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Show THE RICH COUNTY NEWS, RANDOLPH. UTAH Jk. H At Least J. vrY D ilct pieces, single or m els f r tiave.ii, or on oui uresser. Kea-5- o .able pn es case the way. White Would Bet So, After Being Relieved of Dyspepsia by Tanlac. A. BOYD PARK JEWELERS BOYD PARK. BLDG My wife and myself have had stomach trouble, says Mr. J. A. White, residing on the Leestown Pike, .R. F. D. No. 6, near Lexington, Ky., and have both been nervous and run 166 MAIN f STREET down. We could not see anything without suffering afterwards and could not sleep at night. We were regular nervous dyspeptics. We tried many remedies without permanent benefit until we heard of Tanlac. I got this medicine and began using It. We noticed Immediate results. We are both greatly improved by Tanlac. We give all credit for the change of health to Tanlac. It is a remarkable medicine. 1 personally feel so good that I told my hnnds a day or two ago that 1 could beat any of them shucking corn. 1 meant it and believe 1 could have beat em all. Of all the maladies that afflict humanity chronic dyspepsia, such as Mr. and Mrs. White suffered from, is probably the most prevalent, and hours might be consumed in describing the sufferings, mental and bodily, of the victims of chronic dyspepsia. A morbid, unreal, whimsical and melancholy condition of the mind, aside from the nervous physical suffering, is the usual state of the average dyspeptic, and life seems scarcely worth living. Tanlac, the celebrated medicine, was designed especially for overcoming this distressing condition and millions of people have taken it with the most astonishing and gratifying results. It seems to go straight to the spot, toning up and invigorating every organ of the body. Sold where. by leading druggists Advertisement. every- A Pernicious Influence. Frederick had discovered Treasure Island the other day, and devoured it in one blissful feast, lasting from breakfast till bedtime, when he was forcibly pried loose from the book. He wns obviously in a trance as he undressed, but still Ills demure mamma was not exactly prepared for the variation which he sprung when he came to soy his prayers: "Give us this day our daily bread ye, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum I San Francisco Chronicle. Cuticura Comforts Babys Skin When red, rough and Itching with hot baths of Cuticura Soap and touches of Cuticura Ointment Also make use now and then of that exquisitely scented dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum, one of the indispensable Cuticura Toilet Trio. With a Proviso. recently a friend of mine served her husband and two small sons a hearty hot dinner at 1 oclock. When supper time came she said to the hoys : I am not going to bother much with supper. I shall have something light and airy. The young boy, Clarke, who has a healthy appetite, immediately said: That light and airy stuff is all right, mother, if you have lots of it. Exchange. One Saturday All is lost save honor. Is a phrase that means a man Intends to pay his debts as soon as he can. An honest failure is much better than a fraudulent success. Many a man works his friends so that he may be in a position to play the races. The man who hasnt a single bad habit seldom amounts to much. is one of the things that come to those who wait. Stomach on Strike 20 Years Eatonic Settled hi Eatonic is wonderful, says C. W. Burton. I had been a sufferer from stomach trouble for 20 years and now I am well. Eatonic gets right after the cause of stomach troubles by taking up and carrying out the acidity and gases and of course, when the cause is removed, the Sufferer gets well. If you have sourness, belching, Indigestion, food or any other stomach repeating trouble, take Eatonic tablets after each meal and find relief. Big box costs only a trifle with your druggists guarantee. AUTOMOBLE VISE IS PLAIN HINTS TO ENGRAVED WEDDING STATIONERY Announcements Invitations Calling Cards. our printer is our representative and has complete samples and prices USEFUL FOR REPAIRS FOIL CAR THIEF Jcnnings-Gottscha- Found Mighty Convenient While Some Practical Suggestions to Owners. REMOVE DISTRIBUTOR' KOTOB Unique and Effective Scheme Is to Have Blind Switch in Ignition System Other Methods to Discourage Robbers. View of Lisbon ciety, Washington, Geographic D. C.) So Portugal, one of the least known and least written about countries of Europe, owes this fact, in part at least, to its language. In spite of the claim made by some Portuguese that their speech is closer to the pure Latin than that of any of the other Romance peoples, students find that many Gothic, Arabic, and even Berber elements have strikingly altered the Latin foundation, making the language unusually difficult for those accustomed to the commoner European tongues. But Portuguese is predominantly a Roman and Romance language, customs and practices have been just as tenacious In Portugal as the Roman has hardly Agriculture tongue. changed at all since the days when, under the protection of Roman legions, settlers came from Italy to the charming valleys of Portugal and introduced their methods of tilling the soil. The addition of maize to the crops grown Is perhaps the one significant change since those days. Oxen are still used by the farmers as In old days, and they drag, not a modem implement of tillage, but the old primitive Roman plow consisting of crooked stick shod with iron and having a single handle. Grapes are trained upon trees as the Romans trained them, and wine is made in the peculiar way in which it was made on the Sabine farms of old Italy before the beginning of the Christian era. Not Much Like Spain. What is now the republic, but was for centuries the kingdom of Portugal, covers the greater part of the old province of Lusitania, one of the rich but hardly won units of the Roman empire. Because of general lack of knowledge in regard to Portugal, there has been a tendency to look on the country as a sort of poor Imitation of Spain. Geographically, there is little In common between these two countries which together cover the Iberian peninsula. Much of Spain is a dry, barren tableland; but Portugal, sloping westward to the Atlantic from the east, is well watered, and many of its hills are covered with luxuriant forest growth. The Romans recognized Lusitania to and and desirable, be fertile after the it eagerly colonized After natives were subjugated. the fall of the Roman empire, Portugal was overrun by the Visigoths from the north and later still by the Moors from the south. The results of the mingling of the blood of these two peoples with that of the Inhabitants whom they found in Portugal is evident In the Portuguese of today. The Tagus river, at the south of which is the beautiful capital and metropolis of the country, Lisbon, forms both an ethnic and economic dividing line. In the region to the north of the Tagus, comprising about three-fifth- s of the area of the country, are the more typical Portuguese. They are the Celtic, Gothic and Latin mixture with little or none of the Moorish or African strain. This northern region Is a country of small farms largely cultivated by the proprietors and their families. The diffusion of the land among many independent owners has created a sturdy yeomanry which has been the backbone of Portuguese nationality. The people are intensely patriotic and have ever been ready to fight against foreign domination. Famous for Its Wines. Much of Portugal is hilly, and the the little farms of the region north Tagus consist of a series of terraces. Near the northern boundary of the country in the valley of the Duero river and Its tributaries is the most famous wine country of Portugal. It Is estimated that in favorable years more than 20 gallons of vne are pro Harbor. duced annually In Portugal for each man, woman and child in the country. Port and Madeira are the best known of the vintages. They are shipped through Opporto in great quantities, going chiefly to Great Britain and Brazil, but in less quantities to many other markets. Nearly two gallons of olive oil per inhabitant are produced each year. Portugals cork forests are one of the chief sources of wealth for the country. From them comes nearly one-haof the cork produced In the world. The United States imports s of from Portugal about the cork which It uses. South of the Tagus river the long occupation of the country by the 'Moors is evident not only through the architecture, but also because of the appearance of the people. Almost pure Berber types are met in many parts of the district. Its Rise as a Kingdom. There was really no Portugai during Roman, Germanic and Moorish domination. , Portugal may be considered to have begun to emerge for the first time in 1095 when the Spanish crown, having conquered a small part of the northern portion of the present Portugal, made it an hereditary countship. The rise of Portugal from this small beginning to an important kingdom and then an empire constitutes perhaps the most spectacular development of a nation to be found in modern history. The son of the first count, Alfonzo Henriques, made his country independent of Spain and He then began himself its king. what was practically a crusade against the Moors to the south, and with the assistance of Christian knights from other countries of Europe, succeeded In driving the infidels from Lisbon in 1147. He and his successors continued the fight, and by about the hundredth anniversary of the fall of Lisbon the entire area of the present Portugal had been freed of Moorish dominion. The country continued to grow in importance, wealth and power. Prince Henry the Navigator became the patron of navigation early in the Fifteenth century, and under his encouragement Portugals great page of discovery and colonization began to be written. The Portuguese were the first of the Europeans to have the necessary vision to make an ordered search for the hidden places of the earth; and their sailors were the first to establish contact between Europe and a large part of the then unknown world, both east and west. But if the rise of Portugal was rapid, its fall from great power and wealth was equally swift. Its man power was severely drained to take care of Its extensive possessions and its even broader spheres of influence. Even then colonial affairs were managed rather poorly and there came the inevitable reaction. Weak kings at home with spendthrift proclivities combined to undermine Portugals rapidly built over-sea- s empire ; and the competition of other nations which went about the building of empires more methodically was no untmiiortant factor in the displacing of Portugal from the foremost position in world affairs which she had won so quickly and with such seeming ease. Even though shorn of many of its former possessions, Portugal still controls more than 800,000 square miles of colonial dependencies, chiefly in Africa. The possession of this extensive territory makes Portugal the fourth colonial power of the world, if Russia be disregarded. lf three-fourth- Oh I You Saucy Missl Cholle Chapie I Im not quite today. Mss Kidder Allow me to tou. Some ingenious yet simple ways to the automobile thief, who often laughs at locksmiths when he begins foil tinkering with motorcars, are suggested by Emil C. Hertz, a Cleveland automobile distributor. Mr. Hertz's first suggestion Is to remove the distributor rotor. Without this rotor there can be no spark, he says, and without the spark no gasoline motor will run. The rotor Is one of the easiest things to get at, so Its removal by the car owner when he leaves his vehicle parked In some street is all the easier. As there are several different kinds of rotors, It Is all the more difficult for the thief, since he would have to carry almost every type to have the correct one available when needed. Even though half of all the automobile thieves were equipped with complete sets of rotors, the car stealing hazard would be reduced 50 per cent. Unique and Effective Scheme. Perhaps the most unique and effective scheme to protect a car, continued Mr. Hertz, Is to have a blind switch in some concealed part of the main Ignition system. Probably nine out of ten thieves would be utterly batfied if the circuit were broken in this way because It is a device they would least expect. They would naturally look for the commoner methods of disabling cars but there is no standard way available to the thief for locating the trouble caused by a blind switch. Another simple, though less effectual way to ' iffle the amateurish thief Is to disconnect the wire at the coU, in connection with the generator. In many makes of cars there is only one wire exposed on the coll and it may be detached at either end with little trouble. There is still another way to discourage the motor car thief and that is to cross the spark plug wires to say the fourth and fifth or the fifth and sixth cylinders of a six. This crossing of the wires causes back firing and resultant heavy artillery when the engine is started will often cause the less hardened thief to flee in dismay, asserts Mr. Hertz. Some car owners however, would not approve of this method of thwarting the thief because of the danger of blowing off the muffler of the cars mechanism. Keep Record of Numbers. Finally, be sure that you record the oumbers of your motor and tires In a memorandum book and keep the book where you can always lay your hands upon It, advises Mr. Hertz, who cites an Instance of a car which was stolen In Boston, Mass., and recovered and Identified four months later by one of the original tires. CURE FOR RECKLESS DRIVERS Where Many Accidents Have Occurred Signs Bear Inscription Warning Drivers. As a warning to ' reckless drivers, the board of trade of Goshen, N. Y., has erected large signs on each side of the Otterklll bridge, where many accidents have occurred. The signs bear the following inscription : Private cemetery across the bridge for reckless drivers. DETERMINING SIDES OF CAR Always Face In Same Direction chine Is Headed It Is Wrong to Stand Facing It. Ma- To determine the left or right side of the car always face the same direction In which the car is headed. This is contrary to the belief of some that left and right sides are determined by standing In front of the car and looking toward it Engraving Co. ll When You Think FORD Think Touring in Country. Cleveland Auto Distributor Gives (Prepared by the National Twas the Room Went Upstairs. Teddy had returned from the city and was describing a large department store he had visited. He seemed greatly impressed by the height of the building and the number of floors. One of his little playmates who had been listening attentively finally inDid you go away, way upquired: stairs? We just No, said Teddy. went into the tiniest, tiniest little room and stood still and the little room went upstairs. Hunger Few persons realize what radical changes have come over the automobile since the days when the youngster yelled git a horse Here we have the one lunger of fifteen years ago, with its funny steering handle nnd the exposed radiator, as compared to the modem speed wagon. mm Device Shown in Illustration for Holding Small Parts of Car While Working on Them Kept Out of Sight by Hood. DEALERS 52 60 W. A SOUTH - WAS. 1694. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Many occasions arise on an automobile tour when a light, fixed vise would be highly convenient. A fixture for holding small parts, while working on them, is shown attached to the engine bolts and conby the cylinder-hea- d cealed by the hood. Two pieces of 8 inch machine steel, or iron, are bent and formed as indl- 3-- CLEANERS & Quality. Clothes insured eturn postage Myers Cleaners ERS. Service. We pay Woik guaranteed. Pi ice list on request. & Dyers. 114 E. Broadway. MONUMENTS. Write for catalog. Standard Marble & Granite Co., 117 W. Broadway. . For a real good place to eat, follow the crowds to SHAY'S CAFETERIA Ooposite Post Office. Down the marble stalls ls RUBBER STAMPS & STENCILS. ari ear tags also made. Send for samples, prices, etc. Salt Lake Stamp Co.. 65 W Broadway $2 70 an l,our cleaning and shampooing rugs. Vacuum furnished free fcluconiinission op sales. Dodge Bros., 66 E. Kind South, Salt Lam . CREAM BOUGHT. Send us your cruam. Western Creamery Co., 244 W. Fourth South. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every description on very easy Write Daynes-BeebSalt Lake. FRFF Samples of lalnons. Confetti, ers u. S. Win legale Co Box 31 os. ter na. iv POULTRY BOUGHT. For best results sh p poultry, eggs and game to Fulton Mkt. Correct weight. Prompt return. Write for prices. , TLDSMOBILE DISTRIBUTORS. Cars & trucks. Us d car ba gams. A. E Tourssen, 447 S. Main. A Substantial Vise Attached Cylinder Head and Concealed the Engine Hood Is Always for Use When the Motorist Minor Repairs. to the Under Ready Makes cm PistonPistonRings Gill ure your motor troubles. . 15 Last Fourth South RingC o ELASTIC STOCKING MFRS. Manufacturers abdominal. Maternity supporters, Tru-fitters S H. Bowmar Co., Brooks Arcade WELDING, ALTO RADIATORS & Machinery cated, holes being drilled In the end ba It and Best and cheapest. Pottef to fit over the cylinder studs. If WeM.ng & lepaued. Repair ng Co, 651 South State these studs are of sufficient length, no The Baby Fox weigh 8 lbs 1 II alteration will be needed, but it will TYPWPITFiK TfiillLfiJ All makes rented and sold. Ula.t probably be found, In most cases at Office & School Supply, 33 W. Second South St. least, that the studs will be too short L. D. 8. BUSINESS COLLEGE. and that longer ones must be pro- School of All commercial b anches. Efficiency. vided. The movable section of the vise has two lugs fitting into corresponding slots in the fixed part The screw Is lnch mamade from any suitable terial, with a bent handle and a Inch nut behind the movable jaw. Popular Mechanics Magazine. -- -- Cataog free 6D N Main St., Salt Lrke City. KID FITTING CORSET PARLORS. Specialists in designing, making, fitftg corsets. Hemstitching, embroidering, braiding, accordion and side pleating. Buttons made. 40 E. Bdwy. VULCANIZING & RETREADING. Quality and service. Standard Tire Works, 361 So. State. Inventors repairing. Models Mode. Key, lock and gun Knudson Novelty Co., 355 So. State. TO TIGHTEN LOOSE VIBRATOR SEE YOUR LOCAL PUBLISHER For loose leaf binders, special blanks, records of all kinds. He gives Quahty Service. When Screws Holding Brass Jackets Become Worn It Is Good Plan to Use Metal Band. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Qualify as bar ber in few weeks. 43 S. West Temple Street In case the screws that hold the small brass jackets to the vibrator box become worn so that they do not grip any more, do not try to remedy the trouble by using longer screws, as this will probably Injure the windings of the coil and ruin the vibrator. The better plan is to put a metal band clear around the box and attach it to the dash with small bolts. MJTOTOBOILE Gasoline costs $1.40 u gallon In a. Syria. , Western Canada now has one automobile for every fifteen persons. In England, motorists pay a license nearly of one pound per horsepower car. $200 for a The wheels of the car are In alignment if the tire treads wear uniformly and hold the rounding shape originally given the treads. The average price of gasoline In France at present represents about $1 a gallon, and In England it averages about 75 cents. Wasted. Whats the use of Toy washing mj hands before I go to school, mother? Im not one of those Car who are always raising them! toons. Small Many Do. One way to relieve congestion In the post office is to let your corre- spondents letters answer themselves a method which has much to recoin, mend it. In spite of the British duty of 33 i per cent and the French 45 per cent Motor Gig Burns American-mad- e automobiles are being San Francisco The motor gig of shipped to European countries in large Commander Percy W. Foote of the U. numbers. S. S. Salem burned to the waters The 44,005,000 automobile tires edge in San Francisco bay shortly bemanufactured during 1920, piled on fore midnight Monday, severely burntop of one another, would reach to a ing the officer and two of the five height of 2,784 miles a distance al- men with him. They were returning most as great as across the continent. to the Salem from shore at the time. Commander Foote and the sailors Automobile accidents are found to lumped overboard from the gig when be caused in many cases by the varyit started to burn and they were plck-ing rules of the road in different states ed up some time later by a boat fromi of the Union, which lead to the con-- , the U. S. S. Tennessee. fusion of drivers In Interstate traffic. j J |