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Show 7 VY Tilfi KiCH COUNTY NEWS, RANDOLPH, UTAH liras Laketown Notes COIL! COAL! COAL! be hrul.at cnn Ccal Miss Ellen Weir of Kemmer spent a ty THE JICH COUNTY pleasant week here as gee. t of her siste s hand cobbled tinsl riddled in mine: 2W$ PlIELISHffIC COMPANY Mis. Claude Cheney and Mamie Weir. Barn S iturda t e it. 17 a b iby b y no slack, slate or rock no wait-r ss 'SWiSfl-slii. natter Mae the Peat Offlet at Itandolpk, always coal thirty five ton June Moffat and Ashel Price have gone at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Alma ing ITM1te4r Ibaaet ef March 3. 187. shoot. All coal arid full - weight to Logan to at e e tie Bright m Yo njArg le, ah concirned'doing liice'y. ' ' Ah lAKSON $3.50 per ton. College this winter. Mra. Arthur Barton who has spe. Publisher' Hei.ry Thomson Snpt. Bishop G. H. Robinson motored to Salt nt the last few weeks in PaBHelwd every Saturday at ltaadeloh Logan Almy Wyo. Lake last week end to take Fuchisia and under the D.s. care returned home 17. and Amos who will attend the U. of Mr. Arthur Findlay was strickeu lUndolph Utah Sept; 24 !921. L. D. S-- U. this year. last week. suddenly lust Monday Sept. 18th", Mr3. Philip Misley spent the A number of our townspeople are spend-- i with a Paraletic Stroke Dr. Ashley ng a few days in Cache Valley getting first part of the week in Lake-tow- of Montpelier was called over fruit visiting or attending the Cache Counvisiting friends. Wednesday and slated his conditty Fair, Among them were found, Mrs. ion as being improved and Eugg Leland Hayball, Willis Johnson, Glen Price Mr. John Jones and Almy LarDfi M rO.Reavr and Mrs. Ann Price, A Jenks, Ottolee son made a short business to ested that he be -moved to the Local News No.-9,miu- lF2w - -- mi j v . . u15ho taanwTig r I SC1AN V and Medvfv I'-- i;- a specialty v Kearl. Ottolee Kearl has accepted a position o to teach school aDanie!sWyo, she Utah . Mrs. Lawrence Johnson spent the early part of the past week in Kemmer. & SON GO us again. Manufacturer of Marble & Granite Monuments and , Headstones. Brigham, Utah U. S. Marshall Aquilla Nedeker is with & Montpelier, Idaho Jasper Henderson of Meadowville has moved his family here for the winter, ro his children can attend school. Mrs. Jane Henderson has gone to Mid- vale and Salt Lake, to visit relatives located there Randolph Utah EVANSTON DRUG CO KVANSTON WYOMING ; ' program was given by the Primary children, through the work of the teachers and children thePioneer trail interesting Hale In Distrepu ", AKD '..I ' - Thi Witling Out., ' News Reel aj -- -: Timber . SHOWS EACH (x : ,.i DOORS. OPEN ' !n' ''llu AbMlSSIONS" AT SEVEN 'ir ift ' ' ' 1 OCLOCK S TUl and' 9rh SHARP . L sut:-'Tiif Patrons YaL'?0' ? are the own fnr; wt'jontr deposilora a bank 'COufd Mct lie have every con -- venience and protection for our deposit orsand we solicit' your account on ths M'jy , yoU a cornmercial account "e add that gives dignity to a rtan. Bank of Randolph A 4- ? Randolph, Utnh'. PrW,altpn ' : ; Mrs. A, B, Kennedy is reported Fuueral Services for our, late on the sick list this week, " world war hero Joseph Jones will be' held in the Randolph tabemac Airs, Deffie Ingram is reported er appreciation of the Primary work. le Sunday Sept, 25th. at 2 P. M. as beiug in a critical condition at Plans are being laid for the opening under the directions of their home in Evanston this week, Social of the M. L A to beheld feetober and men ward the The assured. bishoptick, 11th. a big time is and Mrs, Fiank Pearce Evanston Home Guard Band will! Mr, and Mr, and M i s, Harry Hoffman be in attendance to assist with left Thursday for Evans. o.i to be honors. the .0 military ft with Mrs, Ingram,, . r . Cashier. T aaadBWiwifaarjnBHirpi . CR L1F3 A ABSOLUTLY RELIABLE Office and Warehouse on Cohn'ty Road Ex-Servi- Whoh'siile Utah Weekly Industrial Review & Letuil Dealer In Hides, Furs, Pelts, Wool, Jdnk, Scrap iron, Metal, Rubbers, Aones and Rags REFSBENG-STvCSOBWEHS BAJ-JEVANSTON, WYOMING b::,i A Pearl Snowball' is Mrs. Lea Heist rum is reported suffering a ' suffering a severe .case of pneuo;. light case of Typhoid Fever, Dr, ' . Modern drugtstore to be erected at Mt. .j. y, t 'j nia. at this writing however her Reay being in atteildilnfe, Tleasan. I; condition is favorable. Utah tanks third in crop production. " fb - Airs, Marion. Smith and children , Year promises farm prosperty. Woodmen of r America returned from an extended visit Delta sc gar Factory to operate this Modern will give a grand daiice in the with relatives anc friends season. and vicinity, Salt Lake Western Utah Copper Co. Randolph Opera Honse 'Friday Ogden makes important shake in Gold Rill. evening Sept. 30lh. musio to be Miss Margaret. Larson returned district DR. QTHO L. STONE furnished by the Wm. H. Toy to her home iu Salt Lake after Eureka Utah county sut facing road) orchestra of Evanston, refresh- - spending the summer here helpDENTIST to new EastTintic camp. ments will be served free and' a BECKWITH BLG. Work of paving highway from Castle ing her brother Orsoa on the time to Gate to good Price to start guaranteed shortly. EVANSTON WYO. evry hay camp, Gunnisdp.nine mije reservoir and town one. Dancing will start at y P. M. reservoir in twelve mil canyon stocked prompt. Every one invited . Miss Thelma Hauney returned t with fish. ,V Wednesday from t a two weeke ii Moab survey work for Southern CalifWR StAUT YOU in the candy busin Geo. Brough is confined to his visit with relatives i Paris Idaho. eat at home, small room, or anywhere ornia Edison Co.s mammoth power bed suffering a very bad case of M rs, Leonard iloffman return d everything furnished; earn $30.00 wkly, project progressing. Typhoid Fever Dr. Reay was called one two establishes Utah offices, post unnecessup; men women; experience to Randolph Thursday after spen. at Hamlin Valley, Iron County and the and attended the patient until ary; advertise candy, send self addresse the summer in Evanston,, other at Summit Point, San Juan county conditions worried his folks to thp ding stamped envelope for free particulars. C Logan dam to store 60,000 acre; feet point cf send ing to Evanston' ;for Co., Desk A Candymakers LOST' K of water proposed at Twin Bridges to the services of Dr., Holland Who i Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. . On to r road Bear the Lake hetw: irrigate 30,000 acres Cache Valley kLand pronounced the case Typhoid fever een the Hardware mnea ,m d Ogden Reed Hot to get improveme-ment- s his condition at this writing' is Round 1:15,000. One suitcase costing fulk K Valley, ' ' ! s ih Delta Community wheat crop largest n' little .improved. of clothes and shoes, finder please; iu ti istoiy, estimated at 300,000 bushels. Erickson Ganl. n, Miss Rhodefla Jackson jwas notify E, C, til 00 ,000 authorized for completion of ITta'i and be rewarded. v suddenly ill Tuesday A, m City federal aid road work in State. ; 6elta Millard County expects good witli v:ht was though: acute Watch for om free ad veri.-iu- j beet jop. nppendicitns and was immediate, next week, ly taken to Ogden where an operFOUND a 'trained nurse ation showed a bjack tumor, she Miss, Found one pair f gold rimmed spectwell from is .as can he expcc iu attendance at is 'doing as Ogden acles and case, owner can get same by of liunu ' this at led Geo, Brongh. ttbi writing, paying for this ad. Victrota's and Records Edison and Records c Eastman Kodaks and Films Musical Merchandise " Patent, Medicine. Drugs . Send us yourVhaH :: , Rich, Elfie Richards and Gertude Price of the Stake Board were present, a very Damsed AND TWO X r-- Up to Date . And . ;A- - Nicholls Bros, and Joseph E. ' of Mr. and Mrs. .4Levi Pead Hatch loaded Bereral cars of lambs r. ' for the Eastern markets at Sage Montpelier spent' the week in Randolph visiting friends and ' Tuesday. relatives. Mr. M. K. Parsons of Ogden David and I veil Kennedy and was in Randolph the first part of Merlo Scaddy ' of Ogdon Utah the week and bought several cars are visitiug with their brother, of beef froiu.our local Stock ' meb George Kennedy. paying four cents - for fat cows Mr. and Mrs. G. Willard Peart and five cents for steers.5 left Thursday morning for.Lngan ' Dr, Webb State Deputy Vet ion-- , where they will make their home ary has returned to make final indefinately." ; on cows for tndercnlosis test milk Miss Mildred Hatch and VGe he expects , to have a few head v Jackson entertained in ; honor 'of condemned in this vicinity. ' ? School class at the their Sunday Weston of Laketown .hurch Wednesday evening,:ganies Supt. G. N. ' was in town Thursday visiting the and watermelon were indulged in and a good time had by all present. public schools. was cleverly illustrated and built, all parents after viewing it were brought to a keen Painter Creighton Hale In THE Love CHEAT Montpelier which was hospital done Thursday of this week,-.- . itih Sept, Creighton . Our Primary Conference held last Sunday was very well attended, sisters Mary Findlay Automobile TUESDAY June Caprjc . i V 24t.h . I& J June Caprice and .1 . begin her work Sept 26. Dr. Harrison is in our midst again and is rushed at all hours, with dental work. 3 MOTT .......in Evanston Wednesday. exp-ectst- Office at Residence. Rcndolph Madge and Gwendolyn SATURDAY. Sept r-- , trip SURGEON : . n THE AT e wv ) . We FurS i GIVE US Eytuistodi' Ta.i , Make! and ! Repiir all Coats Rugs', Rones .Gluves .'TRIAL iraRit -- A-.., ' kinds 'lot and etc. (Maan : It . T , , BON-BO- . , . 1 Delbert: Neville, " to get cvj ay r'jT Utahs big annual State Fair. See the best of all her resources and wealth, collected' id V and displayed at an enormous cost for your ed-ucation a.d entertainment. Also C sensational .prograrr of sports and a-- 'f tan musqmenls, : Therell be somcdnng.fioir.g every , minute of the week. . General blacksmi king er Uah MICKIE, THE PRINTERS DEVIL VIUEM WE ASK FOR. NEWS WEVAS, VIE OOMY MEAVI ABOUT SOMEBODY VJHO lSGOIMGr'W, GWE A BASKET SOetAL AMD PLEASE BPAMG BASKETS" OR.'TM&r "WK.SOAMDSO IS IMTWE QXX'i BCNW4G AVWiE UWE OF GOOOS TOR UlS STORE'." By Charles Sughroe ; Worn Tooting Our Own Ntw,c..pcr Union W A ViWLE SOME KiD MTU A JOB PRESS STARTLES TU' YOORU? VHTU SEMSATiOUAL PRICES Otk PRWWlUG , SOT UE UEMER ;; EASTS LOtiG'. d OWC.E NMVAEN SOME FELLER W WEM YORK SEW0S A lotta oouk about some Automobile or sometwihg else" to se posusueo as views BECAUSE vt NMLL VVWERESt NOuR READERS,'. TW' EOVTOR SMILES A CROOKED SMLE! ' -- tU VJAM XME TURVi OUT C.LASSN'' fj COMMERCIAL PRUTVAE 1VJ dE TUAE Explains mvan so vnawy firms GV)E US ALLTUEVR. RUSVMESSl ' Lu r - iL?- I it - , Horse Shoeing and Randolph; You skbtild begirt tbday t& Mske'cmkm SlkWPoe |