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Show 4 ' v i wK StTBSCKIBi: t! , s' ;r7v IL JiiC -- I'll! 92 Ml ONS.Y LA1L f4 V Jr rrflfLfa - y.vg,.. !r n f : Wv Val t LMb,.,. T 1 1 h u $ Yi? ij?: 1- - 'JM.r:.VSISOli:iK . Srrr f . I haxti cm--. OL VI. l';i HJIUG KQU ML Frsa i Si r i Ii-i- Tempi .i ...: tS ti.e iiHu lui tlii- - j une fl .Mol. nt i ij Blia-'air- . l jjtryc Sample Room. ! J. Fielding; Prop. v. PAltKS, (Ox UTAH; E.IXE.ThOMP.SON' I sic At-- Attorney S Lamd0f.ee abAi.-ntf- Hi - - TI, IarlvS & Thompson, Otliee in iji'kI and Minins Attorneys. Office Building. V, Stk pratiee in all Courts. j k r.eneral - 'I CITY, UTAH. SALT LAKE Pacific System, Union to mountain division. . 'mOVE2LAXDfiO'iITE. The Hast Road to all Principal Points, East, West, North ami South. Thkocgh Pui.lmax Si.kf.pixq Axd Dining Oaks Fkom kr ai To Salt Lake City, axd Chicago St. Lons. TIME CARD - Effect Nov. In ij 1 . i . LEAVE. TRAINS cn Ft JB Irtitis hay1 S.ilt Lke at 7 in a m anti 3 50 p JO at living at Provo nl 9 40 am ami put. rains leave salt Lake for Ogden at 7 40 and H 1 and! a m and Oo J. m. C. F. . n n p V. PARKER, Asst. Gen. Krt. it Pass. Agt- - RE3SEGU1E, Gen Manager. GRAND DRAWING OF THi: Lotcrii de la Begeficegcia Public i tic OF THE Cf T.4E ct QF ZACATECAS, F.ExICC, k syndicate iii operating this LOTTERY, iri have extended it thrmurhot the bnin thiu-tState and British. America will be found a list of the prices hich "ill io be diawu ou & JUNE 27,1890. ; p. Li ?3lt0Cai4 Wexico, atinaed montlFjr thereufter. niW kV" fcaoit .1 Prize i i. t L 3150,000.00 T.rkot at SIO.m: Halves l.uO; Americas I.I8T OF P1117ES lirrct) : rF17E OF I rR'7E OF 1 HvlrP OF 3 HG7,fS OF 3 MU71S OF SrF'TKS OF 11 RIZKS OF OF '"0 rKlh 8 F ' I ra..KS ., 1 ilf: , lMn If ; iui oU na - Tickets Ter $S.00 BBANGfB WTH AGENTS BATES WiKIEB Untitli Anienea. in he uitt'd btate The pavment of Prize? is guaranteed special deposit of five hundred housand dollars (500,000), with the State Government, and approved bv jesus Arechiga, Governor. Drawings under the personal supervision of Lie. Hermmio Arteaga, wnois appointed by the Government as Inter-- " as a ;u, im-- I i i, veujor. i , ; Ifli I Certify that with the State Treas-re- nScessary guarantees are deposited, assuring full payment of all Prizes of this drawing. ; Hermixio AurtAGA, Interventor. uiroitTisr. Remittances J , r all mu t be either by Nevv rork lraft, Express or Registered Estter, American money. Collections Pan be made bv E. press Companies or Ticket sent direct to manage-Tien- ! will be paid bv drafts on New i uk, Montreal, St. Paul, Chicago, San L lancisco or Forfur- City of Mexico. r information address dUPxN PIEDAD. Manager -- ZitAltCAS,MliU NTAS G N I - .in i n. E. picp.uol beating ,n' ulj gati v 111 uidmg not actually, mleicntially K '1 liese petitions, aggiec requisite numbci to demand m. 11. ii In . . sum ,i.g ,111 m e .ut- - . j re G lor i c t! I! 1..1 e 1 j c i.t, i.id ' ir t 1 Washington, D. C. June 23, iSqu. Mi, Blame has cleared a great sensation heie by a few lematks, made in the 100m ot the Senate chamber on Aptariff propriations, against tlie McKinley bill. Mr. Blames mends claim mat the criticism vv ns made in a joking manner for the putpose ol dialling Senator Al.t-so- n and that nothing whatever was meant by if but otliets contend that the and Secietary meant evetv word he sa,d that Ins opinion ol the bill is butAie-llectioot that held by Mr. llaiiisou, Mr. Blame has positively declined to make a statement 011 the subject, for me tact publication, winch added toto the sugar mat he is stro tglv opposed scb.dule ol l - ml makes it look as n the bill, which though lie was uppo ed next 13 to be Called up m the beiiaie Air. Blame has tor several Monday. weeks been tiying to vvoik up a Sena'oi-ta- i piovid, n g tor sentiment lit iavor the with reciprocity countries by means ol an amendment to the land bill; but lor Some reason be low ev er has appareml v not succeeoed. a it is baiuly probable tuat as shrewdatwill politician as Mr. Blame wltiih openly lias been tack a patty measure both House approved by caucuses beol tiue lint be It nnty and Benate .n ivouid bke to see tbe bul defem td sav so the Senate, but he would never when lie knew that tins defeat wuuid be 1 lm.nii-i,-- i .. , 'i.V t'l 'V( II, ! s , tl..-- : . te o U yA.c tire VcXuvAew . fVoos, AVuv wovX" V.vavuV Tyn- - vv 1 111 . r , ,1 E. C. COFFIN HARDWARE CO, Progress X3xxllcllii;g. i 1 11 pos-e-s- dsauig: 1 s'roi.g cnougli, either in nuinheis i nailmici.taiv i.ntas to bill bt loie the liluihol the dispose i the ausiui Ki p .biicaiis en ibled toe Speaker to agon us nne llie whp hand and send the lull vvneie he had to lust oiden-the committee on Coinage eights and Measmes, vv Inch to hiis'ile to the liee coinis know age aiiuiidnu ut. p vs, d v the Senate he silver men in me Republican paltriest a gieat oppoiunmy when tliev allowed ih.s lull to be to tlie committee, but it onlv proves whft has so olleti been ( iovc-1- belore that llie ol the Republican paitv in Uongress is vastly supetior lo'tliatof its It is believed now that the opponent committee will sti ike out the fiee coinage amendment and that the final iesuh will be some soit ot a compromise winch will be satistactory to the gold men. . CONDENSED c ' c es'. In e t C toted a b m, 25 1,000 d NEWS. o., oil the 27th, worth ol proptity. v A man named Cole Not was shut bv McCalleiy on Satui Jay morning at I he bullet entered Noel's 0Jen. lett side, just above the hip, and passed s, Might through the body. Die wound n. t is Coiisnleied veiv dangerous, niJess 11.ll up itioii he shoo4. mg re sels 111. salted ho n a quarrel over dte WllOLKsAI.E AND II FT ML IKALKRS IN I Id. I 11 Mjaaau t 1 1 Office, School and Architectural Supplies, 1 BasoBall Goods: Flnngn 3pnF HV Seinlot Platt of the Senate coiftmi'iee has lepoitfd a sultlllte lot the distrain iiisenient bill, 'llie bill is something similar to the one loi vvli ill it is a siiostaute, ihe mam feature being that anv one who is a member ol ail oi in, anon Inch teaches, advises or assist any person to enter into biga1 he McKinley taritl bill is to be called my. pulvgamy, etc., shall any vote, sene up in the .Senate next Monday and then is juror 01 nuld any civ il office 111 lie the country will have to take several enitoiy of t 'tan. tarilf talk. weeks oi tlie What a subject for sweltering Julv vveatliei1 1 saw a letter from Mr. Biice, Notice to Creditors. the ch uimaii ol the National Democratic Lunrl, Uft ran'd. Notur v committee m which he denied in the iiucin iiiSi'H Ij th iiiHlfrinDtl, ailmnntru t I. tr to j ol.tht' tfoitin Luinl, dft most pos.tive language that he had auv ( tnrs of h nd h! lHTSttid in nji hid idea ol res.guiig die chairmanship. Ji. autiiisl tho saul ilc a'? tl, 10 fxhitm tiifiii. it li Lit ihvh'-- iii v voiiflifiH vm lit in mom the coatraiv lie savs lie is haul at vvoik tlie nut juibln ition f tiiif uttu-ettin mapping out the coining congrescioiial nlttr n t athninihti tttr at his n iu onutam (.1 eon, tin mi no bt in j; tm j.lat v ftr tlie t t a campaign. ol s.ihI estate, iu kihI Another brilliant idea has fur the ;n Him of tho ' ,,untv piesent been abandoned. The House In ittau Lumi tato ot the toriiiniiD-has decided to j Morion LuijiI, tit cfaseii. .V .mt ot it t the v lurther cuns'ilerainm f 0 3nl.il ol Jvirie In'O. postpone W M. T Kfc.li), At Postal lelegiaph bill until next winter. ) d lie committee did not ask .Mr. Waha milker's peinnssi. n eillier. NOTICE. Although beeicbiiy l'nxior came 1.1 ourt oi tlie county with ihe present admmisiraiion, lie '1 In tin I Vroljut uf tu)u etr, never found time until a lev, d.ns ago to iu the li'.iiicr of ta uvei Jt'W ff go ttiiongh ihe Uai !iv m.l r of le of leal vvlucll lie nonniiallv piesules. lie ,Yi iOrU rfIh(o ihovv In,il( jt( uft niadi of me emuol recognized bv ( f r 0. is, STATIONERY arid BOOKS, Note Books, Tablets, and Ink Stands Papetries v k 1 y u- - J h: PnMi&cd S3. 76 1 cm h hi tirnth Us. SI. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH; Mom.s Th aiviu.r, LnsL 11 1iau. ud Wiiitf, E.n.Sxow, Uio.A.Snow, Irest. Secy Jt ITeas. (Jiqr'l Mgr. Y m utlnun-tFiitt- (. Fost-olhc- j J ti e e id e ", '1 'j ( v w one-thir- d J. ft it4 , ni ii'lmiintratnv of tl, t th l.z.i liosneil Jowk h iUcouNr1. lias ni4 lUed li.-- put if ion 1mm fin lor an join ui pM) tl'." und tlie real t pr.ipoil ot s.uil tieCfdfiiL, lor thv purpuso-- then in t 1 ployees tnioiigli whose rooms lie p,Fsd. It ha5 been suggested that Mr. tToctoj take a c.iuple ul weeks of, and make l the the acMuamtaiice of the of I tit forth. Hi rrfon oriBrufl It tlnJulMot ,id War department. t, t lint :il oi nuns ihtensfl in i p h . .tu Even the Lulled Stales Seiiaie is oui f h ii fi fit fo.iMl. HDpf'ar tho Maui thoDhts u 0 somelifries atlecied by public opuiioii. MontlH, tin- H, dav ot ,Jily k II at o'l1" tor tin in noon ot t 'ho uif la It has adirpled a lesoiniiou lor me ap 'Oiut .e n tv, Citj it mnt in i)ori '.mlPjoiiat) ! ',1 i otnt puintment ol o c imm.ttee to investigaie p to, to I'oa 'diiF win aiio.-f- l r idioul'1 iDt Im- f t am d ti tlx the ecouomv and eiliciency ol us idm.ii-is'.ratn- e nd lf!fnliif Mirator to fll all nt .r nalfst-illie salanes paid oii h i seivue of tho N.inldooe.i-n- l. that Senate emoluvees aie about 2," ptr cent 4i im ot tt'is ortlf r In pn! IiMh at itAnt at toutit Wuclv-- f m excess ol those paid by the ifoii-- e lor in th Homk tNIJ-.1 , neWhpHptl ivi ntetl aim) pul tliod count) , the same vvoik, but it would be jai on lursoN, wager that this committee dees not hud ot tfie J'rubatu (o-utdll.tj 'Htd ,tin n I ) I. it out. i un itfd y ot I tan, anjif tc i tunny. I J an dork riflho ohtocourt in and fur -- 'imp u mnit ( tuh pj1 rntor , it iv-A DEPLORABLE CONDITION. that tin forroim is a tull, ti ue,H.fi m oi cp of t li- - or r to hIiow aiiso h o i 1' r of roii r t mid New Yolk, June "j. A lew davs ag,., nho'dd li'd tu tho iMt-- r id tin opitU it was thought that the ch ak inakeis ui l.U n I'osiM J niadin k ? di . - ti at it J apjMMi Now two thnusiuJ on Id in ms otth . strike was ended. WittifHo in y haml util oftj ml umiJ so t'.ien weakened Me staiVing people A HUL. I tins uiU (j.tvof .hiue by hunger llut they staggtr as they wall; tiv , ML), l'ro.'mu' Ck't k. vv m v. IMd Atv in vain for and lamiShed children s.t - Alosas Tlnitidio ' umg e S u re , h'liow, Bat iiiird Wliil", E. JL Snow, W. W. W. B. 1 lesion, (i. A. Snow, BuiW SOlo Agoilts for the following well known goods. "I lie "Old Reliable Cooper Wagon, Moline four priug mountain Wagons, Torter road parts. The above are made especially for the Utah trade, McCormick mowers, reapers ahd binders. Niche Is & Shepard Co.s "New Vbrator threshing machinery. Scott all steel buy presses. "Jay Eye Sec stdkey plows. Case steel beem centre draft plows. Canton Clipper steel hand and tricycle plows, harrows and Ajax cultivators. Fountain city giain drills. H cosier press drills. Gorham Combined and independent seeders. full-circ- le ... j brunch House at S.L.CITY, OGDEN, LOGAN, MILFORD, UTAH J.JI.CLINGEll, Traveling Agt, for Sanpete Sevier Counties. JHl(b00PE!L' U yoa Juno rnim tip vmr n'liul to buy u ..u do n t bf mdiiut 1 to take loatU. t h a pifut.,ir any odu r. Hood q t! rt pfrnli.ir RKtl.eiii", poxM .n, liyi.iti-tf con.hitmtio, j; jki n, atal prep nation, 8 cut 'it.ve tpriior to iy oi !nr aitv !e. A Boston lm!y im.o know vm l shn Mant'fl, who-and ' imildtJon, tolls Xv.mple is her CApuu i.eo klow: p)er people without i jod that the inon.-- obtained is only a drop in the buekel. Br, t Garside was seen yesterday alteriioon and described the condition of tilings "We tan only ass.it tbe veiy worst casts, be said. "It is tne ns best we can do We give? a week be Ti tine store whi'ro J w U to ITood's a family. Some of the people are livn.g on credit, while otheis have pawned Eaiiarilj.i tl i'erk ln"i' n. jniluee me buy every tiling they could lav their hands I ti.e .rovvn l.rt. ot lloou'-- ; lietolJ metlielr 9 wot.M iast loiv : ; tl. it T i,,:. It t !. i! on ti n on. ll t d.iy.b Di:.l; t.i.it if 1 et.d not l.r.e it i . 'ij aiivtl.ing, e!c. But 1,1be ouubl not vvIU-- u. To Get hySm wantedto i die. v hat ,m I bin ebmie. I t ft saisaj ir.ll'inns. I bid taken It, was Eotisbed with it, and did no Want any other. OLD RELIABLE COOlKIfi WAGOX- - stoiik tlie prize at the Fair. In 1SS9 there ucc 1,019 sold in Utah alone. Teui-Doria- 2 . gMgiKgMajiggaiagggaga on me to James Drew of Butte, Mont., Li mg determined to end Ins I fe, succeeded m carrying out Ins will m a remaikable manner. On the afiernoon of me 2X,h. BgaiMWimpVBHWIWM be waliced down to the Union track, and I boenn t.ski.ig HooTs P.iriprina geslicii-latmand down, I d5 ff dm rc.l imv r..hle, sufToruu began walkng up 1 so tw ik south bound a pro..t dual v..h t1 'c lolently. the t Iroi in he it nt tiiT.ca I p 'Tl l.aiuly sUorl. I lookup stepped piess iiumg along, ol tt and Was thrownofi, but escaped a;lJ for some tunc, l.be a person ,1a Ten minutes alter, s;ni uc n. IB, id's ('usapartlla did mo so a lew brumes. in Iront of an incoming' mLirhr?nodtli,'itIvvci!rratr,r,-S1.f9"nieliinc9- , he stepped freight trim, assuming an attitude as ll' and n j friends frog idly bi"aa of it. Mas. waiting for an opponent in the pne Llla A. Goff, cl Tirrace Street, Boston. ring. The engmeer seeing Drew, facing iheengme. supposed that lie would S'ep olt and took no further notice. 1 he unfortunate tnaa was thrown into a; FT' all JnirKiBts. a mimites aider, picked up Rf d li h f;i s5tfT,3'. ca: dead. '1 ne deceased leaves a vv.fe4nd( ty C. I. HGOf A CO t, Low u, MaiS. ICO Doses One Dollar one child. Hoods g e-- Ll j con-wit- : j THE , SALT Xj'UKJEI CITY ty vv 9 MltKi Toils: l. 1 j VUwvXyvuyc VAwcvSw.s' . 3 Vyu'Acys uwv x XtL'vfuvo.v t.c ! m JOLLLRS OF - erd.n.iiid "t lnl a:,a whisp' red; but now the nun aie genirg w II at Carlsbad, n,,i mtum I ni.ikc-opeime i and ) t. It seems that M. Si.mimloit, ihspciate threatem.ig to war up .11 Air. U ni.unakei it he bti'gar an pume nuinster, item ti.deii d .s n I liovv them mote o u.sider it, on t mice eidinaniis sig,nu,e t , a (J,., t,. in Oispi. iiMi.g the pationage ol Ills de-- j mriit vv inch lievv. .s made to lis Lii.c-- . ,r Vi Ula:i- - s ,11 sill nulled ..p as to a 'tgeiicv foi six niotitiis.giveT fin s 01 t li.s s ,1 lei ; 1. onlile hr I, s to obeied tins, let gi.ui'ed bn! now in- - has gone .,11 n 'one has SmuiNiIo t a one month's rtgeiu v. Nnun-- I In- tak'-'doll is stispecled ol place. miiiguiii'' with i oi two entile d o s the kii'S 1. a ol T itnce I enbin.nl i ot the i louse, and n tile p .wets as a were government rule! ot Reid sm luinsell lempniniilv Ik. g in .Spool. on tne s.lvtr bill, hut lue bv.ie-jiorter- il Eaim-Aiuenc- e pi i I imia',-.i- ttin Irau r no is now Ol ten thousand idle people-somaie barely able tohve, but otheis aie depenpent on charily and have bved for da.yS on bread and w at r only. Men with gaunt, haggard laces ami eves wild s fiom hunger, v'eieseen b scores, aioiuid tj tliagoias Hall, in ihei s' Garside, piesident ol the cbiak-union, has made strong appeals to other organizations Er aid, vvli ch have been responded tu, but theie ate so many tETTEP I 1, . In me te ; ! In in sen. e. I It- - n - s.s li l s-- p .nits in piot ; ti .11 li. el'.s!i t bile, it bllt.i'll .11 d s ib tv mb 1 .mf.iit , I die u. 1,.;-p n s have tr n lit-- I be re t b.ead i '.c ,D - Ivlliess d t!,at c t '111 2.:. COFFIN C.v iii I j 111., a , Is 111 e vu n 1 V ..idc-S- .1 ' the calling of an e'ection on turn, it is now sought to tasiei g it lou un tile signers to fav or and to so evpit-s- s theniselvt coming Convention at Alt Three gentlemen of 7tn., iijO. probitv and tairness, bate issued this c.f'l which is posted jn the set eial tow ns. In tile ievei.ii ton ns Ihate tisitel.l failed to discoter a peitnient. sahent point ot attack on the present county The one, .nut that of emiseat, Mauti. nent weakness, it is not ccutial meets you ill the discussion, it is peitnient to sav, pethaps, only tluee c ntntv se ts Is this a the lerritoiy ale Cciitfil. valued, consistent, economical leasoii for the removal of otir contingency, removal eve iv four vears, tn.it pethaps, to ol Inis. s, population, new It asp. rants may urge a.iotusi change. may t,e urged because the death rate is largei m Ephraim tn.ui any oilier town in tne county. (Set ns probate business fiom a settled date tv this, IS cases) that it demands the county seat, or Alt. Pleasant with 9 cases Neither in nuir.eiisal stienth, or in its tax list does it show an excess over Mauti. Reliable liguieS up to the close ol the year, ibby, g ive Maun as having paid more taxes than Mt. Pie. is nit by K. , than F.phiaan by 6,653 51. lay I shows an excess in .Hannover Epnraim of 91. Ugh, ove. Mt Pleasant Ephiahil shows ail mciease $90 905 over 10S9 ot 35 percent., Alt. Plea-an- t shows ail incieise ovei 1590135 per cetlt. while Mauti Glows an mciease over 1SS0 ol 51 per cent. Moroni shows head and sliouldeis above them all of 5a per cent, and Spring city lor the same period but 26 per cent. Dots not these vital statistics show a ia.r argument against an ill advised and pooily coiftid eied lemovat, buperadded to this, is the fact an undisputed possession time conju Mtd of the county seat, should U Inlc cutting uloie man give us pause no figuie 111 this coiitroveisy, that wiiu the voteis next August to detenniue who snail draw on tile county purse. It is perhaps impel tment to urge the fust settler idej, tne illness U things as law ol the land has made it It se. ms the light ol discovery, the right ot occupancy, must not be weighed in the bdlauce of this coiitioveisy as some argue, we must give way to the inevitable change why must we, tl no belter aignrneills than I have met, can be ptodiued, 1 ask why. Conservative hbeiahsm is adventitious rn many ways, but it does not demand an unconditional suriender ol the deaily earned die maimed wisdom of prior lights and louu-nalselections. Following the foot piints ot the pioneers to Mauli, no halt, no hesitancy is lound ftoin Uintah spimgs to Sanpitch River, ColtunWoud. now Ephiaun, ,Uauti was selected, t tie erection ot tile etnple Conninlcd the selection despite the allurements ot younger aspirants loi itfeiiopolitan hunuis. 1 lie county seht vVent over on a tour Ot inspection, it retained to its hist and ' some one said "heTe let it leinaiii 1 nteau no and that too liidenuite, to the two contesting citihsp not the county's lights to vote outlie con liueslion, all this is unquestionably ceded but is this potent lor a lemoval. .Maim met the demand lor moie by a ground tor a new couit house,valued geueious piece ol contiguous land and palJ lor fuoo.iw pnur to tins, a cnange was not heard, the piepared plan hied a city ambition, hence the agUdiiohj and 1 lear, revived antagonism and disunion. F hen h i i.u k s 1 no. ITLF.1S i. and Interesting talk about Congress the AdministrationA Blaine and the Tariff Bill stranger in the War Department. lll B HA1HS: iSifi! , wa (From our Itegutar " 1K1ZE3 OF OF ' OF mjU ii.,. i i WASHINGTON ofj Ti- JJ I : D. C. 1' PRIZES Klh a ' . tne l, v, ofiicil ve HO S and l.jiln.i in. It seen,' -- IIU7KSOF fiw w-lit- se of capitalists have Curid the concession for : 0 ' y. r,Hr ! l . 332-7.1- 1889. 7th, - e it j i:.- i hate weie ACCOMMODATION S ui i'late.1 up lies s, runn.r 1.1 AN SZ 1 S FIRST-CLAS- cot stv, itah. rnih.iy, .iri.v hi. THE COUNTY SEAT ffVT 3 Bills s.vKnrrc Sarsaparilla j , Ap-'i.- -- DEALER Freight Wagons, Spring Wagons o! be-- t Carts and luckboards. Uuckcye Road quality, buggies, Mowers and Reapers; Crown Mowers; Ruckey-Elevator Linders; buckeye Low Down Linders; Light Draft an Lest Machines in the Market ; Lradley and Daisy Sulky Rakes; IX-Sch- uttler L'arm and ; Advance and Minnesota Chief Threshers latest Improved and Lest made ;Steam Engines ;Saw Mills and Lefid Tutbine Wh h. Salt Lake City, Utah. bt RKmtKSL.NTj'.D " 44 GEO. SNOW. IIANTI, TJ.MORLEY, MORONI. J.P.ANDERSON, EITIR l |