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Show GRAM) JOCTIOS, COLO. LIVES ON HIS WHISKERS. Eeeood Letter From V. V. pM Ren- crating and Affirming 111a Previous t statements About tbls Remarkable How a Young Napoleon of Begging Swindles the Public. Begging is being reduced to a fine fruit and Agricultural Region; Iu art. Those who are in the habit of general Climate and Ilealtbf ulneas. traveling through the busy thorough, alltl An Invitation to Send Tor Descrip fares of this city after dark are often mitt lien and Particular, and a Good Sugsurprised into involuntary almsgivup. gestion for Xletbod of Examination ents ing by some startlingtale ofdistress. ) Gli.'iD JCXCTIOV, Coi.ORtno, . )!!(, March 10, It is during the small hours of the ;uStc In. Orange Jcpd Farmer. Since writing morning, when mankind is generally 81 from Grand allev, gjT letter of January in the restful embrace of naroui many letters of inquiry have been gent by wrapt Sour rea lers to the Grand Junction Board of ture's solt muse, that the real artist Trade, asking whether the statements therein e beggar is encountered by those get forth were rel able. I now wih to rciter- foolishenough to be out Jrrate every statement made in my formerJunc-of their beds. Many ol these display r, the "main points being that Grand an an ingenuity and a knowledge of 0. t on Valley, Colorado, ha, . cl. mate unsurpassed in the world; that it has ' or no cyclones or human nature which, if applied in a of heat cold, extremes 0 eemore worthy channel, would bring blizzards, very few cloudy days, nearly petual sunshine; is especially alaptedfor fame and fortune. Such a one acp; of, those suffering from pulmonary trouble, anl costed a Times reporter last evenea I for Invalids of all classes; ofis one of the finest ing. the world, and e Jfpilt producing valleys It was on Twenty-sevent.cers grand opportunities for invalids with a street, close to Broadway, that this beggar gmall capital to make an easy and safe acres of that ten in fruit; laislng petenee was met. lie was a itraDr1"1 et out iQ fruit wil1 I1'1 moru uet cash farm of fellow, young, athletic, and exceedper year than the average tl the Western States, and that too with less ingly well, yet modestly dressed. &n of the capital or labor. Itnan The most striking thiDg about him ard In my last 1 spoke principally of fruit to call attention to the fact however, was a very heavy, scrubby wish fag. ho I that vegetables of all kinds yield abundantly, growth of beard of a Lue atroare growing, nd that while the fruit red. There was not enough alj;uuicjent vegetables and small fruits can be ciously of this to be dignified with growth ees more to fruit than t ;r7 raised between the the name whiskers, but just enough eeth, epay all expenses of taking care of an orchard, t me. A large cannery w ill t e built la Grand June-hto give the fellow a dirty and rather V !l,r, ready for next summers crop of vegeta-- j a ferocious aspect. lie approached bles, and the mountain towns of adjacent in a modest yet manly way, touching mining sections furnish ample markets at VerJ Stood piofits. his hat as he said: Sweet potatoes of a fine i Pardon me, but can I detain you ty grow abundantly in the sandy land, and til jg sell readily in the adjoining towns at from lor a minute? Im a stranger in this er , one dollar and fifty cents to two dollars per. I think that if the people who eon-- city; came here from Exeter, N. II., bushel. template a eh snge would pool together and three days ago to look for employtot lc:eud out small comm ttees from an ong their ment. 1 was unfortunate enough to leave number to look over the advantages offered lose my pocketbook, containing every ill its by this favored locality, it would speedily cent I had. That is why I am walki suit in turning what is now piacticallya r desert into one of the most famous fruit ing the streets at this time of the i,T, 0f the World. The Grand Junction 03. i Xluard of Trade have reeentiy Issued a morning. I hate to beg, but (rubbing his hand across his unbhaven Ur that cove s nearly all the points of interiwill eiadly send chin) Im in a very bad hole. At 8 m to est here, an l their to anyone feeling sufficient interest to oclock I have an "a appointment with W. W. P. ''write for it. a gentleman who has promised to i?ht t Its a wise fly that knows a bald head In employ me as a bookkeeper. It will ith spite of a w ig. ruin my chances for the place if I go e. looking like this. Will you lend me 15 cents so that I can get a 6have? Nine men out of 10 would have given the fellow what he asked, or more; but the reporter with an intuitive belief that things ars seldom what they seem, had just a little suspicion, to substantiate which he asked the beggar if he was hungry. An affirmative answer was followed by an invitation to step into a near-bchop house, where the two were soon seated over a modest spread of meat and drink- The beggar proved to be a really delightful companion, ready in conversation and engaging in manner. Over the luncheon he soon warmed up. When he had become sufficiently convivial the reporter candidly, Both the method and results when but in a half ashumed sort of a way, jj' Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant told him of the suspicion that his soe j and refreshing to the taste, and acta tale of woe was a mere ruse of an orpromptly on the Kidneys, yet or rather an extraordinary, rntly dinary, fatiot: Liver and Bowels, cleanses the With a hearty laugh, and beggar. head-f.tern effectually, dispels cold, without any indication of remorse, aches and fevers and cures habitual the fellow admitted it and a few' quesis the of tions drew from him the following con8t'Pat'onSyrup Figs rpen information: only remedy of its kind ever pro I did come from Exeter to get to the taste and ac-tarpe duced, pleasing it work, but I could not find it and now ceptable to the stomach, prompt in I dont' want to. In my extremity I t tov. Its action and truly beneficial in its could not afford to shave. They say her k effects, only from the most prepared necessity is the mother of invention. 7 s healthy and agreeable substances, I needed a shave, and in my necessity comits many excellent qualities one night about a month ago I apmend it to all and have made it to a man on the street to pealed r i tie most popular remedy known, me the money to get one. I give f Syrup or Figs is for sale in 50c not told him just what I told you, and e trot! and 1 bottles by all leading drug-- " he gave me a quarter immediately gists. Any reliable druggist whoe and wished me luck. The ease with f way not have it on hand will which I got that quarter induced me to try again. I tackled about 20 'l cure promptly for any one who Do not accept sensei wishes to try it men, over half of whom swallowed ,,, I any substitute. my yarn and gave me money, aggregating over $4. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. My success as a beggar knocked SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, all desire to work out of me. I saw NEW YORK. N LOUISVILLE, KY. f sens-- ; that I had a soft thing and I stuck to it. Its only drawback is that I havetogounshavenfour days a week.I During these four days, though, make enough to live all the week, so I get shaved and loaf about town T cure Biliousness. Pick ITeadache. Constipation the other three. Oh, that ugly red Malaria. Liver Complaints, take the sale and certain remedy, SMITH'S beard is my salvation, though it used to be tiio bane of my life. It earns $20 or more a week for me such TJse the SMALL SIZE (40 little beans to the bob, without invested capital, except They are the most convenient: 6ult ail agea. as I put in good clothes. I must lriceof either eize, 25 cents per bottle. dress well to bear out my story, you 7, 17, 70: kes. col r. ly.-O- !. . - per-lio- h o:n-an- d g bliU-aoi- e one-tent- h rais-h- a t'r-- es quali-DOug- circu-sji- sec-eta- y - ) it' j sys-reP- j, p Adaptation of E.rrrlw. A Natural Bridge In Arlaona- on the Thyt.ioy of Natural br.Jge, on Tine creek, in the lir. Fet n.ina Luttiattce northern p. rt of G. a count j . Is one of Iljiiy Exrrcise,t noeiis in the the greatest r.a ural cur os. ties in the fo.nts oui teat the forms of exerci-- e for United Mates, equaling, if not surpassfletent hate l.een too little ton - tiered. I or the ing, the ualurai br. dee of Virgin x It n live y al.uri.ut.ott of the nt S apans the on eg at a height of 2oo feet, dtttii u t exereisi s a e to he on ferret! to and the V of t ie tanjon rise above automat. e everei-t- . out f r persons it on either s.de Too or !'h) feet, ami on whose Ir.iitts must be spa: oil wh..c the one side form a perpend. eu'ar precipice. muscles i"i letitt; fattcui ii. easy, m nThe br.dge i of lone formation and the ttve exorc ses are ou st sultan. e. Eene-fit- Inside of the great arch, w h cu is some pjmitast.es with appiratus and les- 250 feet acres, worn by tho water as sons iti a rid it? school h on id he smooth a though chiseu-- by the skinh ful hand of a siuiieman. to id e persons wh-lbrain The arch on for work. The elort of wnl and top is iiear.v, .f not quite, 4o0 feet in the work of nation which the-- o width, l.Ou feet in length acre's the eerci-e- s demand wt.l ptve a healthful canyon, and at the th nuest part on!v stimulus to the torpid cerebral coos. six feet through. About tho center nf Ilut for a clti'd overworked atchoo!, for the arch is a ho e large enough to adnt.t a person whose nerve-c- t ntre conthe body of a man an.l tiiroiigli winch : to pcrsiterit mental effort, one can look down into the crjstal pool gested we mut loop walks, the easily of water 2lj feet b low. Boston Translearned exercise of row.n, and f.tihtiq criptbetter, tho old frame of Klectrtelty for Tanning. pames, anyth.ntr in fact rattier than Persians have for ages believed in the difficult exercises and actolauc gj mna-licefficacy of eieitiicity in the preparation of leathi r. As the Persians have been, of coure, ent rely ignorant of modern Tlie Fye of the Mole. The old belief in the b indues of the scientific methods for obta n ug or utilmole a bel.ef justified by the creature's izing e.ecti.city, they have sometimes inviiblo ejes and odd l.fe seems to exposed tneir leather on Irgh plat e. have been artially supplanted by theo- especially on Mount Elwetid. near ries of defective vis. on, one naturalist Th.s they no preci-- e y because such elevated spots are most exposed to arguing that the eyes are A thoiousu microscopical examination electrical storms, and they affirm that has la'ely been made in Germany bv lightn.ng (or electricity) is a xa.nabie Carl Hess, who fa'ls to confirm either of agent la the curing of leather. Exthese view's. The mole's eye though change. of an inch in diameonly a twenty-fift- h Six Novels w. 11 be sent by Crsgin A ter appears to be ferfeetly developed, Co.. Philada ,Free, to any one in the I'.'th or Ia., and as well adapted for seeing as that of Canada, paid, upon rece pt of 25 any mammal. The mole doubtles makes Dobbins Liectr.c Soap wrappers, tee list of use of his eyes when he is above the sur- novels on circulars around each bar. Soap for face, especially in swimming, and he Is sale by ail grocus. able to do this by simply altering the A sulky horse can usually be cured by erect position of the hairs which cover driving it to some other kind of vekklc. and protect the eyes when underground. For Coughs and throat troubles use Have you your l.fe pn server?'1 she tim- Dross n' ltron-ii:t- l They stop an attack of mv asthma cough idly Inquired, looking trustfully into the C. Falch, Miamhille, Ohio. fare of l,er lover, as the l.ttie craft In whfih very promptly. they wire seated skimmed gracefully oter ki-- s on dem tes reverence, A forehead the the billows. Oh. ye- -, he answered merrily; see here. mid he drew from his side but It doesn't tlikle for shucks. pocket a bottle of l)r. Bali's Cough Syrup. Tlie Mother Friend Not only shortens labor and lessens pain American Machinery Abroad. it. but gieatly diminishes the danIt is the tendency in this day and ace attending to life of both mother and child if used a to slight things, and it is this tendency ger few months bcfoie confinement. Write to which hurts American mechanism The Bradlield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga., abroad. A man just returned from for further particulars. Sold by all druggists. South Amer ca to d me that no AmeriA bust: Falling for a can machinery could bo sold there in million. competition with English. While our Whisky Is said to improve with age, but steam engines, for instance, were better finished and more adapted to the work age doesn't improve whisky. being liter ally animals are naturally demand) d. something was always pit- at Hogs home in their pens. ting out of order, flaws being revealed, The Ouly Guaranteed Cnre and no one could depend upon them. for all blood taints and humors, pimples, They were made to sell not to last. of blotches, erupt ons and skin disca-e- s Detroit Free Pres. every name and nature, is Dr. Tierce a GolA of .Medial certificate den Discovery. guarIf theheait of man Is depresed with a responsible business house warcares the mist is dispelled when a vomau antee from to benefit or cure, or money refunded. rants it The author of these lines had appears. been suffer-Dfor some time w ith an attack Chronic Nasal Catairh positively cured by of acute rheumatism, and the woman who Dr. Sages Remedy. 50 tents, by druggists. entered such a appearance, timely The stuttering man can neicr make a probrought a bottle of Salvation Oil. nounced success. In hi new in-o- - ilifft-r.-u- 1 rve-eetu- -- ?. d lan-pui-- co-o- id a-- ow-ni- pre-en- rutt-nii- icap-frof- v 11am-ada- near-siirlite- -e Memory King. merely a silver ten cent piece rimmed out, with the milled edges left untouched. Usually the ring has a bangle attached, made of the inner part of the dime bearing the monogram of the youth who has been inveigled into giving the girl tho coin. The ring when finished costs le-- s than SI. Sometimes it is made double, the two dimes being cemented together. Another novelty Is the friendship ring. A girl goes among the young men of her acquaintance and gets from each a little sum of money varying from a cent to a dime, and when she has laid tribute on all her friends she buys a ring such as the proceeds of her work will purchase. Memory rings seem to be tho favorite. Jewelers Weekly. A memory is Idea Men for Corporations. Morse's School Shoes Mods la ouf 'Idea men are regularly hired at shoe factory, at Omaha, Nebraiko. large handsome sa ar.es nowadays by several difit rent c.as-- e of en.p.uycis. They are Ask your dealer for them. Refuse to Adin newspaper take any others. If not kept in your vert. seis find them very valuable, and as write us, asking where to get private se, reiaries limy fnriii-- h many town, a statesman's t ra n. liailn ad cor; ora- them. They wear longer ai.d fit better , bhues hive aland than any other shoes. tions have long made use if tin-ivaiue bv making prcsi-YYe mak ways been made too narrow. ms of them In time. The idea man of them wide. A rewatd of Fifty Doln a certa railroad lompany is styled assistant to tho pres uent. The stew- lars, In gold, paid for every pa r of our ardesses, or femaie attendants for i.uly own make of sLoes that Ionia n a partipassengers on the.r through trains, are cle of shoddy, or anything but solid of one of ideas. 80 is the leather. YYe make one tundred the it and stenographer ami typewriter just ar- fifty styles of Women's, Misses and ranged for on all the limned trains. , Standard-SerewTins country is full now' of men who Childrens Sewed and EleKid and Gondola. Grain, Glove, r thc-oSlices in hats mid diccarry their Wa tate their correspondence they gant styles, wide and find a stenographer and a cha.r. New also carry one bnndred and fifty styles .e otle-es- . in.-m- d re-i.- good-fittin- York Herald. Don't Go Otf Brfore you are of Men Heady, Particularly on a long journey, lie fully prepared . You cannot be, permit oat say, unless you are accompanied with the traveler's and tcnr.et a vade ruecum, Hostettera Stomach Kilters, most and promoters genial of appetizers, acclimatise!of digestion. Against sea aickuesa, malaria, cram; aul colics begotten of badly cooked oruuwholesome food and brackirh water, nervoua-ness- , increased travel, chroaio billloavnesa and conslip.tt.aa, the Kittert Is a sovereign preventive It la:yarts a relish to the food not and prevent, it from disa. together to vouf agreeing with vau. Never a as there such a who capital thing for the unfortunate dyiepuc Slum-a-hiBlands la dread of the best cooked meal. tioubla cau.-e-d bt til prepared viands aboard and ralious hastily boiled at slop, oa railwav ravtaurauia. ts toon remedied by the Bitten. which gives a quietus also to rheumatism, kidney troubles and lusoinuia. Time flies, yet the oieLestra leader cits still and bents lime. Whan When When When su tick, we gave her Caitorto, Baby she was a Child, the cried tor Coatorin, aha bocanao Kiss, sho cluug to Castoria, she had Children, she gave them Castoria, fc-- ia M I pro-th- j j Y. BILE BEANS . IQQIfJO panel kiitlvllliu tnta (copper or stamps). Photo-gravur- e, 6ize of this picture for 4 J. F. SMITH A CO., Makers of 'Bile Beans. St. Louis, Mo. THE 0 V IIP - IfHf know. Going? No, dont. You have paid Power of the Divining Rod. girlish curiosity we tried our powers with the rod. In my hands it remained simply the peach tree FEVER switch it was, but when my.'youngcst 50 Cts. sister grasped it. it seemed to become a thing of life and she immediately reCOLD-HEA- D traced the vein of water. York. Kew tLY B KOTHiiKis, 55 Warren SL Years afterward, when I was in a I prescribe and fully en. and wanted a well dorse Blf O as the only home of my own, specific fortbscertaiocore near the kitchen, if water could be of this disease. i t found there, she traced a water vein O.H.i.NGRAHiM.W.n eaa Sertstaie. Amsterdam, N. Y, for me, and right where the stakex ,s;i nr, wj v, A, W, ha, void Blf Qfor was driven there is now a well sixty-siJuTf. feet deep. In another lot, still nVlk DTCTT down to CO., higher up, a well was e dug feet below Cbicar, seventy-fivll.oo, Bold by Drugftsts. the same vein The rod used in finding the surface. an oak sapling. FOR LADIES ONLY! my well was cut fromwas a skeptic on who A DR. CHEVALIERS gentleman watched her closely w liile the subject ' SPANISH FEMALE PILLS she was finding my well. Finally he rod Safa Prompt and Certain. caught hold of the ends ofbutthefound fl.OO IJIC11 BY MAII.-il.- 00 it hold still, to tried and SHEKXAN & MeCOSELL, he could not do it without making 1513 Dodge Street, - Ornalm, Neb. it take the skin off her hands, so If you want your strong was the in visible power that Without ppnmuQ Cor. I deiar, put yonr impelled its revolution. In tne hands - HAY- "With S nut i:nk, iS: 111 Jf ciant Auy.f hi'r.PIl c H. HLSTk.it, VV. N. U., Omaha, Waeb-i- s. 0313. Times. llowa Tills! Mauvi.v, Wholesale Druggi-ts- , Toll do. U. Hall's Catarrh Cure i taken internally, acting directlv upon the bloo! and nmcoiis Trice ile per cottle. surfaces of the Sold by all Hruggfits. iTEw C3 mz wnrrv3misffiae!mD3Eaflisaii m FEKSICNS. RIOTS Patrick OFakkbll, Att'y at Law, Washington, D. C. and Adrontnrc, sfsvi av ry Exploration, IBs want an Airnuc in townwIASlLLI iv terms. Frelsht prepaid. Write se once tor Ac. Kmpvtesl iut g Houie, 8L Paul, Minn. KxVra S Hblt. nd UfisilcstewB. Ms only certain Dr. J U. Ohio. LtbAtiia, Th rmf ture bheptitui, Valentin Atiilrea School, New Fapera, the bloux reservation country. They ore bargains. Address Wbstbkn NswiririR Union, Omaha, Neb. It Is an Ointment, of which a email particle is applied to the or sent by mail. nostrils. 1rice, Soldbydrui K. T. Uazkltink, Warren, Va. Address. We have In stock, packed ready to ship, a half dozen small newspaper out ll i s suitable for publication of papers iu small towns or in Janeviit, Wi. n u fits-- FOR SALE! FAR&1 One of tbe belt bill farm in Washington Large 8ugar Orchard, county, Vermont. 2,000 tree; 800 cres, equally divided between wood, pasture and cultivated land. 14 thoroughbred Buildings cost $(1,000. Jersey cows, teams and other stock. Modern tools, abundance of water it houas and barns the year round, Present owner too old to longer manage the work. Price $7,000 If old within ncit two months; (4,000 cash, balance at fl per cent. Interest Write for further particulars to Alfred Joslin, Wslt-fielVermont. d, 1890 o,w$Tt!p Spring of Raspberry hard Up -- 1090. and productive! 00 per l.ooo, 00 per too. 10.000 Uiir, large and productive100,98 0 per 1000. Turner and Cuthbert 00 per 100, 8 00 per 1 000 Bend In order $1 Urcp, $1 per ft beat, rd. eerljr, ani end for deerriptive catalogue of the lerjreit collection Dracemae of Palme, aad other decoraUve plaota In tho went, AIoa large etaefc of green honee and bedling panter hardy rote, nbruhs and vine, eweet potatoes, tomatoe plants at low down price. True bred poultry esrp for hatotun? BlaHc Ouihin, 00 for IS etrtr 8 iirown Leghorn, 8100 for IS 00 and $180 for IS etram; Plymouth Rock. egg; 50 for IS Pekin Duck. egg, Tulouee Qeese, 1.96 for ftegif. 16 for 1 00 XI KSSER, W Nob. J. Plattsrnouth WITH BOILING WATER. MADE EPPSS GRATEFUL-COMFORTI- , We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cuied by taking Halls Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY &CO., 1rops., Tolelo, O. We, the unders ened, have known F. J. Chenev for the iat15 years, and believe hfia trs peifeetly honorable in alle and financlsiy nb to tarry out any firm. obligation made bv hole'aie Druggi-t- . ToleEsT fe Titrax, orient ra 'Taneillb Punch Cigar. ,v CASTS3 Small Pill: Small Dose. Small Price. FOR CATARRH. Bpst. Easiest to use. A cuie is ceitain. Fur Cold in tlie Head it has no equal. The ice man weighs the block and blocks and blocks the way simultaneously. Great Submarine Diver. Tast Bad in the Mouth, Geateoj Tongue, Pain tn the Side TORPID UVEU. The rogultte the Bowels Purelv Vegetable. Price 2& Cent; PATENTS e W uer. Uruggisu ae ii h. A dead heat can usual'v stand a loan, even if he cpn't support himself. Walpivo. Ktnnan vuuretl bj; toUiel llaeae I Jit la Pill. roAtU. fcl-ls- ; SlORHEflPaBHB F. A.T.FHM AKll STANLEY'S KEtf D33K! Wanhin.lAii. M cut lor ootflu J. M. FRit.NOU A OO., Omoh, Mob. bv&il Xor circular. ACo.ffll Fftf.N W. Fftraoui MlMffmrl Pteam Washer AGENTS wanted. PAYS L.O.WIIeon on Ural. JottM YYOUTU, bW Luui, Mo. no Waaimitfiun, D.C. Circulate fro , Near Meirs, In the department of the Lot, near Auvergne and the Garonne, the course of a subterranean river has been traced In a boat for a distance of over two kilometers say 6.509 feet. waterSeven small lukps and thirty-tw- o falls were passed in tho exploring voyage made in a small boat. It is estimated that tho underground cour-- e is fully seven kilometers, the stream join ing the Dordogne near St. Denis Martel. It is to he remembered that all that region Is of limestone formation. Engineering and Mining Journal. CHARLES A. VOCELES CO.. BaHiissr. IU. lolearn telegraphy, VnifllP I U U Ii Li mCNir,,'t illju If Situation furntihM on ratk e do. O THE opiugyi In the February 11th drawing of The Louisiana State Lottery two of our citizens drew cash prizes which have made them wealthy. II. A. Hulburd, of No. 38 Metropolitan Block, is one of the lucky citizens. To a Traveler representative Mr. Hulburd sa'd, I held of ticket Mo. 40,019 .which drew the third capital prize of 150, 000. The cash, $12,500, was received by me through the Messrs. American Express company. Charles Kozminskl fc Co., bankers at 168 Washington st., collected for a customer, through the State National Bank of New of ticket No. 04,385 Orleans, which drew the first cap'tal prize of $300,000. Mr. Kozminskl, in answer to inquiries of the reporter, said: 1 have no authority to give the name of the customer for whom the col-ltion was made. It is a fact, however, that the ticket was promptly honored and the $lo,0-)0less the co6t of collection, is placed to the credit of the depositor. Silence Is golden ; but it is the other silence Is meant, Dr. t.aaa Ttiomp-L- ) If flVrted with Pore Eres. u A Ia Terrible Pain. CHEYENNE. WYOMING. In the Congressional report upon the admission of Wyoming, many facts were given going lo show her as richer in resources than any of her sisters, and no territory ever applied for statehood so oiuilitied. This report shows the capital, to be one of the wealthiest citiei of her tue in the world, a she is the moht favored and prosperous. 1 he Union Pacific Railway it now thops there, to cost $6,000,000 and constructing 1 m fact coupied with the men. 10,000 employ early adfimvrn of the btatc, is causing a rush to lilN X K, but her realty 11 still low. We have the best residence property in the ettv, and offer liberal inducements to those who will build dwellings to supply the immediate demand, and which will net twenty-fivper cent. To induce a quick reponse, we w.ll, on a limited number of blocks, take in clear lands or chatties, a smalt cah payment, balance in one, two and three Call at our Cheyenne ofhee, or address Inteyears. rior Land and Immigration Company, Department B, Denver, Colorado. Fortunate CUIcagoans. Is a jailer known by the company he keeps! Dead mens shoes never fit those who want for them. The position of Minister to Greece is look ed upon as a lat office. 11 Aciet MTg Co. Chicopee, Vat., June IS, 1WJ From every bone was tntilo ttifl and tore; in terrible pain. I waa cured promptly by St. Jacei t Oil. J. C. BI LK LET, Paymaster. Drowameea, , NG. COCOA for the supper, so now sit down and have a small surplus of shaving How little and dried up the cheese appears money this week. The invitation o the rat after he is caught In the trap. was accepted, and the reporter must Women are invariably clothes observers of confess that ho never spent a more their sex. congenial hour than that hour with Marriage would be moie frequently a sucthe maa who lived on his whiskers. cess if fewer men and women were failures. New York Times. Violent Taint In Neck. Friendship, W it , June 14, My wife btd yitient paint in her neck, which wat very sore and ttifT. flht watenrta entirely by fat. Jacob Oil. JAMEi Dam breaks are usually due to dam in lomtruetion. Chlcajro (111.) Arkn&s Troveler, March 15. America's Finest, CURES PROMPTLY STIFFNESS, STIFF NECK. They else rel:? D.a tree from Itvepepaia.In Vgettienaod rHart Fating. A perfwt rtm dy for DiaJnaM.Naiiaeal ! j $TJ&COBS OIL At Drcouuti and Dealsm. Scotts Kninlaion of Fure Cod Liver OH, with llypoplioapliltes, For Children and Pulmonary Troubles!. Dr. W. 8. Hoy, of Toint Vleasant, W. Va., says: I have made a thorough test with Scott's Emulsion in Pulmonary I roubles and General Debility, and have been astonished at the good results; for children with Kick ets or Marasmus it is unequaled. The wind often turns an umbrella, but a boi rower rarely returns It. Goods, Rubbers, Ac. W. V. MORSE A CO., Shoe Manufacturers, Omaha, Nebraska. Wales Goodyear Rubbers aie the best The best way for a smoker to secure peace to his ashes is ly the a; poiutuicnt of a wm-j- so. , i-- SHIPMENTS. lots Frequent shipments of car-loof Dr. Fierces Medicine, to all tho principal commercial centers of this the country, are necessary to supply unprecedented demand for these world-fame- d No other medicines remedies. ever attained anything like the popularity which they enjoy. No other medicines possess such superior and positive curative properties as to warrant their manufacturers in selling them, as the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Medicines are doinp, through druggists, under a positive guarantee of benefit or cure in every case, oa fair trial, or money refunded. There are scores of sarsaparilla and ther blood medicine advertised,' but the Golden Medical Discovery of Dr. Pierce i the only one ever backed up by n a positive guarantee from a and thoroughly responsible house. The conditions are, that, given a fair trial, it will do ail that is claimed for it, or money paid for it will be promptly reA Certificate of Guarantee funded. wraps every bottle. To attempt the sale of an inferior, or under even a fairly good, such trying conditions ns these, would mean bankruptcy to its proprietors. ad well-know- blood-purifi- er 1 Tha Elkhart Carriage Harness Mfg. Co. V.r IS Y.ara T r et tbw ial$ pi he, yrail. Ifctp MjwfctrFor fv . MiBitU krfere kvyUf If Hi utiifMlsrT WirrutH lhirH tor year. lpaf lUtaa tHk. Bvv'V. A,,r..l B.- PRATT. - Indiana. Clkhivrt. WMoLa ENORMOUS BOILING MILK. WITH MADE l'V- ,J iv..i.a Only a medicine possessed of extraordinary merits could sustain itself undei ENGLISH CHICHESTER'S such a business policy. The Golden PENNYROYAL FILLS. Medical Discovery " is such a medicine, Ked Cros Diamond Bruud. and has proven its ability to sustain its The eoiy rettaHie pill for Mir. Nafo an1 ere. latilM Mk liraiflit frue Die proprietor, even though sold on such Bread, ia red nuta.iir Poie eeiviokluenithoi Take ae ether. extraordinary terms. to r partloaiera ami UeUef fee As a remedy for all Blood, Skin and iiiampc) hy MbIL Nams eev Uer, 1hUada, i'a Scalp Diseases, it has won for itself Ckloheeier Chemical Cm Maoieaa world -- wide fame. Especially has it WILL BUY THE BEST manifested its potency in curing Salt-rheu- Eczema, Tetter, Pimples, Blotcbes, Eruptions, old Scrofulous Sore, Ulcers, and kindred ailments. A a remedy for the peculiar weaknesses, distressing irregularities, and painful derangements incident to women. Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription stands alone as the only remedy guaranteed to give satisfaction in every case, or money paid for it is promptly refunded. It Is but natural that the people should bestow their patronage upon these medicines, since none other are sold on such fair and liberal terms. They are manufactured by the World's Medical Association, of Buffalo, N. Y., a house whose financial standing and reputation for fair dealing n is to every publisher, as well a to every druggist, throughout the civilized world. Wagon on Seals Tort Btaa and Beta B:i Ikta. Bend for circulars. Jones he Pars the Freight. BINGHAMTON, N. V- - SVfPFT SSS&XOEJ oaul out to uespt out W1V fan La eaon shares. No experience requireed Directions forsproutingFREE. Addresi T. J. SKIH.1ER, Columbus, Kansas of eeldiere who bemeeteaded a number of afire man InOaft1 Ng The eddreM SOLDIERS HOMESTEADS. te '-- j lErjGior0"" 'TnoRK, well-know- Prosecutes Claims. BWSuccesufully Lae PriftCipol i.aanmnr U S Pension Bureau fi I 3 jre m hut ear, li ajudicaUD c!aubb, ally |