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Show - THE RICH COUNTY NEWS, RANDOLPH, UTAH Floral Tributes From Everywhere Dear Reader: This is your corner. All questions submitted will be cheep, rally and carefully answered, except those seeking medical advice. Names and addresses cf business linns cannot be printed here, but will " ent if a stamped envelope accompanies the request. Questions are limited to two. Full name and address must accompany each letter or no reply can be made. All communications are held strictly confidential. In requesting poems and songs, the correct title, the first line, or the name of the author Is necessary in ordeo-t- o find them. Please send addressed envelope also with these requests, so they may be forwarded stamped, directly d, to you. 7ery Balt Lake City, Utah. pen and ink, to Helen Brooks, Box 1545, PlainJy. ' BONGS REQUESTED These gongs and poems are on tho Hat: requested and (Poem) Oh, the Old Kitchen Floor. (Song) May be. First lines: May be In the golden summer When the roses bloom again. Tou will steal Into my heart, dear. May be you will love me then; May be in the blighting winter. When the storms sweep land and sea, May be you will whisper softly, may be. Song, part of which is the following: Tou may give all my toys To the poor girls and boys. If youll bring back my daddy to ' me. Small portion of loving remembrances contributed by friends of their fallen chief as they were being carried Into Doctor Hardings home, where the body lay In state. Crowds Waiting to View Funeral Cortege Theres a Rose in Old Erin. SONG9 RECEIVED The following songs and poems have been received during the past week, and I wish to thank each one for their kindness In contributing them: Only a Pansy Blossom. While the Band is Playing. Dixie, Humming Home Sweet Home. Im Dear Miss Brooks: This is my first call and it is a very timid one at that. I hope I am as welcome as others have been. (1) Would you kindly print a list of interesting books for a girl 15 years of age? (2) I have a great number of friends. They all think I am about 17 or 18 years old. Shall I tell them my correct age? I am five feet eleven Inches in height and and weigh one hundred and twenty-tw- o one half pounds. What type of dress can 1 wear best? Wishing you success, and hoping I may call again, I remain a LONESOME GIRL, Utah. Why so timid, Lonsome Gtrl? The People from all over the United States standing In line just before funeral procession passed through the streets to cemetery, where Hardings body now reposes In vault Coolidge and Wife Arrive in Marion corner is for you, and everyone who has a question to ask or an inquiry to make, so do not hesitate or feel timid. (1) I am sure you will find any of the following books both interesting and Instructive: "Heart of Isabel Carleton, by Margaret E. Ashmun; by Beth B. Gilchrist; When Patty Went to College, by Jean Webster "Caroline at College and Then Came Caroline by Lila H. Richards; Smiles" and Smiling Ruth by Elliot H. Robinson. (2) Why such a lonesome name when you have so many friends? Of course If anyone Is . enough to ask you directly what your age Is, you should not hesitate to tell your correct age. Tou are unusually tall, and the prevailing style of long waist and full skirt seems to have been designed especially for you, with the bands, ruffles and circular flounces on skirt making a becoming trimming, breaking the long, straight line. Dear Miss Brooks; I have written to your corner before. The answer I received proved to be so satisfactory that I am writing again. (1) Is a girl of 14 too young to wear earrings and use paint and powder (2) Is a girl at this age too young to go to night dances? Wishing you lots of fun and success In your work, I am, as ever LITTLE BLACK ME, Utah. I am surely glad you were pleased with your former answers, my dear. (1) Of course aSbaby could paint and powder and wear earings, but would you admire one arrayed In this manner? To my personal way of thinking, they would look alomst as much out of place on a girl of fourteen. And why should she wish to use paint and powder? If a girl this age Is normal and healthy her conplexlon is the envy of her elders who try to gain a complexion as nearly like hers as they can, by using artificial means; and If her complexion Is not good, paint and powder will only make it worse. (2) I would say much too young to go to public dances either day or night. 1 do have lots of fun. Little Black Me, "but success well. It fa not so easy. Tour letter was mailed as directed. Dear Miss Brooks: How (1) What Is a elnco pesos? much is five cinco pesos in U. S.? (2) Is there any paper publlBhed on Antelope Island? . What is the name of It? New president and first lady of the land are snapped as they left the train to be conveyed to the house where the remains of Harding rested before being taken to the cemetery. George B. Christian Jr. Notables of Nation Mourn t 4 it Ov im our regular dancers that are In our own crowd. Now, Miss Brdoks, do you think it improper to go to these dances? Tou must remember that our dances are not like the city dances where one does not know every one present. Will you please give me your opinion on this subject? (2) I read some place that olive oil was good for the eye lashes, to make them long and curly. Is this treatment Injurious to the eyes? Thanking yoi in advance, I remain your true admirer, ALICE, Millard County, Ut. Tou are Indeed most weloome, Alice. (1) Perhaps I have not stated as often as I should in my answers regarding the public dance, that there are exceptions to all rules, and in all cases. Nevertheless it Is very true, and applies to every subject under discussion. I very well know that some girls can go to almost any place and seem instinctively to (now how to conduct themselves in order to command the respect of everyone present. Tou are doubtless one of these girls, and to these the undesirable element so often present at a public affair does not enter as a factor. I can readily understand also, how In the very small town everyone knows everyone else and the dance is just a nice, social gathering. But not all towns are small enough for this, and while every town of whatever size has its crowds who chum together, there is always some who look upon the public dance as a free for all place to mix, regardless of whether they are all acquainted or not. To these it means simply a place to have a good time in their own way. Many girls do not seem to be quite sure that they should not dance with everyone who invites them to do so, and this first false step makes on opening for careless and Indifferent treatment thereafter by those inclined to do so. My remedy for. these conditions would not be so much In condemning and doing away with the public dance by having the girls remain away, as It would be to refine and raise Its standard. This could be accomplished to a great extent by the parents and elder members of the 'family attending, indicating by their presence their interest in seeing to it that their girls (and boys) were receiving courteous treatment, and more important still see to It that It disbanded at a reasonable hour. I hope the above will make it clear to you why I advise against the public dance. (2) Olive oil as well as various other things along this line do help some, but the process Is very slow and requires much patience and systematic effort. It Is not Injurious to the eyes. , Dear MisS Brooks: ' We have been- reading your oorner and find it very Interesting, and that It contains good advice. We are two girls 16 years of age and have dark brown, wavy hair. One of us has dark brown eyes and the other dark blue. (1) What colors would be the most becoming to us. (2) What would you say to a boy if he kissed you just to tease you because he knew you didnt want to be kissed? He has always acted like a real gentleman before. Would you make up with him or not? (3) Would you advise us to go with cow boys? (4) We have lived in Arizona all our lives until now we have moved to Idaho. We find the people here very different from the ones in Arizona. How would you advise us to get acquainted and become used to the ways of 'the people here? Thanking you in advance for the advice, we remain BETTT and KITTT, Idaho. Thanks, girls. (1) Both of you can wear practically the same colors, those especially becoming being amber, mustard, dark reds, orchid, blue gray, sapphire and eleetrlc blue. Ivory and pale shades of pink. (2) Perhaps If I was sure he was only teasing I would forgive and forget, and be very sure that he understood it was not to happen again. (3) Why not? Cowboys are gentlemen are they not? It Is the man, not the profession, which you should consider. (4) In just what ways do you find the people different, my dears? I am sure you will soon be able to J. D. Fayette, Utah. (1) A clnco pesos is about fifty cents in American money. Five clnco pesos would amount to about 52.50. (2) No, adjust yourselves to the slight change there is no newspaper published on in conditions and customs of your new home and friends. Be your own natAntelope Island. ural selves, which I am sure Is a pleasant, friendly, happy personality and Dear Miss Brooks: I have visited your corner and wlah you will soon win your way into your to thank you for the advice you have new friend's hearts. given me. (1) Is It proper for a girl to answer a boy's letter when they have To E. W. W. B Murray, Ut. To know never seen one another and he has se- that I have been of real service and cured her address from one of her pals? comfort to you, dear, is sufficient com(2) I was born February 21, 1907. Can pensation for whatever effort I have you tell me what my colors are? Hop- put forth 1 your brfhalf. I am happy to act in the oapaclty you desire In so ing I may come again, I remain, LIVELT,. Malad, Idaho. far as is possible for me to do so. The am to ' I hear from you agencies you mention help some if delighted am I a sure (1) used persistently, but do not expect again, "Lively. quite friend of yours would not give your immediate results. It will take time name to any boy, for the purpose of and patience. Any drug store can furwriting to yon, whom she was not her' nish these by the names you give them. self proud of having as a friend, there' Deep breathing will assist very materfore I see no reason why a correspond' ially In this .work. - Immediately upon encs with him should not prove a pleas- rising In the morning stand before an ing and enjoyable diversion for you. open window, or fn the open If possible, (2) Tour colors are said by the oracle throw the shoulders well back and with to be pink, blue and Nile green. arms extended take deep breaths through the nostrils, expelling slowly Dear Miss Brooks: through the mouth. Sorry I could not Thank you for the splendid answers get your answer to you sooner. Write you gave me to my other letter. May again when you need me. I enter again? (1) Tou always say in your answers to other girls that thpy To V., Utah. Thanks for song, dear. should not go to public dances. I live In a country town and in all the What you request printed has appeared I must ask you to send country towns I have ever been In, we so many times, have always gone to the public dances. envelope. - Will get your song if We sometimes go just a crowd of girls possible. I have been reading Just Between friends are divided on this Tou and Me" for Borne time and find shows how impossible it Is for question any one some very good information and advice. else to decide this .question for you. if It Isnt any bother My advice would be If you have nice I have a question to you. (1) Am I out of style because long hair, not to cut It. The newest I havent my hair' bobbed, most of the style bobbed hair la worn straight and their hair bobbed, but there therefore la not nearly so becoming to glrla have are still some who haven't. My mother everyone as is' the curled bob. doesn't want me to cut mine. Some of To ALLIE, Enoch, Ut. A letter, which my girl grlends want me to cut my hair I wrote you June 23, has been returned, was theirs wish others and the say they marked unclaimed. I am extremely long again and tell me what ever I do sorry and will be glad to forward the not to cut it. Which do you think is Information It contained If you will the best? I am sixteen years of age. send an address by which Lean reach Hoping I may help you some time, I you. I gave, you a number of addresses A READER in Utah. remain which I would be ef assistance No trouble at all. No, dear, you are to you, thought but as stated at tha head of not out of your hair la column, addresses of bustnes firms do not bobbed. The very fact that your not appear in my column. or Dear Miss Brooks: Until today I have been a silent, but nevertheless an Interested reader of your charming little corner, and seeing how. gladly the California girls were welcomed to your corner, I decided that I, too would enter, with your permission, may I? I have been unable to procure the sheet music for the song, Dont Leave Me Mammy, In any of the music stores here, and I wondered if it could be obtained In the shops of Salt Lake City. If so, will you kindly let me know through your column? (1) Is it proper, after dancing with a young man, for him to take the girls arm, or should she take his, or neither? (2) I am fifteen years of age, weigh 128, and one half pounds and am sixty-fiv- e inches tall. Am I underweight or overhow and much. weight Wishing yoa success I remain, ORANGE BLOSSOM from California. Thanks, Orange Blossom. Indeed I am glad to hear from the California girls (and boys) as well as those from every other state. Atl are welcome. I have received lovely letters from al- most every state and am very glad to know our corner Is so Tea, the sheet music fot your song may be had here, and I shall be too pleased to have It sent to you. only Tha price Is 35c. (1) The custom of tak ing your partners arm after the dance is not generally practiced, but always the girl takes the mans arm, never the reverse at any time. (2) Tou ara about four pounds overweight, my dear, but I rather think that is better than to be that much underweight dont you? Come again. Dear Miss Brooks: This is but the second time I have entered your corner, hut being very much pleased with my first attempt, I do not delay In trying again. (1) What is the nationality, age and address and . if married, of Ramon Navarro? (2) Give me the age and address of Alice Terry, Betty Blythe, Peggy Hyland, Richard Barthemess, Bebe Daniels and Harrison Ford, Please answer these two questions as soon as you can. Wishing you joy and success. BIRDIE, a F Utah. Well, Birdie according to the Information I have Ramon Navarro was born In Duranga, Mexico, Feb. 6, 1899. He is not married and may be addressed in care of Metro Studios, Hollywood, Calif. (2) Alice Terry is said to be 27 and is with the Metro people also, Richard Barthelmess is 28 and Is with Inspiration Pictures, 665 Fifth Ave.. New Tork City, Bebe Daniels Is 21 and her address is care of Paramount Pictures Corporation 485 Fifth Ave., New Tory City, Harriaon Ford's address care of Menifee Johnstone, 206 N. Harvard Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif. Write now for Information about your courea. Fall term starts Sept. 4. Utah Business College 902 Boston Bldg.. S. L. Carl Davis, prim Salt Lake City Firms To mnn pronpt senrice and ulck retirai to theso adTortiMments mention tho nani of tfcie paper. Abrema DiamosU 6 Treatment. Dr. R R Maupin, M- - D. 884 Judge Bldg.. Salt Lake. BOARDING SCHOOL HOWLAND HALL School for Girl Episcopal. School of Highest Standards. Splendid place for your daughter. Boarding and Day Pupils. Kindergartens Grammar. High. On the Accredited List of American Schools. Apply to Principal. Salt Lake. BOOKS ft?7 I (J The late presidents secretary proved his loyalty to his fallen chief by befriending Mrs. Harding In every way possible. - style-becau- se man' c. a o bTn2wDtb5r M East So. Temple PATENT MEDICINES Frwbalnis Herbs for Hay-feve- r, Stomach troubles, kidney diseases. Satisfaction guaranteed o. money refunded. 426 W. 7 8.. Salt t- -s City. BONGS A SHEET MUSIC Au kind- - sheet music by SONGS new, mail. COD. Beealey Music go. T S Main auum ana need I wwHcnci. our Beauty Parlors. We handle a fin t clast line or latest styles in hair goods. .Walker's Beauty Parlor HUPTBOXES A VEGETABLK crates LELWS PEACH & APPLE BOXES notice. Salt Lake Box ft Lumber Co. GUARANTEED ON SAVINGS PER ANNUM compounded 1923 guaranteed Any young man who saves a part of hia Income, however smell, will eucceed; and the young man who spends hie entire income how large, will fail. There never has been end never can be one exception to the rule. Join our association NOW. FIDELITY BUILDING ft LOAN ASSN - Q Secretary of State Hughes, Chief Justice Taft, Secretary Weeks and Governor Donahey of Ohio arrive. If we havent a partner. All the girls We hardly know what it is to go to a private dance. The dance; we go to are the kind where everyone knows everyone else, and anyway we have do. Dear Miss Brooks: I certainly was glad to hear from yog and hop to hear from you again. I am again a questioner. Is plaster of parts good to stick a black rnbber fountain pen and a gold filled top to- - x gather? What is show card writlngf Is there anything to It when they say you get from 10 to 60 a week? Hop-ln- g to hear from you I remain a friend. MARIE, Idaho. And you shall hear from me, Marla. . (1) It might bo all right, but It would depend largely upon how it was broken or how It was separated. I rather think to have It mended exr would prefer pertly by one accustomed to doing such work. The price would bo 50 or 75 cents depending upon the work and material required. (2) Show-car- d writing la the art of letter formation, do- -, sign and ornament as applied to window signs, store banners and card free-han- d treat- lettering, water-colment, shading, classical style of letters.', etc. The amount one could earn from this labor would depend' altogether upon how expert and artistic one were and where one were located. Of course there would be slight opportunity to earn anything from this business In the small towns as there Is proctically bo demand for it. we paid 10 KODAKS SUPPLIES EXPERT KODAK FINISHING is only possible by employing capable Our men know how work-- Commercial Photographers ampler 144 So. Main Salt Lake City w I VwldlMiWl.. School of Efficiency. All commercial branches Catalog free. 60 N. Main St.. Salt Lake City Dear Miss Brooks: Tou have helped so many girls and boys that I hava decided to join. (1) What Is Constance Talmadgea address? (2) la Harold Lloyd married? Please give me address of him and his wife. How old la ha? Thanking you In advance and wishing you much Joy and happiness ever, In yonr work,. I remain as MINNIE, Oxford, Ida. Come on In, Minnie. (1) Constance Talmadge may be addressed In care of United Studios, Hollywood, Calif. . (2 Harold Lloyd's wife la Mildred Davis. He la 80 years old and yen may address him In care ef Hal Roach Studios, Culver City, OMUL |