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Show THE RICH COUNTY NEWS, RANDOLPH, UTAH r -- Do You Want Years Budget Stresses Relief and Services at Home j j and Overseas. Ji TOR VETERAN MILLIONS NOTICE - United Local News To Who -- AID -- j - "The BANK at Located ?.p-n-- RANDOLPH 1922. It May Concern;. RANDOLPH , S t OF in the county of RICH State of Utah,' atTthe close of October 4, 1922. business on the TENTH day of OCT States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah Notice is hereby given that Mr Oisoti Pendree ti few Stale of Utah has filed in this office the Over $3,000,000 Allotted to the days this week visiting with his lists of lands, selected State, sister Mrs Ike Smith who is very under section 6 of the Act of Disabled Foreign Work Confess, e by-th- e RESOURCES Loans and Discounts, $135198.14 Less Notes and Bills of this Bank Redis counted. The Rich County News i Published y THE RICH COUNTY NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 Entered aa second class unit tar Alay '5. 1S97. at the Post Ofkec nr Itnndolph, tab, under the act of ilnrcu 3. 1?7$. AL LARSON $1200- -, Publish ill, Lessens. A PsodWe Tariff on Sugar. i - returning Thursday. approved July 16, 1894, as Indemnity Sc Serial OH 994, Friday October. 20 Mr Manny hool lands, viz: Tyson and family of Brigham CiNE'4SEL Sec. 5, T. 12 N R. 7 E., ty were guests at the home of Mr S. I., M., JinrSpencgJ. Mrs S A McKinnon Copie? of said lists, so far as they of Ogden also came- with them the relate to said tracts by descriptive sub divisions, have been conspicuously posted party returned by way cf Evans- Publiahei) evarv nt;rdy at kandtriofc 1 Wool , Lead and Farm Products? s are I - we i Washlngton.Ependltures totaling for carrying through Its program of services and relief during the fiscal year In the United States end overseas are' authorized In the 59,739,872.47 ' - Utahs basi; Industrie and to them from .ruin aud to make the people .of this state prosper I o, 5, they need- - ii Tariff j. Protection. M !f senator Smoot has labored constructively 13 i; or the tariff during his entire service budget of the American Red Cross, effective July 1, 1922. This total is less than the expenditures for the last fiscal year, when disbursements reached $12,475,847.69, it is announced at National Headquarters in e statement emphasizing the necessity eg continued support of the organization by enrelLuient during the annual 30 Roll CaWV November gveluslve. This total for the budget is exclusive of the large financial operations of the 3,300. active Red Cross Chapters which, It is estimated, will more than Otabte the a senator. Earnest Bamberger, if sent i the Senate, and Colton and Leather- - rood, if returned to the House will T. con Pay Your Subscription ng the protection of the tariff on the lawbooks of the Nation. We are especially prepared Senator Kings Woik hie ilwaysbeen'against C to meet your demands ra "theTariff- - that means against lthe'besl and hrtereats I of the State that sent him to the Senate re- gard to glasses. Repairing or Fitting Frames Duplicating Broken Lenses ' Fitting New Glasses Vote the 'Republican Ticket. vote it and We will test your eyes free and if glasses will help you we will fit them and if not needed will cheerfully you straight tell sa CHAS. E. WRIGHT JEWELER , Wyoming A-- :g22. in this" office for inspection by any per son interested and by the public gener ton. Mrs Philip Mislay is home af. ter visiting in Salt Lake for two weeks-- ' ' ally. hW - Dr0 M S Reav. PHSICIAN period f publication or any time thereafter, final before approval and certiflca and rof ion, under depaii mental regulations During lie of this notice, AND s U R.C, EON. Mrs Elijah Spencr" spent a contests aga few days this week with her April 25, 1907, protests or 'o any of the .State of the claim inst the mother Mrs A. B.Kennedy Obstetrics a specialty Randolph tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore, des Mr Thorvald Jersen and Mrs cribed on the ground that the same is for mineral than for ag Jenks of Lym-were visitors at more valueable ricultural purposes, thtvhome of Miss Leah Wilson will be received and noted for report to over Sunday. . the the lats of the week for Mis Reay who has been visiting with her sister Mr3 John South.) Miss Mammie South her neice accompanied her home. General Land Office at - Washington, is our lonsf suit EVANSTON WYOMING: Victrolas and Records Edison and Records Eastman Kodaks andiiFilms , Musical Merchandise Drugs and PatentfMedicine.. Send us your mail orders Deposits Subject to Check, $4)330.81 Demand Certificates, , ?!C:0 lat Cashiers Checks, $352.GI noon ()a Thursday October Certified Checks, $14755 ,lrisisor Ca Dividends of Miss the occured in image 4 A0 $ Ui.paid, return iir home Suncfav Mrs. Mr of and homiJ the Demand rma at Total $15881. J Deposits, evening. Mrs A. G.JRer returned Edwin W. Spencer on Sayre street Time Ceitificates, $28057.32 with them after visiting, here for The marriage ceivn ony wts perf- Saving Deposits, $282.o3 a short tim-j5 28839.3 ormed by Bishop Percy G M iltew Total Time Depo-itj Bills. Payable, $3006 00 Oter ot immediate in the the presence The Ward Reunion c EVANSTON DRUG CQ otherwise .free from Total, $10474.28 Less State. to the Expenses and Taxes Paid, etc. will be approved ' ' , $6570.91 Gould B. Blakely Net Undivided Profits, $3903.31 Register. tions thereof, being Mr Elrlon Rexu Miss May Brown of Logan, 'spent; l.i- -t of tne wee u it h s, Myr-Tone- s dancing.' - - " ANNOUNCEMENT On and after Saturday June 17t with a new passenge truck and will take parties to and fro! Bear Lake at any time at the most it I wilL be. equiped , Bonds Boi rowed, onable prices. Discount of liber y bonds Chas. Hendee Cash Over, TOTAL io the prevalence of cattle scabies CONTINGENT . - 5 ; which was TheWyo. Press. held here last Friday was enjoyed family. by all present, a good program was CATTLE TO BE INSPECTED rend red, refreshmemls w&r observed on Inspections are to be the rest of the time was spent in all cattle leaving Rich county due Garage FixingAutomobiles C. objection, Utah Randolph Failure so to protest or contest, Undivided Profits, $548.97 $9672.44 within the time specified, will be con Interest, miner non ridered sufficient evidence f Exchange, Rents, Safe Dep. Boxes al character of the tracts and the selec$552.87 D- . Office at Residence. P! LIABILITIES. ' "h oo V Xauaijo r --s WlSSoip (I Aq p(og JAO SO t ul tnjaaon nwq ra' luni MNIOICU3R HUHVXVUiS.-nv- On account of Indorsements of this bank: A. Notes and Bills Rediscounted with Xq pssnvo uiatfXB ask Jnx qAtBiv ssauj'Bsni joi oarwir- pu- -i; io) asaaraan Huuriva -i i o rttvh in the county, it ' was announced Federal Reset ve Bank, &. Notes and T 3uurao jnox Miss Ijeah Voss of Lyman o uoijvuiuieBui spent Saturd y by Dr. W . A. Stephensen Bills and Rediscounted other tha'i with ao vmea3ti) rsamrinuel psjraduxr v the week end with her a ster Mis noA pdiUEgui sj oqnj siq) uauM state veteninariau The inspections Federal Reserve Bank, C. Foreign Bjlls neiqoejma 8q) jo Sujun smwmn su? ,' Ray Hoffman, Miss Voss is the are to be conducted under the supf exchange or Drafts guaranteed by this uonipuoa P3UIV0U, ur Xq School teacher at Alnay Wyo. bank and not otherwise shown under ervision of Dr. J. W Murdock of ssaNJvaa tvhhhvxvc - discounts, NONE. State of Utah, County of Rich Chas, W. Walton being fiist duly sworn according to law, deposes and says BUY YOUR Gas, Oil, & Auto Accessories Here Better Prices Better Service Mr: and Mrs Wilson PeTkms the United States bereaui of aniof Calfornia are the guests of Mrs mal industry. Deseret News, Perkins parents Mr and Mis Jathat he Is Cashier of the above rained mes Kennedy Sr. , Mrs M S Reay was called FH bank; that the above and foregoing report day to Bloomington Idaho, her contains a full, true and correct statement Mr and MrsHyrum Tompson uncle Charles Taylor having taken of the condition of the said! Lank at .the weie orer from Laketowp to the ill the particulars of the close of business on the 10th day Oct Ward "Reunion held October 20 suddenly ober 1222 II case are not known at present. and visiting her mother Mrs J. B Chas. W. Walton Cashier Signed NOTICE DEPARTMENT U. S. LAND' " t We want your automobile business W s Repair Anything Accessories KENNEDY BROS. PROPS. Hatch. If we miss mentioning the pr Ol f. ir. 3922. NOTICE is hereby given that Hs Hon R. Nebekcr, of Laketown, Ut who, on October 13, 1917. made Hon stead entry, No. 017066, for ' Correct Attest: Wm. Johnson, John Kennedy, ard Henry rty you gave or the fact that you Hoffman Directorr. Subscribed and sworn to before SJNl Every. one mu3, renember it, had visitors do not find fault with SE1NWJ, -- s 3 & 4, NEjSV Lots tell 18 and call me 17th This ust of 1922. October Fred day the BIG EVENT on October 30 the paper. J Section 7, Township J3 North, Rangi Morgan ever Notary Public Residing a or what trouble, pleasure uader the direction of.MT A it is your East, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed, r RandolphUtah My Commission misiit be. ice of to be a pillow slip and sheet dance it intention to make .expires 8th day of June 1626. Seal. Pro LOOK five-ye- every one must come ' in this Sunday was set for special costume just think cf the sport toprayer day each organization and all for a quarter 25 cents. ok up the subject, Bros Willard Mr Joseph Pate and family Peart and Joseph Pate gave inwere here oven Sunday to attend teresting remurks on prayer. The &ervie-s-. time the was spent in testimony many beautiful though ta Mr Charles Walton and wife baring, of Randolph were Evanston visit- were given on prayer. to establish claim tw the Jan above la desribcd- - befere the Clerk off the Cmn- - at Tah State of Utah,. Office of back L Seth Pixton. Bank.Com nussii-neo$ the State of Utah, do hereby f Novealwr, certify that the foregoing is a full, true f21s and correct copy of the statement of the f Ghhr.ant naaws CommissKAser. s By Charles Sughro Waun Newspaper Ubmq ta 1922 a witnas-ses- above named company; filed in my office Shirltey Nelieker r Lorenzo Smith this 2(th day of October, 1922-Sign- Seth Plxton- - ed j Earnest Irw in Brigham Itwirv aft of Laketown, Couldl B. Blakely Raster. ors the last of this week. MICKIE, THE PRINTERS DEVIL OF THE IKJEBK OFFICE at Sa La City, Utah - , ... - 1 'orraK m.-cl- Evanston APR JSASSCtlAID CWH STATE - Dr. M. S. Reay and Mrs Sarah Wildbur motored to Logan tinue to' strive for Utah's welfare by keep' - RandolphUtah "For Sale-Chu- mmy Eight |