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Show THE RICH COUNTY NEWS. RANDOLPH, UTAH Pithy News Notes From AU Parts of UTAH Ogden. (Freight rates on chocolate and cocoa shipped from Salt Lake to San Francisco will be reduced at once. still, Wendover. A seventy-gallo100 gallons of moonshine and 1000 gallons of mash were seized in a' raid by prohibition officials. n - Kanab. Efforts are being made to preserve the w'alls of Johnsons canyon in Kane county, which bear evidences of prehistoric periods in the hieroglyphics thereon, but which are being defaced by the placarding of advertising matter. use of it for your information on questions be my pleasure and privilege to answer carefully and promptly all questions submitted to me. Your full name and address must accompany each letter sent.1 For special information send stamped envelope. All communications will always be held in absolute con- This is your corner. Make that are pigling you. It will fidence. ' i ' ; . All letters should be addressed very plainly in pen and ink Brooks, Box 1545, Salt Lake City. publish the words of the song entiDear Miss Brooks: When Youre Gone I Wont ForI have been reading the questions tled You? and answers in your corner for some get Thanking you in advance, I remain,. time and I enjoy reading them very BETTY, Tooele, Utah. much. I would like you. to answer a No bother at all, Betty, but because few for me. (1) I am a girl of 16. of lack of space we cannot publish I have been going with a boy of this songs which can be readily obtained town for some time and I am very in the music stores. Your song can fond of him. But lately he prefers be had for 30 cents. I will be glad other girls company in preference to to have it sent to you if you wish. Tooele. The Southern Pacific company has announced the adjustment of rates on zinc oxide from Utah mines to provide for competition of the local product in the California and Pacific mine. What would you advise me to Dear Miss Brooks: coast market. Heretofore it has been do? (2) What kind of a girl do boys I have some questions I would like like to go out with? (3) How can a practically impossible for zinc oxide to be popular without being a flap- to ask you. (1) How old is Mary be marketed on the coast, due to the girl an per? (4) Is it proper for a crowd of Miles inMinter (2) Who was the leading-mhigh freight rate. the picture show, Durand of boys and girls to go up the canyon Salt Lake. The Salt Lake Federation of Labor has passed resolutions to cars are the effect that if the installed in Salt Lake over, the - one-ma- n tests of the employes the federation will demand a return to franchise pro. visions in regard to streetcar fares five-ce- cash fares and four-ce- nt tickets. jfozKSZ i lessness and discontent is too much government rather than necessity for additional legislation. Every lawyer is conscious of the process of centralization. The sphere of federal activity is constantly expanding and federal agencies are being rapidly multiplied. The states and their subdivisions have been repressed, until the last stronghold of local au- -' tliority, the police power, is threatened by federal encroachment The disease which afflicts the body politic is so complicated that the patient cannot describe the .symptoms and the doctors cannot correctly diagnose the illness. Nothing is worse needed than a cure for the prevailing neurotic fanaticism which manifests Itself In clamorous calls for legislation which in the long run must prove harmful rather than beneficial. Approximately 16,000 written statutes, including municipal ordinances, are applicable to the government of the conduct of citizens in the various municipalities. The public mind would be calmed and comfort and happiisa' would be promoted If one-haof these, judiciously selected, werp repealed. The fanatical tendency toward excessive law making is demonstrated by the introduction during the last session of congress of 16,170 bills in the house of representatives and 5,052 in the senate, making a total of 21,222, not Including resolutions and joint resolutions to the number of about 2,000. A sane program for the restoration d of a confidence In the government might well include the following policies: More deliberation in the enactment of laws and the repeal of unnecessary, vexatious, and admittedly unpopular ONGRESS comes In for a good deal, of criticism these days. For example, Secretary of War Weeks said in a public address that the drift of recent years was gr adually weakening the nations governmental structure by undermining the Constitution and sweeping away the principle of party responsibility. The direct primary, bloc agitation, and the countrys readiness to accept constitutional amendments were given by the speaker as evidence that the government was heading away from its ancient safeguards and toward complete social democracy. As one result, he asserted, in the public mind the legislative branch of our national government probably never has been at lower ebb than it Is . today. It is to be noted that the press has commented freely on Secretary Weeks words and frequently with approval. In this connection an address on The Business of Legislating, by Senator Joseph T. Robinson of Arkansas before the Maryland association Is of great Interest Incidentally, he d la opposed to the proposition that cabinet members shall be given the right to participate In congressional debates. Senator Robinson made the following points, among others : It Is not altogether surprising, nor yet entirely fair, that the unrest and vexation Incident to postwar problems should find expression In bitter criticism of the congress. Legislation erroneously Is regarded by the masses as the remedy for every ill which afflicts the body politic. Consequently the continuance of disturbed conditions occasions bitter censure of the national legislature for what Is superficially deemed obstinate Indifference to alleged essential reforms. Congress often Is blamed by the public, ridiculed by editors and orators, and flayed In magazine articles for faults, some of which inhere in our political system, and for mistakes and failures attributable In part to causes beyond its control. The normal difficulties of the congress, due to its broad discretion, have been augmented since the war by the pressure of propaganda. "Every department of the government is assailed by class influences deliberately organized and set In motion to secure selfish advantage. The senate and the house of representatives no longer divide strictly Frequently the along party lines. alignment is according to blocs or groups organized for the promotion of special Interest, as, for Instance, finance, labor, and agriculture. The finance and labor groups have long been Influential factors. The agricultural bloc is of recent origin, and is Justified as indispensable to the protection of a large and deserving element whose situation renders compact organization difficult and who therefore are at the mercy of other Interests which profit by oppressing farmers. The congress under pressure from conflicting forces has manifested indecision, nevertheless In many instances its failure to act Is less harmful than would be compliance with selfish demands subversive to the general public much-discusse- Interest. Such unwholesome practices proba- - ' lii AxxmvtAS i bly, cannot be prevented without infringement of the constitutional right of freedom of speech. It is better to endure the evils of unrestrained propaganda than to stifle free speech. The only sane remedy for propaganda is exposure full and fair publicity. The fallacy that discontent may be removed by additional legislation finds its counterpart In the suggestion that our; legislative system may be. Improved by giving to cabinet members the right to participate in congressional debates. division The of the legislative, executive, and Judicial functions into separate departments Is a wholesome provision of the Constitution. This valuable principle of government woAld be threatened, if not destroyed, by any change which would confuse and commingle the legislative and executive functions. The argument advanced in support of such a change is that It would promote harmony by providing the congress full information concerning the opinions and motives of the executive. Anyone familiar with the congressional procedure rejects this argument as utterly fallacious. The President by address can furnish the congress any information in his possession. He may advise what action he deems necessary In the public Interest. The committees and houses of congress now call upon the executive departments for Information concerning matters within their respective jurisdictions. It Is true that frequent and sometimes bitter differences have arisen between the President and the congress, but these differences usually have not been due to lack of mutual understanding.' They have uniformly grown out of opposing viewThe admission to congrespoints. sional debates of cabinet members would divert their attention from the important and Intricate details of executive duties and convert them Into legislative agents. The President Inevitably would be committed in advance by his ministers to the approval or rejection of measures which our scheme of government contemplates shall be passed upon by him with an independent mind. The congress would be subjected to executive influences, and the result would 'be either subordination of the legislative mind to the executive will or hopeless and Irreconcilable conflict between the twro. Whatever may have caused present conditions and whoever may b'e to blame for them, participation of cabinet members In the business of congress will not constitute an effective tt I : whole-hearte- stautes. ' The simplification , of all laws con- tinued In force. Federal revenue acts, especially income-ta- x provisions, are notable Instances of complex statutes which no one subject to them fully understands. Rigid and Impartial enforcement as the surest means of compelling the repeal of obnoxious statutes and of creating a spirit of obedience to law. The notoriously frequent, and in some localities open violations, of the national prohibition act are creating a spirit of contempt for law and are tending to convert the American people into a nation of lawbreakers. The inauguration of a national prohibition was premature in the sense that public sentiment In many communities did not approve it, and wherever that was true it has been difficult, almost impossible, to enforce the law. Nevertheless, while the National- Constitution and statutes provide prohibition, there is no honorable course to advocate or pursue save rigid and Impartial enforcement. The creation of higher standards of public duty for the citizen and the officer as the certain means of destroying the power of organized selfishness now threatening to dominate the government. An intelligent and comprehensive study of the various phases of industrial life with a view to the establishment of Just tribunals for the investigation and adjustment of disputes likely to result in .strikes and lockouts, -- A nation-wid- e campaign, led by or other teas, must not be made with boiling water or it will become very bitter, and the fiuer the quality of the tea the more attention must be paid to the temperature of the water Ion a Star e .One of the State Fair Buildings lf lawyers, to refine the administration of justice as the surest means of stabilizing our civilization and of perpetuating high Ideals In American remedy. The cause of the prevailing rest citizenship. lines of titanium and vanadium have likewise been discovered in the light of sun spots, leading one astronomer ' There have been made some Inter- to remark that the sun spots and the spectrum star Mira are evidently very closely esting comparisons of the star Mira, connected In physical condition. of the wonderful variable or Omieron Ceti, with that of titanium oxide. It is found that the two spectra Use of Tea in Japan. are, for the greater part, identical. In in seen Japan, tea is partaken of not only Especially the curious bands be at meal time, but also at Intervals to shown are Mira of the spectrum the day. The cups are very due to titanium oxide. There has also throughout small, and neither milk nqy sugur Is of the presence evidence found been used. tea, unlike Cey-- ; vanadium In the same stifr. The Titanium in Sait Lake Pony Polo will be one . of the feature amusements at the Utah State fair this year. Two teams, each composed of four expert horsemen, will compete for silver loving cups on three days of exposition week, October 2 to 7. On the alternate three days there will be squad drills between Fort Douglas men and members of the State National Guard. used. In serving good tea the Japanese put a tablespoonful of tea in a small teapot and pour hot (not boiling) water over it It Is then served in small cups. When the water in the pot is exhausted, more hot water i poured In, and In this way the tea cai be used seveial times. East and Wt,t , ' News. Sait Lake: A number of relics from the pyramid district of Old Mexico are to be added to "the museum at the State University, following a visit to the scene of the excavations this summer by Dr. Andrew A. Kerr, assistant professor of archelogy at the University of Utah. Salt ; Lake. In the compilation of the tax levies in the several counties in ttie state as compiled by the state board of equalization and assessment, Grand county figures as one of the hlgest In county levy. Davis county is lowest. More than half of the taxes raised in Grand county come from public utilities, the Denver & Rio Grande Western railroad paying practically half of the taxes collected in the county. Salt Lake Damages of $10,000 for death by burning of Harriet Johnson,. 20 months old. In the county hospital January 2, 1921, was filed In the district court' by the babys father, Horace A. Johnson. Dr. A Cyril county physician, Dr. George F. Roberts, assistant, and Miss Elsie Hawks, nurse, were named as defend, ants. The complaint alleged that the infant died from burns received when its bed caught fire from an alcohol lamp used in giving an alcoholic inhalation. The defendants, in a answer denied the charges of negligence. tlhe Cal-liste- ' Ogden. Thq Klwanis clubs of the state held their district meeting here, Many of the members traveled to Og- den in auto, caravans.. Riverdale. Auto carrying thirteen people turned over at a narrow curve here. Several severe wrenches and bruises were the only results. . at night and have a chickeree? Thanking you in advance, I am respectfully, TROUBLED BRUNETTE. (1) My dear, do not waste your affections on a boy who prefers another girls society. Boys, or girls either, rarely form lastingaffection at the age of sixteen, and your friend, doubtless, wishes to be friends with more than one girl before he settles down to just one, and I think it much the better way, dont you? You should enjoy the friendship and society of more than one boy, and not be too fond of any ore, at the age of sixteen. (3) Boys like girls who are a little independent and who do not show their affection too plainly. The girl who is modest and sincere, quiet and unassuming, will make many more lasting friendships than the girl who grows too fond of every boy she meets and shows it too plainly. The flapper Is a passing fancy, and her popularity is fleeting. Do not, I entreat you, imagine you have to become, or even imitate a flapper to be popular. Better far be in a class by yourself. And know this, the whole world has not gone permanently mad over the bizarre in style, but that there are those (boys and men included) who appreciate the sensible, sane acting and dressing girl. (4) A crowd of boys and girls should not go any place without some older person who can act as chaperon. the Bad Lands? (3) Who first started motion picture shows? Thanking you in advance, WANETA, Cleveland.. Mary Miles Minter is 20 years old. Dustin Farnum was leading man in Durand of the Bud Lands. Thomas A. Edison is pioneer of the motion picture industry. Dear Miss Brooks: I wrote once before but received no answer, so will try again. Please give me the address of some Store in Salt Lake where I can get music and words and for how much. Thanking you, I am, MAY, Manti, Utah-- You must have overlooked your answer, my dear. You will have to send your name and a stamped envelope-togeth- er with the songs you wish, and I will then tell you where you can get them, and the price. ; Dear Miss Brooks: You have helped many girls with, their Bee Hive work, perhaps you can help me. Would you please tell me about the Blue Violet? Thank you. for the trouble I have caused you. A BEE HIVE GIRL, Burley, Idaho.. The botanical name for the common blue Violet is? Cucullate. The Violet stands for constancy and modesty. As the chosen emblem of Napoleonism. it has served many a sadly practical purpose, and it has been the theme-o- f the poet from the earliest time-A- s Viola, it was known to the ancient Romans, and the great Linnaeus adopted the name as the language of science. In those early times, when poetry apd nature were blended together,' the Violet was received as especially the emblem of constancy. It has been found wild from Arctic America to the Gulf of Mexico, westward in the Rocky Mountains, and across the Sierra Nevadas, almost to the Pacific coast. It grows in deep, shady woods, as well as in. the most exposed places, but generally where the soil is a little damp. . Glad to serve you, I am sure. Dear Miss Brooks: I have been a very interested reader of your comer for some time, but I could not get up enough courage to write you about a question that has been bothering me for some time, and I am in hopes you will be able to answer it for me. I got acquainted with a boy over a year ago. He seemed to like me very much, find then he asked me to marry him. But I dont know whether I should or not. He is 30 years old, and I am only 18. . I think lots of him one time, and then again I dont care so much for him. I told him I could not marry for two years-Hsaid he could wait ten years for me, or longer if need be.. My Episcopal parents think very highly of him. He ROWLAND HALL School for Girl. is an exception to most boys these days. He works almost all of the All Denomination'!. time, and he can always get a job Write for Catalogue. ,8lt Laka City when he needs one. He also said there was nothing too good for me. But BUSINESS COLLEGES I dont seem to like him for some reason. He is a little I- - D. S. BUSINESS COLLEGE. hut he is as firm as the Rock of G- School of Efficiency. Alt commercial branches. ibraltar He has white hair and mine Catalog free CO N. Mala St., Salt Laka City. is not any too dark. So what shall we do about it? I dont know what PLEATING h BUTTONS in the world to do. So I will try and get it from my mind until I get an Accordian. Side, Box Pleating, Hematitching, answer from you. ' Buttona, Buttonhole. Kid Coraat Parlor. 40 E. Broadway. Salt Laka City.. ' Hoping you have the best of luck, I am, SEB TOUR PUBLISHES SYLVIA, St. George, Utah. P. S. I dont like his white hair. And he is not very well educated and Taka your Book Binding any kind to your loSalt Laka I have always had the desire for a cal printer. Leith'a Trade Bindery, well educated husband. He has a fine nature and has lots of mother wit. UTAH METAL WORKS. MTg'a Type Matala When' he writes me he always writes Salt Lake City. in pencil instead of pen and ink. How can I give him a hint without hurting his feelings? ; Well, GEE-GEmy dear, you do seem to have TONIC E a problem. They say love is blind, but I doubt it, dont you? You are Guaranteed Eczema and Dandruff Cura For Sale by1 Leading Druggists a wise little girl to put off the fatal Gee-Ge- e day two years. You should be able to Company tell in that time whether or not his Sait Lake City 13S Regent SL peculiarities, looks, habits, etc., have become so obnoxious that they will be a source of irritation to you always. He seems Jike an exceptional man, though (we need more people, it seems to me) and so why not keep his many good points as much in mind as possible, and forget the things which are not quite so attractive about him? We all have our bad points, you know. The question of his light hair is rather a hard one to manage as I cannot see how it can be changed, and after all what is thej difference? Too much college educahard lesson to see a fine It'a a tion sometimes spoils an otherwise herd of pretty, hogs seemingly healthy today, sick and die tomorrow from Hog Cholera. IhU wonderful man. One can cultivate situation has held sway a long ways and habits which place them unfortunate time in this section without remedy near well up in the scale of what the world at hand. Today however, veterinarians everywhere endorse Antihog Cholera Serum considers a cultivated, well-bre- d peras th one way to save your hogs. A son. Let this be the subject of convery valuable little booklet Insure Your versation and let him know in a tactHogs is yours for the sakinr FREE. Send a 2e stamp for return postage of the ful way what your ideas are along this booklet. It will tell you valuable things. B line and this would apply also to the Sure to writ your name below plainly, i pen and ink problem. But remember, we are never able to have any dear, one made according to our own patHELEN BROOKS DEPARTMENT . tern (and I wonder if we would like Box 154$, Bat Lake City, Utah enclose two cents in stamp for reI them if we could) so we must always turn postage on a free copy of be able to bear and forbear. I am Insure Your. Hog Against Hog Cholera e wishing you the best of luck and great happiness. e ' , . . ProvoThe chamber of commerce is launching a cut the weeds cam. paign. American Fork. Joseph Scalzo of Helper was seriously Injured when his auto turned turtle at fifty miles per hour near here. ' , Provo. The first district of the Federated Womens Clubs of Utah and Wasatch counties met in Provo in the Interests of a cooperative plan whereby movements for civic betterment could be carried out. Change of Vocation. What has become of the village constable who used to enforce the bathing suit ordinances? He has got himself a camera and Is furnishing photographs to the smart publications. High Prices for Wives. In Sumatra that see a I wife Wife can be bought for $2. Isnt It per-feetl- ' awful. Hubby Oh, I dont know. I sup lose prices are high there, Just th same as In other countries. Cholera Nam Dear Miss Brooks: This is the second time I have written to you but I do hope I am not! ioo much bother. Will you please fy .... |