OCR Text |
Show An ell . . I a . ,t i le r. 1 0e. li.ixe to :iU. p.iv as toti.icce Jo e HI SIMCS t wdl ' is.t a me spec.a .an.aa ..nr, EV..'u ,, t.e.)C .l.Ii' r s .1 till Uns ,, tiea.o t d vision. n. m prr ux pair: w Haiiiou I .saa f Ul.uulIl. G liieiy. m ik'ns oat the I ,iv. aieJ asu-- l ui.t i mid. i nits tor c u t n 4v pern .or.s " ' luiiil II) rv ,hn '" !I i li Apple .it w.iier 2i city t A tt KaIV ShU.-4'A- n name i. .Uiim. .m- nil I t .i to e JiilrM : shonM ii A cilirs J iv t U.l.l Ml uth 1i)Ijiv e'nui. till send Ha. heluie i lev a ..Li V. f 'sitlpiG .4 called oil by Captain unni.ou. t'.ie t icrk ta the a nvluy Vi u lift ltt 4). v nv' at VO i m fie r appl. canons, as il an! ie 'U AiDg ' ltr ;t no and ,li s la i u.t al. i ;ri.i nun to tot d a h A itustur a ini,. A M .11 M.i. 1. of r.n ,th, ; j in Mwl il. ll.i.l A luUIlOL ,u in c jiitmcmg husmess :e- nu ,.ii a e 11. D.HiUt It. HO HU ! '.e I lai ; e ot laid A tax ' ,,r n.vMOlt l. p.ci the sjiecial SilI.LTHKV I I, '.ill p.e pivni.-at -- i Ol r Ir aiit yu t r t J ist is ,r t l ''ni h.iai p.i.J ti.e same Captam FuU MORE. i Id t.4 lit i It.vl r ari i U tiC Olcak. ai.l iiiTuU I.; a ii an I artr ft lla.i-- y . as pie gu de in this m u l.i i:itr l.V i.lack'iiiaa so p. - .1 t.,!G'-,in g .. m ,1 ! r pane.. i, ilJiitCfe'H .if y.lvt, ,i uiaPon, the I."!' Mlnt.v b. tH.en toe u ,, !S- - . i, ml. tr. M,iiiy ot'lhe p'0'le lien- .1 l eiiV e. ii lU.l !'-iuft iiitriir t r 'i in bit.i-t- , Fio. - wU.teUH'Ur ihm l.ll.l oti losk iu i.lthet.S iunl w iivii tut S'ljireuift Cu.irt t lax t t5! year ll.e Special CCi t, a' i.e ha.f ii deni e !.'! i,t "1 li 11 H-r. o, an IS it (lit- - oil teinal Revenue lepaiimen! li- g ns on i fi car, bi in (jv jr of i It 1 a:!i!.c.ihy. kile .M Drl.el u.e .list dav ol May ol ca. h vear, and HI a I1 j 'Orir'J ft.iii, ft the lotlll Mi o. .u If iiiaili to i lliitt wou.il (heti ii .ii uare 1' It t uikftl L ...oa. .1 ..e on la con n, ues in e yeai. On .a i e.,ie loal bHi , U.ll u lien i.i't-rhi tin of liim.fjet ilin nif i.iT Wholesale fli.ililiUf o: .tlir-.i'..e dale, all Kecuiieis, hieweis, iViif-t pa-- ' ' i. i. tom Il.Li a M- .Onot. l in nTtt t w lirit tir Malt ll or li .u. tic 111 liuri 111.1-- 0 or in Gcalcis mou i in Kent, Sp.nlual t uk t.c pt mil' b tu l.trSt liiio'.c arr n v ni t tic l l.e .1 r inanuta. tilled T olmcco. In j I!ann. . flu 1" lii--i 'I-- ' f.m to not li ft tUut n i Ths H:ms 3sr.inel 1'. IV.oto. Hi .M.Uel-- r ;!) i it.. ley m i IT-.-.- m I U- j. 1 - ,t-- C I -- -- t 1- . vD 11 . i 1 t i l.a-.ll- i I I i , i !h' - 1 1,11 i j I 1 ! is . lnimtioprejudice - . lia-- that in t itou tin- ticioi oih.-- r K.dtern Mnrmoiiism. in on Tim - tin- - muid-- t 01 J i.in1 - lit MUR M'. I'.eaSSlit s s MrcUii.ki.n . . .r ! A"-hi- ua--)-- , 1 j i j sev-ete- d - i h'-l- 1 s : -t . I 1 lu-- r to-da- y . i l :v-- nil-i- justice girl, lelt it only right to rereformers called so These in ive. il possible, any nnstaki n pnpies-sioSmitns suiement might have made teaching us morality hy introduccalled upon the minds . I votir tenders. ing the woist elements ot so 1. N. Iavsk. end li'ualizinng civilization, Salina April -- j, rSyU. Thev Sabbath. of the ment! 1 n 1 rouse our patriotism hy proving to us that elections can hy won hy politic trickery and competinn.and lor prove their disinterested love tlm people by scattering hrmidcas over the land ell kinds of slander about the people who made it possible for white men to live Just how long this kind of a in oppres ng duple will succeed reach and demen within their it is distance a ceiving those at but sa to impossible sepleiio with evidence that rigid will eventually triumph and all unjust or corrupt measures will fail, while th (Uttliurs of them w ho leuiemhorod only to be despi-c1 he-e- . lii-to- ry 1 1 A CHILD K1I.LKD AT 11INGII M. A fatal accident oocuied at llingham on Sunday. Waller Claiks hide lu.v wire) was alwnit ten H.uv ol age, was plaviug vvitlr another bo v alongside lire tiai k, when an oie team came up lu leum lie running out ef the wav i I the die woik went across ti e tr ek just as tiam was moving up. I he iars stunk the fillle killing him instantly, t he little fellow was a bright and gene-a- l lavorite in tire c mrunity whete be tesided. An mijiuest was held and the jurv returned a veiditt to lire etlect that the lece.ised came to his death thiotigh his tire own c.uelessness, thus ail load comisiny trom any blame- - , , I d w 1 Wod-sko- al-t- h DAN MORRIS SULLIVAN CO. file Dan Morris Sullivan Comedy Company apneaied to a full house J..si night in Goers Hall in llieir lavome play "Kitty Iroin Cork. Neatlv all the reserve seats were taken up early in the day. lire audience was kept in one continual round ot laughter with Ueir comic songs and wit and humor, vkn h was displayed throughout the entoe evening. In Justice to all, we must say the ent.re company are stars throughout. who is well known Miss Read through dies, mb did ample justice to The herp.nt as "Jessie Thomtun. scenes embodying the "Mirror ot Relfist, Londonderry, aie Blarney Cave ot Coik, Oueenstowii, , Castle and Dublin-- are aceoitrpas ed with a be.mnlul moonlight scene on the I .akes ol Killarney, the teruble stoira at st a on the ni to the Gent's Causewsy, the staiues ol Father amuhew. Darnel OVonner, and Kbhcit Frnmeit, die consisting of live in closing tableau nmnhei. I lie company wih play in Ephraim Fr day and Saturday nighis and will men go s.uidi to Gunnison, Salma, Richfield ai d Heaver. Doul fail to see them, they aie line. lie-lan- . His excellency, Mr. Jos. Judd, is Well get there FT, means we'll be lelt in the soup. again. Mr. F. M. Jolley, leaves for the sheep Both sides profess confidence in their Ireid ticket being elected. Thete will be no Hon. L. T. Tuttle tecieveda telegram scutching. i Sunday, stating that Ins suter Judge lobnson was in town N.phi was verv low. oulie and his brothel Monday. ulm lelt lor Neplu Everybody is on the ipii vive and politics are all the rage. lion. W. K. Real was lepresenting the Home Affairs. people before the tegistrar Tuesday. It is said he made a veiv forcible and elo011(1 quent argument- Al.i LI e ms of lot.re.l. Cl I 'i Conuuenl. The liberals held their caucus last Monday night at which thev nominated Theatre to night. the tollowing ticket: M.xvoaN. S.Niel sen. Cot M.IL Abner Ctaue, Ole Han Looks like a storm. sen. Dr. Dawson, P. M. McArthur. Jonas Mav-dsH. Kncksen. S. J. Nielsen, Rudolph yesterday. Mvksiiai. W. W. Brandon Strom. Take in the show to night. 11. H Rtcoitm-jensen. Asstssog A Andetsen. Tkkasckf.r Rasmus Col., Conference on the 17th and iSth. J esr A. S. N.eRrn. ict.s -- Wnr. Za business I. Nielsen. N, Co-oa buskie, is doing rushing The We iegtet to learn ot the death 01 FUN' ai theatie to Mr. .VC. Fun! fun Olsens bale sixteen months old daughter, who died on April 27th. sight. She was only sic k t a eive horns. The Get your pictuie taken at the Temple mother ol the child died when the little aar. one was oi.lv seven days old. and since been carelullv nursed Dan Morris Sullivan at Grid's (all to then the child has hy in graudpuH e's at.d was apparently Sight. when allaiked wit h bruit he and stu violent disease incnihi mens noup. The Inundation tor the bank is a,' the M Olsen, ;s now lelt with his only child, ready a foot above the ground. The Sen tin fi, joins m exa lutie bov. Cabinets only Jt.oo per dozen at the tending sympathy to Mr. Okui. Temple ba,.r. Just Arrived A tme lot of Gent's straw hats at Mrs. 1. B. Brunei's. IN I KRNAL KEVENUF. TAXES. We are better prepared to take your Hailev, deputy collector, wvs Capta-picture than ever before G. Anderson m reference to the internal revenue. 1 iie R. S. Roll at Wall paper 10 cts. per year legms Mav im. Marks & Co. Salt Lake Cilv. 'The tohaccv) dealets outnumber ad die othet internal levenue special tax R' t. Matks at S. i$ Fine Smyrna Rugs pavers, even counting the drugists.wUa : Co. all has e to pav special tax as retail liquor Tlie corner stone of the Sanpete dealers, and some ol them as wholesale lues-Taliquor dealers. Even cigarette dealers, County Savings Bank was laid on though there be uo tobacco m the pack the "9. at 4 oclock. 1 y . to Special Attention Given Southern Orders for Tools and Builders Supplies. 1 FAS N r M LETTERINGS. It is though the tiu.d mimrher stiieken from the list will not ext eed tvv entv. p HARDWARE, r- i M V. HI. y TERRiTORAL AGEf'JT. S.ivf-m-li,i- - p.-- Jloahi. o-- Ills - . d. rcHuviurii:- l;j . v 1 1 i - rr 1 -j l w s 1 If of Utah tile ri;ht of tr.in .V. i lr w o. Apnl lock to hring theiu nr.o m.1and tlni to " oh thise, five tile Mipermiendeiit ol Hit i'vUon to a eli'U of the most ai adventurers ill it 1m fj nia'e aaid o! the eini.in ii hi ..melim.k soru iuIou at 1iovo king up hn a. live country'. ever il'sgrai-eithe u.sti'upon, m tin-lueparalotV Jl is a well kii"V it tint tli at Urn i 1'ia-t- . a sou oj ApoMle Iti-- vl'. of hit" me. stirs, years 45 ycais. sprang min h.s ojiiri-i--ivoil ii.. .r and ru .iif d into tile people against 5, S.ng tin whem i duiin lie i.nii, this territory, has its origin among il, nner. lumped g l.ee, was piep.nnu vcnr-inat who aim men that class of at mm, and m aupintant had alur nt the cuntrol here tor the. roan I'.'.s head hum Ins li.idv. dhe v.tt.m lived but sixteen seconds l.nsin helietit. private e the-men to little hut matters It how much tho wellaie ot the comA LUCKY KSCAIT.. munity sutlers if they tiiemolves to .,oiTHr- l'"l is Hr- - allowed out ipstking at the eailv A and how much ruin li jur cBUple ii.i-iohj-c- t. ol a a. nr. Weduesd iv m iiumg. d to is caused hy tin means they ei e l a ule ol s.ahi and ii.iui"-is .'II hie on tile piein.ses ilU A. he care not. The pieseut situatimi and l.eloie tne u .1 e al.n ill w as ctvt-ihave hut lew tlu-that the people had he omld l',imcs of tho priviledges ot tree mem real bed within Meet ol the Giauaiy caused by lie hue was executive our courts, and and stables. (ur who hot ashes heiii4 tin ov. n out. olliet-rmen arc other many aro not the cnoico of the majority, and aro strangers here, known only A I' M.Si.l lOOl). h to tho peoplo hy their acts. Hut tlo se olliee seekers are I'.d, tor Ih i'll-- Si mini made v.ui fn' asseition out yet satisfied, nothing hut tie t hus. TheSmith, as contuiui d in lahe talk "hole country can satisfy them. 1'nd.iy's e Vuiu paper o n brolher is the Salma is that If tley had every pnld.c ho territory tiny would lather ol the ch:l I, m answei to your otlicein then who m votir opinion is still clamor for turtller legislation tpiestioii. vmd ol he guilty p.uty?" Is the command to enable them to tmth, as tireie has been no such talk m he place. I'he talk ol Salma IS that private purse as well. IrwI-mhv Chas. li. Smith is the f To cover up their Ins slaienrent that lie was of the erv Polygamy w in Ine they raise gut is e,U.illv ipi. iinled Treason Am, and to help them ilse, there heuig hut tew peop e in I. tab call tor as- Salma wile, have not seen ium inoie tho parent govern- than once in hei cunpai.y. of from sistance the In to the lumber "-- s r R. (). Iiroiio-- f nmv hsi'ore il tne n ajoritv t ike from . !ri tiiU ate lu.rifbv y"- pan G.e anal geiil.e, Ma nc.lactuieis oi i sihht-ni i rvl tt- the oi gloats or 'lobaccu. or Manul.ic-tneiso- f a miiu w tl '.ikv pitljlm-nir with take t out of ' Sells are reuuued to "ai au iaaJ'.t.,jriatT pfr utri on HUtl tfiumni au of ami s pei m lax stamps for the ensuing veal the Mitnll in un.v i It tney do not procure sul stamp heloie (h,v atot. ommtv (.riftikj. iiake t aral Hit May lit, or duimgthe calendar month tin rrnun Idtogu. vvnen tuey begin business, penalty ot tivu uutn-- uiy Un't ft it it Uay of April A. jj. httv pet cent attaches and must invan I. Mt Fahi.am:, o, Lphiuua lrnuct ably he coilev led with the oligmal tax Justice of the ! Apphi atioi.s lor these siamps aie in. ule on what is designated Turin Ii, Ur UiHnRfof .Name. one ol whah is snt to each dealer in In Appllrntiou Firt I.Utdic tin I st ot Court of the al.ei business Iie.deis beginning HimU u t, Tct Fitc? y oi l toll, I tahCountv. April. i adliv the oi mauer tne appiicuM iv in si can oht.i.n these hums fli.iDirc ot name ofP dles- ng any deputy collector, anil can- t, on lor cj.s ? H ,nixt u It uni'll, Now ri.iiin v.,111' pctitii.n er. not leg liv i any oil business until they I he ihovvt an.l have pr Mimed a special tax imp. WHS Imi'ii in " '1 J1.1t our j t in. ,m law and iusm:c!i..i.s of the iep.it tmenl Dviiui.ii k. i.nor alio ut in flu- k mclom v. l. aietu.it tins holm il must be properly tniliny ut NiiwmiiIim-tmlull. U.iy ut I1.1t i.ni.il,oiit filled out and sworn to, and the amount l tn.m .ti.iuir eiu.gr.i'i-'ln l, I. ymir of tax pal i to die Co. lector before a tin kmmhuii lit ni-k, amt in.i4.-nil lax stamp is issued. m han ptc t oun ty I l.th i cl ri i'rv ami mo spei i a roidcnt o hn- - been and now At these positive reipurements leave , imiT jv,iul 'riintv and lcrritoiA. s dikcieiioii-aof mom the fir exercise no J Th.it tlu mime ot uur oetltimier to io h1 which Mini name lie lo their ubsei v ance, your deputies dkow to that ol Jn li. sh mid lake measures to infotm all low d to changereasons sucii tor pr,.pi)-.cTh it tin li.it there special tax paveis in your district of the r httnue are ns follow s, to-- it - iPim-h siir-m the nei essi'v ..I i oruplv ing therewith. And heimr a reut similarity heu enrolled to dc a person as the I leputv Co! lectois ai e author, zed a t iimS, iijinii name tin service term ot to administer oaths it is suggested that d the place of hismilitary nativity is put hfteriii- uid liuliUix lor tne convenient e ol spi cul tax payeis name ainl ever ntmrli dminjr rt upon he ca ni$ s.ihI roll, i' called in reunite pails ol the district, they give vasice ef said name. a notice a week or so in advance that thev Jud. 1 hat "ur jietnioner upen !eintf r.dli n the armies ot his will he at a special point, lor the pur- upou todo niilitarv er n W native country nad tin name pose ol furnishing Forms il, and lor bus name ot .Jens Hansen, and i.iutc1 alter the oaths, and leceiviug the wlien the roll was called thereat ter, for a serreturns thus verified. Respectlully yours, vice ot xears had to answer to the name of n Wodskow. uiiN W. Mason. C uminissioiier. Jens ll.tnM uj) That your petitioner after tnkimrI lull These instructions are cited because his;rdrts.xh nee in MautJ, saupete County, it has not always been reqtiued heieto-loi- e Territory, touml another person resident of Jens Hansen, and utter that applications to continue busi therein by athename 4rreut deal of inconvenient and le emiti.nn ness shall he on Fotm 1, It is now times throuifh mistakes divers Hma at ainiev Col- in of mad liia'lcrsti) the wroiiL'iicr-- s Deputyde.iery juue in every instance, use r cur Mitior y extiauid'-naiaain added the wrd ins. j lectors of Ibis district will W to his name, and ever simM h.s ell .its dining Api.l ar.d Mav to as- beenndhov know n b the nameid Jeu-- Hausen towit bix . and raised a larue tanuly sist dtalets in making out these under said name, daiiht is ami onenatmon and n. name under the 'Uirh luatiue There has been no change in the ia:e whieh lie was uaturah.ed and became a of taxation of any business or auicle citien of the united Mates was that ol Jens timing the past ve.n mf 'That a wife and the said nix daughters . Ic-l- I ct exictatum l..iui, a .11 -- 1. .ci.il icwaid for mini-ail head ol aliuii: c. i.ceMiii. ot ia,i . fa c in t e ir l; j. !.n, i.f, W,iV-a I , ' . 11 I.OsT. ar 1j(.--o- In- - ' -i- for the Cull. no Bill' liivdl t if, C..ii'jrt-s- M , s BH and one non are the only near relatives which your petitioner has, and are all residents ot Provo mitory of I tah, and. sanpete county, are known it bv which they .oid the mnin reason your petitioner ot name is to said chamrc h is toreekinir tiie them a leial riytiit io bear the name oi yie Woilskow. otit. i he father of your petitioner bore the umiip of Hans Jansen, winn alire. Wherefore, your petitioner uk that after line notice given as required by law a day may be Ret for the hearing of this petition and an oi(h r ol this Court may be made chanlim the name oi your petitioner from Jens Hansen to that of ciis H. S odskow, and your petitioner w til ever pray. Wm. K. Heal, Atty. for IVtitimu r Teivitory or Ttali, y countv of Sanpete, Jens Hansen beinpr duly sworn petitioner name deposes and says, I am the and have heard said in tiie forerun petition same the and uiy owupetition read,And 1 further is true of that tiie knowledge. depose Hand to to! name askinn staled therein, reasons he chuhvpd are also true. Jens IbiiHen, Subscribe and sworn to before nwthis ifilh 1 Si mM t he iifline Wod-skw- 1 In i)w oi 'r Court M lyflvl ' s.inpt'if. Coiuit , I'tfth liruor. ) I. Curift 11, IMainliil Ooimind 4'Ktt. v. j John Toe, 'I Jtihii hop. wht'Fe mime is uthetMH -- root nuz 11, ou Hi hort'lv HUinnioiKMl to bo ami ap)trin ottn ujftho uiHiLMnitfiitoi. at tnv May Hold rivcnift, County, l'tnti a))euj iilvd aRamst you htHin (implaint by said plaint if ou Tuesday May thofotu ad lsyu. haul actuui is tirouht to rocovor from you 40 cts 011 the following UvSEBibed auunal, tiamsly out old Kifick hor.se, littlw w bite in. forehead. A sdd le nmrlicd And ore bwck, I rand rapoiuhlin on lett hiuldtr and mi left thighi ! g.u.HHMgS Bcft Stock of Clothing I11 jSEL. ( Emfor-sed- . No. ) l.to-- listrict i Court, First Judicial Dintrut, I tah rntory. In the matter of themeapplication to that t of Jens Italian for change of uh i tiled IVLukui xlens U VNodkow. March -- Henderson, Cltvk; iiy l, Jr lJeputy Clerk. Territory of Itah, b b'tuh county 1, II, II. IIende',on, Clerk of the Oistrict court for the h irst Judicial Pistru t ot tho Territory ot Utah, do hereby cerntytliat the forcifolug i a lull, true and correct copy ot thconinal petitionnow ou tile hi my nthce itnss my hand and tin seal ot h id court this 24 b day ot Murch A t H. H. iswj. o( PE A ,K RS 1 II . H llembrsoiuUerk, Jr, Heputv clerk B, Bsichinau, Main Street, Manti, Utah. .14 , No 321. Notice Huf, Joseph Ander topher C. Dutson, lienry son, all of Gab city, P. ). Millard countv. U, T. James 11. Also, on 'lav fith. 1SM. Tir P. o, MiUard cuuntj. 11. K Mutiiews, E Jf, N K tor thus L i,k, N K No. SeC. Tp. Is, S.R !l West. He numrs tJie following witnt'Bses U prrve . rosideuee eontinuou-his upon, and tulliuatiou ot, said land, viz '1 bourns '. lbbiiis. Juuica A. Meuimott, Leonard A lohin. Thomas ilemnictt, all (t Scipio, Millard countv, I. T. Abo. Deter N ihmci, sciiMo. P. o. Mill ud Co. ,s W 4 s Rli W H. L. No essi, tr the N 5 ft N K 4 N W 4. Sec tk p IS K 4. . He mi tne the tollowing witnesses to piove A IlKNRV jKNgKN his cmituniaii's !. upon, and cultjv ati-'Justice of the leacs oi , b d liaid, viz riiimip Memmi'tt. Jens GrnUHiiig. Autiicw hl son, .Jaim-- Adam', all 01 M,ipi. Millard coniiTv. Utah Tcmtory. Also. U lhium Mn.mott, tripio, P. j. Mi3flA llar count v . 11 E. No. 7.fo4. tor tlir v K. 14, S 0Viee of 4'omim)tatiD Proof s- E 1 4. A s K 1 4. N s Ml .'tc. 14 H S I. and Office at Salt Lake City, Ct.-iTp. g.ird, L to provehis the follow. nc witnesses iMuies April 10 onlinuotis Nttiec is here h a igiven tnat the follow i unre.i cnee upon, and cultivation of tllod 1 fraud notne V17. his intention, of, raonea M, Fcsher, Joseph named settler has land, to make tmal proof in support ot hiHohmn.aed None, i'.rnj inmi H Johns m, Monroe, that "iml proof will be made heft re the ( Jeik Rli of cipio P. O. Willard countv. I tah Tv. KANK 1) H,BI-Soi the County ourtof Saup. te Countv Itah at Peiatrr. of Jnu. M hti rtah," on the 7th IN'ir.s and Thompson. AtCy oi) 4 viz: W i ham tor tiie h't 5 uiekiei H K No S s S V, s,o. n and NiNMNCi o. 14 Ip U H mo t ht follow mg w it n 'll to j rvo h.s eontitiuoua res, donee uon and eultivatu.n h i av of, said iand. viz H. M. ChihN Biro iv (nllde, dmiHe C. satuierwuii and t. H. ru het all of itunniBoii ft itc of new ucins? y tlmr ntrvfr, proii goodwill bspensiuh' toftl tanulu will address ha sanpete i oumy irtah HOBBS. FRNh fi:d pvrtinnars. hKALTH FOOD CO. Bird & l.owe, Reigi-te- r. V FAN No 74 4th At taue, orb Attorney for Claimant, is brought tn reeovor ftrom you the f io cia. on the following described ani suit mu!, together w it h expema of caring for and suu via-(Ufeeihng of said animal and costa-ohav horse, fi or s'X ers old, branded NJ on lett thigh, and ressmbliBg H. on htt nhonUler. fight hiud white little white in forehead, mane amt tail black. nr Aid on hereby uottiicd Hint if you fa il to so spp ar and answer na above required, the ptftintitl will take judgment H'oir-- f von for the above mein ioned -- acts toctl tr txp4nses of keening and careitii far, ai U toats of huiC ( y t) uuder my baud this oih oav of Afuil lf. f't CST-BOOT- 25 BOTTOM SHOES PRICES. 0 JOHN LOWRY GENERAL $c SUPPLY SON, HOUSE. BEY GOODS, GKOCEHIES LOTnn.G.1 V 1 A at V Furniture, T, 1 V 1 v -- iVSERCit ABETS J N)0 Are Still at Their Old stand, The above petition is hereby ordered to be Published published ill the llCiME StNTl.NFb at Mantt, Saupete countv, I tali, once a week, tor and dunmr the pnod of one inontli. h Is 0, Dated March John W HhicWhurn Judge. Attesl H,ll, Henderson, Clerk. lly B, Bucbmuu Jr, Deputy cleik. : 1 General Merchandise- - 1 ( v 4 TUTTLE & CO Ihieh-ma- is.. sod action Jc-.-- M.nnti. T Of lUmeatoad finoiPraofa. Laud Utlice at Salt Lake Cilv, Vtah You are hertdiv 'notified thft if you fntl to March ai 1st., ajipearHUd anacT. ns above required the Notice is hereby srivea that tlm follwm-namewill demand jmigniant for tiie40uts. plauititf bus filed notice ot Ins inteution and Uu expenses of caring for and keeping and to make settler final proof in support of hia claim, aud cosis of court, said will he made betoivtlie Probate that proot Oiveu under my hand ths day of April, 1Y0, or m his absence the County Clerk of Judge iionry J Md-arIT T.at Fillmore t'dy, ouMiiy county, justice of thu ieue lHtlO.viZ Joseph A. Lyman, kik City. P. O. Millard countv, Utah, H. hi. SfiuJ, for the N K N S hi 55 K S hi s. W. At. See. fi, ftl.MMO Tp. IT, U 4 "W. In the Justice's Court. Ma field Prcc!nt, Honanusthe followdnjr WUnessos to prove t lah Territory. his continuous residence upon, and cultivation .Yarn M. Pitt Plaintiff, j oi.said laud. Viz: Thomas C. talliHter, John C. vs. J Deninnd 25crt. Partridge. Elizabeth Partridge, all of Hllmoru 5 c tv and Alv in Koper, of luk citv, Millard Co., John Doe. Defendnni. lo John Doe, wIiom name otherwhe an U. T. Also, (.ieorjre Lovell, Oak city. T.O. Millard known, .xreetin to be and appear countv 11. E No. T'sa, forth lota oue& two oil are hereby notified S X , N Kit 1, Tp. 17. . H. 5 W. at ih iu office baiore me, my undersigned, Ma field Precinct, Sanpete fountvl tab Ter, to lie names the following witnesses to prave filed rcMdence contnmoua herein his upon, and cultivation Husweri complaint agfunst you lv said phitmitl on Saturday, May the li b, A.l). of said land, viz: George L Dutsou, Chris- i UWiMt. dav of March A. U. liW. John Kcid.ccuntv Clerk. l Saupeteeoumy,!. tab Territory v .1 Tt. v ism w Yf a V ;V A Baby Cartages. BED BO 01! |