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Show I JL - r & THE RICH COUNTY NEWS, RANDOLPH, UTAH MOTHER! Vim, Vigor, Vitality OPEN CHILDS and Red Blood BOWELS WITH FOLLOW THIS ADVICE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Your little one will love the fruity of California Fig Syrup even If constipated, bilious. Irritable, feverish, or full of cold. A teaspoonful never falls to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a fefv hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly It works all the sour bile, and undigested food out of the bowels and you have a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep California Fig Syrup handy. They know a teaspoonful today 6aves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for genuine California Fig Syrup," which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother You must say California or you may get aa imitation fig syrup. Advertise- teste BUILDING OF ROADS PUBLIC Federal Government and States Have Completed 7,469 Miles in Past - (Prepared Five Years. by the United States t Depart-men- of Agriculture.) On June 89, 1921, the close of the fifth fiscal year since the passage of the federal aid road act, which Is by the bureau of public roads. United States Department of Agrlcnltnre, the states and federal 7.4G9 government had completed miles of. road, and 17,977 miles were under construction. Including the work completed on projects still under construction, the states have completed work which entitles them to draw on the federal treasury for $118,915,515. There is also a balance allotted but not yet earned cm projects now under construction amounting to $66,375,636. Of the two appropriations which have Deen made for federal aid there is now unobliremaining gated. Twelve of the states have obligated their entire allotment and several others have only a small amount to their credit During tlie last fiscal year the total of completed projects jumped from 1,077 to 7,469 miles, and the projects under construction increased from to 17,977 miles. ' The . money earned by completion of work has grown from $40,097,881 a year ago to at the end of this fiscal $118,915,515 year. The amount earned during the year was $78,817,634, or nearly twice as much as the amount earned during the four years preceding. The new projects submitted during '.he year bring the total amount of federal aid obligated up to $247,956,-'56- . as compared with $109,830,366. only $18,776,544 14,-31- 0 By ERNEST FREMONT TITTLE (Pastor First Methodist Episcopal Church, Evanston, III.) VERY one who Is ca- pable of knows that there are seasons of the soul. There are times when we feel unusually patriotic; times when we feel unusually thank-fu- l lie-j ; times when we come unusually con scious of the' reality and glory of a spiritual world. Christmas Is the time when we are conscious of an unusual desire to be kind. One day every year the world suddenly becomes different. Physically speaking, It Is the same world. The sky Is the same. The streets are the same. The houses barring a touch of holly here and there are the same. But you and I and our neighbors are We are more Just In our different. Judgments, more thoughtful in our attention, more unselfish, more kind. It Is probably true that these seasons of the soul, however fleeting, leave their mark. We are, perhaps, a bit more patriotic than we would be were it not for the annual observance of Memorial day; a bit more. consciously grateful than we would be were It not for the annual observance of a Thanksgiving day ; a bit more religious than we would be were It not for the recognition of Lent and the observance of Easter day. And one would like to believe that we are a bit more kind than we would be were It not for the observance of Christ' ' inas. The very approach of Christmas has efcertain noticeable psychological fects. In 1914 It resulted In a temporary cessation of hostilities. On that first war Christmas the booming guns gave way to Christmas enrols, sung In three languages, as British, and French and German soldiers fraternized between the lines: In 1918, as the day drew near which would commemorate the birth of the Prince of Peace, a y world dared to hope that foundations would be luld for enduring peace. The heart of the world is wrung by the suffering of China, the tragedy' of Armenia, . and the pitiful pleas of the starving children of central Europe. Is there uny man anywhere, not a degenerate, who is not conscious of a desire to diminish 'by ever so little the worlds distress? of the world? I am come Better Instruments? tive of Him who said: Yes, undoubtedly. For the removal of, not to be ministered unto but to min- disease, better scientific instruments are needed. For the removal of certain domestic difficulties, better housing accommodations are needed. For the removal of Industrial friction, a better economic system Is needed. For the removal of international strife, a new- - world organization Is needed. A world that has been organized for war must be organized for peace. For t lie rebuilding of the world better Instruments are needed. But what Is supremely needed Is a better spirit ! If only you and I and all our neighbors would persistently cultivate the Christmas spirit, our children's children would live in a tor better world. For then it would be only a quasi Ion of time until we should discover tlie Instruments needed for tlie fashioning of a fairer civilization, and we would be willing to use these instruments as soon as they could be developed. Wliat i pity, then, if Christmas this year should come and go and leave none of us permanently different. ment Son Just So. Papa, what are cosmetics? my ' son, Father-Cosme- tics, indis-asitio- RATS and MICE MUST BE are KILLED By Vting STEARNS ELECTRIC PASTE peach preserves. Exchange. WOMEN ike Genuine HEEO SWAMP-ROO- T Bettor Than Traps (toady for Oao Thousands of women have kidney and Directions in 15 languages in every box. Mice, Cockroaches, Ants and Waterhugs bladder trouble and never suspect it. food and property and are carriers of Womens complaints often prove to be destroy disease. Stems Electric Paste forces theseair.pests to run the building for water and fresb from else but kidney trouble, or the nothing 86o and $1.60. Money back if it fails. result of kidney or bladder disease. (J. S. Government bays It If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of ambition, nervousness, are often times symptoms of kidney trouble. Dont delay starting treatment. Dr. Will reduce Inflamed, Kilmers Swamp-Rooa physicians preStrained, Swollen Teobtained at or scription, any drug store, may ndons, be just the remedy needed to overcome Muscles. Stops the lameness such conditions. and pain from a Splint, Get a medium or large size bottle imSide Bone or Bone Spavla. mediately from any drug store. No blister, no hair gone and However, if you wish first to test this horse can be used. $2.50 botgreat preparation send ten cents to Dr. tle at druggists or delivered. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a Describe your case for special Insample bottle. When writing be sure and structions and interesting horse mention this paper. Advertisement. Beok 2 A tree. W. F. YOUNG, toe 319 Teswk St, SpriasfieB, Mia. Survived the Shock. Did you love me when you He first saw me? She Oh, no; I had to get used to you first. Short breathing re-wf? (leved in a few hourtt swelling reduced in a Fresh. few days; regulates the liver, kidneys, stomach and heart; purifies the blood, strengthen, the Are these cakes fresh, cutle? Write for Free Trial Treatment . entire Well, sir, I think you have them a C0U.UM system. DROrSY BEHEST CO, Dept S. 0, ATUKTLGA Rut-3- t, Ligaments, - rebuilding pealing Pnn come Into our homes for the day. Surrender! Never! Too Bright. Why dont you get rid of that r She Once you called me the light horse. If hes so vicious? asked of your life. of another. He You go out too much. Well, you see, Jim, replied I hate to give in. If I was that horse, he'd regard it as a perEvidently. And so they married and lived sonal victory. Hes been tryin for the-lasYes. six years to get rid of me. Evidently happily ever after. the-othe- to-se- munity. What If every man who learns a trade should say to lilmself : As a carpenter. or bricklayer, or or molder, my primary object Is to render service. I am entitled to a just proportion of the product of my labor, and I hope to get It. But my first concern shall be to serve my community. Do you think that men are incapable of responding to any such motive as that? How. then, do you account for the martyrdom of history? How do you account for tlie men who have given their lives to the pursuit of truth? Or for the women who have given tlieir lives to the dissemination How do you account of knowledge? for tlie worlds scientists and for its school teachers? And the men who u made a rendezvous with death at wood and the Argonne forest liow do you account for them? There is a divinity in human hearts to which heroic unselfishness makes powerful appeal. Why not try the experiment of appealing to the nobler side of human nature? The motive of profit aas tragically failed.. Why not appeal to the motive of service? type-sette- r, a OLD SANTAS CONVEYANCE. t couple. very Safety First. Budding Federal-AiRoads the Kind That Stand the Wear. d which was the amount obligated on At tills rate it is ex30, 1920. pected that the small balance of still unobligated will be taken up in a very short time. The month of June was a record month In every way. The mileage of completed' projects increased by more than 1.200 miles, more than twice the amount reported for the month of May. Funds allotted to work actually under construction increased by June COST OF HIGHWAY VEHICLES Government to Determine Expense of Operating Surplus War Road Building Material. Wliat it costs the government to opWe need to perpetuate the spirit of Christmas iu Iuternatienal relation- erate motor vehicles engaged in road building is shortly to be determined ships. Tlie nations' of Christendom have through a system of operative records been motived far more by Nietzsches recently Installed by the bureau of will to power than by Jesus will to public roads. United States Departserve. Tlieir conception of greatness ment of Agriculture. Out of the surplus war materia) l.as been a pagan, not a Christian conception. The great nation has been turned over to the War department for buthought of ns a nation able to lord it' distribution among the states, the over other nations, not its a nation reau lias retained a large number of eager to serve other nations. .The motor vehicles, which are used prinpioud symbols of the Western world cipally on forest road work in the have been swords and scepters, not West. These motor vehicles are kept at various central points where shops basins and towels. But are maintained for repair work. Lo, all our pomp of yesterday Complete records will be kept cf al:. Nineveh and Is one with Tyre! oil, gasoline and supplies of every Surely tlie meaning of this present kind used by each vehicle. Even the hour Is clear: Nations must do unto number of tube patches will lie kept. others as they would have other na- Record wlil also be kept of the numtions do unto them. Nations must ber of hours of shop work required; enter Into the worlds life not merely of days Idle, and why; of distances to get something, but to give some- loads are carried and the character of thing, and, iu some International 'as- the loads; ahd the gross income from sociation, even to risk something In the operation of the Vehicles. The inthe interest of world Justice and world formation thus obtained will be combined with similar Information from peace. For the first time In history the na- some of the states operating the surtions of the world are looking con- plus war equipment turned over to sciously Into the eyes of Jesus and them, and will form a valuable addiknow It to be true that He alone has tion to the knowledge of the cost of the secret of life. highway transport The spirit of play ! It Is appalling The substitution of an automobile that so few of us have kept the spirit or an airplane for Santa Claus' sleigh j of play In our hearts. All the spirit of ' childhood and yoiitli seems gone, and reindeer may be up to date, but even in young people. Your respon- it jars most horribly.sibilities have absorbed you, you say. AVI) BEHOLD, another Chr. st- But try going on with play in spite A Busy Month. LOains a sucli is with us. It seems of your Worries and your anxieties. a nice, dean, neat sort of want I Sb'rt time that we had a Christmas. Christmas tree. What would you reo How fast they come and go. We have Days S$em Longer. , Although the days are becoming pmtnend for suitable decoration? So much to lie thankful for u ml where for Santa Why not try sort a spruce kindl we can let us en'er into the spirit of shorter, kiddies waiting That ought to be a trim sort of tree. leter havent noticed It. yla; on t'i!e day oi ail days. -- trifle outclassed. ister. What If every man who goes Into business should say to himself: My primary object Is to render service. Incidentally, I expect this business of mine to earn me a living. But my first concern shall be to serve my com- Bel-lea- war-wear- Spirit of Play 1 j mnrny lew I ol We need to perpetuate the Christmas spirit in our homes. It Is a solemn moment when two human lives are united for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and In health, til! death do them As Jane Welch Carlyle once part said. If ever one Is to pray, if ever one Is to feel grave. If ever one Is to shrink from val'i show and babble, it is just on the occasion when two human beings bind themselves together till death do them part. There Is mulling that more nearly resembles the heaven of our dreams than does a happy home. Is there anything that so surely suggests the hell of our seer t dread as does an unLAs-rhappy home? Wliat is needed to build a home? The seasons of the soul, however Money is needed hut Iimv much more Money can lm!ld a fleeting, do leave their mark.' But In than money! the ease of many of us how taint that house a wonderful and wonderfully mark, and how liable it Is to disap- furnished house. Only love can build pear. If only the kindly dispositions a home. born at Christmas time could be perpetuated, how permanently- different the world would become ! Most of us become faint of heart when we think of rebuilding the life We need to perpetuate the Christof tlie world. To build a world with- mas spirit In Industry. out any extremes of wealth and povFor generations, now, the motive of erty In It, how difficult. To build a profit has been the motive appealed world without ' any domestic tragedy io both In the case of men who had In It, how difficult. To build a world money to invest, and In the case of without any Industrial friction or In- men who bad strength or skill to International strife In 4t, how difficult vest, In the Industries of the world. Many people are ready to say that it Tills motive of profit lias been given a Is quite Impossible. Perhaps it Is. Yet long trial. And It has tolled tragIt would not be if only men and wom- ically toiled. Its fruitage is a world en would keep on cultivating the dis- catastrophe, and. at this present mounrest. positions that are born at Christmas ment, world-wid- e time. Why not try the experiment of apto a different motive? The mo What Is needed for the TgfWftEWTWTTTTTfrTF? -- I will gladly tell! Los Angeles, Cal. of the relief Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery gave me. I was sick with troubles of stomach, liver, etc., and La Grippe with all its attending ailments, When all else failed Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery did the good work. 1 also took Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets for biliousness, with grand success. I write with gratitude to tell others of the relief that is in store for them. Do not delay but hasten to get the above mentioned n. remedies if suffering from similar SamlKalisky,978 Euclid Ave. of Dr. Obtain this Discovery Pierces in tablets or liquid at your nearest drug store and youll quickly find that it builds you up, beside correcting your distress. Write Dr. Pierces Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for free medical advice. Send 10c for trial pkg. tablets. Total Surfaced Roads. The total of surfaced roads in the United States is now greater than the railroad mileage, being 283,290 miles or twelve per cent of the 2,753:334 miles of highways In the country as against 259,000 miles of railroads. . Pneumatic Tires Are Best. According to the bureau of public reads, United States Department of Agriculture, rhere is less wear on the reads when pneumatic tires are used on motor vehicles. Not in His Line. We pedestrians should stand up All ready, run up for our Stage Manager rights, said the choleric old Hand the curtain. Stage Say, gentleman. wliat do you think I am, a squirrel? said a I quite agree with you, meek little man, but if we are goExactly. ing to do anything of that sort I sugShe talks Intelligently on all sub- gest that we make our demonstration from the sidewalk. jects. BosConverse. tie, so to speak. ton Transcript. Battle-Battere- Decorated Sufficiently. Say, pa, this magazine says Hnie. Curie got another medal for discovering radium. Why didnt my ma ever get a medal? She meddles Why should she? Science and Invenenough as It is. tion. Monster. d The Curators of the Launceston and Tasmanian museums have presented tlie Royal Society of Tasmania a preliminary account of a nearly complete skeleton of a gigantic extinct monster, recently discovered in tho pleistocene beds of Tasmania. The animal was as large as the largest existing rhinoceros. The new discovery shows clearly that it was a rhinoceros-lik- e animal, with a skull built for aggressive warfare, and at least one powerful horn on the snout. Evidence of the gigantic battles In which tiffs animal engaged is to be found in the complete smashing and partial mending of the collar-lionand in the crushing and subsequent repair of the bones of the nose and In His Glory. The Teektons had a burglar scare in their house last night. I noticed Peckton walking about town with his chest stuck out. Did he catch the burglar? No, but for the first time in twenty years he got a chance to issue some sharp commands to Mrs. Peckton that were meekly obeyed. snout. When a Federal Bureau reminds you that children should not drink coffee or tea why not think of your own health? The Federal Bureau of Education includes in its rules to promote health among the Nation's school children, the warning that children should not drink coffee or tea. The reason is well known. Coffee and tea contain diugs which stimulate and often overexcite the nerves, and so upset health. The harm is by no means confined to dren, as any doctor can tell you. chil- - If health is valuable to childhood, it is valuable always. If harm to health should be avoided until bodies grow up, is it worth taking a chance with health when bodies have grown up? You can have that delicious and satisfying cereal beverage, Postum, with any meal, and be safe y6u, and the children, too. Theres charm without harm in Postum. Postum comes in two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink while the tuenl is being prepared) made by boiling for 20 minutes. Sold by all grocers. The road to health is a good road for anybody to follow 533 c |