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Show THE RICH COUNTY NEWS, RANDOLPH. UTAH Children Cry For Nleteor Shower to Mark Earths Race With Comer Cotton Crisis - Despite Many Big Failures, BusMen Hope the iness Worst Is Past. 6A1HS FOR AMERICAN TRADE Automobile Have Effected Ha American Chewing Gum Patent Food Also Popular. , Product Low-Price- d a Conquest So Cairo. Business men in Egypt, especially foreigners, pay very little attention to the political situation. They admit, of course, that the unsettled conditions of a year ago, as well as the general lack of knowledge of what the future holds for Egypt, is a deterrent to free commercial intercourse. The chief cause for business worry at this writing is the decline in cotton prices plus the general international slump, in trade. The two events coming at the same time work more than ordinary hardship to the business life of Egypt. ' One business man remarked , that people in Egypt realized that the trade of the world was in a bad state ; P. Mins a !.' world over, and that there was a general stagnation in buying. But, be other countries on have continued, usually more than one industry-upwhich to exist. Here in Egypt we must live or die at the wh in pf King Cotton. This whim Is .not left in our power to control. We grow the cotton, and Lancashire and Manchester, as well as your big tire fabric centers at borne, manipulate the buying price. Of course, every one in Egypt with a grain of common sense, realizes that the law of supply and demand rules; but, depending as it does upon one industry, the business life of the community is more or less left open to unusual perils when that one industry fails. -- Bulk of Business Life. ; This business man was engaged in the wholesale supply of sundries and novelties. ,'His point of view may be accepted as that of such traders In general those who buy in Europe, America or Japan and import the goods to Egypt for local consumption. This work constitutes the bulk of the business lifd of the community. ' It is not tlie greatest in point of wealth, however, when one figures the immense amounts involved in the collecting, ginning and exportation of raw cotton. Egypts normal cotton crop is handled by about a dozen large British and Levantine firms, American ' soldiers, whose predilection for sweets has often caused Frenchmen to gasp with amazement, are still world champions in this respect, it Is shown by figures compiled at the Cafeteria, the largest ' restaurant In Coblenz, under the management of the Y. M. C. A. During the last year American doughboys ate at that restaurant alone 233,138 puddings, 475,843 tarts and cakes, 310,874 cookies and doughnuts, 63,151 cream puffs and eclairs, 624,000 dishes of Ice . cream, 3G6.351 chocolate sundaes, 61,378 pies, 223,787 apples and other fruit, 282,741 glasses of lemonade and 43,792 oranges. , Eggs were also played across ' the board, the total numler con-- , sumed being 211,105. Coblenz. lit e, thing to do. They rarely invest their money in cotton before the selling season opens, when the goods come from the field. As the drop-icotton prices began almost at the beginning of this season, the big brokers were thus not caught with a, great amount of stock on hand. The merchandise dealers, on the contrary, continued their buying right up to November and are even now being loaded up with stock, if paid for before shipment, or with obligations if shipped against documents. This is spelling ruin for some of the largest houses. Many serious failures have occurred, and in Cairo alone three, department stores have gone into bankruptcy. It Is the general opinion that the worst period has passed. Those who have gone through the crisis, either honorably or dishonorably, will. It Is believed, live to see another - period of fair business weather. It is common talk here that in. business morality Egypt does not compare very favorably with any other big colonial market Apologists for (lie country point to the large number of races engaged in commerce. Syrians and Armenians, Jews from Spain, ltus-siGermany, Greece, Smyrna and . . pi Sis fM; nia. On June 27 the comet will flip Its tail so hard against its ter- J It Special Care of Baby. That Baby should have a bed of its own all are agreed. Yet it . Sennet JbcWkSrt JudseSttS CariM&fUr safe 'jfattyntrhnr AhelpfulRemedyfa Diarrhoea Constipation and mid Feverishness and SLEEP OF LOSS O' cheaper to As-- IlingtheStcwuKfaafldlkwelsa meteoric shower. At the greatest brilliancy observable from the earth the comet will be of the eighth or ninth magnitude. Nothing greater than-thsixth magnitude can be observed by the naked eye, so the world at ' large win see nothing of the visitor except at' on the episode June 27. high-price- d Avertable PrcparatioiBf similatintheFood by restrial rivaj that the impact will send out sparks. These will go down Into the records as a no evidence. PER CENT. ALCOHOL-- 3 i it American cars are in is explained that the American car is a more attractive purchase to the Egyptian and Levantine than similarly priced cars made in England or on the continent. Prompt deliveries, of course, were largely responsible for ... the American conquest of this field. and Italians all go When vessels from New York or Bosto make up the commercial life of ton were arriving weekly with conthe place. It is a counof automobiles, only one or signments try. in business. First and most im- two .cars a mouth were coming in from portant, of course, is Arabic; then Europe. come French, Italian, Greek and EngAmerican sundries and patent food lish. products have made marked progress. Growth of American Trade. On every hand one sees Americas American trade with Egypt has favorite breakfast dishes advertised made wonderful progress, considering and displayed. . American chewing the fact that before the war this mar- gum has become the craze of the na' ket rarely knew American goods. The tives. bulk of. the shipments arriving from home, however, in 1020 consisted of There are about 40,000 square 0 coal from Newport News' and Hour miles of virgin forest and about second-growtfrom the North. American automoof miles square biles have captured the market, but timber In the Philippines. middle-price- d rcstritin$therefrmMnMani7Facsimile - Sijnatnrtpt SS!.; is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with 20.-00- s than to use the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily prepared for grown-ups. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S GO JHB GEOTHUI CASTORIA CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of iZH h grown-up- a mans medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would be tolerated by specialists in childrens diseases. Your Physician will tell you that Babys medicine must be prepared with even greater care than Babys food. A Babys stomach when in good health is too often disarranged food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving improper by to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared for Infants and Children ? Dont be deceived. Make a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that GENUINE a, Somewhat Miffed. What do you think of that fellow? Had the audacity to have his secretary will knock it in very short time. At the first sign of a cough get me on the wire. I never talk exor cold in your horse, give a few doses of "SPOHN'S." It will cept to principals. Why didnt he act on the glands, eliminate the disease germ end prevent furthSPOHNS has been the call me himself? er destruction of body by disease. standard remedy for DISTEMPER, INFLUENZA, PINK EYE, How do you know it was his CATARRHAL FEVER, COUGHS and COLDS for a quarter of a century. 60 cents and $1.15 per bottle at all drug stores. secretary? GOSHEN, IND, SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, Louis' My secretary answered. Courier-Journaville IT BOYS SUGGESTION ALL RIGHT AND SHE COULDNT DENY DONT LET THAT COUGH CONTINUE! Spohns Distemper Compound l. Had Remembered What He Had Been Taught About Electricity. Thirteen-Year-Ol- d One Time That Mr. Hogg Scored on the Partner of His Juys and Sorrows, Tummy Note. Im taking absent treatment for my indigestion. You are? "Yes absence of everything I like Former Senator John W. Weeks was to eat." lately recalling some of the happy days of the long aga in Washington. In those days, he said, there were such things as bars, and his friend Hirbutus Hogg, spent a' great deal of his time on the fringe of the oases. One night after an unusually long sojourn near his favorite bar, Mr. Hogg navigated painfully home and at last reached his bedroom. Mrs. Hogg was waiting for him. Hirbutus, she said, after a swift I am appraisal of his condition, ashamed of you utterly ashamed. You are a Hogg by name, and a hog by nature. BOflood Yes, mdear, replied the prodigal, meekly, but even at that I have the for 10c from advantage over you. You are a Hogg one sack of by name, but you became a Hogg by choice. Exchange. . -- Lloyds of BIG Reports Total 7,086,766 Ship Tons in Yards of World. Register DROP IN U. S. IN VEAR in Alexandria. with headquarters These latter have been the biggest Total Building Here, t, 102, 000 Ton, sufferers, but only from lack of some- Is Only About 40 Per Cent of ' Record Year Ago Japan Shows Small Gain. Sweet Tooth? Hear What Yanks Ate in France Contents ISFluid Draclm Berkeley, Cal. For a month this summer the earth will engage in a race with the periodic and becomet. cause it will have no chance to win it will endeavor, through astral Influences, to trip up its gaseous rival, according 'to a report made public by the observatory of the University of Califor- York. More than 7,000,000 gross tons of merchant vessels are reported as being in the shipyards of the world, says a statement by Lloyd's Register. Compared with the total on January 1, the 7,086,766 tons, to be exact, represents a decline of less than per cent.. 100,000 tons, nearly 1 New The actual decline In shipbuilding activity has been much sharper in the past three months than appears on the surface, says the statement. The total reported for Great Britain, 3,798,503 gross tons, Is a gain of 80,000 tons over the January 1 record, but there has been marked reduction In the volume of tonnage on which ..work Ss actually proceeding, Lloyds Register The family washing was going through its regular Monday electric washer Toute. Incidentally, the basement was damp, because there had interfered with the fitting out of a, been no furnace fire. When the lady of the house started number of large liners and other vesto wring the clothes she found an sels, the report continues. Taking electric current in the water, due to this total of 847,000 tons into consid- eration, therefore, the total of new ships on which work Is proceeding in British shipyards is 2,951,593 tons, or about 20 per cent less than the total at the beginning of the year. Additional indications of the conditions in "the British shipbuilding are furnished by the returns of launchings and new work begun during the first quarter of this year. New keels represented only 391,000 gross tons, in comparison with 503,000 for the last quarter of 1920. and 701,000 for the quarter ended April 1, 1920. Launchings during the quarter just ended represented 431,000 tons,, as against 576.000 tons for the last three months of 1920. Even with the delays due to strikes and other causes, therefore, work Is being completed more rapidly than new work is coming on. , a short circuit the motor. In After several attempts to wring the clothes before the current got in its work, she was about ready to give up and wring them by hand. Shucks, mom, said thirteen-year-ol- d Harry, who knows all about Edison and Franklin, Ill bet if you put on your rubbers, so the current can't go on out of your body you wont get a shock at all. And when mom tried his suggestion she found the embryo electrician knew What he was talking about, for she worked in safety while wringing the rest of tlie clothes. Crime in New York. to New York was arrested the other day because he had I see a visitor in his pocket, said Church. it wasnt his own money? Decline in America. asked Gotham. Returns from - American shipyards Oh, yes ; it was proved in court that show that the decline which has been It was his own money, replied Church. in effect' more than a year continues. Why on earth did they arrest him, Lloyd's says. The total construction then? He was trying to get out of town reported under way on April 1 1.102.000 tous, only slighty more than with it 40 per cent of the American total a finds. , year ago. The aggregate for ali other Learn to work efficiently that is, countries except the United .States, without waste of time or energy. . Work Suspended. Great Britain and Germany (for the Included in the total in the hands no official returns are availare 497,000 gross of British shipyards. able) shows a gain of about 25,000 tons tons of vessels on which work has over total, Lloyds been suspended, and an additional 350,-00- 0 which has of tons, the completion ' The apparent world decrease in been postponed, chiefly owing to the strike of the shlfejoiners, which has shipbuilding activityhasduring tiie last been not far quarter, therefore, from a million tons, a decline of about 12 per cent, the statement says. In some directions, however, gains are shown in the volume of construction under way. -- These are most marked In the case of France, which now stands next to the United King. dom and the United States as a shipbuilding nation, having displaced Holland during the last quarter. A year ago France, with only 240,000 tons under way, was led by Japan, Italy and Holland, and was Constructing only 9,090 tons more than the British dominions. Today, with 427, OOP tons building, she has nearly two and a half times the total for the British dominions, and leads Japan and Italy by 133.000 tons and 75,000 tons, resjiect-iveiy- . $350 And cigarettes GENUINE Lazy Lovery. Sir John Lovery of England, the emiiient portrait painter, has been called Lazy Lovery, because oil a pretty society woman coming to his studio for her portrait he seated her in the position desired and then studied her features, planning his work and looking hard and long at her. After he had studied her for some time she said : Dont yon think its about time you started your work? Boston Post. Virginia wage-earnin- than more women. has g last-name- d esti-mat- Dont Count Your Night Hours Japanese Freighter Is Libeled Counting the clock strokes v at night means losing the day hours in drowsiness. A cup of tea or coffee at bedtime often results in Andes Crossed by Autoists. Santiago. Chili. Several- Argentine autoinobillsts have arrived here from - Bahia Blanca, after having crossed the Andes by tlie southern pass. Hie distance covered by the party being about 1,100 miles. The journey was taken for the purpose of encouraging motor communication between the A lantic and Pacific coasts of tomb raided by 'federal prohibition Erie Maru-wa- s The big Japanese-freighteenforcement agents at Jacksonville, Fla., and libel papers have been served on it It Is charged that the vessel brought 26 cases of intoxicating liquor from Cardiff, Wales, whlch'were not reported In the manifest. The photograph America. shows the Erie Maru at dock In Jacksonville.' is a hot, cheering, meal-tim- e beverage, fully satisfying to the taste, and you can drink it at any hour of the day , Better nights and brighter mom ings usually follow a change to Postum as the table drink. Theres a Reason Made Ly Postum Cereal Ga.bc Battle Creek, TOBACCO Reduces Bursal Enlargements, Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curbs, Filled Tendons, Soreness from Bruises-oStrains; stop Spavin Laments, allays pain. Does not blister, remove the hair or lay up the horse. $2.50 a bottle, at druggists or delivered. Book I R free. ABSORBINE, JR, for mankind an antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, strains, painful, swollen veins or glands. It heals and soothes. $1.25 a bottle at druggists or postpaid. Will tell you more if you write. Made in U. S. A. by W. F. YOUNG, Inc., 310 Tempts St.. Springtieltf, Mass. Now Feels Yountf After dreary wakefulness. as many cups as you like with no irritation to nerves. DURHAM SO Years Old Was Sick Postum Cereal Japan shows a small 'gain In the total under construction, as compared with the previous quarter, and Italy, Holland and the British dominions slight decreases. 250,000 0) Taking Eatonic for Sour Stomach I had sour stomach ever since I had the grip and it bothered me badly Have taken Eatonic only a week and am much better. Am 80 years old, says Mrs. John Hill. Eatonic quickly relieves sour stomach, Indigestion, heartburn, bloating and distress after eating because It takes up and carries out the excess acidity and gases which cause most stomach ailments. If you have tried everything and still suffer, do not give up hope. Eatonic has brought relief to tens of thousands like you. A big box costs but a trifle with your druggists guarantee. OI I.D YOU INVEST $3,000. will Proposition thorough 150 TO M.1 stand strict investigation. Particulars nished without obligation. Address H Haverbeck & C., 32 B way, New York C 126 MAMMOTH JACK I have a bargain for yon, come on W. 1 DeCLOW8 JACK FAI Cedar Rapids, Iowa Mich FRECKLES osmvttY mtovto w tv.iT rbcU OtataMot Ynt.r . e Mil. 6c. PrNbwk. C., M7I WlcMgao Df. C. H. Avnu, Ctoc W. N. U., Salt Lake City, Nj. 21. |