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Show I THE R)CH COUNTY NEWS. RANHOT PH, UTAH Gerry and the Veiled Woman By FRANK WILLIAMS & McClAre Newspaper Syndicate. The letter found by Gerry Knight on his desk upon his return from lunch was penned in a feminine hand and read like this ; Tm In trouble. Will you help me? I know you are adventurous and not afraid. There may be a fight there may be danger. Please, please help me. Address Blue Eyes, box 292, , city. A puzzled look came Into Gerrys face as he read this epistle through twice, very carefully.' Where had he seen this handwriting before? And who was "Blue Eyes? What trouble was she in and what danger might beset the person who tried to help her? For a moment or so Gerry thought of throwing the letter into the waste basket. Then the adventurous streak which had been so cleverly mentioned by the letter writer asserted Itself. Gerry drew himself up to his stalwart six feet one while a whimsical light came into his eyes "Ill do it, he said. "It ought to 'be good sport! It was the next day that a reply in the same handwriting came to Gerry, following his dispatch of a letter offering aid to the address given by "Blue Eyes. Here was the way this second letter 5 the change in his attitude, came close to him and laid her hand on bis arm. "Please go through with It, she whispered. Im really In danger. I I need your help. And youre the only man of all those In the boarding bouse I felt would be the right sort to help me. Please go through with It. Gerry turned back to her. After all, why not? It was adventure he wanted, and If romance was lacking what matter? All right, lead on, said Gerry. The girl hurried resolutely toward the house. Now GerTy saw there was fl light in the cellar, visible through tiny cracks at the edges of the window. And now, too, he became conscious of another car approaching at high speed down the road. "Oh,- - hurry I cried the girl in an agonized tone of voice. Im afraid Simpkins will get here. You Simpkins? queried Gerry. don't mean Simpkins, the prohibition inspector? Gerry felt the girls eyes upon hitp though the veil again hid her face. Yes, thats who I mean! she reBut but, sponded. oh, please, Net Contents 15 Fluid Dfactai BULL SOCIETY , please, help me! Gerry wondered what sort of mess he was getting Into. Apparently the e girl must be with some law violators If Simpkins was against her. And now he realized that the figure the girl had pointed out from the post office across the street was that of Simpkins, whom he had met on several occasions. What was it all about? Was the girl leading him into some law violation? Again Gerry turned away, determined to throw up the whole underThen, strangely, as tile girl taking. came close to him and again placed read: her hand on his arm. that warm sense Meet me In the post office at 7:30 of friendship and intimacy swept over oclock this evening. Ill wear a black him again. Chambermaid or not, here veil and a red carnation. was a girl who affected him as no Promptly at the hour directed Gerry other girl ever had. If she wanted was on the spot, waiting with pleasur- him to stick by her, hed do it. law able excitement. What would the girl violation or not. And, strangely, he be like? What sort of adventure and somehow felt that everything must be possible romance would she lead him all right, after all. into? The girl pressed an automatic into ' But Gerrys strong desire to see his hand. the girl and learn at once whether or Break In and hold them up! Thats not she was as pretty as he told him- ail she said. "Quick, before Simpself he had a right to expect met with kins comes! disappointment when the lady arrived That was all. But it was enough! As Gerry smashed through a winjust as a sonorous clock was striking the half hour. dow into the cellar and faced p ring Blue Eyes was slim and straight of Individuals gathered and youthful, apparently, hut the veil about a still In a corner of the room she wore was black and impenetrable, he felt it was touch and go. for a and she resolutely refused to take off moment. Then, oddly enough, one of the veil or even lift a corner. Still the men in the right beean quickly her voice was pleasant and remi- damping handcuffs on the gang. niscent. Where had Gerry heard that There was a noise at the window voice before? He heard Simpkins hehind Gerry. The girl led the way out of the talking to the girl. Then heard Simppost office. On the top of the steps kins tearing down the walk and the Ipading to the street she paused and sound of his machine starting up. directed Gerrys attention across the Then the girl 'entered the cellar and street. stood behind him. Her veil was up See that man hiding in the doornow and her face gloriously pretty, way? queried the girl. her eyes shining wonderfully. Gerry looked and saw that a man Weve won I Weve won ! In spite darkin the really was skulking there she cried. of Simpkins treachery, ness. You did splendidly. Jennings, she Hes following me, the girl went added, turning to the tnnA who had on. Hes one of the men you've got slipped the handcuffs on the gang. to look out for. Youre some fine, dandy detective," Gerry shrugged his shoulders. said Jennings in reply. 1 Let em come, he laughed. Gerry turned swiftly to the girl, the 6hould worry. This is getting inter- light of understanding in his eyes. esting. You youre a prohibition inspecThen, after a moments pause, he tor! he cried. went on. was Yes! breathed the girl. Ive got my car here. I'll take a blind that chambermaid thing you wherever you say. some of the members of this gang Im glad of that, responded the roomed at your place. Take me out of the city, on girl. And and Simpkins has been standthe Brampton road. Ill tell you where ing in with this bunch? went on when we're well out. Gerry. He tried Gerrys car was a speedster. It Yes. the girl answered. took him biy a few moments to thread to double-cros- s me and then threathis way through the light, early eve- ened to get my life. Thats why I ning traffic and to hit the highway, wore a veil so he wouldnt be sure where he opened up at a It was me. Thats why I had to call speed. And as he, raced through, the on you. Simpkins wouldnt help me night he felt strangely, happily ex- round up the gang he hindered me, hilarated. He didnt know who the and Jennings was busy working on girl was at his side. He didn't know the Inside. 1 couldnt tell you right what danger he was speeding Into. out what I wanted you wonldnt But he did know that he was conrent have come. I had to be mysterious, hand-ln-glov- Saunders County, Nebraska, Winner of Offer by Breeder of Purebred Cattle. (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) The bull offered by a breeder of parebred cattle near Lincoln to the . first bull association to be organized in Nebraska was won by Saunders county,- - where an association has been formed, through the efforts of the county agent and a state dairy extension specialist, assisted by a field man of the United States De' partment of Agriculture. As in other associations of this character, the members will be arranged in several groups or blocks, those in each block having about the same total number of cows and all using the same bull. This association lias five blocks to start with, and as many more are planned. The separate blocks do not own the bulls, but the animals are joint property of the association, and every two years they are shifted from one block to another. It is planned to have a novel feature in this association. The blocks will be arranged in two or more circuits, each circuit made up of three or more blocks, and paying for the bulls it uses and owning them; the biennial exchange of bulls will also be confined to the circuit; but there will be one set of officers and board of directors for the whole association, the secretary-treasurer keeping record of the receipts and obligations of each circuit. The circuit system seems to combine the advantages of small associations and a large association all in one. When the Saunders County Bull association is ready for business, It will be given the prize bull. The association will have to pay for its other bulls, but it can well afford to do so,' 1 rough-lookin- for this method of has been found highly profitable in many other parts of the country. Its advantages are: (1) Providing high-clas- s bulls at low expense, and thus proving the character of the dairy herds; (2) keeping proved bulls in service g at the for many years; and (3) making financial Interest and public sentiment combine' to sweep a community entirely clean of inferior sires. The United States Department of Agriculture has given a good deal of effort to the introduction of bull associations, and stands ready to supply information thereon to anyone desiring it. 'It ABNORMAL TASTES IN MILK There Are Several Factors That part Peculiar Flavor Besides Grazing Im- Crops. g i . a bill which she had prepared for the landlady and then presented to him. But Gerry's sudden decision didnt get him very far. The girl, sensing seen it on There are a number of plants which eaten by the dairy cow, will transmit an unusual taste to her milk. Some of them are 'fed to her injudiciously by the dairymen, and others are eaten by the animal while grazing. Plants known to possess such properties are beet and turnip tops when fed in large quantities; excessive feeding of chopped roots; garlic, rape, lupines, orchids, kale, rutabagas, chicory, sorrel and pasturage on areas which have been inundated. There are many other factors sometimes responsible for a peculiar taste In milk, such as Improper sterilization Of utensils, spoiled foods, brewers grains, potato slops, fish meal, rape cake, flaxseed meal, poor straw, and, occasionally, medicinal agents administered to the animal. when appeal to your spirit of adventure and " Ive got something important to Gerry, his say to you. exclaimed heart pounding violently as he took her gently by the arm and led her to the steps leading out of the cellar. But what he said is. as Kipling used to say. another story! LIKE COMIC OPERA MONARCH Ruler of 6mall Kingdom in the Pacific Had a .Fondness for Elaborate Ceremonies. CARING FOR SPRING Tonga, little kingdom of 100 isles, is the one remaining nominally independent state in the Pacific, and, though under British protection, It still tiles Its own flag. Its government Is a limited monarchy. Time was when the assembly gathered only once In three years, and steamship companies with vessels. plying to Tonga, advertised the fact as, a .tourist attraction. George Tubou II was then on the throne. He was a man six feet seven Inches in height, and weighing someHe wos wont thing ovei 280 pounds. to open parliament with grent ceremony, the boom of brass saluting cannon and much gold braid. Attired in a scarlet coat, bine trousers, plumed helmet, with an ermine-trimmeplush cloak trailing from his shoulders and held by two velvet-cla- d pages. King George would march from his palace to the parliament buildings. Guns popped at Intervals, while the populace stood around and bowed low in But George IIs daughter honor. Salote now rules, and parliament meets once a year In less Gilbertian display. , similatintheFood by RegulA Special Care of Baby. Di$estt1' Thereby Promoting Cheerfulness andRestGoataBS neither Oplum,Morphlnenor Mineral. NotNahcoTIC Sethut JbMltSM (lanfodStgtir Jdttnymiikrtr A hcl pful Remedy for Diarrhoea, Constipation and nd and Feverishness , 2eKEWi? iA 5 , .2 Loss OF Sleep resulting ffierefromnMancy- - That Bahy should have a bed of its own all are agreed. Yet it than to use is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-up- s a mans medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would be tolerated by specialists in childrens diseases. Your Physician will tell you that Babys medicine must he prepared with even greater care than Babys food. A Babys stomach when in good health is too often disarranged by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared for Infants and Children ? Dont be deceived. Make a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily prepared for grown-ups. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND facsimile Signature GENUINE rtetc iff? The Gehtavr Gospaug j lyj lultf HIS PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Fitting a Shoe. When a woman expresses a wish The shoe wont fit her and thats Can't you stretch the her husband generally has to pay the truth. the charges. truth a little? asked the boss. When a man doesnt enre whats There never was a rich man who do more kindly deeds than he for breakfast it i. a pretty good sign was given credit for. that it is the morning after. dyes or tints as you wish Raid Hairpin Stands. The unh ersaiity of the acquisitive instinct is shown by the number of women who take away hairpins from an uptown hairdressing establishment. Each cubicle contains a tray on vyhich are scattered varicolored hairpins. , A member of the fair sex may have her coiffure sui felted with the wiry holders, yet she will stuff what she can find into her bag. It eez the habit, perhaps, sighed the artmt of the wave, nor do ze ladies care what color their hair may be; (lark pins or l!g!it pins, it eez the same to them. Chicago Join pal. Sold at Last. Persistency in ii. selling the same advertisement, with no change Qf wording or illustiation, is a trait of some advertisers. A prospective customer wrote to a never firm whose advertisement seemed to change: Have noted your picture of one pair corduroy pants in Home MagaMore I zine for past four months. see of them better I like them. If not sold as yet, please enter my order for same." Forbes Magazine. The Common Conversation. So you want to put a radio outfit Gulch? idea, answered the afYou can sit down of fable stranger. an evening and hear whats goin on for miles around. in Crimson Thats the wouldn't interest anybody wed be likely to hear fur miles around would be gimme three cards or that's good, or such remarks. Washington Star. That much. All The more reputation u man has the more disappointed other men are when they meet him. didnt it All who joy would win must happiness was born a twin. slure mm Watch me, said the strong swimmer, Pm not afraid i i i i So he matched his strength against the swirl of the rapids, and laughed at the danger, and kept repeating the stunt, until ' It was the day the had been waiting for that day life-save- rs the call for help came. Its an easy matter to smile at coffee warnings when youre going strong. But a good many strong swimmers wont risk the rapids, . and a good many coffee drinkers are beginning to think of the , caffeine in coffee. Keep Youngsters Separated. Never allow the calves or yearlings to run with the herd. Coffee candisturb nerves and digestion, and often it does. Theres a safe and satisfying selection of a table drink. Postum has charm without harm. Its the safe drink for all, and probably, therefore, its the better drink for you. Thousands have found it better, and fully satisfying, for them. Your grocer has both forms of Postum: Instant Postum (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared) ' made by boiling for fully 20 minutes. Made by Postum Cereal Company, Inc., Battle Creek, Michigan Tt Is , j j , course for everybody in the Theres a Reason for Postum ) L ALWAYS Gives Charming New Shade to Old Lingerie WHO SAID WEAKER VESSEL? Bugs Eggs. Superintendent Comer of the Whites-towschools took some figs, which Little Incident Shows How Much intended for cooking, without Chance Mere Man Has With conher knowledge. The following Real Mistress of Finance. versation ensued: Did you get some of the figs, Mrs. Norman Whitehouse, the paHi Hip? who lias gone intrician Yes. to the leather business, said at a tea What did you do with them? in New York: I threw them away. Woman should succeed magnifiWhat did you do that for? in business, she is such a past cently Well, mother, I bit into one and gland mistress of hnesse. it lied bug's eggs in it, and I wasn't "I know a pretty girl who once took Ingoing to eat bug's eggs, was 1? the part of palmist in a gypsy tent at dianapolis News. a fair. A young man came m to have liis fortune told, and the pretty girl, Doctors Declare Music Heals. holding his hand in hers tenderly, said: Music, as a powerful healing agency You liace an extraordinary charfoi physical as well as mental mala-djes- , acter. Your most remarkable quality was one of the principal topics is generosity. You hate skinflints, you if discussion at the annual meeting despise the money hoarder, and you Medical association look on avarice as a shameful vice. ol the at Memphis recently. Approximately A large and almost reckless libei ality 250 physicians and surgeons from Mis- marks your path through life. souri, Arkansas and Tennessee heard Thank you, said the young man. tills subject discussed. The physicians Mushing and giggling. You are Batwere enthusiastic in boosting music as tering me, Im'afiaid. a healer and classed it, in certain cirNot at all, said the pretty girl, cumstances, as almost as effective as and now Im going to wrap you up drugs. these three dozen tickets for our turkey raffle. Theyre only a simoleon Not in the Defying Business. apiece. Three tens, a five, and a one. I see where a scientist has dis- Thank you ; thats just right. covered how to hurl thunderbolts, said the garrulous stranger. Quick, the Emergency Brake. Well, replied the crusty old genMrs. Junebride Stop the car at tleman who was absorbed in a book, once. the discovery means nothing to me. Her Husband Whats the matter, Let him hurl his thunderbolts. My dearie? . names not Ajax its Smith. Bir You Mrs. Junebride havent mingham Herald. kissed me once in the last mile. The good dairy calves born this spring are needed as milk cows two years from now, so the dairyman should do his part by giving these animals a'' 'chance to- - live and develop. Spring calves are usually harder to raise than fall calves, and since the dairyman has less time usually during this busy season to care for the calves, It is very necessary that the attention given be that roost needed to keep them thrifty and free from disease and sickness Satisfactory Cow Ration. quite difficult to make a really satisfactory ration for dairy cowi without oatng either clover or :tlfalft i hay CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW TORE CITT. CALVES Salt Improves Appetite. Salt improves the calfs appetite, so keep a box with clean salt in a sheltered place where the calf may eat ol it freely. , , BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S Bears the Signature of Exact Copy oi Wrapper. (Ifni EVERY CASTORIA NEWYOgKi Nsesssary That Youngsters Be Kept Thrifty and Free From Dtaeaee and Sicknees. d The French army, after 1925. will total 330.000 men, composed of 250,000 French and 80,000 colonials. AVeie'. , (I Tri-Sta- Only Purebred Bulls Should Be Head of Any Herd. , and 'that a warm, delightful feeling of friendship and intimacy was growing between the girl and himself. Tve known you somewhere. said Gerry softly to the girl. Where did I meet you? Who are you, anyhow?" youre sure youve known me? queried the girl. "Positive! ejaculated Gerry. Youre right you have!" the girl ' responded. But who in the world ar you? demanded Gerry ogalQ. Ill not tell you it would spoil everything, the girl answered, enigmatically. And with this Gerry was forced to be content. Content, that Is, for the moment, for Gerry was strongly determined to know whether or not the romance be so greatly desired was hiding behind that thick veil. And later, as they drew up at last before a dark, silent, foreboding house on a side road, Gerrys chance came. There was a strong wind. This wind flirted with the girls veil and suddenly caught It upward. In the light from his car Gerry caught a swift glimpse of the girl's face. He gasped. Yes, he'd known the girl. But she was a chambermaid at the I place where he roomed With this astonishing discovery, which was really dismaying to Gerry, who wos strong for associating only with those people who were marked by family or attainments as being the sort of people he wau ted as friends, all the savor in the adventure, suddenly went from him. He turned morosely toward the ear, intending to take the girl with him back to the city and make a quick end of it. No wonder he recognized her- - handwriting hed Children Cry For j ; j - I . t , |