1311 Wasatch are. hardy perenulals. 0473 M 12th West bet. 7th and Sib South. BUY for the kiddles unique play-timcom BEST used furniture, ruga and ranges. C. Jenkins Furniture " . 318 So. Stat bluatlun slippery slide, awlag. 3 teeter tot tera. la one, piece Elaeat thing ua cue UXlf WILTON velvet rug. ItfKQi J pc, n srket. B' , it set, $39.50; genuine leather davhigh. 12 rt. Jong. . Ily 3223 It or- Ily 2312 Hoosler kitchen cabinet, enport. $28.50; $12 50: CLARK Jewel double oven gas stove. 4 pot $32.50; comb desk and huikcase. new base $12.50 felt rugs, 9x12, $0.95: com$33 SSCh Sweet Hughes electric range bination COal and gas range. $45; 2 burner Candy Co., 224 So 1st West. electric range. $10 30: gas ringes. $7 50, So UNCALLED FOB suits your boico, $b..Hl ECONOMY TUBN CO., 41 W. Bdway. to $1.' 5o Statsprk'a. 38 E 2nd Soot n tveslroem and FOR SALE Living, dining BS as low aa $20; lOlLLIS BATH $16; Also camti all practically new. suites, SINKS. $10. $4. BOILERS. lUrllng ing outfit, child's and tricycle. 553 wagon 333 0o Stat. Plumbing Supply. Cleveland ave Hy 43s! It cheese cutter $121 DAYTON scales. $15. Havllkud WICKER breakfast set, $7.50: $I7U Hubert meet rbopfcr, $120 cbfaa dinner set, refrtC" 5o lb. ; rbest of See $50 showcase for $32: $200 National cash drawers, piano bench; all bargains. register, $90; store ref rlgersror, $33: large r berry at 27 Richards. stock new siilp. llammel. ill W. Bdwy. and hedrim suites, all LIVING, dining CllOlt E A l potatoes. W hit T I'earl, Irish practically new; also tamping outfit, Cobblerr and Ruasets, gisl fur seed, $1 child's wsgon and tricycle. 553 Cleveland. 4200 So. 9th Ily 43K0 R We deliver per hundred. East. Phone JSO-Murray. NEWLY W EI'S SF.PABATE. SODA After psying nearly $2ts) on their furnl-lurFOUNTAINS, new sad rebuilt: root steam tables beer outfits snd equipment, they forfeit it and we will resell It for Inbilliard electric enrbonatora. tablea. the unpaid oslance, take up the payments where they left off. See Mr. Thomas at vestigate before buying. 33 Moser Ha rlman Co., Manufacturers, THE UPSTAIRS FL It N ITU HE STORE, Poe t.iffice place. Salt La a City. Utah 246 So. Main 13rd floor). SPECIAL Beautiful 3 armed, east, crystal-trimme- d OAK dresser, kltciiin lablnct. lu good con polychrome lighting fixtuie, dition. 2827 Bei-rl- y situ c $12 50; will allow $2.50 on any old future. Oak fire furnace, almost newJ. V. Buckle Kiectric Co., 632 Bo. Stale. (HAlt'lElt coal aud Monarch range, refrigerators gas Was. S.MIH. 1 1 1 25 lbs 50 lbs sanitary couch, MEAT counters and coolers, 7 piail tables. bed and anrliMta. 311 Bryan ave. Hy. 538 W 2 soda fountains, meat scales, clgsr and 3 pc. walnut bedroom suit ONE beautiful Utah's jldes candy tlxttires. showcases. with springs snd mattress. W. I.. vVelberhee, 33 W, So, Tern. factory, $110 SPECIAL PRICE machines DUCt) lacquer spraying FURNITURE SI'GARIIOUSE paint CO., rented. Imught. sold and exchauged. 1070 E. 21st So. Hy 489 1RIIV A 1t COMPRESSOR EXCHANGE, WAS. 4880. 4 PIECE black aud gold wicker living nu 321 SOI Til STATE ST. set. $40; leather rocker, $8. floor lamp FOR sale cheap, large refrigerator, bassinet $4; Vlclrolt. $23. 804 Browning ate. Ily No. Was. 4R47-R- . 285 5th West. and healer. III LIME. PLASTER, CEMENT. LUMBER, FIXOIL. GLASS, PLUMBING PAINT, HARDWARE. AND SUPPLIES. TURES ETC. 13S-- BEO 2 ton. equipped with cab, flat body for $875. tires, A pick-upneumatic matica MAKE COUPE, West 4th South, 35 1923 PAIGE l'j-toheavy dnty. equipped Thla steel wheels, pnenmatic tires. dandy buy for someone at $785. DODGE Acto $365. . 1923 MAXWELL 1823 STATE. SO. 80S , REAL buy In 182S Nash special tlx cabriolet, rumble seat. Tike new. Was. 6853. sell ttf late 39',' BajaBkfaBBat voad- i ster-- l tonirs. Hy. 8392-W- . rtlRD 124 touring, good Phone Icy. 7255. $185. new 1925 Olda coupe. $150: SPECIAL pulut. extra good motor. Was. 370, Dr. Marshall. 1924 FORD coupe a fine looking car sad riwne la good condition- - $190; terms. Murray HfC-- J ! p and ESSEX 4 roadster, new paint, good 211 Real buy at upholstery. 6 tires. S7H4-Was. West 4th No. A l condition, price 1825 DODGR touring, right. STATE. AD3X.NCED SIX" NAS11 SEDAN. 'Jbia car is in perfect condition. l,ooks and runs like new. Must sell. I m going away. Car may he seen at 400 South State. LATE 1926 MASTER SIX BUICK and reconditioned SEDAN, completely $973. terms If necettary. Call guaranteed, Baker, Wat. 6733 JM East 1st So. STATE. SO. 805 TOUR C1UD SEDAN. LANDAU CHEV. 1826 DODGE 803 SO. STATE. 805 SO. LATE model HUDSON COACH, tip top roll Call Ily. 4383-Rdltion. run sio 1927 CHEVROLET landau sedan, ' Must aell before May 7. Hy. rnijes. pass DLBAKKK big six. beautiful met iiauiia,,,' eouye, Was. Owner. Ileal bargain. j,......, quipped. to CI W. TWO repoesessed sedans, one 192T model. coat $1300; one 1926 model, coal ov.r $1000; will aell either for unpaid balance Waa. 6480. , . 5 i $45. 1925 PRICE. COUPE, BARGAIN CHEV. 636. STATE. 805 SO. MOTOR CO.. NOBVILLB 118 South State St. 1928 805 SO. $75. K FOR SALE For Sale Furniture J. J. COAN WKBCKINO CO. New and need building materials of all kluds, structural steel workers euti!; .nem, 1 firvplacea. beams, plumbing, fittings, paiatera aupplles. furuitura of all kinds, needsoma real axalaiit. grin an' stones and all kinds of tools. YARDS at 334 WEST SO. TEMPI. E. and 35 NORTH 2ND WEST. I'bone Was. 2403 BUYS A GOOD MINSTER AVE. A FEW of onr wonderful 4 Itatjt, cast, V. polychrome futures left at 14 80. TeleRuckle Electric Co., 632 So. Ststa. phone Waa. MM. LAWN sod for sale, tarsi Kentucky blue. ft W. Gold. By. 7132-NEW AND USED BUILDING SIATIiTlIAI.lt. 2X4 TO 2112. and 4 In. plank, 616. 12x12, sheathing, aiding, flooring, celling, lath, door a. aaab. hotbed aaah. corrugated lrou, door and window frames, etc. "A 2x4 or a carload." THE FRIEDMAN LUMBER CO., 351 Month Tel. Wssatch 1316. 3rd West. NEW wal. rocktrs, IS aa. ; upholstered wat. coaanl table, ST.Mi wal. new settee. 17. Axmlnster new Ardsl-- y seamless rum, A. I) 131 SO; wal. dining room set. 363. Was. 12ST. Tobio. S3 W. let So. WASHING uiacninea. new aud used, see- cr.,1 beet uskes. latest models, special e bargain prices, cash or terms. Washing Exchange Sales and Service, $23 So. BU3 St. Wat. West Temple we sell AT a very low price, slightly soiled garment, dresses, evsMiittg s Also men gowns, bats, shoes, necfcpleeea. Mlaflt Shop, 401 Constitution suits. Bldg. Was 2252. IIKMl.NGION for r Agehta Ml cssh registers. Victor adding machines. Holwlck electric coffee mills and meat chop EXCHANGE. BUY. SELL. HEM. pers. REPAIR National cash registers. Burroughs adding machines, scales, ate. GROSHEI.I.'S. Groshell-Lov218 State at. building, phone Bank40 years. Eftabllahed Was. 2164. rupt afock flttures alwaya oat bapd. Km ky BEES, honey, full tine bee supplies. eve. Mt. Honey Co., 641 No. 2nd V GOOD old cow manure for flowers, lawn, etc. 4U Paiton are. Hy. 233S-B- . I BUY OLD UOLSES. UOISB MOVER. HY. 554-A. M JENSEN. TOMATOES, cabbages, pansles snd bedatflg plants. 13.000 at 20. 35c per doi Pot Phone plants, baskets and hardy plants. 73 West Crystal are. H y. 3236 NM. MAXWELL'S greenhouse, 1324 15th E . Hy 4009 W. Place to buy giant fringed p. plants, pansles, cut flowers, porch boxes filled at your own price. DOMESTIC electric cabinet sewing 861 E. 7th South. chine for $23 1827 ELTO motor, In flrstclsss condition. Carl Johnson, 1114 So. Slate st. $100 Hy. 953. Besuiirul DIAMOND KING MIST SELL. perfect lady's setting. Large Rare cut diamond. For quick cash. $100. Without obligation. wllLaend opportunity. AuTtrags to any bank allowing inspection. $10 " wlU Bldg. VACUUM. 3.'.7 WEST- RE.t ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved Improved and Unimproved FOR SALE FOR SALE For . 'ale Mis Jt llaneeu Mj Teraplcton 19 5, 1928. 457 B a, 'nsS avaty lfaMffa BaT ABnanssC sayKi BstHare. ITS Sat Snsts $rBNO aata elanasad. bataksd with --.4. carsBanral Csaai srs. 11 S M tlaaadasi. Bsvsatlaa bWkSat, PsajBael , |