OCR Text |
Show Uartin 'in'irS? b mp 1 Vi h A - Tm'r'iT to- - MANTI THE SEDTIMEL Christens IiudYissor, AND r.RACilCAL OBSTETRICIAN' MIDWIFE. Lute from the I)epret Carries First-Clas- Subscription Piice $2 .5.) a year; 51.50 fur 6 months, and 5i lor 5 months. Twenty per cent, discount for pay 111 advance. X. II. Felt, .Manager. I !: pit 1 Reccoinend-Offic- e s at Resilience, 1st door north of South ,.1ain 't, Manti. 2 Co-o- ?. IS OoiPiize Article 001 p. BJO. I itll Pleasant S3. Plaining AEOYAL ADVENTURE. ' '"&S2 J Mill. AN OLD DANISH STORY. Lumber. Pickets, Mouldings, &c. All kinds of Custom work done 'on ihort notice. written by g. Bent Hansen, Prop. Main S t Mr Pissant ViHnmsen's JJomr. King Christian IV of Denmark So ueldcouitat Vhborg, in 1645 a- - was customary whenever time and Decision oeimuied. "Ikistune he ciussed die oell liom Zealand lo Funeii, alinou.;n ,t was late m the fall. He wished to visit MidUlefuit. to exam.ne the ctumh inasmuch as the citizens of that plan PROBATE ATTORNEY aad sent him a petition to i aie the .A. O OB 3T T uelfry tower repaired. It had become ,A.TMD ALL KINDS necessary to stop the ringing of the bell, the tower snould fall. of Probate business promptly at- lestWhen the King arrived, anarch had titles secured to tended to, and been elected to his honor, and he was Land under the various entries received by an immense salute from an dd cannon, i lie mayor and the council Office, Court House, Manti, Utah. ueaded a procession to meet him. ' Gods peace and good day, ye good citizens of Abddlefort, said tile old king Aly tune is short, must be in Koldmg uefuredaik. Therefore bring tne your & nest mason and c irpenter, and we shall Physician Surgeon. iee what can be done for your church. have built so much in my days tiiat 1 Office at the Pritchett House Mt. a little about it. Pleasant, Utah. Office hours from nideistaud King Christian examined the belfry 7 to 9 a. tn. ; 12 m. to 2 p. m. ami gave his instructions. The mayor said, 40-Lafter 6 p. m., Yes," hut the others merely bowed when the King had spoken. The King then started for Koldmg, A- - L- - DAVISON. M D. wtiere he arrived as the curfew was Wm. T. Reid, LAND C. S, Fries, M D. 1 1 'l in Kolding, his arrival was celebrated with still greater pomp. Here they Ml. Pleasant, Utah. .dug and beat the drums for him; tile streets were filled with people, and lowers weie thrown on the royal path Will treat all kinds of diseases-i: lie King rode through the streets to in a skillful manner. Diseases he old castle, Kolding huus, where the receive to females peculiar and many noblemen gave him 9 governor special attention. I right royal welcome. While the excitement was at its height lutle.lHRis. au old Jadv saLsiunnuig II Laasby Street All up and down tiie itreet the windows were illuminated, but Tortiie Villumnsen, that was the old w womans name, placed no light in liei windows, quite to the contraiy she closManti, San Pete Co., Utah. ed her shutters. Dorthe was very poor, but well spokOffice at Court House. en of and honorably known in Kolding. Juiet and reserved, she undeistoou the ut ot listening in silence. None knew if her early life, more than that she :ame from the north with two smali children. The one child grew to be a irave soldier, and fell in baule in the Unity-year- s War4 The other, a sweet little girl, was taken by tne governor, canes Normand, to be a playmate foi s own daugnter. Thus Christine EAGLE ROCK, IDAHO. v'lllumsen received a thorough educa-KDEALER IN ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF in the Kolding huus. As Durtlie sat spinning, she was Musical Instruments, Strings &Trim lartled by a loud knock at the door, minus. Best Brass Band Instruments. md when she opened it a young noble-uaAll kinds, Orchestra & Band Music entered, diessed in costly appaiel, Sheet Music and Music Books. vuh a sword at his side, and a waving Send for my new Catalogue Just on ilume in Ins hat. His face was hand-- . it has a sketch of Ole Balls Viola ane, the expression noble and .kind, informain it and much Playing good le threw Ins hat on the table and ex tion in for musicians Send me your orders for what yoi tended both hands to Doithe. sue exclaimed vVhy Count Jacob! want in the Music line. a surpiise, what brings you here ALSO when his majesty, the Kmg, is x Watches, fine Gold and Rolled Plan ,uest at the castle? "Alas, Dorthe, Dorthe! he replied; "1 Jewelry, Cultery, Etc., Etc. Motto Square Dealing Fair terms Standard on tne most unhappy man in tins wide voild. good, low. Prices. n A, in. WTKrRerd AttV-t-La- Music Stole, A.IVIarker, have heard such words be- ire, said Dorthe. "VYhat is the mattei .Yes, . does & work in blacksmithim &c. Work done on short notic, Moroni Two blocks east of 30-on county road. 1 Si first-clas- s . Co-op- I aow? T. J. Morley, Blacksmith Wagon Maker ., -- 1 is all good enough, but there will be nothing niuie of it, mv bov. I iiave other intentions. First tboUghi to many you 10 the lady from TlnrsLtk but now 1 rreler file ladv fiom Estiup. sue is much richer. And Since you iu.iig me a surprise, 1 have one 111 return tire king is coming, lor you. hut the nobleman and Ins daughter fiom Estiup will co. ie; and men we will celebrate (lie engagement w Inie his majesty is heie. Then tie left us." 1 "Then there Doithe ernor has said nothing to do, "It must be as the Gov"You think so? Well, let me tell you something. Il I cannot gel Cluist ne. I will not Iiave the ladv liom Esiiup though sue wie robed in Id. Then I w ill mount my lioise bight and .ide for Germany, join tile "1 aiuiv and never more Come back. dunk vou will give tiiat up, said Dor-ttiYou wall change your mind. Count Never! die horse is saddled Jacob outside here. While the kmg rode in at one gate, I rode out of liie other lie jew on tae comer loaned me niuu-ev- , 1 am off, unless So you can "Is ibis true, do you really uelp us. mean it?" asked Dorthe, The count sat 011 the bench by the table. He hid Ins hands, and merely nodded in reply to the question. "v ell, you had better wait till I have said Dorthe, seen the Governor It will amount to the same whether you or to morrow leave I will be No, it will not, bound to the lady ot Estrup. I must Then I will try away to see your father although the occasion is untimely as he has royal is 1 'I nave come to ask advice from vou. love your daughter ah do not slnug our shouldeis, it will never be other-,se on tins earth. I have cared lor lie nice 1 was a little boy, and you know it. head-dres- is mvor-- o'1 e, . iv.n,J. ol. 111. Iiotti. Stories of Animal. B. Mai ben, one Milennial Janie? tnr, Total tv-l- 2ltkf itf Homestead Final F ubli atlou No. Irwf fiT- . -l A C. Frank lbuley, Attorae,' Box 17, PrOToCIly CHRISTENSON, Gunnison, Utah E. W. Howell Ferry G. HOWELL& CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture, Carpets, Wall paper, Etc, We carry a complete line of furniture. crpets, window blinds, feathers, wall paper, Wagons Iron Etc, Parties deaiingwith uscan get as good prices as any house south of Nalt Luke. We are pre oared at our Planing mills to custom workon the shortest notice, t FA lit VIEW, UTA II -52 Frof. No. 22lk Land Office at alt Lake City, Utah. December lfh h 18. . Notice hereby given that the followiDtfnain-e- d sett ler have tiled notice of their inunUon IO uthkefinui procf in support ot their icspee-tivf- e anal entrv thereot ami ohtmj, and secure id proof w ill rhe made blort the J'ro-nat- e tint Jm'.KC o! SaislVto (bounty, I tuli 't'erntorv, (,:h K et before Ue ( oin.lN st.iui County , at Lc ourt house I if yiunfi City Utah fier., oil Saturday, the 1st day ot Eeb runry A. D. John Contes, Homestead Kutry No 5979 for the N. Wr. K s. K. 4 sec. 2, Tp 15, h. K. 4 1C ami uiiniM the tollowmg witncsseH 10 prov his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land Viz: Jacob Huisch, Ole 1', Jcssen. Brigham Porter and William Kverett ail of Mt. Jlcusaut, Sanpete Co.. Utsh. And at the aiue tune and place before the CUrk ot Sanpete County. John J. Squire, Declaratory Statement No S. L 4, sec, 2k atnl W. lO'dkfor the S W. K . h. Jn , and S. K. vc. 2 Tp. is, S. , N. W h, N. 2K and names the following witncsscH to jirove his continuous residence upon, andul-tivatioof said land iz: t hnstian Jensen, of Manti, and Charles Musig, hint' amt Kphr.tiiH Dentiisi-of Stei ling, sanpete Co., Utah. FRANK D.HOBBs, Regmter. Bird & Lowe, Attj. i 2T BOOTS & -- SHOES at- ter BOTTOM BRICES.J o(DEALERS IN)o . General Merchandise Are Still at Their Old stand, Main Street, Manti, Utah. ettc Bust Stock of e C1o l E Hi ng In Manti Bnuj-luti- Ptr 1 Li?-i- t. OX GRRAT4-REDUC- I AT Solomon Bros. 1 rriARMERS EXCHANG j U k s .J.P.Meilstrup.eARMERS EXCHANGL bale cluldten playing outside. s i. mid have seen her, so fair, so lovely. Mnri ay Larson.Speclmens. 2.a0 jes,en, one book, lliin Facts, I knelt down before her and said, hbbe K. Hoford, Specimens of Hark herbs 1 this worlds would Bill of K?ra Ore and Rock, Christine, lines, Speeimens give .75 riches. that your eyes mav continue rt. R eottone book, Robert Klnmere, one book of and David Nhand, Fpecimeng ore, , - a large stock of new and fresh Goods at lowest prices ; and replenished every week, our hoots and shoes in great arietiesand low prices cannot he excelled. Our Glass ware and Crockery department is complete We carry afull stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware also Mens and Boys clothing, ,ats and Caps. n short, every tiling that belong to awell selected stock we have. Produce taken at the highest prices. also Agents for the Celebrated Studerlmker Wagons, Buggies and Car riages ; also for all kinds of farming implements. Cheap fur cash oreasv terms. mbn F F Dorius, Salesman. We have - Oth on x D. IIUIIUS, Kegister. l 1 ot D ii . Notice of Final 1 f7 E. for 239. Land CHice at Salt Lake City, Utah. Januur Snl, 1MM. Notice is hereby given that th follow settler haslllcd notice of hi int utaiii to make final proof in support ot ton claim, aud tjial said proof w ill he made before the Probhte Judce, or in his bsriae, tneC aintj Clerk ot san lvie County Utah, at Manti I tali, on February 24t h, Wu,' viz .1. lines U. K f ot N. K. No. for be K. and K. s. K. Sec. , Tp. 14, fc H. K. s. L. M. I tab. H mmicK the tollow mi; witnesses to j.roM iiiscontinumis resnlcm-- upon, and cultivation of, s.ud land, vl: James Audersop, Henry n. Lartcr, Alfred Drancr, orlandojlb adlcy, all of I Morom, Sanpete Co. tali. 1 Suffolk Punch'. English Shire and Cleveland Bay Horses. Shetland Ponies. Short Horn am Holstein Cattle. Stock for sale times at Living prices and 01 Easy terms. Visitors, welcome, Correspon dence invited. We have the largest and fine-lof Blooded horses in the west -- . 70 IHaln Sire, t. Salt lali.f'Uv, IIAVE REDUCED OLR GonDS FROM WE of 5 Apieyes. W. T. Reid, books, Department 5.ix " 1 es, yes, that is all very well, and I Bp culture, 5 vol 10 TO 15 PER CENT. idieve you. There is a wining in A. Tenant,2 books. Annual report of labor, 2 no Give us a call and prove the fH) blue eyes that cannot lie. T et it i: f.. T. Tuttle, Utah Gazette, fact. No shoddy, but solid goods ; iad, and cannot be betteied, since you N. li I'eersun, one book, Disease of 5 onhe Bold in M.5o. and (asll, stork, a always reliable. No better tnanu-factui- e oe noblemans son and Christine the 2 on Hunson, Cash .iiiiiii home .5 market. the Support b Im Ma key. Cash, Jaugnier of a poor woman. "out Ins afternoon I told mv fathei Alvira cox, one book, Encyloptedia, of -I.rws rnpans wealth prosperity ;it and Forma, all said the young count deliently. nn book, Compendium, and progress, and will secure inde.Tonies Wareham, 2 .V) "That you should not have done. T N. Bleak, one book, Bo kofJashua, Our ot one bonk. Life Briglmm pendence to the community. ,Yhv rush the matter in so abrupt a Dmiip Henrie, James at ('. had be Young. manner? goods can W.a. CoxTone book, Life of Livingstone. 2.tn) "1 was obliged to speak, continued K L, Parrey2 lnsiks, Mormrn Itoctriue, MedEphraim NiioeFactory, Ietersons Lh lie young man, Listen, Christine sal itation and Atonement. City- Utah. B. Cox, one book. The MiHenmal Ptar.I.5 thena-tKMlby the window throwing apples to some (t, A. F. Merriam, one book, Light of You BREEDERS ROBBINS : Older to show wnv order of sale of real John Lown, estate should not be made. d.ntl Luther T Tuttle the auministrator of the Soren Neilson, 2 boks, Pictorial Bible ami estate of Danu-- B. Funk deceased, having 4.00 Rhtoi , his petit.on herein pra inf? for an order 1 filed Caroline snow, book, Women of Mormon of hale of the p rfronai property and the real 2.00 linn tor the purpose estate, of s;ud dece-biJ. C Kjar.one book, Life of James A i therein set forth. 2.o It in therefore ordered by the Judge of the Mrs. Dalton, live books, History nf KnDnd, tiiat all persona inPulod in the French Rev. lutioii, Vocal Album, R.is said Court, the ot said di: third Ai ithmetiu, bcriu.in Gmiimur ami asl, appear bohm 2uih day Probate said 3.75 ('ourt 11on MoiuItn, the forenoon natural specimen. in the httH Amlerhuu, three hook Fourteen Works of Januarv iMi.at o lock of stud dav, at the court Room ol said i'.obate m Botany, llistorv of Kncland byAndei Court at the (ourt Jbui'-- in ti Countv of 2.75 son The emterburv Tales, why an nub r should L. .n Sanpete t show cause said Kjar, cash, nuministmtor to not be granted to the .50 T. T. AtelMon.Cash, so of real much et.irt oi the sanl the jolm risehkm'clit, one book. Pronoun muhIihII he ;in 50 fash. ml 2'e. sptlhr. of tins order be published Ami tiiat a Jens Mir Non. one book.Kvery man his at bst lour sue essi ve wmU- in tue HoMki 2. ao ow n 1 w tr. Mien Jakeinan, one book, Gays circle ot SKNlINELa newsWiper printed and publishknowhdjre, and specimen of blnck dia- ed tn said Sanpete County. Jacob Johnson mond found near copper mine in i Probate Judge. Dated Dec. Ifi si9, 5. 10 canyon. ) IIomr Sentinel, 10 copies of Scientific Amer- Territory of nth gg v. Count j no sanpete ican, a full, I hereby certify that the foregoing And ron, otie book. Laws k Forms, 2.50 wb w true and correct copy of the order toshould S. C. Hauson, one book, Captain Cook's Voyacause w im order of sale of Real Estate 25 ges. John c. Keller, one book, The Mormon Bat not be made Witness my hand and official seal 2 10 tallion. this loth day of Dei'eiiUicr, A. D.llWt ) .50 Wm. Anderson, one book, the Koran, SEAL John Jb id. Mrs. J. c. Brown, one book, htiglish Probate Clerk. ?5 ture, 50 F. V,. Miller, one book, Vivian Sidwell, 3 Mosb Abates jdekid up in Wyoming 1er. Kzrs Christiansen, one book, Millenuml Star, i.5o Vol. 17, 1.5') Andrew Motfit, one book, .25 Mrs. hllen Walker, a sea shell, 25ets Mrs Mizabeth Parsons one book, Ctlebrateil (on-tes- & John 1. t hr, All travelers rorth or south bound, find us in their way, no moie because we are on the most direct route between the great Hoof rroihidnfi regions of Southern Utah and their railway shipping points best because they find we keep a handy Camp Yard, and the boss store on the road where every thing desirable and fashionable can he bought at prices irresistable We Bel i for cash or its equivalent only. No script! No credit! No discount ! Quick time! Dollar for dollar. On this plan only, can we ave you on all purchases from 25 to ddt per cent. 22fi. Land otliet at salt Lake City V. T. 24 11, Notice is hereby jriven tli.it tin iollcwiny-tiamei- t sttli r tia liltii notice of his intention to make lii.al proof in support of h is elaun, amttli.it .ik1 proot w ill be made before the Clerk ot tin ( 'nuui t ourl of t met y Co , l T., at the Cmmtv Court lloiisf at ( ns)e Dab. C. Hans T., on Saturday, Febv. th. 1k'.hi, ? K. Larsm, See. lu Ulra for the N. K. T 3.K.0h. lie hauics the follow mu u it to prove In contritions residence ussfsand cultivation oi, said land, ifc b tcr upon Hansen. Jr., Chnrlcv Olson, HehcrC. Petty, Joseph Kvclis, nil ot Kiiierv, Lmerv t o U. T FK WK1 UoliUS, Keister btayner A Mimnons, Att I book, Panorama of Nations; 1 IMPORTERS Robbins. M notice of vm: emptiom ntoor 1 4M Central iipply Station $101 50 1 Martin & Drake l iLj. li & U4- i on t h. e i !, We desire to thank the people of Manti for the kind reception they have ?iven us wh:!e traveling am n them collecting articles for the Accademv. Not only have thev been HerI m then donations, but thev have also given us kind words of encouragement which has made the mission we were called to perform a pleasure, instead ot a task. And we hope none will ever regret helping so good a cause Your Biethren, Ezra Christiansen, Qunincv Crawford J.C Cahoon, Spencer Mofiitt. u. v NO Funk Dcoeaai d. 3.50 - $ - Mail. u. i S 'JS JAN Irt, IS 00 DONATIONS. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. By the people of Manti to San Pete In the ProhateComt of the County of SanSlake Academy. pete Ternton of Utah In the mutter ot th KUtc of Darnel B. Hans Jensen, om book. PooplpstNelopaMlLi, the most charming maiden, anu o mild and chaste There is not the ich man, but, that igreater happiness mieis his house for her crossing ns nresliold. There is not the poor man, mt that he blesses her kindness. Why lo you shake your head? Is she noi irelty enough? Name me her equal on oils green earth. Is she not well nough educated? She has lived m my fathers house since she was a little J.0 Women, GO cmld, and the Governor teaches his Susan Henrie. three Phainphlets. of W. Detectives F. and Europe i.jusehold duty Maylett.one book, good manneis 4 ho America, derhaps you find her not good enough, A. C.andihirs.ms. .35 Cash, not devout enough, or is it something ir Hall, Chrystalized specimen, me that is h wrong? O, inuiliei Fzra snomaker, one hook. Heaven and Hell, m (H) uiothei! I shall be to her a faillilul W W. Billings, $ Phamphtets, Natinnal loving husband, you may depend upom book of Alpcbra, and other 4 U0 on it. I shall never ask her a better loi, Pamihl ts and Papers .1 shall love her fill God closes niv Joseph aylor 9 spe linens, 15(5 book, Utali Gazette, lolin Reid Lie J. I T. guests "Yes, talk to him, Doithe, tell him all, You know how to frame your words, fell Inin we love each other deatly, and that it will cause our death, if we ate separated. Uorthe shook her head and smiled sadly at this declaration. She wiapped a latge cloak around her and put on a Dont vou think he will relent, when he liens hie and death pie .. .CuttcemcdJ.askedJacjjb "I cannot say, tlieie is but little hope, but I shall do my best. "1 will wait hefe till you return, he said. May the Lord add his blessing to your etior. Tell father I shall make lii.s last davs happy if I get Christine. Say that I will never come back if he answers no. Enter the little gaiden to gate, and you w ill find the door Christine's department open. In Gods name farewell, Dorthe, bling good tul- mgs back. Dot the made no reply. wiapped the cloak tightly around sell and went to the castle. To ht roufinuuo . t tin- - ti i. ; ry J mu - e. Tooth, one bout, nml l'h'l " 'l Mimaci'e Jt!ih raManl, - books,Cbemitrv, Fortunt-o- f t. ringing, Physician and Surgeon, krv to 1 To-nig- c.J CHAPTER I. J)ortte (Orders by Mail Promptly attended to. lighten niv path with as much we as thev beam on all others. But as oil do not ow a all the woiid's richt-s- , said sue, what then?' Then w.ll 1 give my fe that it mav be so I answered. Jast then mv father entered i took Courage, with Christine by the hand. I told him all. Well and he? "lie did not seem surprised, it was as if he expected it. "O. Lord! everybody knew it, said the old woman. He did not get angry, but merely shrugged his shoulder and said, 'Yes, 10 ij JJ 14 CITY, SANPETE COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, lint lalk S f I VOL. V. J5av G Ephraim Ceity, Utah. |